Seattle University Student Experience

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seattle university


Dear New Redhawk, Welcome! You made it. Your journey at Seattle University begins today. As you scan the horizon of your unfolding college experience, what do you imagine? Where will you be? What will you encounter along the way? Who will walk with you and offer invaluable advice? How will you contribute to the SU community and the surrounding neighborhood? The choices you make are part of the transformative nature of a Seattle University education. The Redhawk Experience meets you where you are today, with your unique gifts, talents and desires. It opens up new avenues for exploration and discovery. You will have opportunities to integrate your intellectual life with your social activities and spirituality. This experience will help you form your whole self to become a leader for a just and humane world. At its core, SU offers a Jesuit education that will help you engage with the world, question and critically analyze with compassion and commit to make a difference. At Seattle University you will activate your mind through deeper reflection and understanding. A Seattle University education encourages you to take a step back and discern how to become your best self and to stretch your boundaries and develop new skills. Throughout this journey you will not be alone. You will travel alongside classmates and with the support of faculty, staff and alumni. On behalf of the entire Seattle University community, we wish you much success and many blessings as you embark on your Redhawk Experience. Sincerely,

Isiaah Crawford, PhD Michele Murray, PhD Provost Interim Vice President for Student Development

CONNECT. CHALLENGE. CREATE. COMMIT. A Seattle University education shapes the whole person—body, mind and spirit—and prepares leaders for lives of purpose. As you start on your educational experience at SU, here are some questions to consider: What choices will you make to connect with others? What activities, such as clubs, will you get involved with? What about education abroad? How about service in the community and engaging in causes important to you? What do you want out of your SU education, beyond a degree? The reflections offered in these pages are like a roadmap to get the most out of your Seattle University and Redhawk experience and get the most out of you.

Goals: Commit to become a scholar. Challenge yourself in your classes. Reflect on your long-term goals and discuss your educational plan with your adviser. Participate in co- and extra-curricular activities. Build relationships with others and learn the systems of support on campus. Find a mentor. Grow as a person as part of an open and inclusive educational community. Pursue your academic interests more deeply.



Your Seattle University journey begins with an invitation to be part of this vibrant community of scholars and artists, thinkers and change agents. Classes and campus activities will be your bridges to meeting professors, mentors and new friends. Your first year at Seattle University should be a time of making connections and exploring all the university has to offer. Core classes will prompt you to ask powerful questions, challenge you to think critically and communicate effectively and expose you to a world of ideas. Campus activities will help you connect with others and put ideas into action. Become an active member of your Learning Community, strengthening the links between academic and social worlds. Go deeper into your heart and grow spiritually. Mentors are available and waiting to guide and support you. Immerse yourself in SU and the surrounding neighborhood to connect with people of diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Make time to explore Seattle and take advantage of living in this great city.

Now it’s time to stretch yourself beyond where you thought you could go. Learn new things by taking courses in subjects unfamiliar to you. Expand your awareness through education abroad and immersion opportunities. As you choose your major, be open to new possibilities for future careers and graduate studies. Imagine the future you want for yourself and then take steps to gain valuable hands-on experience in an internship or with research opportunities. Engage in dialogue and service with an open mind and heart, with people who have different backgrounds and perspectives. Reflect on which aspects of your academic life really excite you and which activities are most intriguing. Listen to your spirit and ponder the big questions in life.

Milestones: • Plug into your Learning Community and/or Collegium. • Join a club at the SU Involvement Fair. • Attend a New Student Retreat. • Get involved in a small faith community (ReGroup, Cardoner Community, Bible study, Student Athlete Fellowship, etc.) • Take a service learning course. • Explore Seattle and the neighborhood. • Meet each of your professors one-on-one. • Consider majors. • Attend events (speakers, workshops, films) related to majors that interest you.

This year is the foundation for your collegiate experience. It is a time to reflect on your learning, articulating goals and making decisions for the future. Be willing to take risks. Come ready to learn. Challenge yourself to participate. The invitation is open.

Become who you are meant to be and discover your place in the world. Stretch yourself and see where it takes you.

Questions for Reflection

Questions for Reflection

1. How will you make Seattle University your home? 2. What skills do you need to strengthen to be a successful student? 3. What are your gifts and passions? What questions spark your interest? What skills are you interested in developing? 4. How do the answers to these questions influence what you will choose for a major and your plans post-graduation?

1. What are your academic interests? What questions or issues make you want to learn more? 2. Where are you finding the time and space for reflection as well as personal and spiritual exploration and growth? 3. How are you integrating what you learn in your studies with your experiences outside of class? 4. How have you grown in your time at Seattle University and in what ways do you hope to grow more?

