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28th December 2011 • Volume 18, Issue 39 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • ISDN 8139966 • Tel: 8•400•200 Now that the Christmas rush is a thing of the past, North County shoppers can’t wait to avail of some of the best bargains to be had anywhere. The January Sales signs are now up in shops across the North County and people looking for that fabulous bargain are encouraged to support local jobs and shop local. As we all know, economically, many people found 2011 to have been a very challenging year. Our country is going through the most trying and difficult economic times imaginable, with austerity everywhere. We’ve endured a very harsh budgets, but Irish people are resilient and optimistic and by supporting each other, we can overcome these difficulties. All across the North County there is an array of top class shops in every town, with some excellent bargains that won’t be beaten anywhere. By supporting our local shops, we are using a powerful tool in winning this battle. In this Sales Issue of the County Leader, you will find some of the
best value deals available. The January sales always provide a great opportunity for shoppers to find the best bargains and also provide an opportunity to experience the great atmosphere that always surrounds this time of year. This Sales Issue is full of some of the leading names in retail and readers will see some of their fantastic offers on a vast range of goods. This year, the best bargains will be on your doorstep in the North County, so why not avoid the queues and the hustle and bustle of the city centre. In this issue, you will also find a wide range of classes and courses catering for all standards. Remember, by supporting our local businesses and shops, we are helping to keep employment in the locality, as well as availing of some super bargains. Finally, the management and staff of the County Leader would like to wish all of our readers a very Happy and Peaceful 2012!
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
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North County Leader, the only local newspaper delivering to 95% of houses in North County Dublin For the covenience of readers and businesses alike and because we are the newspaper that listens, we have increased the number of pick-up points for our readers who do not want promotional material delivered, but still want their favourite local newspaper. Your convenient locations are: SWORDS: Holywell Eurospar Boroimhe Supervalu Applewood Eurospar JC’s Supermarket Collinstown Business Park
OLDTOWN: Dave’s Village Store
LUSK: Lusk Credit Union Costcutters
BALLYBOUGHAL: Ballyboughal Service Station The Forge
RUSH: Credit Union BALROTHERY: Costcutters NAUL: Daybreak, Naul Killians of Naul
SKERRIES: Supervalu C&T’s Supermarket
MALAHIDE: Malahide Library BALBRIGGAN: Castlemill S.C Millfield S.C Balbriggan Credit Union Balbriggan Town Hall
Your Award Winning Newspaper Balbriggan and District Chamber of Commerce Business Award 2009 recipient
Fingal Dublin Chamber Business Excellence Award 2010
Sales Issue 2012
MICHAEL D. HIGGINS to the readers of North County Leader I would like to send my best wishes for the New Year to everyone in the North County and to our extended global family across the world. I am conscious that, for some of you, this year will one where unemployment, financial insecurity or the absence of a loved one now living abroad will cast a dark shadow. So these are troubling and testing times for so many but while acknowledging the hurt inflicted, the dismay caused, by the mistakes that were made, I also believe that the Irish people have the resilience, the fortitude and the wisdom to move beyond any destructive cynicism and recrimination and have the capacity and determination to move on and craft a new positive form of their Irishness. It has been truly inspiring for me to witness the innovation and the resourcefulness that have come to the fore in our time of economic need and to see, across this island, communities renewing them-
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selves in social solidarity through sustainable and strong economy co-operation and together while also at the same time showing practical concern for building a just and inclusive each other and particularly for the society that ensures the participaless fortunate in this country and, tion of all its citizens. indeed, throughout the world. Ireland is a country and a people While the wider global environmoving forward with a common ment is worrying, we are seeing purpose and a shared Aisling of some positive results in our hope and courage; a country that economic affairs. Our exports will marry the best of its old continue to grow; many of our wisdom with the new found companies have become more learning wrought from the chasinnovative and competitive; and tening experience of recent troudirect inward investment is robust bled times. but the great challenge of creating President Michael D. Higgins We are a country of which there is jobs, reducing unemployment remains. much to be proud; whose possibilities are still to be We Irish also remain a nation of great cultural and fully imagined and realised; and whose people I am sporting achievement, and this continues to enrich honoured to serve. our society and enhance our reputation abroad. I wish you all a Peaceful and a Happy New Year. There is also widespread support for a post-recession future driven by our people’s creativity and grounded in a real economy that harnesses our indigenous strengths and adds lasting value to our society. I am confident that, drawing on our shared Krav Maga is a reality based self defence system. It’s strengths and our ethical values, we will rebuild a meant to be able to get the average person up to
Upcoming Self Defence Classes For Women
speed to take care of themselves in an attack and do whatever it takes to get home safe. Former World Light Heavyweight Tae Kwon Do Champion. Eddie Gavin is starting new classes in Krav Maga, a reality based self defence system. The class is suitable for any one 18 years plus. It’s not a boot camp and there are female instructors on hand to coach you through each drill to make sure you are comfortable with everything they do. The moves of krav maga have been tempered to suit a self defence style that is friendlier (and possibly more relevant) to women. The class is high energy and fun, and is a fantastic workout. Krav Maga Academy Fingal is a great way to learn the ability of self defence in a friendly environment. Classes start on January 9th in Xtreme Fitness Unit D3 Airside Business park Airside from 8 – 9pm, January 10th in Donabate Community Centre from 7 – 8pm and January 12th in Xtreme Fitness Unit D3 Airside Business park Airside from 7 – 8pm.
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Sales Issue 2012
28.12.2011 MAYOR OF FINGAL
GERRY MCGUIRE to the readers of North County Leader As Mayor of Fingal, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. 2011 was a difficult year, but despite monetary constraints a lot of good things have happened in the North County. During difficult economic times such as at present, it’s often easy to forget the importance of community and family, the backbone of our society and the hugely important work carried out by many agencies, voluntary groups, sporting clubs and bodies supported by the County Council in ensuring that our communities continue to develop. It is very heartening having travelled the length and breadth of the county and to have met so many of these groups and to witness first hand the enthusiasm, dedication, commitment and herculean efforts they are making together with the Council to make Fingal a better place to live. Now more than ever, there is a need for cohesion and a sense of community spirit and pride. Both the County
LEO VARADKAR TD to the readers of North County Leader I would like to extend the warmest New Year greetings to all readers of the North County Leader. We are living in difficult times, and it has been a tough year for everyone. However, there is good reason to hope that 2012 will see Ireland firmly on the road to recovery. Although the Budget had some tough measures, there was also good news, with no income tax increases, no cut to the State pension, no Universal Social Charge for incomes under €10,000, and Leo Varadkar TD increased mortgage interest relief for first time buyers who bought between 2004-2008. Swords, in particular, will benefit from some transport improvements. Money is being provided in the Capital Investment Plan to build new bus lanes, including a new bus lane on the North Quays. This will knock another few minutes off journeys on buses that use the Port Tunnel, such as the Swords Express. I have also made sure that the road maintenance budgets will be protected. There will also be a multi-million euro investment to widen the road near the ‘Cat and Cage’ in Drumcondra in order to provide a new bus lane by 2014. I hope next year will be a good one for all readers, and would like to extend Season’s greetings to all of you.
Krav Maga Academy Fingal
Self Defense for Women Xtreme Fitness Airside Mon 9th Jan 8-9pm Donabate Community Centre Tue 10th Jan 7-8pm Xtreme Fitness Airside Thur 12th Jan 7-8pm with Eddie Gavin
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Council and I have been and continue to be committed to engendering this community spirit through the provision of staff resources and funding to community facilities/activities, even with limited resources. I was delighted as Mayor to represent the county and its citizens at a variety of events, particularly the launch of Age Friendly Fingal and the signing of ‘The Dublin Declaration’ endorsing the Age Friendly Cities and Communities last September. 2012 is going to be another challenging year in maintaining and creating employment, but I am looking forward to working with the Chambers of Commerce, Fingal Tourism, Farming community, Industrialist, Hospitality sector, Fingal Development Board, Enterprise Board etc in devising strategies that will best generate economic Mayor Gerry McGuire activity and ensure the future for our population. The reduction in the commercial rates for this year is a major plank in this strategy which I am pleased to have supported. The Irish Spirit is ‘Endure and Succeed’ and we in the North County, together as a team can live up to that motto. I look forward to representing you again in 2012 and meeting many of the groups and individuals across the county whom I am privileged to represent.
DR. JAMES REILLY TD to the readers of North County Leader For very many people, this Christmas has been a challenging one and many families are facing a difficult New Year. I know that the character and heart of the people of the North County will see them come together to celebrate the New Year with their families and friends in a spirit of community. The government that I am a member of are determined to turn this country around. It’s going to take all our energies and hard James Reilly TD work to fix the mess left to us all by the previous Government. As Minister for Health, I am determined to reform our health service and it will be challenging with a shrinking budget. We have no choice, we must do it. It’s a challenge, but it’s also an opportunity to do things better and I and the hard working members of the health service will rise to that challenge. The National Children’s Hospital will be built by this Government at the Mater site. Locally, the people of the North County have my support. I am opposed to the current proposal for a Monster Sewage plant in the North County, especially in rural Ballyboughal, Skerries, Rush and Lusk. In the New Year, we must turn our attention to attracting inward investment and jobs into the North County, a region with many positive advantages for such investment. I wish all my constituents a Healthy and Happy New Year.
