Discovering What Kids Need to Succeed! Spring 2010
New Resources on Media and the Family! see page 17
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Increase student success. Improve your staff morale. Transform school and community culture. We’ll give you the data, skills, and resources you need.–FREE Downloads • Product Reviews • “Peek Inside” Previews • Podcasts • And Much More!
What Are Developmental Assets?®
All of Search Institute’s products and services are grounded in our research about the 40 Developmental Assets, the positive characteristics and experiences kids need to succeed:
The EXTERNAL Assets Support
Family Support • Positive Family Communication • Other Adult Relationships • Caring Neighborhood • Caring School Climate • Parent Involvement in Schooling
Community Values Youth • Youth as Resources • Service to Others • Safety
Boundaries & Expectations
Family Boundaries • School Boundaries • Neighborhood Boundaries • Adult Role Models • Positive Peer Influence • High Expectations
Constructive Use of Time
Creative Activities • Youth Programs • Religious Community • Time at Home
The INTERNAL Assets Commitment to Learning
Achievement Motivation • School Engagement • Homework • Bonding to School • Reading for Pleasure
Positive Values
Caring • Equality and Social Justice • Integrity • Honesty • Responsibility • Restraint
Social Competencies
Planning and Decision Making • Interpersonal Competence • Cultural Competence • Resistance Skills • Peaceful Conflict Resolution
Positive Identity
Personal Power • Self-Esteem • Sense of Purpose • Positive View of Personal Future
Whether you are an educator, a parent, or a program provider, you can use the concept of assets to improve your outcomes with young people.
Why Assets Matter
Like you, we know how important it is to surround kids with positive relationships and opportunities. Our clients turn to us because they have seen that building these 40 assets yields powerful results*:
54% 34% 19% 9% Succeeds in School Gets mostly A’s on report card (an admittedly high standard)
Exhibits Leadership Has been a leader of an organization or group in the past 12 months.
* Data based on aggregate Search Institute sample of 148,189 students across the United States, surveyed in 2003.
Violence Has engaged in three or more acts of fighting, hitting, injuring a person, carrying a weapon, or threatening physical harm.
Illicit Drug Use Has used illicit drugs three or more times in the past 12 months.
Search Institute is your partner in transforming your school, program, or community into the place you want it to be. Collect Data: Survey Services identify where you are—and what you can achieve. Page 23 Coach People: Trainers work with staff, students, and parents to put research into action. Page 22 Find Solutions: Publications filled with strategies, advice, and activities improve your daily interactions and outcomes. Pages 4–20
Counseling Success Bundle • $495 Improving Individual Student Outcomes
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Resource Bundles, Tailored to Meet Your Needs!
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Move from Data to Action to Results!
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• Assessment: The Developmental Assets Profile tells you how youth are doing personally, socially, and within family, school, and community contexts. This is a great tool to measure student progress over time. (Includes 50 surveys.)
• Interactive tools: Use cards, booklets, and activities to work with students and guide them in discovering their strengths.
• Reference Library: Draw from research and tried-and-true practices as you reach out to students and families.
School Success Bundle • $1,995 Improving Organizational Outcomes and Climate
• Assessment: Measure both Developmental Assets and student risk behaviors using our Profiles of Student Life: Attitudes and Behaviors (grades 6-12) or Me and My World (grades 4-6) survey. Your in-depth report displays results by total sample, gender, and grade. (*Includes up to 300 surveys.)
• Interactive tools: Handouts and workbooks help staff, students, and parents take action for positive change.
• Reference Library: Research and stories from other educators provide successful strategies for transforming your school.
Training and Consultation Upgrades Ask a professional to walk you through data analysis, staff development, and community outreach. Call 877-240-7251, ext. 1 for more information.
Not Sure Where to Start?
Call one of our Resource Specialists for a free one-on-one consultation about which products and services or bundle will best fit your needs.
1-877-240-7251, ext. 1 * 300 Surveys may or may not be adequate to represent your youths experiences. A Survey Services coordinator can help you determine the right number.
Resources for
Transform your school or classroom by building positive relationships with students. NEW!
Great Group Games for Kids
Available in June
150 Meaningful Activities for Any Setting by Susan Ragsdale and Ann Saylor Are you looking for ways to energize your K–5 group with engaging activities? Do you want to build connections between play and the development of positive values, friendships, and personal identity? Bestselling authors Susan Ragsdale and Ann Saylor present Great Group Games for Kids: 150 Meaningful Activities for Any Setting, a collection of creative activities especially for elementary-age participants—proving that learning through play is both rewarding and fun! Incorporating the approach of Search Institute’s Developmental Assets framework, each game is designed to help young people practice life-affirming skills and consider important concepts, including: • Communication and support • Teamwork and cooperation • A positive self-image • Creative problem-solving • Diversity appreciation • Friendly social interaction • Expressing personal values • Integrity and responsibility Each game includes thought-provoking discussion questions that help kids make their own connections. Great Group Games for Kids is an excellent resource for inspiring and empowering youth through the joy of play. 2010, 6˝ x 9˝, 228 pages, softcover Item code: 786 • $16.95
Shout It Out video The Voices Project Movie
Produced by Bess O’ Brien Shout It Out tells the story of a group of teenagers making their way through high school. The film follows them through some of the more tumultuous moments of teenagehood, and it was developed through an intensive, yearlong statewide research phase in which more than 1,000 teens participated. 2008, 90 mininutes long, comes with 1 DVD, 2 study guides, 1 CD soundtrack Item code: 748 • $150.00
No Kidding About Bullying 125 Ready-to-Use Activities to Help Kids Manage Anger, Resolve Confllicts, Build Empathy, and Get Along
Available in April
Give Me a Guitar
Powerful Teaching
…and 49 Other Ways to Empower Youth (English/Spanish)
Developmental Assets in Curriculum and Instruction
Edited by Judy Taccogna, Ed.D. 2003, 8½˝ x 11˝, 304 pages, softcover Item code: 751 • $42.95
Bilingual 2008, 5½˝ x 15˝, folds to 5½˝ x 33/4˝, poster. Item code: 073 • $11.95 (pack of 20)
How to Encourage Young Leaders to Do Great Things
Training Available
Pass It On at School!
Activity Handouts for Creating Caring Schools
Ask about the training! Build your skills even further with Leading with Assets.
2003, 8½˝ x 11˝, 208 pages, softcover Item code: 835 • $24.95
Supporting Youth
How to Care, Communicate, and Connect in Meaningful Ways
by Nancy Tellett-Royce 2008, 6˝ x 9˝, 112 pages, softcover Item code: 661 • $14.95
1999, 22˝ x 34˝, folded to 8½˝ x 11˝, poster. Item code: 342 • $7.95 Set of 5: Item code: 902 • $24.95
Ready-to-Use Discussions for School and Youth Groups
by Jean Sunde Peterson, Ph.D. 2006, 8½˝ x 11”, 288 pages, softcover, includes CD-ROM Item code: 092 • $39.99
by Neal Starkman, Ph.D. 2006, 7˝ x 9˝, 144 pages, softcover Item code: 858 • $12.95 peek
You Can poster
The Essential Guide to Talking with Teens
Connecting in Your Classroom
18 Teachers Tell How They Foster the Relationships That Lead to Student Success
Ask about the training! Build your skills even further with the Powerful Teaching workshop.
