UNICITY Products Catalogue

Page 1


mffi B r oLs I FAEW *


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BiosLife C"'

Product Code



AdvancedFiber& Nutrient Drink

KeyIngredients: GuarGum,GumArabic,LocustBeanGum,Pectin, Oat Fiber,CalciumCarbonate, Beta-Glucans, AscorbicAcid,Stevia,Niacinamide, d-alphaTocopheryl Acetate,ZincGluconate, Pyridoxine HCl,Riboflavin,Thiamin HCl,Beta-carotene, (Chromemate"), ChromiumPolynicotinate Folic Acid,Biotin,Cyanocobalamin.


tx ,r r l




Features& Benefits: . H el ps thebody gentl y c l eans eand slimitself . Supportsnormalintestinal function . Goodtasting . Promotes healthandvitality


ItrFa,E&AA€fUFtzjci$ 'tt. iFzjciF'l$. #ffifre.


Ingredients: Senna,Buckthorn, Althea,Peppermint, CadInhem,UvaUrsi,OrangePeel,Rose Hips,Honeysuckle andChamomile


Features& Benefits: . Eachpacketcontainsfiber(a proprietary matrixof solubleand insolublefibers)to maintainhealthybloodcholesterol. . lt isa naturalwayto controlyourappetite whilenourishingyourbodywith important nutrientsneededfor multiplesystems . lt containsantioxidantvitamins whichhavebeenprovento protectcellsfrom free-radical damage . lt supplieskeynutrientssuchasBetaCarotene, Calcium, Zincanda complexof B Vitaminsthat promotethe body'soverall healthandwell-being . Listedin the Physicians'Desk Reference . Regulates bloodsugarlevels . Promotesregularbowelmovement

Pr o d u ct C o d e



BiosLifeC* is a nutrient-rich fiberdrinkmix that containsa patentedcomplex beneficial of solubleand insolublefibers, vitamins andminerals.


ffirL-5{#H: .FJ'H++figFEEEEF . €iIE Hf,*rutEftlt E tr, +tE,f*H#y.E Hl&#r&t+?frVtec . A +fiF"IZNtAfr EIft,fr EEF'E|J HHE Hq E# .fE{^rflEgHtH#rt9ffiF I't. f5E. f+ e#lfrfrBfreWlfr./'iiltfr,ifi . rUI200e+EE RL6 + + frfth rLfr .6lfiEffrfiEzkF 'FH . rEit*4{+,HHtMiE{md rxEitlF,fE s4rl,ff): /K,3Etri. [i[fr{FET.*|ITEEFT. Rffi. ffig'.+#. fififfifs.HHfE. firfrftffi. fsffi. MffiEe.rHwiffimEE.H6fE Eef+.tlmffirtEE.ttH*. gtlfiftE* rtffi. t *. Btlg l.'*. jt$Af$fiAffi. +t*. €ffirt

Size:30 Sachets/ Box

@{t: €€304.8


r€iI{€Eti*: frffiFt, d+-€xft ##ift



'lE'lE H!tgt[4*iFEll*z]c 14F!FJralE's a+s,;+I&FHHH.4iEA4'rr4 +tltrH




YourFirstStepin CleansingProcess

llct{;E,frffiJffi-b Features& Benefits: . Helpsthe bodyeliminateparasites and harmfulpathogenwith herbssuchas Blackwalnut, PumpkinseedandClove . Peppermint Oil relaxes muscles of digestivetract,helpingto relieveintestinal crampingandflatulence . Chamomile containsbacteria fighting compounds that mayspeedup the healingfrom infections . Perfectforperiodicuse



E #: €460d' E x6.5H

s.gFI,lA: trEft. rlrEEE{HU.Ff.+. H H, Caa'Inhem,FE*rt, tfiE, E ru+, E*, E€EtE&fflt+Hffi

Pr o d u ct C o d e

Size: 120 Capsules/ Bottle

Size:60 pktsx 6.59/ Box

.9.EE.HAT]MJiE,IEC .,itr^H/\ ..tEiEit*R-5iF'


r€i{,fFHtiE: iE€tfrsE 10rlf+,'B1e{flit2s0E300 E

RecommendedUset Approximately 5 to 10minutesbeforea main meal,dissolvecontentsof 1 packetor lesserof mix into 250-300m1 of coldwater,juiceor comparable beverage. Stirvigorously (useof a shakercup is recommended). Drink immediately. Additionalliquidmaybe consumed.

Recommended Use: Steepone tea bag in hot waterfor 2 minutes.Drinkaftereveningmea.. Increase steepingtime gradually to 5 minuteswhenevernecessary.

ffi415t*.F.: .ttr'Eir+.f6H!*+

Ingredients: Blackwalnuthull,pumpkinseed,knotweed extract,cloveflower bud, sageleaf,garlic bulb extract,gentianroot,hyssopleaf, fenugreekseed,chamomileflower extract, blackpepperfruit,peppermintleaf,thyme leaf,fennelseed,chlorophyll. Re(ommendedUse: Take2 capsules a daywith a largeglass of waterfor the first I 0 days,then five capsules a dayfor the next20 days.lt is recommended to useParaway'Plusat least twice a year.

ffitL5tt,F.: . +EI*i+E WWHfEry/H!ffiIL, fiIJfi , R fEdt,H.rn+fnrETt txf#fr 9.f6+{F [a Ff * . ffittrfi tr rx{EitrH{tiE Hiftltt ft tA . Hffift€€ tnHffrke +rr,gErniEH* f!€F .iETEffflFE E*FI.IA: EHff. *ffir*E, JiFE.tR, +ffiHrt, ffiFE+, HHTT, *68ffiR, ffiTtrft, HR€rt, HHf., rt4# r€i{{FHti*: EHl0t, €xnEE2ti. tET*8t20

x. trxEEHsfn


P roduct



C ode


A naturalformula to support the immune system

Size: 30Sachets / Box

E#: €€304.8

lngredients: Burdockroot,sheepsorrelleaf,slipperyelm barl! hollythistleleaf,turkishrhubarbroot, redclovertops,watercressleaf,and kelp.

. Madewith 29 highqualityherbsto supportdigestivefunctionand protectthe digestivetract . Supplies 5.69of both solubleand insolublefiberper 109serving,thus increasing fecalbulkand moppingup potentialpathogens . Formulated to supportthe gastrointestinal mobilityand enhancethe eliminationof fecalwaste

6i45*t.fi: . Ft*illllF{lRHtJHfffit . +E tAh IFI #Hirs FFI{r},+EiH E tr rx # WJ IEh,]81'1fiT, +E ffi frIERfiTIJfiCR, . +L6Ir!|l € Etrfl+flE HitttR.tEdar.4Et E,AF *H, fi lf{E,zJ< F rJ8t?tt#ltlH!llR TgFT.fA: +FfR, EF'FF,fffiE, +14',T.EH AFIR, ,I=TTH, zj<Hnt,?E;E

Keylngredients: psylliumhusk,guqrgum,hibiscusflower Fibersources: Herbs:alfalfa,blackwalnuthulls,buchuleaf,burdockroo! capealoe, cayennefruit,chickweed, cinnamonbark,coveseeds,cornsilk,dandelion root,Echinacea, fenugreekseed,garliggingerroot,marshmallow root, papayafrui! peppermint

r€i,I{FEtrif: W- EIF.I ##m,^.8t + A!l*?t(;E I 0E lsi)ff. -x-€

RecommendedUse: Add 1 leveltablespoonof LiFiberto 8-10 oz (240-300m1) of water,juiceor beverage of yourchoice.Mix anddrinkimmediately


Product Code







RecommendedUse: Addoneteaspoonof SuperChlorophyll Powderinto 1 glass(8 Oz)of water.Stirwell Useasdesired.

FE1: 4s4a\H

fi 2efHH fr E H* m,t mFI€'Sr9.EiHILrrtACfr{* F tH{I iE zJ< € l 0HfE{^ns.6 i* fl & trFt<EW4#, tXHfi +.lEFt{r}81 tr Htr &# trr9{ttF}frffiFHFtrB* IEfrMJi€WdJEHff

nfr"$l: 4IE*E:


Size: 92 Grams/ Bottle


E,WiH & {RfF;H{TiE TLTfi EE


lngredients: Maltodextrin andChlorophylin



RecommendedUse: Steeponetea bagin 8 ounceof boiling waterfor l0 - 15 minutes.Oncea dav

Features& Benefits: . Cleanses and nourishes the boqv ' Supportsimmunesystem . Mayreduceurinaryandfecalodor . Contains chlorophyllin concentrate . Canbeconsumedanytimeoftheday

Pr o d u ct C o d e

Support digestivefunctions& protect the digestivetract

HErt ft'ElfnflE F!X f.*:i'1. h fr

Featules& Benefits: . Derivedfrom NativeAmericanherbal rectDe . Burdock, the mainingredientis believed to clearbody wastes,aswell asto support immunesystem . Hollythistle,alsoknownasmilkthistle, supportsliverhealth.Slipperyelm,sheep sorrel,turkeyrhubarband watercress sootheand nourishthe body'simmune system


#!L5SH: .Fjffi#g{tireF

.awfrEafr, . FIH^Efil*6tlF{FFr* . Ft{r|+tFtHItrF+IE *er',Lii): [Tt*R r€iI,fFHti*: t\- 4 tufrAWW tat 5 8t t FtrH 7f zJ< iEA J€5, ffiFTFIfAH"

HIJE{I H, ;ET&{EF} 'lFfEiE

/RfiEffi, AEfi '++8fi7, *), ffiM#, 6rE, T6, fiKfrlF,wur, #^#tEWM, X#*., ffiFE#r, *#. +tR, figtEE[Vr, ffiffi ^rR. €i.IHrE: tft- tutrJ fr.h+rEtr&8-10t t (240-300€fi ) frlzJc,ffi* itfi EfE t fit+ffit+rg€(rgtlEr#€ffi). nF[t E.

(!earstprt!0-Day Cleansing Progrim

Product Code



,ft{4\30 Ei+tll


Pr o d u ct C o d e






Featuresand benefits: . PituitaryComplexincludesuniquecombination of aminoacids:glycine, y-aminobutyric acid(GABA), L-arginine, L-arginine AKG,L-glutamic acidto promote the pituitaryto producegrowthhormoneHGHfor a youthfulbodyandappearance . Resveratrol, foundin the skinof redgrapeshasbeenreportedto haveanti-cancet anti-inflammatory, blood-sugar loweringandotherbeneficialcardiovascular effects . Helpspromotecellulargrowthandactivity,supportsleanmusclemassand physical endurance . Hasa fruityflavorwith low calories(65calories for every209).Doesnot contain saturatedfats,trans-fatsor cholesterol

Clearstartcontainsthree products:Paraway', LiFiber*,and Nature'sTea-. Usedtogether as instructed,these three products provide an intensive30-daydigestivecleansingprogram, which we recommendyou repeat every 6 months.In addition,many people benefit by takingLiFiberdailythroughoutthe year. Whenyour digestivesystemis workingat peak you'll maximizeyour well-beingand efficiency, addressa varietyof healthconcerns.Moreover, your body will more efficiently absorb the vitamins and minerals essentialto ootimal health.

e.xf,*#Ffirattjl,FfRtEtFarEEH, i3=tF fi {*fi{it 30x g FF.tsi+tlj. t€iI rE€+ 'l&tE HlrH fi E?i-)f lL^ffi'&Ifii+nJ " ft^, rt * L d* tr n H+€ EEfra+.h2+#mfi€E gtt*H -rE!trtI. 4ffffrrglb7.fr,eLTrdil+)ftf r.J,t*dfEE H! ft EEFI*#, mi+&FltigFr"t[E d{SiEzm ffi" wnu.z*,,*H!9.tsdilgEEfrM+^WI'..# +-#etr Vrffi, {EiS9{Afrl{igF.

Benefitsand Features UnicitydesignedClearstart to helpyourdigestive systemaccomplish threetasksessential to good health: . Eliminating unwanted organisms . Removing toxins . Cleansing yourcolon

ffitL&{+.fi ntrErBFfiqi.fHtr ;fr{630Ei+t|Jtr # EitEH!rH

RecommendedUsage . Take2 Paraway capsulesbetweendays1-10 and increase the amountto 5 capsules betweendays 11-30.Preferablytake Parawaybeforebreakfast. . Take LiFiberas directed on the canister.For optimal resultstake LiFiberroughly 1/2 hour afterthe Paraway. . During the day, drink at least 8-10 glassesof filteredwater. . DrinkI cup of Nature's Tea,preferablyafteryour eveningmeal,right beforegoingto bed.

r€ilHi* . EH'10x. trxftEnry2nfflFHtr,ffiE$ffi l't x.frffiaff;o*. tts.ljlrtE+r|J6 Es*fr. rei*++#HiEEEilF4ffi" . ffi#+.h?+#W+ LFfi#?rE&A.Mit=ltE.ft if *, ei.I6 fEEtJF 4 dtr * g!+ 4' r.JfFryr h2+#. . E xE'J. ltr H8E 1OfTtH;fi HtiiilHzJ<. . [f,E,JEEtEftLffitrzffi , tiH t{Tx##.

lngredients Seeindividualproductfor ingredientlisting.