ENDA KENNY TD to the readers of North County Leader I know this Christmas and New Year period will be a tough one for our people. We are living through a period of great difficulty, far too many people are out of work and many families are experiencing anxious times. Too many dinner tables will have empty chairs because so many of our young people have left Ireland to find work and Christmas and New Year wishes will be expressed over the phone or on Skype. That’s why, this Christmas and New Year period, I want to reassure you that your government is doing everything we can to turn around Ireland’s fortunes and bring our children home. Faced with unpalatable choices, we have had to make decisions no Irish government ever imagined itself having to make. But we’re doing it
EAMON GILMORE TD to the readers of North County Leader I am delighted to have this opportunity to wish the readers of the North County Leader the very best for the New Year. Looking forward to 2012 I can assure you that my colleagues in the Labour Party and in Government will continue to work towards the rescue of our economy, the creation of jobs and the restoration of our economic sovereignty. My Labour colleagues and I entered Government in difficult times with a
Eamon Gilmore TD
clear mandate to sort out Ireland’s economic crisis. When we took up office nine months ago, this country was on the edge of an economic cliff. Since
because we’re determined to get back our economic sovereignty, to get Ireland back on its feet, to get our young people back home, where they want to be and where you wish they were at this time of year. I am confident that, working together, we can do this. Recovery will not be easy and it An Taoiseach, will take time, but I Enda Kenny believe that the courage and character of the Irish people will restore our country. To all the readers of the North County Leader, I wish you and yours a happy, peaceful and hopeful New Year. Nollaig Shona Daoibh go léir. then we have gradually worked our way back, and we are continuing every day to improve our economy and to strive for the creation of new jobs. The recent Budget was a necessary part of this journey. In difficult times the Government has kept its commitment not to increase income tax for working people and to maintain core social welfare payments including jobseekers, state pensions and the standard rate of child benefit. We have taken 330,000 people on low incomes out of the reach of the Universal Social Charge and maintained the number of special
needs assistants in our schools and the pupil/teacher ratio in the primary sector. I know how difficult it is for families to make ends meet and I understand that for many of you it is hard sometimes to remain optimistic. Please be confident that while it won’t happen overnight, we will recover as a country, we will get people back to work and that we will make sure that our children have a good future, here in our own country. Warmest wishes, Eamon Gilmore TD Leader, The Labour Party Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade
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Host Of Activities At Balbriggan Library There will be a number of exciting events at Balbriggan Library in January. The Story Queen will feature on Wednesday, 4th January at 11.00am. There will be a storytelling session for children aged 2-7 years where you can meet the queen in her royal crown and gown and enjoy her wonderful stories. What a great way to start the New Year events for January 2012. All Events are free, but numbers are limited, so book your place at the Junior Desk in the library. Other events taking place include, Paper/Silk Flower making workshop, Knitting & Crochet classes and Computer Classes. Balbriggan library will reopen at 10am on Tuesday, 3rd January 2012.
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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
JOAN BURTON TD to the readers of North County Leader
Sales Issue 2012
There is no doubt that Ireland has experienced a tough few years as the economy has fallen into one of the deepest recessions we have ever seen. We are facing an unem-
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ployment crisis with well over 430,000 individuals on the Live Register. As the New Year begins, my thoughts are with all of those people. I can assure you that my colleagues in government and I are determined to make sure that those people are in a position to take up jobs when the economy improves. We are proposing more regular contact with unemployed people, so that they can pursue opportunities for work, education or training. Last year, the Department of Social Protection announced the establishment of a new National Employment and Entitlements Service (NEES), as provided for in the Programme for Government. The aim is to integrate the provision of employment services and benefit payment services in to one-stopshops. We will open four new one-stop-shops under a new brand name by May of next year. These shops will be there to help the unemployed get back to work, education or training. The government will be setting out in greater detail its plans for this new service in January.
MICHEAL MARTIN TD to the readers of North County Leader
Joan Burton TD
We will also continue with our efforts to get the country working again by making Ireland a great country in which to set up a business. In the meantime, may I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year.
I want to take this opportunity to wish the residents of the North County a happy New Year and best wishes for 2012. The Christmas and New Year break is a time of reflection for many families and a time to make plans for the year ahead. I am very aware that 2011 has been a difficult year for a lot of people; people who are out of work and
Micheál Martin TD
those struggling with personal debt and mortgages. Despite the difficulties facing the country the Irish people continue to
show great resilience. It is my hope that politicians from all parties will use the year ahead to bring forward positive and meaningful plans to tackle the jobs crisis and deal with the issue of debt. For my part, I will make sure that Fianna Fáil continues to be a constructive voice of opposition. Working together, Ireland will come through this crisis. I want to wish you and your family a happy, peaceful and safe New Year. Le Gach Dea Ghuí
Pictured at a recent the Rotary Club Of Dublin Fingal Christmas Dinner were Darren Crampton, manager of Movies @ Swords, Janice Lawlor, Marketing and Promotions Manager Movies @ Swords and Dundrum, Greg Langan, Club President, Brian Irridale and his wife Annette and Dave Murray, Rotary Fundraising Chair. The Rotary club presented Brian Irridale a cheque of €4,500 for his Nurture Africa charity. This money was the proceeds of the charity premiere showing of the film The Help which was facilitated by Movies@Swords.
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Sales Issue 2012
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
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Sales Issue 2012
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
BRENDAN RYAN TD to the readers of North County Leader 2011 was a year of political change in Ireland, with the elections of both a new Government and a new President. It was also a year of personal change for me as I was elected as TD for Dublin North for the first time. It is a great honour to be elected and I am very aware that I was elected to bring a strong Brendan Ryan TD voice for the people of our area into government. This government is faced with the difficult task of turning our current situation around but I am confident that the coalition can get Ireland onto a more solid footing.
SENATOR DARRAGH O’BRIEN to the readers of North County Leader I want to wish all readers and North County residents a Happy and safe New Year. I know 2011 has been a very difficult year for many people and families, but it is my hope that 2012 can be a year of change and hope, that we can make progress in creating jobs in our
economy and help people in difficulty with personal debt and mortgages. Like many in the area I have a young family and I want the best for them. There are significant challenges in our communities but despite this there are many reasons to be positive for our future. Ireland remains a strong
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Locally, it was welcome news to hear that 14 years of uncertainty and worry has ended for many people in the North County with the decision by the County Council not to proceed with the Nevitt Super dump. However it is difficult to celebrate such a decision with a new proposal for a monster sewage plant now threatening the environment and tourist industry of our area. The issue of the proposed monster waste water treatment plant earmarked for one of nine locations in the North County has galvanised the local communities like no other in recent years. The last three months of 2011 has seen widespread public opposition to this proposal. I am sure this issue will continue to play into 2012 and I look forward to standing with the people in opposition to this ludicrous proposal. I wish to take this opportunity to wish all in North County a prosperous New Year and to state that I will continue to represent the needs and interests of each and every constituent in Dublin North, especially those most vulnerable and hard pressed in this difficult time. country with a great spirit and can recovery from difficulties we face. There has been huge progress in terms of education in North Dublin over many years and we continue to have a young age profile and one of the fastest growing populations in the country. Fianna Fáil has a role to play in bringing forward new ideas and reforming and renewing our party. While I am working to play a role in that in Seanad Éireann, I am also continuing to work with community groups and residents in the North County on important issues such as the proposed Monster Sewage Plant. I am heartened by the sense of
TONY LAMBERT to the readers of North County Leader Senator Darragh O’Brien
better society from this crisis. Again, I want to wish you and your family a Happy New Year.
LOUISE O’LOUGHLIN to the readers of North County Leader The Rush Chamber had a very successful year in 2011. Many goals were reached such as the Harbour Festival, which took place over the August Bank Holiday weekend and proved to be a great fundraiser for the
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new schools for the region, investment in smarter transport and to the readers of North County Leader upgrades according to the capital transport I would like to wish people from the budget, and further you all a happy and charge. peaceful New Year. I believe 2011 was the 2011 was a difficult year that Ireland began year for most, if not all its fight back for its families throughout economic sovereignty. this country. In February, the people December’s budget voted for a new saw a reduction of up government to lead to €4 billion in this country out of this spending, the first of a crisis. Within the first four step programme few months of this the to regain our economic government, Alan Farrell TD sovereignty, which we EU/IMF interest rate lost just over a year was reduced and investment in Fingal ago. It was a difficult banks were fully capi- Enterprise Board, the budget, however with talised, Irish tourism Fingal community it came the Jobs Action figures increased, the sector, increased local Plan to attract invest- minimum wage was road and flooding ment, an increase in restored and our repu- maintenance funding, mortgage interest tation abroad has as well as the appointment of the Pyrite relief for those who begun to recover. need it most, and a Dublin North, despite Panel whose findings economic will be of great reduction in the USC the charge for low income restraints, has had interest to many earners, thus some good news. We homeowners in the removing 320,000 have secured three North County.