Training Available
Empowering Youth
by Kelly Curtis 2008, 6˝ x 9˝, 160 pages, softcover Item code: 662 • $14.95 peek
by Naomi Drew This flexible resource provides educators and youth leaders with a diverse range of activities they can use to prevent bullying and foster respectful, welcoming classroom communities. Student activities—including games, role plays, discussions, art projects, and language-arts exercises—affirm the importance of respect, listening, and kind actions. 2010, 8½˝ x 11˝, 288 pages, softcover, includes CD-ROM Item code: 875 • $39.99
877-240-7251, ext. 1
In Canada call
800-265-2680, ext. 102
Resources for
Raise Them Up
The Best of Building Assets Together
by Kareem Moody with Anitra Budd Written by an ex-gang member, these vivid, compelling essays feature a jargon-free approach that guides adults on effectively connecting with disengaged kids and turning seemingly dire situations into inspirational successes. The book embodies the Developmental Assets and includes five detailed, assetbuilding strategies for working with at-risk youth. 2006, 5½˝ x 7½˝, 112 pages, softcover Item code: 173 • $9.95 peek samples
by Jolene L. Roehlkepartain This indispensable resource presents more than 150 thought-provoking and engaging activities that will energize and inspire any group of young people. Grounded in the Developmental Assets, the book includes new activities as well as favorites, all updated with input from asset builders across North America. 2007, 8½˝ x 11˝, 160 pages, softcover, includes CD-ROM samples Item code: 323 • $34.95 peek
The Real Deal on Reaching Unreachable Kids
Favorite Group Activities That Help Youth Succeed
The Bully Free Classroom
Great Places to Learn
Over 100 Tips and Strategies for Teachers K–8
Creating Asset-Building Schools That Help Students Succeed
by Allan Beane You can create a peaceful, caring classroom and stop bullying in its tracks. Reinforced with true stories, and enhanced by reproducible resources, this positive and practical book provides prevention and intervention strategies to make your classroom a place where students are free to learn without fear. 2005, 81/2˝ x 11˝, 176 pages, softcover, now Includes CD-ROM Item code: 798 • $34.99
by Neal Starkman, Ph.D., Peter C. Scales, Ph.D., and Clay Roberts, M.S. From building awareness to sustaining system-wide changes, this foundational book offers a step-by-step outline to guide school administrators, principals, and teachers through the process of integrating assets into their school while firsthand accounts provide the creative inspiration to adapt the concept to any situation. 2006, 7˝ x 10˝, 216 pages, softcover, includes CD-ROM samples Item code: 721 • $34.95 peek
Helping Teens Handle Tough Experiences Strategies to Foster Resilience
by Jill R. Nelson, Ph.D., and Sarah Kjos, M.Ed. Removing adversity from a teen’s life may be out of your control, but you can help them deal with these experiences and build on their natural talents, goodness, and strength. This book provides information and strategies that you can use to help guide a teen through troubled times. 2008, 8½˝ x 11˝, 128 pages, softcover, includes CD-ROM Item code: 324 • $29.95 peek
A Quick-Start Guide to Building Assets in Your School Moving from Incidental to Intentional
by Deborah Davis and Lisa Race 2003, 8½˝ x 11˝, 28 pages, booklet. Item code: 841 • $9.95
Teaching Kids to Change the World
Lessons to Inspire Social Responsibility for Grades 6–12
by Jennifer Griffin-Wiesner, M.Ed., and Chris Maser, M.S. 2007, 8½˝ x 11˝, 104 pages, softcover Item code: 749 • $19.95 peek
Safe & Caring Schools Skills for School. Skills for Life.
by Katia Peterson Grades 3–5, Item code: 673 Grades 6–8, Item code: 674 2008, 8½˝ x 11˝, softcover • $39.95 each
Safe Places to Learn 21 Lessons to Help Students Promote a Caring School Climate
by Paul Sulley, Search Institute Trainer 2007, 8½˝ x 11˝, 140 pages, softcover, includes CD-ROM Item code: 314 • $29.95 peek
RTI Success Proven Tools and Strategies for Schools and Classrooms
by Elizabeth Whitten, Ph.D., Kelli J. Esteves, Ed.D., and Alice Woodrow, Ed.D. 2009, 8½˝ x 11˝, 256 pages, softcover Item code: 775 • $39.99
An Asset Builder’s Guide to Training Peer Helpers Fifteen Sessions on Communication, Assertiveness, and Decision-Making Skills
by Barbara Varenhorst, Ph.D. 2003, 8½˝ x 11˝, 176 pages, softcover Item code: 724 • $39.95
Hidden Treasure of Assets™ (game)
Make a World of Difference
50 Asset-Building Activities to Help Teens Explore Diversity
Item code: 223 • $49.95 Set of 5 games: Item code: 224 • $199.95 Level II game cards: Item code: 274 • $19.95 SAVE! on set of 5 game cards: Item code: 275 • $79.95
by Dawn C. Oparah 2006, 8½˝ x 11˝, 112 pages, softcover Item code: 137 • $26.95
Take a Second. Make a Difference. Notepads, Wristbands, and Posters
Your Classroom
Simple Ways to Create a Positive Learning Climate
by Marilyn Peplau, Search Institute Trainer 2005, 5½˝ x 8½˝, 24 pages, booklet Item code: 136 • $14.95 (pack of 20) peek
samples and find these resources:
Notepads 2006, 4˝ x 3˝, paper with adhesive. Item code: 529 • $19.95 (set of 5 packs of 50) Wristbands 2006, silicone, one size fits all Item code: 531 • $24.95 (pack of 20) Posters 2006, 26˝ x 12˝, coated paper Item code: 530 • $10.95 (set of 3)
sample pages
Resources for
Engage Every Student
Engage Every Parent
Motivation Tools for Teachers and Parents
Encouraging Families to Sign On, Show Up, and Make a Difference
By Elizabeth Kirby, Ed.D., and Jill McDonald, M.Ed. This affirmative resource guide offers teachers and youth workers strategies to engage and motivate youth in classroom and group settings. It explores reasons behind a lack of motivation, and provides inventories and exercises to help teachers identify those reasons and tailor learning activities accordingly. 2009, 8½˝ x 11˝, 120 pages, softcover peek Item Code: 532 • $21.95
How Was Your Day at School?
by Nancy Tellett-Royce and Susan Wootten This authoritative guide explores how teachers, program leaders, coaches, and other youth workers can forge partnerships with parents and encourage meaningful family involvement. Inspirational stories and icebreaker suggestions are combined with fun activities and reproducible handouts, all designed to increase parental communication. 2008, 8½˝ x 11˝, 132 pages, softcover, includes CD-ROM Item code: 321 • $29.95 peek samples
Colleague Pricing
Improving Dialogue about Teacher Job Satisfaction
by Nathan Eklund, M.Ed. This book breaks readers free from old patterns and gives them ways to improve staff climate, collegiality, and personal wellness. 2008, 7˝ x 10˝, 164 pages, softcover, includes CD-ROM. Item code: 538 • $25.95 peek
Ideas for Educators
Change rarely happens without help from others. How Was Your Day at School? is a book best read in groups. To encourage this, we offer a Colleague Price. The more colleagues engaged in this conversation, the better!
Quantity Price Discount 11–24 $19.95 23% 25–49 $18.95 27% 50+ $17.95 30%
Available by phone only. Call 877-240-7251, ext. 1. Books purchased with this discount are not included when counting books purchased for quantity discounts.
42 Ready-to-Use Newsletters for School Success
by Nathan Eklund, M.Ed., and Adrienne Gilby, M.Ed. Ideas for Educators gives teachers an easy way to incorporate the Developmental Assets into daily practices with students and colleagues. 2009, Mac- and PC-compatible CD-ROM samples podcast Item Code: 738 • $49.95
Resources for
Purchase both and save !
