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The Youth Counselling Project
Genero us Youth Couns elling Pro ject donors
It is with great regret that we have to report the death of one of our co-founders, Clive Lacey, who did so much to spread awareness of what The Youth Counselling Project does to help troubled students at Seaford schools. Please turn to page 32 to read more about this remarkable man’s life.
The magnificent efforts of Clive and his wife Rosalind, who led the local team of fund-raisers, have brought in £7,500 in 2019 and £3,500 so far this year, but of course the effect of coronavirus is to severely curtail opportunities like outdoor events. This means that we are more than ever before reliant on what the whole community can do to support this important charity, out in force on the last Sunday of July on
see below. The Youth Counselling Project provides therapy for by appropriately trained counsellors for each of 60
Another big thank you must go to Martello Rotary Club which is currently supporting us, and we were
Ollivers Restaurant CELEBRATE ANY OCCASION WITH US With each block of 10 sessions costing around £450, contribute. Visit the Project’s website at www.tycp.org. uk to see how you can donate via JustGiving, Amazon Smile and Lewes Lottery, or think of a way in which
Please visit Ollivers website for our monthly menu, vouchers and special offers and also for any upcoming news and events: www.olliversrestaurant.co.uk
until 30th September 2020.
PLEASE BRING VOUCHER ALONG WITH YOU TO QUALIFY. NOT TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. ONE VOUCHER PER PERSON. the seafront together with RNLI personnel – including the crew of Newhaven lifeboat – which Martello Rotary is also supporting. If you didn’t see us it’s because the wind was blowing so strongly that we couldn’t erect our banner.
The Youth Counselling Project owes an enormous debt of gratitude to major donors who have stepped up with grants now totalling £26,900 since the start of the Covid -19 crisis, our latest contributors being The Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust, £5,000, and The Hendy Foundation, £1,600.
troubled students at local primary and secondary schools. It makes provision for 10 sessions of therapy young people taking part from the town’s primary schools and from Seaford Head School.
and Child Line and Young Minds both reporting a steep rise in stress in young people resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, the money couldn’t have come at a better time.
We’ll let you know when we are able to run events safely again, but in the meantime there are still ways to Valid for Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday nights
you could personally contribute, perhaps by running a Zoom coffee morning or a guideline-observing small garden party. Every little helps and will go towards supporting students who need therapy urgently.
Photo: The Royal National Lifeboat Institution and The Youth Counselling Project’s treasurer, Jo Stone, with young supporter of both charities on a very windy Seaford beach.