FUh iFAffif;UFfiHIJFT#}T

TT,F-|,ftbBIJ 3TA{E iT {iCF HIJ !Eg I' HE

. tF[*'16FJ€ + ffi t +2f r 7FmE E+r'ffi.fr+rr .*h{66+E&€* .\frIXWrH&rrtjtrGltin{lfi

Size: 300Grams/ Bottle ea,


Key Ingredients: y-aminobutyric Glycine, acid(GABA), CitricAcid,L-Arginine, L-Arginine AKG, L-Glutamic acid,MacaPura(Lepidium meyenii), o-GPC, Resveratrol Recommended Use: ForAdultsonlyabovethe ageof 30.Onehourbeforebedtime,mixonescoop(20g) (240-360m1) with 8-12oz of water.Shakewellanddrinkimmediately. Do not exceed the recommended amount.Tobe takenon alternatenight.Forbestresults, do not consumeanyfoodwithin2 hoursbeforeand aftertakingEnJuvenate.

ffi&L-5t*,{: . rAffiFiAEffi€A: HFffi. y-F'ETM(GABA). L-i:Ffiffi. L-{gfiffiAKG . L-*FM€E,l/Ei+E&TE.IA H{ift!]iET+<ff *HGH, L\##EAe.fr.K . F*FE(Resveratrol)FETH€E,trtn,E, fift, F+.fftIrffifE {EitfrHfItfi&*f FF.ttiH . 9.Efrffi&]E,ENFJfi*H4T< . iF+fe+*trffi.€20€Hqe6strffie" Er.fzieErtEF[t, ESEF '€f[FF[F, EgFI,f,}: Hfi&. y-f,ET&(GABA). L-+Ffi&. tf&ffi. L-ffigffiAKG.L-fiFffi. LS lrrtRffiS, o-tsfifiiiM9llBifiF,E*Ftr t€i.I{EHt'i*: AiEa3oFr){tFt^f H . ffiff -4.H-.J,Kl iffift Frrt+H#A;8fr8-12gt (240-360€+) fi!ff zJ<,lEt€El6T. €tr-Xt H-)t" titEtJE{SY.*, E n EAE F fitH!ffi4.F'JFfEiE i+A. i{i-2 E id€i! H €1" #l]stHfl S lslTiEFl"


Product Code








q= 'lT

€*: Em60ft



AssistsYour Body'sSystems

reu(,qwffJtftLae Features& Benefits: . Nourishes maleandfemalereproductive systems . Helpsincrease feelingsof well-being . Supponsthe circulatory, immune,nervous andglandularsystems . Helpsthebodynaturallymaintain hormonalbalance

Features& benefits: Powerfulantioxidantformulationdesignedto protectthe eyesfrom damagingfree radicals Containsa combinationof antioxidantswhich helpsdelaythe onsetof Age-Related MuscularDegeneration Supportshealthyvision Includes a berryblendthat is high in polyphenols, a specialgroupof antioxidants found in fruitsand vegetables ContainsLuteinwhich hasbeenfound to improvevisualfunctionssuchas better photostressglarerecovery,contrastsensitivityand visualacuity

Size: 60 Capsules / Bottle

Pr o d u ct C o d e

Key Ingredients: . VitaminC . VitaminA . VitaminE . Zinc . Lutein . Zeaxanthin . Bioslife'BerryBlend*

Key Ingledients: VitaminE Zinc,Proprietary Blend(Brazilian ginseng,Siberian ginseng,Damiana, Sarsaparilla, Gotu kola,Sawpalmetto, Licorice,Fo-ti,Ginger,Nettle) Size: 100 Capsules/ Bottle 84.


fftL5SA: . *#ffi'ltEtr€H6tr .'ggEFffi'IEE .#8 ffi#HT.'lIffiIEff . g*{lFr[. ftE. ffi&effiWF-gi . ilEl ii&+ffi ffi,lt ffiffi tr*.R6, r€rIfJ): S{UfrE. *. Etr,\A. tr{Ht'JIE A. iE)KrEilrF.;+#*iR. ilgE. ffifill R. HH{R. {irHq. #. +ffi IEiT{FHI',*: €X 3, ,€lt2*nD{*f6rErlfiEE.

RecommendedUse: Take2 capsules 3 timesdailywith a large glassof water.

* Bioslife" Beny Blendis an antioxidantrich berriesblendthat includesblueberry strawberrycranberrybilberry,elderberryand raspberry. RecommendedUse: Foradult useonly.Taketwo capsulesper day.

ff!t-54tH: . EE-f4OT*IE' FE.I*FEEFF4E€'+ HEE.IfE . tE€ tfs#EEtti5ft fiJrF#ErC#*+tSF#,fi Sffie.F . E#figR:i4,/jFtJ5EtrfigftN'J . e€+ g€ 5S (Tujc*fi ffi * 4 &4,Eq$*fi 5{tfi'JE+)[tr$Rrrl.fi]tBeT

LoveRx Male

i*,,IHH H.EHEf Make Life Better Features& Ben€fits: . Macaroot is believedto increaseenergy, vitality,staminaandendurance . KoreanGinsenghelpstoimprove circulationand neurologicalprocesses . Zincis a keymineralfoundin the human reproductivesystem . ContainsArginMax,a celebratednew formulacontainingbotanicals and keyaminoacidsthat enhancesbody's oerformances

. €€ 6E rI+iflHur6E EtFfHF, i.t.t8tE € Etttr& fi fr Etr Hqr'J rbtrf,Efli4,Htrtrtr. ^Wtt+'W.g.. i*rL4|: . st*c .fie#E .#TFA .*

* RB--E S* ft ,F E - ffi;Ee 7 + E €R Ftrit g.f{fi !l, il H + € tFT e € E E S t S f!trs. H€. *tr6. &ileffi. EF^fru€+ €iIlEEf,rE: . AEEFTA.IEE,€E[EE2*A




.F IH * . iETFHE .ta-B€*Ef*

Pr o d u ct C o d e


Size: 105 Each/ 2 Bottles ed.


Ingredients: VitaminA,VitaminC,VitaminE,Thiamin, Riboflavin,Niacin, Vitamin86,Folate, Vitamin B12,Pantothenic Acid,Zinc,Selenium, L-Arginine,GinkgoBilobaExtract,Korean GinsengExtract,AmericanGinsengExtract MacaExtractLyciumFruitExtract. Re(ommendedUse: Take5 capsules with the morningmealand5 capsules with the eveningmealdaily.

#tL-5t*A: . e€ [4t**tR,FFgtrr f EE,4fr t,I[{t EftArt . # EAA,FJTSEfr tr{IES5ffiF{€+ . EA frffiite?5glf, ftlil€ gin XF 0!E gfl-wE,rilfr . €€ rAFEf ArginMax,EFf F{*A!4* THM 5 *€FEM.T'JHTEE€tr €'E Ft.frlEtJ.lG H,EEitr$ filHq FEE**fEtf sErt{t}: #t*A, #4*c, !E+*E,f+:F81, f 4*B2, trffiffi, #4*86, Ffffi,rE+# 812,;2W.,#, M, L-ffiEffi, &Fffi {p,tE L6ffil#, l$trRffiS, LyciumRffi 4. r€ir,tEHtri*: 6XF€ilffi#r.f€€Hs$nffi*


Product Code



YourDailyMutivitaminand MineralSupplement

,* Ht€ EL+Afift{'bfrrf +/lE ;il'fi fr"

tS€ EFf#Flzlc+&ffi*fFS






YourDaily Infusionof Fruits& Vegetables

Size: 60 Capsules/ Bottle

Pr o d u ct C o d e

CoreHealth" Basics

Features& Benefits: Providesexcellentprotectionagainst oxidativedamage,asmeasured by the poweranddurationof OxygenRadical AbsorbanceCapacity(ORAC) Harvested and processed to maximize whole food benefitsand oreserve micronutrients and naturallyoccurring enzymes Packaged in plantbasedcapsules, which meansthe supplement containsno animal products.Receivedtop Kosherrating Featuresextractsthat retainnaturaldeep color.Studiesshowthat robustcolorsin food indicatehigherlevelsof nutrient activity Not subjectedto any unnecessary processing, heatingor pasteurization, whichcandamagephytonutrients and weaKenpotency.

Fruit Infusion RecommendedUse: Take2 capsules with morningmealwitha full glassofwater Ingredients: juicepowderfrom Plum,Cranberry, Contains Blueberry,Strawberry,Blackberry,Bilberry, Cherry,Apricot,Papaya,Orange,Grapeand Pineapple

VegetableInfusion RecommendedUse: Take2 capsules with eveningmealwitha full glassofwater


trtl-5tfA: . AifrF,Itt4flt +E&(oRAC_oxygen RadicalAbsorbance Capacity)itrlllfi{Ff

€. EeEF'HHruffifink RtF, rt H WfrF3tfi"ltVtIfiE. . #5[Fi*&&rr:Efi ie, DuEfi {+E,E* E!A&tr#, +{*FffirHf*&xf* #*. . +f#EtE{r'trtr*2Fr,FIjItFffi T€{r Idrdtwttdxth. j€EtEts . #s{l#EitE!ffi HxtrrftgE!ffi 6, EfrE€giHHtrHtf*St. . tr4tr4d.sHqhr,tufdfi+H$E t-t*, E[r T+6&rfr i6MH#*+H|JE5 E*.h.

Size: 60Tablets/ Bottle 84.


?F*fHjp i*i,I{EEtri*:

ffi*fF+ r€i!.fEHfi*: 2fN €ETfr€E'JEEH

Ingredients: VitaminA (BetaCarotene), VitaminC (L- ascorbic acidand Niacinamide Ascorbate) VitaminD (Cholecalciferol), VitaminE(D,L-alphaTocopherylAcetate andMixedTocopherols), Thiamin(Thiamin Hydrochloride), Riboflavin(VitaminB2), Niacin(Niacinamide Ascorbate), Vitamin86, FolicAcid,VitaminB12 Biotin,Pantothenic Acid,Calcium, lodine,Magnesium, Zinc

ffi!L5t+.E*: . fE{^If 1ef4!E{6'fftnr/-+rtR,r\tEfi .HW &4lr:E'rfr . #Ei C{SNFfr EFfi ,*#'+EREFf[EII ffififlitF . €.Eii4,/]f[ERFFHII'EF 3€rI{t}: #.fufrA,#{u.ffc,rEfdfrD,4{uffE,&fu.ff B1,S{U.ff 82,M@m,#{dfr86,Ff ffi,CE{6 fr B12,E+n*,i'zs,,f5,#,t*,t+,fiA,fl d,ffi,Fi €*,itr F E9frE*,ff F{tMf E@EF ffi#. r€i!,,1*Ef,i*: 2 &i$rei.!{FEtrrt. €x2*fi ,EEr'JEEA.

Re(ommendedUse: TakeNOMOREthan2 tabletsdailyat mealtimewith water


*4rl{t}: E+$i'*, ,J.!ISM*, ffiS$t*, Htr fjlt, ,*S#lt, dr*+#lt, &Dtfi) *, 6dtfJl*, fl&irl*, H €frl*, ,rr4tt)*. ^,R$rlx,

Featuresand B€nefits: . Provides I9 vitaminsand minerals to promotewelFbeingand supportyour generalhealth yourimmunesystemand ' Supports maintains eyeandskinhealth . Aidsin visionandoveralleyehealth


P roduc t

C ode




ExcellentCombinationof Antioxidants



-E#/4. eF#)fr. HtrMt, ,t*$il*, ,J'€H fl'*. #Hs{i}*, Fg:fl/ur, &ft{q|l* ff't. Ttfill*{9t*,ifr*[9]*,f!c t.#]*, €,1'*+11t,^#irilx.

Features& Benefits: . Containsa varietyofvitamins,botanicals, and specialtynutrientssuchasgrape5eedextract, VitaminC and Ewith antioxidantproperties . Includenaturalbetacarotenewith mixed carotenoidsto help supportcells;naturalVitamin Eto generateantioxidantprotectionforthe body; VitaminC,whichhelpssupporttissue, bones andteeth;combinesthe antioxidantproperties ofgrape seedextractand pine barkextractto supportour health . Supportsgeneralhealthagainstunhealthy oxidationbyfree radicals


Ingredients: Containsjuicepowderfrom Parsley, Kale, Spinach,Wheatgrass,Brussels Sprouts, Asparagus, Broccoli,Cauliflower,Beet,Carroi Cabbage andGarlic

Size: 90 Capsules / Bottle ea.


Ingredients: BetaCarotene,L-ascorbic Acid,MixedTocopherols, GreenTeaExtractCurcuminExtract,GrapeSeed Extract,PineBarkExtract,RedWineExtract BioflavonoidConcentrate, Rutin,PruneSkinExtrac! PomegranteExtractApricotNectarineExtractand GelatinCapsules.

Recommended Use: Takethreecapsulesper daywith a meal.

fi415{+.F.: . a€ &ffiHaffi€.lltlrs'trEi4s*, tH wE!+e#HF#rE# * fi , H€*f +ryM ils**c5E++ . €tE€xf*a!4{6fEgFF&;EaE!+ uc 1.. *E'R.t+FrE[E ; it*fi!#4*E r\ HtJ'l+ F€+ngft ftU tFAeE r tEE#cF.I ##hffina, B€8,Tff&m€H!{€ F ; ffi€*r#fl M&t'AfiE+ry+4€ffi +t'flHtJ{€F . #F9.f6{tCFDrHtn HfrEFftr*i!7F fitRgftE't tEttli,'fA:

F.tfrffipt.*. L+irfrfrm.;EerEf* E, #F+WW, H6fr+ry Erynx ryn, '&#+W4tn, v wq+wwt, ?l'F.+wryn, +ryry/,AtsdB#ryfr,FEffiffifr ,ei!,tEEt'i*: EF3ilt, it€r',JAH

SalmonOmega3 Oil

P roduct

C ode






,l.mH 6 rfiH!$i'f*,ti:i1' ffitL-5tt.€: . € Er+{*tF,r.ft HFfr fEiEt+fi*FncE trzl<* . EEIrFS-5tFlntE!{t*F .€ffie#rHEEm{eF

Features& Benefits: . Strengthensand protectsthe cardiovascular systemand maintains healthycholesterollevel . Supportsthe body'scirculatoryand defensesystems . Strengthens andfortifiescellmembranes . Derivedfrom one of the well known sourcesof high qualityomega3 fatty acidand producedundera stringently controlledenvironment

r€d,ff): Ef6 ;E(Ett.l*-3flEEfAf)

Ingredients: SalmonOil(Omega3 FaftyAcids)

r*itiFHti*: €^€E2fnffiF

Features& Benefits: . C oenz y meQ 10-fundamental antioxidant and bioenergetic compound occurringnaturallyin bodycells. . L-carnitine - importantbiological substance foundin heartandskeletal muscle. . L-taurine - helpsmaintaincellmembrane stability . Hawthorn-support hearthealth

. €€ Eff EHtJ"Et+{+3"flH'ffffi, i<S nEE {SE^8 td'crtElfr++fr.tEF-st 5'Gfi fi fr,ffrlfee

Recommended Use: Take2 capsulesdaily

Size: 180 Capsules / Bottle




CoQl0 (AdvancedFormula)

(F.fEIRHE,7? +iliHEal0 )

Product Code - r l E4 AE



SupportsCardiovascular and lmmune Systems Features& Benefits: .




