2025 Metropolis Future100
2025 Metropolis Future100
“A Framed Story” serves as a community hub and tells the story of Marietta Square through the use of historical materials. This project looks towards the future of its residents and encourages them to interact with their built environment by creating the gesture of lifting the project’s program above the ground level to foster public space and create social engagement.
The design looks to accomodate multiple uses and an abilitiy to transform based on community needs. The design aimed to be a net positive operational energy project that would promote community resiliency. This happens in multiple ways throughout the building such as the vertical axis wind turbines and the passive airfoil shape of the canopy that increases its efficiency. The canopy also houses transparent photovoltaics and solar hot water preheat panels, which reduces the operational cost of the building.
The project takes place in the developing neighborhood in Kirkwood, Atlanta GA. It looks a the blend of Library and Residential programs to create a new mixuse building architype. The proposal looks at the project’s relationship to the surrounding context first by carving within the structure in relation to how sun interacts with the envelope and how to allow sun to still reach neighboring structures. The design also looks at how to redefine the idea of a library and how to encourage engagement with it.
The front elevation shows the continuation of the side walk to the roof top courtyard space. It also explore scale changes through the large civic gesture of the digital facade to the immediate change to human scale of the library entrance. The front elevation also explores the visual identity of the library in modern times.
The design heavily explores the entry sequence. The street scape begins to flow through the building. There is an A-B-A rhythm in the entry sequence with a play of expansion and compression.
The section model allows your eyes to move up and down through the design. It celebrates the entry section and how the structure weaves its way through and around the design. The structure plays the role as the roof, facade, ceiling, and skylight.
The Field Station is a research facility site located in Kennsaw, GA owned by Kennesaw State University. The site ecological historyhas much interest with the naturally unnatural creation of it. A series of site imagery begins to show this gradual change of the site from 1993 - 2024. The site becomes an act of layering, recomposing, demolishing and then layering again. We found interest in this aspect of the site and began investing its nature. We began with a series of drawing and models to investigate and express the layered nature of the site. This abstracted notion of layering quickly became a study of floor and roof as they shift planes vertically to create space. This translated to a study of ground condition and roof condition. Where ground begins to mold up and down to create space and a light roof hovers of to help deifne space