8 minute read

New Business Feature

North Star Sleep Consultancy

“DoingLiz’sSleepTrainingwasthebestdecisionweever made,” say Katie and Rob, parents of ten month old Harry. Their testimonial on Liz’s NSSC Facebook page reflectsthesuccessofherconsultancybusiness,whichshe set up recently to help parents whose babies and toddlers arefrequentlywakingduringthenight.


“When our son was ten months old, I was coming to the end of my maternity leave and was wondering how I would manage my job as a primary teacher while often up inthenighttryingtorockhimbacktosleep,”saysLiz.He was sleeping for short periods before becoming unsettled and morning for them started around 4am; “I could be up abouttentimesanight.”

She did an online search and contacted a sleep consultant in Kent for help. Following his online advice over a ten night period, their son’s sleep problems were solved. She admits that she felt so sleep deprived that she would have tried anything, but she found that having one plan to follow, with the support of someone who knew what he was doing, was life-changing. “Not chopping and changing our methods was key,” she thinks. “Now our toddler sleeps for a twelve hour stretch and as parents, we nolongerdreadnight-time.”

Talking to other parents at Toddler Group, Liz heard that sleep problems were very common and she was intrigued by the success of the method that she had followed. The Kent consultant also runs certified courses throughhisonlineTrainingAgency,soshedecidedtosign up and become a sleep consultant herself. She studied theory of sleep modules and case studies, which were followed by assignments over several weeks. A small group of students took part in online webinars and there wasafourpartassessmentattheend.

Having passed the training and been awarded the certificate, Liz considered names and branding for setting up her own consultancy business. She marketed herself on social media, while working on her website. She’s now launched it: northstarsleepconsultancy.com and interested parents can use it to book directly. She retains a presence onFacebookandInstagram.

The website gives information about the packages she offers.The Stellar Sleep Support option is a bespoke sleep programme tailored to a baby or toddler with ongoing support and guidance from Liz. The Light in the Dark option provides a personalised sleep programme for families to implement themselves and the Newborn Navigation package gives expert guidance and support to parents in the very early weeks of a baby’s life.An initial free fifteen minute Discovery Call is available to parents whowouldliketotalkthroughtheirneeds.

Liz is now running the North Star Sleep Consultancy alongside her four day a week primary teaching job. She offers a local face-to-face option, but by working mostly online, she can provide a service over a wider geographicalarea.

A new client taking the Stellar Sleep Support package is asked to compile a four day baby/toddler sleep log, so that in the following one hour consultation with Liz, they can develop a partnership approach, discussing individual circumstances and clarifying parental goals. She then tailors her support programme to run over about thirteen nights.

Liz is flexible about the way she provides support; the parents can opt for phone, What’sApp, Zoom or email. Generously, she says she can be contacted anytime during waking hours, but if she’s teaching, there may be a little delay in her response. If parents want to return to the serviceafterapause,that’spossibletoo.

Liz is giving Continuing Professional Development high priority. “I’m still part of The Sleep Consultant Academy,whichprovidesuswithamonthlycomplexcase to review together,” she says. “Twice a month, I meet the consultant to discuss my current cases in a confidential way.Chrisistheonlymalesleepconsultantinthecountry and is part of the husband and wife team ‘The Mummy andDaddySleepConsultant.”

Lookingahead,Lizhopestoworkwithasmanyclients as possible; she has the flexibility to fit it round her other tasks. She’s been a teacher for eleven years, but this is her first business venture. She says it’s been a big learning curve, but it’s good to know that she’s supporting parents who are challenged by an ongoing lack of sleep like she wasayearago.

Liz is very open to ideas for reducing tension and encouraging relaxation. Before the birth of her son, she took a course in hypnobirthing, a technique to reduce the need for intervention during labour. A therapist came to their house for four to five sessions with recordings to listen to. “What I learnt did come in really handy,” she remembers.

Now that her son sleeps through the night, she has the energy to go hiking again in North Yorkshire; their son travels with them in a hiking backpack with a little cushion in front for him to rest his head on while he naps. Bliss!

Rosemary Nicholls

Speed Limits

The 30mph speed limit sign on Marske Road (from the ovalroundabout)istobemovedclosertotheroundabout, toencompassthenewhousingestatebeingbuilt.

The 40mph speed limit sign on the same road is to be movedallthewaybacktotheroundabout.

A motion by Saltburn Neighbourhood Action Partnership (SNAP) calling for the town of Saltburn to be designated a 20mph area has been delivered to the Chief Executive of Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council for consideration.Ithasbeenrequestedthatthisisintroduced attheearliestopportunity.

Saltburn Charity Crafters

We have moved!

Hello fellow crafters and friends. Our regular monthly meetingswillnowtakeplaceinSaltburnLibrary,thefirst Wednesday of the month from 1.30pm until 3.30pm. We are looking forward to our new venue and, hopefully, welcomingsomenewmembers.

We all create ‘our own thing’, and also specific items asrequestedforanycharitablecause.

Currently we are producing warm items to go to Ukraine and are pleased to know we have contributed to some of the van-loads which have already gone, courtesy ofSaltburnVets.

If you have any wool that you would like to donate to us, please call Chris on 01287 204170 to arrange delivery orcollection. AlternativelyitemsmaybeleftatSPARon MarskeRoad.

If you know of a cause which would like hand crafted garments or household items, pleasealsocontactus.

Looking forward to 1st March for our nextgathering!

Chris Ferguson

1st Saltburn Scouts

Strawberry Laces & Awards

Whatdoyougetifyouaddstrawberrylacestoacolonyof Beavers? Threetypesofedibleknotsofcourse!Nowthey can tie each other up, tie shoe laces and hitch a horse to a poleintheWildWestshouldtheyeverneedto.