Supplies 30 mg ofCoQl 0 which helps maintain healthy immune and cardiovascular svstems Gelcap offe6 optimal absorption Suppo(s the circu latory system lmproved CoQ10 product with three times more srength

E ,t:

& =

o o

CoenzymeQl0 (CoQ]0) is a compoundfound naturally in the energy-producing centerofthe cell known asthe mitochondria Scientists believe that CoQl0 is essential for generating 95% ofthetotal energy required bythe human body Specificallydesigned to provide maximum CoQl0 absorption and bioavailability Contains a proprietary blend of pure CoQl0 and three top-quality lipids - essential ingredients that enable effective absorption, bioavailability and prevent CoQl0 crystallization -a majorflaw in other brands ofCoQl0 Aho includes Conjugated LinoleicAcid (CLA),flaxseed oil and monoglyceride, a premium quality soy based lipid specially integrated to prevent CoQl0 crystalliation

{fi l.lfr Size: 30 Gelcaps/ Bottle @! t :


than before

Ingredients: CoenzymeQl0, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), Flaxseed oil (organiq monoglyceride (Soy)



EhMffi. . t++*tfi,tHffi ffia10€Ftg{dese,,t{FfFBE rfi!68 . sEljt TtEt^tfr&E#* u&fr .f*ffiffiQl0& qr.ffiffi&. . e€4ffiffiQ10arJiEAFt#lt!3fs6ffi Efi fF' Efr- f\tttffi!+e2H'f.tEitFx{t, frnfiFtffi&al0 a frIt - i+*&E Fafif Htfr 2. Fc'.+Efr*#ErEffi ^&t.f, fi S. Effi +rE&rtrnfr€ EflF.f€64 * AIJff fi #EFBEfiF'#ffiQI0,f;E? . a€3o€HfiffiffiQ10 . +fnnfr€'EnH#*Hlu4ft . #l+t6q'F'ftffr1|ld,ffi . ffiilRHtsffi QtotEzHiiffi Eet-ffitb,€a7 =,1*Hin|JE + €Eti4+' ffiffiOl0, IEffi;HM. Sffi *}'H&HINffiHEflF

r€i!,,{EHEi*: 6x€H1*n



-lr G

6![-5{tA: . #ffiO10EtErEifi4,l*gFtCEI(ArP)ftr#


Recommended Use: Take 1 gelcapdailywith




ExtraSupportfor Heart Health


Size: 60 Gelcaps/ Bottle E!&.i

Pr o d u ct C o d e


Caution: Do nottake while onWarfarin therapywithout

medical advice

, L A.

![6FEHti;f Af U(Warf arin)Fl,'!"',f2]EEt)tF AtJtF'zrtll{EE.

Ingredients: CoenzymeQ 10, ProprietaryBlend,L carnitine(astartrate),L - taurine,Hawthorn, Acid, berry,Gelatine Capsules, Stearic CalciumSilicate andSiliconDioxide RecommendedUse: Take3 capsules twicea day,at mealtime with water Caution: Do not takewhile on Warfarintherapy withoutmedicaladvice


. ffiffiQl0- E-t4*f.*€89.f6fi [88 tfrfn5.lLillfrEWffieIL,eW . L-carnitine(Effifi&) - E#E'tEIIfE E #fflH!EEs ftryzE,6g F+{R,i'fr Htt fiHqEfIt . L-taurine (AiE+ffi&) - E-rueffifi! AEffi ,€ f;Ef'EBfi H+ trtFffift gM ;R,#tr!E*+frEEIH A!ffiE,tt . Hawthorn (ilrE*ffijf) - EqilileE ' ErLtrrE*Et+,r'[EH!figF,Efl'6 H!drE +ffi + A€' $fi H!iF F ffiFFE{^n ,trFt.fr). *9rl{f}: f6ffiQ1O,'4A ;EANfi ,affifr&,affi.+ If;m,ilrE+ffi +, Ffr && F,rEEFm,trffi t5,


I€iT,IFHf,i*: € )f EEH 3fn,€ X 2)t,it€ r.I€ H iig.

l[RE[EE tii;tfr irlWarfarin),d.7FliiJ EltF#Jrgrrti1ffi.H.

Glucosamine AJF'

Product Code




CM Plex'"Cream

Pr o d u ct C o d e



ForJoint Mobility

Fast-ActingSupport For HealthyJoints




Size: 60 Capsules / Bottle e a,


Features& Benefits: . Helpsmaintainand nourishthe structural syslem . Formulated with glucosamine hydrochloride andchondroitinsulfate . Supportsthe body'smanufactureof collagen . Chondroitin sulfatehelpsto support existingcartilagefor healthyfunctions . Devil'sclawandsharkcartilage workto sootheandstrengthen connective tissues

trtL5t5.{: .t+Fdrffifte.&#Ew&6, . EBi-FlE r'Jg€ afr HHfEfEfifi ffi+tF* .fgtrrft6frlli€ffiFE . .I+FffiFJI4€'HT+AE . EtufiIffi5'a A+ Fffi +n[ € ffr€&&tg ffiHffifr'4$jtrffi

Ingredients: Glucosamine Hydrochloride, Chondroitin Sulfate,Devilt Claw,SharkCartilageand GelatinCaosules

rEirt,lEHt'i*: €xDl-*frElzkfrEH2fi Size: 't18ml/ 4FL.OZ v4.

€8118 €tf

CM Plex" Capsules

Product Code




A ProprietaryBlendof Ingredientsthat supportsJoint Health


Ingredients: CMPlex- ProprietaryBlend*,SoyLecthin, Gelatin, Glycerin, FishOiland NaturalColor *CMPlex-Proprietary BlendIncludes a combinationof CetylMyristoleate, Cetyl Myristateand other CetylEsters

Size: 90 Softgels/ Bottle 84 .


RecommendedUse: Take3 - 6 softgelswith mealsper day as needed

Ingr€dients: Water,CM Plex- ProprietaryBlend*,Glyceryl Stearate,Glycerin,Lecithin,Tocopheryl AcetateBenzylAlcohol,CitrusAurantium (Bergamot) FruitOil,PEG-100 Bergamia Stearate.

EEFT{A: SFHH*F, fi,t&+F#, EWrr,ffi, 'a e#.Btffilp, Ffffiffi*

Recommended Use: Take2 capsules with a largeglassofwater dailv

Features& Benefits: . Containsa proprietaryblend ofcetyl myristate,cetyl myristoleateand other cetylestersforjoint healthsupport

Features& Benefits: benefitsto ' Creamprovidesmoisturizing joints . Liposometechnologyensureseffective Denetration

*CMPlex-Proprietary a BlendIncludes cetyl combinationof CetylMyristoleate, Myristateand other CetylEsters


ffiiL5**.g'-: .nffi*fi't*ir:{ltfi . {EHffiEF+Nf4fr I,\ffiREX6 E E4rlfi}: zJ<,C.M.Plex* trfi*;AeR,ft*, HiEETE CHFffiffi. #E fFffi, H;8. 9IJEEFF, ZE, Fi?ffi+fr, PEG-IOOEIFEfl" N4*iEemte€ +n ffiE FJ "C.M.Plex" E#&EF, +nffiEE#&ffi, ilEeE! +iHsffi4" t€i!{EEt'rt: € Eift#354)^. *rffiF-*tff H {+f+E!| E{+HqffF"

RecommendedUse: Apply3 to 4 timesdailyasnecessary. for Usewith CMPlex'"joint supplement maximumresults

Complex Calcium-Magnesium

Pr o d u ct C o d e

ffi +E++EA|



NourishesBones& RegulatingGrowth

;:ie#8ffi{EiSFT+( #ft-5t*.fi: . &F .sEc.M.Plex'" trAXiE€Et*€'Ei xirHqs€F EgFT,.fA: C.M.PlexFE tr*EiEeEdt*, Ei. H;8. 6;HfiX'*E*. ^trqFffiFF, *C.M.Plex" N4,5iEAEBtg€+xffi E W EEffiEF,fn-ffiSEHE&EF, fEEeF! +tHEEE"*" t€iI,lEHt,*: €EE€r'i[EH=a^+n.

. Suppliesthe body with the most bioavailable, uniqueand finestform ofchelatedCalciumMagnesium . Unicity'schelatesare 3-10times more absorbablethan the inorganicforms of calcium . VitaminD helpsto increasethe absorptionof calcium . Boron may retard bone loss . Manganesehelpsin the synthesisof bone

Size:2109 6Ei: 210F

Key Ingredients: Calcium,Magnesium, Fructose,PeachFlavot Malic Acid, Citric Acid, Methylcellulose,Boron, VitaminD Manganese. Recommended Use: Take 1 rounded teaspoonful daily in a half cup ofwater orjuice.(1 teaspoonofCalciumMagnesiumComplexprovides3l 8mg of Calcium)

. E tE{^n^ftIAFE H fr E fqgatEtr . ntrtrd,fi gAFl bblrtflLfrFe?&W &. mEEfr3ElolE .#lbfrD#Wr9tte&fEE . filfl€SrflftlBcgtfi* . ffi€$TaFIECF FT,fJ}: f5. E. +tF. #EH. +Fffi. ttH&. flf. #,fuffD. ffi i€i{HiE: €Xt H1Hft,E*ffizjcd*it. (1#ft HtJ fEtreeffifiE{*318EEE!trE. )


Product Code





Size: 60Tablets/ Bottle

€*: f;iffi60*F

Ingredients: VitaminC (fucorbicAcid and Calcium Ascorbate), CitrusBioflavonoids,Cellulose, Croscarmellose sodium,Silica,Crospovidone, MagnesiumStearate

trtL-5H,*: .IE/]E{Jffifr{tf|J .EFTffiFEETd.gME .HErSSfrtrHqtr* tSrl,ff).: f 4*c(ffi ffifi s&tilffr rr&tE),iHffi 4n ryr*Hffi ,#ffi * ef fi+#l*, :ErKfjlE,ffi F9TSt,rE[F&,-fi{tlft r€i!,,t*Et'i*: Enl ffi,€rffi )i.61 fng€'300€H#


Size: 60 Capsules / Bottle 84.



Product Code




rgftf 9H!{t*H

Size: 570Grams/ Bottle

€*: €ms70aH

Features& Benefits: . IntactoColostrumis derivedfrom the cow'sfirst milk - the pre milk liquid of mammaryglandsduringthe first24 to 48 hoursaftergiving birth,which is rich with nutrients.Low heat processing preservesnutrientsand activeingredients in colostrums. . Lactoferrinis an iron-bindingprotein which actsasan antioxidant . Arabinogalactan, is all naturalLarch heartwoodtree extractthat assiststhe immunesystem . Assiststhe immunesystemand booststhe bodyt naturalresistance Ingredientss Beta1,31,6 Colostrum, Arabinogalactan, Stearic Glucan,Lactoferrin,GelatinCapsules, Acid,CalciumSilicateand SiliconDioxide RecommendedUse: Take6 capsuleswith a largeglassofwater daily

Strengthen Your Body'sSystems

lngredients: Fructose,MorindaCitrifoliaComptex (HawaiianNoni,IndianMulberry AloeVera Powder,Papaya), NaturalFlavors, CitricAcid, Maltodextrin,XanthanGumand Natural Colors





RecommendedUse: Take1 tablet twice daily.Eachtablet contains300m9vitaminC

Features& Benefitsl . ConvenientPowderDrinkmix . Besttastingnoni productin the market usingpuredehydratedfruit contains the purestform of noni available unadulteratedby wateror seedpulp. . Containsthe purestform of noni available . Haslong shelflife . Supportsthe body'srespiratoryimmune, digestiveand structuralsystems

Pr o d u ct C o d e

Fortifiesthe Body'slmmune System


Features& Benefits: . Helpspromoteand replenishcells impairedby poor nutrition,age and environmental damage . Supportsthe productionof collagen, necessary for stablebodyfunctions . Provideshigh potencyVitaminC with bioflavonoidsto promoteabsorption


fflL-5H.*: .t{8fi!*r}**ffitfi .,{Et4{s . *EE9EHIJ94{ . &tr6C484e,{*#H@EK .&fl'agHqEF *Erllti: Cittitolia{d M(F,ffi,*9 *tF,Morinda fJ,traE *H,F *fl', m),X ffiF#+,ifffi ffi,=*ffitrffi,xsfit&,x#6t ^ t€i!{EHtrit: i* lE- E!,ffit+ttJ5 E fi E D{- tfr zJ<

RecommendedUse: Mix one scoopwith 8 oz / 237m1of water. Mix or shakewell.




. r E&ffi*dtwJ a84'frtfr #ll#,8 #s2aFfail a!fl.ifttrin fl , e g€ +E 0E

?7J H'F*. ffi4HtFft f 4 Ettlntact* fl,EDT'RI*![8. *FGEH'F *iliE


. *I.*.II'EEHE, A il Hffi*V*TEH#-ffi , +IlftHEzrE€frHftE. . F[fi{H+*LmE*HflA^+ryffi+, 6E# trr*ili!*EFS€F. .#frtg6#JftEffiJl infl., FJfnlE+fl.ffi,"t, 31, 6'leH* -gFl'frl: ffi, +t*FiAlFH, Ffrffiffi*,TEBFft,

wwfi, -a1/"w.

t€itEHfr*: € E6fi, *ffi 1-24.Flt:t-*trH9HzJ< flFH.


Product Code




. .

. . . . .

Size: 450Grams/ Canister

Servesas a source ofhigh quality protein with 18 amino acidt including all 8 essentialamino acids Provides 18mg ofisoflavones beneficial to health The protein contained is highly digestible with a Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Source (PDCAAS)of '1.0 Contains Papayaand Pineapple fruit extract to aid protein digestion A delicious protein supplement with No fat or cholesterol lt is an ideal protein supplement for vegetarians. Can be added to food or your favorite recipes without affecting the taste and flavor HelpssupportgroMhof bodytissue

Ingredients: Soy lsolate, Fructose,Tri-calcium Phosphate.Xanthan Gum, Soy lsoflavones,PapayaExtract, Pineapple Extract

ea .




ff{15{*.fi: . HEE HiE.f^nl 8f$FE M,€'EFfF8ffi4.ffi fi!fiEm. . fEi+r8e H€'f, fr*R.#rH+rr k e M,#'rr*

Features& Benefits . Reduces Excess CarbAbsorption . . . . .


. 6e ffia.Hffiw.aifil,ftiHft,str HEr6;H 1.0 {ts{6tr H!aEMi+r}tr-PDCAASi6 . tfitr T€.El;H{tEHEE!tn#*fE,$c#t . TEEFffifFECEIEFHtJE HFiI.f fi . *€*EEH!#frHEEHHf* . FJffiHfuA€ry]il,68€H!Ai*4ffi T€Fy rFj€ry/H!F*iH . EH'a.&4.Afr|Jfi#-


JFEI,EEFHft HEE E E,*+F,iSM'EAf5,€ *,tm#t,ffifH*

Size: 240Capsules / Bottle g E.

SuggestedUsage: Mix one level scoop with 8 oz (240m1)ofwater, fruit or vegetable juice, milk or any other beveGges ofyour choice. Mix well and drinktwo to three times per day. It also can be added to food or recipes you prefer One scoop ofsoy Protein contains 8 grams ofprotein.



HfrEEHEH!E{+*'F .

