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Graphing data points in Excel

You can use software like Microsoft Excel to make your calculations and graph the results on a computer. To do this, follow the steps outlined below:

1.Write the names of the ten sampling points in the first column.

2.Write the turbidity data for each point in the second column. column.

3.In the third column, calculate the maximum depth for photosynthesis at each location by clicking the empty cell and writing:

=4.6052/(here, you will point your cursor on the cell on the left; that is to say, the cell with the turbidity value) and press Enter.Then, copy this formula to the rest of the column.

After pressing Enter, you’ll see the formula’s result.Then, select the cell with this result andpress Copy

After writing this number and pressing the first cell with the turbidity value, press Enter.

After copying the first cell, shadow the remaining cells and press Paste. You’ll see the maximum depth values. You can also ask the program to round the results to a decimal point.

You can use the Excel program’s graphing to display your data following these steps:

1.Shade the columns with the Turbidity and Maximum Depth values.

2.Go to the Insert tab on the upper ribbon and hover over the area labeled Charts. Choose the Scatter graph. The graph with the dots should appear.

3.Click the left mouse button on one of these dots, which will in turn select all of them.

4.Then, draw a line that unites the dots consecutively. With the right mouse button, choose the Add a trendline option and select the exponential option. A line will appear over the dots indicating the distribution trend for the gathered data. Note: Don’t forget to add the title and the axis labels.

Unit: Marine ecosystems

Seagrass zona on Seagrass distribu on in Puerto Rico and around the world

Time: 1 or more class periods (the teacher will adjust, according to the grade and group)

Teaching strategy: ECA

Phases: conceptualiza on and applica on

Teaching methods: Demonstra ve, exposi onal, inquisi ve, ac on or ac vity

Teaching techniques: review, coopera ve work, discussion, conference, homework

Assessment technique: maps (interac ve or paper-based)

Integra on with other subjects: Biology, Ecology, Social Studies, Geography


• Seagrass meadows - Teacher’s Guide

• Teacher’s Guide CD-ROM

• Slideshow – Seagrass meadows

• Map of the rivers in Puerto Rico (if the ac vity will be digital, they will need a computer and digital maps)

• World map (if the ac vity will be digital, they will need a computer and digital maps)

Note: All digital materials are included in the CD-ROM included with this guide.

Taxonomy type: N. Webb (2005)

Depth of knowledge levels:

Level I: Memory thinking

Level II: Processing thinking de Level III: Strategic thinking

Objec ves:

A er studying the Seagrass zona on and Seagrass distribu on in Puerto Rico and around the world topics, the student will be able to:

• explain ver cal zona on in Puerto Rico’s seagrasses. (conceptual)

• iden fy seagrass species according to their posi on in ver cal zoning. (conceptual)

• iden fy the places in Puerto Rico in which seagrass can thrive. (procedural)

• use the knowledge acquired to predict the places around the world in which seagrasses grow and develop. (procedural)

• demonstrate apprecia on for the conserva on of the seagrass ecosystem. (a tudinal)

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