November 2012 - Seattle Natural Awakenings

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feel good • live simply • laugh more


Create Your Best Life Live with Passion and Purpose

Top 10 Giving Tips How to Pick Charities

Small Home Happiness

Less is Practical and Green

Jack Canfield Overcoming Obstacles To Achievement

November 2012 | Seattle Edition | natural awakenings

November 2012




elcome to the November issue of Seattle Natural Awakenings! In this issue we explore how to “Fashion A Passion-Driven Life” (page 10). This is perhaps especially no easy task in this day and age, with economic challenges and hardships facing many individuals, and at the same time it’s never been more important. The world is changing, and people everywhere that I meet are creating lives that fulfill their dreams and tap into their innermost missions, sometimes at great risk but also with great rewards. When I set out over two years ago to launch a local edition of Natural Awakenings magazine, I never dreamed how much this work would feed my soul, and how many amazing people I would learn from along the way. I feel so blessed to be pursuing my passion! Although it’s not always perfect, and there are always road bumps along the way, I promise it is better to try and fail at your big dreams than not try at all. Jack Canfield, the acclaimed author of the “Chicken Soup For The Soul” series, gives some helpful tips for “Overcoming Obstacles To Achievement” (page 24) that may be useful as you continue to fashion a passiondriven life. My parents have aging animals at home (a sweet and elderly Golden Retreiver/Bloodhound mix and an orange tabby who is surprisingly spry at nearly 18 years old), so I was grateful for the insights in “Aging Gracefully” (page 22). In their golden years, it’s wonderful to try and return the fun and joy these fourlegged companions have brought to my parent’s household over many years. In “Yoga For The Holidays,” (page 26), local writer Andrea Blair Cirignano suggests some fantastic stress-relieving yoga poses for keeping the humans in the household happy too, as we head into the upcoming holiday season. Finally, in my favorite article this month, “Grounded In Gratitude,” (page 14), author Frank Jude Boccio makes a timely point about how our blessings are not the product of our work alone, but the inheritance of the passion and labor of others as well. This month, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, it makes sense to contemplate how crafting a passion-driven life is only possible because of the beautiful tapestry of interwoven lives that enable each individual life to shine. I hope you have a beautiful Thanksgiving, with time to think about your blessings and how they have and will continue to help support your life, even when the road is bumpy. Create a life you love! To your health and happiness,

contact us Publishers Ann Dorn David Seregow National Editor S. Alison Chabonais Account Manager Dena Marie 425-350-5448 Design & Production Patrick Floresca Franchise Sales John Voell II 239-530-1377 To Advertise: 206-788-7313 or 425-350-5448 3815 S Othello St. 100-186 Seattle, WA 98118 Phone: 206-788-7313 Fax: 877-531-7691 © 2012 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

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Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soybased ink.



contents 7



4 newsbriefs 6 healthbriefs 8 globalbriefs 14 inspiration 16 community spotlight

18 ecotip 20 greenliving 22 naturalpet 24 wisewords 26 yogalife 27 calendar 29 classifieds 31 resourceguide

advertising & submissions

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.




Realize Your Purpose and Feed Your Soul by Lisa Marshall

14 GROUNDED IN GRATITUDE Embrace Every Gift Because Each Blessing Counts by Frank Jude Boccio

16 NETWORK CARE Community Spotlight


by Ann Dorn


Tips To Make Giving More Effective



how to advertise Small, Green and Paid For To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media by Lindsey Blomberg kit, please contact us at 206-788-7313 or 425-350-5448 or email AGING GRACEFULLY Deadline for ads: the 15th of the month.



Editorial submissions Email articles, news items and ideas to: Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month. calendar submissions Email Calendar Events to: or submit online at Deadline for calendar: the 12th of the month. regional markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locallyowned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit

Good Ways to Care for Pets in their Golden Years

by Sandra Murphy


Jack Canfield Shares Insights on Creating Success by Linda Sechrist

26 YOGA FOR THE HOLIDAYS Staying Healthy, Staying Fit by Andrea Blair Cirignano

22 natural awakenings

November 2012


newsbriefs Taste of Health and Inspiration Offers Holiday Gifts, Music, More


he sixth annual Taste of Health And Inspiration takes place Saturday, Nov. 17 from 12-8pm at Seattle Creative Arts Center in Ballard. The free event will feature over 30 local vendors of sustainable, natural and locally made holiday gifts, inspirational speakers, a crystal healing sound bowl concert with Shaunna Touchi of Return 2 Heart, raw organic chocolate samples, raw vegan treats from Jodee’s Desserts, wine tasting sponsored by Sojen Cellars, and live music by Alexander Bishop from 6-8pm. “I created the event to educate people on the impact of buying too much stuff and teach them how to simplify the holidays by staying out of the malls, not using credit cards and slowing down with the change of the season,” says event organizer Dena Marie. “It is so much better for our personal health and energy level. Experiences like retreats, massages and classes make fantastic gifts for the ones you love,” she continues. “Buy products that are lovingly made by people, not corporations.” A Taste Of Health And Inspiration is Saturday, Nov. 17 from 12-8pm at Seattle Creative Arts Center, 2601 NW Market St., Seattle. Free. For more information: 425-350-5448 or

