2019 Idaho - Fremont County Fair Guide

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As a Fair Board, we wanted to thank all the local businesses that participated this year in our 2019 Fremont County Fair Guide. We hope that you find the information within these pages useful as you navigate through all the different, fun and exciting events planned for the fair this year. We also want to point out that this fair guide was made possible by the support of local businesses, big and small. If possible, it would be great to go out, visit and support them. This will help ensure future guides to come. When we shop locally, we not only help our local businesses but more important we grow our community. Here are a few ways you can help support our local businesses: 1. Visit the local businesses published in this ad 2. The 4-H Market Livestock Sale 3. Come to the fair and support the commercial vendors. The fair is a fun and exciting time for our community. It's where hard work and preparation come together to provide a fun-filled week. Talents are shown, stalls are cleaned, and an aliveness all around can be felt. We hope you come out and see what all the fuss is about. See you at the fair!

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FAIR GUIDE Publisher Seare Studios Editor Ashley Seare Design Seare Studios ashley@searestudios.com Photography Seare Studios ashley@searestudios.com Sales Fair Board Members County Commissioners Jordon Stoddard - Chairman Bill Baxter Lee Miller Fair Board Mike Butterfield - Chairman Sasha Brague Nora Terry Justin Liebert Marta Hammond The Fremont County Fair Guide is a publication of Seare Studios in cooperation with the Fremont County Fair Board. Š2019, Seare Studios ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. For permission to use any portion of this publication, email: ashley@searestudios.com. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy in the information provided. The publisher assumes no responsibility or liability for errors, changes or omissions for content or materials submitted or advertising claims made.

Ta ble o f C o n t e n t s We l c o m e t o t h e Fa i r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Fa i r M a p s

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Fa i r S c h e d u l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4-H Livestock Market Sale . . . . . . . . . 11 Open Class Competition . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Free Petting Zoo + Contests

. . . . . . .


Kids Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Yo u t h R o d e o

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Yo u t h R o d e o S i g n U p S h e e t . . . . . . . .


Open Class Competition Rules . . . . . . 24

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what you e v a h We

wanted !

Medical, Dental & NOW oering family and individual wellness counseling!

(208) 356-4900 grandpeaks . org A better way of providing healthcare 4 - F R E M O N T FA I R

W elcom e to the Fair T h e Fr e m o n t C o u n t y Fa i r w i l l b e h e l d A u g u s t 5 TH- 1 0 TH a t t h e F r e m o n t C o u n t y Fa i r G r o u n d s It’s July which means The Fremont County Fair is just around the corner! Preparations have been underway to bring the community an awesome, fun-filled experience. The fair theme this year is, “Stirrup the Fun” and that’s exactly what we intend to do! The fair comes to life when the community comes out, gets involved, and participates. Whether supporting kids at the market sale or entering the open class competition, there’s a little something here for everyone. Some fun highlights to look forward to this year include our traditional fair shirt scavenger hunt, Youth Rodeo, Horse Play Day, 4-H Market Sale and don’t forget, the FREE BBQ lunch put on by the Lions Club. To top that off, the Farm Bureau will be giving out

free ice cream and providing a fun bounce house for the little kids to enjoy! This year Kid’s Corner will be making a comeback by providing fun crafts the kids can enjoy. There will also be a coloring contest. Because of the overwhelming amount of entries of Legos In

the Home Arts department; this year it will have its very own division! So get your creative juices flowing and start getting your entries ready! Lastly, we’re excited to be a part of another wonderful year at the Fremont County Fair.

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A U G U S T 5 TH- 1 0 TH, 2 0 1 9

Sch ed u l e o f E v e n t s S AT U R D AY August 3, 2019 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM ALL OPEN CLASS ENTRIES TAKEN (except Horticulture) M O N D AY August 5, 2019


S A T U R D A Y August 3, 2019 10 AM - 2 PM


T U E S D A Y August 6, 2019 4PM - 8 PM

9:00 AM 4-H Club Interview (Sewing, Cooking, Rockets, Shooting) DAY CAMP

W E D N E S D AY August 7, 2019

T H U R S D AY August 8, 2019

11:00 AM Demonstration Contest

8:00AM 4-H/FFA Sheep & Goat Weigh In


12:00 PM Rocket Shoot 1:00 PM Style Review 1:00 PM Award Ceremony 5:00 – 7:00 PM Youth Rodeo Sign-ups 6:00 PM 4-H/FFA Clean Up (Fairgrounds) 7:00 PM Mandatory Livestock Meeting T U E S D AY August 6, 2019 9:00 AM - 9:00PM FAIR BUILDINGS OPEN 9:00 AM 4-H HORSE SHOW 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM HORTICULTURE ENTRIES TAKEN 8 - F R E M O N T FA I R