Pr o d u ct C o d e

Newand lmprovedCarb-BlockingFormula

ExcellentSourceof High Quality Protein Features& Benefits:


rsiI,tfHf,i*: iFt+-+E! Htsfi H E€ E HiF* -5240€+ E!H*rft,Rt+,ffi#i+,+ltj&HEtEFfE€At fi ++- EtB;E,tEA#45tE lf .H,E Elfr.H z-3jt., ,FEJHfI,E E'E Ffg E E!AryJtr._ F!tr'E,f^II8 AHEHE.


SupportsHealthyDigestion HelDsneutralizestarch Helpsreducethe absorptionof starchcalories Ail naturalingredients technologywhich blends Use5Carbo-Balance white kidneybeans,ginsengand citricacidto reducecarbohydratecalories.

Ingledients: Thiamin(asthiaminmononitrate),Riboflavin, Bl2 (as Vitamin86 (aspyridoxineHCL),Vitamin Complex, cyanocobalamin), Carbo-Balance' CommonBeanExtractAmericanGinsengRoot ExtractCitricAcid,and LifAloe- Complex

ffi&L-5SF.: . tfr/t&*&*lteryn#tw4! .HilJi51.l-afi,#Jreffi . €8 ffi,',*#'+EFEfi!&qt . 4tf.*Ft'fr) . .l,EittrFf; {t!fi & tEt+&?j(ftery/H!+t It+|fi *,*rI'fA: H[* 86&812,F*FeVt,E#&tE+ tEit{EEt'rt: EE 2)R, E)ft.nBfr4fr..-X4FIftl iI8tt.

Recommended Use: Takeup to 4 capsuleswith water2 timesdailywith the largestmeals.Do not exceed8 capsulesper day.Forbestresult5.avoidconsuminganydietary supplementscontainingdigestiveenzymes30 because minutesbeforeand aftertaking EquaLean, digestiveenzymesmay neutralizethe effectsof EquaLean.

Pr o d u ct C o d e

PowerBurn'* ChitoRich'

Product Code




Newand lmproved FatBlockingFormula

tfrlRH!ffrEFHe,f, Features& Benefits: . Reduces Excess FatAbsorption





' .

SupportsHealthyDigestion An addition to your weight management program

Vitamin C (a5 ascorbic acid), Ingledients: Prickly Pear leaf extract (Neopuntia'), Chitosan, Erythorbic acid, AloeVera (leaf), Broccoli extract. Microcrystalline cellulose, Gelatin, Stearic acid (Vegetable source) and Silicon Dioxide, Contains: Shrimo and crab

6tt-5{tF: . }H,}'AH!EFEfW& .€crrH{tfitR . ,flAi.+i|lEEHtr-*BA s€rlit}: 4{Ufr c,,t!/\H fF+,4 fr #, FE EA +tn, trE?[ffiS, r€i!.'lEEf,;*: EE 2)R, E)f ztEiJ 3 *t. -XTEJfii is6fn.

RecommendedUse: Size: 180 Capsules / Bottle €# : Effil80fn

Take up to 3 cap5ules with water 2 times daily with

i t+.

the largest meals. Do not exceed 6 capsules per day.

fi s'l*4.fi € tr1*,1T+fiEEr6+LFt ErfiiqEE6iE ,ta,iFi4{qEFi, FJrsfii +EEA.

Takefat solublesupplements(suchasfatty acids andvitaminsA, Eand D)2 to 4 hoursbeforeand aftertakingchitoRich

Caution: pregnant lfallergic to shellfish, or lactating, consult your doctor before use

+ r-E Zd E I-Ap-flffiE



Fat-BurningFormula An Ephedra-Free



ffi W NE

Size: 180 Capsules/ Bottle as. 94.


F€atures& Benefits: . Naturally yourbody!abilityto buln supports . . .

calories when combined with a healthy diet and exercise Increaseyourenergylevel Reduces your appetite and cravings with proprietary blend ofcocoa and almond extracts Contains Brazilian yerba mate, blacktea, guarana and chromium for calorie burning power

Ingredients: acid),Chromium(from VitaminC (asL-ascorbic Yeast). GuaranaSeedExtract,BlackTeaExtract, YerbaMateExtract.CacaoFruitExtract,Almond Nut,Ginger(root),Capsicum(cayennefruit),Licorice (dehydrate). BladderwrackBlack Root,Quercetin Pepper(Bioperine'),DillWeedExtract(aerial), Gelatinand siliconDioxide. Recommended Use: Take3 capsuleswith breaKastand 3 capsuleswith lunch,with water.


. g fi II*FHIJTRAfIiEdJIE E8il6,l|+9E FI BtJ evl S & E Ctr 9'f6ffiffi EAEfi .grJ[f6n^g . r*mAffiruijA+n#Jftl4. e*gtrfi E*Sfferba Mate), *F, t*, E€'ffiffitrffi g /[t&€(Guarana)fl ETtrE. f €rtff): EtrfiE*ffi(Yerba Mate), '-s#,fiifi€t (Guarana),iF r€ir{FEht: trE fE+#-frsfi8€3fn,EE fE+#-*E flE€3$i.-^Ttrffii16fn.


P roduct

C ode

f {FznE

u qlrHF


3 in 1 InstantCoffeeBeveragewith GanodermaExtract A HealthierCoffeeAlternative

-f++,i{ieHH!rfi!iFit++ Features & Benefits: . Contains Reishiwhich is known to improve immune system and assistin h e aling . Low caffeine content - 100/oof a normal cuppa . Bio Reishiprovides one gram ofthe active ingredientsof the Red Ganoderma

Size: 20 Sachets/ Box e a.


Ingredients: Coffee, Ganoderma Extracts, Sugar and Low Fat Creamer.

#t!:5{t.fi: . i4€,FHtifR .e6?i,frHllirqFtr .ttTA U rf ,&.tilrl sErti,fl): rnrEE, E2ffi ffi, +Efr.fftEEUJ*F.


Be-SkinCare Technolugy* Ee Nanoffrifis Advanceel Nanomins"in everyproduct,promotingoptimal nutrientsaredeliveredthroughexclusive Essential cellrenewaland strengthfrom withinfor a healthy,glowingcomplexionthat defiesthe signsof aging. liposomes(Fig1) smallenoughtopenetratethe pores(Fig Nanomins" arehighlystable,microscopic Be Nanominsliposome 2),carryvitaminsA, B and Eto targetedareasdeepwithinthe epidermis. and efficientthan anyotherdeliverysystemon the market efficacious technologyis moreadvanced, today

Be"tr ffi'fR# 6 rtJ+ #JFfiE P ft ff He E rH€ H!F )Kffifnr) f . it ll-b # X ffi#ir) + {+}git ,EEEETEIf,EEl,Iit'EJfftfNHIIffi,Z{LfiFACTF,SHTE,IEiEEE+6FfiA. F,KffiffiA+EHtrf,F, -rlW+E, #f&'fi'A.B&.E EetF.EUlfrH! ltrHF E (E 1),fr ,J,'EEtj.i?tr,^.€ 7LFJ(tr 2),eEA E Ft ,RE --EE E " # )Kf ff A +'F iXf+1{E HEff tZr E lEtteH ii!#rH#{€ iX f EU F.tn" frEE

o ';



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Fig2 s _ Nanominsareabsorbedthroughthe pores, in the lowerlayersof the wherethey arereleased skin

Fig 1 = Nanomins Nanometer + Vitamins in liposomes 35 Vitaminsencapsulated Nanometers in diameter-116the sizeof liposomes conventional


( tr 1) E:ffi.* +l?lf-fr=# )Kffitfi.i| a ffi# Hte+ $r & frfrlLffifr ittj[ + ffif,IJH!EF 1/6. 3s€ iFtX -'{d\fFrt E HEF ffi#fr+J



EA E #fifrfrffi# WAtAq#)e'ffiffiti+ frV in/\EnHfr,FEfi+ffi#+h"


Be SkinCareSteps Comprehensive,SynerEi*tir 5$ein(are ln ffne l[a$y-to-u$8proSrfiffil TheBe"CompleteSkinCareSystemempowersyour skinto be beautifulin just four simple, steps,morningandevening.All Be-SkinCareproductsareclinicallyprovensafeand stress-free tested. dermatologist



'TEP W ffi$mmmmw

Thefirststepin maintainingthe healthofthe skin, cleansingremovesmakeup,oil and impuritiesthat canclogporesandagethe complexion.

srEP W &mffiffiwmffiw

Thecoreof the Be SkinCareprogram,thisstep the skin's consistof Serumsthat accentuate dailyintrinsiccycleof protectionand renewal, promotingand maintainingthe youthandvitality of the complexion.

STEPffi ffimffimruw

of ln additionto diminishingthe appearance pores,this steppurifiesand preparesporesfor receivingoptimalmoisturization.

comfort,protectionand healthyappearance. Be"Hydratorsreplenishcrucialmoisturewhile nourishingthe skint naturallipidbarrier,helping sealin moistureand keepout irritants.

rjfifl'ffiffinffilj ffij,{sriffi e {,|w{ffiffi fit fFfift{ffiffi ffif,ffi 4#ffi Be'"fFEt{RFrtJ1t!&tHHHEE-&E6tbt+H!EJLE*"F,rf tX+Wit{Tf6+€'f H!8fH{R Ifi iI HIt F*it & E is lg.& E H+ Ht- E " Ff€ Be*fFEt'f*# F.ttlF F,E t?.tffi # wb W,frftfrE il|It{" * stifi FE t a& reEtffift 6fitsEJrffi

srEpw srEP $ffiffiffi ffi uffiffiffi

i3E{+++,trEFHnHi Htff- f *" E 6nl Ht qif t tE* * FA{t'ltt*tfr,& AifrEE,r\&U[ rh,WfrEILffi,Z lFH!FE#'tri5 It "

i3EBe"fFEiFFa.'rtJ#Jtfz,bFfi tr " E- b € EH!+Fffi *EAfl"Wffi+,A EhHTEEffi i* R. f FE tf {f H,{frt+E ffi.4+rw,;iq

STEPff srEP W lilffiffiffi iffiffiffi +lLfrtJ RiE;ft,hHtrHIL E qKffi TE H" E:Nil

'ffIT;E6ft E ;?fitq. HiI Ht;ElE,'fEEItffi

;iqtft{*f+HItE*f,14fi9F+'fRfFEffi " Be* * H!zj<'ff}"+'&EEffi {Ftftffi;i.l'fi EJIE*tft H!X t*'{fr+F'tt;HHF E, €' ffri# irilHILft,#FE7l friJWWJ"

W{ t} M ta,t:t (. d"}tAqi! "r\- m /-b (3 l'^ nf-].r.fnwi



Be'" iffim#L

S i z e :1 2 5 m1

6Ei: 12s€tl

R€comm*ndedUse: Smoothoverfaceand neck gentlymassage. Rinsewith warmwateror if preferred,tissue off.Usemorningand evening,followedby (fornormalto dry skin) HydratingRefiner.

Be"{friftXF*z}c .!qHIAWI; tllt,\kfJ Y*;,W !fltttt"Vt{t t1:!; +1. li:f.;#.itil

4x.iffiWt'r*6" "rtn\W*f'!it;'r.hW.HL'ii,if;

K€y lngrediente: Chamomile, Licorice, WhiteBirchLealOat Extracts,SoyBeanOil.

#i{5ffi,#.: . 7fAEEEITII!,*flI&'Efr*M'T*IJFAflItFi H!X*fi8 . €HEiE1 sf+H#'f {HlFH'a= H!+E+, {FS . ulc#'fiE,€**FA+EfE;HE,{eflllfi*t€ tH. *+ flilniF . xf,*iEuFffiEel€effiffiaec . TFA/\Ee*ilF{8.7F*+&8ffi +,F

Fealureg& Bcncfits:


:ssr; ,m4r'



3€rt#i: ;+Hffiffij*.{+^+ffijf. fr*{€s. +L Efd{E++. l&i9{€ffitri*: rJ,tF,At&ltfi rytEElEE+1ts+,r', *i*E ;fr" F ffi*ll,tUErE#f{T;fi,4E FzJ<,f flf,{FE1)i( +,EE+'rffiE EE)

Wrw $A t"t{.f. {.w dw

r" tinY&u+;


Be"iHffi;Ei* q*Www {3wwy*mAmdWwswww c|wwwS[s$ w-tfiwgynluug hrwynwvfi\i,ws



Ksy lfigredienl* Pineapple Extract, BitterOrange,Lemon Extracts.

Y* S i z e :l 2 5 m l

6E1: 12s€tl

n*comm€nd€d Usc: Splashfacewith warmwater,lathera small amountof FoamingCleanser in yourhands andapplyto faceand neckusinga gentle circularmotion.Rinsethoroughlywith warm water.Usemorningandevening,followed by Mattefi/ingRefiner. (fornormalto combination or oilyskin)

K€ylngredi€nts, OolongTea,ChamomileExtracts, Cucumber Extracts,HorsetailExtract.

)tze: tz5ml

6Et: l2sEtl

fie(ommcnded Usot Aftercleansing,pump 4 to 5 spraysoverfaceand neck,avoidingeyearea.Gentlypatdry using fingertips.lf preferred.applyto a cotton pad and sweepoverfaceand neck,using upward,outward motions.Usein the morningandeveningfollowing BeCreamyCleanser. (fornormalto dry skin)

*.&r8"#: Ht€€E. ,il+ffi+. t+t*ffi!p. ffiEH ffi+. 9-C;+HffiffiES" r*i!,tfffifi&: ryEE fi!iEE;€*tt+,t,ulFtr4*6fit1 E Frt ;g;*l* E,s lii E *& Effi *lI,f* E H ;fi" Fffi fEE1)i(+'tr5tEe'Effi iEujcift E&+,ISE;8.tr8*EEE)

*srI,li): -qlz#. €rn{€+. r+H#tEjf. HeH


r*t!..l*ffi,"r* F R*'FF E{EE,FJt"'J Ei*tI&;i gIIlfr4E 5)i, z}< HtF,AHT {tl E*E'fE&ffi Wtlt, niFfIF.H tL;W.A1#l{tt+ffi. +flfr.fEE1)i( +,trE+,lt[tEiE H)

W v w d rL u * t t " w d q * l*

u[1 j'f]rl t{


Be'"iHSf*H*zlc W*nvilffy, %,wwttrw Mwutfi {Awffiruw Wwvws, W!$VuiWw {"wyu\y wilhfrvnru'#hnilww

tt:li'jl: iffi#tt, iW4YW.frft , $#, W,rliffi,frFi F€atures& Benefite:

#t|,6F?.#,: . 4E EEE F\IllN.Hr!<Itlifr 'ptA*,e?:MR, F{tfltrEt . . 7F€/\i€g*fEFffi ,Zia+trEFt+R dtrts

ffilt5ffi,#; . r4#Ffe€fiJ HtJ &*E+rt'ffi!+ltfrl, 6fr.fRFfiH! Hft*f6+'C . 71.-€;EtH. Md+fri,T*+Sflrlffi +B . tfltrffiff !1E€rJw&rs {gHltaiiiJ{R# . . zig/\E€*fnF+F,7F*+stEffi +ffi rttri*


'Mffi MI L!ffi WIffi JWffi.'f.Itr HL "NtJ ,!i iiiii

Exclusive patent-pending botanical blend naturally ensures product freshne5s without harsh chemical preservatives Alcohol-free, pH-balanced, non-drying formula Prepares skin for optimal hydration No artificial fragrances or dyes to dry ol irritate skin Natural botanical aroma promotes a sense of



Be' FoamingCleanser

F€atitrss & B*nefils; . Soap-free, water-activated formula thoroughlylathersand rinsesclean . Naturalbotanicalfragrances promote a senseof balanceandwell-being . No artificialfragrancesor dyesto dry or irritateskin

f" nti 4tql\ry


%wwtMw MrndWt wffiuuw Wwrww

ffiwnf6yffiilwmri,*w Whl'ilwWr*w*pwvkwxg Features& Benefitsr . Soap-free formulagentlycleanses while pamperingthe skin'snaturalmoisture barrier . Containing morethan 15precious botanicals . Water-soluble, luxuriouslotiondissolves dirt and oil leavingskinfeelingclean,soft andsmooth . Naturalbotanicalfragrancepromotesa senseof healthandwell-being . Noartificialfragrances or dyesto dry or irritateskin

("w Mw W rw tA utt' t:


i. ,M -Y . . .