RSA ADI qualified Ref Number 37363
Balbriggan Dental Clinic
community that exists in the North County. If we play to our strengths and maintain a sense of community I know we will recover a stronger and
Fingal Dublin Chamber prides itself on its support and encouragement for business people and in representing the many companies who do business in the region. It has been a very challenging year for local businesses with many companies facing difficult financial and trading situations. The Chamber recognises and congratulates the many companies in the area on their skill and determination in seeking new opportuCEO Fingal Dublin nities and being innov- Chamber, Tony Lambert ative in retaining their markets in a really difficult business environment. The commitment of the retail sector in the North County region to excellence and a quality customer care service is renowned and the Chamber would ask all consumers to focus on
With this New Year comes new opportunities to tackle the challenges that we face as a nation with renewed optimism and vigour. As a community, we need to come together to ensure that we restore our national pride that has taken a beating over the past few years. We are working harder than ever to ensure the financial stability of our families; I can assure you that each member of government is doing the same on behalf of their constituents. I look forward to representing you, the people of Dublin North in 2012, and to engaging at government level to ensure that North County Dublin is given every possible resource to thrive.”
quality and service and support the many businesses who are providing the jobs for local people. The Chamber continues to expand its membership and has now joined forces with the D15 Chamber to form a larger and more representative Chamber which is ranked among the top chambers in the country. With over 330 Chamber members across a wide sectoral base, the Chamber now represents Sole Traders, SMEs, Multinational and Indigenous Corporate Companies, Semi-State and Public Bodies and is the largest and most influential business organisation in the Fingal/North County area. In the coming year the Chamber will be focusing on providing support to the many business men and women who are facing into another tough year. Being in business is often a very lonely place and the business community needs to work closer together to support each other through networking and business briefing events. On behalf of Chamber President, Siobhan Moore and the Board of Fingal Dublin Chamber, I can think of nothing better at the close of a tough and challenging year than to wish all the Chamber members and indeed all the businesses in the area a Prosperous and Productive New Year.
Louise O’Loughlin
town. The sense of community throughout the year was fantastic as all committees and volunteers came together to ensure a fabulous weekend. The Christmas Dance and awards night hosted a great night to reward the local businesses for their hard work and dedication. The new Christmas lights are also a huge achievement for the Chamber which have transformed the Main Street. For 2012, the Chamber are looking to unite the businesses in the area to encourage the community to shop local and keep their business in Rush. The Committee would like to wish all their members and the whole town a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
MARTIN SCULLY to the readers of North County Leader As 2011 draws to a close and 2012 is dawning, we the Skerries Chamber of Commerce have a number of new projects in the pipeline. These projects will bring new vibrancy and dynamics to the town. Skerries was touched by sadness during events in April, however the camaraderie and compassion of all the community and the surrounding neighbourhood brought a unity never seen before. The town of Skerries did exceptionally well in the Tidy Towns competition for 2011, showing
yet again the dedication and hard work of its committee members. The
crew without their hard work and dedication, nothing would happen. We are looking forward to 2012 with great enthusiasm and this enthusiasm shines on every football field or in
every meeting room, where we see people all working voluntarily to make our town the wonderful place it is and with new projects coming on line, the flag will certainly fly high.
Pixsavers Camera Shop
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Christmas lights have been switched on bringing with them a festive spirit to be enjoyed by young and old. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Chamber
a Each Camer es Sale receiv €10 print credit voucher
Ground Floor Pavilions S.C • Phone: 8400477
Sales Issue 2012
and Balbriggan Town Council to ensure Balbriggan is a wonderful place to live, work and visit. 2011 also saw the culmination of much to the readers of North County Leader hard work on the Public Realm Plan for Balbriggan I would like to send very sincere New and the final proposal was Year wishes to all our members and launched in September of their customers. 2011 has been a very this year. This plan will tough year for business in Balbriggan, provide a blueprint for the but by pulling together we are proving development of the town that we can ride out the current for years to come. It will difficult business climate. An example of ensure that Balbriggan this teamwork has been the opening of a develops in a cohesive permanent Chamber of Commerce office manner that facilitates local at 1 Quay Street, Balbriggan and the trade and ensures an employment of an office Manager. The enhanced and safe environ- Joe English office will provide support to all in the ment for residents and visibusiness community and work as a tors. The Chamber members supported conjugate between the County Council and participated in many community
AL RYAN to the readers of North County Leader The traders and service providers of Malahide wish to thank all their customers for their support in 2011. Never before has it been more important to support your local businesses in order to secure jobs, services and the economic vitality of our community. In turn, our businesses are offering value and the kind of service you only get from people who know
you and your needs. We are lucky to have a great reputation for
Al Ryan
retail, entertainment and leisure services in the town but we also
offer a wonderful range of other professional services. To highlight all that Malahide has to offer, we have just updated our website with a listing of all businesses. Additionally, we are distributing a Directory to all Malahide homes that contains useful information, town map and a list of services offered by Chamber members. This year, the Chamber and businesses put resources back into the community by running the Malahide Festival in July and our annual
events this year, such as the Summer Fest in June, the Formula Fun day in July and the Food Fest in August. The year was finished by a wonderful Gala Ball held at the beginning of December in the Bracken Court Hotel. We have already started working on a Strategic Plan for our activities in 2012 and have proposed 12 events and 19 projects. It is envisaged that the Chamber will be busier than ever in 2012 and so we would encourage any local businesses that are not yet members to contact to enquire about become members of this active and successful Chamber.
Santa event in November. Our focus for both events was to provide free activities for the community that supports us all year through. Each event attracted thousands of people into the town to enjoy both the events and the great range of services we provide in our town every day.
In 2012, we will continue to work for the businesses and community in Malahide, remembering that we are all in this together. We also take this opportunity to thank the North County Leader for their continuing support of all the communities of North County Dublin.
Swords Toastmasters Swords Toastmasters meet at the Carnegie Hotel, Swords, at 8pm on the second and fourth Monday of the month. Visit for more information. Perfect for those who may have trouble with public speaking, all are welcome to attend.
P.A DEPARTMENT Carlsbro Titan speaker system 800 watt system 192 led light panel (colourwash/ sound to light activation) Stagg super amplified bass stereo headphones Dynacord paramax 5 system Stagg 150 watt pa system incl. 2 speaker + 2 speaker cables Peavey pv10usb mixer with effects Lem passive 12” stereo bass bin 350 watt Stagg condenser “skull” gold coloured mic Alto 12” 800watt powered speaker (plastic Cabinet)
RRP SALE PRICE €1199 €599 €149 €119 €30 €15 €8000 €5999 €499 €299 €320 €199 €609 €249 €114.53 €69 €320 €239
DRUM DEPARTMENT €699 €1165 €1599 €750 €479 €1099 €799
Roland HDI electronic kit Roland TD4K electronic kit Roland TD9K electronic kit Yamaha DTX500 electronic kit Alesis DM6 electronic kit Pearl Vision Birch + 900 series hardware Pearl Forum 5 Piece + Hardware
€499 €799 €799 €599 €399 €799 €599
As you relax in front of the fire over Christmas, spare a thought for the Stepping Out teachers who, through December and over Christmas, are to be found spending long days in the Stepping Out studio perfecting the Stepping Out Zumba Fitness New Year Shape Up Course. Stepping Out founder Sharon Tinkler tells us, “We put a huge amount of work into our course to make sure it’s just right. Customers probably have no idea of what goes on behind the scenes, but let me assure you the dedication and professionalism of our teachers is amazing.” And if you have been over doing it on the plum pudding, don’t stress, this course gets results. Sharon continues, “One of our current teacher trainees started out this time last year as a customer on our New Year Shape Up Course. Over the year attending our Zumba classes in Mallow she has lost three and a half stone and is now training to become a Stepping Out teacher. When you see that kind of turnaround in peoples’ lives its really all you ever need to motivate you and keep you going. In Stepping Out, we have always believed that fitness should be fun and all the classes reflect that ethos, but w also know that people want results and we must deliver what people want. For over six years, Stepping Out has been the largest dance fitness company on the market and we have done that by delivering the highest quality classes consistently. This January, we are running our New Year Shape up course in 72 venues all over Ireland. The local venues are Dublin Airport Sports Complex, The Bracken Court Balbriggan, Skerries Community Centre, The Boyne Valley Hotel Drogheda, St Kevin’s Junior School Donaghmede, Clontarf Rugby and Cricket Club, St Gabriel’s Parish Hall Clontarf, Carlton Hotel Tyrrelstown, St Francis Xavier Senior School Castleknock and Na Fianna GAA, Glasnevin.”
