Talk of the Town July 2010

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JULY 2010



SALTBURN’S TOWN TALK Letter from the Editor This is my personal 100th issue of Talk of the Town. For the last eight years my main task has been to arrange things on the page and make decisions about whether or not to place full stops after abbreviations (e.g., the B.B.C.) and to watch out for misuse of the possessive apostrophe. Are multiple exclamation marks a tasteless hysteria (!!!) and should I add a full stop at the end of a sentence when that sentence ends with an email address? Yes, to both of those questions. Adding a full stop to an email address is irrelevant as I have experimentally discovered. Capital letters at the start of a proper noun? Absolutely, even if it’s Mima or Npower! I see no reason to be manipulated into contradicting my education. This month there has been a succession of email problems with many people saying that they had emailed me, but their emails had failed to arrive. I try to say to everyone that if you don’t get a reply from the email it means that I Saltburn in Bloom: Judging Day is Tuesday, 13th July, starting 10.00am. On Saturday, 10th July there will be a big town tidy up, between 10.00am and 12 Noon. Bags and gloves will be given out on Saturday, 3rd and 10th. Please keep our town tidy, not just for judging day but all year round. New Amberol planters along Marine Parade have been installed and planted up, not only with shrubs and flowers but also small salad items, lettuce, tomatoes, herbs etc. Would anyone like to look after just one or two of them and reap their harvest? This could be your own mini garden. Carol and Graham Gaunt kindly look after the first three tubs, so the tubs after lamp post 3 are available to be adopted. Thank you to Bill Johnson who constantly litter-picks and keeps the area along Marine Parade clean and tidy. Gardening water parties take place on Wednesdays, 10.00am to 12. Look on the town notice board or contact 624046. To place a notice on the notice board, contact the above number. Summer Draw tickets are available. £1 a book of five. Prizes are £100, limited edition Pease View, Grocery vouchers for Sainsbury’s, Family rail tickets with Northern Rail (2 prizes) Day out at Redcar Race Course, Kielder Water day out, Middlesbrough football signed by the players, Chocolini’s gift vouchers. Tickets on sale at the Library, 20p each, and the outside stall. Please take five books of tickets to sell. next table top sale Saturday, 19th June in the Community Centre. Outside Table Top Sale, Sundays 9am - 2pm to book 624046. Saltburn Summer Draw tickets on sale soon with support from Barclay’s £1 for £1 scheme. will soon be in position. Help is needed, please, on Monday, 14th June at 9am to help with hanging baskets. Meet at the station portico. Saltburn Mortuary: No further information this month. The Smugglers Museum is now closed. Its lease expires in about 17 months and attempts are being made to set up a Friends Group to hopefully work with the council to attempt to re-open the museum. Forms are available from Mike Gosnay and the outside stalls for expressions of support and interest in keeping the Smugglers open.

haven’t received it. Perhaps, until the problem is fixed, people trying to contact me should use my other email address which is more reliable at the moment. Yes, I know, I’m just getting old and I’d rather read my book. Congratulations to the crossword compiler Warlock who got a record 55 entries last month. It has inspired me to do a puzzle of my own, at last, for my 100th issue, by the appropriately named Dinosaur, defying extinction. Love, Ian.

Send letters, adverts and contributions for the next issue (by Friday, 16th July 2010) to: The Editor, Talk of the Town c/o Real Meals, 4, Station Street, Saltburn, Cleveland, TS12 1AE. Telephone 01287 623903 or email: Local drumming group Ee by Drum! will be playing on the beach on alternate Sundays through the summer (weather permitting) and invite you to join them. All ages and all abilities welcome. In July that’s Sunday, 11th and 25th, from 2pm - 4pm. For information go to or phone Colin on 07834 213543. The New Marske Steering Group are having a Strawberry Cream Tea and Craft Fair in Saturday, 7th August, 10.00am to 2.00pm at the Gleneagles Centre, New Marske. Tables £5 details 01642 483234. Saltburn Bandstand: Bandstand concerts take place every Sunday 2.30pm - 4.00pm and every Saturday at 6.30pm 8.00pm. In July Saturdays there are Avocet, Marske Junior Band, Prior Pursglove, Mike Rose Jazz Band and Real Deal. On Sundays in July, Silverwood Band, South Bank Band, Bilsdale Silver and Billingham Silver. WI Report: Ladies of Saltburn WI and guests met on 10th June. The speaker for the evening was Judge K Gillance who presented ‘A View from the Bench’. He spoke about his journey of 40 years along the highway of justice. This journey tookGuisborough him from police to recorder andEmbroiderers' subsequently The andconstable District Branch of the Guild holding theirapplications monthly meeting Saturday, seeking to a are judge hearing fromonindividuals Danby asylum in this country. His many interesting andLinda informative anecdotes offered a fascinating insight into the working life of a judge. President Mrs Ann Cowie presented the Chairman of Teesside Federation of WIs, Mrs Valerie Slater, with a cheque from Saltburn WI for the refurbishment of the Teesside Room at Denman College. WI Report: B Spanner.Members and guests then enjoyed a pooled supper. The Saltburn WI and Allotment Association are to hold the fourth Saltburn Craft and Produce Show on Saturday, 21st August, 2010 at Emmanuel Church Hall, The Show Schedule is now available and entry is free. If you would like to join us as a visitor we meet every second Thursday (but not in August) at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall, Milton Street, Saltburn or visit our website New Members are most welcome. Barbara Spanner

Cover Illustration: Saltburn Valley Gardens Tearooms by Ravi Kalsy

Disclaimer: Talk of the Town tries to make sure the articles and announcements made on its pages are accurate, but views expressed in letters and articles printed in Talk of the Town are not necessarily those of the editor. Any offers in adverts included in Talk of the Town are made by the advertisers; details should be confirmed with them. Always confirm event details with the organisers, in case of alteration or error. Talk of the Town is printed by Thurston Printers, 6 Amber Street, Saltburn, Cleveland, TS12 1DT, Tel: 01287 623756. Proprietor/Editor: Ian Tyas c/o Real Meals, 4 Station Street, Saltburn, TS12 1AE. (Ian Tyas tel: 01287 623903.)


The Alexandra Hotel and John Anderson In January 1867 John W Anderson was appointed resident engineer to the Saltburn Improvement Company at a salary of £50 and he was to have quite an impact on the development of the new town of Saltburn-by-the- Sea. John was born at Norton in County Durham. He was an articled pupil of Sir Thomas Bouch of Edinburgh. He claimed to be the first person to sink capital into the development of the main seam of Cleveland ironstone when James Burlinson opened up the main seam at Skinningrove. In 1856 he was contractor for Howness Gill Viaduct near Consett and was one of the contractors for the South Durham and Lancs Union Railway 1859 - 1860. One of his designs was an ingenious awning that could move along the track enabling work to carry on throughout the winter. Later he worked on the Forth and Tay bridges in Scotland. Locally he was responsible for laying the sewer pipes across the beach and the construction of Lockwood Beck reservoir. In the town itself he designed and supervised the building of the 1500ft pier and the vertical hoist giving access to the lower promenade. He would most probably have been responsible for recycling the sandstone blocks which originally carried the Stockton to Darlington Railway by using them to construct the sea wall and slipways on the lower promenade. A permanent reminder of John Anderson is still very much a prominent part of the town to the present day, Alexandra House formerly the Alexandra Hotel. Taking one of the first plots for development on the corner of Milton Street and Britannia Terrace (now Marine Parade) to build a hotel, he was asked to release this plot for the building of Assembly Rooms. Although the plans were drawn up for the Assembly Rooms and they featured in an article in the Builder magazine nothing came of this project. John in the meantime bought three plots on the north end of Britannia Terrace and Built the 100 room Alexandra Hotel which opened in 1867. At the rear of the hotel there were livery stables, a blacksmith’s shop, and a hand laundry. In addition he also had a herd of Jersey cows to ensure that he could provide his guests with fresh milk and cream daily. John does not appear to have taken an active role in the running of the hotel, but a Miss Wells was manageress in 1870, and later Miss Rikaby was the manageress according to an advertisement. Locals referred to the hotel as “Anderson’s Hotel”. We both have a very happy memory of our wedding breakfast at the hotel in 1955. It was a buffet for 46 people, the cost for food was £16-2s-od and the guests’ drinks, sherry and port for £12-17s-6d. A wedding reception for 46 people for a total cost of £28-19s-6d was today’s equivalent is £1,500! The hotel closed in December 1972 and during 1973 the building was converted into flats, with splendid views toward Huntcliff.

Cath and Tony Lynn


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Once upon a time in the Wapentake by Tim Beswick Where was I? Last month, bobbing about off the coast of Turkey. Apologies for absence. I will, possibly, write about that, and about other things that have happened in my absence, but not just now, later. For the moment I’d like to go back to (‘revisit’ as they say nowadays) my compressed history of Northern England, and how events in the wider world might have affected Saltburn. I’d like to go back to the eighth century, helped by Bede, one of the world’s great historians, who happened to be living and working in Northumbria, the Land North of the Humber, at just the right time. Because of him we know far more about that time and place than we do about most of Europe during the so-called Dark Ages. I have already indicated in earlier articles that the Kingdom Of Northumbria was politically and militarily powerful, culturally and materially rich. It was not to last. Partly this was due to over-ambition, imperial over-reach. The lords of the land were not content to rule over all English speaking peoples between the Firth of Forth and the Humber. They also ruled over the Welsh speakers of Cumbria (the Cymru) and Strathclyde, and exercised some kind of lordship over the Scots of Dalriada (who were only beginning the process that would make them rulers over the whole country that now bears their name) and, after their victories at Cheater and Bangor, over Gwynedd, North Wales. Even more ambitiously they tried to conquer the Picts of the Far North, and saw their armies obliterated at a place called Nechtansmere. Equally disastrously, the Northumbrian rulers aspired to be Bretwaldas, High Kings of all the English south of the Humber. This was fine so long as they were accepting the homage of lesser powers, Lindsey, East Anglia, Essex, but not when they tried to subdue the formidable warriors of Mercia. More Northumbrian armies were annihilated. Another reason for the eventual failure of Northumbria was that it was a dual monarchy, a kind of coalition between the kingdoms of Bernicia, north of the Tees, and Deira, south of the river. Each kingdom had its own ruling family, whose heads took turns as Kings of all Northumbria. It worked, for a while, but was a recipe for instability in the long run. There was always the potential for disagreement over exactly whose turn it was next to be King, and that disagreement could mean civil war. Bede identified another weakness in the Kingdom. This was the very monastic, religious culture that had made him possible, and which he elsewhere celebrated. Bede claimed that too many young gentlemen were becoming monks instead of serving in the army; too much land was being given to the Church, thus becoming exempt from taxation. There were fewer soldiers to fight any future enemies, and less wealth available to feed and equip them. Bede looked forward with foreboding, and was right to do so. Perhaps humbler men and women felt the same. Perhaps one of those who dwelt in the huts on the shore climbed Huntcliff, looked out to sea, and said, “There’s trouble coming. I can smell it in the wind.” And they were right. The Vikings came. They came out of Scandinavia, but not all Scandinavians were Vikings. These were landless men, younger sons, men outlawed because of some crime, petty rulers squeezed out by the growing power of Norwegian and Danish kings. At first they came as raiders, hunting for gold and slaves. The easiest targets were the monasteries, unfortified because they relied on God’s 6

protection, stuffed with the wealth given to them by the faithful. To make it easier still, most monasteries were on the coast (communication was easier by sea than land, and they valued their communications with the wider world). One by one, Lindisfarne, Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Hartlepool, Streonaeshalch (which we call Whitby) were plundered and destroyed by heathen warriors against whom the cross was no protection. The surviving Christians, with what they could salvage of their precious relics headed inland, eventually settling on a fortress rock almost surrounded by the River Wear, the place that we call Durham City. Having discovered the weakness of Northumbria, and the other English Kingdoms, the Vikings came back in greater numbers. Soon they ceased to be simply raiders; they came in organised armies, sent out by the Kings of Denmark, and they came to seize land and settle. The mark of their settlement is in our place names. Whereas many English settlements have a name ending in -ton, from the AngloSaxon word for a farm, Danish settlements end in -by: Normanby, Ormesby, for example. It is noticeable, though, that in the immediate area around Saltburn the English form is more common: Brotton, Skelton, for example. Perhaps the Danes just didn’t fancy this part of the world, for some reason. There is also the curious case of Ingleby Barwick, Greenhow and Arncliffe. Ending in -by they must have been named by Scandinavians, but the Ingle- bit means English. Even odder is Lackenby. It was originally Lochanby, and Lochan is an Irish name. Most likely this is a result of a Norwegian invasion. Whilst the Danes settled on the East Coast of England, the Norwegians settled in Ireland. From there they established colonies in North West England, in the Wirral and in Cumbria. In 952, Eric Bloodaxe led a combined Norwegian, Irish and Cumbrian army over the Pennines to conquer what had become the Danish kingdom of York. Lochan, we assume, must have been one of his followers. The Scandinavians left their mark on our language, especially in the North of England: the Norse word ‘beck’ replaced the English ‘burn’, ‘wapentake’ replaced ‘hundred’. Where English has sh- the Norse has sk-: English ‘shirt’, Norse ‘skirt’; English ‘shoal’, Scandinavian ‘school’; English ’marsh’, Norse ’Marske’. The English kingdoms were destroyed one by one; only Wessex held out under the leadership of the one English monarch to earn the title ’the Great’, King Alfred, who defeated a Danish army under Guthrun, whom he allowed to live, on condition he became a Christian. Under the leadership of Alfred’s son, Edward, and his daughter, Ethelflaed, the Danes were beaten back and forced to submit to Christian, English rule. Under Alfred’s grandson, Athelstan, all the peoples of the land, whether English, Danish, Norwegian, Welsh or Irish were united in a single Kingdom of England, for the very first time. Did anybody in Saltburn know? Did anybody, their priest, their landlord, bother telling them? Did they care? They probably noticed that the wars were over, for the moment. For the moment, at least, no foraging armies ravaged the land, and no raiders were sailing into the mouth of the Tees. In peace, they could plough their rocky fields and fish the cold North Sea. It was not a lot to ask.

