July 2017 Seattle Natural Awakenings

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MONEY SMARTS Freshly Examining Our Fiscal Habits



feel good • live simply • laugh more

Eating Vegan

On The Road

NATURAL CLEANSE Six Pointers for a

Gentle Full-Body Detox

July 2017 | Seattle Edition | SeattleAwakenings.com






elcome to the July issue of Seattle Natural Awakenings! For the last six years I have had the pleasure of working for this magazine. It has given me the opportunity to meet thousands of new people, our advertisers, our dedicated readers and those of you I’ve met throughout the years at local events. My cup runneth over! However, I have made the difficult choice to move forward to focus on my radio show Lift Your Spirits with Dena Marie, and also to continue with my healing work in Kauai at Dolphin Touch Wellness Center. On my last trip to the island in June, I asked for signs about this decision, and I received plenty of them. My first message was in the Hindu temple: “Do you want to continue being a rebel or do you want to conform?” Those words left me feeling imprisoned! So ‘rebel’ seemed the better choice. The next message at the labyrinth was: “You are a rebel with a cause, you are here to share the stories about the remarkable people you’ve met along the way.” For the last five years I’ve also have been traveling going back and forth to Kauai doing my healing work. The many people who have done sessions with me and who received a reading or have purchased my book Our Energy Matters have continued to grow and thrive. They’ve become part of my family now, much like the wonderful people here on the mainland. When I made the final decision to put 100 percent of my energy into being the rebel, the a double rainbow appeared overhead on my morning bike ride. A local stopped me and said, “stop, look behind you” as she proceeded to take a picture of the rainbow above. I know that when Spirit speaks, not only do we listen, but we also need to take action! As doors close, others will present themselves. Sadly, I will be leaving Seattle Natural Awakenings magazine. I would like to thank Ann Dorn for the journey and wish her well a she continues to produce this amazing publication. Life is a journey, and if you are living it, you will have to move on when the signs appear and have the faith you need to face your fears and trust the universe. As my quest continues, I invite you to listen in on Fridays at 8 a.m. 1150 AM KKNW and follow me on my new adventures! Aloha!

contact us Publisher Ann Dorn Publisher@SeattleAwakenings.com Director of Operations Dena Marie 425-350-5448 Dena@SeattleAwakenings.com National Editor S. Alison Chabonais Franchise Sales 239-530-1377 To Advertise: 425-350-5448

SeattleAwakenings.com 3815 S Othello St. 100-186 Seattle, WA 98118 Phone: 425-350-5448 Fax: 877-531-7691 © 2015 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available by sending $30 (for 12 issues) to the above address. Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soybased ink.

contents 9



5 newsbriefs 7 healthbriefs 9 globalbriefs 11 communityspotlight 12 l iftyourspirits 13 inspiration 16 healingways 18 healthykids 21 ecotip 22 consciouseating 24 greenliving 27 fitbody 28 calendar 30 resourceguide

advertising & submissions how to advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 425-350-5448 or email Dena@ SeattleAwakenings.com. Deadline for ads: the 15th of the month. Editorial submissions Email articles, news items and ideas to: Submissions@SeattleAwakenings.com Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month. calendar submissions Email Calendar Events to: Calendar@SeattleAwakenings.com or submit online at SeattleAwakenings.com. Deadline for calendar: the 12th of the month. regional markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locallyowned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.


by Kirk J. Schneider



Take Toxins Out of Your Life by Meredith Montgomery


Think Independence, Intimacy, Integrity by April Thompson



Be a Kid Again With Your Own Family by Sandra Murphy


Clever Ways to Eat Healthy Anywhere by Judith Fertig

It’s in Style and Easy Care by Avery Mack



by Deanna Minich





The Fast Path to Flushing Toxins 4



a.m. The worship service includes lively contemporary music from a three-piece band with professional guest vocalists, congregant singers, and an adult choir. The children’s weekly lessons are playful but carefully planned to parallel the subject matter in the worship service. Housed in an historic 107-year-old church building at 61st and 20th NW in Ballard, Amazing Grace Spiritual Center is building a community of people who care for each other while they make positive contributions to the neighborhood, the city, and people all around the world. Amazing Grace Spiritual Center is located at 2007 NW 61st St, Seattle. For more information: 206-402-2633 or AmazingGraceSeattle.org.

Amazing Grace Spiritual Center Upcoming Movies and Talks

Ballard Spiritual Center Takes Inspiration from Modern Movies


mazing Grace Spiritual Center is about to offer its Summer Movie Series (July 6 through August 27) , with free showings of recent hit films on Thursday nights followed by a spiritual breakdown of the movie’s themes with illustrative clips at the Sunday morning services. Now operating for five years in its Ballard Location, Amazing Grace offers a non-traditional approach to spirituality that draws on the wisdom of the world’s major religions, combined with a modern understanding of human psychology and ideas from the human potential movement. The movie series is a perfect example of the community’s out-of-the-box approach to integrating practical spirituality into everyday life. “Movies like ‘Hidden Figures,’ ‘Sully,’ ‘Spotlight,’ and ‘Queen of Katwe’ do a great job of making recent events engaging and dramatic,” says Amazing Grace Co-Founder Eric O’del. “What we can then do is tease out the spiritual lessons from what the characters are going through, and learn from the choices they make. Even a fun animated movie like ‘Zootopia.’ a documentary like ‘Gleason’ (about a professional football player’s struggle with ALS) or a fictional work like ‘Collateral Beauty’ can be powerful sources of spiritual inspiration.” In addition to its Summer Movie Series, Amazing Grace offers a year-round schedule of classes in practical spirituality, opportunities to serve on a Local Service Team that provides meals to our homeless neighbors, and a Global Service Team that is engaged in school building projects in Cambodia and Kenya. Every month the Center takes collections of goods for those in need in the Greater Seattle area. This past February the community collected over 3,500 cans of soup and chili for the Ballard Food Bank. Service is a big part of the mission of Amazing Grace Spiritual Center. “Our prayer is this: Take all that I am, all that I have, and all that I do, and use them in service to a purpose greater than myself,” says Co-Founder O’del. The Sunday morning schedule includes a silent meditation from 10 to 10:20 a.m., a worship service and children’s program at 10:30 a.m., and a community potluck at 11:45

Movie Showings

Talks About The Movie

July 6: Hidden Figures July 13: Zootopia July 20: Sully July 27: People Places Things August 3: Collateral Beauty August 10: Spotlight August 17: Queen of Katwe August 24: Gleason

July 9: Hidden Figures July 16: Zootopia July 23: Sully July 30: People Places Things August 6: Collateral Beauty August 13: Spotlight August 20: Queen of Katwe August 27: Gleason

For more information: 206-402-2633 or AmazingGraceSeattle.org.

Qi Revolution in Lynwood


eacher Jeff Primack and instructors will hold a threeday Qigong training for $149— “Qi Revolution” will be held in Lynwood from July 28-30 and again in Eugene from August 4-6. Attendees will learn about the three levels of Qigong, food and nutritional healing, foot reflexology for pain relief and more. “Qigong focuses on your electromagnetic field and the pulsation of Qi (energy) through the arms, hands and spine. The sensation of energy is highly tangible to people, even those with a low sensitivity. Using precise movements of the body, Qi is circulated,” says Primack. “Qigong is not only about absorbing energy from nature, rather Qigong is about activating energy already with us and opening up these pathways of energy is really the key to longevity.” Primack says the conference is designed to get Qigong healing information out to the masses, while acknowledging that people are busy and life is always pulling us in many directions. The low price is intended to help people realize that “you can decide to create time for yourself to raise the health of your body-spirit vehicle.” To reserve tickets for this event and more information: 800298-8970 or QiRevolution.com. natural awakenings

July 2017


Cranio Sacral School of the Masters Summer Session

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aster Therapist Etienne Peirsman, founder and director of the Cranio Sacral School of the Masters in Tijeras NM, returns from Europe to begin classes on August4. Two core classes Advanced Craniosacral Therapy: Working with the Alarm Systems and Death and Dying will be offered in August and September. As a Master of Meditation, Peirsman has developed a unique teaching style over the past two decades that adds an extraordinarily compassionate and meditative depth to the methods used by the Upledger Institute and combines a practical, no-nonsense approach with the biodynamic style. Peirsman has been teaching for over 24 years, bringing his life experience to the classroom. He has schools in Belgium and the Netherlands and teaches in Tijeras, New Mexico and at Bastyr University in Kenmore, Washington state. He, along with his late wife Neeto, is author of the book Craniosacral Therapy for Babies and Small Children, which has been translated into 7 languages. Members of the general public can study Craniosacral Therapy with no previous bodywork experience. This program is also excellent for professional bodyworkers, including massage therapists, polarity therapists, Rolfing practitioners, acupuncturists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, doctors, and chiropractors. There is no application necessary for this program. For more information and to register, call 505-428-9203 or visit CranioMasters.com.