9:00 AM FAIR BUILDINGS OPEN 9:00 AM 4H/FFA Sheep Show SHEEP/GOAT PICTURES DURING SHOW 4-H/FFA Goat Show after sheep show 9:00 AM – Noon Cupcake war entries taken (4-H Members Only)

9:00 AM FAIR BUILDINGS OPENS 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 4-H Shooting Sports Trailer 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Petting Zoo 12:30 PM 4-H/FFA Beef Entries 1:00-2:30 PM Beef Weigh-in

2:00 PM Cupcake Wars Must Pre-Register

2:0 PM Cupcake Decorating Contest

4:00 PM Open Horse Play Day

4:00 PM Gold Fish Races 4H Building

4:30- 5:30 PM 4-H/FFA Swine Entries (No entries before noon) 6:00 PM Swine Weigh-In

6:00 PM 4-H/FFA Swine Quality Show 7:00 -8:00 PM Grace Partridge - National Championship Fiddler

T H U R S D AY August 8, 2019 8:00 - 9:00 PM Paige Anne - Vocal Performer 9:00 - 10:00 PM Clint King - Vocal Performer F R I D AY August 9, 2019 Farm Bureau Bounce House Open ALL DAY

8:00 AM 4-H Rabbit, Poultry & Pigeon Show 8:00 AM 4-H/FFA Beef Show (BEEF PICTURES DURING BEEF SHOW)

Joining us for another year of fun entertainment is Grace Partridge and Paige Anne. These two young ladies are sure to delight and amaze you with their awesome talents! F R I D AY August 9, 2019

S AT U R D AY August 10, 2019

6:00 PM Youth Rodeo (Sign-ups Monday 5-7pm at the fairgrounds)

8:00 AM Rex Miller Memorial Horseshoe Finals

6:00 PM Rex Miller Memorial Horseshoe Tournament Rounds 1 & 2

10:30 AM 4-H/FFA Bake Sale

9:00 AM-3:00 PM 4-H Shooting Sports Trailer


11:00 AM 4-H/FFA Dairy Show

2:30 PM 4-H/FFA Mud Volleyball Tournament Teen Ambassadors

11:30 AM 4-H Jr. Round Robin Contest


Farm Bureau Free Ice Cream 10:00 AM 4-H/FFA Horse and Livestock Awards


12:00 PM 4-H/FFA Round Robin Contest

11:00 AM Free BBQ sponsored by the Rotary and Lions Club

M O N D AY August 12, 2019 Youth Rodeo Friday @ 6:00 PM


See y ou at th e f a i r

F R E M O N T F A I R -9

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L i v e st o ck M a r k e t S a l e One of the crowning events for the County Fair is the 4-H Livestock Market Sale. Every year 4-H students come to compete, show, and sell their animals at the livestock sale. Livestock animals help the students learn important lessons and skills such as; cost analysis, project management, responsibility, and record keeping.

There is no shortage of excitement in the air once the auction starts and the auctioneer begins the bidding.

Make sure to come to the Sale on Saturday, August 10th at 10:30 pm. You won’t want to miss it!

If you have wondered about how you can help support these students in their efforts, purchasing one of their animals is the best. You can even go in it together with another friend or family. The animals you purchase are top quality.


Photo credit: Mike Lawson


henrysfork.org 208.652.3567 801 Main St., Ashton, ID 83420 F R E M O N T F A I R -11

QUALITY SIGN PRINTING Give your brand the voice it deserves by partnering with AlphaGraphics today to print your signs right.

10 2









8 9


1 2

Banners Exterior Signs

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6 7

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12 - F R E M O N T F A I R

O p e n Cla ss Competitions


We will be opening up the exhibit buildings early so there is more to do and see at the fair. Make sure to note the new times and dates so you don’t miss your chance to enter our fun Open Class & Horticulture competitions. We have also included the Open Class rules in the back of the book starting on page 24.


ALL OPEN CLASS ENTRIES S A T U R D A Y August 3, 2019 10 AM - 2 PM HORTICULTURE ENTRIES T U E S D A Y August 6, 2019 4PM - 8 PM

The Hunt is on! Our Great Fair Shirt Scavenger Hunt is back for another round this year. A HUGE thank you to the local businesses and sponsors who help make this fun tradition possible. During the fair, you’ll have the opportunity to snag a shirt for yourself. The rules are simple ... 1. Come to the fair and look around. 2. When you find a shirt snap a selfie and post it to your social and use the hashtag, #FCFSHIRT 3. Please only take one shirt to allow others the opportunity to find one for themselves. That’s it, easy as pie! Good luck with the hunt!



