Talk of the Town May2014

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MAY 2014



SALTBURN’S TOWN TALK Letter from the Editor I always say to people who are going to send me an email, that if they don’t get a reply it means I haven’t received it. It’s always surprising to me how much we rely on modern technology that often simply doesn’t work properly. Emails frequently go missing without any explanation. They are supposed to ‘bounce back’ undelivered but this doesn’t always happen, so it’s always a good idea for contributors to the magazine to check that I have received their contribution. Clean beach: Saltburn’s beach was awarded a top mark in the 2014 national Good Beach Guide after failing tests last year. The cliff-lift hut at Marine Parade has been replaced in time for the Easter opening. Saltburn Farmers’ Market: is back on Saturday, May 10th. With our super secret square proving immensely popular we have another new stall for you...Spanish tapas! Plus all the regulars from hand dyed wool to fine gin. There’s even a rumour that Henry’s strawberries will be making an appearance. So come on down 9 till 2, Saltburn Square. Slow and Steady Music Session: Dates for next musicians’ session at Saltburn House is Wednesday, 14th May and after that one will be on the 11th June. The Guisborough and District Branch of the Embroiderers’ Guild are holding their monthly meeting in Sunnyfield House, Westgate, Guisborough, TS14 6BA on Saturday, Saturday 3rd May, 2014 at 1.45 for 2pm. Our guest speaker is Katie Chaplin and her subject is ‘Japan Crafts’. Visitors are welcome whether non-stitchers, beginners or more experienced stitchers; we will be very pleased to see you. The Belmont House car park (behind the council offices) is free on Saturdays. For more information please call 01642 314860. Emmanuel Church Hall Table Top and Collectors’ Sale: Our next dates are Saturdays, 3rd, 17th and 31st May and 7th 21st June. We had a fantastic sale in March. FREE ENTRANCE and a warm welcome to everyone. With over 26 stall holders, selling lots of bric-a-brac, books, toys, baby goods, and all sorts of collectables, and some crafts, there is something for everyone. Home made refreshments and light lunches are on sale all day. Our all day breakfast and lunches and popular home baked stall are always available. Our kitchen is very busy and popular. Thank you everyone for your support. Contact Denise Marshall on 07929 589538. We would like to let people know that we are not closing down or even thinking of closing in the near future, as someone has been spreading false rumours. Far from it! We are here to stay as we serve the community and help a lot of people, not only the customers but the stall holders as well. It is a social day out for many and a meeting place for a chat and to find a bargain for the young and old alike. There is always a warm friendly welcome and all our kitchen staff are very helpful too. So please ignore the rumours: We Are Here To Stay! Cover Illustration: Gateway to the Meadow by

I try to always acknowledge receipt with a simple message. I would like to draw readers’ attention to the last paragraph of Jim Wingham’s extra article on page 42. Those who suffer from the disturbance of noise throughout the night from the centre of Saltburn are being asked to get in touch. I know that the noise disturbs residents as far away as Hilda Place and I have suffered from it for many years. Love, Ian

Send letters, adverts and contributions for the next issue (by Friday, 16th May 2014) to: The Editor, Talk of the Town c/o Jackie’s Saverstore, 8 Station Buildings, Saltburn, Cleveland, TS12 1AQ. Telephone: 01287 623903 or email: Talk of the Town has a website: and the Friends of Talk of the Town can be found on Facebook. The Friends of Saltburn Cemetery have now managed to have the new railings erected. The work was funded by Groundwork and Friends of Saltburn contributed the cost of the paint for the refurbishment of the gates. It’s good, after all of these years, to have the railings back! The Rotary Club of Saltburn would like to thank all those who made our Ceilidh on 4th April 2014 such an enjoyable and worthwhile evening. Local Charities will be benefitting from all money raised. Thanks also to the Applejack Ceilidh Band and The Staff at The Spa Hotel. Don S. Hibbert, President, Rotary Club of Saltburn WI Report: Ladies of Saltburn WI met on 10th April when our speaker should have been Helen Jones but unforeseen circumstances dictated that Helen had to cancel at the last minute; thankfully Pam Roe stepped into the breach and spoke to us about her business which makes organic candles. We were told about products which are handmade with 100% soy wax with all natural ingredients and essential oils. We had explained to us the differences between an organic and non organic product. We were shown how the soy candles can be used safely on the skin for massage and which oils were beneficial for different complaints. Candles were passed around the group to try. Members have a busy time up to the Easter Holidays. There are cookery classes both for members and the wider community at the De Brus Centre in Skelton. The walking group set off on a woodland ramble from Stanghow to Moorsholm enjoying the fine weather, spring flowers and birdsong. Groups meet for craft classes, flower arranging, tai chi and other activities on a regular basis. Ladies will also be venturing to Harrogate for the Flower Show at the end of the month. Next month the meeting on the 8th May at the Methodist Church, Milton Street, Saltburn, will be to discuss the Resolutions that National will take forward, one of which will be looking at organ donation. If you would like to join us new members are always welcome. Barbara Spanner Ingrid Salomonsen, Friends of the Valley Group

Disclaimer: Talk of the Town tries to make sure the articles and announcements made on its pages are accurate, but views expressed in letters and articles printed in Talk of the Town are not necessarily those of the editor. Any offers in adverts included in Talk of the Town are made by the advertisers; details should be confirmed with them. Always confirm event details with the organisers, in case of alteration or error. Talk of the Town is printed by DC (Yorkshire) Print, Unit 34a, Lidgate Crescent, Langthwaite Business Park, South Kirkby, West Yorkshire, WF9 3NR. Website: Tel: 01977 642331. Proprietor/Editor of Talk of the Town: Ian Tyas c/o Jackie’s Saverstore, 8 Station Buildings, Saltburn, TS12 1AQ. (Ian Tyas tel: 01287 623903.)


Living in a Villa in Saltburn-by-the-Sea Valley Gardens

Villa from the South.

It is strange how a coincidence brings about connections and information. Tony was browsing through newspapers on The British Newspaper Archive site when he came across an advert in the Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer inviting applications for the position of Foreman Gardener in the Engineers Department of the Saltburn and Marske-by-the-Sea Urban District Council with a wage of £7 11s 9d per week and good housing available on service tenancy. The following day we received an email which requested the possibility of supplying photographs of the villa in the Valley Gardens. Making contact with the lady who requested the photographs we discovered that she was the daughter of the gardener who had responded to the advert and was successful in being employed by the council in 1954 as Foreman Gardener for Saltburn and Marske UDC responsible for the Valley Gardens, all the floral displays in Saltburn and Marske and the cemeteries. The gardener William David McLauchlan Whitelaw who moved with his family into the white brick faced Villa overlooking the Italian Gardens, the work area consisted of large greenhouses, potting shed and cold frames. Some of the previous tenants of the Villa were the first Head Gardener Robert Everatt employed in 1862 with a wage of 18 shillings a week, Mr Barnes formerly at Kew Gardens came in 1884 and later Thomas Metcalfe. Phyllis Grace the daughter of William Whitelaw has given us an excellent description of both the villa and some memories of her life in Saltburn-by-the-Sea. She mentions three gardeners who worked for her father, Stan Piggins, Bill Chapman and a Mr Wardle remarking that they would take their tea and lunch breaks around a stove in the potting shed. Everyone finished work at 4.30pm when tools were all cleaned in large troughs outside the greenhouses. Her father had a very small office with a sloping desk where he drew his designs for the planting areas, jubilees etc. The Villa had three bedrooms, a separate toilet and a very small bathroom which had obviously been part of a bedroom at an earlier stage. There was a very large kitchen (large enough for Phyllis to practise her skills in roller skating), a large walk in pantry and a very grand sitting 4

Family Group.

Notes for a design for Britain In Bloom entry.

William Whitelaw and Bill Chapman in greenhouse.

room with a picture window which overlooked the gardens. The children’s playroom was the large cellar, features of which were a large black grate and a free standing claw foot bath. The Villa was demolished around 1959 when the roof needed replacing and it was cheaper to pull down and rebuild a bungalow on the site. William finally moved out of the bungalow in circa 1974 but continued to work in the gardens until he moved to Stokesley. During his time in Saltburn he was part of the retained fire crew. Phyllis remembers her mother working in the garden’s cafe for many years; she also mentions the bridge rolls, small cakes and ice cream being the favourites. People sat at cast iron tables and chairs which had to be taken in each night. Mrs Whitelaw eventually became cashier at the pier entrance. The bungalow became home to other council employees and their families until it was passed into private hands, eventually becoming vacant and vandalised leaving no option but demolition. Many thanks to Phyllis Grace for permission to use the information and photographs. Cath and Tony Lynn

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Saltburn Councillors’ Surgeries Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month 11.00am – 12 noon, Saltburn Library Councillors Joan Guy, Stuart Smith, Philip Thomson Every 3rd Saturday of the month, Councillor Stuart Smith will be available in the Station Square area 11-12, weather permitting, if not, in the Methodist Hall.

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Friends of Talk of the Town Hello from Friends of Talk of the Town. Light nights! Fabulous! Longer days! Great! Balmy sunshine! Super! But, have you noticed how despite all this you find somehow that you still don’t have time to get all those jobs done you promised yourself you would do when the light nights came? Oddly enough despite this time cited by Ian’s nemesis Microsoft as ‘daylight saving time’ you don’t quite manage to save any? Perhaps it actually only applies to our computers, after all it’s those that are taking over our lives, apparently. I don’t profess to be an expert when it comes to computers, but I’ll own up to knowing ‘a bit’. Or is it a byte? I did have to chuckle last week when Ian, who bless him, was getting a little frustrated trying to find the calculator on his computer. He’s studying evolution apparently and despite my telling him that he has to realise that’s a work in progress best left to the Attenboroughs of this world he wasn’t going to be defeated. He struggled for a while, rambling on about periodic tables, tidal data and horoscopes before reaching for his abacus in desperation. You might not find this funny: trust me Ian won’t and well, you might be reading this: then again you might not. I take his point, there are things that should be simple to use and finding them should also be a breeze. Fair enough, but I’m struggling to understand how evolution study insists on the pupil being able to calculate the square root of Pythagoras and chips! I ventured to offer at least three solutions only to be met with a tirade of angst: best served with mustard. Some things, I think are best left alone but have you ever wondered how our ancestors managed without that most vital life element, the mobile phone? How did anybody ever manage to ‘post’ or even ‘write on a friend’s timeline’ or, Lord forbid, ‘tweet!’ Wasn’t that for the birds:

perhaps when Ian’s done with boring evolution course (his words) he’ll turn his attention to ornithology. I can see it now, cavemen chiselling a ‘status update’ on the walls of the Grand Canyon. See, there’s nothing new under the sun. I take a pride in helping Ian and Heather to produce this wonderful magazine: which if you don’t mind me saying has improved beyond recognition. It’s pleasing to hear from readers, supporters and advertisers that they really like the introduction of more colour pages. Many advertisers have approached Ian to discuss ‘going into colour’ and he has been able to accommodate as many as possible whilst maintaining the balance between advertising and editorial content. I would like to add the Friends of Talk of the Town’s congratulations to Ian on achieving this in a remarkably short period of time. We’ve had some teething problems, for sure but generally things are going in the right direction. These new features have naturally made the magazine more attractive and have actually created a bigger demand for issues in and around our normal distribution area. However, whilst these features can attract an improved income, they do not totally cover the costs of production and distribution of the magazine. I firmly believe Ian would accept the magazine is in a better shape than perhaps at any other time in its history; however, we do rely on your continued support through our collection boxes. Since their inception over £8,000 has been raised towards costs: during that time printing bills and delivery expenses in excess of £72,000 have been incurred. I’m sure we’ll not need that accursed computer calculator we spoke of earlier to know why we appreciate every penny you contribute towards supporting Talk of the Town: and you’ll forgive me for thanking you again, most sincerely. Richard Dales-Coupland Secretary, Friends of Talk of the Town

Veterinary Matters Last month I attended a series of lectures entitled “How do I do...?” This was a series of 10 talks given by five different lecturers, and they were all interesting and threw up new light and ideas to help me with my work. I am always reading and learning, finding out new treatments and new conditions. When I am then asked the question “how do I do that..?” I hope I can give the best answer. Some diseases are not straightforward and require time and patience to discover what they are, and sometimes we can only identify the organ that is affected and not be able to put an exact diagnosis on the affliction. When we vets don’t know, we either turn to our books, or call up a consultant that knows more about the area than we do. The one point I make is that I never assume or make snap diagnoses, but try to discover the disease by questioning both the owner and the patient. When I am then presented with an acute emergency, I will often fall back on first aid principles. Our dog cut his foot on the lower prom in Saltburn a few years ago, on a piece of broken glass, and both my wife and myself applied our first aid training to stop the bleeding, make Ross safe and comfortable and then went for help. (The last bit was 6

me running home to get the car and then whisk the dog into surgery to suture the wound closed.) I have had first aid training for humans, both for work and more recently as an emergency first on scene training for motorcyclists. I found the principles that need to be applied are similar for our pets. Indeed, there are no formal training sessions available for first aid in pets, but we all can take the course for humans and then use the knowledge for our pets. Some vet practices will make up basic first aid kits for your pet since the types of dressing will differ from our needs. As well as that, having emergency numbers for your practice, or if away from home, the phone and contact details for the nearest practice are an essential. All vets have an obligation to offer first aid to any pet, but, if the creature is in need of more specialised treatment that vet will direct you to a more suited practice if necessary. If you want to ask me a question or raise a topic for this article, contact me by e-mail on or call where I work at Jacqui Paterson vets on 01642 604555. James Haddow, Veterinary Eye Consultant, GP and Saltburn resident.

Real Meals

Purveyors of Fine Foods It’s the Merry Month of May and Real Meals is Open Every Day of the Week (Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6.00pm; Saturday

8.30am to 5.00pm; Sunday 10.00am to 2.00pm) for the Sale of Locally Sourced and Exotic Foods Winter Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 6.00pm, Saturday: 8.30am to 5.00pm, Sunday 10.00am to 2.00pm.

For more details contact: REAL MEALS, 25 MILTON STREET, SALTBURN, Tel: 01287 622266. Email:, Website:

Councillors’ Column Drivers may recently have found a questionnaire on their windscreen. This would have been placed there by a representative from a Newcastle market research company employed by Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council to carry out a survey of parking facilities and how these are used in the town. The eight question document was designed to collect parking information across the Borough as part of a data collection process. The research company has been commissioned to look at the Council’s parking strategy, analyse current parking provisions within the Borough and ultimately produce a Parking Review document. The recommendations will evaluate best use of parking infrastructure and how this could be utilised in promoting economic activity and regeneration. Residents may feel that they have been here before and memories of 2012 still linger. Perhaps this scenario is different because after the report is published on 2nd May, consultation involving appropriate local organisations will take place before any pronouncement is made. The Borough Cabinet will then decide on any resultant policies which in turn will be the subject of statutory public consultation. The implementation of any agreed outcome could be in 2015. Ward Councillors, having found out about this process, will be monitoring progress and would welcome any resident’s questions and involvement in due course. If there is no smoke without fire, then the increase in wood burning stoves will undoubtedly ignite debate as will the strictures of smokeless zone observance. Before installing a wood burning stove it is

recommended that consultation should take place with the local Planning Authority to seek advice on the relevance of Building Control Regulations. Saltburn is a smokeless zone. As a result there are restrictions on the type of fuel used. This applies also in the case of wood burning stoves. Good guidance is available on the web site of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for the type of fuel eligible for burning. Sometimes these processes and practices are not followed, resulting in disruption and disturbance to neighbours. Further fires have once more disturbed the tranquillity of the Valley Gardens and damaged the fabric of the Albert Memorial. Not only does this abuse proper use of fire brigade resources but continues to erode the significant heritage of the town. Residents are asked to add their vigilance to the emergency services. On a happier note a further grant from Sport England has helped rescue the football changing facilities on Hob Hill. First built with volunteer bricklaying labour in the 60s this time served building will benefit from a £50,000 injection, and along with the re-laying of the Top Field, enable soccer to be played for many years to come. Every year Councillors each receive a per capita sum of £2,000 for use in their ward to benefit the community. In Saltburn these sums are pooled and allocated to qualifying individuals or groups. Application forms are available in the Library, which is where Councillors meet every 2nd and 4th Saturday at 11am. Philip Thomson 7

DoorWays: Enabling Change From Educational to emotional support and even financial advice doorways is a charity that has remained strong within the community of Saltburn for many years offering assistance to those in need. Although a youth project dealing with ages from 13-25 years old, I have never seen an individual in need turned away. I feel as a user of the services of doorways I have a deeper understanding of the need for a project like this in the community and the great difference that it makes to the individual using the project. Doorways was launched in 1998 with the ethos to “enable change”, a short but poignant message that is still relevant to the work being carried out daily by the charity. I myself as an individual using the services available at doorways have received help and assistance in a wide variety of things such as writing my CV, writing a business plan, advice and support and as I sit before the computer writing this now I have the support that I need to complete this article to be published soon. The most important of these I personally feel is the need for advice and support. As a youth living in the area I know that it can be hard, and whilst hard it would be a lot harder, knowing that there was nobody to talk to and from whom to receive the advice of very well experienced and trained individuals with a real passion to help. I strongly believe that I have been able to emotionally move on as an individual through the advice and understanding of Doorways. This has replaced such things in my life as anger, anguish, anxiousness with the ability to analyse a situation and to engage my thoughts before I speak, but most importantly the relationship with my immediate family, which was none existent, now flourishes with laughs and jokes and all the other natural emotions that in reality everybody should feel. Speaking to another that uses the services of doorways Matthew Kirkbright had this to say: “with the right advice and support in a time where I had little of either I was able to really capitalise and move forward in my life with great opportunities and a bright future ahead of me. I really feel that doorways offered stability and played a key role in my development.” Matthew, when asked what the most important part doorways has played in his development, he simply answered, “they gave me the tools I needed to use my own motivation in order to create success.” If there is any one point to get across here it is that Doorways is and should always be playing a central role in the development of young people; they offer a different approach to the usual educational and professional sectors and this in itself allows people to feel at ease when they approach the service with genuine problems and seeking assistance. Enabling change is a philosophy and ethos of the charity and in turn it is time for them to make the change and adapt. With the current climate and budgets becoming tighter doorways has been hit hard financially. John Pearson, the project manager of Doorways, was happy to share a few words: “the importance of the charity remaining is the most important thing here, not the location but the service provided to vulnerable young people within 8

