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Our charity ball tickets are finally released for sale so be quick. These are going to sell out quickly. We have standard tickets and VIP tickets. Go to our website for more details, www.costofcancer.org.uk. It is really important for us to keep putting the message out there, what and why we do what we do. For those of you who don’t know, we help families of those who are going through treatment for cancer. We help with the bills that arrive on the door mat every month regardless of what the occupants are going through. Bills like gas, electric, water etc. So, if your family is affected or you know someone is affected you know what to do, get in touch with us. We offer families total discretion and privacy. Finally, please do follow us on all social media platforms and remember we help those who are finding life a struggle financially whilst going through treatment for Cancer.

Nicky, Emma & Cath Trustees

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