Real Meals Purveyors of Fine Foods

Real Meals will be moving to 25 Milton Street but we have no definite date yet. Watch this space.

Our July contribution to the fight against inflation: coffee prices are set to rocket, so stock up now at Real Meals with Union Hand Roasted Fair Trade Coffee at only £2.25 for 8 ounces. Winter Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 6.00pm, Saturday: 8.30am to 5.00pm, Sunday closed.

For more details contact: REAL MEALS, 4 STATION STREET, SALTBURN, Tel: 01287 622266. Email:, Website:

100 Years On Summer had arrived and with it many tourists flocked to the town on the regular railway service. Lodging houses were full and some residents even slept outside, giving up their beds for much needed income. For those with plenty of money and an eye for the good life, The Alexandra Hotel was one of the places to stay. Under ‘new management’ this haven of luxury offered motor garage facilities with inspection pits. For non weight watchers there was an extensive range of menus with even table d’hote luncheons on offer from a chef par excellence. Meanwhile, up the road at Brotton, the Cottage Hospital wanted a ‘good plain cook’, who ‘must be able to make good bread’. If the tourist industry demanded that shops kept open to serve their every need, so was it with most commercial premises wherever they were. The Home Secretary, a Mr. Winston Churchill, introduced a Bill for a ‘limit on the hours shop workers would be kept working’. These improved conditions would mean that no shop assistant would be compelled to work more than 60 hours per week and after 8 o’clock, not more than three evenings per week. Working conditions were of interest to many, particularly those who worked. For the very first time the Cleveland Miners and the Furnace Workers demonstrated together. In a rally at Guisborough, the ancient capital of Cleveland, thousands of workers from all over Northumberland, Cleveland and Durham rallied in a joint demonstration. The guest speaker was the sitting member

for Sheffield, a Mr. J. Ramsay McDonald. Work underground and above took its toll and life was short for many. For those who did manage to live a longer life, there was no guarantee that it would be a full one. In a learned medical journal an article advised of research being conducted on senile and pre-senile dementia. The work had been carried out by a doctor whose name was given as Dr. Alois Alzheimer. Another doctor, one Hawley Crippen, crossed the Atlantic aboard the S.S. Montrose in a bid to escape the law. The ship’s captain recognized him, telegraphed his company, and by the time the ship docked in Canada a representative from Scotland Yard was on the quayside. At the same time, race riots broke out across America, triggered by the world title fight between the African American, Jack Johnson and the great white, James J. Jeffries. Towards the end of the 15th round Jeffries was saved from permanent injury when his seconds took to the ring, so allowing Jackson to win on a technicality but with no doubt in the arena who had earned the right to be the new champion of the world. If Jeffries needed cooling off he could have been in Cherrapunji where, in 24 hours, 33 inches of rain fell from the skies of India. The first Briton was killed in a flying accident in the skies above Bournemouth. The tail of his Wright Flyer broke off during a flying display. At 32, he had already lived a full life. At 6’5” he stood tall. So in death does the memory of Charles Stewart Rolls. 7


The centre office is open 9.30-12.00 weekdays. Phone 01287 624997 Arts Development Promoter 10.00am - 4.30pm weekdays. Website: Registered Charity No: 1113704

Performances in the Community Theatre/Hall Friday 2nd July – Saltburn Community Theatre at 7.30pm ’53 Drama Group Open Play Reading

LORD ARTHUR SAVILE’S CRIME Love, murder and the supernatural in Oscar Wilde’s black comedy. Lord Arthur Savile’s engagement to the lovely Sybil Merton looks like it will last forever - all because Lady Merton’s chiromantist, Podgers, has read Lord Arthur’s palm and foretold that he would commit murder. Lord Arthur desires a blissful married life and therefore, quite naturally feels duty bound to get the murder over with first! Free Entry Saturday 3rd July – Saltburn Community Theatre

LUNCHTIME RECITAL An opportunity to listen to live classical music from some of our local and talented musicians. They last one hour from 12.30 until 1.30pm Free Entry Saturday 3rd July – Saltburn Community Theatre at 7.30pm

Grand Ol’ Oprey Artists Benefit Night Starring Willow Creek, The Mentulls, Yan Yates, Teesside Steve, Barbara Helen, Martin Nesbitt, Tony Goodacre, and Liz Bishop. M/C Andy Broderick Doors and Bar 6.45 All tickets £6.00 Available at Saltburn Health Foods 01287 624622 Or 07796 990526 or email Friday 9th July – Saltburn Community Hall at 7.30pm

Saltburn Jazz Night with

Alter Ego (Postponed from January 8th) Alter Ego is an exciting new jazz ensemble based in Newcastle upon Tyne. In order to develop an individual sound, the band have moved away from standard jazz repertoire in favour of lesser known material originally performed by groups led by Art Blakey, Hank Mobley and Miles Davis. Alter Ego present a stylistically varied programme including Up-tempo Swing, Hard Bop, Funk and Latin Jazz. Featuring: Keith Robinson – Alto Sax, Niall Armstrong – Tenor Sax, Dave Hignett – Trumpet and Flugelhorn, Andy Hawking – Piano, Andy Pattinson – Guitar, Ian Paterson – Bass, David Francis – Drums. All tickets £7.00 Available from Saltburn Health Foods 01287 624622. Doors and bar 7pm. 8

Saturday 10th July – Saltburn Community Theatre

Theatre Open Day Come and look round Saltburn Theatre, converted from the original chapel. Ever wondered what the theatre looks like when preparing for a production? Take a guided tour behind the scenes. Free entry. Arrive any time. Doors open 12 until 4. Thursday 15th July until Saturday 17th July at 7.30pm Saturday Matinee 17th July at 1.30pm Saltburn Community Theatre Saltburn ’53 Drama Group Youth Production present their Summer Production

THE TEMPEST by William Shakespeare adapted as part of the Shakespeare4Kidz Canon by Julian Chenery & Matt Gimblett Directed by John Dadd Shakespeare’s story of revenge, forgiveness and love explores the themes of social order, the supernatural and the relationship between ‘civilisation and nature’, told in traditional and modern language, music and dance, stunningly brought to life by the talented, award winning Saltburn ’53 Youth Section. Doors 6.45pm Tickets £6.00 Concessions £5.00 Available from Saltburn Health Foods 01287 624622 Friday 16th July – Saltburn Community Hall at 7.30pm

OPERA JUST WENT JAZZ WENT CABARET with Opera singer JEANETTE WAINWRIGHT and Acclaimed Pianist JANE ROBINSON A sophisticated and sultry evening cabaret with songs from the shows – Opera greats – Jazz and plenty of laughs. Some of Jeanette’s singers will also be performing. Tickets £8.00 Concessions £6.00 Available from Saltburn Health Foods 01287 624622 Doors and bar 7pm Sunday 18th July – Saltburn Community Hall at 2.30pm ’53 Drama Group

Costumes through the Decades Saltburn ’53 Drama group have searched through their truly vast wardrobe to present this colourful pageant of costume taking one through the last ten decades. There will be a humorous commentary bringing to life all those styles that graced an event or turned an eye on our very own Saltburn streets. All to be washed down with a cup of Yorkshire tea. Tickets are a snip and available from the SCAA office, 01287 624997. Doors open 2pm.

Regular Events in The Community Hall and Coffee Room

Friday 30th July – Saltburn Community Theatre

Saltburn Spiritualist Church Saturday – Divine Worship 7.00pm Monday – Healing 6.30pm Open Circle 7.00pm


Slimming World (Hall) Tuesday at 6.30pm For further information call Dawn on 01287 625524 Weight Watchers (Hall) Thursday 6.30pm, call Joanne on 01642 820552 Socatots Specific play programme for children from walking to five years. Sundays 9.00am until 1.00pm. Please call to book an appropriate slot for your child’s age group Call Emma Hall on 01287 641442 or 07958 500187 Marske and Redcar School of Dancing (Hall) Mondays – Adult Tap and Children’s Ballet, Tap & Modern. Call Kay Savage on 01642 501727 Mobile:07881 823 770 Tumble Tots Thursdays (Term Time only) 9.15am –Walking to 2 yrs, 10.10am – 3 yrs to school-age 11.00am – 2 yrs – 3 yrs, 12noon Gymbabes – 6 months+ Trail sessions available at £4.00 For more information call Claire on 07846 447101 Little Nippers (Hall) Mondays and Wednesdays (term time only) 10.00am until 11.30am First child £1.50, siblings 50p

PUBLIC MEETING Calling Saltburn!

Next year, 2011, will be the 150th anniversary of the first steam train coming to Saltburn thus founding Saltburn-bythe-Sea as a town. Saltburn Community & Arts Association has been talking to local groups over the last 2 years about how best to celebrate this significant date. As with all events of this enormity funding will need to be sourced. There will be a public meeting in the Saltburn Community Hall, Windsor Road on Wednesday, 14th July at 7.30pm. Please come along to support and contribute your ideas and time to mark this very special year for the town.

Now an established feature of the SCAA arts programme, the Annual Classical Concert brings a wealth of musical talent to the Saltburn stage. Under the guidance of Saltburn’s music mentor, Andrew Pierce, this is an evening of vocal and instrumental talent drawn from a wide range of experience but also offering a platform for young rising stars to demonstrate their virtuosity. Tickets from Saltburn Health Foods Doors and bar open 6.45pm. Curtain up 7.30pm. All tickets £5.00 available from Saltburn Health Foods 01287 624622 Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime, The Lunchtime Recitals, The Theatre Open Day and The Costumes Through the Ages all received funding.

Lighting Workshop

Have you ever been interested in getting involved in the lighting box at Saltburn Theatre, Albion Terrace, Saltburnby-the-Sea? A free workshop has been organised for Saturday, 2nd July from 2pm until 3.30pm. Anyone is welcome to attend and learn a new skill.

Saturday Events in the Community Hall Table Top Sales and Refreshments 10.00am – 4.00pm Saturday 3rd July SCAA Flea Market Saturday 10th July Saltburn in Bloom Table-Top Saturday 17th July SARA Table-Top Saturday 24th July Saltburn Rotary Table-Top Saturday 31st July Endeavour Crafts Saturday 7th August SCAA Flea Market

PARK NEWSAGENCY Home News Delivery Specialists

Cards & Gifts Magazines & Books DVDs / CDs Toys & Games Confectionery, Drinks, Ice Creams Stationery Lottery

Stockists of Talk of the Town 102-104 High Street, Marske. Tel: 01642 484371 9

Talk of the Town’s monthly

Pride of Saltburn Award

St Antony’s Holiday Apartment Ron and Mary Chapman

01287 622413 4 Bedroom Self-Contained Apartment Sleeps 6 3 stars awarded by Quality in Tourism

Well behaved pets welcome.

The winners of this month’s Pride of Saltburn Award are all the staff of Sainsbury’s Local in Station Street. They were nominated by Simon and Gemma Hartley. About them, they say “We would like to nominate the staff at Sainsbury’s Local for all their hard work whilst the main supermarket has been shut down for refurbishment. We have never heard any of them complain whilst the queues have stretched down to the freezers most days and they have always kept smiling, been helpful and done more than what’s required of them. I think they deserve a lot more but this bouquet is just a small gesture to show our appreciation. Well done.” Thank you, all the staff of Sainsbury’s Local, for being you, the Pride of Saltburn. Mark Patton, Duty Manager at the store added: “As a store we have gone to extreme lengths to try to ensure that our little convenience store could do all we could to offer a little of everything to our fabulous customers. We have had to change our ordering patterns to try and cause as little disruption as possible to our customers. Our colleagues have worked through the night every night under extreme pressure and circumstances. We have had so much volume of stock coming through and praise should be given to each and every colleague. They have had to endure in my opinion working two shifts in one shift! As we are such a small store we have had to store stock in every pot hole available! Colleagues have even had to sit with stock on their lunch in the canteen. I am really pleased our hard efforts have been recognised by the good people of Saltburn community. “I would also like to mention that throughout this difficult period we have teamed up with a company called working links offering placements to candidates that are wanting and trying to get back into work. This scheme has been extremely successful and we have recruited four candidates into Sainsbury’s from this scheme. This helps people out of work and in unemployment back into work. Those that were not successful benefited from a work placement within retail. This has been a huge success. Without this scheme we would have not been able to offer the service we have through this difficult time to our customers.” 10


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2, North Avenue Saltburn-by-the-Sea North Yorkshire TS12 1QD

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Can pick up mail from local sorting office and deliver to you by 9.30am for £1 per week

Saltburn-by-the-Sea Garden Flat available for holiday lets.

Local books from your local bookshop Towns & Villages of Ancient Cleveland Saltburn by the Sea in Old Postcards Teesside & Old Cleveland in Old Postcards Life at the ICI The Majestic Dinosaur (History of the Transporter) South Bank Dornier Middlesbrough's Albert Park History of North Ormesby Hospital Around Guisborough Guisborough A Pictorial History The History of the River Tees in Maps Smith's Dock-Shipbuilders

Less than five minutes walk from the sea and from the train station, shops and local restaurants etc. The property consists of a fully fitted and equipped kitchen, spacious and well furnished lounge overlooking the garden (which is for your personal use), and a double bed with en-suite bathroom.

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plus many more titles in our large local history section THE GUISBOROUGH BOOKSHOP 4 Chaloner Street Guisborough TS14 6QD 01287 610179

World Cup Sticker Swap-shop

The team behind “Saltburn Summer Social” are running a series of World Cup Sticker swap-shops throughout June and July. The swap-shops will run from 10am until 12 noon for the next five Saturdays, starting on 26th June, at Profile Gallery in Ruby Street. The swap-shops will give people of all ages (we know the dads are the real collectors!) a chance to fill their World Cup Sticker Books without spending a fortune on more stickers and hopefully get as many books filled as we can before the Final kicks off on July 11th. All you need to do is turn up with your spare stickers, your list of what you need and your Sticker Book. Although the times are set at present, the initial demand may well see these weekly events running all day! Profile Gallery is a super safe environment but we would ask that when possible, parents do accompany their children. There will be a separate “Adult Swap-shop” for those thirty somethings (like us) to fill our books in peace and not face the prospect of our pristine books being covered in lemonade and sticky finger prints! See you all each Saturday till at 10am sharp. For further details, please contact the gallery: Bob Mitchell on 07903 548 554 or “Saltburn Summer Social” is a “not for profit – purely for pleasure” organisation, providing a string of events for the Saltburn Community throughout the summer months. 11

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More details next month.

