Undergraduate Admissions Viewbook

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“Many of the courses at SU require the student to think in unconventional ways and to explore theories and questions that may not have an easy answer.”—Fiske Guide One of the best comprehensive universities in the Western U.S.—U.S. News and World Report Recognized as among the best colleges in the nation for quality of life and academics—Princeton Review’s 368 Best Colleges The most diverse university in the Northwest

One great city. Many paths. Your direction. »

Three out of four SU students serve the community, a rate more than twice the national average. The first undergraduate program in Environmental Engineering A green campus consistently recognized for its earth-friendly and innovative practices

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Jesuit. Personal. Urban. Three characteristics set Seattle University apart: our Jesuit tradition, our personal style of education and our strategic location in the city that shares our name.

TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Our Jesuit Tradition......................................... 3 A Focus on the Student................................... 9 Urban Oasis.................................................... 25 Uniquely Seattle............................................ 34 Visit the SU Campus...................................... 44

Exploring the Whole World From the beginning, Jesuits have sought the best possible education for themselves and their students. In that tradition, Seattle University reaches across a full range of academic disciplines.

Our Jesuit Tradition A Jesuit education incorporates values, rigorous and wide-ranging study, worldliness, discussion and personal reflection. It’s a holistic education involving the mind, body and spirit, the big picture and your own special place in it. It has a tradition going back four centuries, a global network, and in Seattle, a powerful mix of diverse people, neighborhoods and an adventurous intellectual community.


The Whole Person A Jesuit education is aimed at the whole person—mind, body and spirit—and it is reflected here in a deep care for the individual. The SU classroom experience is built around each student’s own perspectives, values and ways of learning.

Social Teaching We take to heart the principles of Catholic social teaching: the dignity of the person, the common good, the needs of the poor and vulnerable, a respect for human rights and a shared responsibility for a healthy community.

Soulful Reflections Jesuit philosophy sees works of art as reflections of the soul. SU celebrates them with art around campus, classes in local museums and study among the great halls of Europe.


A Distinctly Northwest Jesuit Education Students at Seattle University are part of the Jesuit educational tradition—a tradition of academic excellence that goes back 450 years, that spans the globe as the world’s largest educational system, and whose alumni are among the world’s great thinkers and doers. Seattle University’s Jesuit ethos has been nurtured by the many things that attract people to Seattle. The Puget Sound region is graced by natural beauty, and its residents are inspired to protect its environment. Seattle is a diverse city governed by consensus. It is rich in the arts, prized by Jesuits as reflections of humanity and nourishment of the soul. The city is international, new and progressive. In short, it offers an ideal climate for the Jesuit values of leadership, social justice, global awareness, environmental stewardship, tolerance and unity.

Learning Through Service One of Seattle University’s greatest Jesuit traditions is a commitment to service. Three out of four students serve the community as part of their education. » www.seattleu.edu/csce

Intellectual Pioneers Jesuits have a long-standing tradition of excellence across the academic disciplines. They pioneered Euclidean geometry, brought science to countries around the world and opened observatories for astronomy, geomagnetism, meteorology and solar physics. We too prize excellence in all academic disciplines. We have dedicated and talented faculty in the social and physical sciences, engineering, economics and more. Similarly, the Jesuit commitment to arts and culture is evident in course offerings, the wealth of original art across campus and abundant opportunities to enjoy the symphony, opera, plays and exhibits.



Mind, Body, Spirit A core element of Jesuit educational philosophy is the whole person—mind, body and spirit. Students receive individual attention, with small classes and teachers who focus on their values and perspectives. Our belief in the whole person is also nurtured by a lively campus life and a wealth of extracurricular activities on campus and across the city. Our students also put thought into action, partnering with people and groups throughout Seattle through service learning, internships and myriad leadership opportunities. They apply what they are learning, while they are learning it.

Spiritual Center The Chapel of St. Ignatius is known worldwide for its bold, modernist architecture. It is also an ideal meditative space and the hub of the university’s vibrant spiritual community.  www.seattleu.edu/chapel

The Art of Discernment At the heart of the Jesuit educational philosophy is the art of discernment. Seattle University attracts bright people, men and women of character, who recognize that education is a privilege and with that privilege comes the responsibility to work for a more just and humane world. They want to become better people and recognize their responsibility to the other members of their communities locally and globally. With a strong liberal arts and sciences foundation, we empower them to think, to discern for themselves what is good, bad, right and wrong, and to be a force for positive social change.


Notable Graduates of Jesuit Institutions Jesuit graduates from around the world

Sabeer Bhatia Founder of Hotmail Miguel de Cervantes Spanish author Bill Clinton President of the United States Harry Connick, Jr. American singer and actor René Descartes French philosopher Vicente Fox President of Mexico Charles de Gaulle President of France John Paul Getty American-British philanthropist Alfred Hitchcock British film director James Joyce Irish novelist, Nobel Prize for literature Freddie Mercury Singer, Queen Molière Father of modern French literature Bill Murray American actor and comedian Al Roker TV meteorologist Sting Musician, The Police Denzel Washington American actor Voltaire Father of the French Enlightenment Paccar Atrium, Pigott Building “Accendo” by Dale Chihuly


Depth of Field Like many programs at Seattle University, photography offers a balance of theory, technique and the chance to dig deep. The Documentary Photography for Social Change class has students document the daily struggles, successes and challenges of a local service agency while studying the history of social documentary photography.