Successful Students Start with Healthy Teachers How Was Your Day and Ideas for Educators package
Item code: 100 • $59.95
young people
Help young people discover their strengths and make healthy choices. Respect
Take It to the Next Level
A Girl’s Guide to Getting Respect & Dealing When Your Line Is Crossed
Making Your Life What You Want It to Be
by K. L. Hong 2003, 5½˝ x 8½˝, 20 pages, booklet Item code: 847 • $15.95 (pack of 20)
by Courtney Macavanta and Andrea Vander Pluym 2005, 7˝ x 9˝, 256 pages, softcover Item code: 091 • $15.95
Life Freaks Me Out—and Then I Deal with It
Fighting Invisible Tigers
(Reassuring Secrets from a Former Teenager)
Stress Management for Teens, revised and updated 3rd edition
by K. L. Hong 2005, 5½˝ x 7½˝, 168 pages, softcover Recommended for ages 15 and up Item code: 856 • $9.95
by Earl Hipp 2008, 6˝ x 9˝, 144 pages, softcover Item code: 675 • $14.95
Me@My Best
Ideas for Staying True to Yourself—Every Day
by Kalisha L. Davis and Ruth Taswell 2003, 5½˝ x 8½˝, 16 pages, booklet Item code: 834 $12.95 (pack of 20)
877-240-7251, ext. 1
In Canada call
800-265-2680, ext. 102
Resources for
preschool and Elementary
Give children what they need to succeed—right from the start! Building Character from the Start 201 Activities to Foster Creativity, Literacy, and Play in K–3 by Susan Ragsdale and Ann Saylor From the authors of Great Group Games! Every page of this K–3 activity book is full of energy and inspiration. Kids and teachers alike will have fun while building new skills and assets. It is divided into three easy-to-use sections: • Creativity. Kids are prompted to finish a coloring page with their own ideas and dreams. Each page is meant to build a specific asset, which is made easier with suggested discussion questions. • Literacy. Synopses of nearly 100 books include follow-up questions and ideas for taking the book’s lessons even further. • Play. Fun for every grade level and area of interest—word games, community-building games, water games, marshmallow games, and more! Building Character is ideal for anyone who works with kids in K–3, including teachers, day-care providers, and after-school program providers. 2009, 8½˝ x 11˝, 152 pages, softcover, includes CD-ROM • Item code: 072 • $29.95 peek samples podcast
Playful Reading
Positive, Fun Ways to Build the Bond between Preschoolers, Books, and You
The 3-to-3rd Project
Ensuring Developmental and Educational Success for Young American Indian Children
by Carolyn Munson-Benson Want to boost a child’s love of reading while making your time together more fun and meaningful? Playful Reading takes readers on a joyful romp through asset-rich children’s picture books, with activities and discussion topics that emphasize early literacy skills, reading for pleasure, and the eight asset categories. 2005, 7˝ x 9˝, 248 pages, softcover podcast peek Item code: 857 • $24.95 $19.95
Filled with creative activities, teaching methods, and best practices from dedicated educators who work every day with American Indian children, this three-volume series is designed to provide a strong educational foundation for American Indian and Alaska Native children from age 3 to third grade. 2009, 8½˝ x 11, 128 pages, softcover Item code: 871 • $24.95
Safe & Caring Schools
Ready-to-Use Conflict-Resolution Activities for Elementary Students
Skills for School. Skills for Life
by Beth Teolis 2002, 8˝ x 10˝, 288 pages, softcover Item code: 093 • $29.95
by Katia Peterson Grades PreK–K, Item code: 671 Grades 1–2, Item code: 672 2008, 8½˝ x 11˝, softcover • $39.95
Ready, Set, Grow!
Great Preschools
Building Developmental Assets in Early Childhood
by Tamara J. Will, M.B.A., Karen King, and Michelle Mergler, M.Ed. 2007, 8½˝ x 11˝, 264 pages, softcover book. Includes CD-ROM Item code: 298 • $39.95 peek samples
The Adding Assets Series for Kids
8 Student Books: 2004–2006, 51/8˝ x 7˝, 80–100 pages, softcover Leader’s Guide: 81/2˝ x 111/4˝, 288 pages, softcover with CD-ROM Guide, CD, and 8 Student Books: Item code: 339 • $79.95 8 Student Books: Item code: 482 • $54.95
2008, 7˝ x 35˝, folds to 7˝ x 7˝, writable poster Item code: 346 • $11.95 (pack of 20)
Building Assets Is Elementary
Group Activities for Helping Kids Ages 8–12 Succeed
2004, 8½˝ x 11˝, 128 pages, softcover Item code: 836 • $26.95 peek
10,000 Number of 6th–12th grade youth surveyed (Developmental Assets)** . . . . . 3 Million
Number of schools and youth programs using Search Institute ideas/resources* . . . . . .
*2009 **1996–2009
Explore and find these resources:
sample pages
Everyone’s an
Asset Builder
Put research into action with inspirational books and handouts. You Can Make a Difference for Kids One of our best-selling resources of all time has a new look! Whether you are drumming up community support for a program or reaching out to staff and parents within a school district, this concise booklet (sold in packs of 15) has the ideal combination to strengthen your efforts: • Research about the positive influences children and teenagers need in their lives; • Thought-provoking questions to guide personal reflection and group discussions; • True stories from adults who made a bigger difference than they anticipated; and • A detachable list of 40 Developmental Assets—and 40 concrete ideas to help adults take action! Perfect as a handout for recruiting mentors and volunteers, this inspiring and personal message will touch the heart of every adult who reads it. 2009, 81/2” x 81/2”, pack of 15, 8 pages plus poster insert, booklet | Item Code: 788 • $19.95
40 Developmental Assets Posters
Display the entire list of Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets with a colorful 22” by 34” poster. A redesigned version for adolescents, this eye-catching poster makes it easy to identify all the positive things young people need to grow up healthy and responsible. New features include: • Separate posters with age-appropriate definitions for young children and for adolescents; • Two-sided format with assets in English and Spanish on every poster; and • Updated designs including attractive icons and color-coded This poster is the perfect tool for introducing and promoting Developmental Assets in schools, child care programs, youth organizations, congregations, and other settings that nurture children and teenagers. 2009, 22” x 34”, folds to 81/2” x 11” Adolescent: Item Code: 781 • $7.95 | Preschool: Item Code: 782 • $7.95
Take It Personally
Valuable Insights for People Who Care about Kids Maintaining all the best content from the publication Taking Asset Building Personally, this fully updated action and reflection workbook contains everything individuals need to make a stronger commitment to children and teenagers. On your own or in discussion groups, use this guide to help you find: • Basic information on Developmental Assets; • Tried-and-true tools for reflecting on your opportunities to connect with kids; • Fifteen new exercises to help you take action; and • Even more ideas for building assets with children and youth of all ages.
Ideal for staff meetings, parent groups, volunteer trainings, and community events, this concise journal helps people from all walks of life learn about the power they have to make a difference for young people. podcast 2009, 81/2” x 11”, 84 pages, booklet. samples Workbook: Item Code: 415 • $9.95 (single) Additional Workbooks: Item Code: 794 • $29.95 (pack of 5) Get a free, printable facilitator’s guidebook designed to supplement Take It Personally at
I Noticed! Notes
What’s Your Spark?
Show kids you’re paying attention to their good behavior with these colorful, tear-off rewards—perfect for classrooms and out-of-school programs. Inspired by the “positive ticket” approach used by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, these messages are a fun and affordable way to “catch” kids when they’re doing something right. 2009, 41/4” x 23/4”, set of four padded tablets Item Code: 406 • $9.95
A spark is a passion or interest that inspires you to express yourself and make your own unique contribution to the world. This bright, interactive “spark catcher” (sold in packs of 20) helps you discover your spark, whether it’s painting, soccer, or helping others. 2009, 2” x 4” folded, 8” x 8” unfolded. Item Code: 071 • $9.95 (pack of 20)
40 Ways Anyone Can Build Assets
These dynamic and colorful mini-posters, sold in packs of 20, are perfect for giveaways and ideal for display on fridges, in classrooms, and on community bulletin boards. 40 Ways is sure to spark ideas about how anyone can build assets every day! 2002, Folded: 5½˝ x 3¾˝. Unfolds to a 5½˝ x 34˝ poster. Coated paper Item code: 905 • $11.95 (pack of 20)
See the spark catcher in action at
150 Ways to Show Kids You Care Use these newly designed, unique handouts to inspire and motivate adults with practical ideas for showing kids they care. Sold in packs of 20, these colorful mini-posters are great for supporting your initiative. Distribute to parents, teachers, youth workers, congregations, and community residents. 2005, Folded: 5½˝ x 3¾˝. Unfolds to a 5½˝ x 34˝ poster. Coated paper. English: Item code: 355 • $11.95 (pack of 20) Spanish: Item code: 378 • $11.95 (pack of 20)
877-240-7251, ext. 1
In Canada call
800-265-2680, ext. 102
Everyone’s an
The Asset Approach
Proven, Practical Ways to Raise Good Kids
by Peter L. Benson, Ph.D., Judy Galbraith, M.A., and Pamela Espeland Based on the Search Institute Profiles of Student Life: Attitudes and Behaviors survey data from almost 100,000 young people, this edition of What Kids Need to Succeed introduces the 40 Developmental Assets and shows practical and specific ways everyone can build assets. English version: 1998, 4½˝ x 67/8˝, 224 pages, softcover | Item code: 337 • $6.99 Spanish version: 2001, 7¼˝ x 9˝, 224 pages, softcover | Item code: 771 • $13.95
Vision Awakening Your Potential to Create a Better World
Maria’s Story
by Peter L. Benson, Ph.D. The capacity to generate vision is among life’s most beautiful and unheralded gifts. In this little book of practical inspiration, Dr. Peter Benson takes readers on an uplifting exploration of this powerful concept.