Exclusive patent-pending botanical blend naturally ensuresproduct freshnesswithout harsh chemical preservatives Alcohol-free, pH-balanced, non-drying formula Preparesskinforoptimalhydration Natural botanlcal aroma refreshes the SenSeS



ffi ry

Noartificialfragrancesordyestodryor trnlale SKtn


r,1. ir'

Key lngrediants: OolongTea,NaturallyAstringentWitchHazel. PumpkinSeedExtract,HorsetailExtract. Recortmend€d

Si z e:125m 1

6E : 125e+


After cleansing, spray4to 5 pumps over face and neck, avoiding eye area. Gently pat dry and sweep overface and neck. using upward, outward motions. Use in the morning and evening following Be Foaming Cleanser (for normal to combination or oily skin)

ffi{b5*.s: . r4#n-fA€fU H!&*€.rynffi+fi,+n, ffr{*FffEi Hft#fc+,g . TFgtE#F.&ffi+f4r,rF*+E{fltrffi +ffi . h EnffiMti€& t){W'&IEF. Eltfiiriq{+# . X f.*iEffr€ffiF ffi.r&etBffiile? . zig/\Ec*fnF+H,7Fa+$EEt+H


*srt,ffi: -qlz#. -cEHffi+. t+Hfitr€+.eAE ffi+F++. isi!,t{8tr,*:

F[*'E'EE.IEE,FJI.'J ffi*II&;frEIIffi455)A, HtE,AHT{tt+4}E'lE4E*zJ< [14!. ,FFIEHILIV.ffi#f'tKe&" +lft {EH1)f (+'l$ErEA,tStrE&+'tt3 ffi,IIffiEJEE)

Wrqnffiv,tr.y. {wr},w

Bg'-D ryEnergy'"SsFum

.r'* fif] jfrt -ni


Be'"FligligtrfH#i& wfiWwtwrnnw ffiMilv{ wWmv,utr %,tw wvugt\nwvtilrwgT\n*


Skin fortifier that intervenes by strengthening the skin's natural defense. A fusion of more than 30 potent botanical extracts and nutrient5, energize the skin while helping maintain a bright, clear,

,,,,,ffi' . .

Br tr


healthy complexion Lightweight serum absorbs quickly, leaving skin soft and comforted Over 30 natural botanicals and nutrients revitalizethe skin aswell asthe senses No artificial fragrances or dyes to dry or irritate skin

Key Ingredients:


Ginseng Root Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract, Ectoin, Mulberry Extract, Vitamin C {Sodium Ascorbyl Palmitate)

S i z e :1 5 m l

#E: 1s€+

Ra(ommcndedUse: Apply in the morning after cleansing and refining. Using fingertips, smooth 2-3 drops overface and neck. Avoid eye area. Follow with hydration.

W v f f i ri a i t . t { t } d w

Be"l5fifF Hffi


#*t5s.fi: . rn5fifftE*if Hf.^n-ffiwffih,Hg &i!. +,fr{Et 3ot{Vfr #r|E+nE+, eE{eE[[*E EEF&*E-E lEi+Bjlffi)Et+. . r=E*yr#t+L'ffi,Hw&ILtEy^wEILffi . ABi13of4I2F #r+H+hH# *,4 irtffie. tatuflttfr*a!rrrf . 7Ffr,lEE*fE6tg,Zie+'tEE*+F Ei&t*

Featurer & Benefitsi . Help restoremoisture while protecting againstthe drying effectsof sun,wind, and centralair . Shieldsskinagainsttheagingeffectsof UVB/UVArays . Quick-absorbing cremecreatesa smooth skinsurfacefor makeupapplication . No artificialfragrancesor dyesto dry or irritateskin

ssrtfih tRAfti+F+.H€+f+HI+.E r[l{€+. ^6ffi!P-;€}E+F+'EErfF*. +Ftr|+E

!+. tLtufrc+"

t*iIfFffi*"lt; iEHitFLiff, Be-"E Flifi /: ffi 4iEt€ 5 iUifrff tt& *E&inflt. (Ff€ffiEHiEE)

$.*w s:+,t",,N Wvfi qlu.a

Be"Night RecoverySerum



t: tlr [17 l\11!Wl"x5


Be*&tHJmSfg#i& mlWrwwwnw i,"n:*w Wwmww %Mhw' mWhryYwt:t Wmkwwufl{y

S i z e :1 5 ml

FE: 1s€+

H€(ommended Us€: Apply in the evening after cleansingand refining. Using 6ngertips, smooth 2-3 drops over face and neck. Avoid eye area. Follow with hydration. (for all skin types)


Key Ingfedientsi TitaniumDioxide,GrapeSeedPolyphenols, SoybeanOil,Vegetable-derived SqualaneForms BalmMint, LicoriceExtract,CorallinaOfficinalis.

*sfi,tti: ffiIIEHTE+. E?fi+F+.+fRiT+E+.H €frffi+. 4$F*. s{uffA. c. E. H6+F;H. 7I4C^{FH. *SrirE ^-q

HeeommEnded User In the morning,usingfingertips,smooth evenly overfaceand neckusingupward,outward motions.Avoidthe immediateeyearea. (for normalto dry skin)

iSiJU(ffifr*r iEE il + l.,j.FE, 4ffi zJ<,ffi #;& 2 tr,fl iE E DttFEt€5 tUi*tiE&*lI&;fi Ell.trE ffi w&" 144,+GFR*F"(+,t4E+,t$ffi EIEE)


6E: 30€tl

ffi&l&{.*,*i: . + lfrErLffi*+fi+{FEIffi1+Utft]t FH rE. F[&;+5Ei.16+ . mtFanff .,FiEWqEF!E+1,{EF'IN*+'E*XIN, EAIW . rF€/\EE=f86ffi ,Zi*+*lgE*+,F

Be Night NourishingCreme

W,tffiffisitt {:,{*tJw"







W,*ptwrnbw,Vuwri, {&wilwt;uavw {\ru$WwguahrTWvw'hW.iun'n {'Lan\wwt:n$ L-i,pbt[ Wmrrfiww

'mb;liffi ;.'t&l|,F;iffi iwifk-flk,N;,4#,*htrN"illLilkfut:fl J:,r{

{,Uil,'ixk {k"tN"tel:MM.k\ tlt fl 'iWt,

KeF lng.edient$: Evening PrimroseOil,Tocotrienols,Date Palm Extract,Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract.

f f ii*f f i

. lntV,ffi"iri4"\.'ffi\ ffiF, $Wiilt'b#i,!i'i#: 4..fril.Wh lli :i#i

(for all skin types)

Featurei & Benefitsr . Lightweight, silky fluid calms and destressesthe skin . Continued use helps delaythe signs of aging; skin will look firmer, smoothet more radiant . Over'18 natural botanicalsand nutrients revitalizethe skin as well as the senses . No artificialfragrancesor dyes to dry or irritate skin

, 1,

t i I-- t:1t1'..N\

ttt r*wilnuqtwVJm6b,y WAy ffiwm\ftwrnMwnM Wvwtr"wu,hhwn

t,frk r.4faf;1, hffi if tilil"Hk Whlqrln

Features& 8€nefits:


6*t5{$.*: . #EiEJTtr;HFAE )1E{Efr,ffiTLHILffiEft, lslEtF46ET: . Ktr.tcEE EfiEiEFUHlr4,*,itE[Lffi EtEtiffi ,E !+'l++fif&{lCRrbt+ . eBigl 8fFXft +H+'E##,Aiaffie.'W €Ellff9$'ltH!ttrl . z.e^tre=il8{F,7Fa+5{EE*+R Ettr,*

Featurer& 86refits:

preventskinsensitivities . Provides maximumhydrationand protection . Naturalbotanicalaromarefreshes the sen5e5 . No artificialfragrancesor dyesto dry or irritateskin

*ss,{f}: ++itrt{F+. Fr[,FtFjf.i€]HfH+. dr*ifl+F #ftF*+F+. tRArf+F+. I.b&.

€i!{EH6*: iEHntHfLitf, Be-'@ i4t f ffilFieJ€S tUi*ttitEt *F&fiBII" (FFE'ffiEHi€H)


. Luxuriouscremedeeplyreplenishes. moisture, formoresupple skinovernight . Strengthensnatural . moisturebarrier, helpins


#E: 30€tl

KeyIngredientsr 50y,SweetAlmondOil,Pistachio Nut Oil,Rosemary Extract, VitaminK. Reeommanded User In the evening,gentlysmoothoverfaceand neckusingupward,outwardmotions. (fornormalto dry skin)

inEtfiitqfllffi,ilEltEit0,fif!*rfi+frllig EJlffiHitt*[FEE igififlllfi*FtJtt*;t:{{*}FE,itmFtrt&ffi &ts

. tE{*Enffi F t E!{RiE&{*tF{f E . xr.++H+tnffi +,{F'EIffi E+trM . Ta/\Ee#fnE+F,7F*+tr8ffi+F ET&B

*,s&.ff).: *Htr. EfrA.Efi. ]I,l.Rffi. #{6ftK. iEi*8ftfffi++" r*is{fiHbif: iEHttffi I,;Ffi ,&HzJ<,ffi S&2tr,fl iE E1r.){tFE€5 rd*ffi tr&*t3&iE*tr,E # (+,t+E+t+ffi ffiw{r. E4ifr4EE*13" .iFrElE I

Be DayVeil' Lotion

W r udw {..t, i l $tt# firl :4fi ?":l



Be*El t'flJFfrfF#Liffi

RecommendedUse: pumps In the morning,smoothseveral evenlyoverfaceand neckusingupward, outwardmotlons,avoidingimmediate contactwith the eyes.(fornormalto or oilyskin) combination

i*i,!,tFsrfr,*: EE itFt,tF;f; ,*F*2F,ffi S&2E,fl iE € r)ttFfrEr€ 5 t&;:ft t*E[0*B&rfi*l],E6+E w4t" E4;+EHR*|].(+{$ErEe,EffiE &+'ISEfi,EffiEiEH)



s"- a fJ,8 .


fr:J L3 *i" 'JlHJ4ru IH

F**r$wpple $k{alffiwenrl$pfl'lt h{ydrmt&om, Seep{y ffiegr$emfshes

l*',{ W, ffiL#ffi\WW#*,iffi ffi** Hlt$fr1fri

. Strengthensnatural moisture barrier, helping prevent skin sensitivities . No artificialfragrancesor dyes to dry or irritate skin . Natural botanicalscalm and soothe the Senses Key Ingredi€nts:

Features& 8€nefits: Chamomile andlicorice to minimize the fine appearance of darkcircles,puffiness, linesandwrinkles Jojobaoilhydratesdelicateskin Tocopherol, helpsquench an antioxidant, freeradicals

*sffi#|; ffirttFffijf. E6,{F+. effifrffijf. H €*fffis. #FtF*. EEIEE. t-Ct +r4rE+F+.ii{*ffi;H+.

l i r i l u l '.a L 't

. Lushlotiondeeplyreplenishes hydration, skinovernight forsupple


s{t5s,fi: . +l$iilLffi*lh +{EflllE*fE r)ltftlrFEiE. Fr&)+5Ei.ff+ .,f*'FEnffift,E* * &,A&X &Bffr1EE .'t*i8W&F!EI+L,{EH[E*+;F*nm.#5 ^ -L{t . Te,\i€6*fEE{€,TA+&Effi+H Eli&,*

Be-Night NourishingLotion

Features& Eenefrts:




Size: 15ml/ bottle e4.