Goals: Choose activities based on your interests. Expand your perspective by meeting new people, getting out into the community and having an educational or service experience abroad. Take course assignments to the next level and research an interesting topic. Reflect on your own spiritual beliefs and broaden your understanding of the faith perspectives of others. Look beyond yourself and seek out ways to be a person with and for others. Milestones: • Go on the Sophomore and SEARCH retreats. • Present at the Seattle University Undergraduate Research Association Conference. • Have an education abroad experience. • Make a significant commitment to service. • Connect to Career Services to explore internship opportunities. • Declare a major.

Goals: Conduct research with a faculty member or do an internship at a professional organization. Live into your vocation through postgraduate service, graduate studies or finding a meaningful career path. Continue to grow and learn throughout your lifetime. Participate in an alumni community to stay connected with SU. Milestones: • Apply for post-graduate service, a job or grad school. • Present your research or creative work. • Try the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life and/or 3- or 5-day Ignatian Silent Retreat. • Network and polish your resume and interviewing skills with Career Services. • Attend commencement activities such as Senior Toast, Student Recognition Awards, Baccalaureate Mass and the Commencement Brunch and Ceremony.



As you prepare for the transition out of Seattle University, think about both the legacy you are leaving and the future you are building. Determine how you will use your knowledge and skills, and your broad-based Core education, to carry you into post-college life. Internships, group leadership and outreach to the community have given you remarkable real-world experience. Discern the direction in which you are headed. The time you are investing in your spiritual life will ground you, help inform your decisions and give you the courage to take your next steps. Pass on the wisdom of your learning and experiences to students who will look to you for your insight.

With degree in hand, stay in touch with your alma mater and the community you built at SU because they will continue to inspire you to be your best self. Get connected with the Office of Alumni Relations, find a spiritual home and seek opportunities for on-going learning. Reflection helped guide you through your undergraduate years and will continue to guide you as life’s big questions emerge. In the Jesuit tradition, reflection is a three-part process that involves paying attention, connecting your head and heart to bring meaning to your experiences and then discerning how to act. Strive for balance in your life between purposeful work, strong relationships and fun.

You are leaving your mark on Seattle University and Seattle University is leaving its imprint on you.

Seattle University has given you the tools to live an extraordinary life. In the words of St. Ignatius of Loyola, “Go forth and set the world on fire.”

Questions for Reflection

Questions for Reflection

1. How are you integrating reflection into your life and following your passions? 2. How are you applying your SU education to lead an extraordinary life? 3. How are you staying connected to the Seattle U community? 4. How will you continue to grow after you graduate?

1. How are you integrating reflection into your life and following your passions? 2. How are you applying your SU education to lead an extraordinary life? 3. How are you staying connected to the alumni community?

Goals: Keep learning and growing – your SU education has equipped you with the skills to learn for a lifetime. Be part of the alumni community to stay connected with your alma mater. Find a home for spiritual growth and achieve a manageable work-life balance. Live with integrity and compassion and work for justice. Milestones: • Join your alumni chapter. • Connect with Magis: Alumni Living the Mission. • Find a place to volunteer or a cause to support. • Become part of a spiritual community. • Sign up through the Redhawk Network to mentor current students.

REDHAWK BUCKET LIST Your time as an undergraduate will go quickly. Make sure to experience some of the best that Seattle University and this great city have to offer. Attend Quadstock Present your research at the SUURA (or a national conference) Walk around Green Lake Take a photo with Rudy the Redhawk Hop on a ferry Show off your moves at Dance Marathon Take a Metro bus across town Make the Dean’s List Cheer for SU basketball at KeyArena and SU Connolly Center Attend the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Lecture Ski, kayak or hike with OAR Take a course that challenges you Experience a Silent Retreat Watch a movie at the Seattle International Film Festival Catch a fish at Pike Place Market Play on an intramural sports team Develop your skills at a part-time job Attend a play Run through the fountain in the Quad For more on your Redhawk Experience visit

Visit the Chapel of St. Ignatius Attend a cultural festival, event or celebration Participate in Leadership Blitz Create an original work of art Perform in a play or concert Publish a short story or poem Graduate from your major with Honors Broaden your global awareness at the International Dinner Participate in or organize a rally or march Sing carols at the Christmas Tree Lighting Visit the famous Fremont Troll Volunteer through the Seattle University Youth Initiative Learn the SU Fight Song Visit a museum for free on the first Thursday of the month Invite a mentor for coffee Check out a free lecture on campus Ride to the top of the Space Needle Create a team for the Fitness and Wellness Challenge Show your Redhawk pride on Red Fridays

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