Northwest Chef and Author Releases New Cookbook Memoir

P “Experience a Kinder World” Saturday, August 12, 2017 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Willis Tucker Park Snohomish, WA All ages welcome Get pampered in the self-care tent | Interactive activities designed by OpenIDEO & Studio Bask | Free wellness classes | Crafts and animals for kids | Music | Guest Speakers Register now at www.kindfest.com.

rofessional chef, teacher, world traveler and spiritual seeker Linda Hierholzer has released a new cookbook memoir. Sharing the Table: A Northwest Chef Instructor’s Quest to Recreate Memorable Meals chronicles the journey from a farm-family Formica table to some of the world’s most–celebrated white linen draped restaurant tables. Throughout the book and the 120 recipes included in it, Hierholzer shares stories of humble beginnings to becoming a chef-instructor who travels the globe in search of authentic Mediterranean and Latino cuisines and finds the joy of bountiful Skagit Valley farmers market in her own backyard. In addition to recipes and stories, Sharing The Table offers a primer on basics of equipment, tools, and knife skills, including artistic presentation and expression. Hierholzer has served as chef instructor at Seattle Culinary Academy at Seattle Central Community College; the Seattle Center for Hotel and Restaurant Administration, at Washington State University at Seattle; the Culinary Arts program at Spokane Community College; at Leisurely Pursuit Cooking School in her private home and as cooking school coordinator and instructor for The Columbia Tower Club in Seattle and now resides on Camano Island where she enjoys developing recipes for her blog, traveling and organic gardening with her husband. For more information: ChefSharingTheTable.com.





Coal Phase-Out Boosts Health



he province of Ontario began a complete phaseout of its coal-fired power plants in 2005, with all of them having closed by 2015. While the costly measure was expected to produce minor air quality improvements, officials predicted that the resulting health benefits would accrue $3 billion in annual healthcare savings for the community. Realized savings can be seen in the drastic reduction of smog days in Ontario, down to just one since 2014. “Let’s compare that to 2005, when residents of the Greater Toronto Area suffered through 53 smog days while coal, with its toxic emissions, provided 19 percent of the province’s power,” says Vanessa Foran, president and CEO of The Asthma Society of Canada. “It’s obvious that shutting Ontario’s coal plants has helped clean the air; it’s also given a new lease on life to millions that suffer with asthma.” More proof of the medical benefits come from an assessment conducted by Toronto Public Health in 2014. It reported a 23 percent reduction in air pollution-related premature deaths in the city between 2000 and 2011, as well as a 41 percent reduction in related hospital admissions during the same period.

Colicky Babies Respond to Acupuncture


esearch from Sweden has found that acupuncture helps reduce the crying of colicky babies. The study monitored 147 babies between the ages of 2 and 8 weeks with colic at four separate Swedish public child health centers. The babies were divided into three groups; each visited the clinic twice a week for two weeks. One group received “gold standard” care plus five minutes of minimal acupuncture, one group

received standard care plus five minutes of acupuncture and one group received standard care only. After two weeks, both acupuncture groups showed a reduction in crying time by the second week and at a later follow-up. More babies dropped to less than three hours of crying per day in the acupuncture groups than the control group, removing them from the colic category altogether. No adverse effects were recorded.

Combo Probiotics Ease Hay Fever


study from the University of Florida, in Gainesville, has found that the probiotic combination of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria (sold as Kyo-Dophilus) helps relieve the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Researchers split 173 healthy adults with mild seasonal allergies into two groups during the height of the spring allergy season. The first group was given the probiotic combination, while the other group received a placebo. The subjects filled out a weekly online survey for eight weeks about their allergy symptoms and discomfort levels. The probiotic combination resulted in fewer allergyrelated nasal symptoms plus quality-of-life improvements.

Cranio Sacral School of the Masters Etienne Peirsman Master Therapist and Teacher

AUGUST 4 - 7

Advanced Craniosacral Therapy Working with the Alarm Systems Registration: http://bit.ly/2sOTznd


Advanced Craniosacral Therapy Death & Dying Registration:: http://bit.ly/2rNmzgs. All classes 29 CEUs, PDAs, CMEs Bastyr University 14500 Juanita Dr. NE , Kenmore, WA 98028-4966

For More Info and to Register: 425-602-3053


natural awakenings

July 2017


Tart Cherry Aids Runner Performance


City Sweats is Seattle’s first infrared sauna spa where urbanites can find the serenity in solitude in their very own private infrared sauna or lymphatic drainage treatment room. City Sweats also offers an array of healing art modalities from organic facials, Thai massage or the brilliant non-invasive science of making fat cells literally melt away with Ultrasonic Cavitation. City Sweats: Cellular Level Health Call to book: 206-402-5417

study of distance runners by Texas A&M University, in College Station, determined that short-term supplementation of dried tart cherry powder improved running times, decreased inflammation and increased muscle metabolism and immunity. The researchers divided 27 endurance-trained young adult athletes into two groups. Eleven participants were given a daily powered tart cherry supplement for 10 days, and 16 were given a rice flour placebo. All completed a half-marathon near the end of the 10-day trial. The researchers tested fasting blood samples and a quadriceps muscle soreness rating prior to the run, 60 minutes after the run and 24 and 48 hours post-run. The tart cherry group reported 13 percent faster average running times, as well as significantly lower inflammatory markers. They also reported 34 percent lower quadriceps soreness prior to the run. Tart cherry supplementation also increased immunity and resulted in better muscle metabolism.

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globalbriefs critterbiz/Shutterstock.com

News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Bee Killers

A study in the journal Nature Communications examined wild bee populations relative to the use of controversial neonic (neonicotinoid) pesticides from 1994 to 2011, and discovered that extinction rates paralleled their use on plants throughout the country. The 34 species analyzed experienced a 10 percent population drop across the board, with five of the species seeing a decrease of 20 percent or more, and the most-impacted group declining by 30 percent. Researchers say this indicates that up to half of the population decline could be attributed to the use of neonics. “It contributes, but there is a bigger picture,” says Jeffrey Pettis, an entomologist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Beltsville Bee Laboratory, in Maryland. Other factors are thought to include parasites such as varroa mites and nosema fungus (a bacterial disease known as foulbrood) plus viruses, drought and loss of habitat. Meanwhile, the Friends of the Earth (FOE) environmental group has launched a petition calling on the Ace and True Value hardware companies to follow Lowe’s and Home Depot’s example of phasing out the pesticides. FOE says, “If these garden retailers don’t act fast, they’ll lose customers. A new poll shows that 66 percent of Americans prefer to shop at Lowe’s and Home Depot because they’ve committed to stop selling bee-killing pesticides.”


Neonic Pesticides Again Linked to Decline

Take action at Tinyurl.com/BanNeonicsPetition.

Astonishing Agriculture

Proponents of GMO (genetically modified) food may argue that the technique is necessary because the world is running out of resources. However, agricultural startup Sundrop Farms, with offices in the UK and Australia, has developed high-tech greenhouse facilities that apply solutions to grow crops with less reliance on finite natural resources than conventional greenhouse production. In 2010, Sundrop Farms opened a pilot facility in Port Augusta, South Australia, that is combining seawater and sunlight to grow food in the middle of the desert, unaffected by climate change, biotech land grabs, drought, floods and pestilence. They are using coconut husks, 23,000 mirrors to reflect solar power and desalinated seawater on a hydroponic farm of just under 50 acres to grow 17,000 metric tons of non-GMO food every year. Built at a reported cost of $200 million, the facility has a year-round growing season. In winter, its greenhouse operates with the help of 39 megawatts of clean energy from solar power. Coles Supermarkets has signed a 10-year contract for the exclusive right to sell the company’s produce.

Roman Stetsyk/Shutterstock.com

Food Grows Without Soil or Groundwater

Last Call

Endangered Species Protection Act May Go Extinct The federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), passed in 1973, strengthened earlier federal protections for animals that had been nearly wiped out by humans. The act faces opposition from those that believe it both unfairly protects animals that poach livestock and restricts land use. At a recent hearing titled Modernizing the Endangered Species Act, Republican Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming, head of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, said the ESA is not working anymore. Natural Resources Committee Chairman Republican Congressman Rob Bishop of Utah opines that the act has never been used for the rehabilitation of species and instead has been controlling the land, saying, “It has been hijacked.” Yet Daniel M. Ashe, president and chief executive of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, says, “The Endangered Species Act is the world’s ‘gold standard’ for conservation and protection of animals.” According to many experts, the world’s flora and fauna are experiencing a global extinction crisis caused by human activity, but we have also learned how to protect species and help them recover. Eight species that would probably have disappeared already were it not for the ESA include the black-footed ferret, humpback whale, bald eagle, American alligator, grizzly bear, Florida manatee, California condor and gray wolf.

natural awakenings

July 2017


Species Die-Off

Animals that Are No More Every year, more species reach the brink of extinction and only inhabit the annals of natural history. Species that have officially disappeared forever as of 2016 include the Bramble Cay melomys, Nulllarbor dwarf bettong, Capricorn rabbit-rat, Pinta Island tortoise, western black rhinoceros, Rabb’s fringe-limbed treefrog, San Cristóbal vermilion flycatcher and Formosan clouded leopard. These are just a handful of the animals threatened and wiped out annually. Thirteen bird species alone were confirmed as extinct in 2016, mostly due to invasive predators. More of these animals are bound to die off unless humans make a concerted effort to preserve them.