. Opticaldiffusersinstantlybrighten the eye areaand blur fine lines . Unique gel-crdmeliquefiesinto the skin for an immediate moisture boost . Createsa silkycanvasfor makeupto effortlesslyglide on . Soothing aroma derived from pure essentialoils . No artificialfragrancesor dyes (ey Ingredients: Water,Jojoba Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Hydrolyzed RiceBran Protein,DipotassiumGlycyrrhizate, Bisabolol,Tocopherol,Squalene,Chamomile HungarianFlowerOil,Chamomile Roman FlowerOil,ChamomileMoroccanOil, Sage SpanishOil,ClarySageOil, SandalwoodOil, Orange FlowerOil Recommended l,lse: Usingthe ring finger,gently pat a small amount over the entire eye area,use day and night

fffl:5S.*: . +ry H;+Hfr&HHEiffiS, 6Eil#R ERE&ER*ll,gE+,fr&fiTffi&. . ffiffiEEffitBg'Ehjlifr;t'ijEE*llEllE* .^tr8liftt*ErER*llFllffitE{^lf+t5.ft H!{+fF . trl9y;&ffi*tffiifffn, B.EFfESiIEFHF$

' t+FE-nilL .'4ffi filBflAERF6EAE5E[*E€, JN iEibE[i;Eis/<i] . ffiM.AfrffiffiffiaEF4fr ER*l3flltffi , fi+4, ERg[{tfi{LrdfiffiF . . Tg,\iE6t+fi**+

rsdi,fi): mEi+Hfi. r#r6Er+Hffi.f*Er+H H. HH. rtTtrdE.HEi+*. t+i. € ts. EtEffitH.ie6. 6ffi^. FttreHfn +:fE^fxH6iEMffi+ €i,{,{€.8fr',*: F ftft€{e H - )i.{FHBe*}FE6 ttJEllf,iE TJE€'F,t\ ERtr= E A!Be'"F FRFE relEE iL - E f 6,$6far+EERF ia[&tlt,ffi ERJA EIE|JERE


. tTEffiti{ELffi,itflliffitEffifl*[&+frilE [I[ffiHtJxsflFEE

. tgtEBIlEi F f,*#iril'f*iFE,itrfi FDfEffi


. tE.l*frlffi H F t Ei.Rrn&.{FtF.ff . x*tawtF+,lqBr1ffi + i6'rM . 7F€/\Eetfr6+F,7Fe+FIrqffi+R Etffr* ssfi{h:

An advanced complex of soy and rice bran peptides and yeast prot€in works 3 ways: . lmprovesmicrocirculationto help soften dark circlesand de-puff eyes . H el ps dec r eas ec ol l age n a n d e l a s t i n b re a k d o w n t o d e l a y t h e l o o k o f f i n e l i n e s , w ri n k l e s a n d c re e p i n e s s . Helps neutralizeenvironment damage that can lead to skin aging

-ffFS**tr,rFA{*&&€ grJ:tr6H€*'&#Rx: gI3'EI .'fEiTFR I[, ?TER EE E {IE tr & EREI]'+ F+E EE .,W.'rWIF.EHer4hEA{.rhffi ,tfiJLZlL,ffifrrn . f*tFEF*BEIlf,eS,FF!,ffF,rf E UtWf39.E+ri1f

AlgaeExtract, Humectant Soy,oliveExtract, ttrl$ffi+. &{&,-frK.Ai*€ftt{F PhytolipidstPhytosphingosinel,Rosemary +, ^HE.?ktrW.,lEffiEffi. +Lfiz|rgE.el€ t< Extract,Vitamin 6[FE. Xtt*{€fi+. Recommandeduse: In the evening,smoothoverfaceand neck usingupward,outwardmotions. (fornormalto combination or oilyskin)


(i.+:n 4!, :b#:#"tt :::fiW HW #"ryf. ik"t|#jffifr ffit:'ffi W'fl- t#,ft ffii,ir"{:" 1'fr

kfiitfis",{ffi$siffi w"ww

Key Ingredients: Polyphenols. TitaniumDioxide,Grapeseed Officinalis. AloeVera,Corallina Squalane,


'\';1" J[ h4Nft[.:fmskevtqur\MwW;tws- nwftm"fwtw1&$ u\,\nvtub,t tmM*$wt,mf\t.aIsamf wnarukwMtrfMt%

Pd$fi sttlrw ffitnlmnew m*$t&rffi$k$e'!'$

Features& Benefits; . Restores moisturebalancewhile protectingthe skinfromdrying elements environmental . 5hieldsskinagainsttheagingeffectsof rays UVB/UVA . Quick-absorbing lotioncreates a smooth skinsurfacefor makeupapplication . Noartificial fragrances or dyesto dry or irritateskin


&i!{fSSrE: iEHFt& L,tF ;f;,* F*zj<,ffi f ,&2 tr, BiE 5tuifrt Effi*t]&fi glJ,tr$effi E r)rtF[Er€ (+'ltEtEA'tr8*E Wtlf" E4,i+EER*11" &+,t+Efi,trfriEiEH)



Be- PhytoCollagenMasque

Pr od* r c t

C s l de





${elpsto stimulate co4laqenproduction" tarqet skimprohlerns and irmproweskin texture

iif,,illiriH{s4 ++H,jH'.i C,* it{ .}H[nfl"',] ffi{s}lii# tr ft ffii'l'ft,f,TJFffiH,n Ar; Feat$res and Benefits: . Phyto - Collagenformulation

Be PerfectingLiquid Foundation


125x whitening effect lncreasemoistuteby 6OVo Reducefinelinesand wrinkles Visiblyfirm and smooth skin ' lmprove skin elasticity ' Promote a healthy, youthful appearance . No colouringsandfragrances

Size: 6 pieces of Faceand Neck mask Content: FaceMask (19m1)each Neck Mask (8ml) ea€h effi.i


(€Hlee+) 56HrfiEtl (€H8€+)Eiffi

Key lngredients: LavenderOil,Tocopherol,Fullerene, HematococcusPluvialisOil, Olive Fruit Oil and RosemaryOil

fH{* *Ffifr}Sffi HS iffitlf W#iffi

ffi{L5ttF.: . PHYTOBFEEEI,f,

Recomm€nded Use: After Be* Cleanser and Refiner,apply PhytoCollagenFaceand Neck mask for about I 0-15 minutes.RemoveFaceand Neck mask. Massagethe remaining essenceon the face until it is fully absorbed.No need to wash off. It is recommended to use once every 5 days. Suitablefor all skin types.

12s.t*-Hff+ Eff Ell.[*zjcfJ][60% tfr"]'fr&fr#.g. {EEIlffi*'FfEF4[ {,EitEtlffiHiJS,tt i,tEffi€tg*+tril-tifi TFaE#ilFf+ FT{J}: EFA+,ffi+gfifi #,ffitH{FF,Ei*F TF;H


Medium ochre stsr.EngEUE MediumBeiseF€€fitrgflE

Liqwf;dFoundatiamfireatsdas Slsin(are Frmduet

. Nobel-PrizeWinningDiscovery:Fullerene . *fiifitl6{-fftFI.lri(HFA+) . . . .

Fr o d u ct C o d e

Size: 339/ bottle v4.


,*i.!{FffiEiX: f$HEi&4ffiE, Bfl fBe*lfiEEFE FHI E!&*IJ&IFEFIE#.ffi. W@TFEHTK

*r" EEtaffi*tr&.;fr fr , t\l?^fi EtlwH sr|$+,FIFIryT.trltF trLrtJl0='1 &E+r&5E *'tgffil.E ;frr+ T Ft{€!f, e&r&"ff EEzi#t+tf. rtil€ffist {EE1)t.

Features& Benefits: . A lineup of two colorsto matchyourskin: MediumOchreandMediumBeige . A unioueformulathat consists of a blend of olant extracts . Enhances skinmoisturewith the strong powerof hyaluronic moisturizing acid . Maintains beautifulfinishfor longhours with the formationof a"secondskin" ofa dewyand andgivesthe impression luminouscomolexion. . Easy-to-apply liquidfoundationwhichis smoothand satin-soft. Keylngredients: TitaniumDioxide, Cyclomethicone, Dimethicone, Talc,Glycerin, Squalane, Peppermint Oil,EveningPrimrose Oiland LicoriceFlavonoid

ffitL5ffi.F,: . *a2ffiffiE-Er{*itF, +FAe&+ 6e


. iEFEE&(HyaluronicAcid) &MPCE! ftt& {+tE*R FIJgtuBIlffiHtJ tEtr . F^H!tr+di{* "tr-E'lnffi" -t+, !Arin EzJ<ffi iftiFtalfr#tqt . E,fi,l,tHlEru,z+i**, ^i.tl8EqEllffi n JftWlt'ft, +fiuzffiW+iE *,Frt{J}: i6EFEM.MPC.E.EF +Hry''ltfr'8f6. ts. ffiffiEg €i!,{fHf,;*: ffiH,EEBe*E*iE#1.t#.e*+fiF*. TE&Eiffi, HTffiT, *HE'Efi!f,'I ;:frt*r€€FlrE.

RecomrnendedUse: Applyan adequateamountofthe liquid foundationandusefingertipsor makeup spongeto spreadout the foundationin the outerdirection.Then, spreadthe foundation to the cheek.foreheadand chin.in that oroer.

Be TranslucentFinishingPowder

Froduc t

fl c de



f..Hr*H rnHrmff

A Magic Fmwder *hmt ffir*il'lam*es Sil{.irx Sffimothness

tgi#fiftfi*iffiHfiffi fit,iS"&ffif"$) Features& B€nefits: . . . .

Size: 259 / bottle E!&.i


Finishing that makes one feel as if wearing a veil Boosting a light diffusing effect, which makes oores and wrinkles less obvious Utilizing sebum+ to prevent breakdown of maKeuD Moistening effect is enhanced with a blend of plant-based squalene "Utilizing Sebum -- Sebum solidifing powder absorbs oil excreted from the skin and changes it into gel form,This prevents breakdown offacial make up and shiny skin

Xey Ingredients: Talc,Squalene, Chitosanand Zinc Oxide Recommended Use: Applya reasonable amountoffinishingpowder on the cheek,foreheadand chin,in that order,asif pressingthe powderonto the skin.Besurenotto missthe finer areas.Useit aloneor useit to setthe LiquidFoundationfor a flawlesslook

ffiti5ffi.€: . iE FEHq$*idiln E i6#-E

ffi 9)

. rEffittilHtitfrR, :,tailefi&.n

EFHM . t€eEHlF'lt, tr{+Ellffir}idFtEEF f€s,b ffiffi{6. Ftr tr.ft'tfriEFIHtr[r]*|l dfrilHtJ{,t)E, . e€Ery/'Eft'elffi(squalane), f*iEi{ *l+^EF *,SrL#): €ry/'rfr€If;. MPc+ t€i{{Ftrti*: txtJlft iEryEEEtE,ltg#i), +&ffi . Fts[&TEtt#tE. EHTrEAffi-E ,EtrIL

.W, , ff


[']ni"i":l*i',.1ilir I

w $


a* tS



f;11, i,;.i l;i,, .r,r

iltii 'll.|: _

(A Premium GreenTeaE AF':'fltEr*+) Ah:eVeraF*i (DeepNaturalMoisturizer *#Hlift tr=?l'




,dr ,irl


Vitarnin i- ftifFX f

(Combines with VitaminC to Provide OptimaI Whitening EffectsiF"tELEE#CI\ fE.f^nffi{+H!+Fi{R) VitanrinA ifi**A (Nature's FinestWrinkleReducer F1+H!

Lutcinl]'iâ‚Ź* xfitfiqFfF+) (PowerfulAntioxidantFound in the Marigold Flower E#iZ+EI#,htJfefJIiiA Vitanrin f #i*- C ,ILfi{) (Oil-Soluble for OptimalAbsorption ifri6

i{R) truittr,f+H!!,tqf



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Matef"la{':re*nTs* },{*


[{r,ltir,,l"",,tr;ti i-i;,ll ;lii il

Product Code

Aestival' RadianceCleansingLiquid" .'7'3 E l* trNl7Attrl




€*t: €ffi100€tl


Featuresand Benefits: . A light,daytimelotion . Softlymoisturizes skinand provides effectiveUVDrotection . Powerfulantioxidantshelpsto protectthe skinfromsignsofagingand promotes cellularhealth

6!L-54*.{: . '84#;FF!EIE]FfrF9L& . rEtE t&t Ellffiil.tzjcfl)#lE{*€l! E!lttl rfi#E . ffint+t5ft nd€'Et+tr,5rEtru{tHiE *+{EiT'EEEER

KeyIngredients: Oil,Aestival'Radiance OrangeOil,Lavender BeautyBlend

:E€Bt#): EEffiE. *fiH+Fil. Aestival "HE *fflFI,fr]

Key Ingredients: TitaniumDioxide,Licorice, YlangYlang Essential Oil,OrangeOil,Lavender Oil, Aestival'Radiance BeautyBlend

*€rL#i: -5{ttt. HH. .t&:3tfffi;E.Effi+F fi, XfiHffiil. Aestival'Hi+-fl[FI,{r}

RecommendedUse: Applytwo pumpsof Aestival'Radiance Liquidon the palmandgently Cleansing massage on faceand neckin light,upward, circularmotions.Rinsethoroughlywith water.Patskindry.Usemorningand night.

t*ilHif: rnJ.hHtJ fl fr ffitt.tlE++,L. i. D{+TEI fi 1\, #*tu&WE*lle.rfr*ll. t:tiHzj<ift ,F, f*E'H+Effi" Effi_N.

RecommendedUse: Usedailyaftercleansing andtoning.Applya pearlsizeamountto fingertipsandsmooth evenlyoverfaceand neckusingupward and outward motions.Avoiddirectcontact with eyes.

I*i{Hr*: T ;Hffi-5*ffi E, E[H-*fi vr+.fr]E+tF *L, D{ltif&rar *ffiilE, t€€$ifrt €EiEII&fil'" +tEH"

Featuresand Benefits: . A non-irritating clarifyingcleanser . Purifies the skinfrom dailypollutantsand toxins . Suitablefor all skintypes . Enriched with the Aestival'Radiance BeautyBlend

Aestival' RadianceBalancingToner"


. 4EfrIJffitIM]Ei!'FE'Effi fiI .'6tt EME Xffittfi*S{Hrr;E *Mtn €t .EETFf€'Effi*4 . HgAestival'FEtflltFlfii

P roduct

C ode



84 .




Aestival@Radiance Regenerative Night Milk-

Pr o d u ct C o d e





#**ffiffiHHt'.f*ift Featuresand Benefits: . Removes impurities fromcleansing . Balance the skinsnaturalpH . Prepared the skinfor moisturizing

tr!154*.*; . *FftrErtsiJtEtiE,#J+ffi

KeyIngredients: Acid,Camphor, WitchHazel,EthylAscorbic Aestival'Radiance SodiumHyaluronate, BeautyBlend,

*'Ertlii: e94ffi. zElit4Irffi. Hfr{'. EnEEM FF+E|IFI{,} td. Aestival'

RecommendedUse: Cleansing UseafterAestival'Radiance Liquid.Applyto faceand neckwith cotton ballusingupwardandoutwardmotions. Removeexcesstoner with cotton ball.Use morningand night.

Size: 50ml/ bottle

Reqenerate& Refreshthe Skinafter the Dav'sStress

Gently ExfoliateWhile Moisturizing

Size: 100m1 / bottle



;iA'tA H * &+Aht * 6 i;!.Ift+nnnffi.*.rt lfi E -

trA'H H +L FH-* +T'9. ifrtr;g'HH!*,F,FT E EF

Size: 100m1 / bottle

E igllsfifr#Lffi

Pr o d u ct C o d e

Moisturizeand Protectthe Skinfrom UV Damaqe

Liohtweiqht, Deeplv CleanseHvdro-lipid Cleanser

'flffi !i,ii$

Aestival@Radiance Protective Day Milk SPF30'"

Featuresand Benefits: . Softenskin,reduceinflammation . Helpsto improveskinelasticity andto reducewrinkles . Formulated with VitaminC,A & Eto protectagainstfree radicals

. *€ifftffiH!Hf,*pH{H . rEinE[E*WqizJ< +rl#rg?h

K€y Ingr€dients: OliveTreeDerivative,Aestival'Radiance BeautyBlend,Ylang YlangEssential Oil, OrangeOil,LavendetSafflower Oil

igilHi*: 5f€H iaE;8ffitrE, H.SEET.ft)tttf; L, UtAL&.t4tl'F!dr.ff , ifrffiEEi*[& iF-L. FIE-)i" Size: 50ml/ bottle e4.


