The Slim Book

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Get Healthy with

Bios Life Slim

the eBook

1,000,000,000 1 billion of the world’s inhabitants and nearly two-thirds of all American adults are overweight. — Source: World Health

Table of Contents Click to jump to a specific section

The Benefits of Slim Commit to the Bios Life

Build Your Support Team Proper Nutrition Exercise

Emotion and Weight Loss

Accelerate Your Fat Loss Slim FAQs

Benefits of



Lowers Blood Glucose Levels Improves Cholesterol Levels Reduces Appetite & Cravings Helps the Body Burn Fat Increases Energy Lowers Triglycerides

The Benefits of Bios Life Slim


Bios Life Slim, a revolutionary, fat-burning blend of phytosterols, fibers, and polysaccharides, helps your body naturally regulate the amount of fat stored and accelerates your slimming goals.

Reduces Appetite – The soluble fibers within Bios Life Slim™ form a gel-like matrix within the intestinal tract that takes up physical space normally taken up by food and leads to a sense of fullness.

Increases Lipolysis – This same fiber complex also helps lower LDL cholesterol and moderate insulin. Both of these molecules have been found to inhibit lipolysis, so by moderating these levels, Bios Life Slim puts the body into a fat-burning state. Lowers Blood Glucose Levels – Fiber slows the absorption of glucose in the intestine, which helps moderate the amount of glucose released into the blood – preventing glucose spikes and the subsequent insulin spikes. Increases Energy – By modulating spikes in glucose, Bios Life Slim helps keep you energized throughout the day. Improves Cholesterol Levels – Each serving of Slim contains 4 grams of dietary fiber, of which the majority is soluble fiber; soluble fiber has been clinically shown to reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.

“ You’ve got to say, ‘I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it.’ It’s called perseverance”

— Lee Iacocca

One of the most important elements of a fat loss program is goal-setting. Goals can, and often do, mean the difference between success and failure. Well-thought out goals will provide direction and motivation during difficult times. As anyone who’s accomplished something great will tell you, it is more about showing up and doing the small things day after day, than any single heroic effort.

Commit to the Bios Life

Good weight- and fat-loss goals have the following in common:

Challenging, yet realistic - Set a goal that pushes you to do something you don’t normally do every day, but not something so strenuous that you quit after day one. When you achieve your goal, step-by-step, and day-by-day, you’ll find it easier to set harder goals. Start small and build up to something greater. Written down - Make a contract with yourself. Write down your goals and sign the paper saying that you’ll follow through and accomplish your goals. Keep the contract somewhere very visible.

Precise – A good goal is one that is challenging yet attainable, easily understood, measurable, and describes how you are going to accomplish it. Quantify your goals (5 inches lost in 6 months, for example), and state how you will go about meeting that goal. Planned for – All of us have busy schedules; Set an appointment for yourself for exercising or doing what is necessary to accomplish your goal. During the goal-setting process, define your reasons: are you losing weight to make climbing stairs easier? Do you want to be able to play basketball with your kids? Are you working to avoid cardiovascular disease by lowering your cholesterol? Weight loss means something different to each one of us – define what it means to you.

Motivating – Good goals will get you out of bed in the morning,


excited to take a step closer to reaching the finish line.

Short-term and long-term – A good goal will have short-term and long-term milestones. In the short-term, you may set a goal to lose 1 pound every week; in the long-term, you want to fit into size 7 pants in six months. Tracked – Your goals should have set timelines with measurable results/milestones, so you can track your daily, weekly, and monthly progress. If you don’t constantly monitor your progress, you will have a hard time staying on course to achieve your goal. After

A good way to track your progress is take a picture every 4 weeks for

x x x x

and include the following information in a weight loss journal:

START Weight Body Fat % Chest Waist Hips Thighs

WK 4

WK 8

WK 12

WK 16

WK 20

WK 24

Fat-Loss Tips 1. Use Unicity’s ClearStart™ for the first one or two months of your new program, to cleanse the colon and clear out harmful parasites and other toxins that could be making you not feel your best, robbing you of nutrients and energy, and depressing your immune system. 2. Substitute one meal per day with the Lean Complete® meal replacement product from Unicity. Many people have found doing this at breakfast makes a huge difference. 3. Eat a high protein, high fiber, low carbohydrate breakfast every day and eat it early in the day, as the protein will increase the rate of your metabolism for many hours. 4. Use the ChitoRich® and EquaLean® products from Unicity with unavoidably large meals. 5. Never eat after you’ve had dinner, and always allow 10 to 12 hours to pass from the end of dinner to the beginning of breakfast. 6. Eat three meals per day, leaving 4 to 6 hours between each meal. Avoid snacking between meals. 7. Eat slowly and chew well. By eating slowly you allow your brain to catch up to your stomach; by chewing well you will maximize the effect of Bios Life Slim. 8. Reduce your consumption of high glycemic foods such as sugar, pasta, and white rice.

Partner up for Success!

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” —Walt Disney

Build Your Support Team

To make sure you stay on track to accomplishing your fat loss goals follow these steps: Find a Friend – Find someone who shares similar goals and can help keep you on track to accomplishing your goals.

Set Goals Together – Set goals with your fat-loss buddy and discuss how you will accomplish these goals. Coordinate your schedules so you can work out together, or meet weekly to follow up on each other’s progress. Join the “Get Slim Challenge” – The Get Slim Challenge is a great motivational tool to help you reach your fat loss goal. You’ll have a deadline (the challenges are 90 and 180 days long), community (lots of people doing the same thing), measurable results (fat loss), and the chance to win a lot of money. Join HERE. Be Accountable – By partnering with a friend, you’ll be able to hold each other accountable for fitness goals. To ensure you both stick to your goals you can create a penalty for a missed work out or slip in diet.

Reward Yourself – Losing fat doesn’t have to be difficult. When you do what you’re supposed to do; exercise, hydrate, eat sensibly, etc., it’s OK to reward yourself now and then. If you’ve reached one of your goals, reward yourself with something special—it makes all the hard work even more worthwhile.



Proper Nutrition Balanced nutrition is the foundation to a healthier, slimmer you. Scientific studies have shown that what you eat and how much you eat has the largest impact on your body composition. Here are some suggestions to help improve your daily diet.

Add Fiber to Your Diet – Fiber increases your feeling of fullness. Fiber is a natural way of controlling the amount you eat. Use Bios Life Slim fifteen to twenty minutes before lunch and dinner to get that feeling of fullness.

Add Color to Your Meals – Eat more fruits and vegetables; they are not only excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but they add flavor and aesthetic appeal to your meal. Eat Breakfast – Breakfast is still the most important meal of the day. Studies show that people who eat breakfast are less prone to weight issues. A good breakfast combines lean protein, fiber, and fruit.

Keep Hydrated – In a study by Loma Linda University involving more than 20,000 participants, researchers found that drinking five or more glasses of water a day may reduce coronary heart disease by 50%. About 60% of your body is water, and every system in your body depends on water. Water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues. Lack of water can lead to dehydration, which can drain your energy and make you feel tired. As you start living the Bios Life remember that consistency is the key. Living the Bios Life means living. It’s okay to go out and have a nice meal. If you do get distracted from what you are trying to achieve – don’t worry about it; fix it. Remember – proper nutrition is the foundation to living the Bios Life!

It’s time to get moving!

A balanced exercise program has three components:

1. Cardiovascular Training

2. Strength Training

3. Flexibility Training

Exercise Along with proper nutrition, a good fat-loss program includes a sensible exercise program.

Cardiovascular Workouts (e.g. running, cycling, swimming, tennis, basketball) Cardiovascular workouts increase your heart rate and hold it at a safe, elevated level for sustained periods of time. Not only do cardiovascular workouts put your fat-burning into overdrive, studies show that cardio workouts help reduce stress by increasing the production of “feel-good� protein molecules called endorphins. To meet your exercise goals, try to keep your heart rate within these suggested ranges: Goal/Zone

% of Max. Heart Rate

Competitive training


Aerobic training


Weight management




To calculate your target heart rate: 1. Subtract your age from 220 2. Multiply that by the high and low percentage of the desired goal/zone. To determine your heart rate, place your index and middle finger to the side of your neck and count the number of beats in one minute.