take 20% off

Jewelry, clothing, body care, housewares, books, candles, incense and more natural health gifts Plus a free workshop: Herbal Gift-Making on Dec. 1 December 1 - 8 Bastyr Dispensary • 3670 Stone Way N., Seattle (inside Bastyr Center for Natural Health) • 206.834.4114



SPARK Workshop Series Starting In West Seattle


four week workshop series called SPARK starts soon in West Seattle in a small group format designed to help participants explore life through music, movement, conversation, play, story and fun, according to co-creator Sara Hebert. “Content and exercises vary from gentle and thought-provoking to poignant, energizing and fun,” Hebert says. “This workshop moves people to know and live more of who they really are. And what could be better than having fun and getting real?” SPARK is an acronym and stands for show up, play, awaken, recognize and know. Launched in September, SPARK workshops meet for three hours, one evening (6-9pm) or one morning (9:30am-12:30pm) per week for four weeks. Upcoming sessions begin Nov. 7 and 9. Sessions for 2013 begin January 8 and 9. “Every participant enters the workshop with their own reasons and perspectives, and while we can’t predict what a person will take away from the workshop, we know that each person experiences their wholeness and aliveness,” says Claudia CheyneCooke, co-creator of SPARK. “Participants realize that looking at how life works brings a lighter, freeing view that changes everything.” SPARK workshops are offered monthly and meet weekly for four weeks. Evening or morning sessions available. West Seattle address given to participants upon registration. $450, early registration discounts available. For more information: Hello@SPARK or 206-595-2701.

Bastyr University Now Offering Hypnotherapy Training Bastyr University is now offering professional hypnotherapy training. Taught by Mary Lee LaBay, Ph.D., the courses encompass the core skills to address life issues and transpersonal discovery techniques. Taking place over the weekends of Nov. 3-4 and Dec. 8-9, plus additional required home study, the course is offered to both professionals and the public. “There are plenty of things we want to change in the world,” LaBay says. “The news is filled with the horrors of war, violence, crime, financial ruin, family disturbances, disease, and poverty. In our attempts to change all that, it is easy to ignore the most important thing that we can do every minute of every day: change what is inside of us,” LaBay continues. “Hypnotherapy offers a rapid and effective pathway to personal change and growth,” LaBay notes. “Through the use of trance states, together with specific protocols, one can quickly realize the roots of behaviors and feelings, receive messages from their subconscious mind, and learn to make new choices to achieve their true goals.” Hypnotherapy: Transformation & Healing takes place Nov. 2-4 and Dec. 8-9 at Bastyr University,14500 Juanita Dr. NE, Kenmore. Registration required at

Cloth Diapers Offer Money-Saving Alternative To Increasingly Expensive Disposables


n explosion at a manufacturing facility in Japan in late September may soon translate to rising prices for disposable diapers in the Seattle area and worldwide. The chemical plant affected was one of the world’s largest producers of acrylic acid, used to create the absorbent material in disposable diapers. “Our hearts go out to the injured workers and their families,” says Baby Diaper Service owner Mark Stief. “Events like this put in perspective the true environmental and social costs of disposable diapers.” Stief notes that 250,000 trees are used in the manufacture of disposable diapers every year, along with 3.4 billion gallons of oil and numerous chemicals. “There’s just no comparison,” Stief says. “Cloth diapers are the better choice for the environment and the community.” For more information: or