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Councillors’ Column We are all in debt. Not me, some may say. Well, the amount that the government has borrowed does have to be accounted for, and all residents have to be responsible for paying it back, so we are all in debt. The national debt which was once talked about in far away places or on the financial pages which we never quite got to in the haste to do the crossword or read the latest sporting intrigue is now front page news. What are the implications for East Cleveland? Many capital projects are being reviewed, some are on hold. There is not a medium term plan in place for Saltburn so that will not be affected. Much of the spending by government, both national and local is not always seen. Hospitals and schools and roads are visible but teaching, nursing, social services are not so easily identifiable and therefore more difficult to evaluate, although most would suggest that ‘they are a good thing’. More reductions in spending seem inevitable. In the weeks ahead as the account books at the treasury and other government departments are further examined there will no doubt be a requirement for belt tightening. There is good news for fish, however. The joint project between the Environment Agency and Guisborough Angling Club has seen the weir above the viaduct modified. Fish can now travel much further up stream, opening up 10 km of exceptional spawning and nursery areas for sea trout, salmon and lamprey. Both project partners are to monitor the beck as the gravel bed redistributes. Local concerns about

the amount of removal of the weir face, increased water flow and the potential erosive effect will hopefully be unfounded. Time will tell and the expertise of the Environment Agency, not to mention their capital resources, will continue to be in place. The Hob Hill saga continues with recommendations for land sale imminent, but it is likely that all interested parties will be satisfied with the final outcome. For those working for neighbourhood peace and quiet, the news that the new supermarket has been granted permission for alcohol sales from 6am until midnight daily and the provision of late night refreshments daily between 11pm and midnight will not be encouraging. A ban on banners could be the result of complaints that the town is becoming a banner haven. Even walking along a pavement can now be a challenge as A-Boards abound. There will be a happy medium somewhere! An Open day should take place in August to allow interested individuals and groups to finally look round the old school site at Marske Mill Lane and articulate their interest in a public meeting to follow. As government spending is reduced and economy measures are considered, now could be the right time for more personal endeavour. Volunteering can be rewarding. Councillors are available to listen to ideas and follow up concerns every 1st and 3rd Saturday at the Library between 11am and noon. Do come along. Philip Thomson 13

Hand-made skinofcare To see mynatural full range for skincare all the family quality products and bathing accessories TelephoneNEW! 07752 515382. Beautiful giftspecials hampers seven day made to order. now advertised online Malecollect grooming products in person now infor stock. or arrange postage Design-your-own as a gift. Callunique Beth tosoap arrange a local Soap Parties Workshops delivery or&workshop. also available on request.

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Dogs' blitz planned for Saltburn A more aggressive campaign against dog-owners who allow their pets to foul pavements or other areas has been promised by Redcar and Cleveland Council. This follows a blitz on Saltburn beach at Easter when five owners were each fined £50. Brian McLean, head of the council’s Neighbourhoods Division, told the coastal area committee meeting at New Marske on 19th May: “New initiatives of a more aggressive attitude to owners and bringing in education will be started soon. “We shall use different techniques to get the message over about how unsociable it is to have dirt everywhere.” Mr McLean’s comments followed complaints from members of the public at the meeting about the problem. Councillor Philip Thomson, of Saltburn, said: “More publicity is needed. We NEW TEAM: Councillor John Robinson, right, welcomes the should let the public know action is being taken. “The five Saltburn fines at Easter followed a council’s new neighbourhood team for Saltburn, Marske and New Marske to the area committee meeting which was held at the request from the council’s scrutiny panel to ‘hotGleneagles Centre, New Marske (on May 19th). From left Gary spot’ areas of concern rather than carry out routine Cummins, neighbourhood manager, Paul Castle, neighbourhood patrols.” officer for Marske and New Marske, and Tracee Hall-Young, Saltburn. Land sale: Councillor Thomson reported that 41 objections had been received by the council about its Councillor John Robinson, chairman, asked groups plans to sell 40 acres of grazing land at Hob Hill, to submit applications for grants as the budget had nearly Saltburn. A recommendation would be put to the £10,000 still to be allocated. council’s cabinet in July. Police report: Inspector Bright said neighbourhood “It will probably reflect the sentiments expressed policing had been running for three years and it was by those responding to the consultation,” he said. starting to pay some dividends because people could see School travel plan: Huntcliff School, Saltburn, had police being more visible. a travel plan, said Mr Brian McLean, Neighbourhoods The inspector appealed to the public to report any Division head, who was responding to a question from rag-and-bone men calling for scrap metal. This was Councillor John Robinson, of Saltburn. He had because many of them did not have the necessary council complained he had been unable to obtain a copy of the (collectors’) licences. It was felt that community plan. intelligence was needed. Mr McLean said: “The issue is that the plan is kept At Saltburn, anti-social behaviour had been reported up-to-date and we shall see it is and that action plans are at Glenside and in the valley gardens. Vehicles had been implemented.” obstructing pavements in Albion Terrace and the town’s Councillor Thomson, said it was good to hear a Jewell Street alleys and twelve tickets had been issued in discussion would be held with the school. “There is a six weeks. A war of attrition would be waged on this safety issue on Guisborough Road’s pavement and a bid problem. And a crackdown on a fire problem in wheelie for capital spending was put in. I don’t know if this has bins in the Jewell Streets was planned following a spate of been accepted or not.” blazes. Mr McLean promised to let Councillor Thomson Sergeant Graham Hornsby was back at work at know the outcome. He added that the school had had Saltburn following a health problem which put him out of several meetings with the council’s Highways action for six months. Department. New team: Members of the council’s new Budget: Four requests from community groups for neighbourhood team for Saltburn, Marske and New financial help from the committee’s budget were Marske, pictured above, attended the meeting at the approved. They were for replacing planters at Marske Gleneagles Centre, New Marske. They are Gary Cummins, and Saltburn, £3,000 each, a £1,300 seat asked for by neighbourhood manager, Paul Castle, neighbourhood Marske Residents’ Association, and for £250 towards officer for Marske and New Marske, and Tracee HallChristmas activities planned by Marske Community Young, Saltburn. They can be contacted on 01642-776968 Partnership. or 776979. 15

Shelly’s Bargains Station Buildings

Many Items of Clothing £2.00 and under

Buckets, Spades, Arm Bands and Much More Phone: 07773 579004 New Choir Thriving!

The Saltburn Songsters, formed in April this year, is proving to be a popular success. Now with 20 Members, directed by Daniel Matuszak with pianist James Pierce, the Choir has dates for a Coffee Morning (25th September) and Christmas Concert (15th December). Their music is varied and popular. If you enjoy singing, new members are still welcome. Contact Daniel Matuszak 07729332258.

FIND YOURSELF A FITTER FUTURE! Saltburn Doctors at Huntcliff Surgery, Bath Street, Saltburn are proud to announce an association with Healthwise Fitness, based at Milton Street, Saltburn. All newly registered patients will be encouraged to attend the gym which is offering 3 free sessions, between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. specifically for Huntcliff patients. The gym is run by fully trained life coaches, who will help you find a fitter you! To take advantage of this offer, register now! Either ‘phone 01287 622207 or call in to the surgery for more details. 16

Opera just went Cabaret Help at the heart of your community Volunteer advisors needed in Redcar and Cleveland M/F with time available, qualifications not important, should be keen to develop new skills and experience, like to help others and enjoy being part of a team Free training and support provided For more information:Call us on 01287 203324

Opera singer Jeanette Wainwright and pianist Jane Robinson of “Opera just went Jazz” will be performing their new show cabaret style on July 16th in the Saltburn Community Hall. This summer’s show will include many of Jeanette’s singers including her young singers. They will sing in a range of styles – from Neapolitan opera to swing jazz and the men will sing the traditional Welsh song Myfanwy. Jeanette too will perform a mixed programme including composers Gershwin, Streisand, Bizet and Tchaikovsky. The show starts at 7.30pm - doors and bar open 7pm. Tickets £8 - £6 concessionary, available from Saltburn Health Foods, 01287 624622.

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Saltburn, a great but unexpected find....! I read the “letter from the Editor” in the last edition of Talk of the Town and it was mentioned that the same people kindly contribute to the paper each month so I thought I’d write something as not just a new contributor but as (almost) a new addition to Saltburn! This time last year I was living in Leeds, had a full time job and girlfriend who I lived with. In the first week of October I split from said girlfriend, turned 35 and was notified of my impending redundancy! During this trying period I also came up to Saltburn for the second time ever to have a meeting with Kathryn, the owner of the Saltburn Wellbeing Centre. I first came up to Saltburn in July, last year to ‘play’ at surfing and even though there was little surf I had a good feeling about the place and it stuck with me. By October I was planning my own business and looking to move to somewhere less busy than Leeds and I thought of Saltburn. After looking on Google for therapy practices in the North East the Wellbeing Centre came up in my search engine so I checked it out and arranged to come for a visit. I still remember my first drive up to Saltburn, feeling that I entered the town, rather than ending up on the outskirts of a sprawling metropolis that you get in many cities and towns. The town has a positive atmosphere about it that I haven’t experienced in many other places and people seemed friendly even when I was a stranger.

After meeting Kathryn and seeing the centre I felt certain I would work here. My initial visit, even though it was only 7 months ago seems more like years ago! I know Saltburn very well now and I have been privileged to meet many of the local community. The main thing I’ve noticed is that the community is just unlike my places I’ve worked and lived in. The Grand Ol’ Oprey emphasised the community spirit. I feel at home here because it reminds me of where I grew up, in Meltham, which is 2 miles away from Holmfirth, where ‘Last of the Summer Wine’ is filmed. When my school wanted a swimming pool in the 1980s the community built it! I imagine if Health & Safety was less ridged I could imagine a similar type of gesture taking place in Saltburn, the main difference is that there are beaches not hills and in modern Saltburn we have the internet, good restaurants and great cappuccinos in many of the cafes. In the last few months I have spent many days in Saltburn and at the centre. The centre has also seen some great changes too. We are developing our therapy service and we now provide a wide range of therapies to suit most people’s needs including; Reiki, Reflexology, Massage, and Clinical Hypnotherapy. I feel very lucky to be involved in the centre and of course being a new addition to the rich tapestry that makes up a unique town. Craig Watson

Podology is moving

Podology is moving premises. The chiropody/podiatry clinic will be moving down the road into 37 Milton Street (formerly Chocolini’s). Business owner Laura Dicken said “It’s an exciting time for Podology, we have outgrown our current premises after five and a half years and the new building will provide us with the extra space for two clinic rooms.” Podology will continue to offer chiropody treatments, biomechanical assessments, orthotic prescriptions, diabetic foot care and verrucae treatments. Podiatrists Laura and Sue are also pleased to welcome physiotherapist Chris Wright to the team. Chris will be offering evening physiotherapy treatment sessions. On Saturday 28th of August there will be an open day for people to come and view the new premises. For further information or to book an appointment contact 01287 622280.

Missing Cat

Missing from Leven Street since 18th May, 15 year old male dark tabby cat. White chin bib and socks. Often holds up left paw. Please check gardens and outbuildings. Any sightings ring 01287 623669. 18

A literary musical Summer in the Cons Club Greetings to all Club members and friends. It is nice to be back in communication with you all again. Rumours of my demise were somewhat premature. At last, summer is here and we can look forward to enjoying the club’s beer garden. We are planning BBQs alternative Sunday afternoons 4th, 18th July and 1st August. Members are entitled to arrange their own garden parties and BBQs and borrow the club equipment free of charge. Just book it with our Steward or bar staff. There have been a few changes since our last newsletter. However, much remains the same, including our policy to provide a safe and friendly atmosphere, with competitive prices for our selection of the finest real ales, Black Sheep being our house beer, still at £2.30 a pint. Our new club Steward is Michelle Gilley who brings a wealth of grace and experience with her. Michelle is ably backed up by our bar staff Julie, Anne, Linda and Jade, who all give a warm welcome and a caring friendly service. After our AGM in April there have been changes to our committee. David Rigg and Joe Cockfield resigned from the posts of Secretary and Treasurer and the club will miss their integrity and commitment. In came John Robinson as Treasurer. New committeemen were Don Agar, Susan Pierce, and Lorna Smith. Mrs Smith is temporarily acting as secretary. David Townend and Michael Ternent stood down from the committee and Steve Kneeshaw was not re-elected; our thanks go to them all for their past service to the club. In our last committee meeting Chris Day and Martin Nesbitt were co-opted onto the committee to fill two vacancies. We need someone to take the committee minutes; if anyone would

like this job please approach any member of the committee. New to the Cons is the formation of a book club led by Maggie from the library. They meet fortnightly on a Wednesday night. Julie’s quiz night being on alternative Wednesdays. Also new is a club exchange library. A bookcase has been purchased to house a growing library of books donated by members. The idea being for members to bring and exchange books on a casual basis. Ever popular is the club’s Friday night of open mike music led by Martin Nesbitt (King Daft). We have recruited ‘Teesside Steve’ as an ace sound man (he plays a mean guitar too). The music night now has web pages on facebook and myspace under the name Saltburn Open Acoustic Platform, sign up as a member and get all of the news. Steve videos all performers and posts highlights weekly on each page. ‘SOAP’ stars are having a large input to The Grand Ol Oprey of Cleveland’s Artists benefit night on the Saltburn Community Theatre on Saturday, 3rd July. This will be a great line up of local talent including bands ‘Mentulls’ and ‘Willow Creek’, plus the world famous ‘Tony Goodacre’ and many more who have all featured in the Cons back room. There will be the usual jam session and after show party back at the Cons. Anyone wanting tickets, email me. Be sure not to miss a great night out for only £6. There will be lots more going on in your friendly community club, so if you wish to join us, call in any night and pick up a form. We welcome new members. Happy Summer, Mike Sellars, Club President .

