20 minute read
The greatest gift we can give our puppies, is to learn ‘dog’. They’re always giving us information about how they’re feeling, we really need to be able to understand them. There are approximately 16 body language signs displayed before a dog resorts to using their teeth. If these early signs are missed or misunderstood then they will, over time, learn to skip them and escalate. All body language is contextual and normally accompanied by other signs. An Anxious dog may display - A lip or nose lick when they haven’t just eaten, a wide yawn when they aren’t tired, flattened ears, a raised front paw, have sweaty paws, be pacing back and forth and show the whites of their eyes (called whale eye). Solution – This dog is not happy with whatever they’re experiencing at this time. Either remove the reason why or put some distance between them and the cause of their anxiety. If they come to you for comfort, then provide it. A Scared dog may display - a crouched tense body, lowered head, tail tucked tightly under their body, may be lying down with a raised paw, unable to take food, possibly urinating, maybe growling and have raised hackles (an involuntary action, much like goosebumps in humans, known as piloerection). A dog that is on their hind legs or lunging towards a stimulus and making a lot of noise could also be scared. Solution – This dog needs distance immediately, either remove them or the reason they’re scared. This dog may snap or bite at their lead or the person holding the lead or at the source of their fear. With this dog, we would work on building their confidence and desensitising them to their triggers. An Excited dog may display - pricked ears, tail held high which may be wagging quickly in a helicopter motion, offer a bow position, eyes focused on the source of excitement, mouth may be open and panting, body is poised ready to go, vocalising in a high pitch and may have the ‘Zoomies’ (running around like a complete hooligan!) Solution - This dog needs to calm down as over arousal may lead to inappropriate mouthing or rough play. If out on a walk, pop them back on their lead and do calm sniffing games. If at home, provide a tasty chew or a loaded Lickimat to calm them down.
Julie Williams APDT IMDT South Wales Dog Training Academy
To deliver Seaside News in Porthcawl. Must be 18 plus, responsible and available the beginning of each month. Email for further details: info@ seasidenews.co.uk
It may be a little way off just yet but yes, Christmas is coming and once again the Rotarian Posties are warming their thermals, because they are ready, willing and able to deliver your Rotary stamped Christmas cards in order to raise money for Rotary charities! So, if you are writing your Christmas cards early, DON’T POST THEM YET! From 8th November to 6th December, our Rotary ‘Posties’ will collect, sort and deliver Christmas post with specially designed Rotary Christmas stamps. You will be able to buy Rotary Christmas stamps from participating local outlets and post your cards in special Rotary Post boxes at the stores to addresses in the CF36 postal area … and still for only 25p! Please remember that cards can only be posted at the stores and can only be delivered to Porthcawl CF36 addresses. The stamps can be bought and cards posted at the following stores: -
The Club is very grateful for the goodwill of the stores and the generosity of the public.
Rtn Robert Lee
The clocks go back one hour at the end of October. This year British Summer Time ends on Sunday, 31st October. One way to remember to put the clock forward or back is the saying “Spring Forward, Fall Back”. Nowadays with the advances of electronics and technology many of our instruments and appliances do it for us without our help. This time of year the clock changes seems to make the nights darker earlier and can be a gloomy thing, so put your lights on to brighten up your outlook, and look forward to the bright and cheerful lights of Christmas coming soon. After all, Jesus is the light of the world. Time is a fascinating construct. We measure our time by our life on earth, by its circuit around the sun and its approximately 24hour axis spin. Days and years are longer on other planets. At present human beings seem to live at most 120 earth years. Yet the promise of Jesus is everlasting life in a new and eternal body for those who will put their trust in Him. (John 3:16) If you would like to know more about following the Lord Jesus Christ please contact us at faith@gilgal.co.uk.
Rev. Martin Gillard Gilgal Baptist Church.
At last we are an active club again, meeting and doing things together to serve the community and raise (still small) sums for our local and international causes. After the success of ‘Porthcawl in bloom’ and our runs, we have had the twice weather-postponed but widely enjoyed Sandcastle Competition - 14 entries with one of the winners shown. We moved on to a successful QuizDrive (car ‘Treasure Hunt’) with 13 cars discovering, or rediscovering local beauty spots and answering (or not) 30 odd (very) questions, and we are now planning a COFFEE MORNING on WED 20th OCT at the Grove Golf Club, in aid of Breast Cancer Now, and thinking ahead to our festive events - a probable fete, Santa’s Grotto, the Fun Run. This means we have returned to normal, in person, meetings and enjoying each other’s company again - all with that sense of community purpose which we hope will attract more new members (we have 2 prospectively) as we come out of lockdown and seeking new ways to spend our time and energies. Interested?