John Pearson in the new DoorWays above Destinations

the area. We will simply provide the same service but in another location that will better suit the charity and its finances.” The charity in itself has made arrangements and set in stone the move, but still remains within Saltburn, to our very own internet café, Destinations, where John Pearson has made agreements with Paul Davies the owner of destinations that will allow the continuation of doorways. Mr Davies had this to say: “this arrangement will allow the individuality of Doorways to remain whilst bringing together sustainability for the charity.” When asked about the if he felt this would change the charity he replied, “although coming at a time where the charity may have had to downsize this is not that. We aim to take the charity from strength to strength with more resources and potential funding. This will see Doorways thrive within the Saltburn community.” In light of all the publicity that has been gained by Doorways of late John Pearson had one last thing to say: “we moved on 17th March and we aimed this to be a seamless transition in order to provide the same service that is needed daily. I would like to thank the public of Saltburn for their continued support and remind people that all donations would be kindly accepted. These can be made by cheque to `Saltburn Christian projects` or simply text DOOR02 £2/£5/£10 to 70070 for eg. DOOR02 £5.” Cavan Mcloughlin

DoorWays Extra John Pearson added: “Transition is often a difficult process; we just want to be there as quickly as possible. It seemed at first there was only one outcome, but then other options emerged even though it would be operating somewhat differently. Remaining true to the vision of the project has always been important to us; people are at the centre of what we do, and to continue supporting those in most need is what we have been able to achieve. “Doorways working out of Destinations has the right feel about it; the new office is bigger than the old one, the range of PCs with internet access greater and there is a chill out zone if you need some quiet space. There is a good possibility that an upstairs back room at Destinations can be converted to a multipurpose area and would include a pool table. “The project is pleased to be working with young people from our local school, increasing belief in themselves and finding ways to deal with challenges. Funding has been received through Church Urban Fund and local consortium, to reach out to youth in our rural areas; those not engaging with other youth services. Also funding through Tees Valley Community Foundation, to develop a creative way to look at our life journey, the changes that are necessary and choices our young people will face. Foodbank vouchers are still available at Doorways. “Doorways are extremely grateful to so many local people, businesses and funding organisations; through this generosity, the project will in May see its 16th birthday and move forward in its charitable work with young people.”

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M. BELL Freelance Postal and Courier Services 2, North Avenue Saltburn-by-the-Sea North Yorkshire TS12 1QD Tel/fax: 01287 623673 Email: Can pick up mail from local sorting office and deliver to you by 9.30am for £1 per week 9

Rhymes & Sunshine A wealth of statistics support the view that a little dose of sunshine is good for your health. Experts suggest that Vitamin D gained from increased sun exposure can improve your mood and make you more likely to smile. Whilst no-one is grinning madly yet, I’m happy to say that the turbulent storms of winter have made way lately to at least a few slithers of sunshine. Hallelujah. A few weeks ago the outlook was decidedly bleak. The boys down at the surf school were enthusiastically wearing shorts, in what looked like an impending hurricane. Top marks for positivity. I’m moderately impressed by the sunshine of late in town. Enough to get the legs out if you will. Added to the recent sunny snap I’m pleased to be expecting another baby and am very happy that I’ll be on maternity leave in Saltburn. This wondrous place that sells gig tickets in a health food shop. When someone first told me this after moving here I had to check again – Are you serious and are the staff going to laugh at me? But no, I absolutely love the quirkiness. The latest quirky thing in Saltburn to cross my mind is ‘Where on earth has the miniature arcade disappeared to on the replica pier?’ (the one as you drive into Saltburn). It’s been missing for weeks. I’m sure it will reappear just as mysteriously as it disappeared. So what a great place to be having a baby. In my head I’ll be doing it earth mother style. Late summer evening strolls in the Valley Gardens in a floaty dress, tending lovingly to my nursing baby as she nestles in a hessian baby carrier. The wind will be blowing gently in my hair as I gaze at my eldest daughter frolicking between the leafy trees and dancing on the sand. Replace that with: up- all-night, covered in poo, sick and wee (that’s me not the baby) in pyjamas, struggling to tame my toilet-brush hairdo and fending off enquiries as to whether I’m ill. No I’ve been up all night and I’m not wearing make up. However, the good thing about being a mother of a toddler and having maternity leave on the horizon is that I’ve recently discovered ‘Rhyme Time’ at Saltburn Library. This is a sing along session for babies and toddlers. It’s completely free and runs Mondays and Wednesdays at 10am. I must say what a lovely little group it is. Top marks to the lady who leads the sessions and gets everyone singing along with a tambourine or rattle of choice. This group is good timing as in all honesty I was really in need of some new material. My daughter has been looking at me of late as if to say ‘not old Macdonald again’…… and I’ve all but butchered ‘Twinkle twinkle little star’. So for any parents currently boring their little one to tears with monotone versions of 1970s nursery rhymes, get yourself down to the library and learn some new ones. Now that is something worth smiling about. Anna 10

Saltburn in Bloom During March and April our group has been very active and I thought I would update you with what has been happening. Firstly you will have noticed that the pier model is incomplete. Redcar and Cleveland College have been carrying out repairs and haven’t completed them yet, but it should be ready after their Easter holidays. In March we held a quiz in the Cricket Club, which was really well attended and raised £256 for our funds. Thank you to those who attended. Then on the morning of April 8th the Northumbria in Bloom judges visited for Spring Judging. The gardeners, litter pickers, Mick Crooks the Parish Council warden and Neighbourhood teams from Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council had all worked hard in sometimes unpleasant conditions to ensure that Saltburn was looking its best and I think the judges were impressed when we visited the different locations around the town. It was a cool, blustery day and the delicious hot soup, served by Rapps at lunch time, was most welcome. Summer judging is on Wednesday, July 9th. The Committee is busy organising a booklet launch to be held in the Library on Sunday, 4th May between 2.00 and 3.30pm. There will be a few opening words from local crime writer Jennie Finch, a display of books about Saltburn and refreshments. The booklets (suggested donations £1.50) to accompany the Interpretation boards are very good and you might like to pop in to see them or get your own copy. On Saturday, 31st May we are holding a Table Top sale in the Community Centre (10.00am-4.00pm), when we will be selling plants and serving homemade refreshments all day. The merry band of gardeners carry on with their work every Wednesday morning. If you would like to join, please ring Lynda Parkes (01287209518) for details. We have fun as well as working! Lastly, the hanging baskets are going to be put up on the 18th and 19th June and we invite tenders for the contract for watering 10 weeks initially, starting on Friday, 20th June. The wicker baskets are watered daily and amberol baskets twice weekly. Contact 01287 209518 for more information. Please place tenders in the Saltburn in Bloom box in the Library by May 30th. Lynda Parkes

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Also, The Civic Hall, Coniston Rd, Skelton, NEW MORNING GROUP ADDED Wednesdays at 9.30am and 7pm. Ring Susan on 07787 701558


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Saltburn and District Group for Visually Impaired People (VIP) At our April meeting we were joined by Liz, a representative from the Community Agent Project. She outlined the project where they match people with a disability with volunteers from the community. The volunteers can help with matters such as providing transport to attend hospital appointments, reading mail so no important documents are missed, or simply being a friend on the end of the telephone. For any information, Liz can be contacted on 01642 201096. This is funded by Tees Valley Rural Community Council We were then joined by three ladies from Healthwatch. They were keen to hear any comments we had as service users in the area, on how we felt the eye services were delivered. We hope we gave food for thought - on both positive and negative experiences we have had! Healthwatch welcome comments from anyone regarding the delivery of health services in our area and can be contacted on 01642 688312. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, 14th May in the Coffee Room, Community Centre, Albion Terrace, Saltburn, 2pm. We will be joined by Gil Smith, an expert in low vision and he will be bringing some equipment and gadgets for people with visual problems. Anyone is welcome to join us. A charge of £1 is made to cover room hire and refreshments. Chris Ferguson 01287 204170 11

Saltburn, Marske & New Marske Parish Council Mr Miles, Contracts Manager and Mr Murray, General Manager, from Everyone Active, were introduced to Councillors at the April Parish Council meeting. Everyone Active now manage the 5 Leisure Centres across the Borough and Mr Miles advised that £1.5 million had been invested across all the facilities. He gave an update regarding the specific improvements to the building and the facilities in Saltburn and it was noted that since they had taken over the management of Saltburn Leisure Centre participation had increased by 10%. A bid would be submitted to Sport England for funding for more improvements to the Leisure Centre building and possibly a lift and the Parish Council agreed to write a letter to support this. Issues regarding the car parking, in particular misuse of the disabled car parking bays, were discussed and it was noted that the footpath/ cycle path at the rear of the Centre needed to be widened to allow walkers and cyclists to use the path safely. The Neighbourhood Police reported that their team had been restructured resulting in a substantial drop of Officers and the amalgamation of some teams. Members were encouraged to report incidents to the Police so that resources could be targeted efficiently and effectively. There had been a particular issue regarding youths congregating outside the supermarket in Saltburn and

complaints had been received. This area was being closely monitored. Members were pleased to note that the “red river” in the Valley Gardens was now running more or less clear. There was still some ochre on the river bed but a few further downpours should flush this away. It was noted that local volunteers are working hand in hand with community groups to organise an event to commemorate the centenary year of the start of World War I. The event will be held on 29th June and there will be a short parade starting at Emmanuel Church and proceeding to the War Memorial. Stalls are planned for Glenside and there will be exhibitions and further events taking place at various locations around the town. For further details please email the organisers on Residents of Saltburn are eligible to apply for an allotment at any of the sites throughout the Parish and we currently have a few vacancies in Marske. If you are interested please contact the office. Tracy Meadows, Clerk and RFO Saltburn, Marske & New Marske Parish Council ℅ Saltburn Leisure Centre, Marske Mill Lane, Saltburn, TS12 1HJ Tel: 01287 623477 email:

Carers Together reveal hobbies From playing the ukulele to baking top-rate scones those are among the hidden off-duty talents of East Cleveland Carers Together group, meeting at Saltburn Methodist hall, Milton Street. The hobbies came to light during a round-table trawl of members’ activities as a break from caring during the March meeting. One mum who has looked after her son for 29 years said she “loses herself” working on a farm with sheep. Another admitted to being a shopaholic. A third, a young man in need of care, used to be a “great drummer and fantastic dancer,” according to his mother. Now he draws and paints, like her. A retired man said that as a break from looking after his 80-year-old mother he is learning to play the ukulele. Bill Dobson, of Easington, said he had found the hidden talent of baking scones and cakes. He won prizes at Saltburn WI’s annual produce competition last summer - “making scones with bread flour.” One lady told how she had learned how sewing helped her to cope. She could sew a collar on to a shirt after looking on You Tube. She also enjoys looking after cats, porcupines, racoons and wallabies at an animal shelter. And we were bowled over by Ian McCreal, the welfare rights officer speaker, who said he had run a half 12

HIDDEN TALENT: Prize-winner Bill Dobson, of Easington, who told Carers Together of his cookery interest, pictured last summer with scones he had made. He shows Ann Cowie, of Saltburn WI, left, and Councillor Norah Cooney, of Saltburn, Marske and New Marske Parish Council, after he won top prize in the scone-making competition at the WI’s annual produce and craft show in 2013.

marathon three years ago after eight months training. Carers Together can be contacted at their Redcar office 01642-488977. Mike Morrissey

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Saltburn Beachwatch It is now 20 years since the Marine Conservation Society started its Beachwatch litterpick and survey. Saltburn Beachwatch started in 1999 although Saltburn 500 club and Surfers Against Sewage were undertaking litterpicks from 1996. Over this period records show that we are facing ever rising amounts of rubbish on all our beaches and in particular the amount of plastic detritus which has become the number one pollutant. There have also been significant increases in string, rope, lids and some fishing tackle. The good news is that in 2013 sewage related debris was down which hopefully means that people are more aware of what should not be put down the toilet but be put in the bin. Also visitors appeared to leave less rubbish on the beach in 2013 but this figure is probably influenced by the council’s good ongoing programme of litter removal. The Marine Conservation Society says urgent steps must be taken to reverse the increasing amount of beach litter and they are launching in June 2014 the Marine Litter Action Network which will present all of the data gathered in our surveys in an action plan to the government. The government will then be asked to implement this plan as part of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Let us hope that progress is made. Collecting litter off the beach is a simple yet rewarding task with measurable results, so if you are not already one of the volunteers and would like to be at the next Saltburn Beachwatch litterpick and survey (Saturday, 14th June) please see notices in Talk of the Town or contact me by e-mail

email Website: or tel 01287204204. Roy Smith

Saltburn Photographic Society

There will be an Exhibition of members’ photographs in the Saltburn Community and Arts Hall, Windsor Road Saltburn on Sunday, 29th June and Sunday, 17th August 2014 between 10.00am and 4.00pm. Outdoor meetings have been organised throughout the Summer for details contact as below. Visitors are welcome to any of our meetings. For more information visit our web site or contact Tony Lynn 01287 622519.

Also, Joinery Work Undertaken

Call Liz on: 01287 679913 Mobile: 07834 022289 Email: Website: 13




Talking Points Fame – it’s a funny old game. Paul Michael Glaser infamous for his turn as David Starsky in seventies detective series Starsky and Hutch - once told me it was only good for three things: booking a table at a restaurant, reserving a room at a hotel and cashing a cheque. I suspect he may have left ‘attracting women’ from that particular list - though perhaps that’s where the room came in handy. In 2014 our celebrity culture is bonkers. Totally, utterly, bonkers. Gossip magazines - usually one word publications with names such as ‘Reveal’, ‘Closer’, or ‘Intrusion’ (okay, I made the last one up) are awash with so-called ‘scandalous’ photos - usually a female member of the Kardashian family with an ounce of flab on her ‘bod’. News websites are much the same - the Daily Mail have the largest online following largely because of their constantly updated pictures of celebs doing, well, nothing under headlines such as ‘Kerry Katona makes a fashion faux pas as she dares to step out in double denim socks’. Again, I may have made the last one up – but it’s far from beyond the realms of possibility. Truth is, and this may hurt, we’re all to blame. It’s our insatiable appetite for reality TV, our obsession with self image, combined with the power of social media, that’s creating a vicious circle. To the news of Saltburn’s James Arthur then - last year’s X Factor winner on the musical merry-go-round who has found himself in hot water with his record label

after penning lyrics that many people took exception to. Cue outrage with social commentators announcing their shock by rolling out the traditional clichés. But should we really be so surprised? Should we really hold James solely responsible? His desire to carve out a career in the music industry by showcasing his talent led to the trappings of fame. Trouble is, since success and fame are dependent on one another like a fragile marriage which exists purely for the sake of the kids, he’s in an unenviable position. Some of you may think that a ludicrous statement for on the surface James has everything you could ever want: a career, money and most importantly, a future. But in many ways his almost overnight success has been a curse. In the cocoon of the X Factor he was stage managed; every move choreographed both on and off stage but now he’s been thrown out into the wild and left to fend for himself. I’m not defending James; but his actions are as much an indictment of the celebrity culture we’ve created as anything else. Why was there no-one, since Simon Cowell is so media-savvy, able to offer advice and point him in the right direction? In the contracts of the winners there is a clause which states that his record company have the final say when it comes to his material and yet nobody thought to put a stop to it before its release? In short, James perhaps wasn’t ready for celebrity; he’d been thrown into a beehive without as much as a pair of gloves. Jonathan Whiley WWI Community Day, 29th of June - Then and Now Come and be part of the commemorations. Pocket Watch is working together with other groups in Saltburn to raise money for the War Memorial and surrounding garden and protect it into the future. Come and be part of the commemoration event; old or young, we have something to interest you. Come and see how our local area has changed over the last 100 years. Events will take place around mainly Glenside, The Library, Saltburn Community and Arts Centre and The Theatre. Are you part of a community group? Can you help show how life has changed over your lifetime? We are asking community groups and businesses to look at their history and help us show how life has changed in Saltburn over the years. Most groups and businesses don't go back that far, but it’s an ideal opportunity for us all to show how life changes over time. It will be your day to commemorate, and give tribute to, those who suffered and died, as well as those who came home and carried their experiences with them for the rest of their days. We would also like to remember those who suffered through the war at home, as part of a community working together against adversity. We would very much like shops and businesses to

take part, recording their history in their windows and possibly dressing them in period style. There is an opportunity to donate services, prizes or products to this event. Our local businesses are the life blood of our town and as much needed as the community groups that are already involved in this event. This year, Saltburn will commemorate the start of WW1 and plans for restoring an important feature and treasure, The War Memorial and its surrounding gardens are being developed. The day will be an opportunity for us all to pull together, give tribute, educate, and raise awareness of the times, Then and Now. Volunteers are needed, particularly but not exclusively those with an up-to-date first aid certificate. SIGN UP AT If you are not on the internet, please leave a note in the biscuit tin on the counter at Saltburn Library with your details on. “When you go Home, tell them of us and say, For your Tomorrow, we gave our Today” John Maxwell Edmunds 1916. Fiona, from the Pocket Watch Team together with Maria from Building Bridges 15