A Focus on the Student Seattle University classes have a strong liberal arts and science core that develops skills for professional formation and a life of purpose, meaning and fulfillment. The classroom is a starting point, an intellectual incubator in which students collaborate, develop and test new ideas in the most economically, ethnically and geographically diverse learning community in the Northwest. They develop leadership skills in a wide range of clubs and activities. They tap the city through hundreds of internships and service opportunities at local businesses, groups and neighborhoods. And they study in the far corners of the world.


Up Close Seattle University’s small class sizes create an atmosphere of collaboration and personal attention.

Modern Facilities Seattle University investments in technology and classrooms include modern case rooms, which promote interaction among peers, students and professors.

High-tech Labs SU has Olympics-quality equipment in its Human Performance Lab. The College of Nursing’s $3.1 million, 20,000-square-foot Clinical Performance Lab (left) has simulators that mimic real clinical environments. Both labs are at the nearby Swedish Medical Center.

A Diverse, Engaging Classroom For Seattle University to create situations where students can discover what they want to make of their lives, they need to be engaged—involved, interested, passionate, energized, excited. Liftoff starts in the classroom. Classes are small and taught by professors; learning is active and focused. Humanities courses will incorporate a student’s experiences, beliefs and values. In the sciences, teachers anticipate challenges and guide students through roadblocks to where they not only understand the material but also become stronger, more conceptual learners. Ultimately, students integrate the intellectual, theoretical, practical and experiential.

Charles Tung – Assistant Professor, English “The good thing about the classroom experience at Seattle University is that students are not just subjected to knowledge dumps, lectures, and spoon-feeding. They’re encouraged to get out on the court and start swinging their minds.” Fun fact: With David Neel in mathematics, developed experimental pairing of classes on rational inquiry and problem solving. Tung’s class uses detective novels.

Building Cultural Competency The Seattle University learning environment is ideal for building cultural competency— the ability to effectively work with people of different backgrounds and perspectives. We are noteworthy for having a high percentage of women who teach in the sciences and business, acquainting students with different styles of leadership. Our student body is the most diverse in the Northwest, with students from across the United States, all economic backgrounds, different ethnicities and cultures, and scores of nations. This diversity and focus on teamwork hones collaborative skills key to being competitive and effective in the modern workplace.


Going Far Sonya Milonova, ’09 (Environmental Engineering) studied in Prague in 2007 and was an active member of an Engineers Without Borders project team in Nicaragua. She is SU’s first winner of a Morris K. Udall Foundation scholarship, given to students who plan to pursue careers in environmental fields.

Becoming a Global Citizen Seattle University students learn to collaborate across borders, a key skill for the challenges of a complex, interconnected planet. We have an international curriculum, a diverse student body, culturally themed housing and programs and myriad ways to study overseas. Our education abroad programs cover most majors and every continent, with opportunities for field and mission work, language immersion, service and major-oriented learning.


International Development Internship Program Our International Development Internship Program (IDIP) embodies the Jesuit emphasis on social justice as well as the importance of global awareness. The program places interns in non-governmental organizations (such as Catholic Relief Services and CARE) in Asia, Africa and Latin America. This three-phase academic program promotes global citizenship and demonstrates how individuals can influence their own futures—both professionally and personally. Past placements include Nicaragua, Thailand, South Africa, Ghana and India.

» www.seattleu.edu/abroad

Ireland – Writers Workshop, Irish Literary Landscapes Classes in Dublin and Galway experience Irish language and culture through its literary landscape. Washington Poet Laureate Sam Green co-teaches the class.

Destination: The World A survey of peer institutions ranked SU students near the top in their “desire to understand, appreciate and accept differences among cultures, and to produce a positive outcome from intercultural interactions.”

Mexico – Latin American Studies Complete two years of Spanish language in six months with SU faculty on the beautiful Puebla campus of Universidad Iberoamericana, a Jesuit university of 5,000 students.

Costa Rica – Biology 101 for Non-Majors, in the Tropical Rainforest Students in the lab portion of a spring class spend two weeks exploring ecology, botany and global environmental topics in the “lungs of the earth,” the tropical rainforest.


French in France Students earn a French minor or work towards a French major with a Seattle University professor at the University Center for French Studies at the University of Grenoble.

Education Abroad Program Options More than 500 Seattle University students study abroad in some 45 countries every year.

China – Language Studies in Suzhou Earn up to 15 college credits for a Chinese minor at Seattle University while enjoying the ancient city of Suzhou, an ideal site for studies on traditional Chinese thinking as reflected in arts and landscaping.

Summer Courses After a spring semester on campus, students go abroad for faculty-led study in the field. Austria Belize China Costa Rica France Ghana Iceland



Morocco and Jordan are two of the scores of countries students can visit through partnerships with several SU-approved programs.

