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Seaford u3a News
At the end of July Seaford u3a membership forms were sent out to new members and those planning to renew their membership. The membership year started on 1st August and u3a events start in September with some of the old favourites and some new ideas. Membership is only £10 per year and represents excellent value.
This month, the ever popular coffee morning will be on Wednesday 21st September from 10am until noon at the Con Club, Crouch Lane, Seaford. This is free to members and those intending to join – limited to two visits to the monthly coffee morning for non-members. Many who are becoming members for the first time experienced the coffee morning as their introduction to Seaford u3a and received a friendly welcome. There is no need to book – just come along.
Between September 2022 and May 2023 there are 30 groups being run by Seaford u3a in members’ homes or in hired halls. Those in members’ homes quickly become full as they are small, usually only about 6 people, but those in halls can take more members. Subject groups range through art, music, history and languages to table games such as Scrabble and Bridge, and yet more. It is likely that more groups will be added as the membership year progresses, so those members who are unable to join a group of their choice now might well have a chance to do so later on. The ‘hall’ groups pay a small charge towards hire of the venue.
These groups are not ‘taught’ in the conventional sense. They are led by a member as group leader who has an interest in the subject, sometimes because of a previous involvement in a professional capacity, but sometimes simply because of an interest in a subject. There is a strong focus on member-involvement with discussion and shared enjoyment, all part of the ‘learning together’ ethos of u3a.
In addition members can attend talks on a wide variety of subjects by other members keen to share their hobbies, interests or know-how. These are held at the Downs Leisure Centre and run weekly from 1st September until March 2023. There is a small charge. Any member can attend without prior notice. Also at the Downs there are seasonal talks when an outside speaker will entertain members. The last one in the previous series was given by Harry Venning, the cartoonist formerly from The Guardian newspaper, who with a few deft strokes on the drawing board made members laugh and admire his talent.
For foodies the pub lunches will continue monthly at the White Lion, and the World Cuisine informal group will continue to explore the more exotic food offerings in the locality. There is a possibility of a meet-up for members interested in Cinema Outings, and there are also the very popular outings for members to places of interest. In September members will be taking a coach trip to Buckingham Palace.
The AGM will take place on Thursday 13th October at the Downs for members only, followed by refreshments and a talk by an invited speaker.
For more information about Seaford u3a see the website www.u3asites.org.uk/seaford. To find out about membership email seafordu3a@gmail.com, sending your postal address for a welcome pack.
Photo: Seaford u3a AGM.
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