Tel: 07778 340823 /Email: Visit: 16

Saltburn 500 Club You will all be pleased to know that the 2014 Band Season commences on Sunday, 4th May. Volunteers to help arrange seating or collect money would be made most welcome to the small group of people who generously give their time at weekends. The band performances could not go ahead without the contribution made by these people so, if you have some spare time at weekends, please go along to the bandstand and make yourself known. The full listing of 2014 performances is available, at Saltburn Library, for collection - a small contribution towards printing costs would be gratefully accepted. The table-top sales are now in full swing again so call along and grab yourself a bargain. If you would like to have your own stall there, please contact 01287 624046. Trevor Welburn

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Saltburn memories of Pope saint Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes, Saltburn, have many memories of the 1982 visit to York by Polish-born Pope John Paul 11 - created a Catholic Church saint on 27th April - especially about the red carpet on which he walked during the outdoor Mass. Parishioners recall that the then parish priest Father Pat Bluett bought the carpet from Jack Mannix, the Redcar carpet retailer, who had supplied it to the Church for the Papal visit at the Knavesmire race track. In the early 2000s a small fire caused part of the carpet to be damaged in the sanctuary area at the Saltburn church. Mrs Veronica Tait, who was sacristan at the time, recalled that she was in the sacristry after morning Mass and spotted that part of the carpet was burning. “There was a little fire in the area in front of the altar caused by the gas-filled bulb in the ceiling falling down 20ft or so. I looked round for something with which to put out the blaze and picked up an umbrella. “I pushed it along the carpet and put out the fire and smouldering material. I walked back into the house to tell Canon Bill Madden, our recently-retired priest. He looked at the carpet and said: `What are we doing to do with this?'” Veronica, who will be 97 on 1st August, suggested they could take a piece of the carpet from under a sanctuary seat and patch it. “Mr Mannix did this job beautifully and it soon looked fine.” Veronica also recalled that about 20 parishioners went on a special train from Saltburn to York to welcome the Pope to the North-east. “We were herded into an area, as all parishes had their own spot on the racecourse among the hundreds of thousands present. We had a good view of the Pope while he was driven past in his Popemobile vehicle.” Michael Morrissey, another parishioner, recalled going to York. “It was a lovely, warm sunny Monday and we were all in good spirits. We cheered when the papal helicopter flew from Liverpool. It was only a two-hour visit to York, but it sticks in the mind. “The Pope spoke of the importance of marriage and invited the thousands of married couples there to renew their

Mike Morrissey reads a newspaper of 1982 reporting the papal visit to York. He said Tees newsmen cheered Pope John Paul, who has just been declared a saint of the Catholic Church.

marriage vows. We gladly did this. Afterwards we walked the mile back to the railway station and queued, very patiently and with good humour, for the train home, arriving around 9pm. It was a long, but memorable day.” Mike, a retired Evening Gazette journalist, was interested to hear from a former colleague, who was among Gazette reporters covering the visit, that normally-detached newsmen and women were so moved that they joined the cheering and clapping. Another Saltburn parishioner John Dunning recalled that he was not then a Catholic and living in London, but saw the Pope at three different events in the capital. “My office manager, who was an evangelical Christian and not normally keen on the idea of a Pope, told John: `You go and see him - that’s all right with me.'” So he went to the Mall and witnessed Pope John Paul being driven to meet the Queen. John said he was pleased at the ‘tremendous steps,’ which had been taken towards Christian unity particularly in recent years.

Help! Your local Playgroup needs you! Little Nippers is in desperate need of willing volunteers to help out on Monday and Wednesday mornings, either in the kitchen or in the group. We need people to help set up and put away. If you can help, even if it is only for a few hours each month, we would love to hear from you. So, if you love spending time with young children, painting, glueing, singing, making music or reading stories, or even simply making drinks, then please contact Little Nippers Playgroup on

01287 624575 We have spaces in May for babies and newcomers to the town 18

Andy Pollard 07773006361 (based in Saltburn) Residential and Commercial Property Maintenance Plumbing, Drainage, Property Refurbishment, Roofing Repairs, Fencing, Carpentry, Joinery, Painting and Decorating, General/Ongoing Property Maintenance

Sue Hanning’s funeral Saltburn resonated to the rumble of motorcycles on Wednesday, 16th April as the funeral took place of Sue Hanning from Garnet Street. A long-time resident of the town, Sue had been a popular member of major motorcycle rallies for more than twenty years, trading in new age and ethnic goods. Recently she had moved to a Fair Trade business and was a regular stall holder at both the Farmers’ Market and Emmanuel Parish Church in the town. Sue died suddenly at her home on March 19th, leaving a son, David and daughter, Diane as well as two grandchildren, Elena and Lukas. Her husband Bob helped to organise the ceremony which began with a motorcycle hearse and more than thirty outriders accompanying the coffin from her flat to the parish church. Members of motorcycle groups from all over the country gathered to pay their respects alongside local residents, family and friends and four bikers carried her coffin into the church. Speaking at the service her son David, who had flown from Thailand to deliver the eulogy, spoke of his mother’s humour, knowledge and gift for making friends in all walks of life. The service was led by Reverend Adam Reed, the vicar of Saltburn, who spoke of her compassion and lively intelligence. Sue was an enthusiastic gardener and contributed to the church grounds, especially the flower borders. Following the service the cortège drove to the Marske crematorium followed by a celebration of her life and friendship at Saltburn House. Sue was a much loved

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Sue’s coffin carried by four friends from the motorcycling community.

and respected member of the community and she will be missed by many. Sue Hanning (22nd September 1945-19th March 2014)

Saltburn Craft and Produce Show Saltburn by the Sea Women’s Institute and Saltburn Allotment Association are proud to announce the eighth modern Craft and Produce Show. It will take place on Saturday, 12th July 2014 at ECHO, Emmanuel Church Hall. People wanting to enter any of the sections, should bring their exhibits along between 9.00am and 10.00am. The show will be open to the public from 1.00pm and there will be refreshments available. Lucky winners will have their trophies presented to them at 2.30pm and entrants must collect any award certificates they’ve won between 2.30pm and 3.00pm. There will be a sale of produce at the end of the show, from 3.15pm to raise funds for next year. Anyone who doesn’t want to have their exhibits sold, will need to collect them between 3.00pm and 3.15pm. As ever, there is a wide variety of sections to suit most interests, as follows: Produce, Soft Fruit, Cut Flowers and Floral Arrangements, Children’s Produce, Home Baking, Preserves, Children’s Sections, Photography, Group Entry Display (a summer picnic), Handicrafts, and Special Section (for men and boys to enter a home made cake). If you are interested in taking part, or coming along, or both, you will need to see further details that can be found in the Show Schedule. Copies will be available soon in Saltburn Library and other local venues. 19


Those of you who made it to Saltburn Blues Club on 29th March to see Rabbit Foot might have been taken by surprise as this innovative duo launched straight into a powerful, African-Culture infused set with the soaring, amazing vocals of Carla Viegas. Beautifully melodic but also strong and arresting. Her singing alone is a tour-de-force but, unbelievably, she also delivers a brilliant, supremely confident performance on West African drums at the same time. Jamie Morgan on guitar is the other half of the duo. His playing is equally exciting. It was a breathtakingly talented Act – a wonderful experience! May 24th sees The Mentulls return to SBC. They’ve been the Support Act for us in the past but have now gained headline status and will be our main Act that night. Guisborough brothers, Andrew (guitar) and Jamie (keyboards) Pipe, along with Nick Colman on drums formed the band at a very tender age. They’re still in their teens but their talent is such that they’re now playing alongside major names such as Wishbone Ash, Walter Trout and Focus – musicians that inspired them and are their heroes. Come and see what local talent we have on our doorstep. Just a quick mention that the tickets for Kansas duo, Moreland and Arbuckle, our June 18th gig at the Community Theatre, are selling well. Don’t miss these guys. They are fabulous! You can obtain advance tickets (£10) at and from the SCAA Ticket Office. Unfortunately by the time you read this my radio show STILL GOT THE BLUES on Palace FM will be no more due to the Station closing. Such a shame but I have enjoyed my year with Palace FM and learnt a lot, so many thanks to the station manager Dee Wold for the opportunity. Good luck or LIKE us on FB. Keep the with any future projects, Dee. Blues alive in Saltburn. Cheers! For all the latest info on the Club go to Keep Saltburn Blues alive, folks. Harry

SALTBURN CRICKET CLUB Marske Mill Lane, Tel 01287-622761

Sun 4th May JAMIE TINKLER superb vocal entertainer, think Murs meets Buble!! Weds 14th and 28th May – BINGO Sats & Suns cricket matches – spectators welcome Wed 21st May U3A Quiz Saturday 24th May SALTBURN BLUES CLUB THE MENTULLS This is an all-ticket night (£8) with 10% DISCOUNT for Club members Club available for your functions – contact Club for available dates

Members and non-members welcome.

Contact Club for details & tickets Facebook saltburncricketbowlsandtennis socialclub


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‘Contentious’ times ahead for council services A “contentious” new system of logging problems with Redcar and Cleveland Council is coming in, a top official told Saltburn, Marske and New Marske Parish Council at its annual assembly held in Saltburn. Julian Feakes, local community development manager for the Redcar-East Cleveland area, said councillors would register problems through a new webbased Case Management System rather than contacting individual council officers directly. He admitted that introducing the new system would be contentious, but Saltburn Councillor Stuart Smith claimed the setup would be a better one. Mr Feakes surprised borough councillors among the 16 people present at Saltburn Methodist hall that their annual allowance for supporting projects would be increased from £2,000 each to £3,000. Councillor Philip Thomson said the three Saltburn councillors (Joan Guy is the third) always pooled their allowances to make the money more effective. Mr Feakes warned that local communities would have to become more self-sufficient though development officers would be there to support self-help groups like those doing work in public gardens and cemeteries. Bernard Storey, of Saltburn, suggested the council should get more money from landfill tax rebates to help pay for local groups’ administration costs. Tracee Hall-Young, community development officer, said she was now covering Marske as well as Saltburn. She was now based at both Roseberry (Redcar) and Marske libraries, as well as Saltburn library. Her email address is

CHANGE-MAKERS: Borough council officials Julian Feakes and Tracee Hall-Young at the parish council meeting. They warned of “more self-sufficiency” ahead in Saltburn. and her mobile phone number is 07909 906425. Earlier in the meeting on 16th April parish council chairman Malcolm Graham, of Saltburn, thanked local groups and people for making his year of office “most enjoyable.” Parish councillors do not receive an annual projects’ allowance. Nor do they get any personal payment, except expenses. Michael Morrissey

Saltburn Athletic (Junior) FC - The Seagulls Under 11s The Under 11s enjoyed a great end to the season losing only one of their last 8 games. The last game was a very close game away to Guisborough, with the winner securing 3rd place in our Division. Saltburn edged it in the last minutes with a penalty to win 3-2. We have been delighted to rise from 9th in the league at Christmas to 3rd at the close of the season. We have enjoyed a couple of weeks rest and resumed training on the 23rd April to begin the preparations for next season. Cathal Carey, Manager Tel : 07900 815438 Under 9s Our season restarted back in February after the winter break. With the team winning 2 and losing 2 we were beginning to put in performances that showed the lads were starting to understand the idea of football being a team game. Every one of them has played well but over recent weeks strong performances and a few goals from the likes of Lewis Walton, Theo King, Cole Morrison and James Barnes have really stood out. So with the season coming to a close it’s time to look back and reflect on what has been an up and down sort of season for the Under 9s and to start looking forward to what I think will be a bright future for Saltburn Athletic. The number of kids attending training has reached a point where we are

now considering having two Under 10 teams next season. Phil Barnes, Manager Tel : 07986 242619 Club News The junior football club of Saltburn Athletic have again received excellent news. The club have secured a second funding of lottery grants via Sport England to the sum of £50,000.00 (fifty thousand). The inspired facilities grant will go towards the renovation of the semi derelict changing rooms on Hob Hill, Saltburn. Having secured funding previously via the same source to renovate the field at Hob Hill, Saltburn the club are now looking forward to having new football pitches and changing facilities and increase the number of age groups to play in the local Teesside Junior football Alliance leagues within the next two years. The club would like to thank Sport England and Andy Pearson and colleagues at the Redcar and Cleveland sports development department. The club’s vice chairman Andy Croll and committee member Roy Myers also worked on the previous application were delighted as were obviously all members of the club. We would also like to thank all sponsors and parents past and present for the help they have given to keep this club going and to all others who have supported the club in the applications. Andy Croll, Vice Chair, SAFC Mob 07779 648877 21


Decision time at old junior school A decision is expected this month (May) by Redcar and Cleveland Council on the sale of Saltburn’s former junior school, Marske Mill Lane. Sealed bids were due to be received by the council on 18th April (Good Friday, a bank holiday). An official said he could not say how many valid bids had been received, but he revealed that one business, with experience in renovating and developing of buildings in the Teesside area, had visited the site twice. The council was expected to make clear the process of selling the century-old building around the end of April. The Earthbeat Theatre Company, which is currently based at Saltburn’s Community Theatre and Emmanuel Hall, confirmed it had put in a bid on the basis of a community asset transfer. They have offered to pay a below-market rent, rather than seeking a peppercorn Committee members Philip Thomson, Les Manship and Drexal rent, in the hope that the council would agree to selling the Parker sing a ‘Make us an offer’ tune to publicise a yard sale held in mid-April at the former junior school, former school building to them. Marske Mill Lane, Saltburn. If more than one bid was received the decision may badly needs pointing, the roof to be repaired, new drains go to the council’s cabinet. Meanwhile Saltburn Community and Arts and windows fixing. In addition we need more volunteers, Association is trying to clear the old classrooms of items both for doing physical work and joining the 12-strong including office furniture, equipment, and several hundred trustees’ board, which currently has three vacancies.” Mr Manship said many local people thought a books and CDs. These were left over from a ‘yard sale’ held on 12th April. The yard sale made about £500 and the £50,000 lottery grant recently won for work on association thanks all helpers and supporters. There will be the community theatre means the association was in the clear financially. “But 100 per cent of that grant must be a new yard sale on May 3rd: see the opposite page. Association leaders hoped the sale would help to get spent on specific theatre improvements only. We are busy the 50-year-old group out of the red. New chairman Les seeking grants for the whole building, a former church. Manship, of Saltburn, said: “We have a £20,000 deficit as The community centre, which includes a coffee room and a result of the former Marske Mill Lane junior school kitchen in addition to the main hall, is a vital part of community project at Marske Mill Lane collapsing last Saltburn where a lot of things happen. It is well booked with events ranging from a playgroup to zumba dancing autumn.” Mr Manship, a retired steel manager, said an appeal and a church group to jazz concerts. Several groups which for donations from the public in January to help use it have kindly offered to put on events to raise cash. the association had resulted so far in donations totalling I’m confident the association can get back to the days £2,500, but more gifts were coming in. Also several when we had a healthy balance in the bank.” Further information and offers of help can be made people had offered gifts in kind, including paying for a decorator to paint the inside of the main community centre to the association office on 01287-624997, Mr Manship 01287-622720 or treasurer Philip Thomson 01287in Windsor Road and for work on the boiler and heaters. Mike Morrissey “The building, which is well over 100 years old, 625739.

Flo Dove dies at 90 Flo Dove, a champion fund-raiser at St Anthony’s parish, Brotton, died in Seaview care home, Saltburn, on 17th March after falling ill after her 90th birthday a few weeks earlier. Widow of the late Ted Dove, an ironstone miner, she was a gentle soul who was well-known in the area as a leading organiser of St Anthony’s annual bazaar. “She was a champion seller of raffle tickets and of baking cakes,” recalled parish

priest Father Simon Broughton, at Flo’s funeral Mass. “She was also active in prayer groups and for visiting sick people plus the Catholic Women’s League.” Flo worked at Hills bakery cake shop for 25 years and at the Alexandra Hotel, Saltburn. As a child she lived at Middlesbrough’s Nazareth House home and worked for priests at Hartlepool on reaching working age. She leaves a son Terry and daughter Margaret. 23

News and Views from the Valley This year the Easter Bank holiday weekend coincided with the brief glory days of the cherry blossom and many valley visitors have enjoyed this ephemeral spectacle. Underfoot is now densely green with garlic leaves and soon the air will be pungent with the scent of the garlic flowers. So much, so fast at this time of year. The day that we had the guided walk with our new map/leaflet was wonderfully warm and sunny. Christine Corbett has so much knowledge to share. Just for one example, I was aware we were in a glacial valley but hadn’t ever thought about where our glaciers originated. I learned that lots of our fossils reveal their origins in Pennine limestone. Other glaciers came from Scandinavia and from the continent. We are trying to maintain a more visible presence down at the centre and have the doors open more often. Even if we have not got a planned event, simply being there and talking to people has attracted new volunteers and there have been useful exchanges of information. We are still dependent on volunteer effort for opening so the more people we can recruit the better.

