SEA Newsletter 1

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SEANEWSLETTER a bi-annual chronicle of the School of Environment and Architecture, Mumbai.

ISSUE 1. June 2014-Dec. 2014

EDITORIAL Putting together the first newsletter for a new institution is quite challenging. One is ambiguous on what thoughts to archive versus what to let free to evolve. However, there’s so much new to record at the moment. The School of Environment and Architecture, or SEA as we fondly call it, is one of the few architecture schools in the present times that has been established by architecture professionals. In times where institutes of architecture across the country are escalating their student intake capacities and tuition fees, SEA comes across to be quite modest. It is set up with an honest belief in preparing architects who can responsibly respond to the emerging complex conditions of the urban context it sits in. In addition, the education at SEA, quite uniquely, is structured as concentrated modules where subjects are taught one at a time, a method that has never been tried before in architecture. With such experiments, SEA has a lot to keep up to. The past year has been tremendous for the people at SEA, including the founding members, its teachers as well as the students. While I did not have the opportunity to witness the exciting turbulence of initiation of SEA firsthand (for I was still finishing my master’s education in the USA), I decided to absorb it in the process of interviewing its members in recording what I call its recent history. All founding members whom I approached initially for SEA’s history kept pushing me away to the other, as none wanted to re-imagine what they had just been out of - two years of trials and tribulations, discussions and decisions, disappointments and hopes but finally leading to possibilities and fresh openings. This newsletter has not been able to encompass every activity that has happened over the last six months at SEA. Numerous experts, academicians, professionals and emerging practitioners visited and spoke at the institution sharing their works and ideas with the students. All of such material could not have been made a part of this publication. On the other hand, the students have produced much work that still needs to be woven into conscious thought streams - that shall help us reassess and constantly revise our pedagogy. SEA hopes to find ways of disseminating and inviting valuable notes to and from public respectively, through online and other platforms. Meanwhile, this document serves to pin down a mark, a place from where the trajectory of the school can be mapped. It shall help in estimating in future where we began, where we turned and how far have we travelled. It will be an understatement to assume that we are unware of the layered homophonic and homonymic interpretations of the school’s acronym SEA. I must submit that everyone at the institution titillate themselves with the jokes that arise off its acronym. While sometimes it helps to release all the stress of its own past, there are times when we are are deep into the meaning it lends to the reading of our city. All I can confirm although, is that the selection of the acronym is conscious, but how it is performed is what we need to see.

CONTENTS 1 \ Editorial Anuj Daga 2-7 \ SEA - A Recent History Anuj Daga 8-9 \ The Modules 10 \ Student Works Earthworms Dancing Anuj Daga 11 \ Walks Interrogating Identity Shrushti Jain Dated First Century BCE Shivani Dave 12-14 \ SEA City Urban Utopia: A Dream Dreamt by most Cities Shivani Dave Pakka Ghar: Experiences from Murbad Trisha Salvi A Building is a Living Being Trisha Salvi SEA Studio Uttara Ramakrishnan

Anuj Daga Editor.

15-16 \ Faculty News

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