F R E M O N T F A I R -13

S T . ANT H O NY Ⅰ 2 0 5 S . B R I D GE ST. Ⅰ 2 0 8 -6 2 4 -3 7 4 7 14 - F R E M O N T F A I R

free Petting Zoo Mark your calendars for Thursday, August 8th from 10am - 2PM. You and your kids can come and enjoy the Snake River Doodles petting zoo! Come out and enjoy a variety of awesome animals such as; miniature horses, Mini Pig, sulcata tortoise, bearded dragon, goats, rabbits, geese, guinea pigs, ducks and so much more. You don’t want to miss out on this fun experience!

Cupcake Contest We hope you have a sweet tooth for competition at the fair this year! Wednesday, August 7th, 4-H members can register for cupcake wars from 9AM - Noon. The battle begins at 2:00 PM that same day. On Thursday, August 8th; join the cupcake decorating competition at 2:00 in the Home Arts Building. Cupcakes and frosting will be provided.

Proud supporter of the Fremont County Fair

(208) 624-4205 310 S Bridge St, St Anthony, ID 83445

Open 24 Hours F R E M O N T F A I R -15

www.searestudios.com | 208 - 757-3388 | ashley@searestuidos.com

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Ki d s Co r n e r ! In an effort to make sure there is something fun for everyone to do at the fair, we are rebooting Kids Corner. This year kids can participate in daily crafts, games and our new coloring contest. Each day will feature a new craft activity. Stop by Kids Corner (located in the Art & Photography building) Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10:00 am to noon and/or 1:00pm - 3:00pm for some hands on fun. Our new coloring contest will run throughout the week. Kids can stop by at anytime to pick up a coloring sheet and enter.

Our art contest is open to all kids and will be judged by age group. All entries submitted will win a prize and have a chance to win an ultimate summer fun prize pack filled with goodies. Winners will be notified after the fair. Entries and prizes can be picked up Monday August 12th from 5:00 - 7:00. We will also have a fun photo booth set up where you can snap a fun pic or two. We look forward to expanding

and growing our Kids Corner offerings at the fair. If you would like to contribute or help our efforts, please contact Ashley Seare at 208-757-3388.


1908 E 500 N, St Anthony, ID 83445

(208) 624-3293 F R E M O N T F A I R -17

Youth Rodeo One of the Fair highlights

is the Youth Rodeo. Come out for a fun filled evening watching little ones mutton bust, ride calves, barrel race and more! If you would like your kids to participate, make sure to register Monday August 5th at the fair grounds from 5:00pm-7:00.

of the American Flags, done by young riders from our community.

The Rodeo will be held Friday August 9th, and start at 6pm with a presentation

You also don’t want to miss the great Rodeo Clowns who throw awesome prizes

18 - F R E M O N T F A I R

to the crowd! So come support the children in our community and enjoy the fair while you’re at it!

Fremont County Youth Rodeo Entry Form FREMONT COUNTY RESIDENTS ONLY

Rodeo Date: Friday, August 9th, 2019 @ 6:00PM Entry Fee: $5.00 per Event


ENTRIES: Monday, August 5th, 2019 from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm at the Fremont County Fairgrounds. Wavers must be signed by PARENTS to Participate. QUESTIONS: Email: fremontyouthrodeo@gmail.com Call or Text: 208-932-3106 Please Print Contestant Name ___________________________________________ Age______________ Phone Number_____________________ Address____________________________________ City_______________________________ State/Zip__________________________________ Parents/Guardian Name ________________________________________________________ Mark the event(s) that your child will be participating in: (Limited to 20 contestants per event) Stick Horse Barrels ___ (Age 5 & under) Mutton Busting ___ (Age 7 & under and weighing 50lbs or under) Head Protection encouraged Calf Riding ___ (Age 8-11) Head Protection encouraged Rubber Head Roping ___ JR Division (Age 4-6) ___ SR Division (Age 7-10)

Sheep Dressing ___ (Age 7-14) Teams of 3 List members of team: _________________________ _________________________ Breakaway Roping ___ JR (Age 11-14) ___ SR (Age 15-18) Goat Ribbon Pull ___ Pee Wee (Age 5 & under) ___ JR (Age 6-9)

Goat Tying ___ JR Goat Tying (Age 10-14) ___ SR Goat Tying (Age 15-18) Barrel Racing ___ PEE WEE (Age 5-10) ___ JR (Age 11-14) ___ SR (Age 15-18) Pole Bending ___ PEE WEE (Age 5-10) ___ JR (Age 11-14) ___ SR (Age 15-18)

I, as a parent or guardian of the above named contestant, hereby release the Fremont County Fair, the Youth Rodeo Committee, its members, or anyone else associated with the above in an official capacity, of any liability in the event of an accident to the above contestant in this Fremont County Youth Rodeo. We insure with __________________________ (insurance company) and have insurance which could cover the above named contestant in the event of injury at this Fremont County Youth Rodeo. _____________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian

_____________________ Date

PAID AMOUNT ________ ________ W.S. __________ CONTESTANT # ___________

F R E M O N T F A I R -19

20 - F R E M O N T F A I R

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F R E M O N T F A I R -23

O pen Cl a s s Co m pet i t i on R u l e s T h e Fr e m o n t C o u n t y Fa i r w i l l b e h e l d A u g u s t 5 TH- 1 0 TH a t t h e F r e m o n t C o u n t y Fa i r G r o u n d s Home Arts Department Superintendent: Nora Terry Phone: (208) 201-0221 Email: mybabiesbunnies@gmail.com Bring entries to the Home Arts Building on Saturday August 4, 2019 between 10am - 2pm The person with the most entries in the Home Arts Department will receive a $25 cash award. No age limit. Release of Entries Articles will be released Monday August 12, 2019 between 5 and 7 pm Exhibits left after 7 pm will be the full responsibility of the owner and may be picked up at the extension office. No entries may be picked up before this time. Any entries removed from the grounds before this time forfeit any prize. Note: All entries will be judged and displayed with like entries in open-class style. • Articles entered in the fair in previous years are NOT eligible for entry again. • Every article entered must be entirely the work of the exhibitor (exception – quilting on quilts). 24 - F R E M O N T F A I R

• All blue ribbon entries are encouraged to exhibit articles at the Eastern Idaho State Fair. • Please make sure all exhibit tags are made out in detail with full address, phone #, and email address. These will be available at the Home Arts building on Saturday at sign in. • If you are under 16, or over 65, please include your age on tags. • Professionals are welcome to enter if the tags are so marked. We feel there is more honor in winning against other professionals. Note: Professional implies that one regularly makes a portion of his/her personal income by sales of work and/or teaching.

The Fremont County Fair does not carry insurance for theft or damage to personal property while it is on the fairgrounds and therefore does not assume any liability for same. While the fair personnel will exercise all reasonable precautions, any property displayed is done so at the owner’s risk. Note: Personal property is generally already covered by homeowner’s policy. Any additional insurance coverage must be obtained from their own insurance provider. Awards and Premiums Blue, red, and white ribbons

will be awarded according to the Danish system. Each item judged on its own appearance and merit.

category lot Division III – Needlework *Pictures must have a hanger attachment so they can be hung Class 1 – Embroidery 1. Crewel 2. Embroidery 3. Printed cross stitch 4. Machine embroidery Class 2 – Counted cross stitch

Division I – Quilts Class 1 – Hand-quilted 1. Pieced/applique 2. Embroidered 3. Any other quilt Class 2 – Tied quilts Quilts that are presented to be judged, need to be finished, clean, threads clipped, no pencils marks, corners turned and tacked down.

Class 3 – Plastic canvas

Class 3 -- Wall hanging

Division IV- Sewing

Class 4 – My first quilt

Class 1 – Clothing 1. Children’s clothing 2. Adult clothing 3. Any other clothing

Class 5 – Machine quilted Class 6 -- Baby 1. Pieced/applique 2. Embroidered 3. Any other quilt Division II- Afghans Class 1 – Beginner 1. Crocheted granny square 2. Crocheted ripple stitch 3. Any other simple stitch afghan Class 2 – Intermediate 1. Mile a minute 2. Any other afghan of intermediate level Class 3 – Advanced 1. Knitted afghan 2. Detailed pattern of afghans Class 4 – Any other not fitting

Class 4 – Crocheting/Knitting 1. Clothing 2. Toy or novelty 3. Tablecloths, place mats 4. Dollies 5. Potholders 6. Any other crocheted item Class 5 – Needlepoint Class 6 – Any other needlework

Class 2 – Home Decor 1. Drapes 2. Slipcovers 3. Pillows 4. Any other home décor

Class 1 – Tole Painting 1. Tole painting on wood 2. Tole painting on metal 3. Any other tole painting Class 2 – Woodworking 1. Furniture 2. Toys 3. Wood turning 4. Laminated 5. Refinishing 6. Carving 7. Any other woodworking Class 3 – Ceramics 1. Glazes 2. Porcelain 3. Painted ceramics 4. Any other ceramic Class 4 – Dolls 1. Porcelain dolls 2. Cloth dolls 3. Wooden dolls 4. Other dolls Class 5 – Miscellaneous Crafts 1. Rugs 2. Leather Work 3. Jewelry 4. Wall décor 5. Holiday crafts 6. Wood 7. Rocks lapidary 8. Any other worthwhile craft Division VI – Woodworking Class 1 – Furniture

