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RealMeals RealMeals
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Councillors’ Column
As the New Year dawns, we are full of expectation and perhaps an element of trepidation.
The eagerly awaited Saltburn Masterplan, drawn from resident and visitor consultations in May 2022, should be published. The challenges associated with parking and speed of vehicle travel continue to be of concern, and residents will be expecting the report to reflect these and be suggesting realistic solutions to the town‘s infrastructure. One hoped for suggestion will be to make full use of the Council car park at Hob Hill which is designated in Visitor Destination discussions for Coach parking and Park and Ride, together with the recently regraded common open space, for overspill capacity at summer season weekends and special events.
The January SNAP public meeting is scheduled for Wednesday the 25th at 6pm in the Community Centre and will have transport as a priority item. There will also be discussion on the proposal raised at the December meeting to consider Saltburn having an overall 20mph speed limit. Further consultation will take place during the month, this time on the detailed proposals of the draft Council budget. The list of discretionary increases proposed is wide ranging and sees instances of charges rising by 100%, although the norm appears to be related to levels of inflation. Waiting will not be for seven months in this instance, as the 2023/24 budget will require to be agreed in February, to allow Council tax demands to drop through the letter box in March.
Despite expectations, the footpath down to the foreshore from Cart Bank, as the correct description advises, remains obstructed and not readily open to the public as the covenant on the land title deed requires. Discussions continue with the local authority and the new landowner to expedite a sustained access. The cost of repairs to the steps and handrail appears to be the reason for the delay.
The variable weather patterns in recent weeks have included some very cold periods. These have given rise to ever increasing fuel bills for private residences and commercial premises and brought fuel poverty very much to the forefront of social concerns. Whilst there is comfort in having access to a guaranteed electricity supply, unlike some in Eastern Europe, the ability to afford is an ever present challenge. The Warm Banks being made available in various venues in the town have been most welcome. All manner of doors have been opened to offer a warm welcome and these are listed in social media and the main display board in Station Square. No one in need should be concerned about walking through any of these doors as a warm welcome and fellowship is waiting on the other side. The disappearance of the favoured Book Box in the Station Portico has been resolved. An ‗Open All Hours‘ bookcase is now attached to Sainsbury‘s wall. When local library hours are constrained and some communities are in danger of losing their library altogether, this is a good page for Saltburn
Philip Thomson