50% 40% 20% 20%
€1150 €1120 €1355 €1269 €1640 €896 €138 €275 €299 €910 €677 €1000 €230 €110
€862.50 €840 €1000 €1015 €1312 €700 €110.40 €165 €215 €650 €520 €599
183.99 €88
€2195 €1777 €1254 €1100 €2049 €1540 €1540 €2737 €1765 €725 €1325 €692 €340 €687
€1756 €1421.60 €1003.20 €880 €1639.20 €1232 €1232 €2052 (25%) €1059 €500 €1000 €450 €200 €450
ELECTRIC GUITARS Fender 62 strat Fender American deluxe strat Fender joe strummer tele Fender aerodyne tele Fender American deluxe jazz bass Fender American std p bass Fender American jazz bas Ibanez jem tv Godin Flat 5 lightburst Tokai sg p90 Godin montreal Gretsch elctromatic Aria 7 string Tokai pr50
The Stepping Out Zumba New Year Shape Up
ACOUSTIC GUITARS Seagull Artist Mahogany spruce CW Seagull S.w.S Rosewood SGQI Shop soiled Larrivee Do3RE Takamine ETN10C Takamine TAN16C Aria AD8ON Stagg Sw203 pack for beginners James Neligan NA20 Solid Cedar James Neligan NA30 Garrison G41 Garrison GD20HG Headway Shire King 120 Acoustic Amp Carlsbro Sherwood 30 Acoustic Amp Stagg Ca15a Acoustic Amp
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
ELECTRIC BASS Godin Freeway 5 bass Godin BG4 Bass
€865 €1410
€600 €900
€1699 €1906 €1499 €1049 €949 €1599 €529 €1050 €720 €1265
€1275 €1429 €1125 €735 €665 €1193 €370 €750 €450 €885
AMPLIFIERS Peavey xxx amp head Peavey jsx amp head Peavey 6505 2 x 12 combo Orange rocker 30 head Orange 4 x 12 cab Orange ad30tc 30w combo Orange tiny terror head Carlsbro 50 top valve head Carlsbro t60 watt valve amp Engle screamer 50w head
The Sound Shop Drogheda, home of Music in Ireland
Guitar Tuners from €1 Run by Musicians for Musicians and Future Musicians
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Sales Issue 2012
GERRY RAFFERTY to the readers of North County Leader
to the readers of North County Leader
N Improve efficiency N Study Skills and Results N Experienced/ Certified Tutors N All Ages, All Subjects N Primary, Secondary, Third Level N Special Needs FREE CONSULTATION
087 6532 955
PILATES For All Stages in Life This is a challenging (8 week) mat-work course suitable for men/women who wish to improve their core strength & stability without developing bulky muscles. Excellent for toning up all areas of the body whilst providing greater flexibility & restoring correct postural alignment.
NEW YEAR COURSE’S Commencing Week Beginning January 9th 2012 SWORDS (Beginners/Intermediates) 8 – 9pm Tuesday: PORTMARNOCK (Beginners/Intermediates) 7 – 8pm Wednesday: SWORDS (Beginners/Intermediates) 10.30 – 11.30am MALAHIDE (Beginners/Intermediate) 7.30 - 8.30pm Thursday: DONAGHMEDE (Advanced) 7.00-8.00pm
Skerries Tidy Towns take this opportunity to thank all our supporters and helpers over the past year. It was another very successful one for the town. We are only six points behind the
overall winner, Killarney in the National Tidy Towns and although this is a mountain to climb, we are very happy to be sharing the stage with the best in the country, i.e Westport, Killkenny
County Dublin Vocational Education Committee
EVENING CLASSES Spring 2012 LANGUAGES: FRENCH: Beginners & Improvers
IRISH: Beginners & Improvers SPANISH: Beginners & Improvers ITALIAN: Beginners & Improvers Computer, Hobby, Leisure Courses Computers for beginners and improvers, Yoga, Motorbike Maintenance (beginners & advanced), First Aid (Foundation), Archery, Indian Cookery, Dressmaking, Interior design, Beauty and Make Up, Hairdressing, Creative Writing, Pilates, Boot Camp Circuits, Digital Photography and more. See full listing on website below.
AT SKERRIES COMMUNITY COLLEGE 7.00p.m – 9.00 pm. CLASSES START 30th January and 1st February New: Online Enrolment Log on to: and follow the link in nightclasses
Anne Doyle
etc. It was never more important than now to present the town to its highest standard to help business, tourism and the morale of the residents. We would like to thank the North County Leader for their coverage of our events. We wish all a Happy and Healthy New Year.
On behalf of the Malahide Tidy Towns group, I would like to say a big thank you to those who supported us in in this year’s Tidy Towns competition. Thanks to the hard work of all involved we improved our position and hope to do just as well in 2012. I’d like to say Gerry Rafferty congratulations to all the participants, they really did a fantastic job. I think everyone who was involved and participated in the Tidy Towns competition around the North Country deserves a big thanks as everyone really pulled together and this shows in the great results that were achieved. The Tidy Towns committee are really looking forward to 2012 and we hope to see new volunteers join us, we always are delighted to have more involved in the work we do. I wish all North County Leader readers a happy and prosperous New Year.
Weather Leaflet Launched In Swords The Fingal Community & Voluntary Forum (FCVF) decided to put something together to help our communities with some practical information and tips in case we get the same severe winter weather as last year. The FCVF launched their ‘Severe Weather Information’ Leaflet recently in the County Hall in Swords. The leaflet provides tips on ensuring your home is ready for winter, and advice on how to be safe on the roads. Also covered are various ways to keep warm and safe during extremely cold weather. Included with each
leaflet is a handy room temperature guide.This leaflet and room temperature guide will be distributed to the FCVF’s member groups over the next few weeks, and is available to North County residents by contacting the FCVF on
8905618. The FCVF would like to wish all their members a happy and prosperous New Year and remind North County residents that advance preparation is the key to getting through the winter period safely.
St. Sylvester’s Infant School Yellow Walls Road, Malahide Co. Dublin. Enrolling for Junior Infants September 2012
Please call into the office to collect an application form on Wednesday 18th January 2012 Application forms must be returned on or before 31st January 2012
Sinead: 087 227 8763
Dorset College (01) 8309677 Excellence Through Life-Long Learning Career Focused Courses - excellent progression opportunities FULL-TIME BUSINESS & COMPUTERS • ECDL, Office Skills & Career Counselling (10 Weeks) • ECDL-European Computer Driving Licence • FETAC Supervisory Management & Leadership Level 6 • FETAC Coaching Certificate Level 6 • FETAC Train the Trainer Level 6 PART-TIME COMPUTERS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY • Cloud Certified Professional (CCP™) program • Digital Marketing & eBusiness • CompTIA A+ / IT Essentials-PC Hardware & Software • CISCO – CCNA Computer Network Associate • JEB/EDI Teachers’ Diploma ICTS • CIW-Web Design Professional (Web Design & eCommerce) • CompTIA Network+, Security + • ECDL-European Computer Driving Licence PROGRAMMING • JAVA - Oracle Certified Associate - for Beginners • JAVA - Oracle Certified Professional – for Programmers DATABASE • Oracle Database 11g Administrator Associate LAW & FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY • Cybercrime & Network Security (FETAC Level 5) • Diploma in Criminalistics & Forensic Psychology (FETAC Level 5) ACCOUNTING & BUSINESS • ACCA Certified Accounting Technician – Year 1 • FETAC Manual & Computerised Accounts Level 5 • FETAC Manual & Computerised Payroll Level 5
B.A.S.E Brackenstown Road, Swords, Co. Dublin
B.A.S.E have vacancies for the following classes from January to the Easter Term 2012 BEGINNERS COMPUTERS Monday BEADING Monday CREATIVE WRITING Monday SUGARCRAFT & BAKING Tuesday CROCKET & KNITTING Wednesday ART Wednesday FLOWER ARRANGING Thursday
12pm-2pm 10am-12pm 12pm-2pm 10am-12pm 11.45am-1.45pm 9.30am-11.30am 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Enrolling on Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th 9am - 11am For Further information please call 01 8902593 Monday to Friday from 9.00am - 1.00pm
Emmaus Retreat and Conference Centre, Lissenhall, Swords, Co. Dublin Telephone: (01) 8700050 Fax: (01) 8408248 Email: • Web:
Programmes & Courses at Emmaus for January / February 2012 18th January - LOSS & RECOVERY - One day Workshop Facilitator: Father Jim Cogley Cost €55.00 Light Lunch Included
25th January - TAI CHI CLASSES - Eight Wednesday Mornings Facilitator: Mary Hayes – Cost: €80 for 8 Week. 12th February - EMOTIONAL TRANSFORMATION - One Day Workshop Facilitators. Aisling Kilronon & Ray Manning Cost: €65.00 Light Lunch Included 13th February - AN INTRODUCTION TO CENTERING PRAYER - Five Monday Evenings Facilitator: Denis Gleeson – Cost: €50.00 in total 15th February - HEALING OUR FAMILY TREE - One Day Workshop Facilitator: Father Jim Cogley Cost €55.00 Light Lunch Included 18th February - MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR POTENTIAL One Day Workshop Facilitator: Maria Lynch – Cost: €55.00 Light Lunch Included 18th & 19th February - The ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE - Two day Programme Facilitators: Richard Brennan - Cost: €190 Residential or €130 Non Residential
Please call us on: 01 8700050 Further information or log onto
Sales Issue 2012
DES BECTON to the readers of North County Leader I would like to thank the Tidy Towns Committee for all the hard work they carried out over the last year and the volunteers who assisted us. I would also like to thank the management and staff of the new Operations Des Becton Department of the County Council for all their assistance and look forward to working with them even more closely this coming year. The renewed effort of the new operations staff with assistance of the Tidy Towns committee, schools, residents and businesses was rewarded
Wacky World
USA Meatball sandwich stolen at gunpoint Police in Pennsylvania have arrested two men for stealing a meatball sandwich from a 13 year old boy, at gunpoint. The duo threatened the boy before telling him to empty his pockets. They took the sandwich but didn’t bother with his mobile phone. The boy then used the phone to call the police once the duo left in a nearby car.