Rigged Research

GMO Studies Compromised by Conflicts of Interest An article published by the journal PLOS One reflects the opinion of researchers affiliated with France’s National Institute for Agricultural Research that a large portion of studies on genetically modified (GM/GMO) crops are rife with conflicts of interest. They state that many have been tainted because someone that worked on a study was also an employee of a company producing them. The study investigated direct financial conflicts of interest, but not other factors such as authors being members of advisory boards, co-holders of patents or consultants to GM companies. Out of 579 published studies analyzed, some 40 percent showed a possible conflict of interest. The authors noted that the suspect studies had a much higher likelihood of presenting a favorable outcome for GMOs compared to others. The majority of these studies (404) were American; 83 were Chinese.

Beverage Battle

Water Overtakes Sweet Sodas After decades of strong growth, bottled water consumption has outpaced carbonated soft drinks to become the largest beverage category by volume in the United States. Michael Bellas, chairman and chief executive at Beverage Marketing Corp. says, “When Perrier first entered the country in the 1970s, few would have predicted the heights to which bottled water would eventually climb.” In 2015, U.S. bottled water consumption totaled 39.3 gallons per capita, while carbonated soft drinks fell to 38.5 gallons. Bad publicity about the health effects of sugary beverages is at the root of the trend, with some states considering making them off-limits to food stamp purchasers and cities voting for soda taxes to combat diet-related diseases like obesity and diabetes.

Robot Janitors

Floating Trash-Eaters Clean Up Baltimore Harbor Mr. Trash Wheel and Professor Trash Wheel, the solar- and hydro-powered trash interceptors cleaning up Baltimore’s inner harbor, have the ability to suck up plastic bags, Styrofoam containers, cigarette butts and other debris. The waste is burned to generate electricity, and plans exist to increase recycling capabilities in the future. The brainchild of engineer John Kellett, who gained the support of the Water Partnership of Baltimore, a nonprofit that supports environmental legislation, the inventions are designed to make the area a green, safe and friendly destination for people and marine life. 10



Healthy Holdover

Kitchen Garden Stays at White House The W. Atlee Burpee home gardening company and the Burpee Foundation have contributed $2.5 million to the National Park Foundation to maintain the White House garden, founded in 2009 by former First Lady Michelle Obama, for at least 17 years. The garden is a powerful symbol of Obama’s effort to promote healthy eating and lifestyles for America’s children. During an eight-year span, she added beehives, a compost system and a pollinator garden to attract birds and butterflies as the garden nearly tripled in size to 2,800 square feet.

communityspotlight by MaryRose Denton


n the shadow of Boeing Airfield, due north as the crow flies, is a local municipal airport that annually holds the third largest airshow and fly-in in the nation. Arlington Municipal Airport (AWO) began as a military airstrip during WWII and was later deeded to the city of Arlington in 1958 from the federal government. But it was in 1968, following the summer of love that a new tradition was born. What began as a grassroots, word of mouth, and uninformed gathering of like-minded connoisseurs has grown up in its 49 years to become a beloved yearly event in Arlington, as well as across Snohomish County and the state of Washington. It has won the reputation of the West Coast Premier Renovation Aviation event. During the three days in early July, some 1500 airplanes will fly in, be it for the day or the whole weekend. It is not unusual to see pilots and their families camped under the wing of a plane.frontteaser7 Barb Tolbert, the current mayor of Arlington, grew up working at the fly-in every summer. It was her father’s vision, admiration, and grit that kept the airshow in Arlington preserving its appeal of “the country fair with airplanes.” Tolbert still works the fly-in, ensuring everyone involved enjoys a smooth ride. From antiques to ultralights, there is something for everyone at this aviation event. Whether you are a novice or an experienced professional pilot, you will find your niche. Enjoy picturesque views in an airplane ride, or purchase an airplane to take home. Family friendly and multi-generational for kids of all ages, catch one of the daily air shows or take a romantic hot air balloon ride into the evening setting sun. Listen to the musical entertainment while you shop the many vendor booths, and at dark, kick back, relax, and watch an outdoor movie on the tarmac of The Runway Theatre. Popcorn is available. New this year to the fly-in, you will find an exhibit on drones and modern aviation technology, including a flight simulator for those that prefer keeping their feet on the ground. Ever desire to build your own airplane or restore a vintage relic from an era gone by? The fly-in hosts several DIY sessions and learn from an expert. Maybe warbirds are right up your alley. Come visit the fly-in’s full military camp, Camp Adams, equipped with tanks, canons, bunk houses, and mess hall.

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The airshow runs July 7, 8, and 9. $15/adult ticket, youth 15 and under admitted free. For more information, including details on camping and event schedule: ArlingtonFlyIn.org. natural awakenings

July 2017



Tune in Every Friday from 8–9 am on KKNW 1150 AM!

Lift Your Spirits with Dena Marie – 8-9am. Discover fascinating people, inspiring activities and places that will lift one’s spirits in this radio show. Tune in to 1150 AM KKNW Alternative Talk Radio every Friday at 8am. 425-350-5448. To listen to archived shows, go to 1150KKNW.com.

People , Places and Activities that will Lift Your Spirits!

and amazing memories. Retreats are based on your schedule and your budget. To create a journey back to your true authentic self, call Dena Marie at 425-350-5448 or visit LiftYourSpiritsWithDenaMarie.com.

Personal Healing Retreats on the Island of Kauai

Chakra Tune Ups in Stanwood

Dena Marie will be your tour guide for your spirit and a travel agent for you soul. You will receive daily healing sessions, reiki, massage, acupuncture and more. You will also experience fun and interactive trips to beaches, go whale watching, paddle boarding, play Kauai disc golf and view sacred sites. This is the perfect trip for people who want to go beyond the tourist spots and really experience meaningful travel, filled with interesting people and the potential for lifelong connections

Dena Marie is now offering Chakra Tune Ups on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-4 pm at Tea with Your Dragon in downtown Stanwood. Take a journey through your chakra system and learn how to break through energetic blocks and frustrations with this playful reading. You can determine if you’re utilizing your energy to its fullest potential and then know how to address those areas where your energy may need a tune-up.





can transcend the tunnel vision and pettiness of a polarized atmosphere. Here are some basic steps toward cultivating a sense of awe: n Appreciate the passing nature of time and life. Even while doing something disagreeable, slowing down and affirming the preciousness of the moment can sometimes render alternative perspectives.

An Awesome Antidote to Polarization by Kirk J. Schneider


e live in polarized times. The current polarization of the American electorate and federal government is rooted in “the polarized mind”, a fixation by individuals on one point of view that excludes differing views and provokes intolerance. Complex issues become black and white, and those with differing views or lifestyles are demonized. Beyond politics, this is seen in gun violence and terrorism, corporate abuses of health and safety, and religious and ethnic

strife—affecting major aspects of our daily lives. An antidote to polarization is awe—the wonder of being alive; living life with hope, respect, humility, wonder and a deep reverence for the adventure of living. Psychology experiments at Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley, have shown those that practice awe are better able to see outside their own experiences and appreciate other points of view, which

n Be open to discovery and surprise. This is especially helpful if we are constantly locked in by assumptions about people or things. Think how politicians might benefit by being open to the possibility of discovery or surprise during delicate negotiations. The same principle can hold true with family and friends. n Step outside the box of personal judgments and consider the bigger picture of life. Replace the prison of self-criticism often stemming from comparing ourselves with idealized media images with appreciation of the many facets of who we are and what we can become. Psychologist Kirk J. Schneider, Ph.D., is past editor of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, president-elect of the Existential-Humanistic Institute and adjunct faculty at Saybrook and Columbia universities, in New York City. His books include Awakening to Awe, The Polarized Mind and The Spirituality of Awe: Challenges to the Robotic Revolution. Visit KirkJSchneider.com.