This DVD presents two compelling stories rooted in intentional asset-building actions. Told by Flora Sánchez, Search Institute Senior Trainer, the stories describe two encounters she had with a young woman named Maria across a 14-year span and illustrate how her simple act of engagement transformed both their lives. 2009, 10 minutes, DVD | Item Code: 872 • $39.95
2009, 4” x 6”, 112 pages, softcover Item code: 780 • $12.95
150 Ways to Show Kids You Care
Get Things Going!
50 Asset-Building Activities for Workshops, Presentations, and Meetings
2005, 5½˝ x 5½˝, 84 pages, softcover Item code: 135 • $9.95
2000, 7˝ x 10˝, 84 pages, softcover Item code: 411 • $14.95
In Our Own Words posters
2000, eight 11˝ x 34˝ posters (when displayed as a mural 7'3" x 34"). Item code: 728 • $19.79
Developmental Assets bookmark 2007, 2¼˝ x 8½˝, laminated Item code: 553 • $11.95 (pack of 50)
Instant Assets
52 Short and Simple E-Mails for Sharing the Asset Message (English/Spanish)
2007, Mac- and PC-compatible CD-ROM. Item code: 315 • $24.95 samples
40 Developmental Assets (English/Spanish)
2006, 8½˝ x 11˝, 50-count paper tablet Item code: 278 • $4.95
Special Offer!
Get three great Search Institute resources for one amazing low price!
Just When I Needed You
Also Available Individually: Tag, You’re It!: 2003, 5½˝ x 7½˝, 152 pages, softcover
by Deborah Fisher 2004, 5½˝ x 8½˝, 172 pages, softcover Item code: 843 • $10.95
True Stories of Adults Who Made a Difference in the Lives of Young People
Item code: 622 • $25.95
Item code: 830 • $9.95 Connect 5: 2004, 5½˝ x 7½˝, 160 pages, softcover Item code: 848 • $9.95 Stay Close: 2005, 5½˝ x 7½˝, 144 pages, softcover Item code: 175 • $9.95
Stopping at Every Lemonade Stand
How to Create a Culture That Cares for Kids
by James Vollbracht 2001, 6˝ x 9˝, 182 pages, softcover Item code: 753 • $15.00
Who, Me?
Surprisingly Doable Ways You Can Make a Difference for Kids
2004, 6˝ x 4½˝, 190 pages, spiral desk calendar on easel Item code: 855 • $11.95
Asset Category posters (English/Spanish)
2007, 11˝ x 17˝, set of 8 posters Item code: 410 • $14.95
What Kids Need to Succeed
40 Elements of Healthy Development
This interactive eight-page booklet features the most recent Search Institute dataset, a list of the 40 Developmental Assets, an asset-building activity inspired by young people, stories of assets in action from communities, and asset-building ideas for youth and adults in various community settings. 2006, 8½˝ x 11˝, 8 pages, booklet. English: Item code: 366 • $11.95 (pack of 20) Spanish: Item code: 350 • $11.95 (pack of 20)
Asset Builder
Bilingual and find these resources:
Pass It On!
Ready-to-Use Handouts for Asset Builders (English/Spanish)
2006, 8½˝ x 11˝, 176 pages, softcover Includes CD-ROM Item code: 316 • $29.95
sample pages
Resources for
family-serving professionals
Parenting is hard work! Build healthy behaviors and skills for success. Parenting Preschoolers with a Purpose
Caring for Your Kids & Yourself by Jolene L. Roehlkepartain How do you raise young children well while taking care of yourself? Parents, caregivers, and child advocates will love the practical, creative ideas in Parenting Preschoolers with a Purpose. This resource promotes the physical, social, and emotional well-being of children three to five years old and their parents while enhancing the parent-child relationship. 2006, 5½˝ x 8½˝, 232 pages, softcover | Item code: 142 • $13.95
Ideas for Parents CD
Raising Kids with Care posters
These 52 engaging newsletters feature news you can use! Formatted on disk for fast, customizable printing, the newsletters feature great parent involvement techniques that encourage positive asset-building actions between parents and children. CD-ROM also includes a User’s Guide with suggestions for tailoring the newsletters and tips for distribution. 2005, Mac- and PC-compatible CD-ROM, Adobe® Reader® software included Item code: 613 • $69.95 samples
50 Ways to Help Your Whole Family Thrive (English/Spanish)
This pick-me-up list of comforting, practical tips and reminders is intended to help parents and guardians build assets with their children and take care of themselves. Filled with thoughtful insights and realistic reminders, it offers a much-needed boost to Bilingual the daily life of parents. 2006, 5½˝ x 15˝ poster folds to 5½˝ x 3¾˝, coated paper Item code: 899 • $11.95 (pack of 20)
Bring It On Home
When Parents Ask for Help
Connecting Parents, Kids, and Teachers
Everyday Issues through an Asset-Building Lens
2005, 8½˝ x 11˝, set of 40 master worksheets, Teacher’s Guide, and Parent’s Guide. Item code: 138 • $49.00
by Renie Howard 2003, 8½˝ x 11˝, 144 pages, softcover Item code: 429 • $29.95
Your Family
Parenting with a Purpose
Using Simple Wisdom in Raising Your Children by Jennifer Griffin-Wiesner
A Positive Approach for Raising Confident, Caring Youth
2006, 8½˝ x 11˝, 16 pages, booklet. Item code: 381 • $4.95
2003, 5½˝ x 8½˝, 24 pages, booklet Item code: 838 • $14.95 (pack of 20)
Training Available
Ask Me Where I’m Going
& Other Revealing Messages from Today’s Teens
2004, 5½˝ x 5½˝, 80 pages, softcover peek Item code: 854 • $10.95
Ask about the training! Parenting Partners: Practical Tools for Positive Parenting Training of Trainers. Empower parents to build effective skills while meeting requirements for parent engagement in your school.
Speaking of Parenting kit
Introducing Developmental Assets to People Raising Kids—Scripts, Handouts, and Activities
by Nancy Tellett-Royce 2006, manual, transparencies, handouts Item code: 309 • $294.95
Parenting Preteens with a Purpose Navigating the Middle Years
by Kate Thomsen 2008, 5½˝ x 8½˝, 216 pages, softcover Item code: 403 • $13.95 peek
The Customer Perspective:
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Parenting at the Speed of Teens Positive Tips on Everyday Issues
2004, 5˝ x 7˝, 128 pages, softcover Item code: 845 • $11.95 peek
—Pat Rosenberg
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Resources for
family-serving professionals 11
Launching Your Teen into Adulthood Parenting through the Transition by Patricia Hoolihan Use this confident, thoughtful guide to navigate the issues and developmental transitions facing older teens as they prepare to leave home. You’ll find a road map for mentoring and advising young people to make good choices—all from a positive, asset-based perspective. Topics include: • Caring for personal needs • Helping teens find a good “fit” for school and work • Dealing with emotional challenges • Dealing with money • Handling changing relationships • Living independently • Developing a future-focused orientation. • Setting goals Each chapter also includes checklists, interviews, and resource sheets for parents and teens to help prepare for and succeed with this important life transition. 2009, 5½˝ x 8½˝, 200 pages, softcover peek Item code: 737 • $13.95 samples podcast
Raising Kids Who Thrive pamphlets
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2004, 3½˝ x 8½˝, 4 pages each, paper. Each pack of 20 is $9.95. Pamphlet Set: 12-pamphlet packs—1 pack of each age group. Item code: 842 • $99.95
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Raising Our Daughters
The Ultimate Parenting Guide for Healthy Girls and Thriving Families
The Ultimate Parenting Guide for Healthy Boys and Thriving Families
by Kathy Masarie, MD, with Jody Bellent Scheer, MD, and Kathy Keller Jones, MA 2009, 8½˝ x 11˝, 414 pages, softcover | Item code: 873 • $39.95
How To Talk So Teens Will Listen & Listen So Teens Will Talk
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by Kathy Masarie, MD, with Jody Bellent Scheer, MD, and Kathy Keller Jones, MA 2009, 8½˝ x 11˝, 419 pages, softcover | Item code: 874 • $39.95
Parenting Group Pricing Forming your own parenting group? Order eight or more copies of either title and receive a 20% discount. Available by phone only. Call 877-240-7251, ext. 1. Books purchased with this discount are not included when counting books purchased for quantity discounts.