by our improvement in the IBAL litter league. Swords went from 32nd position in 2010 to 4th this year out of 53 towns that are surveyed in the country. The judges gave Swords an A rating (Clean to European Norm) on the 10 sites that where inspected. Our objective for the New Year is to work with the Council and the land owner to open up an entrance to the Ward River Valley at Church Road. I would like to thank Cllr Tom Kelleher for the hard work he is putting into bringing this about. Because of the emphasis been put on Nature, Biodiversity, Heritage and Sustainable Development in the National Tidy Towns competition for the New Year, we need to draw up a new three to five year plan. To do this we will need the assistance of people with more expertise, along with funds if we hope to make any achievements in the competition. So I would like to appeal to the people and all organisations in Sword to take more pride in our town by coming forward and volunteering to help. I would like to wish the people of Swords and all the readers of the North County Leader good health and a Very Peaceful, Prosperous and Happy New Year.
PAT KELLY to the readers of North County Leader On behalf of the Lusk Tidy Towns Association, the Photographic Group and the Lusk Heritage Group, it has been a good year with a full range of activities and the local support level has been maintained. When one considers
the national problems, it is increasingly difficult for voluntary bodies to raise funds for their endeavours. The tenacity and enthusiasm of these groups provide an example in overcoming adversity. We very much appreciate the contact and
Pat Kelly
coverage that the North County Leader Newspaper provides for the activities of our organisations. We wish everyone the very best wishes and good health for the New Year.
Ardgillan Castle, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. Telephone: 849 2212. Fax: 849 2786
SPRING 2012 PROGRAMME OF MORNING COURSES & CLASSES Languages- French (Basic knowledge required)
With Justine McGrath. Tuesday 17th January 2012 From 10.30 –12.30 For 10 weeks Fee €100.00
Tailoring & Sewing
With Maura O’Rourke Tuesday 31st Jan ‘12 Time 10.30 -12.30 Machines and equip supplied for use 8 weeks Fee €160
Understand Architectural Design With John Flynn Architect BAarc MRIAI Sat 14th Jan’12 from 10.30-12.30 Fee €180 for 8 weeks and Planning Permission
Languages – Spanish (Basic knowledge required)
Bridge Game Art Workshops
With Justine McGrath. Wednesday 18th Jan 2012 From 10.30 –12.30 For 10 weeks Fee €100.00 Every Wednesday 10.15a.m -12.30 Beginning 11th Jan ‘12. You don’t need a partner. Everyone Welcome With Maura O’Rourke 3 Classes Thursday starting 19th Jan’12 From 10a.m-12 noon 12.15and 2.15 p.m. Sunday Morning. January 15th From 11am-1pm. 8 weeks – Fee €120.00
Flower Arranging
With Christopher White. Starting 23rd February’12 Time 10.30-12.30 For 6 Weeks Fee €90.00
With Justine McGrath. Starting Thursday 19th January 2012 Time 10.30 am – 12.30 For 10 weeks – Fee €100.00
(For Intermediate Level)
Yoga Photography -Intermediate Classes
2 Classes With Nadia Y.T.T.C. Friday 13th January 2012 From 10.30 to 11.50 a.m. and 12.00 – 13.20 pm 6 weeks Fee €80.00
With Eamon O’Daly Starting Sat 28th Jan’12 from 10.30-12.45pm Fee €100 for 6 Weeks. Another Class starting Sat April 21st ‘12
Self Discovery Meditation & With Tara Killeen For 6 weeks. Time 10.30-12.30 Fee €90.00. Dates to be decided Awareness Balbriggan Photographic Meet every fortnight in afternoon 3-5pm. Saturday There is no charge to join this group.Jan 14th -28th 2012 Group Ardgillan Castle Meet every Saturday morning 10.30-12.30 There is no charge to join this group. Writers’ Group
Enrolment for these classes Telephone: Ardgillan Castle- 8492212
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
JOE TROY to the readers of North County Leader Tidy Towns have had a very successful year and achieved ten extra points in the national competition. It is so difficult to increase that many points that the national team that run the Tidy Towns Competition gave us a special Endeavour Award. The award was presented in September to the committee at a ceremony by Minister for Tourism. Leo Varadkar. The Tidy Towns team were challenged by two thefts of their equipment this year and were devasJoe Troy tated in May when the thieves got away with substantial pieces of equipment. However, the pupils of Balbriggan Community College came to the rescue by donating proceeds from their school play. This was such a kind act that the Tidy Towns team honoured the school with an award at the Town Council annual awards in October. I would also like to thank the Balbriggan ADHD group who recently donated funds to help with our 2012 activities. I would like to send New Year greetings to all the residents of Balbriggan and the members of the surrounding Tidy Towns groups in Skerries, Lusk, Balscadden, Balrothery and Rush. I would also like to specifically thank all our volunteers who give so generously of their time and energy for the benefit of the whole community. The Tidy Towns team have gained a number of new members this year, but are always looking for new members, so if anyone would like to join in when the weather warms up a bit then they will be very welcome.
Malahide Hockey Season Training for Malahide Fingal Hockey Club takes place every Monday and Thursday from 7.30pm to 9pm at the Broomfield all-weather training facility. The club plans to field four teams this season in the Leinster League and welcomes all new members. If you have any queries email
HOLY FAMILY J.N.S. River Valley, Swords, Co, Dublin
New Junior Infants Enrolments for September 2012 will take place
Tuesday 17th, Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th January 2012 between 9.30am and 1.00pm.
Telephone enquiries: 8404394/8404446
St. Colmcille’s Girls’ N.S. Chapel Lane, Swords
OPEN DAY Wednesday 18th January 2012 10.30am- 12.30pm
Enrolment Week for Junior Infants (Sept. 2012)
January 23rd -27th
Malahide Community School Adult Education Programme - January 2012 1. Creative Writing 2. Computers for Beginners 3. Meditation 4. Bridge Term 2 5. Spanish for Beginners 6. Spanish for Improvers 7. Spanish for Advanced 8. Italian for Beginners 9. Ballroom Dancing 10. Bellydancing 11. Computers ECDL 12. Yoga 13. German for Improvers 14. Adult Literacy 15. Digital Camera 16. French for Beginners
17. Pottery 18. Continuing Art History 19. Jewellery Making 20. Astronomy Stage 2 21. Studio Photography 22. Enjoying Opera 23. Art 24. An Introduction to Photoshop 25. Make Up Artistry for Beginners 26. An Intoduction to Film Appreciation and Script Writing 27. Payroll Technician 28. Design Your Own Garden
29. Philosophy 30. Interior Design 31. Irish Genealogy 32. Website Design 33. An Introduction to the Legal System 34. Radio Presenters Course 35. Photoshop for Improvers 36. French for Improvers 37. Woodcarving 38. Public Relations 39. Introduction to PC Maintenance 40. Pilates 41. Zumba 42. Personal Image and Style
Further details are available in our new brochure which can be obtained, free of charge, in Malahide, Raheny and Swords libraries and from local supermarkets and newsagents from 21-12-11. There are 3 ways to enrol for classes: 1. At enrolment night on 24-1-12 in the school from 7.30 to 9.00p.m. 2. By post with the postal form which is on the inside cover of the brochure 3. Online enrolment at from 14-12-11. To apply online: 1. go to 2. On the top right hand corner click on: Login to Make a Payment 3. In the panel on the right click New User 4. Look for Malahide Community School in the drop down list under Oranisation Name 5. Select Malahide Community School. 6. Enter Registration Details 7. Click Register 8. Click To go to a secure site 9.Choose the course you want 10. Proceed to pay
For enquiries please phone: 8460949 or E-mail: Director of Adult Education: Robbie Harrold
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Sales Issue 2012
The Rolestown Theatre Group Proudly Presents
t’s that time of the year again and the Rolestown Theatre Group have come up with another superb pantomime. This is their 27th year of producing panto and it is the best and most entertaining panto in Fingal. This year’s Panto is the classic story of the Babes in the Wood with Robin Hood & his Merry Men also involved and once again the group have acquired the services of the best professional people for their Congratulations and music, sound, lights, costumes, Best Wishes to production etc., Rolestown Theatre Group The Panto guarantees a great
From all the team at Sam Dennigan and Company
Head Office, Palmerstown, Oldtown, Co. Dublin, Ireland T: 00353 1 801 05 00 • E:
Nollaig na mBan
Women’s Little Christmas Calling all Mothers, Sisters, Aunties, Grandmothers and Best Friends!!
