Mv handbook first half

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Unit 29: Music Video Produc on Aim and purpose In this unit learners will explore the purpose, styles and conven ons of the music video. They will then develop, plan and produce a music video.

Unit introduc on There are many opportuni es for the applica on of music video produc on techniques in the media industries. Besides the established outlets of TV music channels, marke ng and promo on within the popular music industry and direct DVD sales, there are also websites of new and emerging ar sts, Myspace and YouTube, phone downloads, and VJing in music venues, at concerts and at fes vals. Music videos provide the ideal opportunity for experimen ng with visual moving imagery allowing learners to use their crea ve imagina on to the maximum and to apply technical skills, which have been developed in other units. The study of established styles and conven ons of the music video is a star ng point, as learners need to understand what has already been done in order to develop their own ideas. They can then experiment with techniques to create music videos, which might reflect their own musical interests or they might work for a band or ar st to create a music video for a ‘live’ brief. They will also be able to enhance and further develop the transferable skills of video produc on, in par cular the post‐produc on techniques of edi ng and effects applica on, with the poten al for advanced techniques such as mixing digital or stop‐frame anima on with live footage, chroma key and ma e effects. Learners will develop the crea ve knowledge needed to entertain and engage the target audience, to poten ally consider the requirements of a client and fulfil the promo onal purpose of the product. The development of crea ve concepts and the skills needed to apply them are readily transferable to many other genres including adver sing, drama and single camera produc ons.

Learning outcomes On comple on of this unit a learner should: 1 Understand the purpose of music videos 2 Understand the styles, conven ons, and techniques of music videos 3 Be able to originate and plan a music video produc on for a specific music track 4 Be able to work to complete produc on of a music video.



The Purpose of Music Videos Today we will be looking at the purposes of music videos, to enable you to meet GC1.

What is the purpose of a music video? Your first task is to have a think about the reasons for producing a music video. Use the blank space to note down any reasons you can think of for producing a music video. You may wish to think about: 

What does producing a music video achieve?


Why are music videos so popular?


Who are music videos made for?


Where / how can you watch music videos?


Who watches music videos?



The Purpose of Music Videos Promo onal Some ar sts and bands use music videos as a way of promo ng themselves. Directors and producers can also be promoted through music videos. Promo on of a band / ar ste: In order for a band or ar st to really take advantage of using a music video as a method of promo on, some choose to have their name or recognisable symbol/icon in the video as a means of iden fica on and / or associa on. 

How are The Hives promoted through the video Hate to Say I Told You So?

Promo on of a director / filmmaker: Jack White himself asked for Michel Gondry to direct Fell in Love With a Girl. Gondry is a recognised name in the media industry; he has directed music videos for ar sts such as Da Punk, Radiohead, The Vines and Beck. However, he is also a director of some renown in the film industry, direc ng films such as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) and Be Kind, Rewind (2008). His most recent release was The Green Hornet in 2011. Another example you may wish to look at is Mark Romanek. 

How is Gondry promoted through the video Fell in Love with a Girl?

Music videos are not only for the promo on of a band but can also be used as a method of pushing someone behind the camera and building their reputa on. 4


The Purpose of Music Videos Producers’ Strategies Major label bands / ar stes Different bands will be marketed in different ways; a mainstream ar st such as Britney or Beyoncé will have lots of publicity behind them and a glossy polished image, this will be reflected in their music videos. 

List conven ons or elements evident in major label / mainstream ar sts’ videos


On which websites and music television channels would you expect to see mainstream ar sts’ videos?

Independent bands / ar stes In contrast, independent ar sts and / or talent who are just star ng out do not always have the finance to back a large produc on therefore, they release music videos paid for by their independent record labels. 

List conven ons or elements evident in independent videos


On which websites and music television channels would you expect to see independent ar sts’ videos?



The Purpose of Music Videos Producers’ Strategies (cont’d.) Self‐produced ar sts In recent years, due to the expansion of media outlets and in‐home consumer technology, ar sts’ are able to produce and distribute their own music via the internet, par cularly YouTube and social networking sites. Self‐ produced ar sts are usually trying to find a way into the industry by releasing videos and records via their own means. 

Can you think of any ar sts who found fame through self‐producing their own music videos?


What are the advantages and disadvantages to producing your own music videos? Advantages


‘Art’ and statement through music videos Some ar sts however, do not exist solely for commercial reasons; some ar sts aim to create a piece of art or a visual masterpiece that they want to be remembered for. Therefore, the music video can also be used to promote an ar s c statement. 

List conven ons or elements associated with the ‘art’ music video


On which websites and music television channels would you expect to see the ‘art’ music videos?



The Purpose of Music Videos Extension of Income Every me an ar st’s record is played on the radio, that ar st in theory, receives royal es or payment in exchange for the use of their product. If an ar st then decides to have an accompanying music video for their record then every me it is watched the ar st will again, in theory, receive payment in the form of royal es. The reason for saying that this happens ‘in theory’ is that it would be almost impossible to track the consump on of a singular music video. One of these reasons is the vast number of media outlets, which we will look at in a moment. Instead, an es mate is made depending on how popular a par cular track is or how well the single is selling, an assump on is then made based on its popularity or interest in it and the royal es are paid accordingly. The usual outcome is that mainstream ar sts tend to top the charts on a regular basis because their songs are played on the radio all the me, whereas underground or more alterna ve musicians rely on other ‘media outlets’ to get their records heard and their names recognised. 

Why do you think it is difficult for alterna ve / non‐mainstream or un‐established talent to get more airplay on television channels and major (regional or na onal) radio sta ons?


What do you think is the best way for new talent to make money in the compe


ve music industry?


The Purpose of Music Videos Extension of Outlets / Pla orms Media outlets or pla orms are sources that allows us access to a media text. When studying music videos, we are referring to any media related source that would allow us to view or access a music video. 

How many media outlets can you think of?


Can you think of specific examples for each?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of the growing number of media outlets? Try to think of others affected—not just bands / ar stes. Advantages




The Purpose of Music Videos Synergy Synergy, in media, refers to the promo on and sale of a product subsidiary to the main product or company through licensing deals. Walt Disney pioneered the idea of synergy in the 1930’s when he granted other companies and firms the rights to use Mickey Mouse in various products and adver sements. Disney now have a long history of marke ng their own products through the use of synergy, whereby another company will use their crea ons to sell their product and by doing so, promote Disney. 

Can you think of any other examples of synergis c marke ng?


Now think of one that relates to music videos


Who benefits from synergis c marke ng? How?



The Purpose of Music Videos Task 1 In order to demonstrate your understanding of the func on of music videos, you are being asked to write a 1000 word essay discussing ( tle) the purpose of the music video. You must include your own defini ons, explana ons and examples for the following: 

Promo on


Producer’s strategies


Extension of income


Extension of outlets



Task 1 will be used to assess you for Unit 29: GC1. You must keep to the 1000 word limit and you must hand in the first dra of the essay by Tuesday 24th April, or you will lose the right to have it marked. The focus of the essay is looking at why music videos exist and how / why they have go en to be so popular. Below is a simple plan for you to follow if needed. Intro:

Discuss the emergence of music videos and introduce the purpose of the essay

Promo on of ar sts (and the song), promo on of directors

Producer’s strategies‐ how and why are ar sts marketed differently

Extending ar sts & record labels income

The extension of various media outlets

Synergis c marke ng—links to promo on and income


Why do you think music videos are so popular? (Discuss growth and sustainability).

(100 words)

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Paragraph 2: (200 words)

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Paragraph 4: (150 words)

Paragraph 5: (150 words)


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