Ireland Italy Nicaragua South Africa Japan – Sophia University Exchange Program In Japan, students study Japanese and take courses from a wide range of disciplines, most taught in English, at a Jesuit university.

Vietnam Quarter-Year Programs SU directly administers several programs abroad, maintaining all financial aid, including institutional scholarships.

India – The Kolkata Experience


SU’s student-run Calcutta Club prepares students to work with the poor in Kolkata (Calcutta) for three to six months. (Not for credit.)

Belize China Denmark Ecuador France Ghana

Australia – Sustainability and the Environment in Perth Perth, state capital of western Australia, is one of three cities in Australia—and dozens around the world—where Seattle University partners with the Council for International Educational Exchange.

Japan Mexico Spain International Development Internship (IDIP)


Values for Life Seattle University’s values-oriented education cultivates a sense of community among its students, starting with a strong campus community.

Your Personal Best We are a success engine, and we gauge success in both personal and professional terms. We pride ourselves on the less tangible measures of personal success—your personal wholeness, including your spirituality, your ability to think critically, to work with and lead others, to assess and articulate your values and develop a world view informed by a global perspective. Such things are measured over the range of a lifetime and seen in your involvement, the richness of your friendships and family life, your community, your ability to empathize with the less fortunate, to help those in need and to make the world a better place. In short, Seattle University prepares you for a fulfilling life.

Accreditation Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities ABET, formerly Accreditation Board For Engineering and Technology AACSB International – Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

Commission On Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs

Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education

Council on Social Work Education

American Bar Association

National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

Association of Theological Schools

National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration

American Chemical Society 17

On the Job Kenny McCray, ’10 (Strategic Communications) had a summer internship at Costco, one of several Seattle University partners offering real-world experience in the Seattle area.

SU Resources Albers Placement Center Brings students together with the business community and runs a mentorship program that helps business students interact with upper level executives from leading Puget Sound companies and organizations. » www.seattleu.edu/albers/placement

Career Services The university’s central facilitator of career and professional opportunities helps with career decisions, professional formation and networking among thousands of alumni and other contacts. » www.seattleu.edu/careerservices

Project Center This joint effort of the engineering and business schools links small teams of students with companies and non-profit organizations to work on year-long projects. » www.seattleu.edu/projectcenter

Writing Center Your writing ability will be one of your most fundamental skills for years to come. The Writing Center has more than 20 consultants to work closely on all projects across all disciplines. » www.seattleu.edu/writingcenter


Success in Many Ways Professionally, we set the stage through rigorous, balanced academic programs, solid service and internship experiences in a world-class city, and global education opportunities that prepare students for work in an international marketplace. Our Career Services Office helps students develop work strategies and holds networking and recruitment events through the year. The online Redhawk Network connects students and alumni with employment, internship and networking opportunities at more than 8,000 employers, many involving fellow alumni.

Hayden Harvey, ’11 – Philosophy Current major: philosophy —“I realized the world needs more critical thinkers.” “Leadership has a strong connotation of service at SU. More practically, it’s about informed service. It involves an eye for justice and an informed sense of humanity that comes through the liberal arts and core curriculum.”

Real World Experience Half our undergraduates have at least one internship, gaining valuable experience in fields that include nursing, communications, criminal justice, accounting, psychology, fine arts and drama, and environmental studies. The Career Services office works to match students from all majors to the most appropriate internships with some 200 businesses and nonprofits in Seattle including: 710 KIRO News Radio


Seattle Art Museum


International Sustainable Institute

Seattle Mariners

Anacortes School District Army Corps of Engineeers The Boeing Company Cooperativa Martin-Baro Costco Wholesale Eddie Bauer FEMA Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

KEXP 90.3 FM Macy’s McKinstry Merrill Lynch Microsoft Mirabella

The Seattle Times Starbucks Coffee Company U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell U.S. Senator Patty Murray WashPIRG Wing Luke Asian Museum Weyerhaeuser

People for Puget Sound 19

A Competitive Network Hundreds of students, alumni and employers take part in the Competitive Advantage networking forum to improve their networking skills and advance their careers.

Solid Achievement Christine Topinka was the student speaker during the 2009 graduation and was recipient of the Sister Mary Ruth Niehoff Award for academic achievement, excellence in nursing and community involvement.

Culminating Projects Students from the Project Center, a joint effort of the engineering and business schools and local organizations, showcase solutions to real problems at the end of each year.


Prestigious Scholarships and Fellowships

Academic Success Forty percent of our students go on to apply to graduate programs for further study. Nearly four out of five get admitted to their first choice. Many receive post-graduate fellowships, a powerful indicator of Seattle University’s prestige and academic excellence.