Strength Training (e.g. pushups, crunches, sprints, squats) A good fat-burning program also includes strength training. Keep in mind that as you burn fat, you’ll also be gaining muscle, so don’t be upset if the scale doesn’t change as much as you hoped it would. More important indicators of fat loss are your waist, hip, and thigh measurements. How to take accurate measurements: • Waist: at the belly button • Hips: the widest point (usually halfway up the buttocks) • Thigh: six inches above the knee cap

Flexibility Training (e.g. yoga, stretching) Flexibility or stretching is often the most overlooked element of a balanced fitness routine. Stretching keeps muscles long and lean, keeps joints mobile, and reduces shock to supporting muscles and tendons. Stretch before and after cardiovascular and strength training; Pilates and yoga are excellent ways to get all three elements of exercise in one workout.

According to the Get America Fit Foundation, obesity is the #2 cause of preventable death in the United States; 60 million Americans 20 years and older are obese; 9 million children and teens ages 6-19 are overweight; and being overweight or obese increases the risk of health conditions and diseases including breast cancer, coronary heart disease, type II diabetes, sleep apnea, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, colon cancer, hypertension, and stroke.

Emotion and Weight Loss Stress Man·age·ment – any technique developed to help cope with or lessen the physical and emotional effects of everyday life pressure

Hormonal Connections between Stress and Weight Gain When we’re under stress, the ‘fight or flight’ survival response is triggered by our brain, leading to the release of cortisol and other stress hormones. We experience a burst of energy, shifts in metabolism and blood flow, along with other changes. If you remain in this state for a prolonged period (chronic stress), your health is at risk. Aside from a host of other dangers, chronic stress can cause weight gain. Learn your stressors – what triggers your stress reactions? Once you identify what these triggers are, you start working to reduce or eliminate them.

Mo·ti·va·tion – to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement, pressure, spirit, or courage Look Better, Feel Better, Live Better That’s our motto. Whatever your motivating factor the Slim System can help you get there.

What motivates you? Money, life events, good health, all of the above and more …? $15,000 is pretty encouraging; what will you do with yours? Update your wardrobe, invest in a new set of wheels, or splurge on an exotic vacation; perhaps all of the above?

Sleep – Did you know sleep could be part of your weight loss problem? The average adult needs 7½ – 8½ hours of sleep per night. Sleep is an integral body process that helps heal, restore and protect our many intricate systems and vital organ functions. However, as many as 70 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder. A study conducted at Stanford University found that those who slept less than eight hours a night not only had lower levels of leptin, a hormone that tells the body it’s full, but they also had higher levels of ghrelin, a hormone that tells the body to eat. This double whammy caused by sleep deprivation was correlated with a higher level of body fat. Researchers at Columbia University found that people who sleep two to four hours a night are 73% more likely to be obese than those who get seven to nine hours. Those who get five or more hours of sleep a night are 50% more likely to be obese than normal sleepers. Those who sleep six hours are 23% more likely to be obese.

Accelerate Fat Loss Companion Products In addition to Bios Life Slim®, Unicity carries many products that can help speed up he fat burning process.

Appetite Suppressant Bios Life E™ - Chi-Oka Matcha and guarana team up to help curb cravings and keep you feeling full all day. BoneMate® Plus – On top of all the other great things vitamin D and calcium do for you, they can also help suppress your urge to snack. LiFiber® - Adding additional fiber to your diet will help you feel full.

Fat Burner Bios Life E™ - Chi-Oka Matcha works overtime and ups your body’s basal metabolic rate to turn you into a fat-burning machine. Power Burn™ - Formulated with three targeted blends: Activator Blend, Burn Blend, and Burn Enhancer Blend, Power Burn contains, yerba maté, guarana, cayenne, quercetin, kelp, black pepper, and more to put your body in overdrive. ChitoRich® - Natural ingredients such as desert cactus, ocean crustaceans, and aloe vera combine in this powerful supplement to reduce the absorption of fat calories.