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natural awakenings

Thermography July 2017


to Cleanse Body & Mind

Take Toxins Out of Your Life by Meredith Montgomery


he term “detox” has been gaining traction in health circles, but cleansing practices have existed for millennia, ranging from Egyptian hydrotherapy to Medieval Lenten practices and Native American fasting, smudging and sweat lodges. The truth is that we need cleansing now more than ever—to rid our bodies of chemical overload and our minds of negative thinking. The Environmental Defense Fund has counted more than 100 chemicals produced in the U.S. that are present in everyday products and hazardous to humans and the environment. “Our body is a natural detoxifier, ridding itself of toxins through pooping, peeing, sweating and shedding skin. But in our current toxic overload situation, it’s not always an efficient process,” observes Deanna Minich, Ph.D., an author and functional nutritionist in Washington state. Some experts believe many commercial detoxification programs are unsafe, extreme and ineffective. “Psychologically, a short-term cleanse can act as a stepping stone if you’re eating fast food and donuts every day,” says Dr. Michael Greger, a Washington,



D.C., physician specializing in clinical nutrition and author of How Not to Die. “What matters more is longterm—what you’re eating a decade from now. No quick fix is going to do it, it’s a lifestyle change.”

Feed Your Microbiome

When the microbiome becomes depleted, overall health is affected. Dr. Robynne Chutkan, a gastroenterologist at Georgetown University Hospital, founder of the Digestive Center for Wellness, in Washington, D.C., and author of Gutbliss and The Microbiome Solution, explains, “The GI tract is the body’s

We’re all exposed to toxins, but if our inner terrain is healthy, our body can flush them out, so we won’t get sick. ~Robynne Chutkan


Get Dirty

“Health and wealth have become associated with cleanliness, yet the opposite is probably true,” assesses Chutkan. “Kids come in from the playground to use hand sanitizers and eat processed snacks. Instead, discard the microbiome-disrupting sanitizer and provide fresh vegetables for them to eat outside. We don’t want kids exposed to any serious pathogens, but getting a little dirty is essential.”


Natural Ways

engine, and microbes are the worker bees that operate the machinery so that digestion and toxin removal can happen.” She recommends switching to a plant-filled diet to effectively repopulate the microbiome and be aware of how food is grown. “Much store-bought produce, even organic options, is grown in depleted soil. Seek out biodynamic farmers that prioritize nutrientrich soil to foster microbes,” Chutkan says. Even planting a couple of herbs or microgreens on the kitchen windowsill can make a difference. “Just picking those herbs and getting your hands in healthy dirt increases your exposure to health-promoting microbes.”

Studies have found that children with pets are more likely to have fewer allergies and infections and take fewer antibiotics than those living in pet-free households (Clinical & Experimental Allergy and Kuopio University Hospital, Finland). Pets that venture outdoors bring healthy microbes inside; so does fresh air, which purifies poorer quality indoor air. Chutkan also warns of excessive bathing. “When we scrub ourselves, we rub off microbes and naturally occurring oils; unless we’re filthy, we just need to gently rinse.” Marketers convince consumers that products with toxic ingredients are necessities, but coconut oil, apple cider vinegar and honey can effectively replace many toiletries.

he recommends stimulating fat metabolism with a cleanse that starts each morning with melted ghee followed by a simple nonfat diet throughout the day. According to research published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, ghee, a clarified butter, has been proven to remove environmental toxins by attaching to toxic fats. Kitchari, the staple of the meal plan, is a nourishing and easy-to-digest, porridge-like blend of beans, rice and Indian spices. “When you eat a mono diet of just kitchari, your body can transfer the energy that normally goes toward digestion into cleansing and healing other systems,” says Douillard. For those not

Reboot with a Quick Cleanse

To stimulate the body’s natural ability to burn fat, Douillard recommends a four-day, at-home detox cleanse. “The digestive system is responsible for delivering nutrients and escorting dangerous toxins out of your body; if you can’t digest well, you can’t detoxify well,” he says. Unlike drastic fasts and juice cleanses, which can deplete nutrients,

Few Snacks, More Water

Work toward eating three meals a day—a light breakfast, big lunch and light and early dinner—without snacking in-between, and fasting for 13 hours each night. Douillard notes, “This regimen should be maintained beyond the cleanse because it gives the body a chance to use up its carbohydrates—its normal, go-to fuel—and switch to its calmer, more stable, detoxifying fuel— body fat.”

5 Ways to Detox Every Day

Burn Fat Cells

According to ayurveda, burning fat fuels detoxification because toxins from preservatives, pollutants, pesticides and other damaging chemicals are stored in our fat cells. When fat is metabolized and used as an energy source, the toxins are released, ready to be flushed out. “When we’re not burning fat, toxins can accumulate, cause congestion in the lymphatic channels, overwhelm the liver and ultimately be deposited back into fat cells or stored in the arteries, heart and brain,” comments Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner Dr. John Douillard, of Boulder, Colorado. He’s the author of Eat Wheat and a former director of player development and nutrition advisor for the New Jersey Nets professional basketball team.

ready to maintain such a limited diet, he recommends a polydiet with the option to add seasonal steamed vegetables, oatmeal and other gluten-free grains.

by Meredith Montgomery


s soon as we start eating healthier diets, our body is able to detoxify more efficiently and diseases begin to be reversed,” says Dr. Michael Greger, a physician and creator of NutritionFacts.org. Follow these tips to enhance the detoxification process at mealtimes.


Eat broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables raw or chop them at least 40 minutes before cooking to maximize intake of the phytonutrient sulforaphane, which boosts detoxifying enzymes in the liver. For the time-crunched, Greger suggests adding a small amount of any type of raw cruciferous vegetables to the cooked ones.


Always choose colorful produce, with the exception of white mushrooms and cauliflower. “White foods are stripped of nutrition,” says Greger. Pigment indicates the richness of antioxidants that keep the body functioning efficiently. He likes adding shreds of economical and long-lasting red cabbage as an everyday garnish.


Follow the seasons, because nature provides the ideal harvest for each season—heavier, denser foods in winter, like wheat, dairy, roots, nuts and seeds; and cooling, high-energy fruits and vegetables in summer. Dr. John Douillard, creator of the 3-Season Diet Challenge, remarks that research suggests that gut microbes are meant to change with local seasonal foods to optimize digestion, mood and immunity.


Avoid plastics by limiting intake of foods stored or cooked in plastic, especially cling wrap, which is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a known carcinogen, according to the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer. Also avoid canned goods unless labeled bisphenol A (BPA)-free. “A lot of toxins enter our bodies through processed, overcooked and fried foods,” observes Deanna Minich, Ph.D. “As we replace these foods with nourishing options, we need to also minimize plastic packaging.”


Filter water because, “We are primarily made of water, so if we’re drinking and bathing in contaminated water, it impacts health,” says Minich who recommends using a national testing laboratory to assess home tap water. The results can then be coupled with the Environmental Working Group’s buying guide (Tinyurl.com/EWG-Buying-Guide) to determine the most appropriate water filter to deal with the contaminants that may be present. natural awakenings

July 2017


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Enlightening Ideas about Money

Think Independence, Intimacy, Integrity by April Thompson


oney influences our choice of job or home, and sense of security, worth and power; it can also make life more or less convenient. Yet, despite its essential importance, money is often a forbidden topic among family members.

Money Talk Taboo

Try to leave the

Earth a better place than when you arrived. ~Sidney Sheldon



“We are not taught how to have a relationship with money on a psychological or spiritual level; it isn’t part of our culture,” explains Bari Tessler, a Boulder, Colorado, financial therapist and author of The Art of Money. “The majority of our parents and grandparents didn’t receive a financial education, so they don’t understand emotions that relate to money or how to talk about it.” Tessler works with individuals, couples and creative entrepreneurs to help them “claim their worth in the world and bring their skills and values into the marketplace,” she says. Money is a frequent source of tension among couples, but Tessler notes it wasn’t even talked about in her graduate-level psychology training. “Money is emotional


territory for people. You can’t just go to a financial planner, plot a budget and be on your merry way,” she observes.

Shifting Our Perceptions

To change our relationship with money, Tessler says we need to understand our “money stories” that include the ways in which our personal experiences, together with subconsciously inherited familial and cultural attitudes, shape how we think about money. “The first step to changing our money habits is being willing to deal with the tough issues,” says Mayuri Onerheim, author of Money Spirituality Consciousness, a retired accountant and spiritual teacher of the Diamond Approach of selfrealization, in Larkspur, California. “There is no change without some discomfort. It’s part of the spiritual journey.” Self-care, forgiveness and acceptance are important throughout this process, advises Tessler, because many people bring feelings of guilt and shame to their relationship with money. She recommends doing a “body check-in” to become aware of our physical reac-

We have ups and downs in life, and the same is true of our finances. ~Bari Tessler

tion to related issues, whether it’s going on a reckless spending spree or bracing to ask for a raise. This stage paves the way for the practical work of learning to manage our money in alignment with our values, goals and dreams. It begins with developing practices to track, review and reflect upon spending and earning patterns.