show for every age group from young to old with plenty of great songs, superb dancing and of course lots and lots of laughter. Booking is advisable to ensure the best seats and you can book by telephone at: 086 8780890 between 9am and 5pm each day or you can email m Tickets can then be collected at the Golf Shop, Roganstown Golf and Country Club. Booked tickets must be
The show dates are: Friday 13th Jan - 8pm Saturday 14th Jan -3pm Sunday 15th Jan -3pm Friday 20th Jan - 8pm Saturday 21st Jan -3pm Sunday 22nd Jan - 3pm
collected within 2 days of posted and of course there is booking or the booking will be plenty of parking. Don’t miss cancelled. Ticket holders will this spectacular show – Book today. then be admitted without the hassle of waiting at the door. Tickets Prices are: Adults €12.00 and Children/OAPs €10.00 (may be purchased over the phone) Rolestown Hall is situated on the Swords/Ashbourne Road and will be well sign
Once again the group are inviting all the OAPs in the area to a free show on Thursday 12th January at 8pm. All shows will start at the advertised time.
Balheary Avenue, Swords, Co. Dublin Phone: 8409819/8901030 Email: Web:
New FREE Courses Starting in February 2012
Come and join us here at Roganstown Hotel & Country Club and celebrate one of Ireland’s long standing Christmas traditions of Nollaig na mBan – Women’s Little Christmas. This is the day that the women get together after the festivities whist the men stay at home and handle the chores. We have put together a very special 4-course menu which includes a Mulled Wine Reception so gather all your friends and come and celebrate with us!
Special Overnight Rate of only
€59 Bed & Breakfast per room! Date: Saturday January 7th 2012 Time: 8pm Price: €29.50 (to include 4 Course Dinner, Entertainment & Mulled Wine Reception)
Roganstown Hotel & Country Club, Naul Rd, Swords, Co Dublin
To join our garden club and for more details on the free course's please visit our website or call 01-8405780
Tel. 01-8433118 • •
Sales Issue 2012
DEIRDRE MCMENAMIN to the readers of North County Leader In this festive season we are pleased to look back over the following achievements during 2011. We entered our town in the Tidy Towns competition after being absent for a number of years. Our efforts were rewarded with a Deirdre McMenamin respectable score, thanks to the spirit and the involvement of the people of Rush. Our regular cleanups, hanging baskets and fundraising events were all commented upon favourably by the judges as they reported on our beautiful seaside town. Our very own committee member, Peter Smullen was voted Rush Man of the Year, and I think we’ll all agree very deserved. Our success last year has
spurred us on to ambitious yet realistic ambitions for 2012. We will continue to involve the local schools and youth clubs with the cleanups of the town and beaches. Landscaping and planting will be extended to include the junction of Hands Lane/Main Street, Harbour Park and various Wacky World other sites around the town. Our “Welcome to ENGLAND Rush” signs will finally be in place as will our New game Is More hanging flower baskets, Wee Than Wii only this year they will be larger. We will participate The world's first urinein An Taisce’s National controlled video game Spring Clean Day in April has been installed in a and be launching a Best London bar. Visitors Kept Garden Competition. can play one of three We thank all our spon- games every time they sors for their continue use a urinal. The game support. We also thank was designed to all the local volunteers create a valuable who have given up their media opportunity from the 55 seconds time in making Rush such the average male a beautiful place to live. spends while he pees Im the meantime, we just staring at a blank wish you all all a Peaceful wall. and Happy New Year.
Lispopple, Swords, Co. Dublin Email:
Tel: 01 8138511
from only €6.95 pp
Only €28.50pp
Whatever the occasion Birthday, Anniversary, Christening we have you covered!
(min 80 guests) t&c’s apply
Offer extended to the 15th of January Limited dates left so call us today!
E THIS NE W YE AR’S EV LE Y ST PARTY IN New Year 2012 with us!
with great Live Music, Ring in the
ION NEW OVER NIGHT PROMOT ity One Night B&B for 2 with a choice of activ re The Choice of activity is from: * Clay Pigeon Shooting
* Manicure& Pedicu * Horse Riding
* Sea weed bath
ilty activity)* Dates are limited & subject to availab (Booking must be made a week in advance to secure
Call us today: 01 813 8511 Email:
Ring in the New Year in Style!
ri e e s s ra B y v I e Th
New Traffic Management At Millfield Welcomed Cllr Ciaran Byrne has told the County Leader that he is delighted with the positive response he has received from the Council’s Transport Department to his motion for traffic management work at the Millfield Shopping Centre in Balbriggan. Byrne said that there was also concern for school children crossing the road near the busy roundabout. He tabled his motion after meeting with residents’ representatives in September. “People in the Westbrook Estate have been trying for years to get some relief from the traffic volumes at the entrance to the estate,” he said. “The opening of the Millfield Shopping Centre, while being a very welcome development for the town, created even greater traffic problems with heavier volumes at the busy roundabout. The Council has now indicated that a new pedestrian crossing and a further traffic control system (possibly a yellow box) will be build in the New Year.”
New Year’s Eve in
Wacky World
Man Grows fingertip on stomach
per person sharing
€69 meal only per person
See in the New Year in the renowned Ivy Brasserie with a sumptuous 5 course meal. Ring in the changes at midnight in the Sadlier Bar with live music & a glass of Prosecco. Stay overnight and enjoy full Irish breakfast on New Year’s Day.
New Year’s Eve Ball €150
per person sharing
Alternatively choose the Darley Suite with a Dunboyne Cocktail on arrival, followed by a 4 course meal, Angel & Her Band along with a glass of Prosecco at midnight. Stay overnight and enjoy full Irish breakfast on New Year’s Day.
meal only per person
Call 01 8013500 for bookings •
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Sarah Kivlehan from Clontarf was the lucky winner of €5,000 at the Movies@Swords Gift of Christmas Promotion. Sarah bought a large Combo Meal at Movies@Swords in the Pavilions Shopping Centre, which qualified her for the draw, which was made at Movies@Dundrum on 21st December last - just in time for Christmas. Sarah, (in centre) is pictured with Janice Lawlor and Darren Crampton (both from Movies@Swords)
BLAITHIN O’DONNELL to the readers of North County Leader 2011 was a busy one, which saw a lot of change in Donabate with a lot of building and road works happening. As those projects are now complete, we hope that we can concentrate on the aesthetic aspects of Donabate in 2012. There was a fantastic project completed this year at the St. Ita’s wetlands with the help of St Patrick’s Boys School, Hans Visser of Fingal County Council biodiversity dept and funding from the LEADER organisation. This winter, the County Council will have to fell 50 or so poplar trees on the Portrane Road, as they
have reached their life span and are now dangerous on this busy road, so we will be working with them to find a suitable replacement in Spring 2012. New tree and perennial planting will be put in around the Blaithin O’Donnell new water pumping station at “The Hand” and we are hoping to improve the state of our grass verges next year. New volunteers are always welcome and you can contact us at We would like to wish all of our volunteers and supporters a very happy, clean and tidy 2012 and say thank you for making Donabate a better place in which to live, work and play.
The award winning Eireann Elvis is back for one night only, 29th Dec. Dinner & Show €29.95pp
NEW YEARS EVE Make the night sparkle this New Years Eve @ the Courtyard Restaurant. Enjoy a 4Course menu + live music with Roy Taylor.
Tickets €34.95pp
Doctors saved a man’s fingertip by attaching it to his stomach. Wang Yongiun cut off the end of his middle finger with an electric saw in a work accident. Doctors operated and attached Wang’s finger to his stomach in the hope that new skin and muscle would grow around it. Dr Huang Xuesong said that the operation was a success.
NEW YEARS EVE AT HARP BAR Celebrate this New Year in the Harp Bar LIVE MUSIC, DJ & DANCING TILL LATE Package only €495*
Function room hire * Finger food for 100 people * Bar extension till 2.30am * Selected dates Jan/Feb
Carnegie Court Hotel, North Street, Swords • Tel: 01 8 404 384 Email:
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Sales Issue 2012
FREE €400 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SPREE. Voucher extended until 30th December GET YOUR ENTIRE €400 DEPOSIT BACK IN DUNNES STORES VOUCHERS. HAPPY CHRISTMAS! Simply visit Barrable Motors before 19th December and put down a €400 deposit on that stylish new Kia you’ve had your eye on. We’ll give you €400 in Dunnes Stores shopping vouchers with our compliments to spend on a really special Christmas. Enjoy!