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Milkman Stan retires after 49 years Milkman Stan Green retired on 27th May after 49 years delivering milk in Saltburn. “I would have liked to have kept going another year so I could have given myself a 50 years gold watch, but the doctor recommended I take it easy because I’ve got arthritis in both knees,” he said during a brief rest from his busy life. “I’ll still play golf at Saltburn Golf Club to keep mobile.” Stan, 63, who praised his loyal customers, has been succeeded by Matt Wildon, of Guisborough. He started delivering milk as a teenager on Skelton’s Hollybush estate working for Les Bell, who went on to found Bell’s Dairies. At 21 he moved to Richmond working for Tarn’s for five years and returned to Saltburn. “I delivered to 1,000 houses at first, but demand dropped to less than half this figure. My round is 25 miles and takes from 1am to 7.30. I’ve been bitten by a few dogs, but get on with most of them,” he said. “Wholesale prices went up by 4p a pint a few years ago and I feared a lot of customers would leave, but they were loyal and the round survived. I also had a problem from youths who stole bottles while camping in the woods near Hob Hill, Saltburn, but we solved that by hiding bottles.” New Skelton-born Stan, who lives at Marske, has publicised customers’ charity events free of charge on his


RETIRING: Milkman Stan Green shows off one of his pintas which he delivered to nearly 500 Saltburn houses each day. He has retired after 49 years - on to Saltburn Golf Course.

weekly invoices, “I’ll be glad to finish 63-hour weeks, delivering six days and working on the accounts. I’ll work at my golf handicap which is not good enough at 20. I’ve never had a day off or holiday for 22 years so will have to rectify this.” He wore out four pairs of trainers a year on his rounds.

Pupils enter China’s Forbidden City Bags of Chinese tea and glass health-balls were among gifts brought back to Saltburn’s Huntcliff School at the beginning of June) by a group of 19 pupils who spent half-term in China. Among the highlights of the trip were visiting the Forbidden City in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. Eve Wilkinson-Bell, 13, said: “This is the largest palatial complex in the world and measures 750 metres by 960 metres. It used to be the emperors’ palace and is now a tourist attraction. “Another highlight was walking on the Great Wall, parts of which was built 2,700 years ago. It was curvy and kind of reminded me of Hadrian’s Wall except that that is straight.” Eve brought back a pair of glass health-balls which are the speciality product of Baoding, the city where Huntcliff’s linked school is situated. “You are meant to rotate them in one hand to tone up muscles, but I’ve not managed to do it yet,” she said. She was full of admiration for pupils at the Baoding school No.17 and said their English was very good. Her particular friend is a 14-year-old whose English name is Kathy. They are keeping in touch by email. “We tried out our Mandarin which we have been taught part-time by Mrs Ruth Donegan-Cross, wife of Saltburn’s vicar who recently moved to Harrogate. I could read a lot of the signs. “We went to a few lessons and at break-time were mobbed for our email addresses. I didn’t want to return home! I really hope I can return to China.” Pupils found air pollution a problem - “we never saw the sun or blue sky though the temperature was 30 degrees. I’m sure the air quality will improve,” said Eve. Pupils raised £10,000 towards the costs of the trip by packing bags at a supermarket and being given donations from local firms, community groups and a trust. This is the diary of their trip: Day 01: Depart from Newcastle via London for overnight flight to Beijing; Day 02: Arrive Beijing, Temple of Heaven, transfer to 3 star hotel; Day 03: Visit Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Summer Palace. Overnight train to Xian; Day 04: Arrive Xian early morning, transfer to 3 star hotel. Wild Goose Pagoda, Ancient City Wall; Day 05: Terra-Cotta Army, Banpo Museum. Overnight train to Beijing; Day 06: Arrive early morning in Beijing and have breakfast at MacDonald’s. Great Wall at Juyongguan, Rick Shaw ride in the Hutongs area, coach transfer to Baoding. Overnight stay at 3 star hotel; Day 07: Exchange program with local school with coach transfers; Day 08: Exchange program with local school with coach transfers. Return that evening to Beijing; Day 09: Transfer to airport. Photos by Craig Rees



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Huntcliff’s Got Talent! On the 15th July starting at 6.30pm, the talent show of the year will take place at Saltburn Learning Campus. A panel of judges, including Scott Makin of TFM, will be giving the contestants the ‘Simon Cowell’ treatment! Entries have been flooding in since the contest was announced at the beginning of June. Members of staff as well as students will be taking part. There will also be an ‘audience’ award where the audience members are invited to vote for their favourite act! Prizes, certificates and trophies galore will adorn the participants and winners of this contest. Tickets for the ‘Huntcliff’s got Talent!’ contest are £2.00 and can be bought on the door. Doors will be open at 6pm and the contest will begin at 6.30pm. It is expected that the show will last until approximately 9.30pm. There will be refreshments and a raffle available. We are delighted to announce that our opening warm-up act is none other than our very own, home grown, ex-Huntcliff student Dean Heslop. Dean is successfully pursuing a music career in London. His self-titled debut album ‘Dean Heslop’ is selling like hot cakes. During the summer months, he is taking his band on the road, around this fair land, so we are pleased that he is kick-starting this tour by playing at his ‘old’ school, Huntcliff, which is now part of the Saltburn Learning Campus. For further information please contact Mrs McConnell, Mr Harvey or Miss Conisbee at the school on 01287 621010. All in all a good night out is guaranteed. You will not want to miss this!


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Announcing “Civic Society Sundays” Saltburn Civic Society is pleased to announce “Civic Society Sundays” - events that we are organising to take place on the last Sunday of each month; they are free and open to everyone. Sunday Stroll (29th August, 2pm): we are delighted that conservation expert Stewart Ramsdale has agreed to host the Sunday Stroll - a leisurely saunter through Saltburn’s past. Join Stewart, conservation officer at Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, for a guide to Saltburn and its buildings. It is a chance for us to think about the Saltburn Conservation Area, its accomplishments, failures and opportunities. Meet at the bandstand at 2pm for the walkabout. Saltburn Through the Ages (26th September, 2pm): our final event for the summer is a whistle-stop presentation of Saltburn Through the Ages: From the 1860s to the present day, 150 years in just 55 minutes. Join Cath and Tony Lynn at the Community Hall for a fascinating look at Saltburn’s past. See if you can spot your house in this truly captivating presentation. We hope to continue these events throughout the year. Watch this space for more details and do come along to all or some of the above. We’d love to see you. Saltburn Junior School: your views Preliminary discussions on the future of the Grade II listed Junior School have taken place between Saltburn Civic Society and a number of local parents. The Junior School and its playing field are intended for residential and/or community use and a number of suggestions have been proposed. These include: Young People’s Outward Bound type Centre, focused on coastal activities, with overnight accommodation; Youth Hostel Accommodation for young people eg scouts/youth club; Playing fields/casual play area/skate park; Camping site, particularly related to the Folk Festival, cycling and walking, and associated with the Cleveland Way; Community Café. The property would be a draw for generations of Saltburn residents that went to school there: Community meeting rooms; Museum/gallery with associated play areas/open space; Victorian study centre. While these discussions are in their earliest stages, we would really welcome your suggestions and comments. Please e-mail us at or write to Saltburn Civic Society, c/o 9 Albion Terrace, Saltburn-bythe-Sea, Cleveland, TS12 1JW.


The Junior School, built in 1903, is an important early example of a Neo-Georgian style school and was designed by Sir Edwin Cooper, one of the leading architects of his time. Born in Scarborough, Sir Edwin Cooper went on to design many notable buildings in London including The Port of London Authority Building. It has been said that he contributed as much as Sir Christopher Wren to London’s great buildings. What’s in the pipeline – the latest planning applications One of Saltburn Civic Society’s aims is to keep the community informed about future developments and planning applications. This will become a regular feature of this column. This month there are applications for the change of use from shop to fitness studio at 5 Dundas Street West, and to construct a detached building to house a swimming pool at Teddy’s Nook. These applications can be viewed on the Redcar & Cleveland website – the deadline for comments is July 2nd. McCarthy and Stone have also applied to vary their permission at Brockley Hall. They wish to use impermeable tarmac for the internal road instead of the originally proposed porous materials. The deadline for objections is the 7th July. What’s coming out of the pipeline – new developments Work has started in earnest on the McCarthy and Stone apartments in the grounds of Brockley Hall. The new Sainsbury’s is due to open on the 30th June. Please note that there will be a 2 hour waiting time restriction on parking in the resurfaced car park. Rumours that the CIU Convalescent Home might be sold off for development have been scotched. The General Secretary has written to Saltburn Civic Society to reassure us that the CIU is fully committed to the holiday centre and significant funds have recently been invested in refurbishment. See another article on page Garden grabbing announcement good news And finally this month, we welcome the announcement that councils in England are to get greater powers to stop developers building homes on gardens. Gardens, currently in the brownfield planning category used for ex-factory land, are to be reclassified to try to stop the practice known as garden-grabbing. “It’s great that this is to become government policy,” says Bernard Storey, chair of Saltburn Civic Society. “Hopefully this will help prevent any further loss of green space in the town.”

The award winning ‘53 Drama Group Youth present


(Shakespeare for Kids)

Members of the ’53 Drama Group Youth have a lot to celebrate. They won the northern final of the All England Theatre Festival, on 22nd May with their production of The Musicians by Patrick Marber, directed by Sara Mitchell and Nick Smart. As they are rightly keen to point out, this has never been achieved by the ’53 adults! It marks a very special occasion and pays tribute to the outstanding talents of our Youth members. Although they failed to win the All England Final, at Burton-on- Trent on 5th June, the play received many compliments from the adjudicator, and Ryan Jackson, one of the lead actors, was nominated for the Adjudicator’s Award, for an exceptional performance. Fresh from this triumph, with scarcely time to draw breath, the Youth Group are now in rehearsal for The Tempest, specially adapted by the Shakespeare for Kids organisation and directed by John Dadd. Having tackled some very demanding productions over the last few years, the Youth Group are not only undaunted by Shakespeare, but are relishing the challenges of the many different characterisations and the variety of costumes, stage set and special effects involved. The Tempest is a musical production, with song and dance routines, choreographed by Georgina Bunn, one of the members, and enthusiastically created by the whole cast of youngsters. Whether you are a Shakespeare enthusiast or someone who has always struggled with Elizabethan English, we are confident that you will enjoy this production. The language is mostly contemporary but where possible keeps a true feel for the rhythm and beauty of the original text. The themes of betrayal, revenge, forgiveness, love and the supernatural are timeless. The story is simple and compelling. It tells the tale of Prospero, once Duke of Milan, and his daughter Miranda, who have been marooned on an island with only a spirit, Ariel, and a savage, Caliban, for company. Prospero’s brother, Antonio, usurped his throne twelve years ago, and abandoned Prospero and his daughter,

adrift in a boat. But Prospero is a powerful magician; he knows his brother’s ship is now at sea and he summons a mighty tempest, shipwrecking Antonio, his courtiers and sailors on this tiny island; for Prospero is planning to take revenge on all those who betrayed him. As the drama unfolds, it explores the relationship between civilisation and nature, with some brilliantly amusing interludes. Director John Dadd, who joined the ’53 in 1982, is one of our most accomplished actors, and has six times won the Best Actor Award at Saltburn Drama Festival. His roles have ranged from Sir Thomas More and Fagin to an ugly sister and a cowardly lion. John has many years experience of acting and directing Shakespeare but this is his first foray into directing for the ’53. John’s enthusiasm and theatrical knowledge coupled with the endlessly diverse talents of the youngsters is a winning combination. “’Tis far off, and rather like a dream”, but The Tempest will be stunningly brought to life for your entertainment. Venue: Saltburn Community Theatre Dates: 15th, 16th, 17th July (evenings) & 17th July (matinee) Time: 7.30 (doors open at 6.45) Matinee 2.30 Tickets: £6, £5 concessions) on sale at Saltburn Health

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Forthcoming Events at Emmanuel Church Drop in Breakfast Thursday 8th July 8.45 ’til 10.00 a.m. Middleton Festival Choir Performing at Emmanuel Church on Friday 2nd July at 7.30 p.m. Proceeds in aid of the Echo Building fund

Have you won the Lottery? Thoughts on keeping safe

Over the past few months, we at your local Post Office, have become concerned about the many different scams operating around the world, now manifesting themselves on our doorstep. The one I am most concerned about is the ‘lottery scam’. Yes - who would believe that a lottery can be won in another country without you ever being there and without ever entering into the competition - Well, you would be surprised! The scam can start with a letter landing on your doorstep letting you know that YES you have been entered into a draw and if you reply within a short space of time then you will be entered into the BIG ONE These letters can be from the Netherlands, Canada, Belgium - the list is endless The script is different, but, the outcome is the same - They are after your money. Eventually you are asked to send a small amount of money - a cheque will do - just to pay for their administration fees or your taxes on “your winnings” and so it goes on and on and on until you are asked for the big one: Can you please send a Moneygram? For people who don’t know about moneygram, this is cash, your hard earned cash, your savings. You are sending this to a different country for an unknown person to collect and you will never see it again and more than likely if the cash is for a large enough amount you will not be contacted by that person again. But you will be contacted by another lottery scammer because your details will have been passed on to all those other undesirables who will quite happily take over. Please, please read this and take notice, talk to your friends about it, but, please do not part with any of your hard earned cash. Come in to the Post Office with your correspondence - I will happily have a look at it with you and decide what to do for the best - at the end of the day it will be your decision and there is nothing more that I can do, but, at least I will have tried. Morally I cannot sit back and watch this happen it is not right - but, more importantly I have my customers at heart and hope that this piece written in our Talk Of The Town will help you to keep safe. Anne Yoxall 26

Tour of the Holy Land, April 2010 Where to start describing this amazing part of the world, putting pictures to the towns and villages depicted in the bible, set in the desolate rugged landscape of Genesis? Just a few snapshots then: Capernaum, where Jesus stayed with Peter’s mother in law. Excavations showed the ‘many rooms’ that Jesus spoke of; a new room was added for each new member of the family and when a man spoke of the many rooms in his father’s house he was asking a girl to be his bride. Bethsaida, where at least three of the twelve disciples were born. This ancient city was actually believed by many to be mythical; after 2,000 years of searching by pilgrims and archaeologists it was eventually discovered in the late 1980s. It is exciting to think how much more is still to be discovered in a country which is becoming one vast excavation site. Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem; now run by the Greek Orthodox Church and somewhat lacking in either authenticity or spirituality. The many rules included bizarre injunctions not to cross one’s legs or laugh – pity the poor couple getting married that day! Not only did they have to remain solemn, they were entirely on their own, until an official pulled a couple of unsuspecting people out of the crowd to be witnesses, which explained why the person we thought was the best man was wearing jeans. Bethlehem, by the way, means House of Bread, but the Arabs call it House of Meat – no wonder there are communication problems! The Mount of Beatitudes, the traditional site of the Sermon on the Mount, contradicting the biblical reference to a ‘level place’. This would not have satisfied the Jews who believed that the word of God had to come from ‘on high’. The gardens here are stunning and bizarrely contain a church donated by Mussolini. The River Jordan; five members of our party, including a wonderful 80 year old Afro-Caribbean lady, were baptised in the River Jordan, fulfilling their life’s dream, with everyone on the riverbank giving it rock with Hosanna at full power! Nazareth – in a village reconstructed to depict everyday life in Jesus’ time, we learnt how bread was made, and how to tread the grapes – the important thing was not to crush the pips apparently as they contain a bitter taste that would ruin the wine. Galilee; sailing in a boat replicating the type of fishing boat which would have been used two thousand years ago, singing of course, and fishing, or at least casting a net. Either we are lousy fishermen or there are few fish left – certainly there is far less water today, which may explain why we caught only a bit of weed and a child’s bright blue croc. St Peter in Gallicantu; the courtyard where Pete denied Jesus and where the cockerels still crow the grim reminder. Floating in the Dead Sea; or rather on top of the Dead Sea – the idea is for several people to make a flower on top of the water, sadly I was the petal that kept floating away!