by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish Teens need parents with whom they can express their doubts, confide their fears, and explore options. Parenting experts Faber and Mazlish teach how to support these needs by listening non-judgmentally and helping teens make responsible decisions. Lessons are reinforced through dialogue, letters from parents who had success in using their newfound skills, and instructive comic strips. Can be used alone or in a group. 2006, 51/4˝ x 8˝, 196 pages, softcover | Item code: 877 • $14.99 Explore
Item Item Code 6–7 years 522 8–9 years 523 10–12 years 524 13–14 years 525 15–16 years 526 17–18 years 527
Raising Our Sons
Designed to be used in either a self-facilitating group or a group run by a family serving organization, these guides provide parents, schools, and caring adults with powerful lessons based on the 40 Developmental Assets. Parents will learn to talk to each other authentically, support each other’s families, and collaborate in building family-friendly communities. Mary Pipher, author of Reviving Ophelia, says, “These guides will deepen and strengthen every family that uses them.”
Price $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 and find these resources:
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish The 20th anniversary edition of this parenting classic teaches parents how to be more effective with kids—how to make relationships less stressful and more rewarding. Parents can learn how to cope with kids’ negative feelings, express their own anger without being hurtful, set firm limits and maintain goodwill, and resolve family conflicts peacefully. Can be used alone or in a group. 2004, 51/4˝ x 8˝, 304 pages, softcover | Item code: 878 • $15.95
sample pages
Resources for
Find concrete strategies for improving your schools, programs, and neighborhoods. Sparks
Getting to Outcomes with Developmental Assets
How Parents Can Help Ignite the Hidden Strengths of Teenagers
Ten Steps to Measuring Success in Youth Programs and Communities (Workbook and CD-ROM)
by Peter L. Benson, Ph.D. Sparks—when illuminated and nurtured—give young people joy, energy, and direction. Grounded in new research with thousands of teenagers and parents, this practical book offers a simple yet powerful plan for awakening the spark that lives inside each and every young person. 2008, 6˝ x 9˝, 256 pages, hardcover Item code: 404 • $24.95 peek
by Deborah Fisher, Pamela Imm, Ph.D., Matthew Chinman, Ph.D., and Abe Wandersman, Ph.D. Getting To Outcomes with Developmental Assets is based on ten accountability questions that include critical elements of program planning, implementation, and outcome measurement. Each step is illustrated with examples from Search Institute and its national Healthy Communities • Healthy Youth initiative, a network of nearly 600 community organizations. 2006, 8½˝ x 11˝, 348 pages, softcover, includes CD-ROM Item code: 158 • $74.95 peek samples
The Journey of Community Change A How-to Guide for Healthy Communities • Healthy Youth Initiatives
by Jennifer Griffin-Wiesner The journey to building a strong community initiative can be filled with twists and turns that can derail community leaders from making real headway. With practical advice, examples, techniques, and worksheets, this book is every community’s “tour guide” to help plan for a smoother trip. 2005, 8½˝x 11˝, 160 pages, softcover Item code: 861 • $39.95
Training Available
A Quick-Start Guide to Building Assets in Your Prevention Program
Ask about the training! Build your skills even further with the training that accompanies this book.
All Kids Are Our Kids
What Communities Must Do to Raise Caring and Responsible Children and Adolescents
by Deborah Fisher 2008, 8½˝ x 11˝, 28 pages, booklet Item code: 401 • $14.95 peek
by Peter L. Benson, Ph.D. 2006, 7˝ x 9¼˝, 415 pages, softcover Item code: 300 • $19.95
Speaking of Developmental Assets Presentation Resources and Strategies
The Asset Activist’s Toolkit
by Neal Starkman, Ph.D., and Clay Roberts, M.S., Search Institute Senior Trainer and Consultant 2001, 8½˝ x 11˝, 202 pages, 3-ring binder, inserts, transparencies (select handouts in Spanish) Item code: 177 • $195.00
Handouts and Practical Resources for Putting Assets into Action
by Jolene L. Roehlkepartain 2005, 8½˝ x 11˝, 306 pages, 3-ring binder Item code: 862 • $59.95
Assets in Action
A Handbook for Making Communities Better Places to Grow Up
by Deborah Fisher 2003, 7˝ x 10˝, 232 pages, softcover Item code: 750 • $32.95
Visit the updated communities Web site! Healthy Communities • Healthy Youth (HC • HY) is a national initiative launched by Search Institute to equip and support communities around the world in building Developmental Assets for and with young people.
On the improved site you’ll find handy resources: • Strategies you can use • Featured initiatives • Featured videos • Find an Initiative: Use our interactive map to find out what is going on in your area! >> Explore
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Resources for
mentors and youth-serving professionals 15
Make a lasting impression through fun activities and meaningful conversations. Conversations on the Go
Great Group Games
Clever Questions to Keep Teens and Grown-Ups Talking
175 Boredom-Busting, Zero-Prep Team Builders for All Ages
by Mary Ackerman 2004, 5½˝ x 5½˝, 100 pages, softcover Item code: 864 • $9.95
by Susan Ragsdale and Ann Saylor These fun, low-prep activities will gently disband groupbusting cliques, help newcomers feel welcome, and turn your participants into friends who can count on each other. Each game includes details on timing, supplies, set up, suggested group size, game tips, and reflection questions. 2007, 6˝ x 9˝, 228 pages, softcover samples Item code: 439 • $16.95 peek
Activities on the Go
One-on-One Fun for Kids and Adults
by Kate Brielmaier A companion book to Conversations on the Go, this handy pocket resource presents adults with quick and easy-toimplement ideas for interacting with a child, whether they’re parents who want to mix things up, mentors looking for new ideas, or counselors who need to break the ice. 2009, 5˝x 5˝, 104 pages, softcover Item Code: 344 • $9.95 samples
Great Group Skits
50 Character-Building Scenarios for Teens
By Lynn Grasberg and Gina Oldenburg 2009, 6˝ x 9˝, 192 pages, softcover Item Code: 539 • $16.95 samples
Everyday Leadership cards
Writing and Discussion Prompts
You can build complete lessons around Everyday Leadership Cards or use them for quick discussion between other activities. The deck can be used independently or as a supplement to Building Everyday Leadership in all Teens. The questions range from “Imagine This” scenarios and “What Would You Do?” questions to prompts for hard-to-talk-about subjects. 2010, 3˝ x 4½˝, 128 pages, 60 cards Item code: 876 • $12.99
Asset Category Sling Backpack 2009, 181/2” x 15”, nylon backpack Item code: 757 • $4.95
Mentoring for Meaningful Results
Asset-Building Tips, Tools, and Activities for Youth and Adults
by Kristie Probst 2006, 8½˝ x 11˝, 120 pages, softcover Item code: 302 • $27.95
Building Everyday Leadership in All Teens
More than Just a Place to Go video and book set
Everyday Leadership
Promoting Attitudes and Actions for Respect and Success
by Mariam G. MacGregor, M.S. 2006, 8½˝ x 11˝, 240 pages, softcover Item code: 090 • $29.99
How Developmental Assets Can Strengthen Your Youth Program
Attitudes and Actions for Respect and Success
Book. 2004, 8½˝ x 11˝, 160 pages, softcover Video. 2004, 29 minutes, DVD, includes discussion guide Item code: 479 • $44.95
2006, 7˝ x 9˝, 128 pages, spiral bound. Item code: 089 • $9.99
Asset Builder’s Guide set
Teambuilding with Teens
Purchase all three of the Asset Builder’s Guides and SAVE!