TEL: 01 88 33300
Official fuel consumption figures in l/100km for the Kia Sportage are: Urban: 6.8 – 6.0, Extra Urban: 5.1 – 4.8, Combined 5.7 – 5.2. Official CO2 emissions are: 156 – 135 g/km.
Warranty is 7 years/150,000 km warranty and are subject to terms and conditions as defined in the owners warranty and service handbook. Dunnes Stores offer based on a non-refundable €400 deposit. Contact a Kia dealer for further details. Models shown may not be to Irish specification.
Castle Motors North Street Swords BIG JANUARY SALE NOW ON ALL STOCK
AUDI A4 2.0 TDI SE 143BHP 17" light alloy wheels, Air conditioning, Full service history 2009, 75,000 €20,500
BMW 3 SERIES leather ABS, 17" light alloy wheels, Adjustable seats, Adjustable 2004 116,000, 2.0 €6,450
BMW 5 SERIES 302 tax Alloy wheels, Tinted Windows, Electric windows, Mirrors 2008 95,000 2.0 €17,500
BMW 5 SERIES M-Sport 18" light alloy wheels, ABS, Full service history, Heated seats 2008, 45,000 2.0 €27,900
BMW X5 3.0 d SPORT ABS, Adjustable seats, Folding rear seats, Leather upholstery, 2006, 63,000 €16,950
FORD FIESTA 1.4 DIESEL Adjustable steering column/wheel, ABS, Air conditioning, 2010 42,000 €11,500
FORD FIESTA 1.2, 5 door, Body coloured bumpers, 2004 67,000 €3,750
FORD FOCUS 1.8 TDCI STYLE 156 TAX Adjustable steering column/wheel, Adjustable seats, FSH, 2009, 41,000 €11,500
FORD FOCUS 1.8 tdci 2008 80,000 €8,900
FORD GALAXY 1.8 TDCI ZE - TEC 18" light alloy wheels, ABS, Adjustable seats, Foglights, 2009, 63,000 €21,500
FORD MONDEO 1.8 ECOTONIC 156 TAX FSH, 17" light alloy wheels, Adjustable steering, 2008, 63,000 €11,500
FORD MONDEO 1.8 GHIA LEATHER 2004 100,000 €2,995
Ford Mondeo 1.8 2003 100,000, Air Conditioning, NCT €2,750
Honda Jazz 1.3 auto Body kit, 16" light alloy wheels, Body coloured bumpers, 2004 62,137 €4,995
HONDA STREAM 1.7 NEW MODEL Adjustable steering column/wheel, Air conditioning, CD, 2003 47,224 €5,995
KIA CERATO 1.6 ABS, Air conditioning, Bumper and mirror in color, Remote 2006 8,078 €3,995
NISSAN ALMERA 1.5 SALOON Central locking, Bumper and mirror in color, CD, Power Steering, 2003 68,000, €2,500
PEUGEOT 307 1.6 convertable 2005 72,079, Body coloured bumpers, €4,995
PEUGEOT 308 1.6 HDI 2009 40,000, Air Conditioning, Full Service History €11,900
RENAULT CLIO 1.2 rip curl 2009 62,000, Top Spec, Climate Control, Alloys €6,750
SEAT LEON 1.9 TDI 2009 45,000, Air Conditioning, NCT, Body coloured bumpers, €11,900
SEAT TOLEDO 1.6 Full service history, CD, Central locking, Electric window 2004 47,000 €3,500
SKODA OCTAVIA 1.9 tdi classic Adjustable seats, Air conditioning, Adjustable steering 2008 71,000 €9,950
SKODA SUPERB 2.0 140 bhp leather 17" light alloy wheels, ABS, Adjustable steering 2006 95,000 €7,750
SUBARU IMPREZA 1.6 2006, 34,797, Good Tyres, NCT, Alloy wheels €5,750
SUZUKI LIANA 1.3 4 DOOR Adjustable steering column/wheel, Bumper and mirror 2006 48,000 €3,900
TOYOTA AVENSIS T2 D4D 2009 42,000 2.0, Full Service History, 2 Keys €14,900
BMW 5 SERIES SE AUTO 17" light alloy wheels, ABS, Adjustable seats, Adjustable steering 2008 70,000 2.0 €19,900
HYUNDAI SANTA FE 4WD AUTO LEATHER 18" light alloy wheels, ABS, Adjustable seats, Drivers airbag 2008 73,000 2.2 €19,450
HONDA JAZZ 1.3 auto Adjustable seats, Air conditioning, Adjustable steering 2002 64,001 €3,995
Sales Issue 2012
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
The trick to dealing with perplexing situations is to act swiftly and decisively, yet to expect little in the way of response. By all indications take careful note of this advice - and act on it - for what takes place this week.
Sep 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 22
You’ve been cornered into making decisions that really aren’t your responsibility. And, whatever you do this week, someone will object. That being the case, the solution lies in being tough, and call it as you see it.
Nov 23 - Dec 21
You’ve been ignoring all doubts or anxieties for some time. Initially, you hoped you could sidestep them. But evasion becomes increasingly difficult when faced with developments as the week takes hold.
Jun 21 - Jul 22
Difficult as it may be, try not to take personally whatever happens earlier in the week. This will enable you to focus on the far more intriguing developments that are indicated in your signs as the week comes to an end.
Aug 24 - Sep 22
For weeks now you’ve been trying to get close ties or associates to agree to certain plans, but you’ve been frustrated. Try to be patient, indications are that events later in the week will play right into your hands.
May 21 - Jun 20
Few things are more frustrating than having to deal with unfairly rigid circumstances or inflexible individuals. But you soon begin to see that change could help you take advantage of as yet undiscovered possibilities.
Apr 21 - May 20
However time-consuming difficulties with others are, you must explore your options. Initially, this provides intriguing insights, but towards the end of the week you will be putting into practise what you learnt in the past.
If you come to feel this is a week to tidy up matters from the past, then you won’t mind dealing with the issues you face. In fact, you’ll be revealed once circumstances force you to confront certain situations.
Mar 21 - Apr 20
As the week begins and you face unpleasant and in some cases unfair - power struggles, you become dispirited about getting issues resolved. In every case, persistance, combined with patience, wins the day.
Jul 23 - Aug 23
You’ve known for some time that you were going to have to confront certain individuals or situations, but the time never seemed right. Now, not only is it ideal, but your hand will be forced as the week progresses.
Feb 19 - Mar 20
You frequently spoil those you care about and often find it difficult to be tough with them. But as events transpire this week, certain issues simply cannot be ignored. Also, in all matters, the faster you act the better.
Jan 20 - Feb 18
to the readers of North County Leader The past number of years has been very difficult for many Dublin families and unfortunately, 2012 may see even more people in our communities affected. Next year, we must all continue to remember the most vulnerable in our society - older people, who struggled through hard times before and who now face such uncertainty again; people who have lost their jobs and fallen into debt, children whose parents will struggle to provide not only the extra luxuries, but even some basic necessities. We are seeing the harsh realities of the economic downturn through our Crosscare services; greater demands on our food banks and in our home-
MOST REV. DR. MICHAEL JACKSON to the readers of North County Leader As 2012 beckons us forward into a New Year, my hope is that we develop a deeper sense of community in the everyday things of life. So much of what we are promised these days is austerity and more austerity. Such an approach brings in its train a sense of fragility
less services. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is also dealing each week with calls and demands from families who never imagined they would have to turn to them for help. And I must acknowledge the concern of people in our parishes; just last Dr. Diarmuid Martin week, we saw people give as generously as they could to the annual Dublin Diocesan Vincent de Paul Collection. The true sense of Christianity can at times be best recognised by what our children teach us. In their values we can discover something of what God was telling us on that first Christmas when he appeared as a child. I pray the readers of the North County Leader and their families will find that peace and hope this New Year ahead.
Swords Bereavement Support Swords Parish Bethany Bereavement Support meets on the second and last Monday of every month in the Parish Office at 42 North Street, Swords, from 8.30pm to 9.30pm. If you are suffering the pain of loss through bereavement, you are most welcome to attend the meetings. This is a free and confidential service.
New Year Opening Hours: Wed 28th & Thurs 29th:...............9am - 5pm Fri 30th: .........................................9am - 3pm Sat 31st, Sun 1st & Mon 2nd: ......Closed Tues 3rd:........................................9am-6pm as normal Drop in for your free 5 point winter check
Dec 22 - Jan 19
You want time to become comfortable with the potentially life-changing offers that arise around Thursday, but you’ll have to move swiftly. Any delay with such decisions, and they could be made on your behalf.