Division V – Crafts

Class 2 – Wood turning ●People are encouraged to enter Class 3 – Laminated any craft not listed by specific Class 4 – Toys lot in the most nearly related “any other” lot. Class 5 – Refinished ● New lots will be created if Class 6 – Carving there are sufficient entries of Class 7 – all other any specific craft. woodworking Entries should reflect the Division VII – Scrapbooking/ expertise and skill of the exhibitor. Entries should not be Rubber Stamp from simple assembly only kits. ● Entries need to be in sheet protectors or wrapped in clear F R E M O N T F A I R -25

plastic, one side only. There is a limit of 5 entries for scrapbooking and 5 entries for rubber stamping. Class 1 – Scrapbooking/page layout 1. Christmas 2. Halloween 3. School days 4. Birthday 5. Summertime/wintertime fun 6. Special occasions/other holidays 7. Weddings/Dating/ Courtship 8. Any other scrapbook pages Class 2 – Homemade scrapbook album Class 3 – Rubber Stamping 1. Birthday cards 2. Christmas cards 3. Wedding cards 4. Invitations 5. Any other rubber stamp Division VIII – Ceramics Division IX – Leatherwork Division X – Taxidermy Division XI – Homespun Do you card your own wool or spin your own yarn? Then this is the division for you! Class 1 – Spun Fun 1. Vegetable yarn 2. Animal yarn 3. Afghan 4. Woven 5. Finished article of clothing 6. Finished accessory article 7. Any other item Division XII – Antiques ● Antiques must be 50 years old or older and will be judged according to age, condition, and original appearance and 26 - F R E M O N T F A I R

form. Exhibits will be entered in the appropriate division. ● Dishes should be washed and other articles cleaned. Jewelry and other small items must be mounted on 3”x3” cardboard. ● No damaged or chipped articles will be accepted - NO EXCEPTIONS.

1. Candy 2. Homemade suckers 3. Dipped chocolates Class 3 – Cakes Decorated cakes are not tasted so you may use fake layers. These will be judged on color, originality, and intricacy of design.

● Collections must have six or more individual items of the same function (not matching) and well displayed. 1. Household item 2. Glassware 3. Furniture 4. Books 5. Clothing 6. Pottery 7. Farming Tools 8. Collections 9. Indian artifacts 10. Refinished furniture 11. Guns and ammunition 12. Miscellaneous items

The entire cake must be presented for judging, one piece may be displayed and the remainder removed, provided it is removed by 5:00pm (except decorated cakes). 1. Angel food/sponge 2. Chiffon 3. Shortening cakes 4. Wedding cake 5. Decorated cakes 6. Gluten free cake 7. Decorated cakes shaped pans, novelty 8. Any other cake

Division XIII – Baked Foods ● Please include your recipe and ingredients on a 3x5 card with baked goods. All ages welcome to participate. ● All items must be covered with plastic wrap.

Class 4 – Bread Any children who bring a loaf of bread will receive a dollar. Bring your loaf labeled with your name and bagged. 1. Loaf white bread (yeast) 2. Loaf 100% whole wheat bread (yeast) 3. Loaf part whole wheat 4. Four dinner rolls 5. Four cinnamon rolls 6. Any other yeast bread 7. Quick bread

Class 1 – Pies The whole pie must be presented for judging. After judging, one piece may be displayed and the remainder removed, provided it is removed by 5:00pm. 1. Fruit pies 2. Cream pies 3. Pecan or nut pie 4. Cheese Cake Class 2- Candies Four pieces on a plate plus one piece in a bag for sampling.

Class 5 – Cookies, Donuts (Four on a plate and one in a bag for sampling). 1. Rolled cookies 2. Drop cookies 3. Bar Cookies 4. Fancy Cookies 5. Donuts, yeast 6. Gluten Free

6. Mixed Vegetables 7. Juice 8. Huckleberry Syrup 9. Chokecherry Syrup 10. Other Syrup Division XV – Canning 11. Spaghetti Sauce All items presented for 12. Tomato Salsa judging must be in a clear jar. Headspace in jars must be one 13. Other Salsa quarter inch for jams, jellies, and 14. Chili with Beans fruit juices, and one half inch for 15. Miscellaneous fruits, pickles, salsa, sauces and 16. Nectar tomatoes. Jars should have new Class 4 – Dried Fruits (1/2 bands. Cup) 1. Apples Class 1 – Fruit 2. Apricots 1. Apples 3. Cherries 2. Applesauce 4. Peaches 3. Apricots 5. Pears 4. Berries 6. Prunes 5. Plums 7. Other 6. Peaches Class 5 - Dried Vegetables 7. Pears (1/2 Cup) 8. Cherries, Pie 1. Carrots 9. Cherries, Sweet Gooseberry 2. Corn 10. Raspberries, Red 3. Parsley 11. Raspberries, Other 4. Peas 12. Cherry Pie Filling 5. Onions 13. Apple Pie Filling 6. Herbs 14. Pie Filling, Any 7. Other Class 2 – Vegetables Class 6 – Specialties (Entries 1. Asparagus in Jars) 2. Carrots 1. Fruit Leather, Apple 3. Corn 2. Fruit Leather, Apricot 4. Peas 3. Fruit Leather, Berry 5. Beans 4. Fruit Leather, Peach 6. Potatoes 5. Fruit Leather, Other 7. Beets, Sliced 6. Meat Jerky 8. Beets, Whole 9. Squash or Pumpkins Class 7 – Jellies (Paraffin 10. Squash, Zucchini seals are not recommended 11. Tomatoes, Stewed by the USDA) 12. Tomatoes, Whole Jellies are classified as clear, 13. Tomatoes, Juice no bits of fruit. 1. Apple Class 3 – Canned Specialties 2. Apricot 1. Beans, Fancy Pack 3. Berry 2. Carrots, Fancy Pack 4. Blackberry 3. Dilled String Beans 5. Cherry 4. Dilled Vegetables 6. Currant 5. Fruit Cocktail Division XIV – Cake Decorating Class 1 – Kids Class 2 – Novelty Class 3 – Wedding