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Christine and group in the orchard opposite the meadow

The Friday task group has been busy in the orchard and Millfield Meadow. There are some new and some younger members in the group which is good news. We have lots planned for the bungalow site; short term and easily achievable plans and other longer term dreams that are funding dependent. Recently a couple of us visited Harlow Carr in Harrogate and returned full of inspirational ideas for our little site. I am hoping that Lit Up’s workshops will be well attended as Carmen and Katherine are a really talented creative team and these subsidised events are well worth signing up for. Their May event is “The Merry Maypole” on May 5th for ages 7 – 11, 10am – 3pm. Participants will make characters and costumes and then create a dance with the help of Estelle of Dancefit. Look on our website for booking details. Please note change in domain name. FOV and Saltburn Woodland Centre have amalgamated sites to become Regarding this web site: a huge thanks to Richard Dales–Coupland who really does know how to run a site (I didn’t.) Thank you, Richard, for taking this one over as well as all the other duties we have ‘volunteered’ you for. Enjoy Spring in the Valley. Lorna Moone

Lions hand out ‘life’ boxes Emergency containers which “can save a life” were given by members of Middlesbrough Teesside Lions Club to retired men at Saltburn after telling them the club’s story. The ‘Message in a Bottle’ containers contain a form listing the medical needs of the occupier(s) of a property if emergency services find the owner has collapsed - the bottle is kept in the fridge. If the owner collapses at home, when the emergency services arrive they have immediate knowledge of the patient’s problems and are able to dispense the correct treatment - this knowledge can save their life. Giles Bolitho, of the Lions, told Saltburn and District Retired Men’s Forum on 31st March: “This information can save a life. We have introduced the scheme to local councils and the emergency services.” Nearly all the 35 retired men accepted the gifts - some already had one in their fridge. Other Lions told how their club had been started on Teesside in 1968, but membership had declined from 30 members to seven. Nevertheless they were keeping going monthly collections for charities mostly in supermarkets and shopping malls. The 2014 annual Boxing Day dip at Redcar, which has seen up to 400 dippers run into the sea for charity, has now been handed over to Rotary Club of Redcar, though the Lions will still help. Margaret Morrell said it started with 11 swimmers and

Middlesbrough Teesside Lions Club members Chris Taylor, Giles Bolitho with Retired Men’s Forum chairman Ken Bladen and Lions Margaret Morrell and Derek Jackson before the meeting at Saltburn.

raised £100. In 2013 some 300 people have so far raised £11,000. Middlesbrough Teesside Lions Club uses a chalet in Filey owned by Filey Lions Club to give a respite holiday to people in our area who are in need . More information can be had from Lions’ member Giles Bolitho on 01642-476321. 25



Valley Garden Tea Rooms

A warm welcome awaits you at the newly redecorated Valley Gardens Tearooms. Come and enjoy a pot of Yorkshire tea with a slice of homemade cake served with cream and fresh strawberries, listen to the river flowing whilst the squirrels play hide and seek in the trees. Let time sit still and enjoy the beautiful and stunning Valley Gardens. Children can play happily on the large green lawn or perhaps borrow a set of bowls for you and your family to play. We have a full menu available throughout the day, from Jacket potatoes, toasted sandwiches served on farmhouse granary bread to a traditional cream tea with fresh strawberries and thick cream. For those hot days just sit, relax and enjoy a tempting ice cream or an ice lolly. Our home made cakes include lemon drizzle, chocolate cake, lemon curd cake, Victoria sandwich, coconut and jam, vintage fruit cake and many more. I like to bake everyday so we always have a variety of cakes. We look forward to seeing you throughout the season. Love, Lorna and staff x

May - June open Tuesday to Sunday (open every day during school holidays) July - August open 7 days a week Sept - Oct open Tues to Sunday - please see web site for open hours throughout the year: Free doggy treats to all our little visitors!

The Valley Gardens has a job vacancy we are looking for someone to come and join our friendly team. The person we are looking for must have catering experience, be able to cook and bake cakes, health and hygiene would be an advantage and the knowledge of COSH. I’m looking for someone trustworthy who will be able to work along side a wonderful team and help run my tearooms. The position is seasonal and the days include week days, weekends and school holidays, between 2-4 days a week please apply with 2 references including contact details. Please apply by ringing 01287 626792 and ask for Lorna. I look forward to meeting you. Thank you.

Leap of Fear made for Sue Ryder On Sunday, 6th April Stephen Scott as promised took the plunge off the Transporter Bridge at Middlesbrough to try and conquer his fear of heights. The weather was suitable on the day for the event to go ahead. After the initial weighing in and briefing he made his way with five other brave souls up the stairs to the top of the Bridge. A nerve racking wait saw them standing at the top to await their turn. 40 minutes later it was his turn and as he leapt from the top we were all very surprised there was no swearing or screams from him. Anyway, 45 seconds later when he was safely in the rescue dinghy he had a smile on his face that said it all: “I’VE DONE IT!” A big thanks goes out to all who supported him with sponsor money which has raised £400 for the Sue Ryder Charity which continues to provide incredible care. I must admit as his mother it was a moment to be proud of, thanks Steve. Not so sure that he would repeat the experience but who knows. Watch this space. Thank you, Carol. 28

Huntcliff makes Headline News On Thursday 27th March, students from Huntcliff School took part in the annual nationwide School News Report project run by the BBC. Gifted and Talented students in Year 8 and Year 9 participated in the day, which saw them presenting their own version of breaking news stories from around the world and the local area. The students were pleased to be able to work with the school’s state of the art equipment and facilities, including iPads and the green screen to present videos which represented their view of the news. The day followed several weeks’ worth of preparation during after school workshops in which students created pre-prepared stories to feature on their webpage too. Ruth Kirby, English Teacher at the school and BBC School News Report Coordinator, said, “we’ve taken part in this project for several years now, and it’s a fantastic opportunity for our students to get a flavour of the pressures of working in a live news room. This year’s students did a fantastic job, working hard to meet the national deadline of 2pm, when all work had to be completed and uploaded to our website.” Thirteen year-old Nathaniel Garland, a Year 8 student who took part, said of the day, “I thought it was

enjoyable for the students who participated. I enjoyed linking our work to the BBC News website, and it was really good using the iPads – it made it much easier to complete work.” You can view the students’ work via the link on the school’s homepage (

Thank you for sponsoring our Zip Wire across the Tyne

We had lots of nerves, but a lot of fun. On 29th March Charlotte (15), Francesca (13), Rosalyn Boyes and I took part in a charity event called ‘Zip line across the Tyne’. The money we have raised is to be split between Stroke Association, Leonard Cheshire Disability (Marske Hall) and Guide Dogs. We set out on our journey with lots of apprehension and nerves. The weather in Newcastle was dry and there was ‘Fog on the Tyne’, but nobody was singing. We registered and were kitted up with our safety harnesses, helmets and gardening gloves. The nerves were increasing with anticipation. We arrived at the platform and were given a safety talk and then it was time to sit on the edge of the building. When you were told to go, you had to push yourself off and thankfully it all went to plan. It was a fantastic feeling flying through the air at 25mph.

I would like to say how proud I am of Charlotte and Francesca for taking part in the event. Charlotte picked up a 48 hour virus 2 days before the event and Francesca started with it on the actual day. Neither girl wanted to let any sponsors down. I’m happy to say that they both completed the zip wire with beaming smiles. We have been overwhelmed with the kindness that people have shown to us by visiting the Just Giving page ‘Flying High’ and donating via sponsor forms. We are pleased to let you know that we have raised £1,500 due to everyone’s generosity. Thank you for helping us to raise money for three charities, which benefit so many people in so many ways. Louise Sutherland Hands On Therapy Clinic 29

Congratulations to Eston Nab’s campaigners

Both photographs kindly supplied by Ian Forsyth

Congratulations to the Friends of Eston Hills for their recent purchase of the historic Teesside landmark, Eston Nab! As previously featured in Talk of the Town, the privately-owned former Wilton Castle estate, which included Eston Nab, was put on the market for £425,000 back in September. Craig Hornby, of Milton Street, formed the Friends group with three teaching assistants from Whale Hill Primary in Eston shortly after. An ambitious fundraising campaign to return the historic 214-acre site to public ownership began in earnest. Craig said “We knew that raising £425k was a big ask but a lot of people knew me through ‘A Century in Stone’ so that couldn’t hurt. We thought if we really went for it then maybe we could raise enough to put in a cheeky offer.” DVDs and letters were sent to a raft of Teesside industries, business people and celebrities asking for support. They drew a complete blank but the response from the public was a different matter. Online donations poured in from across Teesside and the world. In seven weeks and just in time to meet the deadline for offers, £15,000 had been raised. Group secretary Rita Richardson added “We didn’t have enough for one of the eight lots let alone the whole site. We had nothing to lose and put in a bid anyway.” The group bid for Lot 1 which comprised Eston Nab plus 45 acres of wooded hillside and was priced at £80,000. Craig said “If we managed to buy the top of the mountain, an important bronze age site, it would be a 30

massive boon for us to go after big grant funding.” The land agent called Craig a week before Christmas. “He told me the landowner had a lot of respect for what we had tried to do and that we had ran an excellent campaign etc. I sensed there was a ‘but’ coming and he goes “We can’t sell 45 acres for £15,000 but could sell you the top section.” I couldn’t believe it. We were being offered Eston Nab for 15 grand! We accepted straight away and vowed amongst ourselves not to breathe a word until the deal was done. Solicitor Martin L Grove of Eston and Skelton agreed to work for the community for free which was a big help as the pot was now empty. After three months of tight-lipped legalities, on March 21st, Eston Nab was returned to public ownership after the best part of a thousand years! The following week, a hundred supporters climbed up to the Nab for The Official Re-Opening Ceremony. Craig read a proclamation that concluded “for this land is public land for everyone forever!” A thick red ribbon, supplied by Brentano florists of Saltburn had been tied around the old Beacon monument. Guest of honour, Daphne Haverson, the daughter of the late Charlie Burdett who lived in the original Beacon back in the 1920s, did the honours. The popping of many corks and great cheers followed. Craig told Talk of the Town: “Just like Saltburn stopping the Council’s parking plans, it is amazing what people power can achieve.” The Friends of Eston Hills are still taking donations and are going after big funding to realise their heritage and conservation plans (for more info please go to



First World War Football Match It was an extraordinary act in the midst of the horrors of war. On Christmas Day, 1914, British and German soldiers on the Western Front put down their guns to play a game of football. Now, to mark the centenary of the start of the First World War, Saltburn beach will be transformed into noman’s land as that infamous match is recreated. The event, on June 1st, will see teams dress up in vintage army uniforms from the era as the seaside town plays its part in remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Event organiser Allan Whiley, who works for Barclays, said: “I really wanted to do something to mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War One and I wanted the town to play a part in remembering the futility of the conflict. Last year I started planning to re-enact the Christmas Day truce football match on the beach and on behalf of Saltburn Rotary Club and with the Royal British Legion and other groups, we began to pull ideas together such as the Tiger Moth flyover which will involve dropping 40,000 poppy petals on to the beach. “It’s a free event and anyone can come along and help us mark the anniversary. The public response has been overwhelming so far in terms of support and it continues to grow as we move towards June 1st. We’ve already started selling the poppy crosses at £1 each and we’ve had people from Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Poland that have bought them as they remember relatives who were involved in the tragedy of war.” While the match kicks off at 2pm, there is plenty going on throughout the day with the event taking place from 10am to 6pm. A Tiger Moth aircraft will fly over the pitch and there will also be a field of poppies to create a temporary ‘war cemetery’ in tribute to the soldiers who never returned from the battlefield. Proceeds from the event, to be match funded by Barclays, will go to the East Cleveland branch of the Royal British Legion who will use the funds to restore Saltburn’s War Memorial. David Willis, spokesman for the Saltburn branch of the Royal British Legion, said: “The local branch of the Royal British Legion is proud to be involved, from the outset, to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the First World War and to arrange, with many other organisations, a rerun of the football match in which the British Army and the German Army played on Christmas Day 1914. The Legion will be selling poppy crosses which the public can buy and place in a garden of remembrance on Saltburn beach before they are put on display in a more permanent place.” When the tide comes in on the day and there will be a short service by a church leader from Saltburn while a lone bugler plays The Last Post. Bands will play next to the pier and there will be a display of vintage vehicles and reenactment groups on the lower promenade as well as a replica of a First World War trench. There will also be a pop -up exhibition from London’s Imperial War Museum with a timeline of key events during the war lining both sides of the pier. Walls of sandbags topped with fake barbed wire - the same wire that featured during Hollywood blockbuster War Horse - will also line the road as visitors enter Saltburn. Saltburn historian Tony Lynn MBE said: “I hope there is an excellent turnout on the day for what is a very innovative way to remember the events of the First World War and in particular to raise funds for the Saltburn War Memorial.”

Try something different at Grasers

Kohlrabi The name ‘Kohlrabi’ literally means ’cabbage turnip’ in Swiss German. It is a very popular vegetable in Germanspeaking countries and also in India where it has many different names and ways of cooking. All parts of the plant are edible and taste is similar to the succulent insides of a broccoli stem. Is indeed a cultivated variety of cabbage and can be eaten raw in salads, but the skin is best peeled before. Its appearance has been described as resembling a sputnik! It is very nourishing and a decent source of fibre and various vitamins and minerals. Well worth trying. 33


Half Board accommodation £35 per person Bed & Breakfast £25 per person Extended periods of stay welcome Full Disability access and facilities available with Convalescence offered to any CIU member (subject to availability)

Bar Meals served daily along with a full Sunday lunch menu at competitive prices Fosters, John Smiths, Symonds Cider, Real Ale, all £2.20 a pint

Magnet £1.80 a pint Kronenbourg £2.60 a pint Busy Social programme with the best local bands

SKY & BT SPORTS & FREE WIFI Saltburn House Saltburn House in conjunction with Hayes Working Men’s Club is entering an exciting new chapter since re-opening in October 2013. The new smoking area has now been fully commissioned and ready to use. Situated in the rear garden area it offers smokers a relaxing area with tables & chairs to enjoy a refreshing drink in pleasant surroundings, now sheltered away from the main entrance. The planned refurbishment of guest rooms has now commenced with the ground floor first to get the make over. The remainder will be progressed over the coming months. Sunday Lunch is prepared using our own seasonal vegetables grown by our award winning gardener Ian Harrison, this in conjunction with meat supplier Gosnay’s Butchers ensures that patrons will enjoy an appetising menu with a substantial choice available. Entertainment for the upcoming months includes a number of diverse and exhilarating bands; these are advertised not only on our Facebook page but also in local shops and around the building. Non members are welcome but are liable to a small entrance fee. Our Sky package now includes BT Sport enabling to now show all Premiership games and all live sport as advertised.

Hayes Working Men’s Club are committed to ensuring the continued success of Saltburn House and Committee & staff alike would like to thank you all for your continued support. 35

G . Bishop - Decorator *Interiors and Exteriors

*Free Estimates

*All Aspects of Decorating Undertaken *Realistic Prices

Time Served Telephone 01287 624016

Charity Crafters The date for the next Charity Crafters drop in is Wednesday, 7th May from 2pm to 4pm at The Workhouse (next-door to Ripping Yarns) in Dundas Street West. Everyone welcome to drop in and find out what we are doing and have a cuppa. All donations of wool greatly received. You can see how busy we’ve been from this lovely colour photograph. All these hand made goodies will shortly be off to the Salvation Army in Guisborough who will be able to put them to very good use locally.


*Reliable Service Assured

37 Years Experience Mobile 07757 912575

Talk of the Town’s monthly

Eveline’s Easter Competition

Pride of Saltburn Award

The winner of this month’s Pride of Saltburn is Malcolm Douglas. Malcolm was nominated by the rest of his family. About him, they say “We would like to nominate our Dad Malcolm Douglas for The Pride of Saltburn Award. He has just come out of hospital after eight weeks with a serious illness and at one point we were told to be prepared for the worse. However, he has surprised us all and is recovering well at home with the fantastic care of our Mum Sue, who since the age of 11 both have never been separated for such a lengthy time. Our Dad is known to many people in Saltburn and the surrounding areas. From his many years as a publican at the Victoria Pub, and too many others to mention, to his dedication to the Rotary Club Of Saltburn, and his support for Sailability at Scaling Dam. He makes many a person laugh with his ever humorous, infectious personality. Livelier than life itself, and for all those who know him well know him to be a good man, but most of all he is our hero; he has always been there for his family, the best dad anyone could wish for and an amazing granddad to all his grandchildren. Also Malcolm will be 70 in the month of May so this award would be just right for him!” Thank you, Malcolm, for being you, the Pride of Saltburn.

What a task I set myself, choosing the winners of our Easter colouring competition. In the end I chose pictures with added design as well as colouring quality. In the 2-5 age group, Freya age 3 years (and 8 months) is the winner, and in the age 6-10 group, Amy, 8 years old. Well done! Thank you to all of you who took the time to enter. Easter was great in the shop this year, our best to date: lovely blue skies and a feeling of energy and warmth from our customers and visitors made for a special time. Our tulips and hyacinths have been very popular, in bunches or mixed into Spring bouquets, both favourites of mine during the season. Tulips, for a simple inexpensive bloom, have quite a history: During the 15th century in the Ottoman Empire they were seen as a symbol of wealth. Enjoyed by the Sultan Ahmed III, they were more highly valued than human life. The Sultan banned selling or buying of the prized bulbs outside of the capital, punishment was exile! After reaching Europe in the 16th century, tulips became so popular that some varieties were worth more than Gold. Thankfully we can all enjoy them now! Laura and I have been working hard on our outside display area. We’ve had many encouraging comments on our painted crates which we introduced for the April Farmers’ market. I must say, I do think they look pretty. Our web site is coming together nicely now, thanks to Richard. I shall post an extended history of tulips for anyone interested, or follow us on our new Facebook (we didn’t manage to rescue the old one!). Wishing you all a Bloomin’ lovely May, Eveline.

Every month, a £25 bunch of flowers, kindly donated by Eveline Brentano’s Florists, is awarded to someone in Saltburn who has earned admiration, gratitude and love for whatever reason. Talk of the Town invites nominations from you, the readers, to chose whom you would like to receive recognition and a bunch of flowers. Send your nominations to Talk of the Town’s postbag at Jackie’s Saverstore, 8 Station Buildings, Saltburn, Cleveland, TS12 1AQ. (Please include your name, phone number and the reason you are nominating the person of your choice.) Please also confirm with the nominee that they are willing to receive the award (many people feel shy about it). All the nominations will be read and kept for future use, so even if your choice doesn’t win this month, they might do so next time. 37

Saltburn Animal Rescue Association A small charity seeking to rescue and re-home cats and dogs, Tel: 01642 488108 (weekdays only, 10am to 2pm). SARA has many dogs and cats that need new homes. All are clean, healthy, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped.