Aerica Banks Junior, Environmental Studies Truman Scholarship Udall Scholarship Public Policy and International Affairs Summer Fellowship (Princeton) Teresa Abrahamson-Richards Junior, Spanish & Art History Udall Scholarship Zachary Thornhill, ’08 French Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (Belgium) Critical Language Scholarship Program (Egypt) Yunuen Castorena Junior, Economics Public Policy and International Affairs Summer Fellowship (UC Berkeley) Sarah Yohannes, ’08 International Studies & Economics Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship (Ghana) Christine Topinka Senior, Nursing Humanity in Action Fellowship Nathan Furukawa Senior, Biochemistry Humanity in Action Fellowship Ajla Alji Junior, International Business Critical Language Scholarship Program (Turkey) Lauren Savage Senior, Psychology Gilman International Scholarship (UK)

Yusef Hatira, ’06 International Studies & Political Science Chevening Scholarship Jesse Nofziger Junior, Civil Engineering APWA Higher Education Memorial Scholarship ASCE R.H. Thomson Memorial Scholarship

Seattle University’s Office of Fellowships excels in helping students get some of the nation’s most prestigious post-graduate scholarships. » www.seattleu.edu/sas/fellowships Harry S. Truman Scholarship

The most prestigious academic award for undergraduates preparing for careers in public service. Seattle University has had seven Truman scholars in seven years, a distinction shared by only 14 other schools. J. William Fulbright Scholarship

Alicia Ward, ’06 Biology Milotte Scholarship Natalie Sheils Junior, Mathematics Math in Moscow Schlolarship Amanda Martin Senior, Asian Studies JASSO Scholarship (Japan) Andre Taegder, ’08 Economics Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Scholarship (Germany) Carole Triem Junior, Economics Public Policy and International Affairs Summer Fellowship (Alternate) Kai Smith Senior, Political Science Rhodes Scholarship (Finalist) T.J. Sheehey Senior, Political Science Rhodes Scholarship (Finalist) Catherine Wilcox Junior, Civil Engineering Boren Scholarship (Alternate)

The largest government-funded scholarship, best known for “scholar ambassadors” who increase mutual understanding around the world. Nationally, Seattle University is a top producer of Fulbright scholars, with as many as three a year and at least one every year for the past eight years. Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarship

One of the best for students with international and service interests. In the past eight years, SU has had 11 Rotary scholars, the most in the Northwest. Morris K. Udall Scholarship

For careers in the environment and Native American and Alaska Native students aspiring to careers in tribal public policy. Seattle University had two recipients last year. Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship

Students pursue careers in mathematics, the natural sciences and engineering. Seattle University has had three recipients and an honorable mention. Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship Program

Students attend summer workshops at Princeton, Berkeley and other leading universities with an eye toward study and careers in public or international affairs. Awarded to Seattle University students for five years in a row. 21

Richard A. Jones, ’72 Public Administration U.S. District court judge

Rebecca Saldana, ’99 Theology and Religious Studies/ Humanities Community liaison for U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott

Carol Kobuke Nelson, ’78, ’84 MBA Business Administration President and CEO, Cascade Bank

Mohamed Ali Alabbar, ’81 Finance Director general, United Arab Emirates Department of Economic Development

Jim Whittaker, ’52 Biology First American to summit Mt. Everest Former CEO and president, REI

Enid Moore, ’88, ’96 MPA Nursing Associate director of community education and relations, HIV Vaccine Trials Network


Representative Alumni The network of Seattle University’s 50,000-plus graduates covers every state and reaches into nearly 100 foreign nations. More than half have graduated since 1987.

General Patrick Brady, ’58 Psychology Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient

Steve Hooper, ’75 Civil Engineering Former CEO, AT&T Wireless

Tom Campion, ’70 Political Science Co-owner, Zumiez

Katie Lesseg, ’07 Business Management National advance staff, Obama for America

Analisa Castaneda, ’05 General Science International sales manager, Leiner Health Products

Stan McNaughton, ’74 Business President and CEO, Pemco

Dorene Centioli-McTigue, ’65 Journalism Co-founder, Pagliacci Pizza

Dr. Chung-Jen K. Tan, ’63 Electrical Engineering Chief developer, IBM “Deep Blue” chess computer

Natasha Coleman, ’99, ’02 JD Political Science Criminal defense attorney, Associated Counsel for the Accused

Norma Ureña, ’89 Political Science Attorney

Will Espero, ’82 Business Management State senator, Hawaii Kymberly Evanson, ’99 French Attorney and former program coordinator, Access to Justice Institute Adair Ellison, ’84 Criminal Justice Social worker

Anita Crawford-Willis, ’82, ’86 JD Political Science Administrative law judge, SU regent (ex officio) Alexis Wolfe, ’02 Spanish/Photography Photographer and author, Emerald City Hip-Hop Christian Wong, ’98 Finance Chief chocolate officer, Chocolati

Christopher Harmon, ’77 Foreign Languages Author, Terrorism Today


Spacious and Reflective Seattle University’s 48 acres of sustainably landscaped grounds offer a variety of places to study, reflect and meet friends.

