Hope Believe
Children enter foster care through no fault of their own. Most are in care due to abuse or extreme neglect.
* The Searcy Living Foster Care Boutique
The Searcy Living Foster Care Boutique is simply a room we have dedicated in the Searcy Living business office to helping foster families in need. Our awesome Searcy Living readers bring in donations, and DHS case workers and foster parents are able to “shop” for what they need for foster and disadvantaged children at no cost. Our office is located at 812 S. Main Street in Searcy. We welcome gently used or new items. Thank you, Searcy, for your generosity and time spent to support the Foster Care Boutique!
Thank You! Professional Escrow & Title Company Thank you to Professional Escrow for hosting the diaper drive last month! And thank you to all the sponsors:
“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” – Mother Teresa
Heart & Soul - Mark Mercer First Security Bank Yarnell’s Think Advertising Harps Calvary Baptist Church H2O Graphics
As the old Proverb says, sometimes it does take a village to raise a child. Not one entity can provide the resources and support for all the children in need, but we can pull together and do our part. The children that the Foster Care Boutique helps are sometimes the most extreme needs in the community. Thank you for the clothing, diapers, and volunteer hours you have provided to this project. 16 Your Hometown Magazine
Thank You!
We do our best to provide “shopping� bags for the foster parents and case workers so they can fill it up for every child. This used to help us keep up with how many children were being served. We were over 1,000 bags some time ago, however we have lost count over the past year or so. Just know that your donations are helping A LOT of children!
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Needed Items
for the Foster Care Boutique • Socks and under clothes. • Diapers! All sizes. Never ending need. • Volunteers to sort. (No need to call for appointment, just stop by the Searcy Living office during volunteer hours between 1pm and 5pm.)
“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” – Mother Teresa
18 Your Hometown Magazine
Thank You!
o Thank Y
Thanks for the donation from the employees of UAMS Kids First - Searcy
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