Contact Sue: suemcarey@hotmail.com, or 07775 4552901
We Are Back! After 18 long months of lockdown we held our first meeting last month. This was at the Grove Golf Club, a new venue for us but very happy to be there. Chairman Helen Taylor welcomed a good crowd including the chairman of Swansea Federation, Pat Evans. Members stood in memory of two members Ann Wynn Jones and Brenda Duckfield who had died during the pandemic. Jean Dorrington was installed as our President. Our speaker was Rev. Clive Williams always popular so excellent to start up, our guild again. He told us of the life and work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in his own inimitable way illustrated on the piano. Born of a musical family Mozart was a child prodigy composing over 600 pieces including 17 operas. He performed all over Europe to kings and emperors dying at 35 and being buried in a paupers grave. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, 27th October 2.0 p.m. again at the Grove Golf Club when Dean Powell will be telling us of the life of Glyn Houston. If any member has a problem with transport please get in touch.
Dorothy Thomas tel. 772157
After 19 long months members were glad to be able to return to our usual meeting venue in The Williams Memorial Hall. Natalie White (vice president) chaired the meeting and a one minutes silence was observed in respect of the passing of valued member Suzette Jones. The well-attended meeting welcomed 5 new members, Cherry Buchan, Maria Chard, Gillian Frost, Sheila Hill and Heather Prescott. Members were informed of the various forthcoming events: a skittles evening and buffet on 12th October, on 19th November a coach trip to Gloucester Quays Christmas Market, a GFWI 60’s night in The Hi –Tide on 23rd November, a quiz night on 26th November and Christmas lunch organised for 8th December. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the meeting and giving input with suggestions for events for 2022, catching up and chatting over tea/coffee and cakes. Blessed with good weather on 11th August we enjoyed the organised coach trip stopping en-route in Chepstow for coffee before joining the Forest of Dean Railway for afternoon tea and a 90-minute journey through the pleasant countryside. Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th October 2021 between 1-3pm in The Williams Memorial Hall, Coychurch. Guests are welcome to attend. For further details of future events please contact either Sandra Davidson on 01656 669232 or Natalie White on 07581256026.
Janet James Coychurch WI
Deadline date for the November issue is: Friday 15th October
While writing this I am thrilled to be listening to toddlers and budding ballerinas enjoying their tiny toes ballet activities in our Kenfig Suite, alongside observing in another part of the building a generation of people at the other end of the spectrum sharing their appreciation of the literary works George Bernard Shaw – Porthcawl U3A Literature Appreciation Group. It is really wonderful to see Kenfig Nature Reserve Centre fulfilling its potential as a post Covid community hub! On the 19th of September we enjoyed international “Talk like a Pirate Day” and on Saturday 2nd October we will be celebrating UK National Fungus Day with fungi displays, fungi forays and fungi treats (courtesy of The Hyde), then on Sunday 3rd October our first Farmers Market is being held between 10am and 2pm, big thanks to. Emma and Lisa,-@thehydeoutcoffee and @ double_trouble_coffee for their assistance with this. Christmas is also starting to become prominent feature in the Kenfig Nature Reserve Calendar- our Christmas Wreath Making Class is already sold out!! My recent Facebook request for help with provisions of slab stones was very quickly responded to and whilst Mr & Mrs Fish very kind gesture didn’t quite fit the bill (but huge thanks anyway) we were very fortunate when Mr Rob James and Mrs Jayne James came to our rescue, and we now have adequate provision to complete “Y Cuddfann” our outdoor seating area. Around the Reserve itself Chris our Warden was delighted to discover a Portland Moth (Actebia praecox) last spotted here in 1994. By the time of printing Sands for Life will have begun mowing over 20 slacks and Plant Life will have completed a well-attended Scything Course clearing grassland around the car park area. Our Trustees have been working hard constructing a “Bee Hotel” which will be installed very shortly, and so excuse the pun I am pleased to be able to report that there is a “Hive” of activity at Kenfig Nature Reserve at the moment.
Don’t forget our on-line survey, we value your suggestions and comments!
TFSR has not been idle during the problems arising from Covid. As well as refurbishing tools for a number of kits in the workshop, more akin to an operating theatre, bearing in mind the need for self- distancing, masks, adequate hand sanitation etc. We have nine kits ready to go, Builders, Carpenters and Automechanics. All the kits going to our training partners in Africa. A Typical Kit is shown in this month’s photograph, with 91 tools in total for a Training Centre. Two of the crates also contain hand sewing machines and haberdashery kits. We are always thankful for the support we get and have recently received a number of hand sewing machines from Bridgend College for which we are very grateful. We have also sent a number of un-refurbished tools to TFSR Cymru destined for Tanzania, as well as supplying gardening tools to the Llanelli group for sale at the National Trust Property at Llandeilo. Be assured all our kits will be self- isolating when they arrive in Africa, let alone Llanelli. As you see TFSR here in Porthcawl has been busy during these problematic times and we shall continue to be so.