Increased Energy Bios Life E™ - Need a little motivation this morning? Chi-Oka Matcha, guarana, and B vitamins will ensure you’ll be able to push yourself harder than normal. Power Burn™ - Ingredients proven to increase performance such as guarana, yerba mate, and quercetin will make that last mile a breeze.

Cleansing Cleanse Tea - Dandelion root, Fu ling, and Senna will help your body remove excess water and assist in your body’s cleansing process. Nature’s Tea® - One of our most popular products, a blend of 10 ingredients helps keep you regular and aids in shedding unwanted pounds.

Meal Replacement Lean Complete® - Lean Complete provides essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein to keep you energized and feeling full. Lean Complete is a terrific, convenient meal replacement shake.

Carb Blocker EquaLean® - Reduce the absorption of starch, and additional calories, with EquaLean. White kidney bean extract helps to reduce the conversion of starch to sugar.

Fat Blocker ChitoRich™ - Desert cactus and chitosan from ocean crustaceans help block the absorption of fat. Aloe and broccoli extract improve digestion and provide vitamin C.

Muscle Builder QuadPlex® - Turn your fat-burning up a notch by taking this protein supplement after work outs. Muscle increases the number of calories you burn per hour, improves your physique, and makes performing daily activities easier.

Hydration LowOz™ - Powered with antioxidants and our unique low-osmolality electrolytes, LowOz keeps you hydrated and energized so you can maximize your work out sessions. Bios Life E™ - Bios Life E not only provides the energy you need, but is actually good for you! Low sugar, no synthetic caffeine, and ingredients that boost your energy, mental clarity, metabolism, and much more!

Slim FAQs Q. How long will this take? – Retraining your body to naturally regulate fat-burning may take up to 90 days, but most people start seeing benefits after six weeks. The first signs of success are less fatigue, a noticeable increase in energy, and looser-fitting clothes.

Q. What is Bios Life Slim®? – Bios Life Slim is a revolutionary fat burning product, providing the first scientific breakthrough in fat loss in over 30 years. Containing natural, proprietary ingredients, Bios Life Slim helps your body naturally regulate the amount of fat stored.

Q. Who can drink Bios Life Slim? – Bios Life Slim is derived from natural ingredients so it is safe for all ages—but is recommended for adults and teenagers who want to lose excess fat or prevent gaining additional fat. Diabetics can safely take this product if they monitor Blood Glucose levels and work with their health practitioner to adjust their medications accordingly.

Q. Can children drink Bios Life Slim? – The natural ingredients of Bios Life Slim are good for any age group. More children are experiencing problems with weight and fat issues than ever before. Children six to twelve should consume only half servings of Bios Life Slim. For children under six, we recommend you consult your pediatrician about adding Bios Life Slim to their diet.

Q. Can I drink Bios Life Slim with other Bios Life products? – Absolutely yes. All Bios Life products are classified as fiber-based dietary supplements. Combining Bios Life products will add more fiber to your diet and possibly enhance the functionality of the product.

Q. When is the best time to drink Bios Life Slim®? – For best results, drink Bios Life Slim 10-15 minutes prior to meals. If you forget to drink Bios Life Slim before eating, drinking it after your meals will still provide some benefits.

Q. Why do I need to take Bios Life Slim before a meal? – Bios Life Slim needs to be taken before a meal for it to work properly. The Biosphere Matrix will trap food and help moderate glucose levels as well as cholesterol absorption.

Q. Should I continue drinking Bios Life Slim when I have achieved my fat loss goal? Bios Life provides benefits in addition to weight loss like lowering cholesterol, regulating bowel movements, modulating glucose levels, and supporting intestinal health.

Q. How quickly will I see results with Bios Life Slim? – Results vary; some individuals will see results in a couple of weeks, while others might see results in a month or two. Visit to read about others’ experiences.

Q. What is the Get Slim Challenge? – The Get Slim Challenge is your opportunity to earn cash as you lose fat and inches! Go to and read all about the challenge and the rewards, which range all the way from $500 in Unicity product credit to $15,000 in cash!


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