Your Life, espouses a similar approach: thinking of money in terms of hours of life energy. “Continually asking yourself whether you actually got fulfillment in proportion to life energy spent in each subcategory awakens the natural sense of knowing when enough is enough,” she writes. Tessler and Onerheim both encourage rethinking the idea that all earning is good and all spending is bad: “It’s about balancing needs and wants, and we need joy in life. It’s not about saving every penny and not enjoying yourself,” says Onerheim.

Tactical Tools

Becoming financially conscious ultimately helps us fulfill our responsibility to be a good steward of the planet’s resources, according to Onerheim. “Money is a representation of myself in the world, so I want to take responsibility for where my money goes.” “Financial integrity is achieved by learning the true impact of your earning and spending, both on your immediate family and on the planet,” agrees Robin. “It is knowing what is enough money and material goods to keep you at the peak of fulfillment—and what is just excess and clutter.” All call for celebrating progress on the journey to financial well-being and know-how. “Take baby steps and reward yourself along the way,” counsels Tessler. “This is a lifelong journey.”

Tessler recommends utilizing one of many free financial tracking tools like Mint.com, ynab.com or MoneyMinder Online.com. She also suggests we rename their preloaded budget categories to reflect our personal relationships to the areas of spending (e.g., “sanctuary” rather than mortgage; “my dream vacation” for savings targeted for time off; or “life happens” for late fees). For an enlightened view of cash flows, Onerheim suggests translating what was spent on something into the hours it took to earn the money. “This perspective can transform how we allocate resources and what we’re willing to spend money on,” she says. Vicki Robin, co-author of the bestseller Your Money or

A Rewarding Journey

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July 2017



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Fun Ways to Get Outside This Summer Be a Kid Again With Your Own Family by Sandra Murphy


ummer is calling and so is the great outdoors. Here are some super vacation sites, inviting activities and ideas to spark summer fun with your family.

Hike It

“Hiking teaches kids respect for the outdoors and animals,” says Branch Whitney, a Mount Charleston, Nevada, author of three books on hiking. “Near Las Vegas, in the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, sandstone rock affords a rare sight—year-round running water and lush ferns.” Ralph Stover State Park, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, offers easy walking trails and climbing rocks. When water levels are high, Tohickon Creek challenges paddlers and whitewater rafters.

Zip Lines and More

Holding the Guinness World Record for the longest and largest continuous eco zip line canopy tour in the world, historic Banning Mills, in Whitesburg, Georgia, will thrill tweens and teens. Enjoy a slower pace on the 12-mile Hike and Bike Trail, with nine suspension bridges, including the longest of its kind in North America. Stay in eco-friendly lodges, cabins and tree houses.

Family Week

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From July 30 to August 4, the Omega Institute, in Rhinebeck, New York, will host Family Week. Grownups attend workshops while kids participate in specialty camps; everyone convenes for meals, free time and evening entertainment. The campus relies on sustainable energy and local agriculture. Free tours are available at the environmental education center.

Camp in Style

If traditional camping isn’t on the table, try Tentrr. Campsites on the privately owned properties sleep four to 16 people in a family, pet-friendly atmosphere. A tent, fire pit, picnic table, water container, camp toilet, queen-size cot, grill, food storage and sun shower are provided. “Compared to other accommodations, each night at a Tentrr campsite saves 245 gallons of water and reduces CO2 output by 54 pounds per campsite,” estimates Michael D’Agostino, Tentrr’s founder and CEO. The secluded Lumberland, New York, campsite, along the Delaware River, sets its roomy tent on a wooden deck. Attractions include Adirondack chairs for unwinding and a nearby farmers’ market and restaurant. Enjoy hiking, kayaking, canoeing, rafting, swimming and fishing. Tentrr provides required life jackets and a shuttle to meet paddlers at their destination for the return trip to camp. From its original 35 sites, the organization recently expanded to 250 campsites, predominantly from Pennsylvania to Maine. This fall, they’ll also open sites in the Pacific Northwest from Northern California to Washington state.

Head for the Beach

At Natural Bridges State Park, in California, visitors relish viewing shorebirds, migrating whales, seals and playful otters. Moore Creek forms freshwater wetlands and a salt marsh. There’s also a Monarch Butterfly Natural Preserve. At Kama’ole Beach Park III, in Maui, Hawaii, the small waves are so clear that fish can be seen from the surface. Snorkeling gear rentals are available. Shaved ice stands keep everyone cool. Lakefront beaches like West Beach at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, on Lake Michigan’s southern tip, attract kids. They can earn beachcomber badges in the Junior Ranger program by finding three different-colored rocks or telling what plants they saw most often. In late August, Mayflower Beach, in Dennis, Massachusetts, hosts its annual local sand sculpture contest with divisions for kids and families creating the art together.

Go Farming

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southeastern Wisconsin, gives children a personal peek into where their food comes from. They learn about life on a farm by tending livestock and farm pets, pruning fruit trees and weeding the garden. They also prepare snacks with the fruits of their day’s labor. The emphasis is on doing the work themselves, be it planting seeds or feeding pigs.

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Experience Science

Science Saturdays at the EcoCenter at Heron’s Head Park, in San Francisco, are held every weekend with a focus on environmental education, park restoration, climate change science experiments, nature walks and citizen science excursions. “There are no other centers like it in the U.S.,” says staffer Jacqueline Murray. Learn more about this Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design Platinum living classroom at EcoCenterhhp.org.

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Staycation Ideas

Organic sidewalk chalk, fairy garden and birdhouse kits, and ideas for imaginatively using found items keep kids busy and happy; see BellaLuna Toys.com. Letterboxing combines a contemporary scavenger hunt, hike and mysterious clues; participants have fun locating hidden boxes and collecting stamp marks in personalized logbooks. Whether on a one- or two-week vacation or a weekend away, a daytrip or backyard activity, there are plenty of nurturing outdoor options for kids of all ages to experience when the weather heats up. Connect with freelance writer Sandra Murphy at StLouisFreelanceWriter@ mindspring.com.

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FarmWise, near Alpine Valley, in natural awakenings

July 2017


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ecotip Building Biologist Risa Suzuki Launches Online Course to Reduce EMFs


eattle based Certified Building Biologist Risa Suzuki has launched a new online course designed to help participants to understand and mitigate the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in their homes. The program is self-paced and contains detailed, step-by-step instructions for finding and reducing EMF exposure in their homes, according to Suzuki. “You’ll learn all the critical EMFs you need to know about that are found in just about every home, how to identify them, know how the fields work, and how to reduce or shield EMFs to reduce your risk and exposure to these harmful but invisible fields,” she explains. Suzuki notes that while EMFs can be challenging for some people to understand, a growing number of people and some studies have identified them as a possible factor in health issues that include symptoms ranging from sleep issues, migraines to allergies, fatigue and much more, as the frequencies emitted by many modern devices exceed the tion online or sit down and read a book.” levels and ranges the human body can safely withstand. Far Suzuki says she feels confident that the course, which from advocating that clients escape to a cabin in the woods, she believes is likely the first of its kind available online, will Suzuki suggests that sensitive individuals make their homes educate and empower people without requiring extensive more accommodating and supportive of good health by knowledge about EMFs or technical skills. reducing exposure, which she has done for years by working “I created this because it’s the information I needed clients in person. Now, with the launch of her online course, when I developed EMF sensitivities and there wasn’t anything Suzuki is offering a comprehensive and useful way for famiout there that I could easily understand, let alone follow a lies to learn about EMFs and start reducing their exposure straightforward process,” Suzuki explains. “You don’t have to immediately as another alternative. know anything about EMFs, because “This is the exact same end-tothe overview section explains all of end process that I use when I’m work “This is the exact same end-to-end the different kinds of fields and how ing with my private clients,” Suzuki they work.” explains. “Now you can do the same process that I use when I’m work Additional pitfalls Suzuki wants to thing for yourself at your own pace ing with my private clients,” Suzuki and at a fraction of the cost.” explains. “Now you can do the same help participants avoid are incorrect usage of EMF shielding materi Suzuki says that online course thing for yourself at your own pace als -- which can be wasteful in the participants will learn how to walk best case scenario and dangerous into any room and be able to identify and at a fraction of the cost.” under certain conditions, such as if what’s transmitting EMF fields, the residents of a home inadvertently types of fields, and how they’re impacting the environment; the options for reducing them; how amplify EMFs instead of shielding them. “Students also get information on how to measure the to measure and determine the best solution for individual different fields and how to interpret the readings, plus I’ve situations; and how to reduce or shield EMFs in the home, also got basic information on shielding materials, which most complete with creating a plan with prioritized items, time people don’t know about or are intimidated to try on their and cost estimates, and associated health and well-being own,” Suzuki says. “Anyone who enrolls in July can get up to benefits. four free sixty minute group calls depending on when they “This is a complete solution for people who may not register and, they also get a Travel Tips freebie to help reduce have a Building Biologist near them who can help, or who EMFs for anyone who’s traveling this summer..” may have tried to reduce EMFs on their own and are missing information, or don’t have solutions that work with minimal Risa Suzuki is a Certified Building Biologist in Seattle. Her results which is becoming more and more common,” Suzuki course, “How To Reduce EMFs,” is available at RisaSuzuki. says. “It’s also a great option for the do-it-yourselfers who com/howtoreduceEMFscourse. don’t have time to try and weed through all of the informanatural awakenings