And of course Jerusalem; not the Jerusalem that makes news headlines, although the tragic signs are there, in the shape of grim walls, devastated houses and barbed wire fences, but the Jerusalem where the vast majority of the population live harmoniously side by side and where people from all over the world place prayers in the Western Wall for peace in Israel (the name Jerusalem literally and, sadly, ironically, means place of peace). We start by taking in an overview of this great city from Mount of Olives. From here we can see the dominating Golden Dome, where Moslems believe that Muhammed ascended into heaven on a winged horse and the Golden Gate, blocked up and surrounded by Moslem graves as Moslems believe that the Messiah will not pass through a graveyard. Then acre upon acre of Jewish tombs covered with small stones, traditionally placed on the graves in remembrance, in a land of few flowers. We walk the Via Dolorosa, no longer believed to be the route taken by Jesus to Golgotha, but this does not deter the good natured pedlars of tacky crucifixes and postcards. We stop at the house believed to be that of Caiphas, where Jesus was tried, and are shown an Upper Room, similar to one in which the last supper had taken place. We all knew that Leonardo had taken liberties but hadn’t quite grasped how wrong all the fundamentals were. Obvious really that we were looking at a Roman style triclinium with no tables or chairs at all, and the person with the clearest view of Jesus would have been the last, and least important person to be seated, as he would have been on the opposite side; hence ‘the least shall be first’. And we end our walk at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which most archaeologists agree is the most likely site of Calvary. Many people find it overwhelming tacky and touristy but it is nevertheless moving to be standing in the place where there has been the most continuity of worship, and by the most people, in the world. And in the midst of all the bustle and noise of this vibrant multicultural city, what was for me the highlight; the absolute stillness of the gardens of Gethsemane, where Jesus is said to have prayed the night of his arrest, and where the disciples fell asleep lulled by the calm that is unbroken today. The gardens contain olive trees believed to be two thousand years old, and the beautiful Church of All Nations, where Christian groups come from all over the world to sing. As we sang Amazing Grace, a group sitting behind us joined in the same hymn, only in Russian. The effect was astonishing, especially as with an 8 second echo you could actually hear whether you sounded as good as you thought you did! And finally the Garden Tomb, which may or may not be the site of the crucifixion and resurrection. Everything fits; from the garden you look across to a mountain looking exactly like a skull, as in Golgotha, ‘place of the skull’, and the empty tomb and the irrigation system have been dated back 2,000 years. But it doesn’t matter. It is the most wonderful place in the world to sing under the trees, to take communion and marvel in silence at the plaque which reads simply ‘He is not here for He is risen’. Djenane Watkins 27

CIU CONVALESCENT AND HOLIDAY CENTRE All local people of Saltburn will know of the CIU’s holiday centre situated on Marine Parade. The only remaining holiday and convalescent centre owned by the CIU and is treasured by CIU members all around the country. Since new management from the CIU Head Office in London have took over the responsibility of the building, Mick McGlasham, General Secretary & Valda Edmunds, Head of the Leisure Department, there have been extensive external and internal works carried out on the historic building, this is to ensure a long and prosperous future for the centre. The Club and Institute Union will be continuing to focus on the building in order to restore its many original features and to bring the home to its former glory. Recently this year there has also been a change within the in-house management of the centre; Maxine Howes is dedicated and fully committed to the home and has also had a part to play within the new changes. Under new management, London Executives and Saltburn staff are now working closely together to improve the facilities and service of the centre, in order to ensure the centre’s and staff’s security and future. This article has been written to dispel all rumours of our beautiful building and business been shut down or sold which have obviously been a concern to the present staff at the centre, and also the local community. The Saltburn Centre is the jewel in the CIU’s crown and as long as CIU members continue to frequent the home we will continue to support it. We welcome all C.I.U. members and would like to encourage the local community to join different affiliated clubs and to keep the Club & Institute Union alive.

Middleton Festival Choir Music for Summer Guest artists: Rowan Pierce - Soprano and Flautist Tom Whitfiels - Tenor Richard Hayton - Baritone Friday 2nd July at 7.30pm in Emmanuel Church Hall. Tickets £5 (£4 concessions), includes soft drink. available from Health Food Shop Proceeds to ECHO Building Project 28

JUNE GIG LIST Possibly the best July ever! Thursday 1/7/10 – Caterina Rea Sunday 4/7/10 – Jacob’s Ladder Thursday 8/7/10 – Roadstunner Sunday 11/7/10 – Last Anthem Thursday 15/7/10 – Jamie Graham Sunday 18/7/10 – The Stoned Angels Thursday 29/7/10 – Allan Knights

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Veteran verger Norman is 80 At 80, church verger Norman Shadlock still lives by the Scout promise to ‘serve God and help other people at all times.’ He revealed this during a short speech at his 80th birthday party held on 21st May at Emmanuel Church Hall, Saltburn, where he had been caretaker for many years. A pictorial history of how he supervised the renovation of a large garden round the church over the past 20 years was on display in the hall. This told how he faced problems of poor soil and children playing football on the garden. He supervised teams of men and women sent from the probation service to do community gardening work. In 1999 the garden was runner-up in a category of the Northumbrian in Bloom competition. Among those who sent birthday greetings to Norman was vicar the Reverend Guy Donegan-Cross who called him a faithful worker. Church leader Brian Patrick said in his speech to the 70 party guests that Norman was a generous man of God and an inspiration to all.

Norman Shadlock opens an 80th birthday card as he relaxes on a new garden seat at his Saltburn home. 29



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Reading the editor’s letter in the June edition I thought I am one of those “same old contributors” so I decided not to write anything for the July issue. I was going to write a piece about our proposed sponsored climb up Scafell Pike (us being the past and present Scout leaders) in July, and we rely on Talk of the Town to publicise our fund raising efforts. The Scout leaders are preparing for annual camp at Grosmont in August. This is a week long camp where basic Scouting skills are perfected. Also we are as a group in the final stages of securing the freehold of the land our building stands on, and this will then enable us to apply for grants to refurbish the building which is badly needed after many years of use. However, as “a same old contributor” I should probably not be writing anything for the July issue. Oh! I just did. If anyone wants to write to Talk of the Town don’t worry about spelling and grammar. I am sure the editor will edit. Don agar, Scout leader



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Music, Music, Music by Rosie Potter of Easy PC & Music Again, lots going on on the music front in and around Saltburn. Grand Ol’ Oprey Artists Benefit Night at the Community Theatre Saltburn on Saturday, 3rd July with a fine line up that includes, Willow Creek, The Mentulls, Yan Yates, Teesside Steve, Martin Nesbitt, Barbara Helen, Tony Goodacre and Liz Bishop, not necessarily in that order. All favourite artists here in Saltburn from the young but very talented Mentulls to Tony Goodacre who has been performing all over the globe for 50 years or more. What a variety too with the unusual Folky Willow Creek, Barbara, Saltburn’s own Joni Mitchell with her own quirky songs and wonderful voice, making us proud and Martin with his comedy songs who always brings the house down.

The Mentulls usually leave the most experienced musicians gob smacked with their Wishbone Ash and Jethro Tull influenced songs. 17 year old Jamie is a whiz on the keyboard while 13 year old guitarist Andrew reminds me of a young Eric Clapton and we have 15 year old Nick on drums with his fantastic Drum Solos. Tony Goodacre has been playing Country and Western with top names such as internationally known George Hamilton IV and many others. Liz Bishop surprised us this last year by showing us what a lovely singer she is and Jan Yates is another favourite, he looks, seems and plays like our own Bob Dylan. Teesside Steve has been around locally for a long time, playing in bands including Smokie Tribute Band, the Smokie Experience, Steve also has his own original songs. On the 10th July there is to be a fantastic Rock 4 Heroes. The Line Up is all of our best local rock bands along with Katie Coleman. Rock 4 Heroes (North) is a charity event with all proceeds going to HELP FOR HEROES. The event is to be held at the Redcar Bowl, Majuba Road, Redcar, TS10 5BJ. This will be an all day indoor Rock Festival. All bands playing are from the North East and are giving their time for free. Doors open at 1pm and the first band is on stage at 1:30pm. Tickets

are £8 (contact Scabs - 07834 780572). The line up is: The Mentulls, Misery Addict, Meanwood, Up In Smoke, The Fallen, The Ryots, Alpha Place, Rough Justice, Katie Coleman and Feed the Bear.

The Next Jamming Session with Caterina Rea will be at the CIU Holiday Centre (formerly the Convalescent Home) on Marine Parade on Thursday, 8th July. The Jamming Sessions previously held upstairs in the Marine on Thursday Nights, clashed with meetings held next door, although we had some extremely astonishing sessions, one of which I have already mentioned here last month. On Thursday, June 10th Caterina Rea invited musicians to celebrate her birthday and it was the best night yet! A magical night with many surprises. Firstly, Adrian Rea, cousin of Chris Rea and dad of Caterina Rea and previously drummer with Chris Rea’s band as well as many local bands such as Al Harrington’s Band. Al was the guitarist chosen to play with Paul Rogers at The Marton Country Club recently. Fabulous guitarist Paul Donnerly and his son, drummer David came along and played as did bass guitarist Paul Mac. Jez, Brian Dales, the band Blue Jam, Marc Shaw, Dave Freeney, Ian Stephen dipped in and out of different Jams and members of Caterina Rea’s band and her sometime backing singers Lucy and Jenny who also went down a storm at Middlesbrough Music Live on the Hairy Lemon Stage. Also on that stage on Sunday, 6th June was Middlesbrough band The Funktion who were absolutely fantastic so when Caterina Rea joins them to sing while their singer takes a sabatical, I just can’t imagine how good that will be! We will get a chance to find out though when they play together at The Keys in Middlesbrough on 7th August and then at the Vic in Saltburn on Thursday, 12th August. Before then you can see Caterina back at the Vic on Thursday, 1st July. Look out for Saltburn Saxophonist John McGough who also has gigs lined up with Caterina. There will be one such gig in Darlington on 3rd July. 31

I am sure all our U3A members would like to say a big thank you to our Chair Sally Melvin, who is standing down after serving her term (sounds like a jail sentence). It’s not always the easiest of jobs, and you are very often in the firing line. But I think she used her various talents well. She has been and still will be a big asset to Saltburn U3A. Alan Cotterill, our Vice Chair, is stepping into the post, and I am sure he will ably steer our group forward so we wish him well in his new role. While we are on the subject a big thank you to the numerous volunteers who give their time and effort so freely, because without them Saltburn U3A would not exist. Parker pens with the U3A logo on them are available at £3-00 each. Will anyone who is interested in buying any please contact me on 01642 475649 or and I will place an order. We held our AGM in June at which various reports from the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Curriculum organizer were given to the members. This was followed by a lively discussion on various matters. Who says AGMs have to be boring - nobody fell asleep at this one! Can I ask if there is anyone that would like to take the job of assistant room booking co-ordinator with Rita Beadle? Or do you want to run a group, or have you an idea for a new group? Talk to us and you will get all the help you need. Howard Leake, Publicity Officer Reg Charity no 1109691


JULY 2nd 2010


SSAFA Forces Help celebrates its 125th Anniversary this year. Help us to celebrate by joining us at the Stockton Tabernacle with Durham Constabulary Male Voice Choir, Stockton Male Voice Choir and a Band. Flags, programmes and refreshments provided Tickets £10 Cheques made payable to ‘SSAFA Forces Help’ and sent with your name and address to: Mrs J Carroll, SSAFA Forces Help, TA Centre, Norton Road, Stockton-on-Tees TS20 2QW (SAE would be appreciated) SSAFA - Forces Help Registered Charity No: 210760 Est. 1885 Registered Charity (Scotland) No: SC038056