7. Grape 8. Peach 9. Plum 10. Mint 11. Red Raspberry 12. Choke Cherry 13. Strawberry 14. Jalapeno Pepper 15. Other Class 8 – Jams (No Freezer Jams) 1. Apricot 2. Apricot Butter/Apple Butter 3. Berry 4. Peach 5. Plum 6. Choke Cherry 7. Cherry 8. Red Raspberry 9. Pear 10. Rhubarb 11. Strawberry 12. Other Class 9 – Preserves Preserves or fruit in which the tissues of the fruit have absorbed heavy sugar syrup until they are filled with syrup instead of water and are whole or large pieces. 1. Cherry 2. Peach 3. Pear 4. Strawberry 5. Tomato 6. Watermelon 7. Other Class 10 – Marmalades Marmalades are usually made from fruits, which have some jelly making properties. Sliced oranges or lemons may be added. 1. Apricot 2. Cherry 3. Orange 4. Peach 5. Other F R E M O N T F A I R -27

Class 11 – Conserves Conserves differ from marmalades in that several fruits may be combined and nuts may be added. 1. Grape 2. Rhubarb 3. Peach 4. Apple 5. Apricot 6. Other Class 12 – Pickles, Relishes, and Sauces 1. Pickles, Beets 2. Pickles, Fruit 3. Pickles, Mustard 4. Pickles, Pepper 5. Pickles, Sweet Chunk 6. Pickles, Bread and Butter 7. Pickles, Mixed Vegetables 8. Pickles, Dill 9. Pickles, Lime 10. Relish, Chow-Chow 11. Relish, Cucumber 12. Relish, Mixed Veggies 13. Relish, Tomato 14. Relish, Corn 15. Relish, Beet 16. Relish, Zucchini 17. Chili Sauce 18. Catsup, Tomato 19. Other Division XVI – Kids Corner This division is for anyone under the age of 16. All entries are judged and awarded blue, red, or white ribbons on quality. The top winner in each class will receive a ribbon and cash award of: 1st place per class – rosette ribbon & $10.00 2nd place per class – rosette ribbon & $7.00 3rd place per class – rosette ribbon & $5.00 All other entries will receive $1.00 each 28 - F R E M O N T F A I R

Class 1 – Crafts Tile painting Wood Any other craft Class 2 – Needlework Embroidery Latch hook Knitting Cross stitch Crochet Printed cross stitch Any other needlework

with the name of the exhibitor, class number and variety name. 4. Entries can be brought in between 4-8 PM on Tuesday August 6th. Each entry will be judged on its own merits, based on Judging Criteria. 5. No exhibit may be removed until Monday August 12, 2019. Items removed will forfeit any prize money.

Class 7 – Foods

6. Premiums will be given as follows: blue ribbon for all exhibits meeting the class variety requirements; red ribbon for exhibits lacking 1 requirement; white ribbon for entries lacking 2 or more requirements. No ribbon will be awarded for exhibits that are not properly tagged.