Usenightlyaftercleansing andtoning.Apply a pearl-size amountto fingertipsandgently smoothoverfaceand neckusingupward and outwardmotions.Avoiddirectcontact with eyes.

ff415{S,*: .[+fftE#. rH4 . #Etrl+Effii+t4.)d}fi4 . He1#*"#C. &E#A&.#EAEV gFTE!HHE HtJ{f F'I H 6JBI3'E'I.*II F

*'€rl,lii: ffiffiFtfti44r. ft={fiE. EffiffiH. *&H+F;H. 9Iitfi. Aestival'FiF* E[FI.lr] reiyHr*: + if;ffi-54ffi tr, Wfr- *frVtrIfiE+ rE 9iL, tXFiL&rAtl#tiltE, 4qtdr*l* fiEi*B&iml.. ffiifeH"

Pr o d u ( t C o d e

AboriginalGold' SkinComfortingCreme




Discovertha Ancient Aborig*nal $e*ret

ifli:htr ttr,'ft,fH{&fi'{ffi fd:tr 6i14,,'ft Features and Benefits: . With proven anti-fungal action ' lt soothes inflamed skin and is known to alleviateeven the most challenging skin conditions like extremely dry, crackedor irritated skin . l t re l i e v e s c ra c k e d a n di rri t a t e ds k i n d u e t o dryness. Key Ingredients: Centipeda Cunninghamii,TeaTree Oil, Geranium Leaf Oil, PrimroseSeed Oil, LavenderOil, Aloe Vera.

S i ze:75m1 /Tube

E#: EgTsAr+

Recommended Use: Twice daily or as needed, gently massagea g e n e ro u sa mo u n t o n t o t h e s k i n .

6t[-5{S.fi: . ET&i[*rHE-+nHriR . ffi&+w&ffi.ffiEllffi,{+E|lE4t+,tr EHE ,XI&ETE.fUE * Ff9IE H!IEE4flIIEi . ),iiI4+HIlE*EEEEf[.,I[''Ff i€FIF!}EE, fEl*,1*iE€.i{ Htr € JFrt6E *4rli.,lA: CentipedaCunninghamii. 4trtt6;fi.x . ftiFrE. @H+rfi. ffi6dEE. itri.Hrs. FeH;fi. F*+. r€iItFHt.i*: EEffi)AET'TFg{EE" )|giE€tt',lffi +ffi t€5tft+ }t+t+ 5 r"lFI attp, +# 4+*rFIFE;a E[Ei.

Pr o d u ct C 0 d e





isPncke,i nfitrEn

All f{ntural Uniqu* Lifting Sffecf


Size: l 5pktsX l 0g/B ox

tr€l5 4.€ x 108

Features and Benefits: . H e l p s f i rma n d t i g h t e n t h e s k i n . Gentlycleansesimpuritiesand lifts toxins . Helpsboth oily and dry skin maintain optimal moisturelevels . Worksin harmonywith the skin'sown naturalrhythmsto createa naturalglow and healthyradiance

ffill5{S.f;: . EritEIJ fnE[fi1&,4* sEftfitHlif+ . iEfI iU;ft'ft+E,lJFltAE lEt€* . Ftr\E*W t{EiEr-fl H. 5fl1iffi . E!H*fi F EtHEB'A,{F,6EFtlT'rilz\ ')+f . fiqBJi+,tt&fi {rEF*.ift++tri*F!tfllc

Key Ingredients: The ProprietaryFormulaOf MineralMask ContainsAn Abundant BlendOf More Than 30 RevitalizingMinerals,IncludingCoppet Silver, CalciumCarbonate.


Recommended Use: Mix the mineralmaskwith purified water. Varyamount of water to achievedesired consistency. Apply to clean,dry skin and let dry for 10- 20 minutes.Removegently with tepid water and facialcloth. Usetwo times a week for maximum results.

tEr'i{A: ,4{+H h#tr ;FX#q"+Ff +ttiE,raE &fi, €i!..fEEE,*: €,J.E fi!fi 42EnH-510€ 1l*iEzlciEtr E tfrl,i,4?4,It)nHffi *t&zJ< H!iilEl.:{it EeiE H!46rC,;f; FtEiFtf,&+* H!F[f*r, rA', o-20h++. i4lIFFEFfr E. 4',r+1 FI. f#trxHTi6, r:tiEzl< ;f,;frFtJ

Bar AboriginalGold' Cleansing

Product Code



ar r Er F E f AH'rffiE

ANENZ Firstin the market with Oil-solubleCatechin- CoCoGreen'"

fitJL#*-CoCoGreen'* fr ttlLffi *frfiEF;Ft*



C ode

-l rE ZA E f HA'/ffi5


Mild Vegetable-basedCleanser

Siz e: 100 9 / B a r

P roduc t


Featuresand Benefits! barutilizescleansers Vegetable-based derivedfrom coconutoil (sodiumcocoate) andpalmoil (sodiumpalmate)to clean withoutstrippingskin Refreshingscentfrom naturalextracts providesan a.m."wakeup"in the shower Leaves skinfeelingcleanandcomfortable Dermatoloqisttested

ft!154t.fi: . t\lE.WhEM,ryFffifrH(ffirfffit$)Tr ffifi4fi (iHfl4&fi ),4 E ffirt ffif"i#rlraz, f,fiT*fillifiF,rffi . -f$ HiFirtli*f+€fntltgtjFtCEfiffi +, €Ef#$rffi*€rEMHqEllffi . tlFFAtEtFf EtHnd+6A@Fff *fftE* HtrFr^ . * F XfJrtE4rffi + HlrrF+fi FF,EJrXit+ FHIJiAA'gfi"'FEE"H!iIR"

Key Ingredients: Centipeda Cunninghamii, TeaTreeOil, LavenderExtract,Grapefruit,Glycerin.

E*rI,ff): Centipeda C.(&ifiliF3EH*EM). ffi €ffi. ReF. *filrE+"

RecommendedUse: Latherovermoistenedskin,and rinse Suitablefor children. thoroughly.

r8i{,tEEf,i*: ]+ift f #HFt;4,X,EtUIfr ,iftf trtEtiqEfiffi +;+" EHTT'E"

Green'") catechin(coco GreenTeaoil is a botanicaloil-soluble 6*##;HE-fSETJEE![E,*JL**(CoCo t:lEffi€ftl*[tfrliEfg,+Frymi fromgreentea basepowder , eEI SX*ji+, Green-),whichis extracted process, t+, Flf.JXrie7ffifigiH, manufacturing *EHffi,EfiHtJfiHffiIE through a globally-patented* Jojobaoil, squalenefrom oliveoil andnatural Xt [tJrE+*E. combining VitaminE.

Size: 80ml/ bottle

Catechinis a tvoe oftannin found in tea leaves.lt is known for its anti-oxidant, anti-baderia, fat-burning and odor eliminating properties.CoCoGreen'" is the 6rst ingredient inthe world that hassuccessfullyblendedCatechininto an oil-solubleformatwithout using surfactantsoremulsifylng agents. Oil-soluble Catechin has the ability to penetrate deep down the 5kint lower layersto reslore moisture and elasticity,as well as replenishskin lipids which are essential to prevent skin water lossas comparedto the conventional wateFsolubleCatechin.



Green Tea Oil is manufactured through a 10070natural processfrom high quality green tea leaves.The green tea leavesused in CoCoGreen^are grown organicallywithout lt containsmuch higheramountof agricultural chemicals. Catechincompared to other green tea leaves.The natural green color and fragranceofthe GreenTeaoil feels llke no other on yourskin.With its superiormoisture retention and skin protection abilities, Green Tea oil can be used from head to toe. GreenTea Oil i5 suitable for the entire famllv including children above 6 month5. +PatentedNo. PCT,P0l /05020 Features and Beneitsl . Protect - Catechin is a powerful antioxldant that safeguardsyour skin from the damaglng effects of uV/ environmentaiexposureand free tadlcalS . Moisturize- lt penetratesquickly and deeply,giving your skin optimum hydration without a greasyfeel.Your skin will feel remarkablyrefreshed,smooth and firm . Replenish- lt increasesskin resillence,glvlng your skin a supple and radiant glow you can see and feel. lt thatno other endowsyourskinwitha lumlnoussllkiness Droductcan match todav . Regtore - lt eliminatesor visiblydiminlshesfine linesand reduce5the appearanceof pores . Fat burning - lt increasesfat metabolism and reduces the aDoearanceof cellulite . Anti-bacteria- lt preventsbacteria0 -'157 and kills germs.Can be used by people wlth acne . Odourelimination lt prevents foot odour and body odour . Hair Care lt adds shine, softnessand smoothnessto your hair . Natural - lt does not contain any artificial fragrances, colorings, solvent residues,detergents and detergentlike chemicals which may degrade the skin3 natural protective function in the long run. lt is also free of Dreseruatives Key lrgredients: Organic Green Tea Leaves (Camellia Sinensis),Organic Jojoba Oil, Botanical squalane (Olive Oil) and Natural Vitamin E (Tocopherol)

J L4R E -f$E €FFf IgTt+ } S & , E E !FE G' t F*INFhElD F€'fi Fft fiI, +N4H, ffiffi ft fl 4 nt. cocoGreen-€eEFff -trnrnEtEif 'FEf *Llf,fiJ.ffifrtrtU{+Jt4tF GiHflF'Z+.il-&,F Elf 6gtt6faJEIt tt6!JLx*f tb, tFF,ltHtr.,LH* ffiEt,RE. Dr,&€;fl8il3+,r, &fiEEff+l'hprrtEllffi ,F,}t[*FqEEflFEE. 4*Hrf sEi Efr ESFFi, 6iJ100%t*i:tEFf gtJS*FfEE€U[ coco Green-Ffi*E #iliEm{SEt. j#tHF[E4,gtrif* &*Fl, e€ EHf! JL*#. 44ffi s-sEfr a. ffiE,ffiE!iliffir{+E-546iElE!'16S.E Fffi HE', E*ffi Jf 4jCFJtf,TA* 'Ifr 'H'Ji8F!.fRiE*E *Esi€frl€fig PcrrP0l/0s020 ftlt-5++.d: . R+F- JL#*e-ftfrCRtFFn#ftFErtSX,^&, \'fr ifl H$Eta{fiff€fi'ncftil. .'&ilrl -- g €Eilli8iln^Hli6Es|JBJlEt,fr E, iLrSE![ll FeHf E|l ffiffi;8, *lr4*€ tHffiHgBf. EfitrEllffi stttElFffi, *i€tEKfr. . Eff - eFErgfiEnfftHlr+'tt, fflsEtEJlffilB€-fr* jRHtriE F'-5* +ttF4)ttftaE!r*8. € t l8EtJflJl[*tr iF, Efi fi iFE Fp-"ftE bL1//'E(r "

. .,MnF- E f,E1,6r[ ffi{titt il iffiDE H €4.8! S EE'ntEtrffi


. fi6 - EF€ffi+nlEHo- ls7iliHEtHFtfill. f;[{9r€ fJ}ftllFr/\&4LX{eE.


. *F - Ef,Eff*X*lFilSF. . f & --€HErg;fr &EH!ri;+il+m, . ** -- e6e{+,lir,\i€€*+, 6t, *il1flx{utft;E fiJqift + Ft,{r}.il trtFt{r}l< E FIf,E*rfi ,lFflItffi,( Et, e &Tg,frlilFFffi * firr,{R#f, ^fE fi.. € iiiiHifiEfi , EMfi Effi(ffil$*)ilX auLaf.ft+, -FFi#): ttsEtE rEi!,tfEtr'i*: SH*H#'EiEH+,1*1iI,\,rXe9{6HtElil*fi{n. €Fr l,){+t$,tFH4etqEeHH{R#Hfr -iBff E. !lBe* 9{6'l*#"'"il#&fr ++ *FffilRJFFn,

Recommended t sel GreenTeaOil can be used by anyonq at any time and on any part of the body. Use alone or with other daily care products such as Be*skin carc, Bodycareand Haircare


P roduct

After Sun Aloe VeraSoothingTreatment

C ode




Be" Body CocoWash

P roduc t



Light,Refreshing GelReplenishes And Moisturizes YourSkin



it rSt4f,*- #fHtf 6 - CoCo f F zlc'fr Ig+F ;^]A*L Featuresand Benefitsl . E-lnternational@ After 5unTreatmentis a soothing,replenishing, and hydrating 98 percentpurealoe bodytreatment enrichedwith vitaminB,allantoin, and naturalchlorophyll to helprevitalize the skin . Dermatologist testedfor allergies and sensitivity Key Ingredients: AloeVeraGel,Allantoin,Dl Panthenol, Carbomer, Arginine, Chlorophyll.

RecommendedUse: Applygenerously usingcircularmovements 5 lz e:lS um l / l 9 D € t o m a s s a oe th e skin .Gr e a ta sa n a ll- o ve r E*t: tEl50Eft bodvtrea-tment.

Containingan abundanceof plant extracts, subtly scented with orange and lemon aromas,Coco BodyWashleavesyour skin feelingcleanand moisturized

6$-5++.€*: . +e*F*fF+ffi,eEMFe.W;EF.n*. . tEl*'f,tEH!,if tnDtr&iF'ftflltffi ElUFE . ffi&e.vtFwffi&Fftj;ff EiEffi . era*ite8E{ilr H!4E'F*.EFf*+i4Ht Vifr. + € Et4+.