Urban Oasis Seattle University sits in the heart of the Northwest’s largest and most dynamic city, but that can be hard to tell on our 48-acre oasis of a campus. It’s the only campus in the state that’s a certified wildlife habitat, with tree-lined malls and lush pesticide-free landscaping. Works by internationally known artists grace walls and workspaces. Light-filled lobbies and leafy enclaves invite study and reflection. Against this backdrop, the school has grown into a vibrant, modern university. Every academic department, from engineering to the arts, has seen its facilities refurbished or rebuilt in recent years. Theater and music are on display at the Lee Center for the Arts. The business and engineering buildings have state-of-theart classrooms; the 64,000-square-foot Student Center was built using eco-friendly design and materials. Residents in Chardin Hall enjoy a multi-media education center, including a computer lab, study lounge and private study rooms.


City Living and Learning Seattle University is an integral part of the city’s great fabric of neighborhoods, culture and activity.



Independent Options


The four-person suites of Chardin Hall and the popular Murphy apartments offer upperclassmen convenient locations and more independent living.


Welcome to the Neighborhood SU students are also urban citizens, viewing our neighborhood as an extension of campus. Students who move off campus find myriad housing options within a few blocks.


Water View The study lounge and upper floors of Campion Hall have breathtaking views of the Olympic and Cascade mountains and Puget Sound.





Capitol Hill Capitol Hill is a visitor destination and a daily part of SU life. Students routinely take in the Jimi Hendrix statue, vintage clothes on Broadway, numerous restaurants and coffee shops and internationally known nightclubs.


S EATT L E U N I V E R S IT Y Your Northwest Network SU students have ready-made internship opportunities and employment contacts in hundreds of Seattle-area firms and non-profits.

In the Thick of Things Bellarmine Hall is strategically located in the center of campus and just steps away from the Student Center, the Student Pavilion and the library and learning commons.



Take a Break Seattle University’s elegantly landscaped grounds offer a variety of places to study, reflect and hang out with friends.

Eat Well Students find eating options across campus, and the Seattle University food service is nationally recognized for flexible options, fresh ingredients, customer service and a commitment to social responsibility. The largest dining area, Cherry Street Market, is in the spacious, light-filled Student Center (right). Âť www.seattleu.edu/bon_appetit

Live Well On-campus students can choose from learning communities, themed floors, general interest residence halls and apartments. All have their own distinctive community and personality. Âť www.seattleu.edu/housing

An Engaged Community From the moment they arrive on campus, Seattle University students start making friends for life. The forging of friendships is one of many benefits of living on campus, where daily interactions build a close-knit community and help you make the most of your SU experience. Nine out of 10 freshmen live on campus and are guaranteed on-campus housing their first two years. They enjoy a whirlwind of activities within the briefest of walks— a midnight game of Uno in the room next door, a discussion in the lobby, a movie on one of several big screen TVs, an open mic in the Hawk’s Nest Bistro, a late-night ice cream run to the Cave in Campion. Be warned: It is possible to have too much to do. Not recommended but possible: getting from bed to class in five minutes.

Staying Connected SU has a nationally recognized program of Collegia spaces— home-like environments in which commuter and transfer students can meet, study, snack and relax between classes. The spaces help off-campus students remain connected and involved in campus life.

Live Your Passion Roughly half of entering freshmen live in residential learning communities linking their interests to the living environment. Faith and Great Ideas An Academic Residential Community devoted to great thinkers, writers, and artists from ancient, medieval and modern times.

Millie Bown Russell Leadership Learning Community Residents focus on the university’s mission of “empowering leaders for a just and humane world.”

Hurtado Students live on floors dedicated to social justice, environmental sustainability and gender and justice.

Xavier Global House Students pursue the Jesuit value of a global perspective in five different communities built around languages, global affairs and culture.

Oscar Romero Students explore issues of diversity in women’s, unity and arts communities.


© www.flickr.com/photos/wonderlane/3257401356

Goings On Life on campus and nearby Capitol Hill is an ever-changing buffet of events, social activities and serendipity. Some of Seattle’s best known neighborhoods—the Central District, Little Ethiopia, Little Saigon and the International District—are within strolling distance of campus. Seattle University’s administration building (above) is home to both the president and more than two dozen classrooms. Garrand Hall (right) was built only two years after the university was founded in 1891.

Teamwork SU students often work in teams, building community and collaborative skills essential to the contemporary workplace.

© www.flickr.com/photos/wordridden/9150200

Members of the Hui O’ Nani Hawai’i student club (upper left) put on an annual luau in the Campion Ballroom; nearby coffee shops (above) often bathe the campus in the smell of roasting coffee beans; Seattle’s storied music scene (left) thrives only blocks away on Capitol Hill; many students easily forego the automobile for the bicycle (middle left) one of the Seattle’s favored forms of transportation.