WIN! WIN! WIN! The Holiday World Show 2012 is taking place in the RDS Dublin, from Friday, January 27th to Sunday January 29th 2011, and the North County Leader has ten family passes to give away to lucky readers. The tickets will permit a family of four (two adults, two children) free access to the event on any day. The show this year will offer even more as this year the Holiday World Show will offer visitors the chance to experience 3 shows in 1: Holiday World Shows 2012, NEW Over 55’s Holiday Shows and Caravan & Motorhome Shows. Almost 800 Exhibitors from 70 countries will showcase at the event including tour operators, travel agents, hotels, airlines and national and global tourist organisations. This year ‘Travel Clinics’ this year will provide frank, straight talking advise on everything you will need for your trip away such as visa requirements, packing hints and tips, immunisations required for various countries, best flight operators for value and good service, as well as ideas for annual trips and answering visitors questions on topics such as Far East travel, African holidays, Sports trips and holidays, Adventure Travel, Ski holidays, Caribbean holidays and weddings, the USA Deep South experience, as well as Home Holidays. Concession rates apply for OAP’s and Students. For further information log on to Make sure to check us out on Facebook for details on exciting holidays to be won at
To be in with a chance to win, simply answer the following question:
How many countries will be showcased at the Holiday World Show 2012?
Termas & Conditions Apply. Entries must be submitted by 17th January 2012
Dr. Michael Jackson
and insecurity. The most vulnerable in contemporary Ireland feel the pain most acutely in so many corners of life. We need to take the opportunity to rejoice once again in human companionship, new friendships and the sharing which is the lifeblood of giving and receiving. May you all have a safe and peaceful New Year as new days lead us into new experiences of community and of loyalty to one another.
Kellys Business Park, Balrothery, Balbriggan, County Dublin. T. (01) 968 0880
Wacky World
Woman Sues Over Tattoo A US woman is reportedly suing her ex-boyfriend who was said to have got his revenge on her by tattooing a steaming poo on her back.Rossie Brovent wanted £60,000 in damages from Ryan Fitzjerald. Mr Fitzgerald, a tattoo artist, apparently staged the stunt after discovering that she had cheated on him with his best friend.
AIRSIDE CRASH REPAIRS CALL: 087 686 3707 TODAY SMART PAINT AND TRIM REPAIR CENTRE. DON’T TRADE UP…..CLEAN UP! *Body shop Quality up to 40% cheaper! *Same day service *Local pick up Available
WINTER SPECIAL Autoglym winter pack worth €45 with all repairs over €250 • • • •
CRASH REPAIRS • BUMPER • SCUFFS ALLOY WHEELS • PAINT SCRATCHES STONE CHIPS • PLASTIC WELDING DENTS • LEATHER & TRIM Unit A1 Airside Business Park Swords, Co. Dublin Email: Ph: (01)8084451 or (087)6863707
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Sales Issue 2012
New Community Colleges Planned For North County County Dublin VEC has confirmed it will apply for patronage of two proposed new Community
Colleges in the North County. They are in Lusk and Balbriggan. The leading education
provider is calling on parents to express their interest in these modern new post-primary schools
and has already held several public meetings with large attendances by parents in these areas. In the County Dublin VEC area, a new post-primary school is scheduled to open in Lusk in 2013 while Balbriggan will be Gaelcholaiste, which teach through the Irish language. The Department of Education and Skills has designated these locations as priority areas for new post-primary schools. It has also extended the deadline for parents to express their interest to 15th February 2012, however all interested parents are strongly urged to express their interest immediately in the proposed new schools. Under the patronage of County Dublin VEC,
Community Colleges and Gaelcholaisti are State operated multi denominational and co-educational schools with a community based ethos of inclusivity and the highest educational standards.
Wacky World
ENGLAND Kitten survives washing machine spin A kitten called Scampi had a lucky escape after he climbed into a washing machine moments before it was put on a spin cycle. Owner Frances Leate noticed that Scampi was in the washing machine. The owner and her neighbour Pam Morris finally ,managed to open the door and bring the kitten to the vet. Scampi was lucky to survive.
CLASSIFIED FOR SALE: Silvercross Pram/Buggy with carry cot, rain cover, sun canopy, perfect condition, €150 ono. Skerries Area. Ph: 0851006786 4 ways to place your FREE private Classified 1. Email your advertisement to us at 2. Fax your advertisement to us at (01) 8400 550 3. Just pop into our office on North Street, Swords with your advertisement. 4. Log onto
NEW JOB ‘I’ve always wanted to work in Sales… but no-one will give me a chance’
Does this sound familiar? If so read on, you could be just what we are looking for. We are a young progressive company, a leader in our field, who recognise that experience has to start somewhere. Our portfolio of varied products require Sales People who may not necessarily have experience, but have the qualities necessary to make a big impression. Are you?… • Energetic • A Self Starter • A Team Player • A Hard Worker
• Enthusiastic • Result Orientated • Sense of Humour • An Ideas Person
We will offer successful candidates a competitive salary and bonus structure, induction and on-going training, a FUN environment and most importantly THE OPPORTUNITY
No. 1 because we listen! We deliver
An Equal Opportunities Employer
If you think you measure up, send your CV to:
Gerry Fitzmaurice, North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin or email:
CHIMNEY SWEEP AVAILABLE • Chimney Sweeping as per government warning as seen on TV • Gutter Cleaning • Garden Maintenance
Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. M.P
Next Issue:
Tuesday, 17th January NING : 13TH J AN
Please submit your planning notices to: before 5.30pm every Thursday, in order for the application to appear in the following issue of North County Leader. A receipt will be issued when your planning notice is received. Please retain this receipt as proof of submission.
Fingal County Council Planning Permission sought for Construction of a new extension to side of existing house. Extension is to consist of a single storey extension at ground floor level with New Playroom, WC and Utility Room. All at 35 Turvey Drive, Donabate, Co. Dublin. Signed Mr. & Mrs. D. Stanley This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Permission is sought by L & M Rudding to construct a Single storey extension to rear together with associated site works at Camelot, The Hopyard, Ballyboughal, Co Dublin The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council (Swords) during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee within a period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council Bristol-Myers Squibb Swords Laboratories intend to apply for permission for development at a site at Watery Lane, Swords, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of: a) installation of a new cryogenic condensation unit; b) construction of a bund wall around the proposed
cryogenic condensation unit; c) construction of an access stair and platforms surrounding the unit; and, d) all associated site development works, ancillary items of equipment and plant to support the cryogenic unit. The proposed development involves the modification of an establishment within the meaning of Part 11 of the Planning Regulations to which the European Communities (Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2000 (SI 476 of 2000) apply and which is subject to IPPC Licence P0014-04. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Fingal County Council, County Hall, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin 9.30am – 3.30pm Monday – Friday during its public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20 euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the application. Fingal County Council I Mr Gerard Byrne wish to apply for planning permission for a side extension at 24 Gainsborough court Streamstown, Malahide, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of the following, a new garage and utility room at ground floor level to the rear and two new bedrooms, one at the front and one at the rear at first floor level. Works will also include a new roof at first floor level with roof lights on the north and west elevation. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal county council, county hall, Swords,Co Dublin during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application.
Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders
Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are
North County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas: Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny, Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy, Malahide and Portmarnock Adverts must be supplied by email to or by visiting: you can also post your advert on a disk to
North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin
Sales Issue 2012
28.12.2011 Duffy Plumbing & Heating Ltd.
APPLE Plumbing & Heating • Plumbing Repairs • Heating Maintenance • Gas Heating Installations • Boiler Replacements
Gas Boiler Servicing from €69+vat
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Lusk • Malahide • Swords • Rush • Portmarnock • Skerries • Balbriggan • Donabate • Stamullen Fully Insured Local Engineers
Tel : 849 5231
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We specialise in pressure treated gates which are resistant to: Dry Rot,Woodworm, and Expansion. (on average a pressure treated gate will last up to two times longer than non-pressurised)
- Future-proof your property with system zoning, energy controls & high efficiency condensing gas boilers
Get your gates from just €10 a week
* grants available
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NO JOB TOO SMALL! Fully Insured & Registered
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Aerial & Satellite T.V Services Kevin McGill The Burrow, Portrane, Co Dublin
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Des Maguire Construction Ltd • Specialists in Sun Rooms • Extensions • Garage Conversions • Decking & patios • Full electrical service • Fully Insured • One off housing • Registered Contractor
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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
a Van
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Call Ross: 086 846 8322 Tony: 086 6670597 Michael Patterson’s Upholstery Service
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Electric Showers Suppliedand & Fitted Supplied fitted Old Showers Replaced No Fuss, No Mess Specialist in:
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Interior / Exterior House, Apartment and Office Painters Car Park Line Marking Available
086 4042839
North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper
Sales Issue 2012
From 27th December - 2nd January (Excludes Purchase of Gift Cards / Vouchers & Electric Showers) (Offer also available in Atlantic Homecare Stores.)
CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR OPENING HOURS z Tuesday 27th : 10am - 6pm*
z Friday 30th : 9am - 9pm*
z Wednesday 28th : 9am - 8pm*
z New Year’s Eve : 9am - 6pm
z Thursday 29th : 9am - 9pm*
z New Year’s Day : 12pm - 6pm
z Monday 2nd : 10am - 6pm* * Some stores may vary, check on-line @ &