F*ffi. RF#. lE{UftBs.ffiffim. r *ftt**. Methylparaben. Propylparaben. r€i!,tEEf,i*: ryiEE EiF€.tfr#ffi 4 € r&r+tfrE 9.{65 ffi*F,++r*FE{FEr*/\fJrffi "

Size: 300m1/ bottle

Featuresand Benefits: . PatentedCoCoGreenTechnology: uses the powerof OrganicGreenTeaOilsolubleCatechins whichhasanti-bacteria, anti-ageing, anti-odourandfat-burning properties . N-Acetyl Glucosamine: anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory. lt helpsimproveskin tone and effectivelyreverses the effects of skincellsthat aredamagedby UV exposure. . ArnicaMontanaFlowerExtract: relieves inflammatory skinconditionsby helping the skinto producecollagen . Freeofsulphates, artificialdyesand fragrances



P roduct



C ode


SafeguardsYourSkin FromThe Sun'sHarmful Rays

I*+FEfrXfr-nFHiEH!{f B Featuresand Benefits: . E-lnternational" Sunblock(5PF46)is a gentle,daily,full-spectrum formula with naturalmineralsunblocks, and antioxidants . Soothingbotanicalextractsobstructthe sunt harmfulrayson faceand body . lt protectsagainstUVBraysand UVArays . Dermatologist testedfor allergies and sensitivity


'-b H ,B o L



tr rn 48


Size:150m1 / Tube E#:EE1s0€1f

Key lngredients: TitaniumDioxide, ZincOxide,Octyl Methoxycinnamate, Homosalote, Benzophone 3,OctylSalicylate, Sunflower Oil,GreenTeaExtract,AloeVeraGel,Almond Oil,ComfreyExtract,JojobaOil. RecommendedUse: Applyto faceand body30 minutesbefore sun exposurefor maximumeffectiveness. Reapply afterswimmingor activesports. Alsosuitablefor babiesabove6 months.

ffitL5#.fi: . A€"SPF 46AqUVA&UVB{*ts,Ffr TEffi EEIJ FH JbHq.6E&TEEF.+-W#. ai+Ft fit4 teilg.fRfF, r){E+!fii€tzffi j*.tRf[0ffi&9.f4 . ntrttfiRtrtsElflXJrjifi . e*{EE!triBE.f*fF +,*rI#): retE*ffifi. 6.ERF. 6#ffi+. F*ffi++" rti!,{EHti*: EElt FH ihE [firf,FlHtJ3or]f+,;f; tt+&M &9.f6D{iES{E{+tr+" ,#ri d F 4'iEd E,r Er+tt,*+ E.tr. 6+Er\L#t4,&.H4,lEE"


Key ingredients: Acetyl glucosamine,Algae extract, Sea salt, Camelliasinensisleaf powder, Aloe globulus arborescens leafextract,Eucalypyus extract,Cucumberfruit extract,Sambucus nigraextract,Mallowextract,Pellitory extract, Orangeoil,Lavender oil and Rosemary oil Recommendeduse: Dispensea smallamount into sea sponge, loofaor hand.Apply directlyto body while showering. Rinsewell.Canalsobe usedasa handwash,calmingbubblebathorfoot bath.

C ode


6#ffi A€ + H H!€ryrSBfF+ il iFti fi! tHififn+t&Effi, cocof;E*ft @#ilFA +Li.tr8H!flIffirEE -5{*tE. fflt-5*tA: . €ftl FL{J}CoCo Green:*€€tll!*4ffi 4 iH[EF,ITJL ,III,,liiRWE.,MTfrEEEfr, . Zffi H€fFfr (NAG): EE fnEltt&f.nli . HtJFt.lr).EUFEHSrTlEei+fE€ $rU'& €i.tgq.&FftfiffrfiifiBE. . ilre?I*B#F+: f#EiEItE*FtBlH I,UE #E&.^Enffi#Jl*')n. . 4E IL+ffiIt WL/li€*#+-5 Ff+. +EFti4.\.

zffiH6ffiF, ;EF, trA. F*. r*6ft1#', H/R, HfiH5iEi*€€+E;E €ir,f*Et'i*: ififi EEEE4EI + L,t*Et#t tr t Ae tF;f+,F.UFJ* ;9fr*l 4;f +& fgH.

C ode

Be" BodyCocoScrub

P roduct








-CoCo rrJ+FrfiH!HIIE* ;tqE*ift F ff zlc,?

iIlS )H* 5 tH*fHt#6 - Cocof 6'f*tftlEE,€ Apricot Seed Powderand SeaSalt exfoliate dead cells gently; leaving your skin beautifullysoft,smooth and better prepared to absorbmoisture.

€#: €fE1soH

Pr o d u ct C o d e



Siz e: 150 9 / t u b e

Be" Body CocoLotion

Featuresand Benefts: . Patented uses CoCoGreenTechnology: the powerof organic GreenTeaOilwhichhasanti-bacteria, solubleCatechins anti-ageing, anti-odourandfat-burning properties. . SeaSalt:Mineral-rich seasaltcandraw replenish toxinsfromthe skin'ssurface, nutrients& floodthe skinwith hydration. . N-Acetyl and Glucosamine: antFageing lt helpsimproveskin anti-inflammatory. the effects tone and effectivelyreverses of skincellsthat aredamagedby UV exposure. . ApricotSeedPowder:gentlyexfoliate deadskinto revealbrighter,healthylookingskinthank to naturalexfoliators. . Freeofsulphates, artificialdyesand fragrances. Key ingredients: Algaeextract,Seasalt,Apricotseedpowder, Camelliasinensisleaf powder,Hypericum Derforatumextract, Arnica Montana flower extract,Cucumberfruit extract, lvy extract, oil and Orangeoil, Lavenderoil, Rosemary oil Peppemint RecommendedUse: Squeezesome onto your palm. Massage in a circular motion over entire body concentratingon elbows,knees,and feet. Rinseoff and lightlypat dry.Use1-3timesa weekto exfoliateandstimulatecirculation.

[E; *€ 6'#itr)*rut6il DriEfnlE* B rErE .tFrE H![Irffi E 4]ffi5 titB,rx{Ei.tElrHE*

Super light and refreshing,Coco Body Lotion melts into the skin instantlyupon application.Orangearomaand antioxidant VitaminETocopherol leaveskinlookingfirm and hydrated.


ffi&!:5t*.fi: . €ttJFtfJlcoco {# Green:A€'€'tJ19*#ffi L#F H!ffi+'I,ITH E FF']F'trJ fifrH,+ilz k,tfi.+weqi'w$E[ii. . E*h:€F'* EEr-+rE FiEiltr{+flItfr** E FtrF# *ffi ,i,l'f Hf *fE'fi ;i{fflffi. . zmH€}H€(NAG\: €Hfi*It effirt. Atr FIlr).E UeE#H/J tIE €t+f E€trtff '& €.tt#tl&ffiflftt4.$tfrM. . S#f#l*: ;Etnt&*Ff; itE*gE tEfrEEtf,

Featuresand Benefits: . PatentedCoCoGreenTechnology:uses the powerof OrganicGreenTeaOilsolubleCatechins whichhasanti-bacteria, . anti-ageing, anti-odourandfat-burning properties. . N-Acetyl Glucosamine: anti-ageing and anti-infl ammatory. lt helpsimproveskin tone and effectivelyreverses the effects of skincellsthat aredamagedby UV exoosure. . AloeVeraExtract: a botanicalwith hydrating, softening, healing,bactericidal andfungicidalproperties. . Freeof artificialdyesand fragrances.


. TA lL+\fril(,M,,\iE*ti+ 5 Ffi.l. i9rL,lD: ElE, EH, 6+#t, &f.l+tlh, ilr$+ 4T.,Hfi' H&H6ffi'8, trAFE+EiE, HfrF+Fil rsi!{EEf,i*: ffifi iEEE+L, ull E HrJi-rtt+FegEI[ E+E,t4H&EFt3,t*Ei+ift+;+ ffi,sEtJ tr##tE+.€ES.feE 1E3)i r:l{E*FAtz Jt&03it{EI^.

Size:300m1/ bottle


Key ingredlents: Acetylglucosamine, Algaeextract,Seasalt, Camelliasinensisleaf powder, Squalane EucalyptusGlobulus extract, Hypericum perforatum extract, lvy extract, Sambucus nigra extract, Mallow extract, Pellitory extract,Orangeoil and Lavender oil RecommendedUse: Apply a generousamount onto palm and massage intoskin.Useoftenfor unbelievably soft,suppleand hydratedskin.Youmayalso transferinto a sample bottle to be used as hand lotion.Put it into your hand-bagand take it out whereveryou go!

iF*f E!f, E zJ< lEitl4ffi& - Eih ltE tSfiqE[ ffi r'f,{+Ell4JFdE f8rlf,nrft {tFt& 14,t {lEF EiEEtlffi &&. tHifiAq#Filfr 5ft n|l,#.fU fr E{Etr[ffi €ts* rF* il,FtJi. fftL5t$,F.: Green:A€"€tll##ffi# ' €ttJFlfJlcoco FF JL#T gqffiT'!;'JFfr NfrH,TrtZ k,ri.Ewewffinaftfi. '8fr . zmH€*JFfr(NAG): tF.ti,Ell.elfr.h FqFl.fii.E t 6E #Ei rtE SrFt! € trn'& rE[8. eiI * rl.&FftFt6Htr . F*#fl ffi4: - + g€'f*tE,t#;ril,,?tr, +rEE fl + EH Ft+tlV'r€.Vt X. . Trg/\i€**+-5Ftrt. .E9rI{A: Zf f if r SH€*E, EH, Ef t , 6FF+ tft, fr'effi,, tF*, iHifiEffifi,HztH6 {E rE

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&E.ClH{EHt)l{FiH € t,* H'f;titF,iEird f nl *f H!flllH.{ft& rJiEE *BE{ 4'ffi7 E {E* FItril +ft .+B E ft € tSHtJ +F#E, t){lE FE9'8ffi!

Be-Hair HydratingShampoo

Be-ii{)Etft€fF ii\\l\:rigIiIf1I -F\NI$\,ll}i\r'i.{\irr\rr.N $:"\NN$

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[l:irlir\,r$rirl"iiIt l'Xir'rrtiil' [lI r l

Features and Benefits: . Exclusive SoyActiv'"Nutritionnourishesand fortifiesdelicatehairstrands . pH balancedformulais free of chemical sulphatesthat can strip hairand scalp . Honeyextract,a humectant,helpsincrease hairmoisturelevels . Honeysuckle extractis known for its cleansingproperties ' Tocopherylacetate,an antioxidantknown to counteractenvironmentdamage

Si z e:250m l

6E: 2s0€+


Key lngredients: DisodiumLaurethSulfosuccinate, Hydrolyzed soy Protein,ArctiumLappaRootExtract, SunflowerExtract,HoneyExtract,Mango Fruit Extract,Apple FruitExtract,VanillaResinoid, OrangePeelOil,HoneysuckleFlowerExtract. Recommended Use: Wet hair,then apply and latherusinggentle massagingmotionswith fingertips.Rinse thoroughly.Repeatif desired. (for normal,dry, brittle,or damagedhair)

ffi&I5S.€^: . E&T+,f68€8fl*& . eE'{fr;EH!Eg*E+,trrHtrr *€H!tE'g . 7J,4ETE+,nlffi +F H ;E;frH!D E^E . s.fefi'EE-t++n€.ft fiJ,trlrFESIF;5 *A\IfiA . ;++ffi'ffi!+IEfi,iBIJiEEHE'*FfE'g l:r*&H!iti+ **nt{A: 4+gfF+. ,T'<trtEM+E+.lE.fefrE. i++HtEIF.tEffi+. effi#H?t. tefiEA&(SoyActiv'")+. rti!,lsHtri*: ;+t* + i$,;ftH!* € L,#*tfr&@ * E e# ;ft" t[ E F g ifi*&,fi tr rJiHzJ<{iJ,R)+ F E €-)i. (iEH+*iE,+*R,r, vdi-p. lfia!&E)

Be'"Hair WeightlessConditioner .



Features and Benefits: . SoyActiv"Nutritionfortifiesagainstabuse . Aloejuice,provideslight moistureand more resistantto abuse . Sunflowerseedextracthelpsprotecthair from UVfading . Tocopherylacetate,an antioxidantknown to counteractenvironmentdamage Key lngredients: Aloe Barbadensis LeafJuice,Sunflower Extract, Willow BarkExtract,BasilExtract,Rosemary LeafExtract,Hydrolyzed5oy Protein,Panthenol, JojobaSeedOil,OrangeOil,AcaciaExtract.

S i ze:250ml

6€i: 2s0€tl-

Recommended Use: After shampooing,gently squeezeexcesswater from haiLDispensea generousamount into palm and apply to hair Leaveon for 1 mlnutes. Rinsewell with lukewarmwateL Usedaily. (forall hairtypes)


EEIgHE HA-5{*.H: . F #ffi +A H +E F!+{r},FJ&ii4&iR}F frE . rAE*Xt+tH+s'EIR{iF *8 frE.*rf&#r ItrE

. ff 6E+rffi+E'e*&fi{,6E.tE+€Etr ?nn . 4 4#EE-f+fiiF.ftfil,trrDrstHi{ 4EEltl{fr SEFI{A:

F*fE+. rirE*+++E+. ffiffiEfr

tEftE. *sfiEM(SoyActiv*).H

€i{{tHEi*: H ;ft€{FiF;f tr, 4e*!&E S +&-r iJE H! zjcfJ),*tr lfiiEE F!iril&*LEg,t, Jt€ ;f;;* + *E t,44HZ\1AfStr,r:lif,zkifi,fi. aI €x{FH. (iEH+€fF&E)

Care Products Personal

Heart Health F',' ua{




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24341 Bios tife''5lim"

24994 BiosLifei

0420 5almon 0mega3oil


23623 toQ10 Advan(ed

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Native LegendT€a'

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15315 (M Plex"(apsules

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23896 EnJuvenate




17743 CMPlex"Cream

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24758 Bios IifeVision Esentiah*


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17715 Love RxMal€"

Weight Management System




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22436 Complete [yeCare

22584 lagen Be'Phyto-Col i\4ask

Be'' Hair [are



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19877 8e''Translucent tinishing Powder



Radiance Aestival'






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18401 lmmunizen"


17837 " Be'" Night Lotion Nourishing


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24703 24702 24701 24700 A€stival'RadianceAestival'Radiance Aestival'Radian(e Aestival'Radiance Night l\4ilk" Day i\4ilk 5Pt30- Regenerative loner'n Protedive Cleansing Liquid* Ealandng



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13117 Hawaiian Noni




lmmune Health

MEn's Health & Women's

0907 rerf0rm



1783s Be'DayVeil lotion

17836 Be"Night Creme Nourishing

17838 Be"Night Recovery 5erum


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17833 Be'Day tnergy" 5erum

17832 Be-Mattefying Refiner

17831 Be''Hydrating Refiner



10456 Lifiber*

20047 5uperthIorophyll

17830 Be"Foaming (l€anser





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15271 Essentials Cardio

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15704 Paraway" Plus



Digestive & Oeansing

14837 Nature'slea


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19250 DailyProduce 24

; Health-Basics

,kinTreatment I


M 17115 PhyroPath


Herbal Supplement

trut 19853 (offee Bl0Reishi



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15129 Aboriginal 6old" SkinComforting (reme

19159 Gold' Aboriginal (leansing Bar

',unCafe | ,t 13858 $



After5unAloeVera 5oothingTreatment

14950 Mineral Mask'

Be"Body Care

:', af,*t I SunBlock

23860 oil GreenTea

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22770 BeBody CocoWash l_".,

Body(oco5crub I


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