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What I’ve been reading this month At the moment I am reading Wilbur Smith’s The Triumph of the Sun. I discovered him many years ago, I like the way he constructs his characters, making them very believable and he is very skilled in describing very accurately the setting where the story is taking place and also the way he addresses quite sensitive story lines. It often involves a clash of cultures. I suppose coming from South Africa and living through the dreadful apartheid period was bound to fix his value system. Another reason, I like Smith’s books is that he often writes a set of books on a theme, usually following a family for example the Courtneys and the Ballantynes or a particular character, Taita the ancient Egyptian. The book I am reading at the moment is centred on the period of the fall of Khartoum and brings together two of the families I mentioned earlier. Ironically, in reading this particular novel, another of my interests overlapped. I am very interested in my family history and I am member of the Guild of One Name Study and to my surprise I was working on my Wingham database recently and I came across an ancestor of mine, William Barber Wingham, 1865 to 1916. He served in the area at the time in which the novel is set and he gained, The Nile 1884-1884 Clasp, Abu Klea Clasp, Khedive`s Star, 1884 - 1886. He then gained the Indian General Service Medal and the Hazara Clasp 1888. Unfortunately, He was killed in the First World War in 1916. So once I realised this connection and discovered a relationship between myself and William, a powerful extra dimension developed and I found I have an added interest in the story. Books are extremely important to me and I am quite proud of my library and each volume is important to me as it is a valued part of my life, but it wasn’t always so. As a child I experienced difficulties in reading. So therefore, I’m going to describe the journey I had to travel and of the various stepping stones I have used. I enjoyed listening to stories read by others. In fact my father read to me every night before I went to bed. I can clearly remember him reading Coral Island to me. I can remember at Junior School, a teacher reading Snappitty the Spider, but unfortunately I was off school ill the last day of term and missed the end of the story and when I was 19 I saw a copy in W H Smith, Pontefract branch and bought it to see how the story ended. The next school year I moved up to Mr Walker’s class and somehow he managed to improve my ability to read. I don’t know what he did, but he certainly caught my imagination but alas he couldn’t do anything about poor handwriting and even poorer spelling. Whilst I was in Mr Walker’s class I developed in many other ways too. I discovered cricket, Children’s Hour on the radio and an interest in social history. But back to books. Once I had developed a real interest in reading I devoured all the classics, Treasure Island, Coral Island, Midshipman Easy, Ivanhoe and many others. At the same time I made a great discovery of four comics or rather magazines, The Adventurer, the Wizard, Rover and Hotspur. In these comics I developed the skill of reading the adventures of Braddock VC, Tough of the Track, Blockbuster Brown and many more. My understanding of the world grew from their pages, learning about Robert Clive, General Wolfe, Francis Drake, Hereward the Wake, the Vikings, the Boston Tea Party. I was very disappointed when my mother stopped buying it for me; mind you I was 26 at the time. At about the age of ten I joined the Public library,

Pontefract, Juvenile section and I learned two things. If I listened to episode one of say a Sherlock Holmes adventure on Children’s Hour, I could go to the library, get the book out and read it without having to wait a week for the next episode, because to a young boy seven days is a very long time and the other was that I discovered Biggles. As my father was a bomber pilot in the last war, I had found my perfect hero. Even today, I collect Biggles books. When I moved to Saltburn I was surprised to find out that the author of the Biggles books was alleged to be stationed during the 1st World War at Marske airfield. On leaving Junior School my journey with books entered a new stage. At Secondary School we had a timetable with things like subjects Library, English Literature and History. Unfortunately we also had Maths, Gardening and the cane. But best of all were the teachers, people worthy of respect, men who been at Dunkirk, Normandy, North Africa, Italy, Belson and Burma and some were veterans of the first World War. What tales they told us, fresh eyed schoolboys, and of course the House System, which made us work together and taught us how to win and lose with dignity. Fairfax For Ever. The Library was a small room with rows of shelves filled with books and we were allowed to read any. Many of which were cadet editions. At the same time my Mother joined the Companion Book Club and my world opened even wider, because she let me read the Kon Tiki Expedition and I met another hero, Hornblower. I actually cried when C S Forester died, because there would be no more Hornblower stories, but I went on to discover The Gun and The Purple Plain and others. Halfway through my time at secondary school I started to have some doubts about some of the books I was reading, Kidnapped and Rob Roy for example as I felt that they were very anti-English and then slowly though history lessons I began to realise that the concept of my country right or wrong was seriously flawed. Likewise, I slowly realised that the great castle at Pontefract was not built to protect the town but to dominate the town and the surrounding countryside and therefore the people. Little did I realise I was developing a social conscience, through the books I was reading and by listening to people around me and even by observations of my environment. As I grew older and started work I now had money to buy books and I regularly sought out second hand book shops where I added to my library with the works of various authors, H G Wells, Kipling, Jules Verne and others. As an apprentice stone mason I had to attend College one day and one night a week. During this we had one period set aside for General Studies. This was intended to give us a more rounded education. Over the next four years we got a good grounding in current affairs, local history and we were given various reading lists over the years, bringing new authors to my attention. On getting married and having children, both my wife and I were, and are, keen readers and have encouraged our children to read and to read a wide range of authors and we are pleased our grandchildren are eager to show us how their reading skills are developing. At the time of writing this, I am still in the depths of the Sudan, but for the rest of the month I will be in the Empire of the Moghul, Raiders From the North by Alex Rutherford, then I with be spinning the Wheel of Time, The Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson. Jim Wingham 33

The Institution and Induction of Guy Donegan-Cross St Mark’s Church, Harrogate ‘Guy, receive this iPhone as an invitation to share with us in communicating the Good News in a modern world,’ proposed a Church member in this Celebration of Ministry in the Diocese of Ripon and Leeds. The people of St Mark’s Church, Harrogate welcomed our former vicar, Guy Donegan-Cross in a seventy-five minute service on 20th May 2010 and I was pleased to be invited to share in this up-to-date ceremony. A coach full of people associated with Emmanuel Church travelled to Harrogate and others went in their own cars. Former parishioners, the Powell-Jones’s and former Churchwarden Malcolm Holmes and his wife, Jackie, travelled from the Sussex coast, adding to a really special event. After leaving the coach at the Church, we made our way to Guy and Ruth’s new Vicarage and found the family quite unfazed by fifty or so people appraising the large house and very spacious garden. We were lucky with the weather and sat outside to enjoy drinks and home-made cakes, before assembling to take part in a group photo recording the occasion. In good time, we returned to the Church and took our seats ready for the ceremony. St Mark’s began in 1893 with services in the “Mission Room” - a small room built as an Infant School in Mount Street in the Oatlands District of Harrogate. As the congregation grew, the need for a larger building was met by the erection of a church on Leeds Road - in which people now worship. A major redevelopment took place during 1997 and now St Mark’s Church offers a variety of rooms and facilities of a high quality. We were to see these later when we took up the invitation to partake in a splendid buffet, but for now, our attention was focused on the service. The ceremony was led by James, Bishop of Knaresborough and he was supported by lay people and clergy of St Mark’s: Reverend Olivia Lambert - Associate Minister (whose mother, Elizabeth was a well-known resident of Saltburn until her recent death), Reverend Dan Watts - Associate Minister for Young People, Reverend John Duff - Minister in Secular Employment, Reverend Arun Arora - Curate and Ruth and Tim Cundy - Readers. After the Introit and Processional Hymn, Guy was presented as the new vicar of St Mark’s to the Bishop. He agreed to commit himself to this new responsibility and took oaths of allegiance to the Queen and the Bishop of Ripon and Leeds. A further hymn and songs were sung; a reading and sermon were given and Guy was presented with the iphone to help him proclaim the Good News in his work. A Church member also asked him ‘to receive this fine wine and corkscrew as an invitation to release the resources in St Mark’s to bless and be blessed by our community’. Guy quipped, in his usual style: “Now you’re talking.” The Bishop performed the Induction and to signify this, Guy moved to the main door of the Church, placed his hand on the door handle and rang the bell. He was then 34

welcomed by all and prayers and further hymns followed. Ruth and children: John, Hamish, Toby and Anna joined Guy and were welcomed too. The Choir sang ‘The Lord bless you and keep you” beautifully and the congregation was then invited to a delicious buffet with wine in one of St Mark’s refurbished meeting rooms. Reflecting on the occasion, Guy says he was very proud to see so many people there from Saltburn: “It felt like a family who were sorry to see us leave, but were pleased to support us making this next step,” he says. “The Saltburn people are part of our story.” Guy looks forward to working in a bigger Church with a larger staff team. He finds the ethos similar to Emmanuel, with a very strong desire to reach out to the community: “I feel I will be able to connect with the people here. I already know Reverend Olivia Lambert and I used to go to school with one of the parishioners!” The move was timed to fit in with the children’s education: John and Hamish have joined St Aidan’s School and Toby and Anna have started at Oatlands Juniors. Ruth is focusing on getting to know people and reflecting on this next stage of her life. With the children settled at school, she will be exploring new horizons. Guy intends to spend his first six months getting people’s trust: “I want to learn and discover where God’s leading the Church,” he says. Back in Saltburn, procedures are in place to choose the next Vicar of Emmanuel. The Trustees, who include Lord Zetland, the Bishop of Whitby and Saltburn’s Margaret Brignall, are responsible for identifying a suitable candidate. He or she will be presented to two representatives of the Parochial Church Council: Churchwarden Anne Findlay and Lay Reader Matthew Sigsworth, who make the decision. “It’s a lot of responsibility,” says Anne, “but we know the PCC is looking for someone to lead both Emmanuel and the Saltburn community. We are looking outwards, trying to build a Church for tomorrow. We hope to have someone appointed within the next year.” Rosemary Nicholls

When I was a Lad (part 3)

Expeditions When I was a lad we often went off on expeditions, usually for a particular purpose, like annual trips by cycle to Upleatham that was reputed to have the best conker tree for miles. Some trips were secret and took place in the late evening, usually apple raiding, but some were just exploratory, to somewhere we hadn’t been to before. These had to be planned with care so we could be back home before parents were out searching for us. These expeditions were fortified by jam sandwiches and orange drinks made from very sweet National Health Service concentrated orange. One strange boy amongst us even had Marmite sandwiches (he now works for NASA in America). But one big trip in the Summer of 1962 took months of planning. Three of us set off on a week long cycle holiday staying each night at a Youth Hostel. At each hostel our membership cards were stamped, proof that we had actually done this epic trip The Route Brotton to Scarborough on the first day saw us staying at a converted water mill at Scalby on the outskirts of Scarborough, where we learned a valuable lesson. At this time staying at Youth Hostels visitors were required to help by doing chores. We three got washing up for one hundred and fifty people after breakfast, after that we volunteered on the evening and usually got one of the easier jobs. Next day on to York half way we stopped to eat the packed meals prepared for us at Scarborough: Marmite sandwiches (I still hate the stuff). We then crossed over the border into Lancashire to Barley back into Yorkshire to Ingleton, Grinton then to our final stop at Farndale. This was a trip of over three hundred and fifty miles on a bike without the modern eighteen plus gears of today, just leg power. Cycling through Barley we stopped as we could hear horses approaching, then around the corner came mill workers their clogs echoing on the cobbles. Barley is also famous for the witches of Pendle hill, a large mound some 500 feet high where they practised their witching. Back in Yorkshire it rained all the way from Ingleton to Grinton, but we were refreshed half way at a farmhouse advertising tea and scones. We informed the jolly farmer’s wife that our funds did not run to scones, but she gave us them anyway, big ones with jam. She dried some of our clothes while we told her the story of our trip; she made us sandwiches (Yorkshire ham) and refused to take payment for anything. Our last night at Farndale we investigated a large cart shed next to the Youth hostel. Peering inside we could see in the gloom a horse drawn hearse. Well, we had to look through the glass side. It contained a coffin. We left quickly. Now all that remained was our last leg over the purple moors and back home. Tyke


6 Week Course from Tuesday, July 13th 7pm – 8pm Meet opposite the Marine Hotel, Saltburn Course Cost £36 Nordic Walking is an enhancement of ordinary walking – it makes something we can all do twice as effective! Nordic Walking uses poles in order to add two major benefits to walking. The use of poles means the upper body muscles are used as well as the legs. The poles help to propel the walker along – this means he or she works harder than usual yet the support given by the poles makes it feel easier! Nordic Walking is a specific fitness technique and is not to be confused with trekking, hill walking or trail running as the poles are not planted in front of the walker/ runner but in a specific way that increases the use of the upper body. It can be done by anybody, anywhere and does not require expensive equipment or clothing. Nordic Walking is the fastest growing fitness activity in the world. It is effective, affordable and fun. Contact Harry at GO4FIT to book a place on 07960 935263.


Rotary present cheques

Dr Adrian Davies, Salturn Rotary Club president Bob Storey and Peter Nixon display cheques presented following the annual Nashville-style Grand 'Ol Oprey music week held in April at Saltburn.

Cheques for £1,250 each were presented to three charities by Saltburn Rotary Club on June 2 following the annual Nashvillestyle Grand 'Ol Oprey music week held in April at Saltburn. Money raised beat the £3,000 target. Peter Nixon, of Saltburn Community and Arts Association Ltd., thanked members for the gift and said the organisation was seeking new grants to improve the community hall and theatre in the town centre. He said stained-glass windows which had been boarded up for 30 years were now open. Dr Adrian Davies received cheques for the South Cleveland Heart Fund and South Cleveland Prostate Cancer Research Fund. The cheques were presented by club president Bob Storey at the weekly meeting held at Saltburn golf club. He said the club's target for the music week this year had been £3,000 - and £3,750 was raised. Next year the club has set a target of £4,000 for the week.


Here at Sue Ryder’s in Saltburn we have been very busy over the last few weeks and we need to ask members of the local community to have a look in their wardrobes etc to see if they can help with our stock appeal. We are in need of quality clothes and bric-a-brac so we can carry on providing a service to our customers old and new. Your response to our last appeal was amazing so if you feel you can help out in any way, please do. 36

Saltburn Victorian Footballers and Friends - 25th Anniversary

We are looking to hold a reunion event for all former players on Saturday, 10th July at Saltburn Convalescent Home to celebrate our 25th Anniversary. There will be food and entertainment and we aim to have a collection of photographs and memorabilia on display (remember the Full Monty?) and if anybody has anything to add we would be very grateful to include these on the day. We invite all past players to contact Allan Whiley on 07775 553049 or Nash Fraser on 07966 683629 to confirm their interest in attending this special celebration having raised tens of thousands of pounds for local good causes. Future dates for the diary include: Saturday, 10th July: Duck Derby (World Cup Final is on the 11th!); Sunday, 29th August: Special Gala Day at Saltburn Cricket Club with Firework Display in the evening; Saturday, 11th September: Casino Night at the C.I.U. Holiday Home; Saturday, 18th December: Christmas Party with Julie’s Tombola at Saltburn Cricket Club. Many thanks to everyone who has supported us so far during our 25 year history.