July 2017


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Eating Vegan on the Road

Clever Ways to Eat Healthy Anywhere by Judith Fertig raveling can be tricky for those trying to eat a plantbased diet, especially on long stretches of highway. More than 33 percent of Americans, or 100 millionplus people, are eating vegan/vegetarian meals more often, even if they do not adhere to a strict plant-based lifestyle, concluded a 2011 Harris Interactive study commissioned by the Vegetarian Resource Group. Here is what the discerning traveler can do when hunger strikes. Start by looking for vegan pit stops before you go. Identify a plant-friendly restaurant group, such as Dr. Andrew Weil’s True Food Kitchen (now in 12 states), and then Google for their locations. Smartphone apps such as Finding Vegan and Happy Cow help point the way to vegan-friendly restaurants around the world. This month, Natural Awakenings asked three savvy travelers how they manage plant-based eating wherever they go. For Dustin Harder, eating well on the road is a matter of research and preparation. He is the New York City-based chef/host of the online program The Vegan Roadie, with 100 U.S. restaurant visits and counting and now seeking crowdfunding for its third season, set in Italy. Harder has learned to investigate his dining options ahead of time, and always packs a travel-size, high-speed blender, lots of trail mix and his favorite condiments of sriracha (bottled hot sauce) and nutritional yeast. “You can locate great vegan restaurants in surprising places if you search online before you travel,” he says, listing Viva Vegeria and La Botanica, in San Antonio, Texas, and The Red Fern, in Rochester, New York, among his finds. Where


vegan restaurants are scarce, he turns to plant-based options at Chipotle Mexican Grill and Panera Bread. His DIY hotelroom cuisine favorites are a Hotel Smoothie, Banushi (banana sushi) and Pizzadilla, a cross between a pizza and a quesadilla, “cooked” in aluminum foil using a hotel iron and ironing board. Matt Frazier, a runner and co-author of the No Meat Athlete Cookbook, recently went on the road for a self-funded book tour. Not only had he left his high-powered blender back home with his family in Asheville, North Carolina, he was on a tight budget. “The trick that has helped me not just survive, but thrive on the road is eating fresher, more whole and more raw,” he says. He recommends filling up on kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, nuts and seeds, berries, beans, onions and mushrooms. Lindsay S. Nixon, author of The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-Based Living and related cookbooks, has traveled from her home in Los Angeles across the country and around the world, finding plant-based foods wherever she goes. “Almost every city has a Thai or Italian restaurant where you should be able to find something on the menu or adapt a dish to stick with plants,” she says. “You might have to get a little creative. I once asked for salsa and a plain, baked potato; not a bad combo, as it turns out.” Wherever we find ourselves, we can still find healthy ways to eat. Judith Fertig writes cookbooks and foodie fiction from Overland Park, KS. Connect at JudithFertig.com.

DIY Room Service Pizzadilla Yields: 1 serving 1 large tortilla of choice (whole wheat or GMO-free corn) ½ cup Daiya vegan mozzarella shreds 2 Tbsp onion, chopped 2 Tbsp green pepper, chopped ¼ cup pizza sauce or

marinara, store-bought Shredded fresh basil for garnish (optional) Field Roast Grain Meat Italian Sausage (optional) Large piece of aluminum foil Iron and ironing board

Preheat hotel or travel iron; the linen setting works well. While the iron is preheating, place tortilla on a square of aluminum foil large enough to enclose the tortilla. Sprinkle half the cheese on one half of the tortilla, top with peppers and onions, spoon over the marinara and sprinkle with the remaining cheese. Fold the other half over the toppings, and then fold the foil over the entire Pizzadilla, completely closing the edges of the foil. Place the foil packet on the ironing board and the iron on the foil packet. Iron it out to flatten slightly and then leave iron on the foil packet for 2 minutes, flip and repeat. Open foil, cut the Pizzadilla in half and it’s ready to eat.

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natural awakenings

July 2017


greenliving Do less laundry. Live stain-free. Travel lighter. Smell better. Save the planet. ~Ably Apparel motto

Healthy Eye-Catching Eco-Wear It’s in Style and Easy Care by Avery Mack


co-friendly fashion used to be an oxymoron, synonymous with frumpy clothing and ugly shoes. Now designers and manufacturers are finding ways to provide attractive and healthier alternatives to common fabrics, especially polyester. After World War II, cotton, wool and linen fell out of favor as wash and wear, stain-resistant, permanent-press polyester arrived. Annual production of the synthetic fiber, consuming petroleum, coal, air and water resources, today exceeds 22 billion tons. Americans alone discard 14 million tons of clothing each year— 80 pounds per person—with 80 percent going to landfills, where polyester takes



20 to 200 years to biodegrade. A host of suppliers are responding to a rising demand for comfortable, trendy, easy-care, high-quality and eco-friendly clothing that’s actually good for you. Here are just a few of these innovators.

Ably Apparel, in Seattle, makes

hoodies, T-shirts and jogging pants, using Filium-activated, 100 percent cotton fabric free of chemicals and nanoparticles. It repels spills and stains. When wet, it dries 40 percent faster than other materials. Perspiration evaporates through the breathable natural fabric, so Ably clothing doesn’t absorb odors or need to be washed and


dried as often, saving water and energy (Tinyurl.com/FiliumFashion). “The retail industry is one of today’s largest polluters in the world,” says Raj Shah, co-founder of Ably and co-creator of Filium. “Ably apparel saves time and reduces both carbon emissions and chemical detergent usage, resulting in cleaner water supplies. We’re the first to apply the benefits of Filium to clothing, but hope other companies will follow suit.” The company has three stores and ships worldwide from its website.

Farm2Fashion made its New York debut in 2014, featuring ponchos, scarves and wraps crafted from manufacturers’ pre-consumer, recycled cotton scrap, plus local virgin farm fiber under the guidance of Laurie Perrone, creative director and president. Located in Cornwall, New York, the company’s artisan-inspired products are available through stores and the Web (Farm2Fashion.com). “Our philosophy is simple—design classic products in America with substance and sustainability, while creating a low carbon footprint,” says Perrone. “We encourage customers to pass our products from generation to generation. Apparel and other textile goods in America used to be made at home for families and friends. We want to bring some of that back to life.” Orgotton’s classic

“little black dress” takes on fresh personalities via two long straps that change its appearance from a modest one-shoulder to a dressier backless version, halter style or a variation

with cap sleeves. Made to order in Philadelphia, the five-way short dress expands a woman’s wardrobe with a single purchase (Tinyurl.com/ OrgottonShortDress). The dress is 65 percent bamboo, 27 percent organic cotton and 8 percent Spandex; it’s washable in cold water and dries flat, saving energy. Orgotton’s Infinity Collection comprises a long dress, short dress, romper and bodysuit. Alis Living (AlisLiving.com) lifestyle boutique, in Scottsdale, Arizona, is owner Janet Ellis’ creation. “In 2007, I taught meditation classes and noticed the women were not enjoying life fully. Life should not be stressful,” she observes. “The skin is the largest organ on the body and clothing fabrics are often treated with formaldehyde. So we exclusively focus on organic clothing.” Her motto is, “Dress healthy, look good, have fun.” The clothing she carries are so simple and versatile that a change in accessories can take a dress from daytime business wear to evening elegance. “It used to be harder to find eco-friendly clothing. It’s easier now,” Ellis remarks. “We carry Blue Canoe, Indigenous, Onno, Shupaca and Synergy fashion lines, adding more brands as we discover them.” As a Master Gardener, Ellis also offers organic cooking classes for customers, harvesting from an onsite garden, thus creating a conscious community for women. “We want to serve one another and live joyously, but too often don’t make time for ourselves,” she says. “We’re concerned about human health and the planet. We believe that we don’t have to do harm in order to enjoy good fashion, food and fun.” Fashion personality and creation, organic gardening, mindful art, meditation and yoga on the lawn are other classes offered onsite. Eco-friendly clothing used to have little appeal for fashion buffs. Now designers and manufacturers are finding fresh ways to provide the attractive and eco-healthy clothing more women want to wear.