Hello, my name is Satch. I’m an 8 year old boy. I’m handsome lad – I’m black and tan in colour with distinguished signs of grey on my muzzle. I came to SARA as my previous person could no longer care for me. I walk and mix well with other dogs and I aren’t too bad on the lead either. I am a big, loving dog who is friendly with people and I don’t need too much exercise. Not that I’m really lazy as I love my toys and playing. I just want a quiet adult home to enjoy my twilight years and I come available on a pension plan. I’m a gorgeous old boy who is full of love to give. I am

desperately looking for a home to call my own, I’m a wonderful dog who is affectionate and loyal and will make a fantastic companion to the right person. I’m also here to tell you about my friend Sonny, he is in the photograph on the right. Sonny is a boisterous 2 year old lurcher cross pointer boy; he is white with black patches on his face and back, and has a long waggy tail. Sonny needs a very active home life with someone around most of the day. He is a lovely dog and needs experienced owners who can continue his training. Sonny is looking for a knowledgeable dog owner who is very fit and active as he needs lots of exercise and playtime as well as training. He is a lovely young dog who is looking for an adult home without other pets.

SARA fundraising events during May The next monthly meeting of SARA will be held on Wednesday, 7th May, at 7.30pm in the TocH premises, Albion Terrace, Saltburn. New members are welcome. Saturday 3rd May – Members of SARA will be holding a Coffee Morning in Marske Leisure Centre, from 10am to 12noon. There will be a variety of stalls including tombola, bric-a-brac, homemade cakes, and books. All proceeds will go to the Foxrush Farm Sanctuary and Re-homing Centre. Saturday 10th May – A collecting day will be held in Saltburn. All donations received will go to the Foxrush Farm sanctuary and re-homing fund. Saturday 24th May – Members of SARA will be at Saltburn Community Centre. Refreshments will be on sale in aid of the Foxrush Sanctuary and Re-homing fund. Sunday 25th May – SARA will be holding their annual sponsored dog walk and walkies fun day from 11am to 2pm 38

at Foxrush Farm, Kirkleatham Lane, Redcar. There will be two walks, 30 minutes or one hour. The starting point is at Foxrush Farm, with a registration fee of £1. All dogs must be on a lead in respect of the wildlife in the woodlands and on the farm. There will be various stalls including tombola, pet stall, raffle and others. Homemade refreshments will be on sale. Sponsorship forms are available from Foxrush Farm, or the SARA charity shop in Guisborough. Sponsorship forms can also be downloaded from the website at http.// Come along with family, friends and pets and enjoy the day. If you don’t have a dog of your own we will lend you one. There will also be a chance to view the dogs that need new homes. Funds raised will all go to the continuing improvements that are always ongoing at Foxrush. Sheila Green

Will’s Saltburn Bank Clean Up a success

CHOCOLINI'S NEWS NUGGETS Easter has passed. Our Hens have laid their last eggs and the Eggs have all hatched

We are now putting together our Spring Collection

Such as new Continental Chocolates in stock together with some interesting tastes in our own recipe Break‐up Bars and a variety of Ice Creams such as Creamy Lemon, Cherry Ripple and Rhubarb Crumble

It’s still chilly enough for our well‐renowned Luxury Hot Chocolate and Italian Coffees

Will Goodhand organised a successful clean up of part of Saltburn Bank on a lovely Saturday Afternoon in April. Through some fairly spiky brambles the team managed to collect 16 bin liners full of rubbish in the section covered. Will said “My thanks to those who helped us on the day; it was very enjoyable and great exercise too! We didn’t manage to clear up everything as there are shopping bags caught up in brambles out of reach, but we will be back to continue working our way across and getting what we can. The biggest item I got was a traffic cone!” Will organises monthly projects across our area; if you would like to find out more and be involved get in touch at You can contact Will at or alternatively give the office in Guisborough a ring on 01287 631928.


WHY I AM A CHRISTIAN (in 300 words) by Sue Welburn I had a precious childhood and spent most of it with just my mum as dad served in the Royal Navy and was deployed for long periods of time at sea. Mum taught me about love, about living in community, about fellowship, keeping safe and how to be a good friend but her greatest gift was to share her love of God. Prayer, All Saints Skelton, Sunday School, Skelton Green Mission and the Christian Fellowship were a constant part of my life. I felt loved, valued, safe, had a sense of who I was and even at such a young age connected to God. I knew He existed, I knew He was important and I knew He was watching over us… During my late teens I moved away from home to study and sadly moved away from God! My faith spiralled into passive intolerance and laziness and I did some pretty stupid stuff. It wasn’t until my daughter was born in my early twenties, and I experienced parenthood that I realised the huge void in my life, and how I longed for Jen to experience what I had experienced as a child living in a Christian community! God embraced me with open arms and my family at Emmanuel welcomed me home. I experienced a significant spiritual growth during my thirties when Ian Parkinson was vicar at Emmanuel. Through Ian and Nadine’s ministry I realised I could have a relationship with God and He actually wanted to have a relationship with me! Even after all the stupid sinful stuff I had done He still loved me. His forgiveness blew me away. The most heart breaking moment of my life was watching my beautiful mum die over 13 years ago. She was brave and courageous and her faith never faltered not for one moment, and during that most tragic of times my own faith grew and became stronger. I have much to be thankful for and many people to thank who have guided me with love and support in my journey of faith, but most of all I thank God that He has never given up on me even when I gave up on Him! I love my God and I love my Church. Every Blessing. Sue x Image


BASIC is a 7 week course exploring answers to these two important questions, ‘Who is God?’ and ‘What is Church?’ In small groups, with your friends and acquaintances, you will have the opportunity to engage with these questions through 7 themed sessions:

Image created on Easter Day 2013 by the young people of Emmanuel Church. Available to buy as a card at the Church Shop on Milton Street.

1. God 2. Jesus 3. Holy Spirit 4. Fellowship 5. Teaching 6. Prayer 7. Communion

BASIC begins on Thursday 1st May in ECHO at 7.30pm and will run through to Thursday 12th June. Please speak to Rev’d Adam Reed (622007) or the Rev’d Adam Young (201464) if you are interested in attending or would like to know more.

Relax & Pamper Yourself on May 10th 10‐3pm in ECHO

A variety of therapies and treatments will be available, handmade crafts and gorgeous cakes! A time to talk and rest and simply enjoy yourself. All monies raised will go to Doorways and the Church Tower fund. Contact the Church Office for more details.

Sundays at Emmanuel Church: 9.00am & 10.45am services with refreshments served from 10.10am Tuesdays at Emmanuel Church: 9.30am service with refreshments served from 10.15am Emmanuel Church: Tel: 01287 622251 / Email: /


Huntcliff School World War I Commemorative Event On Tuesday, 18th March 2014 a range of visitors from the local community gathered at Huntcliff School to mark the beginning of their commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the First World War. The event, which took place after school, was organised by the History Department and involved students from Years 8, 9 and 10. Short videos produced by a History / ICT club run by ICT technician Miss Stainsby were screened to an audience of community members, local historians, staff, students and parents, as well as a display of models of the trenches produced by Year 9 students, First World War memorabilia (including the School Log Book from the time), and books. As part of their work during the club, Year 8 and 9 Gifted and Talented students used a green screen and various video editing tools to produce documentaries based on the First World War, including topics such as the role of animals and Technology during World War I. There was also a PowerPoint presentation by a student based on the local area during. Year 10 students also gave a presentation about their experiences of a visit to the battlefields in Belgium. They commented on how emotional it was to lay a wreath at the Menin Gate in memory of the men who have no known grave. Local historian, Tony Lynn MBE, who continues to support Huntcliff as part of their historical projects, gave a fascinating pictorial presentation of Saltburn during World War I. Miss Hannah Mohon, History teacher at Huntcliff School, outlined other plans for commemorating the anniversary of the First World War including developing a Remembrance Garden on the Saltburn Learning Campus site and taking 34 Year 8 students to battlefields in July this year as part of the school’s summer activity programme.

Additionally, Year 9 students performed a short drama about the Christmas Truce and the impact of the War that they had produced themselves. A local community group explained their plans for an event in Saltburn on 29th June to commemorate the start of the First World War and encouraged local people to get in touch with any information they might have about the First World War in the local area. Those who attended the event were encouraged to write their reflections about the commemoration of the anniversary of the start of World War I on a poppy - the poppies will then form part of a ‘reflection wreath’ to be displayed in the History Department. “We are very proud of the thoughtful way in which the students presented a range of activities and appreciate the commitment and maturity shown by them,” said Mrs Ruth Mayes, Executive Headteacher, Saltburn Learning Campus. “It is a real privilege to work with students who are committed to remembering those who fell in the Great War. Their hard work and dedication was a recipe for a successful event,” said Miss Hannah Mohon, History Teacher, Huntcliff School. “It was great how many people showed up. I wasn’t expecting that many. It’s such a great thing to be part of remembering what happened in the First World War and I hope future events will also attract as many visitors,” said a 14 year old student who took part.


01287 348548 or 07796 478361

My role as a Parish Councillor I am often asked how I got involved with the Parish Council and I can’t remember. I have been involved in one way or another for 34 years of the 40 years that the Parish Council has been in existence. This includes the four years when I lost my seat, because I was contacted often by the clerk and councillors alike in the four years I was in the wilderness. In the main I have enjoyed every minute, even when called a bigot and unprofessional, amongst other things. What I like about the first tier of local government is that in general it is usually community based rather that the political base of the upper levels. Occasionally, a member joins waving a party flag, but they don’t stop long. Some change parties often, but soon fall off the roundabout. So therefore, it is a group of people that want to do what they can for their communities regardless of their view of national politics. It is in fact a true partnership working. It’s a pity other tiers of government can’t do the same. Over the years the Parish Council has supported many local groups, prime pumping new groups, supporting key groups on a regular basis. I personally get a real buzz out of helping to make a real difference in the Parish. And on a very selfish level, it is rewarding in a very special way. I’ve met a real life VC, Group Captain 42

Leonard Cheshire and I have named a railway engine, in partnership with a Mayor of Langbaurgh on Tees, “The Saltburn by the Sea.” I try to listen to what the residents of the Parish are saying and raise their concerns at the Council Meetings. It must be said that you can’t please everybody and in fact there are some people you can’t please at all and these are the ones that appear to be incapable of contacting the appropriate department in any organisation themselves, but it keeps me busy. The Government is keen to see the rest of the country ‘Parished’. In fact to make this possible they are making extra funds available. £15,000 to set up and a further £25,000 running cost for the first year. East Cleveland is Parished and each council supports its local community. I am of the opinion the rest of the Borough has communities that would benefit by having a first tier level of local government. Finally, several people have raised concerns about night noise around the Railway Station. Sainsbury’s are checking their equipment. It may be useful to get people to record the various distances the noise reaches as the noise pattern could change with weather conditions. So please let me know on or leave a note at the library. Jim Wingham


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4 People Not Profit present

‘Sound it out’ 4 People Not Profit’s film night ‘Open your mind’ returns with a very special film ‘Sound it out’ which takes an hilarious and incredibly heart-warming look at the very last record shop in Teesside. The film will be screened as usual upstairs in The Marine, Saltburn and will be on Thursday, 15th May. Doors at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. We will have a special guest in Tom the manager of Sound it out coming to the event to give a brief introduction to the film and answer questions afterwards. As ever the night will be completely free. Over the last five years an independent record shop has closed in the UK every three days. Sound it out is a documentary portrait of the very last surviving vinyl record shop in Teesside. A cultural haven in one of the most deprived areas in the UK, Sound it out documents a place that is thriving against the odds and the local community that keeps it alive. Directed by Jeanie Finlay who grew up three miles from the shop. A distinctive, funny and intimate film about men, the North and the irreplaceable role music plays in our lives. “Like a mint pressing in a bargain bin, Sound it out is a rare find” - New York Times “Wonderful” - Empire


Voices – 2 by Richard Thomas I first saw, and heard, Frank Sinatra, on screen in the film ‘Mississippi’, in which he sang ‘Ol man river’. Up to that point of time I had been inspired by Paul Robeson’s rendering of the song. Robeson was the ‘basso-profundo extraordinaire’ of the day. To say that I was impressed by Sinatra’s version was to put it mildly. The voice touched new levels of interpretation; a quality which continued throughout his career. No singer to my knowledge could put such meaning into the words; he knew just when to pause in any lyric; Bing Crosby, who, I believe was in ‘Mississippi’, had a warm baritone depth to his singing which made ‘White Christmas’ an instant success, selling millions of copies on first release, and remaining popular to this day. Every voice, spoken or sung, has its own special quality. Three simple words ‘I love you’ can mean so much to so many people. As a means of communication it is still one of the most powerful forms of expressing a person’s true feelings. Recently I watched a programme on TV called ‘Sir Colin Davis in his own words as related to John Bridcut’ in which he talked about his life, his beliefs, and music. I happened to be working on an Architectural project at the time and found myself sitting opposite to Colin Davis (the ‘Sir’ came later), at a trestle table in a local club room whilst having lunch; members of the orchestra which must have been called the Northern Symphony were also present. During the time we had at our disposal we touched on a wide range of subjects. Seeing the recent TV programme what struck me most was not any great change in appearance but the sound of the voice; the same firm tone and rise and fall of speech. Again voices can be of great importance lasting long in the memory of the listener. Sir Colin died in April 2013 shortly after recording the recent programme. In Voices-1 I named many people who have given me pleasure throughout the years; the same applies to this article. I have a distant memory of the contralto, Dame Clara Butt, singing ‘Abide with me’. A wonderful experience. Since her time I can only recall one other person, Kathleen Ferrier who, though a mezzo-soprano, had that same quality of communication with her audience; to hear her sing ‘Blow the wind southerly’ is a pleasure in itself. A singer who gave great pleasure to my father, and to me, was the baritone, Peter Dawson. I can remember his rousing version of ‘The road to Mandalay’ or the ‘Floral Dance’. The household in which I grew up gave many a hearing to his fine voice. Others who come to mind, in no particular order, are The Mills Brothers, Vera Lynn, Judy Garland, Deanna Durbin, et al. The period from 1935 to 1940 was an age when families made their own entertainment, getting together at one house or the other and having a sing-song around the piano, in our case expertly played by my sister, Ivy, who could pick up any tune from first hearing and then play it expertly note by note. It all came to an end when Hitler started his march into Austria, with Czechoslovakia and Poland to follow.

My own life changed completely when volunteering to join the RAF in 1940. I got my wish when asked what I would like to do, either flying or ground crew. I plumped for flying, eventually becoming a member of Coastal Command until the end of the war. It didn’t divorce me from my music, sitting many a time in a gun turret of a Hudson, Fortress or Liberator, running tunes through my mind, some classical, mainly opera, or the popular ballads of the day. I have mentioned in previous articles of my brief encounter with Fred Astaire. It happened because eight members of our group had been ordered to travel to the Bahamas to train other airmen on actual combat conditions. After crossing the Atlantic in the Mauretania we travelled down from Halifax (Nova Scotia), to Miami before flying across to Nassau in the Bahamas. The train stopped at Boston, Massachusetts, for a brief period. As we stepped out from the station portico three four-wheeled vehicles pulled up outside. They were occupied by young girls who had been selected to sell Victory Bonds. Out from the front vehicle stepped Fred Astaire. He stopped sufficiently long enough to shout to us “Hi ya fellers, how you doing?” before being whisked away to sell bonds to any passers-by. A brief encounter indeed, but one that I can always recall from a man who at the time was at the height of his fame. The years from 1935 to 1938 were a wonderful time for lovers of popular music. Such artists as Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Vera Lynn, Judy Garland, Deanna Durbin, were at various stages of their illustrious careers. The music they provided went a long way to sustain people as the relentless annexation of Hitler’s armies continued apace. To hear Deanna Durbin singing against the background of an orchestra of 100 musicians under the baton of Leopold Stokowski was a pleasure in itself. As was Judy Garland’s yearning to go ’Over the Rainbow’ or Irene Dunne’s lament for the loss of a lover, ‘Smoke gets in your eyes’. Not forgetting Ginger Rogers who joined Fred Astaire through many of his dance routines and also in a rendering of ‘I’m putting on my top hat…’ Some people have that inner quality which when brought out into the open makes anyone feel better for the encounter. One such person is Elaine Paige. She had finished one of her performances in Evita and had reached the exit from the theatre when my son-in-law, David Shelmerdine, called to her and made a brief introduction. I remember her smile, and the wave of her hand, before she disappeared into the London night. Enough to provide me with a fond memory of that moment. Recently I watched a TV show which featured the many years that Elaine had been providing entertainment to the theatre-going public. Visually, she only had to take off a scarf from around her neck to change character completely; vocally it was a perfect rendition. Close your eyes and you could hear the voice of Edith Piaf, an outstanding example, as with so many others. The spoken word remains constant throughout the length of one’s life, a reminder of how much people just enjoy talking to one another. 45

Citizen’s Advice Bureau Bullying bailiffs must clean up their act, says Citizens Advice Bureau Redcar & Cleveland Citizens Advice Bureau has welcomed new rules aimed at protecting people from unfair treatment by bailiffs, and urged bailiffs to seize the chance to clean up their act. Citizens Advice evidence shows that some bailiffs are aggressive, threaten to seize items they are not allowed to take and even charge people for visits that they have never made. Now, the Ministry of Justice has introduced clearer new rules to clamp down on bailiffs who have been getting around the law. The new rules, which came into force on 6th April, introduce clearer fees and ban bailiffs from giving enforcement letters to children or visiting people at night. However, Redcar & Cleveland Citizens Advice Bureau has warned that the new rules may not go far enough to protect consumers, as bailiff firms will still not be held responsible for the way their staff behave. Every week Citizens Advice Bureaux help with 1,000 bailiff problems. Bureaux are seeing people who have been physically threatened, charged for phantom visits or seen their debts balloon because of sky-high fees. Bailiffs collecting parking fines added an average of £400 to debts which were originally worth £150. Gillian Guy, chief executive of national charity Citizens Advice, said: “Some bailiffs are raking in money by terrorising people in their own homes. These new rules are an important step towards protecting people in debt but their success is dependent on the industry. There is an opportunity for bailiffs to reinvent themselves as a responsible industry and banish bad behaviour to the

history books. Bailiff firms still do not face repercussions if they employ staff who break the law. Bailiff firms must be made to take responsibility for their staff’s behaviour by the introduction of a licensing system which means if they flout the rules they are struck off.” Anyone seeking advice on the above or any other issue can call into our drop in advice sessions. REDCAR LIBRARY Tuesday & Thursday Redcar &Cleveland House 10.00am – 1.00pm GUISBOROUGH Monday & Wednesday Belmont House 9.30am – 12.30pm SOUTH BANK LIBRARY Friday Normanby Road 9.30am – 12.30pm LOFTUS LIBRARY 1.30pm–3.30pm

Thursday – every 2nd & 4th week

SKELTON LIBRARY Monday – every 1st & 3rd week 1.30pm – 3.30pm TELEPHONE ADVICE Friday 10.00am – 12.00 noon 01642 469880.