Moola 1 Dundas Street West (Next to Easy PC & Music) Moola is open from 10.00am until 4.30pm Tuesday to Saturday

We sell quality handmade goods in our fabric or yours. We sell pictures, bags, jewellery, cards, ceramics, knitted/ crocheted goods, cushions — all made by local crafts people. Repairs and alterations are done by a qualified seamstress. If you don’t see it — please ask because we can probably make it for you.

The Spa Hotel

Saltburn Bank, Saltburn-by-the-Sea. Telephone (01287) 622 544

Our restaurants are open 7 days a week serving quality meals from a variety of menus. Lunch Monday to Saturday 1200 to 1430

Evening Monday to Saturday 1630 to 2100

Lunch Sunday 1200 to 1700

Our Sunday lunches are becoming more and more popular and as we head into our busy summer season, we strongly recommend reserving your table in advance. FREE FUNCTION ROOMS FOR 2010 * We offer a full weddings and functions package to suit all tastes and budgets including 16th, 18th and 21st birthday parties * Why not call in to view the hotel and pick up details of our functions packages.

HAPPY HOUR AND BAR SPECIALS Our “Happy Hour” bar prices are available Sunday to Thursday evenings from 1900 to 2300. House doubles with mixer ONLY £2.50. FREE pool table and juke box every Wednesday evening.

Full details are available on our website at 37


Down to Earth Nutrition 20 – Ayurvedic Diet .

The Restoratory

Natural Health Practice and Teaching Clinic offers a 'Healing yourself' weekend workshop on Saturday, 2nd & Sunday, 3rd October 2010 staying at the idyllic venue of Sneaton Castle, Whitby Fee of £250 includes the cost of accommodation, meals, regular refreshments and all the tutorials. The informative and fun course includes: Relaxation, positive thinking and lifestyle techniques, meditations, t'ai chi and chi gong, yoga, healing foods, aromatics, massage and homoeopathic first aid Apply for further details, agenda and booking form from: The Restoratory 10 Dundas Street West, Saltburn-by-the-Sea. TS12 1BL Tel: 01287 207787

What’s on at Saltburn Library

The adult learning service are running drop in IT sessions in the library on alternate Thursday mornings 10.00 – 12.00. You can brush up your skills in Microsoft Word, Excel etc. The dates for July are the 1st, 15th and 29th. Also Trading Standards money advice service can be seen at the library if you have debt problems. Please ring 01287 612489 to make an appointment.

DO YOU ENJOY READING BUT CAN'T GET TO THE LIBRARY? Saltburn Library offer a delivery service for anyone who has difficulty with mobility and can't get to the library. The service operates every 3 weeks (Wednesday mornings) on pre informed dates. They deliver and collect your choice of reading material. They have available books in large and regular print, spoken word in cassette and cd format, and jigsaws. If you feel you could use this service please call the library on 01287 623584 to speak to a member of staff. Gill

Here now we come to the joint ultimate form of nutritional guidance! This is nothing to do with quick fixes or temporary fads. This is a lifetime eating regimen to suit the type of persons that we are, ensuring we get the best out of the foods that suit our metabolism. Unfortunately, just because a food is natural does not render it completely safe to us as an individual. It is akin to putting the right octane fuel in your car. Put simply, if we have a slow constitution, the heavy foods are the last ones we should be eating. Equally, if we have a rapid constitution, stimulating foods are the last ones we should be eating. Guess what? It is those very foods that we shouldn’t be eating that we not only find we do eat, but tend to have a craving for, or even an addiction to! To make matters worse, if we are told that we should be eating other specific foods, we will tend to either dislike them or even have an aversion to them. For those who just want to lose a few pounds for their holiday bikini or wedding dress, any dietary system that suits them will probably do, but for those who wish to address their weight permanently, and wish to eat the foods that are best for them, the Ayurvedic or Five Element system previously mentioned (no.18) are without doubt the best. The Ayurvedic system considers that people can be categorised as seven different types - Pitta, Vata, Kapha, or any of the combinations. This means that nutritional guidance is extremely accurate for each individual’s needs. The patient will be given a huge list of foods from which they will get the best out of for their type, and a list of those foods that will be antagonistic to their needs. What they actually eat is then entirely up to them. It also means that they can have antagonistic foods, but knowing that they are not the best for them. To establish one’s type is very simple: a questionnaire is filled in and the lists of foods given according to the findings. Eating the correct foods is not the only need we have for our bodies to function properly, and this is where the Ayurvedic system really comes in to its own. Ayurveda means The Study of Life, and it will guide the patient into a total lifestyle regimen and philosophy that will help them achieve their state of optimum health. It includes the types of exercise, the types of jobs and gives you another list of all the things in life that can make your condition worse, but as has already been established, it doesn’t just tell you what you shouldn’t do, it equally tells you what you should be doing. Having now covered all the diets of any real value, I feel it is now time to put the plume away. I can write on any topic to do with health, disease or lifestyle, so if there are any requests for me to cover I will consider them. Meanwhile, thank you for taking the time to read. Prof. Steve Russell for The Restoratory 10 Dundas Street West, Saltburn-by-the-Sea. TS12 1BL Tel: 01287 207787, 39

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W. Storey Funeral Service Ian Storey DIP.FD Local Independent family Funeral directors providing a complete and caring service for over 80 years Funeral pre-payment plans Monumental service (Free estimates) 20, Redcar Road, Guisborough TS14 6DB Tel: 01287 632730 Email:

Subscribe to Talk of the Town If you enjoy reading Talk of the Town, why not subscribe to our postal service? You can have the magazine delivered to your door, anywhere in the UK for as little as £27.50 per year. Simply send a cheque payable to “” for £27.50 to TotT Subscriptions, 9 The Wynd, Marske, Cleveland, TS11 7LD. Don't forget to enclose your name and address. Alternatively, you can call us on 01642 477200 if you wish to pay by credit or debit card, or pay online at 40

E-mail: 14 Park Avenue, Redcar, Cleveland, TS10 3JZ

Five grants get OK Five grants for community events and organisations have been approved by Saltburn, Marske and New Marske Parish Council at their May meeting. They are £50 towards a Saltburn event to be staged by Cleveland Orienteering Club; £500 towards the cost of improvements at Saltburn Methodist church; £50 towards new uniforms for Marske Brass Band; £300 towards Saltburn 500 Club’s weekly band concerts; and £150 towards the cost of guest speakers at the monthly Marske Library Club meetings. Councillors decided to ask for information about the specific equipment required by Doorways youth project, Saltburn, before considering a grant. Plans: Councillors approved an application to demolish a chalet next to the Vista Mar restaurant on Saltburn Bank and to building a house on the site. Footpath: Details of a proposed change to the public footpath near the Mary Martin’s Tollhouse Buildings, Glenside, Saltburn, were received by the council.

Death: The death was reported of a long-standing former parish councillor Ivy Saunders and councillors’ condolences are being sent to her family and friends. Chairman: Joan Guy, of Saltburn, was elected chairman with David Jones, of Marske, elected as vice chairman. Next meeting: The council’s next meeting will be held on Monday, 12th July at 7.15pm upstairs at the Saltburn Leisure Centre. The public is welcome and can speak briefly at the start of the meeting, without any advance notification. Future meetings are to be held on the second Monday of each month, except in August when there is a recess, and in November when the meeting will be on November 15th. Contact: The council’s phone number is 01287623477 and email For more Parish Council news see page 15.

10 years of volunteering at Sue Ryder's here in Saltburn In the year 2000 Janet Kelly moved with her husband Michael from Lancashire. New to the area and not knowing anybody she decided that she needed to get out and meet people. Looking at all the possibilities she thought that helping out at Sue Ryder’s could be what she was looking for. Janet popped in to the shop and met the previous manager who offered her a couple of hours to try this volunteering thing out, and the rest, as they say, is history. At first Janet came in for a full day till she was lucky enough to gain part time hours at what was then Somerfield. Because she was not now able to manage a full day at Sue Ryder’s she cut it down to one afternoon a week. Janet found that volunteering was an interesting way of meeting people in the shop and she made new friends as well! Although Janet is with the other staff at Guisborough for the time being she still fits us in each week, and this

year we acknowledge Janet’s 10 years of volunteering. “Long may it continue, Janet,” say all at Sue Ryder’s in Saltburn Square.

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all tuition, materials, lovely lunch, cakes & hot drinks included. GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE!!! Contact Beth Sigsworth 5 Leven Street, Saltburn. (01287) 622463

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Virus/Spyware Removal • Internet Problems Software Diagnostics • Initial Setup Upgrades • System Crashes • Data Recovery Wireless Networks • New Computer Systems 41

Food Hygiene Training at Saltburn Community Centre

Shaun O’Mara is currently arranging Assessment Centre Status from the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) to teach the CIEH Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering, at Saltburn Community Centre. Courses would run intermittently. Individuals or organisations that might be interested in gaining this important qualification please contact Shaun on telephone 01287 622303. Who needs this qualification? Anyone working in catering, manufacturing or retail setting where food is prepared, cooked and handled. Typical environments may include: Pubs, Hotels, Restaurants, Supermarkets and retail environments, Food and drink manufacturers, Hospitals, Care homes, Schools, Prisons.

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Saltburn Animal Rescue Association. A small charity seeking to rescue and re-home cats and dogs, Tel: 01287 201005 (weekdays only). SARA has many dogs and cats that need new homes. All are clean, healthy, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. Morning everyone! My name is Chas. Before I tell you about me I want to tell you two pieces of great news. Jake from last month now has a new foster home which is just what he needed and Max who featured twice in Talk of the Town last year and was in kennels for two whole years now has a wonderful new home just as he deserves. He has firmly got his paws under the table, lucky old Max. So how about a really good result for me? I haven’t had a brilliant life as basically I was unwanted and got used as a toy by the people who should have cared for me. I have been with SARA for a while now and am really, really improving. I still love people despite the rough treatment I got but truthfully I do need to bond with one or two special people so I get to know them and feel safe. That way I can take it gently and learn to trust properly. When I first came to SARA I hadn’t really met any other dogs and they scared me so I barked and postured a bit but I am improving. I even went on the SARA dog walk with lots of people and other dogs and I was really good. Incidentally I had a smashing time doing it too. The key was that I was with someone I knew and trusted and so I didn’t need to be scared and if a chap isn’t scared he has a good time and if he has a good time he behaves impeccably. I think you can guess what comes next. I need a special home with people who will love me and make me feel safe. For chaps like me this doesn’t mean spoiling me rotten; it means caring for me, letting me know the rules and looking after me. I want a home where I am wanted and can

get my paws under the table, somewhere to belong and know I’m safe and doing the right thing. I am eager to please and well behaved when I know what’s what. I think it might be better not to have young people around. A nice quiet home where the humans know how a dog needs to be treated and cared for would be best. So please, pretty please, think about taking me in. I am about two and a half and it’s time I had my own home with my own people. The SARA people are lovely but it isn’t the same as a home and from the stories I’ve heard about good homes I think they must be wonderful places to be. I will be loyal, loving and lots of fun to have around and as you can tell, I’m good at charity walks. Thanks for listening. Love, Chas.

SARA fundraising events during July

The next monthly meeting of SARA will be held in the TocH premises, Albion Terrace, Saltburn on Wednesday, 7th July at 7.30pm. New members are always very welcome. 8th July 2010 Members of SARA will be holding a collecting day in Guisborough, on Thursday, 8th July. All donations will go to the Foxrush Farm Sanctuary and Rehoming Centre Fund. 10th July 2010 Once again SARA will be holding a Fun Dog Show. This event will be taking place at Foxrush Farm, Kirkleatham, from 11am-4pm. The judging will commence at 11.30am. Entries on the day at the ringside. There will be a parade of dogs looking for homes between 1.30pm and 1.45pm. There will be refreshments and stalls, plenty of car parking space available. Enjoy a fun time with us. All proceeds will go towards supporting the Sanctuary and Rehoming Centre. 17th July 2010 Members of SARA will be holding a collecting day in Middlesbrough. All donations will go

towards the Foxrush Farm Sanctuary and Re-homing Centre Fund. 17th July 2010 SARA will be holding a table top sale in Saltburn Community Centre, on Saturday, 17th July, from 10am to 4pm. Refreshments will be on sale. All proceeds from this event will go to Foxrush Farm Sanctuary and Rehoming Fund. Thank you to everyone who made the last event at the Community Centre such a success. £500 was raised towards the Foxrush Farm Sanctuary and Re-homing Fund. 24th July 2010 A collecting day will be held in Redcar on Saturday, 24th July. All donations will go towards the foxrush Farm Sanctuary and Re-homing Fund. For further information about SARA visit our website www.s-a-r-a, visit our charity shop in Guisborough, or ring the helpline Monday-Friday 9.30am to 1.30pm on 01287/201005. Sheila Green 43

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Botton Hall Theatre Group Presents

As You Like It By William Shakespeare At the Saltburn Community Theatre On Thursday, July 22nd And Friday, July 23rd 7:30pm Tickets £7


Grazing land for horse

ideally with stable, to rent or buy in Saltburn or surrounding area. Please ring Samantha on (01287) 625941 or 07504 504898 44