Activities for Leadership, Decision Making, & Group Success
Item code: 172 • $34.95
by Mariam G. MacGregor, M.S. 2007, 8½˝ x 11˝, 192 pages, softcover, includes CD-ROM. Item code: 077 • $35.99
Also Available Individually: An Asset Builder’s Guide to Service-Learning
2000, 8½˝ x 11˝, 144 pages, softcover Item code: 114 • $14.95 Youth Leadership
1999, 8½˝ x 11˝, 64 pages, softcover Item code: 116 • $12.95 Youth and Money
1999, 8½˝ x 11˝, 92 pages, softcover Item code: 170 • $12.95
What Teens Need to Succeed
Proven, Practical Ways to Shape Your Own Future
by Peter L. Benson, Ph.D., Judy Galbraith, M.A., and Pamela Espeland 1998, 7¼˝ x 9¼˝, 272 pages, softcover Item code: 311 • $15.99
Positive Values Cards
2005, 2¼˝ x 3½˝, plastic card Item code: 372 $12.95 (pack of 20)
Personal Commitment Cards 2002, 2¼˝ x 3½˝, plastic card Item code: 906 $12.95 (pack of 20)
You Have the Power Sports Posters 2004, 11˝ x 17˝, set of 8 different posters Item code: 859 • $24.95 and find these resources:
sample pages
16 research
you can use
Unlock the power of data! Find out how a focus on strengths can be more effective than a focus on deficits. Getting Excited About Data
Developmental Assets
A Synthesis of the Scientific Research on Adolescent Development
by Peter C. Scales, Ph.D., and Nancy Leffert, Ph.D. 2004, 6˝ x 9˝, 304 pages, softcover Item code: 338 • $29.95
Combining People, Passion, and Proof to Maximize Student Achievement
by Edie L. Holcomb Looking to ensure that every student is making progress in an era of district, state, and federal ESEA legislation? This resource supports educators to explore more sophisticated uses of data. You will learn to: identify sources, work on “real time” assessments to satisfy the reports you need to create, and utilize data to establish priorities and integrate accountability. 2004, 8½˝ x 11˝, 239 pages, softcover Item code: 789 • $38.95
Coming into Their Own
How Developmental Assets Promote Positive Growth in Middle Childhood
by Peter C. Scales, Ph.D., Arturo Sesma, Jr., Ph.D., and Brent Bolstrom 2004, 6˝ x 9˝, 292 pages, softcover Item code: 431 • $29.95
Authoritative Communities
The Scientific Case for Nurturing the Whole Child
by Kathleen Kovner Kline 2008, 6½˝ x 10˝, 390 pages, hardcover Item code: 216 • $69.95
Number of scientific journal articles that reference Search Institute* . . . . 16,100 According to Google Scholar*2000-2009
Resources about
spiritual development
Learn how this important aspect of human development spans across many cultures and religions. The Handbook of Spiritual Development in Childhood and Adolescence
New Directions for Youth Development Spiritual Development #118, Summer 2008
Edited by Peter Benson, Eugene Roehlkepartain, Kathryn Hong Drawing on global research and field-building efforts of the Center for Spiritual Development in Childhood and Adolescence, this volume frames a deeper dialogue about the intersections between youth development and spiritual development. Contributors explore ways to integrate spiritual development and youth development to strengthen theory, research, and practice. 2008, 57/8˝ x 9˝, 152 pages, softcover CONVERSATION LOWER Item code: 665 • $29.80 $19.95 GENERATOR
Edited by Eugene C. Roehlkepartain, Pamela Ebstyne King, Ph.D., Linda Wagener, Ph.D., and Peter L. Benson, Ph.D. 2006, 7˝ x 10˝, 560 pages, hardcover Item code: 365 • $130.00
Building Assets in Congregations
A Practical Guide for Helping Youth Grow Up Healthy
by Eugene C. Roehlkepartain 1998, 8½˝ x 11˝, 224 pages, softcover Item code: 113 • $23.95 peek
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Educators, Parents, Parenting Professionals—NEW CURRICULUM
New Resources for Parent Educators! The trusted resources and award-winning programs of the National Institute on Media and the Family are now a part of Search Institute. Since 1996, the National Institute on Media and the Family, founded by Dr. David Walsh, has been a trusted voice for educators and families—helping them respond to the unique challenges of raising kids in the 21st century. Sadly, after 13 years, they closed their doors in December 2009.
Good News! We are proud to have been selected as the new home of these resources and programs and to continue the work Dr. Dave began over a decade ago. These engaging educational resources give parents and educators the information and tools they need to bridge the gap with today’s high-tech youth.
Did You Know: 71% of kids 8–18 reported having a TV in their bedroom. 50% have a console video game player in their room. 64% of young people say the TV is usually on during meals. 45% say the TV is left on “most of the time.”
through-U™: Families Become MediaWise Education Kit This curriculum helps educators and families learn how our media culture benefits and harms children’s school readiness and success. Here you’ll find: • An education DVD that features 4 videos for use in the training sessions • 6 session activity sheets for 25 participants • Sets of 25 tip brochures • 1 set of 5 promotional posters for use in your meeting room or to advertise your session 2008, packed in 16˝ x 14˝ tote English: Item code: 881 • $140.00 Spanish: Item code: 888 • $140.00
Why Kids—of All Ages—Need to Hear It and Ways Parents Can Say It
by David Walsh, Ph.D. 2007, 5¾˝ x 8¾˝, 336 pages, softcover Item code: 079 • $15.00
Barney vs. Power Rangers DVD Sit with Dr. David Walsh as you witness the power of media to affect children’s real-world behavior. This compelling video clearly illustrates media’s effects on two groups of preschool children. Dr. Walsh talks with parents and urges them to choose carefully the images their children see on media screens. 2008, 51/2˝ x 71/2˝, 8 min DVD with discussion guide Item code: 883 • $14.95
Brain Power DVD
Say Yes to No™ Leader’s Kit by Monica Walsh M.A. and David Walsh Ph.D This training-in-a-box gives you everything you need to help parents raise happy and selfreliant kids. The kit includes: • The Leader’s Guide: The 5 Session Say Yes to No Parenting Program • The SYTN Leader’s Training DVD that features a live parent program led by Dr. Walsh with parents • Information to plan and promote a SYTN Program in your school or organization • A bibliography that includes resources and research on child development, the media culture and more • 1 pack of 25 SYTN Parent Workbooks to use with your first program • 1 copy of the book: No, Why Kids—of All Ages—Need to Hear It and Ways Parents Can Say It. 2008, packed in 12˝ x 12˝tote Item code: 882 • $395.00 Explore
*Kaiser Family Foundation study and find these resources:
Dr. David Walsh gives an easy-to-understand tour of children’s and teens’ brain development and the impact of experience on ther “wiring” of their brains. 2008, 51/2˝ x 71/2˝, 8 min DVD with discussion guide Item code: 884 • $14.95
U Tell a Tale Storytelling Game (available in English and Spanish)
This easy, family-friendly game encourages children and their families to tell stories to one another. 2008, packed in 27/8˝ x 37/8˝ plastic box English Item code: 885 • $14.95 Spanish Item code: 886 • $14.95
Why Do They Act That Way?
A Survival Guide to the Adolescent Brain for You and Your Teen
by David Walsh, Ph.D. 2004, 5¾˝ x 8¾˝, 276 pages, softcover Item code: 103 • $13.95
sample pages
18 kits Everything you need to enhance your program . . . in one place! You can SAVE time and money with our favorite resources packaged together! Designed for a variety of groups and activity levels, you are sure to find a kit that is right for you.
Educator’s Action Kit The best of our practical, education-based resources are combined here! Now it’s easier than ever to intentionally build assets in your school community with this updated and revised kit, filled with everything an educator needs to start building assets in the classroom immediately! This action kit includes 24 resources that educators have found most helpful in providing a clear “curriculum” to integrating the assets in their schools. It includes books, mini-posters, booklets, posters, reproducible handouts, and a video. Visually stimulate students with the In Our Own Words posters and send them home with assetbuilding messages using the 150 Ways to Show Kids You Care posters or handouts from Bring It On Home. Keep educators vibrant and inspired with stories from Connecting in Your Classroom. And, have an amazing library of activity books to use with all grade levels. A must for every school that has made a commitment to developing assets. Item code: 244 • $591.00 SAVE 19%
Instant Assets
BONUS! The kit comes in a handy rolling backpack, making it easy to wheel the resources into a classroom or meeting room and store them safely when they’re not in use.