Volunteers help to brighten library garden Two volunteer gardeners have spent a day transforming a derelict garden area in front of Saltburn library into a colourful area spot. “I hope we can install a seat so people can sit here - in the sun - and enjoy the passing scene,” said Calum (Jamie) Forster, of the Driftwood Landscaping and Fencing business, of Redcar. He has been helped by his apprentice Sam Garbutt, 18, of Saltburn. Librarian Linda MacKenzie said: “They have done a grand job.” She hoped the activity would help to re-launch the Friends of Saltburn Library (on 22nd April). Calum, who has 20 years of experience in landscaping and garden work, said he had planted pansies, forget-me-nots, and bluebell bulbs on the 12ft by 12ft plot. “We’ve transformed it after it was full of litter and rubbish. We also laid down wood bark and a path.” Ms MacKenzie has continued to tend the rear garden area at the library, which is popular especially among young mums, who attend the Rhymetime sessions twice a week at the library, and other users. 46

BREAK TIME: Casual librarian Christine Agnew with gardeners Sam Garbutt, 18, and Calum Forster while they have a break from their voluntary stint clearing the library's front garden area on Windsor Road.

1st Saltburn Scout Group How time flies! It seems like no time at all since we were getting ready for St George’s Day at Saltburn and now we are preparing for the event at Marske. An opportunity to demonstrate how many youth members we have both here at Saltburn and throughout the District. We will as usual be led by Marske Silver Band, ably supported by Cleveland Police and staff from Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council. Meanwhile Beavers as we closed for Easter were welcoming Gabriel, Kai and Abby Rose as potential new members; after Easter we are expecting a further three new members from our want to join list. Beaver’s final night before the break was spent creating bat or bird boxes under the expert supervision of Keith Ferry, assisted by Mike Dent. A combination of hammers, nails and Beavers would seem a recipe for problems, but we all emerged unscathed. Many thanks to all who assisted ensuring a ratio of two Beavers to each adult; safety in numbers! Cubs have been catching up on work from our visit to Emmanuel church; part of the Promise Challenge Award and out Community Challenge Award. Another part of this Award is drawing up a Code of Conduct. Cubs have been creating a behaviour standard for all our activities, whilst in the building or elsewhere; as well as how we meet and greet all people. How we conduct ourselves is an important part of our society and Cubs want to be viewed in the best possible light. But most importantly have fun as well. Scouts will drop in numbers by two after Easter as William and Matthew move on to Explorer Scouts/Young

Saltburn Line User Group Next Meeting: Tuesday, 6th May 2014 This meeting will be the AGM and representatives of the rail industry have been invited to speak. Meetings at Saltburn Conservative Club are held on the first Tuesday of the month 19.15pm for a 19.30pm Start. As always, all welcome. Talk to Saltburn Line User Group. The Group exists to protect passengers’ interests. See our website:

Telephone the secretary on:


Leaders. Both having achieved their Chief Scout Gold Award will continue working with the Group, initially with Cubs. We hopefully welcome Owen as a new member after Easter; he came and joined in with our activities with gusto! Our last evening was spent bowling at Hollywood Bowl, Stockton. Two games of bowling and a meal seemed a fitting end to what has been a busy and fruitful session. We invited along Sam and William (presently Explorer Scouts/ Young Leaders with Cubs) both former Scouts, who have been very active with the Scouts. It was a good night, only marred by several delays in the older Scouts first bowling game; due to equipment problems. Later back than planned but well enjoyed by all. The end of another finance year for the Group; this seems to have been a better year than last. Our fundraising is now starting to get into a swing; with a bag pack and Group publicity day booked for June 14th (courtesy of Sainsbury’s). This is the same day as the Farmer’s Market so we could be busy. We will now be rallying parents to assist with Beavers and Cubs at the bag packing. Also in June we have the Centenary events for World War I; all the Sections will be involved. Our Explorer Scouts and older Scouts have been asked to be involved with some work on the former gun emplacement on the Hazel Grove end of the top prom. Our building developments continue as we will now be completing our toilet refurbishment. Welcome back the social group from the Caravan site as they return after their Christmas break. They are very supportive in our ideas for the building and support our fundraising activities. We hope to see many of you in June, but continue to welcome assistance in all our activities and if you are interested in joining us, please enquire: John G. Hannah – 07811 801627 or

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Cleveland Ironstone Mining Alan Richardson started his working life in Kilton Ironstone Mine and ended it at Boulby Potash. He reflects on the huge changes he has seen, as 2014 sees the fiftieth anniversary of the closure of North Skelton Mine, and gives us the benefit of the tremendous knowledge he has acquired as a volunteer Guide at the Skinningrove Ironstone Museum. “The last trainful of iron ore left North Skelton Mine at 12.30pm on January 14th 1964,” Alan says. “Most of the mines round about were owned by Dorman Long, but this one was originally owned by the Bolckow Brothers.” The very first commercial seam of ironstone was discovered in 1848 at Skinningrove, on land owned by Anthony Lax Maynard. This set off the Cleveland field of iron ore, which was first mined by the Roseby Brothers. Then John Vaughan of Bolckow and Vaughan got involved: in 1850 John and his engineer discovered an outcrop of iron ore in the Eston Hills. This seam was sixteen feet high. John Vaughan moved his energies there and then iron ore was found by trial and error from Middlesbrough to Whitby and inland as far as Rosedale. “There were as many as eighty-two mines working at the peak,” Alan tells me. “At the periphery, the iron was near the surface and drift mines were set up, such as at Skinningrove, Eston and Grinkle. But in the middle, the seam dropped to seven hundred and fifty feet, so shaft mines were needed. These included North Skelton, Lingdale, Boosbeck, Long Acre and Skelton.” The major problem when the iron ore was discovered was that there was very little population to work it. The population of Middlesbrough in the 1812 Census was twenty -six, but by the end of the century, the town was the busiest seaport in England on the back of iron and steel. Tin miners were recruited from Cornwall, quarrymen from Wales, land workers from Norfolk and Suffolk and coal miners from Durham. Within twenty years of the first mine opening, there were one hundred and twenty blast furnaces on the banks of the Tees. Because of the potato famine in Ireland, Irish workers flocked to these. I ask what it meant for Alan’s forefathers. “My greatgrandfather on my father’s side was a farmer from Egton and on my mother’s side was a land worker from Bury St Edmund’s in Suffolk. My granddad on my mother’s side was a Council worker, but on my father’s side was a miner in Liverton Mine pit. He worked down there from the age of fourteen to about sixty-four,” Alan explains. “My dad started work at Liverton Mine and moved to Kilton Mine. He was fifty-six when that closed. Then he went to Low Side at Lackenby on the floor of the blast furnace.” Pease of the Darlington Quaker family and partners took over Skinningrove Mine around 1860 and set about creating the first model village to accommodate their own workers. Men had to work in the mine to qualify for a house. Others such as Rowntree in York followed on. There were frequent deaths in the mines and widows and children were expected to move out of their houses within fourteen days. Some went to the workhouse, but others remarried another miner and the immediate problem of homelessness was solved. Working in Skinningrove Mine in its heyday were a hundred and ten shire horses and Cleveland Bays. Fifty were underground and sixty were on the surface. “In a drift mine 48

like Skinningrove, you could walk the horses up and down,” adds Alan. “They did thirteen weeks underground, then thirteen weeks on the surface. In the summer, they were released to Foulsyke Fields, near Loftus for two weeks’ holiday. I’ve heard it told that these hundred and ten big horses going through the town were a remarkable sight.” The ironstone seam at Skinningrove was eight feet high at its shallowest and sixteen feet at its deepest; it was mined from top to bottom. In just over a hundred years of mining, 36.3 million tons of ore was extracted there by men using three hundred and sixty-five miles of roadway beneath the surface. “It was all done out in criss-cross tunnels and men had to walk everywhere,” says Alan. It’s been estimated that only a fifth of the Cleveland iron ore has been extracted. The ore contained round about thirty-two per cent iron and was very sulphurous: it needed processing to get rid of the sulphur. Then it was found that higher quality iron ore was being mined abroad: Australian iron ore contained about seventy-two per cent iron and was sulphur-free. The quality of the Cleveland ore wasn’t good enough anymore and this was the reason that the mines closed down. Working in the mines was hard. Men often developed wet foot, similar to trench foot in the First World War, because of inadequate boots. There weren’t many gas problems, as the material was inert and not explosive. “They used to sell ironstone dust to the Coal Board, where workers scattered it to reduce the volatility of coal dust,” adds Alan. There was lighting underground. They began with candles and then used wick lights. Carbide lighting was banned in 1952 by the Mines Act, which forbade naked flames in the pits. The use of sealed torches developed and then lights were attached to belts and helmets. From 1848 - 1952, there were no major gas incidents in Cleveland, but in 1952, there were explosions at Lingdale, Kilton and North Skelton. “The gas had accumulated and exploded,” says Alan. Around this time, mechanical loaders and diesel haulage machines were introduced. They were flameproof and it became possible to work in previously restricted areas. Working on the principle of minimum fuel discharge, bigger machines

were brought in and scrubber tanks were used. By 1956-7, long haulage systems or little locomotives were pulling tubs and all the horses bar two or three were got rid of. Those left were kept for general purpose work. Soon the mines were closing rapidly down to eight and then slowly down to one: North Skelton. Dock facilities for big ships on the Tees were developed and Dorman Long was taken over. Miners were retired early or offered employment at the steelworks. Alan has plenty of interesting local stories: “Did you know that when mining first started at Skinningrove, there was a single narrow gauge railway from the mine down to the jetty, where two coasters were based?” he asks. “They took iron ore up to the Tyneside smelters. Ten years in, a little gantry detached itself from the end of the jetty and set off for Sweden. As there was then no means of getting rid of the iron ore, the mine was closed for nine and a half years.” Then the Saltburn - Whitby railway was constructed and the owners of the Skinningrove Mine decided to build a zigzag railway up the hill. The gradient enabled trucks to be pulled to the level of the railway line by a steam engine. “Now that they could move the ore, they opened the mine again. Five hundred men returned to Skinningrove, having worked in other local mines while it was closed.” It was traditional for the oldest son to go into the mine to ensure the house stayed in the family. “It was a type of insurance policy,” says Alan. He was the oldest of four children and was born at 73 Jackson Street, Brotton, a two up, two down terraced house, on 18th November 1938: “at 9.50am to be precise,” he adds. The three sons top and tailed in a bed and their sister had her own bed. The neighbouring streets were full of his relatives, including his mother’s eight sisters and everybody helped each other. The street midwife was probably unqualified, but she seemed to know what she was doing. Alan’s earliest memory is the sound of clogs on the flintstones at 6.00am on the miners’ way to work, as the pit was at the end of the street. At school age, he started at Brotton C of E School, now the Community Hall. He was fifteen when he left education to train as an apprentice fitter in the mine. He left home at 4.00am one morning to be interviewed at Kilton Mine by the Mining Engineer, Mr Waite. He started that day and did eighteen months at Kilton, followed by eighteen months at Lingdale and nearly three years at North Skelton. He walked to and from work, until he could afford a second hand push bike. Then National Service called and Alan went off to Aldershot, before his posting to the suburbs of Hamburg in Germany. When he came back, the number of mines open was shrinking and the job he thought he’d have for life was changing. After North Skelton closed in 1964, he joined ICI and became a fitter supervisor. Five years later, he moved to Boulby Potash Mine and was promoted to be a section supervisor. He was a mechanical overseer and eventually was responsible for half the mine. After many years at Boulby, he retired. “Boulby was a good place to work, as you were immediately made to feel important to the company and Health and Safety was taken very seriously - in contrast to the standards in the ironstone mines, where a flat cap was considered adequate head protection!” recalls Alan. “At Boulby, you learnt by people telling you, whereas in the

Skinningrove Ironstone Mine visitors’ Centre

ironstone mine, it was all piggyback learning.” For example, in the ironstone mine, a twelve year old boy would be given responsibility for the doors as his first job. He would see what the other lads did and become familiar with it. At fifteen, he could go and offer to take charge of the horses and become a horseboy. He would go in to pull a tub and if it wasn’t ready, he’d park the horse and help the loader. He could then ask for that job on the face team. When there, he’d learn drilling explosives into the face. He’d eventually have the skills to apply for a Deputy’s ticket. I ask how people got jobs in the ironstone mines. “They used to advertise for miners, but tradesmen apprentices were all sons; it was hand-in-hand,” says Alan. “The miners used to get more money quicker and we apprentice tradesmen used to wonder whether we should have been miners, but we were better off in the end. I was always kept on and had opportunities to become a supervisor.” Alan is proud that his son-in-law, Adam, is now a valued employee at Boulby Potash Mine. He took him for a walk round the mine and this interested Adam to apply for a job. “He’s got a lot of certificates, including a driving certificate, which qualifies him on all machines, he’s a trainer and he’s a team manager repairing older parts of the mine,” says Alan. I comment that Alan has seen an enormous amount of change in his life. For example, I doubt that in the days when he saw the first car ever to drive down Jackson Street, he thought that one day, he’d be in Australia looking up at the Sydney Harbour Bridge, with ‘Skinningrove Steel’ embossed upon it. It was designed by Brunel, made by Teesside Bridge and Engineering Company of Darlington and walked over by Alan twelve years ago. Alan and his fellow volunteers are manning the lively Cleveland Ironstone Museum in Skinningrove again this season and very much welcome visitors. It is open Monday - Saturday until November 1st; more details can be found on its informative website: As Sue W says on Trip Adviser: “This was one of the best living museums I have visited, with interesting and particularly well informed volunteer staff.” Rosemary Nicholls 49

Primary school reading project in need of more volunteers Charity Community Service Volunteers Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme (RSVP) needs volunteers to hear children read at primary schools throughout Teesside. Dorothy Falconer, Area Organiser for RSVP, who runs the project, says: “This service is very much appreciated by all the schools where I have placed volunteers, and teachers are constantly asking me to find more people to help. I am looking for people over 50 who would be prepared to spend a morning or afternoon helping primary school children with their reading. The scheme provides a really valuable service, increasing young people’s confidence and encouraging them to develop a love of reading.” Currently, 21 volunteers spend their free time in schools listening to children read, but the service is very much in demand and more volunteers are required to meet

the needs of local schools. If you would be interested in assisting with the reading project and wish to know more please contact Dorothy at 70 Wheatlands Park, Redcar or call 01642 484396. About CSV CSV creates opportunities for people to take an active part in the life of their communities through volunteering, training and community action. CSV’s Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme (RSVP) encourages people aged 50 plus to share their skills, knowledge and life experience with their local communities. For more information about CSV and RSVP contact Jennie Rayner at or on 020 7643 1432.