We've also been finishing off a few bits and bobs from activity and challenge badges including the Digital maker. The Beavers have been designing pixel characters and understanding why computers need humans to tell them what to do. Once the little bits had been ticked off we weredelightedtobeabletopresentXanderandTobytheir Bronze awards - the highest award a Beaver can earn! Congratulations to you both, you're a total asset to our groupandwewishyoufunandfriendshipasyoumoveon toCubs.

The silver award is the highest award a Cub can earn. To complete it, they need to earn six Activity Badges, as well as all seven of the Challenge Awards. The Chief Scout’sSilverAwardshowsthatthey’vegivennewthings a go, played their part, and stuck it out, even when the going got tough. It’s a really big achievement, and we were super proud to award Josh, Lukas and Noel their silver award last week. We are looking forward to getting out and about next month now that the nights are drawing out.

AllSectionsspentanight ten pin bowling. It was a brilliant night, some frustrations but mainly laughs and cheers. Scouts have learned about electromagnetism and built their own gadgets. They had a Warhammer re-enactment with amazing extras and new tactics. Four Scouts were also presented with their Chief Scout Silver Award,delayedfromCubs(thanksCovid!).AsinBeavers and Cubs, these are not given out without a lot of commitment, can do attitude and trying new experiences onthepartoftheyoungperson.WelldoneHarry(atlast!), James, Thoren and Leo.Amazingly proud of what all our ChiefScoutAwardrecipientshaveachieved.

Sundays 10.45am Wednesdays 10am

Women's Fellowship 2pm 9th and 23rd March Coffee Mornings

Wednesday 10-11.45am and Saturday 11th March 10am-noon with Scones

Come and join us anytime

Everyone is welcome

The Saltburn Masterplan remains unpublished. The promised panacea for traffic management, distilled from public consultation in May 2022, is still a document in draft, and will probably remain so until after the May elections. With so much expected, there is disappointment in its continuing delayed publication. One certainty is that the 2017 request for right angled parking along the remaining length of Marine Parade will be further delayed untiltheendof2023.

In the interim, a proposal to extend the several existing 20mph areas in the town to the whole of Saltburn was proposed and agreed at the January meeting of the Saltburn Neighbourhood Action Partnership. Further highway safety issues will be discussed at the next public meeting on the 22nd of March in the Community Theatre, with a proposal to create a pedestrian crossing in Milton Street, and to consider improved cycle pathways in and aroundthetown.

The fourteen year old proposal to create a car park beside the pumping station is now finally coming to fruition. The virement of capital development funds, untapped for four years, will allow the 25 vehicle park to progressandbecompletebySpring.

Council Tax will rise in April by 3.99% along with a range of increases in fees and charges. This will carry the Council into another year but with a considerable draw on reserves to compensate for the anticipated deficit of £5.5 millioninthiscurrentyear.

A comprehensive savings plan is being proposed to reduceongoingoverheads.

One of the savings proposed is a rationalisation of the Library Service. In order to assist deliberation a consultation is being held. Forms are available online or via hard copy available at Saltburn Library. Residents are encouraged to complete a survey form. Deadline for

It is anticipated that work will start on renewing the rail fencing on the Top Promenade this month and remedial work on the Council listed chalets early in the newfinancialyear.

As the warm weather begins to return, many venues which have offered warm spaces over the winter will be reviewing their offers. Many of these have successfully brought parts of the community together and some may wellcontinue.

The Number 18 bus service, providing a direct link with Guisborough, has gone. The Tees Flex service was similarly scheduled for a demise but lobbying has so far delayed its execution. The Tees Valley Combined Authority, the responsible body, has been asked to reconsiderkeepingthisimportantoperationrunning.

Whilst the TransPennine direct service to Manchester Airport has been welcomed with its introduction of an hourly timetable and the comfort of the Class 185 units, some residents in the vicinity of the station have raised concerns about the environmental effect of diesels not shutting down when alongside the platforms for any length of time. Representations have been made and engineidlinghasconsiderablyreducedasaresult.

Philip Thomson

Saltburn, Marske & New Marske Parish Council Coronation, Donations & Allotments

The Coronation ceremony for His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Saturday, 6th May at Westminster Abbey. Events are being planned around the weekend of the Coronation including the ‘Coronation Big Lunch’ on Sunday, 7th May and ‘The Big Help Out’ community event on Monday, 8th May, which has been designated a Bank Holiday. The Government wants to see people across the UK and the Commonwealth come together to celebratethismomentousoccasion.

A sum of money has been set aside to support events associated with the King’s Coronation - community groups can apply for a small grant towards the cost of hosting an event - download the application form from ourwebsite,whichmustbecompletedandreturnedtothe office no later than 6th April 2023 or alternatively ring the office and we can post a form out to you. Further details and ideas to celebrate this milestone can be found on these websites: thebiglunch.com, streetparty.org.uk andthebighelpout.org.uk

The next Donations and General Purposes Committee will take place in April and any community group wishing to apply for a small donation can get further detailsfromourwebsite.

At the January donations meeting grants were given to New Marske Primary School - towards a memorial bench andtoCleanPlanet-towardsremovinglitterfromthesea andbeaches

For those residents with an allotment, rents are now due and can be paid at the allotment shop located on the Hazelgrove site, there has been a small increase of 50p (pro rata) to £29 per 1/16th acre plot. The first inspection oftheallotmentswilltakeplacemidtolateMay.

Joanne Manning (ClerkandRFOtotheParishCouncil)

01287623477 office@smnmpc.co.uk smnmpc.co.uk

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