Join the Club—or Start One Improvisational theater, knitting, international business or cheering on the Redhawks—the list of clubs grows each year. Students have created clubs and societies for community service, cultural heritage, professional development and recreation. More than a dozen clubs celebrate the university’s religious and cultural diversity. » www.seattleu.edu/activities

Division I Seattle University is stepping up to the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Division I, the highest level of competition. » www.goseattleu.com

Division I Teams Baseball Basketball – Men/Women Cross-country – Men/Women Swimming – Men/Women Golf – Men/Women Soccer – Men/Women Softball Tennis – Men/Women Track and Field – Men/Women Volleyball


An Active Campus… and Then Some Between studies and your social life, it is possible to have too much to do. We aim to keep it that way. The Jesuit belief in developing the whole person—mind, spirit and body—carries over into our support for recreational and athletic opportunities at the same high level of our academic programs. Our facilities and programs foster a variety of engaging, nourishing activities that promote community, renew your spirits and educate in the broader context. More than 1,200 Seattle University students take part each year in more than 30 different intramural sports activities. Seattle University also has 15 club sports, including

Sophie Keefe-Bullock, ’09 – Social Work/Sociology “I was able to be involved in so many things: choir, recycling, Calcutta Club, Social Work Club. I did crew for a couple of years. It’s a small enough community that you can be as overcommitted as you want to be. I loved it.” Experience abroad: Four months in Calcutta working in home for mentally ill women.

baseball, cheerleading, rugby, ultimate Frisbee, kayaking, crew and marksmanship. The Outdoor and Adventure Recreation program each quarter has students lead trail, climbing, snow, water, cycling and service activities around the Pacific Northwest. Through the recreational sports Leisure Education Program, students can relieve stress, lose weight or simply live healthier through classes like aqua fitness, spinning, stability ball, yoga, and Pilates. During the program’s annual Anne Carragher Fitness & Wellness Challenge, students, staff and faculty compete over six weeks by earning points for healthy activities, from exercising to eating well to flossing. Intercollegiate sports are also becoming a more prominent part of campus life as SU moves 19 sports in to the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Division I, the highest level of competition. The men’s basketball team is a particularly high-profile addition to the Northwest sports scene, playing in Seattle’s KeyArena. 33

Uniquely Seattle Seattle is unlike anywhere else, nor is it trying to be. It defines itself in the following ways: Manageable This is an easy, uncomplicated and stress-free city. Buses can take you just about anywhere. There are distinctive, fun, human-scale

Literate Seattle is consistently ranked the most literate city in the country. It has more bookstores per capita and one of the most educated populations in the country.


neighborhoods. In the summer sun, Friday afternoons get so relaxed they’re like an unofficial holiday.

Breathable At SU our green initiatives—pesticide-free landscaping, on-campus composting, remotely adjusted heat and ventilation in classrooms—goes with the territory. Whether saving salmon or leading a national carbonreduction effort, Seattle’s environmental ethic runs deep.

International In 1962, Seattle launched itself into the modern world, hosting the World’s Fair around the Space Needle


and monorail. It’s a center of international trade,

The city has produced Grammy winner Quincy

sitting closer to Asia than any major U.S. seaport.

Jones, the philanthropists Bill and Melinda

Several neighborhoods have powerful cultural

Gates, filmmaker Cameron Crowe, the founder

identities, from Scandinavian Ballard to the Asian and

of Cranium games, authors and patent winners.

African homes of the International District. One in six

It’s the wellspring of Microsoft, Boeing and

of the city’s residents is foreign born.

medical brain trusts.

Active Which mountain range to hike in, Cascade or Olympic? Which body of water to boat in, Lake Washington, Lake Union or Puget Sound? The choice is yours.


38 Lake Union 37

40 36



30 29

33 34




31 Capitol Hill


Madison Valley

10 Denny Triangle


20 19


First Hill





14 1211 13 8



24 23


17 Downtown Seattle

6 7



5 4 3 2 1





Central Area



Pioneer Square

Puget Sound

44 50


49 48

International District

47 Lake Washington SODO

46 Beacon Hill

Mt. Baker

THE CITY 1. Ginger Lime Restaurant 2. Michaela’s Salon and Day Spa 3. Photographic Center NW 4. Stumptown Coffee 5. Cafe Presse 6. Elysian Brewing Company 7. Piecora’s Pizza 8. Caffé Vita 9. New City Theatre 10. Jimi Hendrix Statue 11. Broadway Performance Hall 12. Egyptian Theater 14. Rudy’s Barbershop 15. Bauhaus Books and Coffee

16. Swedish Medical Center, First Hill 17. Frye Art Museum 18. Virginia Mason Medical Center 19. Washington State Convention Center 20. Paramount Theatre 21. Pacific Place/ Nordstrom 22. 5th Avenue Theatre 23. Benaroya Hall 24. Seattle Art Museum 25. Pike Place Market 26. Olympic Sculpture Park 27. Space Needle

28. EMP (Experience Music Project) 29. Seattle Center 30. Pacific Northwest Ballet 31. REI (Recreational Equipment Inc.) 32. Dick’s Drive-In 33. Broadway Market 34. Bailey Coy Books 35. Harvard Exit Theater 36. Seattle Asian Art Museum 37. Volunteer Park 38. Interlaken Park 39. Kingfish Cafe 40. Washington Park Arboretum 41. Central Cinema