Leslie Horgan left town two `legacies’ Leslie Horgan, who has died aged 105, left Saltburn two legacies when he left the town 40 years ago - the leisure centre and daffodil displays. He was clerk of Saltburn and Marske Urban District Council, whose offices were at Clare House, Albion Terrace, before Langbaurgh District Council, followed by Redcar & Cleveland Council, took over. Government policy in 1974 on ratepayers’ money in the bank was that it had to be spent by the end of the financial year or be returned. So Leslie, who had been canny with our cash for the years that he was Saltburn & Marske’s leading official, led the way in rushing through with plans to build a leisure centre, including a swimming pool. All this was something that the town had lacked since the brine baths had been shut in the middle of the last century. The site chosen next to Huntcliff School was the former playing field of Glenhow Preparatory School (now apartments), Albion Terrace. It was built on time, which was officially 1st April 1974 when the council switch took place. Leslie’s second legacy was to plant lots of daffodil bulbs along the Huntcliff School side of Guisborough Road, where he lived with his wife Joan and three daughters. It was unfortunate that, a few years later council grass-cutters chopped down the daffodils before they had completely died down. But then private citizens and community groups planted banks of the flowers along the opposite side of Guisborough Road and Marske Road. Leslie Horgan was remembered by many older locals, including the late Elsie Hibbert with whom he stayed in recent years. He was a keen Mason. Frank Swales recalls that Leslie lived in Laurel Road before moving to Hob Hill in the 1960s and used to drive his father Joseph Swales, who was blinded in army 50

Daffodils on Guisborough Road, Saltburn, opposite Stonecroft, Leslie Horgan’s former home. The display is part of his legacy to the town.

action in World War One, to Masonic meetings all over the North-east. Mr Swales had been urged when being treated at St Dunstan’s, London, to join a Masonic lodge. When he died in 1976 a memorial service was organised at the Avenue Methodist Church, Middlesbrough, by chemists at Langman’s, Station Street, Saltburn. Leslie lived at Stonecroft, Guisborough Road, next to Hob Hill House. He had converted former farm buildings into a comfortable family bungalow. He was always a considerate, friendly neighbour to us at Hob Hill, Saltburn. He and his late wife Joan leave three daughters Dorothy, Michele and Penelope, plus 10 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. He retired to Minety, near Worcester, to be nearer his daughters. A well-attended funeral service was held there on 10th April. Michael Morrissey

The Victoria



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Redcar & Cleveland Philatelic Society May meetings: Our next Wednesday meetings in the Community Centre, Durham Road, Redcar, commencing 7.15pm are 7th May Alphabet night – ‘G’ and 21st May Bridges and the USA – Max Whitlock. On the 7th, members will show items beginning with ‘G’. This popular annual event encourages everyone to display aspects of their collections not previously seen. As the session will be nonspecialist and varied it will give another splendid opportunity for prospective members to see what we do, and they will be made most welcome. On the 21st, Max Whitlock (one of our members and an accomplished speaker) treats us to yet another aspect of his fascinating collection. On 26th April the North East England Philatelic Association Annual Convention (NEPA) was held in Durham. R&CPS submitted two 16 sheet entries in NEPA’s Regional Competitions. (How our Society faired was not known when this item was prepared, so will be reported next time.) It is opportune to give advance publicity to our first meeting 4th June because it will be a postal history display of the Darlington and Stockton Railway, by Andrew Stoves. At the meeting on 2nd April, we welcomed Dave Watson with his display of ‘China: Old and New’. Thirtyone members and visitors were treated into a fascinating glimpse into a world of rarely seen stamps. In the ‘Old’ part, Dave showed all the issues from the early stamps through to the early Communist Period. Whilst the Junk and Dragon series were familiar to most members, many scarce stamps were being seen for the first time. ‘New’ included interesting dual issues released simultaneously by China and virtually all other countries of the world, including the GB/China issue for the Olympic Games.” Contacts: Geoff. Reynolds (Secretary) 01642 478229. David D. Turner 01287 624736. 51

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Valley Players The trees have gone back to the woods for now. We are now working on our contribution to Saltburn’s WWI commemoration day on June 29th. We will be performing ‘On a wing and a prayer’ in the Community Theatre at 2pm. The play features the pigeons whose message carrying during the war saved countless lives. The music for the play has been specially written by Caroline Scales and the children hope to be accompanied by some wonderful singing from the White Rose Singers and Bill Greenwood. Some war poems will also be read in what promises to be a moving occasion, so please come along. Entry will be by donation, with all monies raised going towards the restoration of the war memorial. Djenane

When I were a Lad The Smithy On my way home from school I had to pass the blacksmith’s forge. I was fascinated watching him beat a horseshoe into shape, the anvil ringing as he hit first the hot shoe then the anvil. There was a special smell that lingered around the wooden building, with its corrugated iron roof. When he plunged the hot shoe into the cooling water, it was like a steam engine had just passed through. Then the roar of the bellows as he re-heated the shoe. Punching holes into the now perfectly shaped shoe, he then burned it onto the horse’s hoof. He nailed it on and with a big file cleaned up the hoof. I was amazed that the big horse just stood and let him work on its feet, ignoring the noise, the heat and the smell of burning, repeated three more times. Then it was time for my part: I led the big horse out of the forge, a small boy with a huge horse meekly following, with just a piece of Charlie band preventing him making a bid for freedom (Charlie band is binder twine usually bought from Charles Turner agricultural supplies of Lazenby). I returned to the smell of baking tatties, which when covered with Co-op butter, was a magnificent meal. But then I had to continue my way home to explain why I was late (again), although the sooty fingers and the smell of the blacksmith’s forge told their own story. When I were a lad even going home from school was an adventure. And I can still remember the smell of the blacksmith’s. Tyke 52

PAUL HUME BUILDING & D.I.Y. Old Station Yard 01287‐624648

*** SPRING OFFERS *** Levington Grow Bags £2.20 Compost 3 for £10 Pots, Troughs, Hanging Baskets. Border Plants All £1 Decorative Aggregates from £3 5l Ronseal Fence Life £6.65 Patio Pavings and Edging. Acoustic night in April at Saltburn Community Hall A huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported our magical evening. We would like to thank John the PA man who said, “I will do anything to support the young people of Saltburn.” And without him our event would not have been so successful. A huge THANK YOU to all the artists who freely gave their amazing talents, to Chris Gill who opened this amazing evening to Jess and Lucy, Laura Armstrong, Mimi O’Mally and your beautiful songs, to your daughter in her first performance of “Annie”, to Abi Collins and your first performance, Fife, Emma and Alex, to Vicki Plumpton. To our own Rangers, Katie, Betty and Tash, and your fabulous song writing. The evening was closed by a very talented band ‘Lost in the Crowd’ who rounded the evening off perfectly. We would also like to thank the Saltburn Community Association and the folks behind the bar. Go Girl Guiding


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A Blooming good show at the Cons “What a marvellous place to live.” This was the comment from a couple of new members of our club, who have recently moved to Saltburn. “The views and beautiful walks, the vibrancy of the town centre with quirky shops and cafes, and the open friendliness of the local people are all major attractions. However for us, discovering the Cons Club with its lovely garden and genuine welcoming atmosphere, was like finding a hidden jewel in the crown,” they said while refreshing themselves during our Happy Hours. Hearing such encouraging remarks have inspired us to make even more efforts to improve the club. David Rigg, our club secretary and horticulturist, who also leads our team of volunteer gardeners, plans to enter our garden into the Britain in Bloom contest for the first time this year and the club have purchased lots of new plants, so look out for our blooming good show. Our barbecue gazebo has been refurbished and improved ready for the summer, by our Committeeman Mike Cummings, who just happens to be an excellent carpenter. During May we will be starting our very popular Sunday barbecues. Soon we will be putting up our all-weather marquee. All of these facilities are available to our members free of charge for their own functions and parties. We are happy to open the club during weekdays, when we are normally closed, if a private function requires it. Talk to Michelle our steward or email me, to arrange or book a party; you may be surprised what we can offer and how inexpensive it can be for members. Some more good news for Saltburn: water quality results off Teesside’s coast last summer were some of the best ever recorded with Saltburn and neighbouring beaches all recommended by the Marine Conservation Society. MCS coastal pollution officer says she hopes the latest figures will be a boost to UK tourism. “It’s great news that we are able to recommend more beaches than ever for excellent water quality and it shows just how good British beaches can be,” she said. “The main challenge now is maintaining these standards.” I am sure we all endorse that. It was encouraging to see our Parliamentary candidate, Will Goodhand, caring enough about our local environment to roll up his sleeves and lead a litter picking team cleaning up the banks around Saltburn. Will is a good hand at these jobs and likes to lead from the front. If you would like to meet Will for a chat and an exchange of ideas,

he often pops into the club. His future ‘meet and greet’ visits will be announced on our notice board. I am afraid that the opposition do not appear to share our concern for the preservation of our natural landscapes and environment as it was reported that Mr Miliband recently stated that he thought that ‘we have got to embrace’ both onshore and off shore wind farms. Well I for one will not be ‘embracing’ the proposed construction of 450 foot wind turbines between Yearby and Wilton village, close to the Eston hills, nor do I embrace the 27 hideous constructions currently disfiguring the seascape off Redcar beach. However, I do support a cap on shore based wind turbines which I understand will be in the next Conservative Manifesto. We have just been to the opening night of this year’s Grand Ol’ Oprey. It was the Blues night and what a terrific night it was. Three of the four bands performing were regulars of our club’s Saturday night gigs. Skinny Blues, Easy Street and Dr Brown & the Groove Cats have all graced our stage in the past and will in the future. The fourth Band ‘Emma Wilson Blues Band’, were excellent with the soulful but powerful voice of Emma filling the theatre. Expect to see Emma and her band booked to appear in the Cons in the Summer. This year’s Oprey has smashed last year’s record of ticket sales and should provide the charities with a handsome return. Not only that but it will also provide our much beleaguered Theatre with some needed revenue from bar sales and theatre hire. As always, the artists and some of the audience came back to our club for an after show buffet, provided by Michelle, our multitalented Steward, which was enjoyed by all. Michelle tells me that we are continuing our special offer of Champagne at £17 a bottle, so if you have something to celebrate you know where to come. However, as stocks are limited this offer is open only to fully paid up members. We have also reduced our Caffrey’s Beer to £2 a pint while current stocks last. By supporting your club you will be helping us to provide the community with a friendly and safe meeting place where you may enjoy our blooming good garden this summer. Mike Sellars, Club President. Email This article financially supported by Saltburn Conservative & Unionist Club.

Our Events to entertain in May Fri 2nd May and every Friday from 8pm. All new Friday Mic nights hosted by Jono and assisted by Rosie Potter, with audience voting and big cash prizes. Artists please come early to register. Sat 3rd May. L and S Band, with vocalist Liz Bishop. Sat 10th May. Acme Blues Company, Blues at its best. Sat 17th May. Peter Donaghy & Friends, with a charity gig for DOORWAYS, Saltburn. Sat 24th May. Capt Jack Sparrow Band with keyboard maestro James Harrison, Jazz as we like it. Sat 31st May Al Harrington Band, with Paul Dickerson, Keith Wilson, & Andy Woodhouse. Wed 21st May Bingo and Quiz, with pie and peas supper. Tickets only. Wed 14th and 28th May Julie’s Quiz, new teams welcome. Every Tuesday night at 10 pm, Meat and bottle draw. Every Sun. 6pm, Beer Draw and Cash Rollover, (now £620 & increasing by £20 each week until won). Most Saturday afternoon meetings of ‘The Conmen’, Americana Musicians’ jam session. Also meetings of The Book Club, Saltburn Line Users Group, Camra, Residents Groups and others. Happy Hours: Weekdays 5:30pm till 7:00pm, Saturdays & Sundays 3:00pm till 5:00pm. All Beers £2 Pint. 53

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Spa Hotel Presents

North Skelton Band

A Grand Charity Night Organised by Stephen J Dowd 11th May 2014. Doors open at 7.00 pm. Entertainment:The Persuaders (Fantastic 60s Music) Steve D, Josh Newell Brown, Custard Pie Grand Auction & Raffle Auction Includes round of golf for four and breakfast before donated by Saltburn Golf Club & Executive Catering.

Tickets £10.00 includes pie and peas supper (vegetarians please state on purchase of tickets). Tickets available from:-

Saltburn Health Foods The Spa Hotel Cheveux Hairdressing If unable to attend and want to make a donation please do so at ticket venues.

Comedy Capers Big Mouth has bagged another bunch of top TV comics for Saltburn over this coming month or so. Tickets sold out within days for Have I Got News For You, QI and Radio 4 regular Mark Steels’s gig at Saltburn Community Theatre on Thursday, 22nd May. And Big Mouth’s monthly comedy capers crack on at The Spa Hotel with more top line-ups in May and June. Huge Big Mouth favourite Matt Reed is special guest MC on Saturday, 3rd May, and Hebburn star Jason Cook is special guest MC on Saturday, 7th June with a line-up also starring Mick Ferry from Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow. Tickets for both shows are available from Saltburn Health Foods, The Spa Hotel, or online & commission free at

G.T.S. HAIR All aspects of hairdressing available in the comfort of your own home. From a simple cut to a full colour treatment. Or why not go mad and have a complete restyle. Specialist in Hair Extensions for over 10 years. From a simple thickening to a full lengthening service.

North Skelton Band won a major brass band contest on Sunday, 16th March and have qualified to go onto the National Brass Band finals held in Cheltenham in September, also talented Jo Campbell won a trophy for best cornet player in the contest. This is the band’s second triumph this year and they are now focusing for the moment on a contest held in the wonderful surroundings of Ripon Cathedral on May 31st. The band have lots of concerts planned throughout the area this summer to raise funds to take them to the “Nationals” details of these can be found on our website or FB page. Josie Coupland, the band secretary, said: “it is a great honour for us to play at this contest as we will be up against bands from all around the country; the last time we qualified was in 2009 and we managed a very credible 2nd place! It is also a great expense for the band as we have to pay for hotel accommodation for 28 players and transport to the venue at Cheltenham; also as the band has grown in numbers over the last year or so we are short of jackets too!” If readers would like to help in any way to fund their trip to compete please get in touch; they are helping to put our area on the map! Events Saturday, 31st May Entertainment contest in the stunning surroundings of Ripon Cathedral. 14 bands competing. It’s a great day! Saturday, June 14th Great Ayton Show afternoon event. March from Lower Green then concert on High Green. Saturday, June 21st Armed Forces Day concert. M’bro near the Town Hall. Sunday, July 6th Service of Thanksgiving (North Skelton Ironstone Mine closure Anniversary) march from Carlin How to St. Helen’s Church. Saturday, 12th July Durham Miners Gala parade through the city with the Coxhoe Banner Group. This year Tom Blenkinsop will be marching with us. Sunday, 3rd August Saltburn Bandstand 2.30pm. Sunday, 10th August Runswick & Cowbar Lifeboat Day annual event – Runswick Bay in the afternoon and evening at the Lifeboat House in Cowbar. Lovely spot for a summer evening.

Ring Glenn on

Monday, 25th August Preston Park band concert – us and other bands from the surrounding area....all day event bring your picnic!

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The Saltburn Profile by Rosemary Nicholls Anne Pallister “I’ve tried to carry on learning all my life,” says Anne Pallister, who lives with her husband Keith at Hazelgrove Residential Park. In a short time in Saltburn, she has joined in with lots of our community activities and is enjoying meeting the townspeople. She was born in Bramhall, Cheshire, one of three brothers and four sisters. Her grandmother came from Muff on the northern tip of Donegal, Ireland. Anne was brought up in Cheshire until she was twelve, when the family moved to Gloucestershire where her father’s work as an engineer took them. She was half way through her ‘A’ levels, when she decided she would like to join the Queen Alexandra Naval Nursing Service and went off to train at Portsmouth. She spent time at Plymouth and was seconded to the army in Germany, where she learnt obstetrics. “After qualifying, I spent a year in Plymouth as a staff nurse, but decided I didn’t want to continue in the Services, so I took a job as a nurse at Terra Nova, a prep school in Cheshire,” says Anne. “I was still looking for what I really wanted to do. At Terra Nova, I kept two ponies and for three years, during the school holidays looked after two children, taking them to Pony Club events and also racing at Aintree and Haydock.” It was in Cheshire that Anne developed her love of horse racing. She took the opportunity to buy a quarter of a two year old thoroughbred, Sofica. The horse showed early promise, but later the owner of the other three legs gave her to Anne, who decided to use her for breeding. Three horses were bred off her and one of these, Minskip Miss, was used as a broodmare. “The foals she had were bred for showing, racing and dressage,” says Anne, “and they have done well: in particular, Minskip Miss, who rated seventy-four in flat racing and Horsefair Dancer, who competes successfully in affiliated dressage and is owned by my sister, Jane.” Anne branched out further and did jobs as a cook/ housekeeper, having always had a great love of cooking. She worked for the Honourable and Mrs Michael Astor at Bruern in Oxfordshire and with the family, went to America to spend time with his relative, Mrs Vincent Astor. They stayed at the Carlyle Hotel, New York, where Marilyn Monroe and John Fitzgerald Kennedy supposedly were residents. Anne met Jacob Rothschild, a friend of the Astors, who took the party under his wing. Anne later took on a very absorbing job at a vet’s in Boroughbridge, where she stayed for fourteen years, eventually becoming the Practice Manager. She went to night school to study for her accounting AAT qualification. While at the vet’s, she met and married Keith, a painter and decorator. When Anne and Keith were ready for a new enterprise, they decided to take on a bankrupt newsagent’s in Horsefair in the town (where the gypsies used to have Barnaby Fair). They called it Anne’s and aimed to run it for eight years until Keith’s retirement. They actually continued for thirteen years as the recession eventually hindered its sale. “But we developed it by putting in Brymor Luxury Ice Cream, a hundred varieties of weigh out sweets and art materials.” Anne wanted to sell these, because she’s an enthusiastic painter of horses, dogs and landscapes. She began selling watercolour paints in the shop, knowing she

would use them up herself if necessary, but sales went well and she then added acrylics and oils. “From nothing, we built up the takings to over £4000 a week before the recession,” she says, “but we worked from 5.00am to 6.00pm seven, then six days a week.” When they sold the business, they wanted to move to Saltburn, because they used to love to come here on a day off. They found Hazelgrove Residential Park on the Internet, had a look round and put down a deposit. “We had to convince the family that we weren’t buying a caravan, but we just love it here!” Her extended family of two stepsons, twelve nephews and nieces and seven great-nieces and nephews are enjoying their visits too. Anne has joined Saltburn in Bloom, helping out with gardening on Wednesday mornings and being a Committee member. “We weed the beds around the town. We’ve just planted poppies in memory of the soldiers of the First World War in the Fossil Garden,” she says. Every three months, Anne joins the Beachwatch team, collecting plastics and other litter from the beach. She has also taken on the role of Secretary of the new Residents’ Association at Hazelgrove Residential Park. Reading local history is another of Anne’s hobbies. She likes tracing ancestry and finding out more about what her forebears’ lives were like. She and Keith are shortly going to Ireland on a family history search. Her musical taste includes light classics, Lloyd Webber, Celine Dion and Riverdance. She likes Suduko and Kakuro puzzles and crosswords and has joined Saltburn Photographic Society. “I feel that Saltburn is a lovely place to be,” she concludes, “and I am enjoying getting to know people and putting something back into the community.” 57