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Connect with the freelance writer via AveryMack@mindspring.com.

natural awakenings

July 2017


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Four Reasons to Break a Sweat The Fast Path to Flushing Toxins by Deanna Minich


octors, health experts and fitness gurus tell us that we should break a sweat every day—and for good reason. Sweat not only activates a host of benefits tied to healthboosting exercise, perspiring itself is curative. Whether sitting in a sauna, walking on a warm day or working out, sweating is a necessary bodily function with powerful healing effects. By clearing out a range of toxins, sweat plays an essential role in the body’s natural detoxifying function. Here are some of the toxins it helps eliminate:




organic pollutants (solvents, fumigants and insecticides): A clinical study of

20 participants published in BioMed Research International found that their sweat samples contained a range of toxins, including pesticides DDT/DDE, endosulfan, methoxychlor and endrin. Nearly all parent compounds of these pesticides were evident, demonstrating that sweating is an effective way of excreting and diminishing the body’s toxic burden. One sweat sample contained some pesticides not present in the subject’s blood or urine samples, suggesting that some pesticides are only mobilized and eliminated through sweating.

Phthalate (plasticizer): Phthalate, found in plastic products, is also removed through sweat. Research published in the Scientific World Journal evaluated blood, sweat and urine samples from 20 individuals and discovered that all of them contained the common mono2-ethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP). The concentrations of this toxin in sweat were more than twice as high as those in the urine, showing that sweating may be the best way of ridding the body of this endocrine-disrupting compound.

Heavy metals: Another study of 20 patients reported in the Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology found that subjects’ sweat contained about 24 times more cadmium, 19 times more nickel, 16 times more lead and almost three times more aluminum than their urine. Overall, sweat proved more effective than urine at removing 14 of the 18 heavy metals studied. It also contained and, therefore, expelled larger quantities of 16 of the 18 metals than the blood samples did. Of all the metals, aluminum was found at the highest concentrations in sweat, with zinc, copper and nickel also occurring at relatively high levels.


Bisphenol A (BPA): Researchers reporting in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health examined the blood, urine and sweat of 20 participants for BPA, an endocrine-disrupting toxin found in canned foods, plastic water bottles and other items. Of the 20 sweat samples collected, 16 contained BPA, while only 14 urine and 2 blood samples tested positive for the toxin. This reveals that sweat is the most effective way of removing BPA build-up in the body; just as vital, it demonstrates that testing blood or urine for toxicity levels may not present the whole picture.

A wide range of activities, including exercising and engaging in sports, can help us break a sweat. A low-impact option is spending time in a sauna. Notably, in a focused study, the sweat from an infrared sauna expelled more bismuth, cadmium, chromium, mercury and uranium than that produced by a steam sauna. The steam sauna caused higher levels of arsenic, aluminum, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel, lead, tin, thallium and zinc to be excreted (Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology). Hydration is essential in maximizing all these health benefits. Failure to hydrate properly during and after sweating can lead to other health problems. An easy rehydration practice is to step on the scales right before and after sweating; the weight lost is the optimum amount of water to drink afterwards (Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine). For reference, one pound of water is slightly less than a one-half liter. Sweat contains minerals essential for optimal functioning of the whole body. Following excessive sweating, it’s important to replace the minerals lost, especially zinc, copper, selenium, chromium and potassium. Coconut water is a good source of potassium; nuts, seafood, whole grains and legumes generally contain relatively high doses of zinc, copper, selenium and chromium. The next time the couch and air conditioning beckon, think of all the “sweaty” benefits about to be sacrificed. Breaking a sweat might seem like an effort, but it keeps internal detox systems healthy and optimally functioning. Deanna Minich, Ph.D., is an author, teacher and researcher, as well as founder of Food & Spirit, a framework to integrate ancient healing traditions with modern science. She leads online detox programs as part of her whole-self approach to health. Connect at DeannaMinich.com. natural awakenings

July 2017


calendarofevents NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by the 12th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Email Calendar@SeattleAwakenings.com for guidelines and to submit entries. Alternatively, visit SeattleAwakenings.com to submit online.

Thursday, June 29 Sensuous Energy – 10:45am-12:15pm. Join Lauren each week for seven weeks as she presents hands-on workshops at Good Karma Center for Joy in Tacoma that explore the relationship between our six senses and chakra energies. Each workshop is presented independently. $140 for series, $25/workshop. Good Karma Center for Joy, 711 St Helens Ave, Suite 102, Tacoma. GoodKarmaCenterForJoy.com.

Saturday, July 1 In the Company of the Beloved: an Evening of Heart Opening to Divine Presence – 7-8:30pm. Nurture your inner being with an evening of Kirtan, (heart opening music and singing), guided meditation and intuitive spiritual wisdom. $12. East West Bookshop, 6407 12th Ave NE, Seattle. EWBookshop.com. The Art of Plant Dyeing with Susanna Luck - 11am-3pm. Learn from Portland textile artist Susanna Luck about how to incorporate hand-dyed ribbons and linens into floral design repertoire in this hands-on workshop. Each student will take home two completed projects. Students are encouraged to bring an apron and their own pair of rubber gloves. $260 workshop/$75 materials fee (includes lunch). Registration required. All supplies and materials are included. Seattle Wholesale Growers Market Cooperative, 5840 Airport Way South #201, Seattle. SlowFlowers.com.

Sunday, July 2 Slow Flowers Summit -- 8am-7pm. The Inagural Slow Flowers Summit has been called a “TED Talk for Flower Lovers.” Developed and produced by Debra Prinzing and Slow Flowers LLC, this one-day event will bring together creatives, thought leaders and change agents with a lecture series featuring leading voices in the progressive American-grown

floral community. $135-175. Registration required. SURF Incubator Event Space, 999 Third Avenue, 7th Floor, Seattle. SlowFlowers.com.

Monday, july 3 Meditation Monday – 7-8:30pm. Learn a style of meditation based on a fusion of ancient techniques of toga and mind acrobatics, mixed with modern techniques of psychology and Nuero Linguistic Programming. It is great for beginners and those who have a difficult time quieting the mind and also very effective for the seasoned spiritualist. $10-20. Union 512 at Pier View Chiropractic, 19987 1st Ave S., Suite 102, Normandy Park.

Thursday, JUly 6 Parent Connect: Raising Healthy Kids Naturally – 10:30am-12pm. Facilitated group features guest speakers with a different topic each month and encourages questions and participation. Free. Normandy Park Natural Pediatrics, 19987 1st Ave. S., #102 Normandy Park. 206-824-7200.

Sunday, July 9 Northwest Newbies Nature Hike – 1-3pm. Start a journey for connecting to your new sense of place. Your new home is a diverse, ecological treasure just waiting to be discovered. Let’s take a hike to learn the “Fab Five” native trees, common bird species, and discover all the new sounds, textures and smells of your new home and enjoy a trailside cookie. $5/ person for ages 4 and up, ages 3 and under free. 4450 Blakely Avenue NE, Bainbridge Island. Registration required. Islandwood.org.

Thursday, July 13 Outdoor Photography Workshop for Hikers and Backpackers – 7-9pm. Join local photographers

of Puget Sound Green Resources • Natural Health Food & Supplements • Mind & Spirit

Wednesday, july 19 Vegetarian Dining Event – 7-8:30pm. Come join us at The Upper Crust in Seattle to enjoy a delicious, vegetarian, multi-course meal, hear an insightful speech by our president Amanda on a key vegetarian topic, enjoy live guitar music, and meet lots of interesting people. Registration Required. $12.95 + tax for members, $16.95 + tax for guests. Children 6-12 are half price, and children 5 and under are free. The Upper Crust Catering Co., 8420 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle. 206-706-2635. Foraging For A Feast - 6-8:30pm. Join culinary instructor and former organic farmer, Rebecca Sornson, in exploring edible, medicinal greens growing in your backyard. We will start by donning our farm boots to forage for various greens and herbs on the 21 Acres Farm, then bring our foraged findings into the kitchen to make herbal infusions, summer green pesto, and a unique salad from greens you likely weed out of your yards! We’ll round out our communal meal with fresh bread, cheese, seasonal crudites, and hummus. $69. Registration required. 13701 NE 171st St, Woodinville. 21Acres.org.