Mark James Chairman
As summer draws to a close, we look back on a busy season at Porthcawl. So far this year we have handled 54 incidents, averaging 3 incidents every 2 weeks. Unfortunately the pandemic has had a major effect on our fundraising capability and the large-scale events, such as the annual quiz and choral night, have had to be cancelled for the second year running. We now hope to run a choral event in March 2022. Nevertheless, we have managed to organise other fund raising activities including our acclaimed bookstall, which we operate regularly outside the tower. This has been very successful and thanks to the generosity of Porthcawl residents and visitors to the area, has given us a valuable revenue stream, which we need to keep us afloat. We must also thank the watchkeepers, their families and other well wishers who donate a wide selection of books and to the staff who man this stall on a regular basis throughout the Summer and whenever the weather allows. National Coastwatch Day was August 28th and during the August Bank Holiday we celebrated the anniversary of NCI, seeking to further promote the organisation and raise funds in the process.
Nick Weedon Media Officer Porthcawl NCI
We have a new President, venue and Inner Wheel year. Our first Club meeting in almost eighteen months was held on the first Tuesday afternoon of August at the Newton Institute. Not many of those attending had been to the venue before and President Gil had only been inside once and that was back when she was a new member of Ladies Circle. It was lovely to see people again and get back to a sort of normal. First, we held a business meeting, where we discussed items for collection for the many charities we support. Some are local and others are international. New items for collection are the foil/plastic tablet blister packs. Then we had a very welcome cup of tea and biscuits. A very different meeting to those of the past. We are looking forward to getting back together every month from now, so if anyone is interested in finding out more about the Inner Wheel please come along and meet us on the first Tuesday at 2pm you will be made most welcome.
Liz Jones
Who would have thought that when we packed up on Saturday 14th March 2020 that it would be 18 months before we started back with face-to-face (F2F) bridge. Yes, we have started back at Awel y Mor on Wednesdays at 6:45pm and Saturdays at 3:00pm. It was really lovely to see each other again after such a long time. Many of us had been playing online through lockdown so it seemed quite strange to actually hold cards in our hands! Two people I must thank for getting us on board with online bridge are Chris Rawlings and Tony Haworth. Both of them spent time with individuals, talking them through downloading software, registering the program and then the play in general. Some of our players are in their 80s and 90s. Two I know of - an 88yr old and a 90yr old bought laptops especially to play online! When we play online, there is a chat box at the bottom of the screen, so members have been able to keep in touch throughout the lockdown. It has been a saving grace for many of us. We welcome new members of course. Anyone wishing to learn bridge please contact us via our website: www.bridgewebs.com/porthcawl
Janet Richards
On Wednesday the 1st. September we held our first full WI meeting in eighteen months. Our President extended a heart felt welcome to everyone. We have kept in touch in various ways, but it was great to be together again, although of course, observing covid rules. We celebrated in party mood with a buffet followed by 60s and 70s music supplied by our evenings DJ, Brian Morris. Quite a few of our Ladies are unwell at the moment, we wish them all a speedy recovery and hope to see them soon. We were pleased to welcome four new members and look forward to seeing them in future meetings. Thanks to President Jennifer and Committee for all their hard work in helping to ensure the evenings success. We next meet on October 6th at 7pm.
M Freeman
We are currently pitched at Kenfig Nature Reserve till the end of the year and will be celebrating our first birthday in October! A whole year of delicious coffee and cake! Who would have thought it! For you who don’t know us, we are a converted horsebox selling coffee, cake and a small selection of freshly made rolls, using all local produce using small businesses around our area. Coffee is locally roasted in Kenfig Hill; Milk is from Ty Tanglwyst farm and several local bakers, baking the most amazing cakes and cookies we’ve ever seen. We are so very grateful for all your support in our first year, through lock down after lock down and then throughout the summer. I left a job I dearly loved to start my own business in my own village and I am blown away by the response, so a massive thank you to my loyal customers. We have also had an idea of using this wonderful area to give something else back to the community; we are holding a Farmers Market at the reserve starting the 3rd October. Then 1st Sunday of every month going forward. Proceeds of the hiring of the stalls, go back to the reserve, which will no doubt help with the up keep of the area. All traders are small businesses that have had a tough 18 months, so now restrictions for outdoor events have changed we couldn’t wait to get this started. We are very excited! We feel like the market is just an expansion of the horsebox. As we support so many small businesses, now the market will support so many more, all in one area. Really fantastic news for everyone! While we are unsure of The Hyde Out’s future at the reserve, as there’s a plan for a café, we thought we would try and spread our horsebox wings. So, if you are a local business and we complement your business and you have room for a horsebox, Let us know. As well as our Farmers Market, which will hopefully keep us busy, we want you to know also we are available for private parties, weddings and events. This is a very exciting time for us as we move on to our 2nd year of trading, cant wait to keep sharing our progress with you. Thank you again. Your support means the world to us.