The Saltburn Profile by Rosemary Nicholls Penny Walkley “I feel very privileged to have been the Deputy Head at Saltburn Primary for twenty-one years,” says Penny Walkley on the eve of her retirement. “I’ve just loved this job.” Penny (formerly Mrs Pennock) has enjoyed working with a very creative and inspiring staff and a mix of families whose children have attended the school. She has had the opportunity to teach alongside many professionals playing an important role in management. She is certainly not counting the days till she retires, although she is looking forward to more space in her life. Penny was born in Sc ar b or ou gh an d a tte nde d Northstead Primary School, like Saltburn Primary teacher, Carl Wood. After Scarborough Girls’ High School, she went to College at Darlington, where she trained to teach three to eight year olds and develop a specialism in P.E. “It was a natural progression for me,” she explains, “as I’d represented the County in long jump, diving and hockey.” Penny grew up with her brother, Peter, who was the senior Adviser for Redcar and Cleveland Education Department before he retired and her sister, Susan, a nurse, who now runs nursing homes in Sunderland and Durham with her husband, a retired doctor. For a short time after College, Penny worked in a Catholic school in Darlington, but since then she has spent her whole teaching life in Redcar and Cleveland, including six years at Beech Grove, South Bank, six years in supply work and then spells at Lingdale, Lockwood and Belmont, Guisborough, before joining Saltburn Infants’ as Deputy Head. This job developed into Deputy Head of the split-site Primary School and now of the Primary School on Saltburn Learning Campus. “I really wanted to spend a year on the new site working as a single staff,” she says, “and I have experienced how wonderful it is for us and also for the children.” Highlights of her time here have been the performances that she has worked on: the Snow Queen, Snow White and the Seven Jockeys (performed at the Community Centre) and this month’s production of The Tempest on 14th (evening) and 15th July (matinee) in the school hall. As many older children as possible are involved. She has also loved leading the work on integrated services for parents, including the weekly Drop-In sessions at Sure Start, which can signpost parents to the agencies ready to help them. Penny has played a leading role in mentoring student teachers from Ripon St John, Scarborough and Durham Colleges and now the Graduate Teachers’ Programme. She

h as e njo ye d in te rvie win g prospective teachers. She has been a lead person on the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning initiative and the school is now a Tracker School for this, one of only two in the North of England. The aim is to incorporate social and emotional education into all areas of children’s learning. For fifteen years on and off, Penny has been a Governor at Sa l tb ur n Pr i ma r y a n d h as appreciated being part of the bigger picture. “I do so admire the Governors of the school. They vol un teer t o ta ke on bi g responsibilities,” she says. “It’s amazing to see the commitment they give.” While her own children, Justin and Louisa were pupils at Laurence Jackson School, Guisborough, Penny was a Parent Governor too. Louisa has followed Penny’s steps into Primary teaching, but has now stepped down from her Assistant Headship at Badger Hill School, Brotton to combine looking after her nineteen month old daughter, Elizabeth Iris, with part-time teaching. Justin is a chemical engineer in London and Penny likes to combine seeing him with visits to theatres and museums. Most recently, she saw the Lion King and went to the National Gallery. Having been at Saltburn for so long, Penny now finds children saying to her: “My mum used to be in your class!” She has also been able to see lots of children go on to have successful lives. She was very pleased to hear that Jade Coleman went on to study at the Royal Ballet School and now runs her own dancing school and to work with past pupils who return to gain experience in the school before embarking on a teaching career themselves. During the limited leisure time that a Deputy Head has, Penny has prioritised keeping fit. She goes to the Alama Gym in Guisborough five times a week and does aerobics. She likes to walk for at least an hour a day and this is when she does her thinking. She has a house south of Alicante in Spain where she enjoys reading and spending quality time with her family and friends. When she retires, she would like to join Guisborough U3A activities such as a walking group and a Spanish Improvers’ group. “It would also be wonderful to travel to Romania with the Love in a Box charity I have promoted in school,” she says. Penny is going to continue working on the Graduate Teacher Programme and plans to take up some voluntary work, perhaps in a hospice. She is very conscious of her own good health and wants to make good use of every hour. “I could also be tempted back into school for a parttime project if one arose,” she admits. 45

Hobbies by Alan Butler I remember a time, now many years ago, when I went to see a friend who was renovating a very old and very decrepit house. When I arrived I found him cutting tiles for the roof. He’d done most of the work on the little house himself and I marvelled at his great ability to do so many different jobs. “It’s not rocket science, Alan,” he told me. “If someone else can do it you can do it too.” This phrase stuck in my mind – probably too much as things have turned out since. At one time or another my friend’s statement has led me into all sorts of adventures and with mixed results. Ken’s words convinced me that I could build my own mobile home, make drums, build a car from scratch, renovate three cottages in Wales, become a professional entertainer and a thousand other exercises, some of which quite frankly would have been better left to the experts. The trouble is that I can’t stop the habit of assuming that just because someone else can do something, then I can do it too. The latest example is bone carving. When I was in New Zealand with Kate a few months ago we saw some fabulous Maori carving in jade and bone. Jade is a very hard stone and not too easy to get hold of but it occurred to me that there are bones everywhere, and that they must be considerably easier to carve than stone, and so another adventure began. An article on the internet told me to go and see my local butcher in order to get the cow bone I needed for my new creations. What the article did not tell me is how complicated and messy the whole business is. Have you any idea how big a cow’s leg is? I’d only ever seen them ‘on’ cows! Being a naturally kind man the butcher gave me two – in a bin bag. After I had nearly dislocated my back getting them home, I then had to boil them down. This would only have been possible if I had possessed a fifty gallon oil drum, so I had to get busy with a saw – we won’t go any further into this part of the story because poor Ian, our much loved Editor, is a sort of vegetarian. Suffice it to say that I’m glad nobody was watching – it wasn’t pleasant. After hours of boiling and scraping I discovered that most of the bone was unusable because it had been boiled for too long and it was only then that I read the article again, which told me in the last sentence that commercially sterilised bone is best. As luck would have it the pet stall on our local market sold sterilised bones for dogs. What could be better? I bought two or three chunks but then over the next few weeks I discovered that I was more of a bone spoiler than a bone carver. The garage looked and smelled like a charnel house and I was getting no nearer to turning out something that looked as though it was an artistic creation. Meanwhile I was using up more and more bones and getting ever more puzzled looks from the stall holder as I rooted through the box to find the ones I specifically wanted. 46

After three or four weeks she could contain her curiosity no longer. “Just how many dogs have you got?” she wanted to know. “And come to that what sort of dogs can they be if you have to cater for their aesthetic appreciation of bones? They generally chew them a bit and then bury them in the garden. Do yours display theirs in a glass case?” “Oh,” I said, smiling and finally registering her understandable curiosity. “They’re not for a dog – they’re for me.” She shrugged. Obviously the owner of a pet stall must have seen all of life’s rich tapestry. “Whatever floats your boat,” she said, turning away to sort through the bird balls. Another of my foibles is that I am pathologically incapable of doing anything simple. I had decided that I wanted to carve a pendant in the shape of a spiral. I drilled, sawed and filed away at my pieces of bone but discovered on each occasion that as I got to the centre of the spiral, the bone would break, leaving me with a ruined piece. By this time I noticed that every time I turned up to buy new bones other stall holders were gathering in small groups, whispering and pointing. In any case the whole business of sawing and sanding the large bones into small pieces was so smelly and so objectionable that Kate was threatening to divorce me. Back on the internet I finally discovered a company in India that sold processed bone slabs, which seemed a better idea and would lead to less waste and avoid possible prosecution for being some sort of bone fetishist. Now things really began to get complicated. Rashid, my contact in Delhi, didn’t speak or write very good English. It took a lot of perseverance and about a thousand emails to get what I wanted but I must say that before I actually received my bone slabs I knew a great deal about Rashid, his wife, his family, his factory and the present economic state of India. I got impatient waiting for the bone to arrive and in the meantime Kate’s son-in-law, Darren, had kindly given me all sorts of pieces of exotic hard woods so that I could practice my carving skills on something a little more pleasing. There is now so much sawdust in the garage I’m thinking of selling it to the pet stall on the market for hamster bedding – and it has to be said that there can’t be many hamsters that lay down on a night in mahogany and tulip wood beds. Finally the package arrived. What I haven’t mentioned is that the process was only commercially viable for Rashid and his bone processing company if I bought rather a lot of bone slabs. I could now corner the market in pieces of Indian Buffalo, and what Rashid omitted to tell me is that I would also have to pay import duty on the consignment. I now feel honour bound to spend every spare moment bashing away at the bone – and I still haven’t made a spiral. Perhaps I should turn my attention to something just as beautiful and slightly less brittle. I’ve always loved amber and I’ve discovered a site on the internet that can sell me quite big pieces…….




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Saltburn Allotments Association We picked our first strawberries today. Only six mind but it’s really early for us, so quite a celebration. It’s made me think about fruit though and the fruit jobs for this month. With fruit trees it’s traditional to refer to the “June drop”, when June winds blow fruit from the trees. It’s a good thing to happen as it means that the fewer fruits left on the branches have a greater opportunity to ripen into good size apples, pears, plums etc. If you find, though, that by the middle of the month you still have lots of fruit on your trees, thin them by hand. For apples and pears, thin to leave two healthy, well shaped fruit per cluster and about 4 to 6 inches between each cluster along the branch for eaters and 6 to 9 inches for cookers. Thinning plums in the same way can really improve the quality of the fruit. It often happens that when trees are allowed to produce a huge crop during one year, the resulting stress leads the tree to produce no fruit the following year. This is often mistaken for the tree being biannual. With fruit bushes, if you have them in containers on your doorstep, in the garden or in hanging baskets (eg tumbling toms), make sure you keep them well watered as they dry out really quickly, even if it rains. With fruit such as brambles and summer raspberries, keep tying them in to their supports to keep them tidy and to stop branches that are heavy with fruit breaking. On the vegetable front, you could still be sowing lettuce and salad leaves, including chicory, Chinese leaves and oriental leaves, radishes (including winter types such as mooli), spinach, leaf beet, peas, khol rabi and turnips. If you sowed these a month or so ago, you could plant out broccoli, winter cabbages and cauliflowers, sprouts, kale and leeks, to replace your new potatoes. If you didn’t have the chance to sow these vegetables, have a look around the local nurseries as they will probably have small plants for sale at very reasonable prices. I really want to thank everyone who helped us with the last Farmers’ Market stall, from those who grew and produced things for us to sell, to the people who bought the goods. Thanks to the funds raised we will be getting a skip shortly for lane two. (You know who you are.) If we do as well in July we will invest in another skip somewhere else on site. I’d like to make a plea to anyone who goes into our wildlife garden from time to time. We know it’s got rather over grown this year due to time and other commitments. We will be cleaning up the paths and strimming around the trees in early July. If you could pull out the odd weed from a raised bed as you go past, we’d be really grateful as we’d like it to look reasonable when the Northumbria in Bloom Judges visit on 13th July. If you haven’t done this already and you have an e-mail address, if you are a plot holder, could you send it to me please at It would be much easier for me to keep in touch with you all eg about skips and the like, if I had your details. In the meantime though, have a great gardening July and remember to prepare for the Saltburn Craft and Produce Show so that our local gardeners can bag some of the certificates. Cheers for now. Sue 48

Rotary Club News

July, in the Rotary calendar, is the time for changes and this year is no exception. We now welcome to office, our new President Peter Holbert. Peter, at a previous meeting, had summarised his intended program and reminded the new officers of the club of their duties in the coming year and also outlined his plans for continuing the high standards of service to the community Subsequent to the club confirming a pledge for £1,000 (over a period of three years) to assist with refurbishment/restoration of the Emmanuel Church Hall, a date and venue has been agreed with a local band, who will offer their services free at the Golf Club. on Saturday, October 2nd. A meal (probably pie and peas) will be included in the ticket price, calculated to show a reasonable profit to enhance the fund raising effort, and a raffle would also be held at this event. The visit of the Tall Ships to Hartlepool in August will involve the Club in the manning of the Rotary stand for the Saturday, August 7th evening shift. Members of Saltburn Rotary Club concerned with the Sailability project at Scaling Dam will be among those taking part in this venture. At our meeting on June 2nd, President Bob Storey presented cheques for £1,250 to Dr. Adrian Davies of the Cleveland Heart Foundation and Peter Nixon of the SCAA (Community Theatre). In the absence of a representative from the Prostate Cancer Research their cheque was handed to Dr. Davies to pass on. The GSE visit to District 1030 this year will be by a team from Kerala and Tamil Nadu areas in India and is scheduled for arrival in UK August 18th and departing September 19th. Efforts are under way to provide our usual support on this occasion. The RYLA have organised an ‘Outward Bound’ type of event for sponsored youngsters, for a week in Co. Durham, in early June. Fellow Rotarian Dave Tabner’s Company will sponsor a lad, while our club will sponsor two girls. A recent Golf Club match in aid of Cancer Charities with three rotary club members taking part resulted in the sum of £658 being raised. Subsequent to this announcement, a suggestion for a Saltburn Rotary Club Golf day will be taken further. This month saw a return to the village of Ainthorpe for the Club’s annual Quoits match. The weather as usual was not kind to us but after a pitch inspection at 7.30pm our secretary pronounced conditions fit for matches to begin. Fortified with liquid refreshment from the Hostelry in whose remit the four quoits pitches fell, four teams were quickly selected from the 23 members and guests present and the Iron Ring hurling began. At 9.00pm the evening’s sport concluded with the President’s team being declared the winners. After an excellent meal in the Fox & Hounds plus more liquid refreshment the group departed on the coach for home a very satisfied and happy company.

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The Saltburn Crossword no 109 set by Dinosaur Across 1 Saltburn community on the hill and over the river (8, 5) 9 Bringing on as an inevitable consequence or necessitating giant Neil mixing (9) 10 Contracted in the middle found betweentimes (5) 11 Hurl from the saddle? (5) 12 Newscaster is such small weight found within Queen Ann (9) 13 Wanders for SARA to find? (6) 15 Saltburn has a new adventure one in the Valley (4, 4) 17 Necessary for tea making process in nuclear reactor? (8) 19 Supposedly he or she stands up for your rights or is it just to suck blood? (6) 23 He catches Pisces by mashing finer mash (9) 24 Visage to a T makes the surface of a gem (5) 26 Bird perch for sleeping (5) 27 He makes up new words to go Neil’s confusion (9) 28 Saltburn road is hard but shines clear way (7, 6)

Down Name___________________________________ Address_________________________________ ________________________________________ Telephone_______________________________

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 16 17 18 20 21 22 25

Solution to Crossword no 108

The winner of last month’s crossword was Pam Fisher of Kilton Close, Redcar

D. V. Townend &Co

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Brings into existence and race set runs (7) Bury to start interfering (5) Saltburn Golf Course street or reasonable method (7) Saltburn shop finds Liz all in sea (6) Powerfully convincing company short gentleman found before the adverbial suffix (8) Falsely and not trustworthy (7) Rule by religious government destroys Troy cache (9) Coat for a strange person? (6) Saltburn natural feature has trees in the valley (5, 4) Action soldier in charge of zero? (8) Implies dressed in animal skins by the sound of it (6) Ranges of light not just a single rainbow (7) Off rant swapping vowels for audacity (7) Traditional knocking sound gives rodent a start (3-1-3) Not said not loud ...n’t (6) The Saltburn road finds niche (5)

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