42. Swedish Medical Center, Cherry Hill 43. Watertown Coffee/ Nowak Glass Studio 44. Langston Hughes Cultural Center 45. Pratt Fine Arts Center 46. NAAM (Northwest African American Museum) 47. Safeco Field 48. Qwest Field 49. Elliott Bay Bookstore 50. Wing Luke Asian Museum 51. Pioneer Square

A City of Neighborhoods Seattle is a city of neighborhoods, varied, nuanced, accessible communities with distinct personalities. The neighborhoods of Capitol Hill and First Hill have a counterculture atmosphere that epitomizes how Seattle is an open-minded, progressive city where people assume you are worth something until they see otherwise. It’s a popular destination, be it for its two-day, multi-bands block party, the Jimi Hendrix statue or the Seattle International Film Festival, the nation’s largest film festival. SU students are an integral part of the neighborhood and see it as an extension of campus, swinging by Stumptown coffee or Caffé Vita, hunting bargains at Value Village or running down Broadway for burgers and shakes at Dick’s. Students also integrate quickly into the city’s other urban villages. East and south of campus are some of the most culturally and ethnically diverse neighborhoods in the Northwest—the Central District, Little Ethiopia, Little Saigon and the International District. All are within strolling distance, as is downtown, Pioneer Square, Qwest Field, home of the Seahawks and Safeco Field, where the Mariners play. The city’s other neighborhoods are easily reached on buses that stop at three of the four corners of campus.

Hollis Wong-Wear, ’09 – History/Global African Studies Spoken word artist, co-creator of the hip-hop project Canary Sing

“We’re two blocks away from one of the epicenters of music in America. Jimi Hendrix was kicking it here on Capitol Hill. Kurt Cobain performed at the Comet Tavern. That’s been empowering for me—I go to school three blocks from where I perform.”

City of Character Seattle is entrepreneurial—willing to try new things and see how they work out. That’s how it has given American culture Microsoft, Boeing, Nordstrom, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Bruce Lee, Eddie Bauer, REI, Costco, the United Parcel Service and the Starbucks latte. And the smiley face, the covered shopping mall, the Dick and Jane book series, the world’s first espresso cart, the stadium wave, the first floating bridge, first gas station and first public golf course. 37

Š www.flickr.com/photos/faeryboots/3283067002

Indoor/Outdoor Seattle makes the most of both its indoor and outdoor tendencies. Mount Rainier (above) and the waterfront Olympic Sculpture Park, (above right) are both huge draws. Seattleites also know how to curl up with a book, celebrating the written word in great bookstores like Elliott Bay (right) and the new central library, designed by Rem Koolhaas (below).

© Chase Jarvis © www.flickr.com/photos/lanacar/741049603

Snow and Water Sports Good snow is within an hour’s drive, at Snoqualmie Pass or Stevens Pass (above). Good swimming is in Lake Washington, a short bike or bus ride away.

Life Afloat Seattle is a huge boat town. Opening Day of boating season has one of the largest boat parades in the nation. Sailboats are a common sight on Lake Union (left).


A Cosmopolitan City Seattle is an international city; the immigrant population grew 40 percent over the past decade. It’s also remarkably diverse: 17 percent Asian American, 10 percent African American, 6 percent Latino, 7 percent multicultural and 1 percent Native American. Of those polled, 13 percent identify themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual. Seattle also has the distinction of buying more books and seeing more movies per capita than any other city. Moreover, it has the most college graduates per capita. Enterprising, international, smart—a great formula for the city we think of as our learning laboratory.

Student Life Seattle University students blog about what it’s like to be here, providing a personal look at life on campus and around Seattle. » www.seattleu.edu/home/student_diaries

City as Text Each quarter, hundreds of SU students take to the city’s streets, fields, forests, museums, theaters, hospitals, businesses and community groups as part of their education. A history class uses a local European art exhibit as a course text. Fine arts classes incorporate opera, drama, ballet and other live art forms in the city’s remarkable venues. Accounting students help low-income clients prepare tax returns. Business statistics students compare organic produce prices at local farmers markets and retail stores. (The farmers’ markets produce costs less.) In one year, service-learning classes alone can involve 200 different classes and see students devote tens of thousands of hours doing service while earning credit. Come graduation, three out of four Seattle University students will do service as part of their education. Many work close by the campus with some 60 community organizations. The experience is powerful and transformative, a perfect alchemy of Seattle University, 40

the city and what students aim for here.

© www.flickr.com/photos/airlog-podcast/1160799527

Sports Town Seattle loves its sports, supporting the home teams the Seahawks at Qwest Field and the Mariners at Safeco Field. Seattle University fans are happy to get in the mix.

© Victor Decolongon

Seattle’s latest sports rage is the Seattle Sounders FC soccer team (above and left).


© Angela Sterling © www.flickr.com/photos/antinick/3090649639


© www.flickr.com/photos/seattlemunicipalarchives/3097689939

Creative Impulses Seattle thrives on creativity. You can see it in Fremont’s troll statue (above) at the PNB ballet (top right) and the iconic Hammering Man statue outside the Seattle Art Museum. Movies are a city staple and their found in several film festivals, art house theaters and major multiplexes (right).