Emma Hyde - Emma@thehydeoutcoffee.co.uk
Last month was very exciting for AVFTFP as after 4 months of weekly meetings we finally got to review the architectural plans as per our discussions. And they didn’t fail to excite and capture our imaginations; with vast green spaces for all ages; agile working units for those WFH and wanting social interaction; units for new emerging businesses that would bring more diversity to the town. In addition, a pump-track to attract toddlers to teens (and older!), outdoor amphitheatre, interactive splash park and vast recreational space. And perhaps, most exciting, is a bridge connecting Salt Lake, with its new amenities, to the town, and creating a circular loop that benefits all traders. Of course, this is only speculative and simply produced to start a conversation about what WE, as Porthcawl residents, want for OUR town. We are proposing plans to stimulate some conversation around Salt Lake and ensure that, when the time comes for AVFTFP and the general public to have their placemaking meetings, we have all given it some consideration and mapped out some of the more aspirational options that would benefit the community and businesses. Swansea’s new commitment to create a vast coastal park, as set out by Robert Francis-Davies, gives us in Porthcawl much hope. Over the next month we will be reaching out to established groups within Porthcawl to get their thoughts on these plans and continue the conversation so we can meaningfully contribute to the discussions with BCBC. We hope to share these initial drawings on our media platforms before the end of October.
Please contact us on avoiceforthefutureporthcawl@ gmail.com if you want to become more involved and have your say.
Services at Trinity have now nearly returned to our pre Covid format. We no longer have a restriction on numbers attending and can sit where we choose. We still wear masks and are attending to all the recommended safety practices but are able to sing with live music. At the time of writing we are looking forward to our Harvest Service and hope to be able to hold proper Advent and Christmas celebrations in due course. Some activities have resumed in the hall and we hope that Messy Church will re start eventually. Please check our website for details of groups meeting. We continue to hold a live Zoom service for those who prefer to join from home. Recordings via email or CD are also available. The Trinity Bargain Store now has its own Facebook page with information on opening hours and special items for sale. It currently operates every day from 10 to 1pm except Fridays and Sundays, weather permitting. All proceeds are in aid of Action for Children and Trinity. Please visit our Facebook page or website for any further information.
Alison Meredith Thomas Communication Secretary www.trinitychurchporthcawl.org
The Great Global Greyhound Walk is a FREE to attend annual dog-walking event that brings together greyhounds, lurchers, other sighthounds and their owners to raise awareness of the breeds and show the public just what wonderful pets they make. www.greatglobalgreyhoundwalk.co.uk The first ever Great Global Greyhound Walk at Newton Beach was held today, Sunday 19th September, for a walk along our beautiful beach. It started in a light drizzle but concluded in glorious autumn sunshine. There were a fantastic group of 22 greyhounds, sighthounds, and companion dogs attended and showed what wonderfully loving, social and gorgeous dogs these are as pets. Many here today had been given their forever homes from rescue organisations, including Greyhound Rescue Wales and Forever Hounds Trust, some were racing dogs in a previous life, but all are gentle, with amazing personalities. It was an absolute pleasure to meet so many ambassadors for the breed, and hope to make this an annual event. Thank you so much to everyone who came to join in the walk.
Sue Emlyn-Jones
14th September and here we are again Mynydd Cynffig WI meeting in the Talbot Center Kenfig Hill 2pm to 4pm. We had a good turnout of members, lots of talk and laughter WI business discussed and the trips, walks and educational tours the Glamorgan Federation has arranged for us to participate in. Our luncheon club enjoyed last months get together and we’ve arranged this months for our members. Our walking club has arranged our October walk and as soon as we can, our scrabble club will be up and running. We had a talk and demonstration by Pat Summers on weaving with lavender, and enjoyed by all. Next month one of our ladies is giving us a demonstration on making Christmas wreaths so we’ll have no excuse not to get our decorations ready for Christmas. This year is rushing by and we’re all hoping that next year will be better one. We’re all pulling together keeping each other connected and trying to make sure we’ll get through this pandemic and come out on the other side The WI is a great way for us to keep in touch with each other in our community and with other WI’s come and join us tea and biscuits always at the ready.
Christine Callaghan
Where do I go next?
Wecanhelp youwith:
•A job change •Goals