Essential Oils 101 + DIY Bath Bombs – 7-9pm. Whether attendees are brand new to the essential oil world or veterans, this workshop is packed with

425.373.1987 www.NaturalChoice.net Seattle

Port of Tacoma Free Boat Tours – 9am-4:30pm. Get a ship-side view of trade-related jobs and monster machines at the Port of Tacoma on board a free boat tour. During the narrated tour, visitors will see ships and marine terminals up close, cruise under the world’s largest container cranes, glimpse some of our wildlife habitat and learn about Tideflatsbased businesses that boost our region’s economy. Each person, including infants, must have a ticket to board. Free. Registration required. Foss Waterway Seaport Maritime Museum, 705 Dock Street, Tacoma. 253-593-4485.

Thursday, July 20

Your Choice for a Sustainable Future 28

Publish Your Own Magazine - 7-8:30pm. Seattle Natural Awakenings magazine is for sale! Join current Natural Awakenings publisher Ann Dorn for an introduction to this popular and successful franchise and the community it serves in a relaxed discussion open to anyone exploring owning a business in the holistic and sustainable Greater Seattle marketplace. Free. Registration required. Tully’s Coffee, 764 Broadway, Tacoma. Publisher@ SeattleAwakenings.com.

Sunday, July 16

Natural Choice Directory


NCD11_NaturalAwakenings.indd 1

Jeremy Spingath and Ben Stone for an evening of celebrating wild spaces through this interactive workshop as Jeremy and Ben share some of their best practices and favorite spaces to shoot. The group will take a walk through downtown to capture a few images followed by an editing session so participants can see how they make the magic. Come prepared with a means of taking photos and good walking shoes. All levels welcome from IPhone to DSLR. Free. Arc’teryx Seattle, 400 Pike Street, Seattle. JeremySpingath.com.

4/29/11 5:29 PM

information on how to use essential oils, the science behind why they work and what they can do. Participants will also learn how to start replacing the chemicals in their homes with natural solutions, starting with all natural bath bombs they’ll make from scratch and take home. $5. Emerald City Spinal Care, 1222 E Madison St Ste D, Seattle. Events@ EmeraldCitySpinal.com. Your Life, Your Way -- 6-9pm. Ready to have work-life balance and living your dream life? It all starts with figuring out where you’re going and what stands in your way. In this interactive workshop, participants will all have the opportunity to get clear on what a beautiful life looks like and how to utilize their natural skillsets and networks to overcome challenges. Attendees will leave inspired, invigorated, and ready to start manifesting your vision of a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. $10/non-members, free/members. Boat Room at Pursuit Offices, 999 N Northlake Way, Seattle. AwakeWomen.net.

Friday, July 21 Korean Natural Farming Certification Course July 21-23. Taught by instructor Eric Drake Weinert, this course is presented by Cho Global Natural Farming Hawai’i, a 501(3c) non-profit organization responsible for promotion, research and education of natural farming methods in Hawai’i. $290-350. Registration required. Alive and Shine Center, 2255 140th Avenue Northeast, Bellevue. AliveAndShineCenter.com.

Saturday, July 22 Cultivating Mindful Compassion Weekend Workshop - July 22-23, 9am-4pm. Cultivating Mindful Compassion blends Taoist and Buddhist philosophies, psychology, and research. Workshop includes meditation, lecture, discussion, partner listening and communication exercises. Amy Colvin has 20+ years of Taoist meditation experience, and has facilitated meditation since 2011. Registration required. $300-$325. Samish Center for Mindful Compassion, 10641 Samish Island Rd, Bow. CompassionateBalance.com. BEPC Conscious Wellness Expo – 10am-4pm. Join BEPC for vendors, speakers and entertainment all geared toward conscious, holistic attendees. Free. ent Commons, 4th and James in Kent. BEPCweb. org.

Monday, july 24 Emotional Freedom Monday – 7-8pm. Join us the fourth Monday of every month for Emotional Freedom Monday, as we learn to explore “tapping” or Emotional Freedom Technique (E.F.T.). This technique, led by Rachael Saylors, LMP, is a combination of acupressure and psychology and has the potential to help us create positive changes in many aspects of our lives through identifying and working through patterns that generate stress or dis-ease. $10-20. Pier View Chiropractic, 19987 1st Ave. S., #102, Normandy Park. 206-824-7200.

Tuesday, July 25 Volunteer Training Night - Native Plants – 6:308pm. Bring your favorite treat to share and come down to the Nature Preserve for an evening of companionship and fun. This month, join us to learn about the native plants found at the Nature Preserve. Become a bog ambassador and hone your plant identification skills to learn what’s native, invasive, edibile, and poisonous. Free. Shadow Lake Nature Preserve, 21656 184th Ave SE, Renton. ShadowHabitat.org.

Thursday, July 27 Women’s Wellness Retreat – July 27-30. An Ayurvedic & Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to ​Self Care, Healing and Rejuvenation. We will dive into the energetic physiology of women, looking at the natural, hormonal and energetic shifts we experience as women and explore ways to create greater health, energy and balance. Registration required. $345 - $895. Banyan Tree Retreat Center, 1155 Nahiku Rd, Seattle. 808-633-3738 or MauiHealthAndWellness.com/retreats.

ongoing THURSDAYS Free Meditation Happy Hour – 3-4pm. Learn more about the Happiness Program and how Sudarshan Kriya can have a lasting impact in your life. During our Free Meditation Happy Hour we’ll explore the ancient science of the mind, learn powerful breathing-techniques that infuse the body with energy, and experience a deep, guided meditation. Free. BeHappyWA..org.

FRIDAYS Lift Your Spirits with Dena Marie – 8-9am. Discover fascinating people, inspiring activities and places that will lift one’s spirits in this radio show. Tune in to 1150 AM KKNW Alternative Talk Radio every Friday at 8am. 425-350-5448. Dena-Marie.com.


Saturday, July 28 Guided Nature Walk: The Power of Peat – 1011am. This week, explore SHADOW’s 5,000-yearold peat bog and learn about the wonders of peat. Touch sphagnum moss, glimpse rare plants and fungi, and learn how peat is helping humans avoid drought. Guided nature walks are outdoor explorations that take place rain or shine. Come with weather appropriate clothes and shoes for moderate levels of walking – inclines or uneven ground may be encountered on this walk. Free. Shadow Lake Nature Preserve, 21656 184th Ave SE, Renton. ShadowHabitat.org. Qi Revolution – July 28-30. Learn the art of moving Qi, or energy, in this weekend workshop by author and teacher Jeff Primack. $149/general admission, veterans attend for free. Continuing education hours are available. 800-298-8970 or QiRevolution.com.

save the date Saturday, August 12 Kindfest -- 9am-6pm. Join us for a fun filled day where kindness gets thrown around like confetti! At this event, adults and kids will experience and learn about the power of kindness through the arts, music, interactive experiences, and heart centered speakers. Admission includes entry to self-care services in the receiving tent. Food vendors, raffle giveaways and live music will be onsite as well. $20/individual, $35/family. Willis Tucker Park, 6705 Puget Park Drive, Snohomish. TheKindFest.org.

Sew Up Seattle – 11am-1pm. Bring your own project and sewing machine or create with our donated fabrics and machines. Men, women and children of all ages are welcome. Beginners too! Please use 8th Ave. doors. To help those with sensitivities, please come fragrance-free. Free. Sewing Room in Denny Park Lutheran Church, 766 John St.,Seattle. For more information: NWSewingEfforts.org.

sundays Hillman City Meditation at Kanjin Yoga Center – 4-5:30pm. Silent meditation 45 minutes followed by group discussion 45 minutes. Comfortable seating, calm setting, discussion topic changes weekly. $10/ suggested donation. Kanjin Yoga, 5701 Rainier Ave S. Suite B, Seattle. KanjinYoga.com. Free Meditation Happy Hour – 6:30-7:30pm. Learn more about the Happiness Program and how Sudarshan Kriya can have a lasting impact in your life. During our Free Meditation Happy Hour we’ll explore the ancient science of the mind, learn powerful breathing-techniques that infuse the body with energy, and experience a deep, guided meditation. Free. Tiger Mountain Room, Meadow Creek Business Center, 22525 SE 64th Place, Issaquah. BeHappyWA..org.

natural awakenings

July 2017


Natural Directory Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. More listings online at SeattleAwakenings.com/directory!



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Look No Further...

Here is the Business Opportunity You’ve Been Looking For Seattle’s Natural Awakenings Magazine is for sale •T he Nation’s Leading Healthy/Green Lifestyle Magazine • 20 Years of Publishing Experience • Monthly National Readership of Over 3.8 Million • Exceptional Franchise Support & Training • Make a Difference in Your Community • Proven Business System • Home-Based Operation

Join publisher Ann Dorn on Thursday, July 13 from 7-8:30 for an informal discussion open to anyone interested in exploring publishing Natural Awakenings in the thriving Seattle holistic and sustainable marketplace! Register: Publisher@Seattle Awakenings.com.

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natural awakenings

July 2017


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