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Saltburn Photographic Society
Final Indoor Meeting
Our March programme brings us to the end of our indoor meetings for this season, although we do have regular get togethersduringthesummermonths.
March 1st, Results night for our final monthly competition“NaturalWorld”
March 8th, Malcolm BlenkeyARPS gives us his talk “OutdoorWonders”
March 15th, Miles Langthorne visits us from Northallertonwithhistalk“KeepitSimple”
March 22nd, The Frank Sanderson ‘knockout’ competition. A firm favourite with our members and not tobemissed.
All meetings are held at the Methodist Church Hall, MiltonStreet,Saltburn.
Tea and coffee is available from 7pm to allow for some socialising prior to the meeting starting at 7.30pm. Guestsarealwayswelcome.
For more information, visit our website saltburnphotographicsociety.co.uk, follow us on facebookorcontactPhilDoveon07976634252
Phil Dove
British Summer Time
26th / Sun 27th
Remember to put your clocks forward for the start of British Summer Time (BST), which is 1 hour ahead of GreenwichMeanTime(GMT).
Clocks change at 1am on Sun 27th March, meaning youwillloseanhour.
ThreesessionsonTuesdaysat3.30pm,5.30pm and7pmatEmmanuelChurchHall
SaturdaysthreesessionsatEarthbeatCentre. 7.30am,9amand10.30am.Nobooking required.
PleasecontactStevie07740725210. Awarmwelcomeiswaiting
Happiness and what we offer in life
new shop opens as an old shop closes. A new worker at the supermarket moves and another is employed. It goes on, year after year. Hopefully improving year in year, hopefully providing the town with better quality entertainment and food to make it a more healthy place to live.Though supermarkets are not a good example as they are designed to think of their own profits and not the bettermentoftheirsociety.
Each of us is a cell in the organism of life. We come into existence and go out of existence and the organism evolves.
I reflect on the relay runner, passing the baton one to the other. And with it the big question, what are we passing?Whatareweadding?
Ian, the editor of this magazine is leaving. For many years every month a few days following the last one going out hebeginsworkonthenext.
I think a massive amount of praise goes out to Ian. He has worked out a formula that has allowed the whole of Saltburn and beyond to have a free monthly magazine for many years now. Full of beautiful old pictures, articles of interest and information for the community to come together.
It’s a service that most of us don’t question and we don’t have to give back for in return. Perhaps because of the internet, the NHS and seemingly free education we are perhaps in a culture of receiving and with that perhaps comesaningrainedsenseofentitlementtodoso?
Each of us is a piece of the jigsaw, a colour in the kaleidoscope, our whole society revolves around the co-dependence we are all part of. The health services require the sick so there are jobs for the nurses and the hundreds of connected supporting services. Shops require others to make new things and the transportation and packagingthatgoeswithit.Andthenthewasteindustryto clear up all that is discarded. Criminality creates work for police, magistrates and prisons. Every aspect of our societyisdependentonanotheraspect.
PeopleofSaltburn arrive newly and others leave.A
Forthoseofuswhoareegocentricwemakeitallabout what we can get hold of. Capitalism all around us encourages this mentality. We are told to pile up what we can, money, a house, cars, material things. Many ask “what’s in it for me?”Yet some realise, particularly as we get older and closer to death that in the big picture this is not the question. For the biggest of achievements is what we offer to others, what we pass on. To have a child is no big achievement. Many have them and treat them quite badly, feed them terrible food and put them in front of screens as a way to distract them while parents do what they want.Yet to really give time and care and to educate a child so they are kind and loving is something truly of value. To give, it could be said, if we are all one is to receiveonabiggerlevel.
We are all part of an opportunity to offer something to others.It’seasytoconsumewithoutawarenessofwhatwe give back. Yet there is something dare I say noble about being someone offering something new as Ian has, a gift to the people of Saltburn. For this I applaud him and hope that you join me in appreciation of what he has given. For this is what life is, a baton that we pass on. We take care of our little corner of the world and in giving we add to the richness of life, the flowering, the ripples flowing out to humanity. Thank you for what you have given Ian, and tothemanyotherswhogivefreelytoo.
Contact:Kendal 07944883961