© www.flickr.com/photos/wordridden/9150200

Street Life Seattle’s temperate, maritime climate and human-scale neighborhoods have residents getting out and about year ’round. Pike Place Market (right) the nation’s oldest continuously operated farmers market, is hugely popular.

Café Society The city has numerous sidewalk cafes, including several at nearby Madison Beach, on Lake Washington, Ballard, Fremont and downtown.



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Schedule a Visit

Visit the SU campus A visit to Seattle University will help decide if it’s a good fit. You can tour the campus, attend classes, meet faculty, students and coaches, and speak with admissions and financial aid counselors. Admissions (206) 296-2000 / (800) 426-7123 admissions@seattleu.edu

Tours are conducted at convenient times throughout the day, Monday through Friday and most Saturdays (Monday through Friday during the summer). Please allow two weeks’ notice for us to accommodate your visit.

» (206) 296-2211 / (206) 296-2000 » www.seattleu.edu/visit Can’t Wait to Visit? The Seattle University Experience is an interactive, online introduction to our beautiful campus, including more than 100 photos representing all aspects of campus life, facilities and the surrounding community.

» www.seattleu.edu/go

SU Profile FACTS


Roman Catholic One of 28 Jesuit colleges in the U.S.

Arts and Sciences

Faculty-to-student ratio: 1:13 670 total faculty Full-time faculty with Highest degree in their fields: 78% Average class size: 20 All classes taught by faculty Alumni Approximately 62,000 in all 50 states and 77 nations

Tuition (2009–10) $29,340 full-time

Student profile 4,206 Undergraduate students 888 New freshman 39% Men 61% Women 51 states and territories and 76 nations represented 52% Caucasian 19% Asian/Pacific Islander 8% International students 8% Latino/Hispanic 5% African American 1% Native American Freshman class middle 50% Grade point avg. 3.3-3.8 SAT math score 520–620 SAT critical reading score 520–630 SAT writing score 510–610 ACT composite score 22–28 48% from Washington State

Art History; Asian Studies; Communication Studies; Creative Writing; Criminal Justice; Cultural Anthropology; Drama; English; Environmental Studies; Film Studies; Fine Arts; French; History; International Studies; Journalism; Liberal Studies; Military Science/ROTC; Philosophy; Photography; Political Science; Prelaw (Pre-professional Programs); Premajor (for Freshmen and Sophomores only); Psychology; Public Affairs; Social Work; Sociology; Spanish; Sport and Exercise Science; Strategic Communications; String Performance; Theology and Religious Studies; Visual Art; Women Studies Business and Economics

Accounting; Business Administration–Individualized Major; Business Economics; E-commerce and Information Systems; Economics; Finance; International Business; International Economic Development; Management; Marketing; Prebusiness Matteo Ricci College

Humanities; Humanities for Teaching Nursing Science and Engineering

Biochemistry; Biology; Chemistry; Civil Engineering; Computer Engineering; Computer Science; Computer Science–Business; Computer Science–Mathematics; Diagnostic Ultrasound; Electrical Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Environmental Science; General Science; General Science–Preprofessional; Mathematics; Mathematics–Applied; Mathematics–Pure; Mechanical Engineering; Physics

ACTIVE STUDENTS Nearly one in three incoming students get credit for International Baccalaureate or AP coursework. One in three incoming students have government or leadership experience. One in three incoming students sing or play an instrument. Nearly three out of four incoming students have community service experience. Three out of four incoming students have part-time work experience. Seattle University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, political ideology or status as a Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran in the administration of any of its education policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletics, and other school-administered policies and programs, or in its employment related policies and practices. All university policies, practices and procedures are administered in a manner consistent with Seattle University’s Catholic and Jesuit identity and character. Inquiries relating to these policies may be referred to the university’s Assistant Vice President for Human Resources and Equal Opportunity Officer. Consistent with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulations, Seattle University has designated three individuals responsible for coordinating the university’s Title IX compliance. Students or employees with concerns or complaints about discrimination on the basis of sex in employment or an education program or activity may contact any one of the following Title IX coordinators: Gerald Huffman, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, University Services Building 107, (206) 296-5869, huffmaje@seattleu.edu; Dr. Jacob Diaz, Vice President for Student Development, Student Center 140B, (206) 296-6066, diazj@seattleu.edu; Dr. Jacquelyn Miller, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, Administration 104, (206) 296-5446, jcmiller@seattleu.edu; individuals may also contact the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education.


“Many of the courses at SU require the student to think in unconventional ways and to explore theories and questions that may not have an easy answer.”—Fiske Guide One of the best comprehensive universities in the Western U.S.—U.S. News and World Report Recognized as among the best colleges in the nation for quality of life and academics—Princeton Review’s 368 Best Colleges The most diverse university in the Northwest

One great city. Many paths. Your direction. »

Three out of four SU students serve the community, a rate more than twice the national average. The first undergraduate program in Environmental Engineering A green campus consistently recognized for its earth-friendly and innovative practices

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