Class 8 – Cake Decorating

Division I – Agriculture

Class 9 – Canning

Field Crops Class

Class 10 – Ceramics

SEED VARIETIES – any variety, 1 quart, and normal cleaning. Judging criterion: uniformity, freedom from infestation, and required amount. 1. Alfalfa 6. Grass 2. Barley 7. Oats 3. Beans 8. Peas 4. Clover 9. Wheat 5. Corn

Class 3 – Quilts and Afghans Class 4 – Sewing Clothing Pillows Any other sewing Class 5 – Duct Tape Creations Class 6 – Models

Division XVII – Lego Creations Calling all Master Builders! This NEW division is just for you! Make sure to enter your best Lego creation. Horticulture Superintendents: Ryder Robison & Ainsley McWha Email: pantherattack@gmail.com or ainsleymcwha@gmail.com 1. Exhibits must be grown by the person whose name is listed. 2. Only one (1) exhibit per crop variety is allowed for each exhibitor. 3. Each entry shall be accompanied by an exhibit tag

SHEAF VARIETIES – any variety and sheaf bundle 2” in diameter through the stocks. Judging Criterion: uniformity, symmetry of sheaf, and quality of plants. 10. Alfalfa 11. Barley 12. Clover

13. Grass 14. Oats 15. Wheat

Division II – Horticulture Garden/Orchard Class Judging Criterion: uniformity, freed on defect, size, and cleanliness (typical of produce in a modern grocery store), and number or amount as indicated per variety). Class 1 - Garden Root, Stem and Leaf Crops 16. Asparagus – 4 stalks, top 6” 17. Beets – 4 with 1” top and tail 18. Broccoli – 2 heads with 2”- 4” stem 19. Brussel Sprouts – 4 20. Cabbage – 2 heads, peel off outer leaves and cut close to bottom 21. Carrots – 4 with 1” top and tail 22. Cauliflower – 2 heads cut close to bottom, no leaves 23. Celery – 2 stalks with root on 24. Chard – 4 petioles with blades 25. Jerusalem Artichokes – 4 26. Leeks – 4 with root on 27. Lettuce – 2 heads or bunches, cut close to bottom 28. Onions – 4 with roots on 29. Parsnips – 4 with top on 30. Potatoes – 4 31. Radish – 4 with leaves and tail on 32. Rhubarb – 4 stalks with blade remove 33. Spinach – 4 petioles with blades 34. Turnips – 4 with 1” top and tails on

35. Cilantro Class II - Garden and Orchard Fruits 36. Apricots – 4 with stems on 37. Apples – 4 with stems on 38. Beans – 8 pods with stems on 39. Berries – 8 with stems on 40. Corn – cobs, remove husks and silks, leave tip and 1” stem 41. Cherries – 8 with stems on 42. Cucumbers – 4 with stems on 43. Eggplant – 2 with stems on 44. Peas – 8 pods with stems 45. Peppers – 4 with stems 46. Plums/Prunes – 8 with stems 47. Pumpkins – 2 with stems 48. Squash – 1 winter or 4 summer with stems 49. Tomatoes – 4 with stems Division 3 - Flowers All entries and exhibits must be on place by 4:00 - 8:00pm on Tuesday, August 6th. Three items only on individual species or one only per stem of species. Judging will be on quality of flower, size of bloom, and length of stem on individual arrangements for all types of cut flowers. Tables will be furnished by the Fair. Other items must be furnished by exhibitor. Superintendent will award special ribbons. Cash and Ribbons Grand Prize Most Outstanding Exhibit 1. Best in Show 2. Best Combination Blooms 3. Best Novelty Arrangements 4. Best Fresh Floral Arrangements 5. Best Individual Bloom 6. Best Potted Plant

Categories 1. Gladiola 2. Pansies 3. Ruffled Petunia 4. Double Petunia 5. Single Petunia 6. Phlox Perennial 7. Tea Rose 8. Floribunda or Cluster Rose 9. Sunflowers 10. Marigold – Petite 11. Marigold – Large 12. Shasta Daisy 13. Painted Daisy 14. Large Zinnias 15. Dwarf Zinnias 16. Snapdragons 17. Lilies 18. Lavender 19. Potted Plants – blooming 20. Household Plants 21. Miscellaneous – not more than 3 of 1 flower 2019 Special Prize Draw! All horticulture entries by children 12 and under will have the chance to win a special prize, name to be chosen at random. Photography & Fine Art Superintendent: Ashley Seare Phone: (208) 757-3388 Email: ashley.seare@gmail.com Show your talents by putting them on display at the Fremont County Fair. There are multiple classes and categories for every skill level, both in the Fine Arts and in Photography. For those wishing to enter this year’s Photography and Fine Arts contest, please note the following rules: F R E M O N T F A I R -29

1. All artwork and photographs must be wired and ready to hang in a frame when submitted for entry. There will be NO supplies at the fair to mat, mount, or otherwise prepare artwork for entry. See the Preparing Artwork for Display section for more details. 2. All entrants will be required to complete an entry and liability waiver which will be available when entries are submitted. The artist’s name, logo and phone number must not be on the front of the piece of art or photograph. This information may be on the back. 3. All art and photography must be your own original work created within the last two years. Winners may not enter the same piece from the previous years. 4. Entries will be accepted on Saturday August 4, 2019 from 10:00am - 2:00pm. Late entries will not be accepted, judged, or displayed. Any art or photography entered in the fair in previous years are NOT eligible for entry again. 5. All artwork and photography in the exhibit must remain until 5:00pm Monday August 12, 2019. Early removal will forfeit any cash prizes and/or ribbons. Pickup will be Monday August 13, 2019 between 5:00pm and 7:00pm. Exhibits left after 7:00pm will be the full responsibility of the owner and may be picked up at the extension office. 30 - F R E M O N T F A I R