Short and Simple E-Mails for Sharing the Asset Message
The Educators Action Kit includes: • 150 Ways to Show Kids You Care poster (pack of 20) • Asset Category posters • The Best of Building Assets Together • Building Assets Is Elementary • Connecting in Your Classroom • Developmental Assets Tablet • Engage Every Parent • Engage Every Student • Great Places to Learn Second Edition
• The Hidden Treasure of Assets game • How was Your Day at School? • Ideas for Parents master set • Ideas That Cook • Instant Assets CD • In Our Own Words posters • Just When I Needed You • Make a World of Difference • Mentoring for Meaningful Results • Pass It On at School!
• Powerful Teaching • Safe Places to Learn • Teaching Kids to Change the World • A Quick-Start Guide to Building Assets in Your School • You Have the Power sports posters • You Have to Live It DVD • Your Classroom (pack of 20) • Search Institute Rolling Backpack (13 x 19 x 7, expandable to 8.5) to carry and store your resources!
Asset Builder’s Kit The resources in this kit will allow you to excel at reaching youth, parents, educators, civic leaders, business people, and youth-serving staff. Item code: 179 • $359.00 SAVE 19%
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• 150 Ways to Show Kids You Care posters (pack of 20) • 40 Ways Anyone Can Build Assets posters (pack of 20) • 40 Developmental Assets Tablet • Asset Category posters • The Asset Activist’s Tool Kit • The Best of Building Assets • Conversations on the Go • Generators • Get Things Going!
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• Give Me a Guitar • Great Group Games • Mentoring for Meaningful Results • Pass It On! Second Edition • Raising Kids Who Thrive (1 pack of 20 pamphlets for all 12 age groups) • Stay Close • Tag, You’re It! • What’s Your Spark? • When Parents Ask for Help • You Can Make a Difference for Kids (pack of 20) In Canada call
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kits 19
Developmental Assets Kit Our most popular asset-building resources—including hands-on activities, foundational research, and inspirational stories. Item code: 146 • $399.00 SAVE 22% RAISING KIDS with CARE:
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Instant Assets
40 Clever Ways to Connect with Kids When You’re Apart
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• 150 Ways to Show Kids You Care poster (pack of 20) • 40 Ways Anyone Can Build Assets poster (pack of 20) • An Asset Builder’s Guide to Training Peer Helpers • Assets in Action • Asset Category Posters • The Best of Building Assets Together • Coming Into Their Own • Connect 5 • Developmental Assets: A Synthesis • Generators • Great Group Games • Great Group Skits • Great Places to Learn, Second Edition
Parenting Professionals Kit
Adult-Youth Engagement Kit
Build positive relationships between adults and youth in after-school programs, community-based organizations, and in your own neighborhood. Item code: 145 • $94.00 SAVE 20%
40 Clever Ways to Connect with Kids When You’re Apart
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• Instant Assets CD • Just When I Needed You • The Journey of Community Change • Mentoring for Meaningful Results • Playful Reading • Raising Kids with Care poster (pack of 20) • Stay Close • Tag, You’re It! • What’s Your Spark? • What Kids Need to Succeed • What Teens Need to Succeed • You Can Make a Difference for Kids booklets (pack of 15)
• Activities on the Go • Ask Me Where I’m Going • Conversations on the Go • Empowering Youth • Generators • I Noticed! notes • Stay Close • Tag, You’re It! • What’s Your Spark? • What Kids Need to Succeed
Key parenting resources to inspire, engage, and motivate parents and families and to enhance the effectiveness of your work. Item code: 423 • $458.00 SAVE 18% 1 2 3
ways 50help your to
whole family
4 5 6 turn off the tv. 7 cts. 8 trust your instinc 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 read aloud with your child. 16 17 18 ask for your child’s opinion. 19 20 21 22 23 24 be consistent. 25 26 27 28 29 be silly. 30 31 32 give your kids lots of hugs. 33 40 Clever Ways to Connect 34
with Kids When You’re Apart
35 36 play as hard as you work. 37 38 39
40 41 G T 42 43 44 exercise together as a family. 45 46 47 48 49 50
Invigorate your before- or after-school programs with these multimedia resources. Filled with no-prep activities, insightful instruction, and engaging examples. Item code: 668 • $343.00 SAVE 20%
ars 10 to 12 7 Ye 8 to 9 Years 13Years to 14 15 Years to 16
Year 17 s to 18 Ye ar
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Out-of-School Programs Kit
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6 to
• Great Group Games • Make a World of Difference • The Best of Building Assets • Teaching Kids to Change the World • An Asset Builder’s Guide to Training Peer Helpers • What Teens Need to Succeed • The Adding Assets Series for Kids • Conversations on the Go • Mentoring for Meaningful Results • More Than Just a Place to Go book • More Than Just a Place to Go DVD • Pass it On! Second Edition • Get Things Going! and find these resources:
• 40 Developmental Assets for Adolescents poster (bilingual) • 40 Developmental Assets for Preschool poster (bilingual) • Activities on the Go • All Kids Are Our Kids • Connect 5 • Conversations on the Go • Engage Every Parent • Generators • Ideas for Parents CD • Launching Your Teen in to Adulthood • A Moment’s Peace • Parenting at the Speed of Teens • Parenting Preschoolers with a Purpose • Parenting Preteens with a Purpose • Parenting with a Purpose • Raise Them Up • Raising Kids Who Thrive pamphlets • Raising Kids with Care poster • Sparks • Stay Close • What Kids Need to Succeed • What Teens Need to Succeed • When Parents Ask for Help • WHY Do They Act That Way? • Your Family booklets (20)
sample pages
20 kits
The Asset Builder’s Spanish Language Kit Spread the asset message in Spanish and through a variety of bilingual English/Spanish resources. Item code: 390 • $98.00 SAVE 21% • 150 Ways to Show Kids You Care posters (pack of 20) • 150 Ways to Show Kids You Care book (bilingual) • 40 Developmental Assets for Adolescents poster (bilingual) • 40 Developmental Assets for Preschool poster (bilingual) • 40 Ways poster (bilingual) • Asset Category posters (bilingual)
• The Developmental Asset List for Adolescents in Spanish • The Developmental Asset List for Early Childhood in Spanish • The Developmental Asset List for Middle Childhood in Spanish • El enfoque en los elementos fundamentales (pack of 20) • Pass It On! (select handouts in Spanish) • Raising Kids With Care posters (pack of 20) • What Kids Need to Succeed
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School Principal and Administrator Asset-Building Kits: Preschool through Elementary School Kit
Provides school administrators and principals of pre–K through elementary settings with asset-building resources to support staff and nurture an asset-rich school that builds on the strengths of young students. Item code: 476 • $378.00 SAVE 17%
Instant Assets
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Short and Simple E-Mails for Sharing the Asset Message
• The Adding Assets Series for Kids • All Kids Are Our Kids • Bring It On Home • Building Assets Is Elementary • Building Character from the Start • Coming into Their Own • Developmental Asset List K-3 • Engage Every Student • Great Group Games • Great Preschools
• How was Your Day at School? • I Noticed! notes • Instant Assets CD • Pass It On at School • A Quick Start Guide to Building Assets in Your School • What Kids Need to Succeed • Who Me? calendar • The Developmental Asset List for Early Childhood • The Developmental Asset List for Middle Childhood
Middle and High School Kit
Principals and administrators can use these targeted resources to build an asset-rich school climate that supports good teaching practices, student academic achievement, and productive relationships among teachers, counselors, other staff, and students. Item code: 477 • $348.00 SAVE 20%
Instant Assets 52
Short and Simple E-Mails for Sharing the Asset Message
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• 40 Developmental Assets for Adolescents poster • 40 Your Classroom booklets • Activities on the Go • All Kids Are Our Kids • The Best of Building Assets Together • The Developmental Asset List for Adolescents • Developmental Assets: A Synthesis • Engage Every Student • The Essential Guide to Talking with Teens • Great Group Games • Great Group Skits • Great Places to Learn • Helping Teens Handle Tough Experiences
• How was Your Day at School? • I Noticed! notes • Ideas That Cook • Insights & Evidence: Boosting Student Achievement article • Instant Assets CD • Pass It On at School • A Quick Start Guide to Building Assets in Your School • Teaching Kids to Change the World • What Kids Need to Succeed • What’s Your Spark? • What Teens Need to Succeed • Who Me? calendar
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SAVE THE DATE! Houston, Texas, November 18–20, 2010—Conference 21
The Search Institute Healthy Communities • Healthy Youth Conference is becoming...