Supermarket Insanity by Alan Butler It’s the day before another bank holiday and together with Kate I set off to buy the few things we needed from our local supermarket. We are both getting older and it might be for this reason that the last bank holiday supermarket experience has receded into the background of our memories. However, things come rushing back as I behold the hurried comings and goings the moment we arrive. We are on foot and I am nearly knocked over by a woman in an Audi, her face set and her eyes glued to the one remaining parking space. She curses as she had to stop for me and loses the space to an even more determined man in a Toyota. I see the crazed look on the face of everyone – their fixed stares and terrified expressions. We heard the morning news on the radio before we set off and it seemed as though everything in the world was reasonably good but now I wonder if Armageddon has been announced. I look around to see if there is any sign of the four horsemen of the apocalypse but all I can see are frantic shoppers with trolleys groaning under massive loads. In the trolley park there are only two trolleys left and I try to take one of them but they are stuck together and I realise how stupid I will look if I push two conjoined trolleys around the store. The stupefied masses are approaching and with panic seizing me I give one almighty tug and free the first trolley, escaping just in time and racing after Kate into the shop. As we pass a magazine rack close to the entrance fifty copies of Hello magazine mysteriously leap onto the floor but we speed by without a second look – actually we have very little choice because to turn back into the descending hoards would mean certain injury. We need bread, so I stand back as Kate bravely launches herself in amongst the prodders, squeezers and smellers, courageously achieving the back of the breadsticks, where the freshest prizes are to be found. As always, wherever I stand and wait I am in someone’s way. I wedge myself into a tiny spot at the side of the carrots and watch, bemused as people fight over cabbages and onions. I get the impression that most of those involved don’t even like cabbages or onions but you have to get what you can before it all disappears. Back into the writhing mass of panicked shoppers we are pushed along, the smell of the fish counter soon nothing more than a distant memory as we find ourselves by the ‘free from’ shelves. This was once a haven of peace but now everyone is allergic to something or other so there are dozens of sick and pale looking individuals desperate for gluten free flour and bags of nutless nuts. Kate deftly dodges here and there, moving with the skill of a rugby winger who has seen the posts, whilst I try to keep my footing or attempt to negotiate the barricades caused by people who are determined to have a chat but who cleverly contrive to park their trolleys sideways across the aisles. Everywhere people look stunned. I can see in their eyes that they don’t know how they will possibly manage 58

to feed their families during tomorrow, when the store will be shut. Everyone seems to be buying at least two or three of everything and woe-betide the unfortunate members of staff who arrive with carts laden with fresh produce. They immediately disappear into the midst of a writhing, seething mass of avaricious shoppers. I wonder if they will escape with their lives but there is no time for me to offer assistance – it’s every man or woman for themselves. By the time we arrive at the checkout I feel that I know absolutely how those involved in the Charge of the Light Brigade felt on that ride down the Valley of Death. We opt for a self service checkout. By my side is the ten items or less checkout and I find myself counting the items in the basket of one particularly frightened looking individual. To my horror I realise she has eleven items. For some unfathomable reason it takes all my will power not to shout “You have eleven items. Put that tin of beans back or I will alert the food police!” In the queue in front of us is a woman I often see in the supermarket. On any normal day I would smile at her and perhaps pass the time of day but not now. The adrenalin is surging through my body and I am in hunting mode. She so carefully puts each item into her shopping bag and doesn’t even think about reaching for her purse until pieces of paper begin to fly from the machine. Part of me envies her but other, more primeval responses are also present and I want to shout “Get a move on. Don’t you know we are all going to die at any moment?” It is now time to struggle with the self service checkout, which doesn’t like me at the best of times. It is inhabited by a very small woman who although unseen has an irritating voice and an unfortunate attitude. She won’t allow us to use our own shopping bag for some reason and then refuses to acknowledge the existence of cheese. We’ve bought a bottle of whiskey to revive us when we get home but the midget in the machine thinks we are under eighteen years of age. We manage to collar a member of staff who is trying to sort out at least four machines simultaneously but who eventually persuades our checkout that we are trustworthy adults who genuinely have bought cheese. As a final flourish the checkout keeps reminding us to take our shopping. We are trying desperately to do so but more and more pieces of paper keep spewing from the bowels of the machine – one of which tells us we have spent £3 more than we needed. For a brief moment I wonder why we weren’t told this before we spent the money but there is no time to linger. Like a cork from a champagne bottle we tumble out into the car park again, battered and bruised but in the knowledge that it will be several months before we have to undergo the ordeal at the next bank holiday. We also swear to shop early next time – but of course we are certain to forget.




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May’s European Elections The North East Region consists of the whole of Northumbria, Newcastle, Durham and the former Cleveland county, according to the map. Saltburn is at the most southern edge. In the last European elections in 2009 our region would have given a Labour victory by the first past the post system but the European elections are by some form of proportional representation. The three main parties, with UKIP fourth, had very similar shares of the votes and one member from each party was sent to Brussels. Voting is on Thursday, May 22nd. It is quite hard to find out any information but according to Wikipedia the candidates this year are, in party alphabetical order: BNP, Lady Dorothy Brooks, Peter Foreman, Martin Vaughan; Conservative, Martin Callanan, Ben Houchen, Andrew Lee; English Democrats, Kevin Riddiough, Sam Kelly, John Lewis; Green, Shirley Ford, Alison Whalley, Caroline Robinson; Labour, Judith Kirton-Darling, Paul Brannen, Jayne Shotton, Liberal Democrat, Angelika Schneider, Owen Temple, Christian Vassie, and UKIP, Jonathan Arnott, Richard Elvin, John Tennant.

Drama Group Goes on Holiday…Again! Saltburn ’53 Drama Group’s spring production will be Fish Out of Water by Derek Benfield. The comedy follows sisters Agatha and Fiona, as they take a holiday at a sun-drenched hotel on the Italian Riviera…and shatter the peace for the other guests. Agatha enthusiastically rounds up the hotel guests for communal games and other pursuits, invading the private lives of the characters. The play exploits all the ingredients of package holidays as the guests cope with everything from late flights to love affairs, with hilarious results. Fish Out of Water was written in 1986 and has been a favourite with theatre groups ever since. Anyone who has been following the ’53 for a long time may recognise this play, as the Drama Group performed it nearly ten years ago, back in October 2004. Tony Smith, who was eager to bring Fish Out of Water back to Saltburn Community Theatre, once again directs. “It’s such a good play that I felt it could really be done again ten years later,” says Tony. “The actors thoroughly enjoyed the last production and really put their hearts into it.” Two of the actors from 2004 have returned to

perform in this new production, this time playing different characters. Susan Pierce, who played outspoken widow Agatha Hepworth (currently played by Christine Postlethwaite) in the last production, is now playing the other, more timid sister, Fiona Francis. Jayne Kempen, the ‘53’s original Fiona, has also returned and is now Marisa. And Jo Butcher appeared as Agatha when Nunthorpe Players performed the play. As this is a new production, Tony and his company are taking a slightly different approach, with a more up to date version of the hotel setting. But the play remains a timeless farce that will appeal to all ages. “I think it’s sometimes good to revisit plays as well as trying new material,” Tony says. And in reviving Fish Out of Water, he is hoping to bring this much-loved play to a new audience. Fish Out of Water is at Saltburn Community Theatre from Thursday 15th to Saturday 17th May. Doors open 6.45pm, curtain up 7.30pm. Tickets £7 (Concessions £5) available from Saltburn Health Food Shop, the Theatre Box Office or online at See the poster on page 63. 59

Saltburn Allotments Association Looking around our allotment site I’ve been noticing that everyone seems to be catching up after so many wet months. In fact, I got so excited the other day that I sowed various dwarf and climbing beans and courgettes and squashes. I don’t usually do this until May so I have my fingers crossed they’ll be okay. I went to Tees Valley Wildlife Trust yesterday; they’ve very kindly let our Grow and Learn project use their conservatory and there we’ve got beans and squashes coming on a treat. I’m never sure whether it’s April or May that’s the busiest month but there’s certainly plenty to do. We can be sowing climbing and dwarf French and runner beans, maize, courgettes, marrows, squashes and melons, carrots, lettuces and other salad leaves, winter cabbages and other brassicas. We can also sow herbs such as parsley, coriander, sage and thyme, then there are spring onions, peas, beetroot, swedes, turnips, Swiss chard and spinach. Then, there’s weeding. Last year at Grow and Learn we had a summer trip to a permaculture and forest garden enterprise which got us thinking about alternate ways of growing food. We are going to try and re-create a forest garden at the Wildlife Trust next term by planting fruit trees and bushes and ground cover (possibly strawberries and rhubarb) in a small part of a field area. It should be an interesting project and will give us the opportunity to think appropriately about all the wildlife that will want to eat our plants/fruit. Now that Saltburn Farmers’ Market has moved into the hidden square, our (to be) town centre allotment will have become more obvious. The allotment association is working with Saltburn in Bloom and with the Grow and Learn project to create four raised beds for growing vegetables and, after that we will be working on ground level beds for growing cut flowers. Hopefully there will be sufficient developments month by month that people will see changes each time they visit the Farmers’ Market. I’ve been asked by Redcar and Cleveland Adult Learning Service to think about possibilities of running gardening taster sessions in summer. Because this is allotment association led we will be focussing on growing edibles and, if you are interested and have ideas of elements of practical gardening you’d like to know more about, do get in touch at 01287 624169 or If you recently acquired an allotment and are new to gardening, this might be just for you. Finally, potatoes. Whether you are growing them in rows on the allotment or in bags in the back yard, remember to earth them up. When the leaves come through, cover them with earth, either by raking or hoeing soil from between your rows of potatoes up over the leaves and stalks or, by pouring more compost into the bag. Doing this means that another layer of potatoes will grow, giving greater yields. Also, if we have late frosts, they’ll do less damage. Potatoes are very thirsty and hungry, particularly in bags, so don’t let them dry out. Happy gardening, Sue. 60

Cna yuo rdae tsih? Did you know that 1 in 5 adults don’t have the reading skills to find a plumber in the Yellow Pages? Or that more than half of all prisoners have the reading skills at or below those of an 11 year old. If this interests you, the statistics shock you or it just plain intrigues you please read on to learn how you can make a difference by supporting children to become more confident readers and make a lasting impression on their education. Beanstalk is a registered national charity helping children who find reading a struggle. We have been successfully providing a service to primary schools for over 40 years by recruiting, training and supporting volunteers to help read with children in their local primary schools for two 90 minute, one to one sessions per week for a whole school year, term-time only. We are now looking for additional dedicated and committed volunteers in this area. No previous experience is required as you will be fully trained and CRB enhanced checked, in line with our policy and procedures. All we ask is a commitment of a minimum of 12 months, that you have been resident in the UK for the past 2 years and you have a love of reading! If you would like to find out how you can make a huge difference to a child’s life, please contact telephone 0845 4500344 or see our website

May Activities at Saltburn Library Hopefully by the time you read this we will have the beginnings of a Friends of the Library group and we will always welcome new members. We have had lots of lovely Easter Activities in the Library supported by Sus trans and the Community Animateurs who both provided sessions free of charge. Hopefully when we have the Friends group up and running we will be able to raise more money for future Library Events and get funding to improve our book stock, for library activities etc. Many Thanks, to Calum (Jamie) Forster and Sam Garbutt a former pupil of Huntcliff School, for their wonderful efforts in the Library Front Garden; they have transformed what was a very neglected area to a very attractive garden. They both gave up a whole day of their time for the benefit of the Library and Calum (of Driftwood Landscaping) paid for all the materials and plants they used. There is still more work to do both at the front and side and in the lovely rear garden, our hidden gem, so anyone who enjoys gardening and would like to come along to help out would be most welcome. We still have our regular Rhymetime Sessions running on a Monday and Wednesday for preschool children; it is a lovely activity and a chance to meet people and make new friends. Also Afterschool crafts on a Thursday Afternoon. We have had a recent refresh of our public computers so they are much better to use, and they are free to use, the only charges being for printing. If you are not already a Library member please come along and see us and see what we have to offer. Lynne Mackenzie Saltburn Library and Tourist Information, 01287 623584

The Muses of Jim

BOOK CORNER Saltburn’s New Independent Bookshop – Serving the Local Community Opening Thursday 1 May 2014 1 Regency Buildings, Station Square We specialise in: Fiction Book-Themed Gifts Bargain Books Children’s Books Visit us in May to Enter our Prize Draw

It has been quite a roller coaster of a month with several ups and downs. Nevison is still missing, not even a postcard or ransom note. I can only conclude he has found another billet or even worst he has come to a nasty end. On the other hand Spud continues to thrives, and I think he enjoys being the only cat in the house. The main highlight was a trip to London, with Jill and her family. We were there for four nights. The Hotel was the Holiday Inn, based next door to the famous Mount Pleasant Post Office, which at the moment is based in a portacabin. My room was excellent, even though it overlooked the said portacabin. The food was also very good. As expected the lager was rather expensive at £4.20 a pint, but I got a shock at having to pay £1.80 for a packet of Walkers, plain crisps, which I only bought once. Fortunately, the hotel was quite near the 63 route bus stop so gave easy access to London. So after travelling back to Kings Cross. I decided to travel to Trafalgar Square by bus, using my bus pass and the rest would go by Tube. I lost the race. After a walk down Whitehall, stopping to ask a Police Officer at Downing Street to open the gate to let my bike through. At least he laughed. After looking at the Houses of Parliament we walked down to Buckingham Palace. Unfortunately, the Queen was out. So we returned to the hotel. I was done in; the rest of the party went to the theatre whilst I recovered, so that I could explore the hotel bar. For the rest of the week, we did the usual tourist things. Brian and Charlie and sometimes Molly went off to do their own thing, usually sport related. Jill and I went to the London Eye, my treat. Unfortunately, there was a 30 minute delay to buy tickets and 60 minute delay to go on the Eye. Phew, money saved. So instead we took a slow walk down the Left Bank, looking at all the free street entertainment until we reached the wobbly bridge, now fixed across to St Pails. There I took a photograph of the Fireman Memorial, where there is a Charles Wingham recorded. Then we walked back towards Westminster. We all visited London Zoo, what a disappointment. Only the gorillas were worth a visit. Chester is much better. One high point was Molly’s delight at the British Museum. We only visited the Roman Britain section. I pointed out the Cloth from Huntcliff and the Roman Gold Parade Helmet found near Guisborough. Another high that turned out to be a low was at the Natural History Museum. When I discovered the two stuffed Dodos and my flash did not on work on my new camera. All in all a good time was had by all. The month ended on a massive low for me. People may had noticed my rather large stomach. It is not all fat as some people think and some people have been rather unkind, in fact, even rude. In fact most of it is caused by an hernia. And after a struggle to lose weight I was finally referred to James Cook Hospital. Upon seeing the appropriate person I was told that whilst my condition was not life threatening the operation to repair the damage was life threatening. I was gutted, to pardon the pun. Jim Wingham,with one cat 61

The Saltburn Crossword no 155 set by Advena Across 9 In a clean assortment Dot is mainly hearsay (9) 10 You may see a convoluted spiral inside yellow horlicks (5) 11 Fortified wine without Rome initially includes Roman four feeling cold (7) 12 The sound of snakes degenerates in sighs (7) 13 Turn out Tony first after circulating vice (5) 14 I plan rite complicatedly describing a scaly creature (9) 16 Mixing gin, Rose takes no notice (7) 18 More irate about earring (7) 20 Sounds like green rock makes a good building material (9) 22 He included all the symphonic orchestra (5) 23 Confident in the final part its guaranteed (7) 24 A card game redesigned as an act (7) 25 Pigs? What is new? (5) 26 Splits timber in recreational and wildlife area along Saltburn valley (5, 4)

Down Name___________________________________ Address_________________________________ ________________________________________ Telephone_______________________________

Solution to Crossword no 154

The winner of last month’s crossword was David Cockerill of Malvern Drive, Middlesbrough

D. V. Townend & Co Country Outfitters New Shop Premises Open at No. 8 Dundas Street, Saltburn Outdoor Clothing and Footwear, Walking Boots and Socks, Gifts and Knitwear, Hiking Poles and Walking Sticks Plus Lots More...

Tel. 01287 623754 8 Dundas Street East, Saltburn TS12 1AH 62

1 Kill me in confusion after the Red Planet’s archaeological site in Saltburn (6, 4) 2 Verdict is in code perplexingly (8) 3 Hidden by redhead ventriloquist before Christmas (6) 4 Rabbits initially left Redcar’s coastal grassland to remain (4) 5 A chapel lap round a historic site in Saltburn (5, 5) 6 Revolving tin twigs revolved (8) 7 Anno of our Lord (6) 8 This emblematic item is hidden by camouflage (4) 14 The first ones at an accident depress Ron badly (10) 15 Women who look the children assure mind confusion (10) 17 Fell back on Edward shortly after possible holiday destination (8) 19 Unfortunately Luis Lion is a fantasy (8) 21 Popular form of decorative public art in Saltburn (6) 22 The son, perplexed, does not deceive (6) 23 Relaxation at the end please (4) 24 For refreshment, Saltburn has a good choice (4) Note the new address for crossword entries Send your completed crossword to: Saltburn Crossword no 155, c/o Jackie’s Saverstore, 8 Station Buildings, Saltburn, TS12 1AQ by Friday, 16th May 2014. First correct solution out of the bag wins a £10 voucher kindly donated by Tim and Sheila of Real Meals.


01287 625587 or 622912 Bath St Garage, Bath St, Saltburn TS12 1BJ




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