6. All artwork may not enter in both an amateur and professional category. Disqualification will occur in both. A professional is one who earns any substantial part of their income from their art, has had professional training (including college courses), or experience, or has considered themselves a professional for any period of time. 7. This year there are a large variety of classes. You are not limited to one class, however, you are limited to a maximum of five (5) pieces. Entrants do not need to be a resident of Fremont County to enter submissions. 8. All judging will be done Monday August 6th. No one will be allowed into the exhibit during judging other than the judges and superintendents. Ribbons will be placed after judging has taken place. Photography & Art Ribbons and Premiums

RIBBONS Grand Champ, Reserve Grand Champ Rosettes, along with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Rosette Ribbons will be awarded in each Class for both Photography and Art. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place flat ribbons will be awarded per category. Other awards available are the Best of Show and The Peoples Choice award. PREMIUMS Grand Champ - $35 Reserve Grand Champ - $20 1st Place Rosette - $15 2nd Place Rosette - $10 3rd Place Rosette - $5 Category Awards 1st Place Flat Ribbon - $3 2nd Place Flat Ribbon - $2 3rd Place Flat Ribbon - $1 Participation Flat Ribbon - $0 Premiums will be awarded at time of pick up on Monday, August 13, 2019 in the Home Arts Building. If you have any other questions feel free to contact the superintendent. Division I - Photography* Class One – Junior Youth (age 12-16) Class Two – Senior Youth (age 17-20) Class Three – Amateur Adult (21 and older) Class Four – Professional Adult Photography Categories Category 1 - Portrait Category 2 - Family

Category 3 - Lifestyle/ Photo Journalism

Division III – Kids Corner of the Home Arts Department

Category 4 - Still life/ food/ product photography

This division is for children under the age of 12. This is the only division where entries are not required to be framed and wired for hanging, but is still HIGHLY encouraged. This will help protect their artwork and create a uniformed display in the Kids Corner Gallery.

Category 5 - Wild Life/ Animals Category 6 - Landscape Category 7 - Abstract Category 8 - Digital manipulation/ Composite Images. Anything created on a computer beyond basic Photoshop editing and color balancing, as determined by the judges). Division II - Fine Art Class One – Junior Youth (age 12-16) Class Two – Senior Youth (age 17-20) Class Three – Amateur Adult (21 and older) Class Four – Professional Adult Art Categories Category 1 - Watercolors Category 2 - Acrylic/Oils Category 3 - Charcoal Category 4 - Colored Pencil Category 5 - Pastels Category 6 - Mixed Media Category 7 - Digital Illustrations Anything created on a computer, tablet or other device other than paper. Category 8 - 3D Art/ Ceramics (Includes sculpture, pottery, carving, or any other art that would not traditionally be considered a painting or drawing).

Artwork submitted without frames and wire to hang run the risk of being damaged while on display or not displayed at all. Participants can enter up to 5 original works. Awards available for this division will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd place rosettes, Best of Show and Participation ribbons. All entrants will receive a prize. Preparing Artwork for Display When you arrive to enter your images please have them in their frame, wired and properly prepped for display. Entries with tape and string, mats only, duct tape and twine, or any other “alternative” way to hang entries it will be allowed to enter but run the risk of being damaged and the possibility of not being displayed. Entrant assumes all risks to artwork falling and/or becoming damaged due to improper preparation.

Please see the diagram here for the MINIMUM requirements. Acceptable way to hang entries



FRAME DO NOT use anyother material other than what has been specified. We want to make sure all entries are kept safe and avoid any and all damage.

DO NOT use any other material other than what has You can find hanging hardwear at your local stores and hardware stores. been specified. We want to make sure all entries are kept If you need help, YouTube has many tutorials that show you how to easily attach wire to the back of safe and avoid allframe your art work(s). Just typeany “How toand tie picture wire” and you should find many examples. damage. Secure picture hanging wire to the back of your frame with the use to two hooks. You can find hanging hardware at your local hardware stores. The tabs that come with existing frames are NOT acceptable or compatible with the display system used. If you need help YouTube has many tutorials that show you how to easily attach wire to the back of your art work(s). Search for “How to attach a picture frame wire” and you will find many examples.

F R E M O N T F A I R -31

Proud Sponsor of the 2019 Fremont County Fair

Reinke Grain Company Inc.

208 - 652 - 7449

301 Main St, Ashton, ID 83420

32 - F R E M O N T F A I R

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