E THE Connected Communities • Thriving Youth DAT
E! An International Conference Linking Schools, Communities, and Families, Hosted by Search Institute
Linking Schools, Youth, Families, and Communities Hosted by Search Institute
This years theme: Connected Communities • Thriving Youth The same great conference with More! * More sought-after speakers.
We are working overtime to bring the most dynamic, influential names to Texas!
* More best practices.
You spoke, we listened! You will walk away with more action items that you can take back to your community and school.
* More networking. Engage with twice the number of educators, administrators, youth, prevention specialists, policymakers, and business leaders than ever before.
* More leaders using a strength-based approach. We all know it works! Join the largest gathering of strength-based advocates anywhere..
Dear Friends, ’s conference in November. I have been attending this annual Here in Houston, Texas, we are already gearing up to host Search Institute our city has the opportunity to showcase our community and that thrilled event for six years, and I always get so much out of it. Now I’m our youth. See details below, and save the date! it Texas-style: BIG! We hope What excites me most about this year’s conference is that we’re planning tions to come together for organiza national and leaders thought of number to rally an unprecedented rs. teenage a shared vision, created with youth, to improve the lives of children and youth succeed. In fact, I That’s what Search Institute is all about: bringing people together to help me on board as a volunteer brought officially they’ve believe so strongly in Search Institute’s work that community liaison. s and services I recomAs you flip through the pages of this catalog, you’ll see some of the product transformed mine. they’ve way the ity commun your m transfor will s resource these mend. I hope Sincerely,
Pat Rosenberg
about Pat rosenberg
Pat Rosenberg has been doing volunteer work for 23 years. In addition to volunteering as a community liaison for Search Institute, she has served in the Texas Association of Partners in Education and on the Houston Board of Communities in School.
Pat Rosenberg Volunteer Community Liaison for Search Institute
Don’t wait... Don’t wait for the Big Tent Conference to talk about the issues important to you. Join the conversation today! Follow the Big Tent Blog at Leading up to the event, we’ll discuss how we can carry a shared vision and common values to support our youth. And you’ll be the first to know about the latest news. • • Add the hashtag #BigTent to your tweets about the conference.
Visit to register!
Search Institute Training and Speaking
Unite your team for success by putting research into action
Number of Trainings Delivered*
Why choose Search Institute Training and Speaking?
Da t
We offer educators, program staff, parents, and community members the skills they need to improve outcomes for youth. n stronger Our work is grounded in scientific research, but we rk evehat’s up with o w w d out our translate data into meaningful daily actions. s y rvey toufirnschool or community. e ak e a su s in yo a m Usthe kid Why do schools and communities choose Search Institute Training and Speaking over the services of our competitors: • We offer research-based strategies for school and community improvement.
Number of People Trained*
300,000 Number of cities that have hosted a training*
711 *2000–2009
• We know how to start and sustain organizational and community-wide initiatives for youth success. • Our groundbreaking approaches to student achievement and youth leadership are a breath of fresh air compared to models that focus on “what’s wrong with kids.”
Which training option is right for you?
School and program budgets are as tight as ever. Let Search Institute Training and Speaking help you maximize your limited dollars. All of our workshops and keynotes are tailored to address your unique goals and challenges. We’ll work closely with you to learn how we can build a training that meets all of your needs: Cumulative Sessions—Increase impact through multiple events for staff, administrators, parents, and community members. Shared Hosting—Reduce costs when you share space, transportation, and other resources with another organization. Open Enrollment—Sell seats at your event to defray costs, or attend a training event in a nearby community. Visit to see when and where events are happening. Training of Trainers—Maximize your impact when you teach attendees to conduct the training for other groups. If your school or community needs something you don’t see listed above, we’ll work with you to design the perfect match.
Not sure where to start?
Call and let our training specialist assist you in choosing the training that best fits your needs.
800-294-4322 The Customer Perspective:
Institute Trainers rejuvenate and reenergize people. They reinforce what you’re doing. We’ve focused on character “ Search education and community engagement, and these trainings have been important in transforming our school climate.”
—Pat Rosenberg
45 Years of Experience and 3 Million Youth Surveyed!
If you only administer one survey this year, pick one that gives youth a voice m kle un ity
Our surveys are not just “data about kids.” They empower young people in conversations about change. Our surveys’ strength is in their ! c k r a positive focus, while still wo ts or t m o t l o a su c giving you the data you r dat e re , or Put you o over th, board g need on risk behaviors and er to staff Hire a train ith your w s helping you to identify problems challenge to solve. We help you ask, “What’s it like being a young person in our school or community?” And don’t forget, we also have surveys that include the adult perspective!
Our promise to you: • Guaranteed six-week turnaround time
And the best part?
• One-on-one consultations
After you have your results, our professional trainers
• Publicity tools for community outreach
and publications Can help you take action to transform your school, program, or community into the place you want it to be. Take advantage of the unique option to have your survey results presented to your group by a certified Search Institute trainer.
• Technical support For many of our surveys, once you’ve collected your data, we can compile and analyze your results and prepare a detailed report of the findings as well as an executive summary.
Commitment to Learning
Not sure where to start?
tion Achie ve m e nt m otiva School e nga ge m e nt
Hom e work
Bonding to school
Re a ding for ple a sure
Positive Values
41% 43%
Ca ring
Call and let our staff assist you in choosing the survey or NEW survey bundle (see page 3) that best fits your needs.
877-240-7251, ext. 1
The Challenge Facing You r
Percent of Community (Figure 16 from your Full Report) Your 4% Youth 18% 0–10 Assets Reporting 11–20 Assets 21–30 Assets Each of 33% 31–40 Assets The Power of Assets to Promote: 20 Succeeding in School justice Equa lity a nd socia l Inte grity
Hone sty
Re sponsibility
Re stra int
Social Competencies
Internal Assets (Figure 7 from your Full Report)
a king Pla nning a nd de cision-m te nce Inte rpe rsona l com pe Cultura l com pe te nce
Re sista nce skills
(from Table 34% 16 of your Full Report) 32%
solution Pe a ce ful conflict re
Positive Identity Se lf-e ste e m
0–10 Assets 11–20 Assets 21–30 Assets Copyright © 2009 by Search Institute 31–40 Assets 800-888-7828 or
Report Number 60022
rsona l future Positive vie w of pe
Report Number 60022 Institute Copyright © 2009 by Search 800-888-7828 or
44% 49% 54%
Pe rsona l powe r
Se nse of purpose
28% 14% 6%
Report Number 60022
Copyright © 2009 by Search Institute 800-888-7828 or
The Customer Perspective:
every survey works for every group. We were able to select the one that helped us measure outcomes over “ Not a period of six months. It was helpful to see how much had changed for the youth we’ve been working with.”
—Pat Rosenberg
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Search Institute® is an independent, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization committed to helping create healthy communities for every young person. Because we believe that “all kids are our kids,” we create books and other materials that welcome and respect people of all races, ethnicities, cultures, genders, religions, economic backgrounds, sexual orientations, and abilities. Our Mission: To provide leadership, knowledge, and resources to promote healthy children, youth, and communities. Search Institute
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Talk Further
As a parent, you want to make sure that your child maintains friends, but you also positive relationship don’t want to seem s with her or his intrusive by closely How do you create monitoring all of a balance? your child’s friendships.
Tip of the Day Children will always challenge limits. Talk about why you set rules on movies, games, and curfews. To help with compliance, share your expectations with the parents of their friends.
Featured Resource Ideas for Parents: Positive Peer Influence Learn how to encourage your child to form friendships that model positivity and responsibility.
Activity Generator Activity Ideas for You: Invite an elementary-a ge child to join you in a service project that you do with your family, school, congregation or community.
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• Knowledge—Refer families to research-based information they can trust. More than 20 content areas cover a wide range of parenting concerns. The following are trademarks of Search Institute: Search Institute®, Healthy Communities • Healthy Youth®, ParentFurther®, and Developmental Assets®. For permissions or licensing information on Search Institute materials, please go permissions.
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