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November 2012



Antibacterial Ingredients In Soaps Found To Cause Harm


esearchers at UC Davis recently released a study showing that triclosan, a common antibacterial ingredient in body wash, soaps, and other personal care products reduces muscle strength in mice and fish, leading researchers to believe it may also be a problem for humans. A study released by the University of Michigan last year found that triclosan may compromise the immune system and make exposed people more vulnerable to the toxic effects of Bisphenol A (BPA), found in plastics and used to line food cans. The American Medical Association currently recommends that tricolsan be avoided, because it can promote bacterial resistance to antibiotics. “Some of the affected products include items we have used for years, that many people assumed to be safe because they are on a store shelf and available for purchase,” says Dr. Vinay Desai, who holds a PhD in pharmaceutical science and co-owns Dr. Desai Soaps, a family-run Ayurvedic soap and personal care product company. Dr. Desai cautions that consumers must remember personal care products don’t just affect the area to which they are applied. “The skin is the largest organ of the body,” he says. “What we apply on our skin is absorbed into our body. With this in mind our natural ingredient selection follows a simple philosophy: ‘If you cannot understand it, don’t put it on your skin.’” In addition, Dr. Desai notes that triclosan does not biodegrade quickly and use of soaps, face wash and other personal care products containing the chemical cause it to end up in waterways, where it is very toxic to wildlife. Dr. Desai says that products labeled “antibacterial,” “odor reducing,” or “keeps fresher, longer” are more likely to contain triclosan, or triclarban as it is sometimes called. “Ultimately, you want to look for personal care products from companies that practice full disclosure of all ingredients and avoid the use of synthetic preservatives, foaming agents, harmful chemicals or perfumes,” he says. “Labeling requirements usually only make manufacturers list an ingredient when it’s present at certain levels. Dr. Desai Soaps and other reputable companies list all of our natural and organic ingredients, regardless of whether we are required to by law.” For more information: or

More Americans are Eating Fresh


t’s official: Americans are eating more fresh foods than they did five years ago. A recent survey of 800 U.S. adults by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation reports that more than 68 percent of respondents say they eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables than they did in 2007. Farmers’ markets and stands attracted 70 percent of the survey participants, although only 14 percent regularly shop at such venues. More good news: 64 percent of the respondents agree that it’s very important that produce be grown in an environmentally friendly way and also important that the fruits and veggies be organic.lly friendly way and also important that the fruits and veggies be organic. 6


Shrimply Alarming


hrimp cocktail is a popular holiday appetizer, but may not be the healthiest menu choice. Researchers at Texas Tech University have found evidence of antibiotics in samples of farm-raised shrimp of international origin imported onto U.S. grocery shelves. The antibiotics present included nitrofuranzone, a probable human carcinogen. Two samples of the seafood tested in major cities contained levels of nitrofuranzone that were 28 and 29 times higher than the amount allowed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Domestic shrimp harvested from the Gulf of Mexico also contained carcinogens and toxicants, according to a recent article by Equally unsettling, most farmraised shrimp is far from sustainable, says Oregon researcher J. Boone Kauffmann, who estimates that 50 to 60 percent of shrimp farms worldwide are built on cleared mangrove areas. The shrimp produced from these farms have a carbon footprint up to 10 times higher than beef from cows raised on cleared Amazon rainforest areas.

Good Foods to Keep the Brain Sharp


ew research reveals that diet may make a difference in reducing the risk of developing the most common form of dementia, known as Alzheimer’s disease. A study published by the American Academy of Neurology suggests that eating foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, chicken, salad dressing and nuts, may be related to lower blood levels of a problematic protein called beta-amyloid associated with Alzheimer’s and memory problems. For the study, 1,219 people older than 65 and free of dementia provided information about their diets for an average of 1.2 years before their blood was tested for beta-amyloid. Researchers looked specifically at 10 nutrients, including saturated fatty acids; omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids; mono-unsaturated fatty acids; vitamins E, C, B12 and D; beta-carotene; and folate. The scientists found that higher consumption of omega-3 fatty acids corresponded to lower blood beta-amyloid levels. Particularly, those consuming just one gram more than other study subjects’ average daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids experienced a 20 to 30 percent decrease in betaamyloid levels in the blood. One gram of omega-3s can be obtained by eating half a salmon fillet, once a week. Other foods that contain healthy omega-3s are flax seeds, almonds, walnuts and walnut oil, tuna and sardines and in small amounts, vegetables like Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach and salad greens.

Cranberry Juice Yields Knockout Punch


hen scientific studies first provided evidence that cranberries are a powerful agent in fighting urinary tract infections (UTI), the supplement industry was fast to react by putting cranberry pills and extracts on the market. But are they as effective as drinking cranberry juice or eating the sauce? Recent analysis by Worcester Polytechnic Institute offers answers. The researchers tested proanthocyanidins (PAC), a group of flavonoids found in cranberries and thought to be what gives the juice its infection-fighting properties, offering hope that these could translate into an effective extract. However, the report concluded that cranberry juice itself is far better at preventing biofilm formation—the precursor of infection— than PACs alone. The virulent form of E. coli bacteria that is the cause of most UTIs is covered with small, hair-like projections, known as fimbriae, which act like hooks and latch onto cells that line the urinary tract. When enough bacteria adhere to the cells, they form a biofilm that leads to infection. Cranberry juice prevented the bacteria from forming this biofilm, while PACs alone were not as effective.

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November 2012


globalbriefs Eco-Gyms

Workouts Feed the Grid A new crop of environmentally conscious gyms and fitness centers are adopting practices to save energy by adding electricity-generating workout equipment and using other strategies to reduce environmental impacts. It’s known as the green gym movement, which continues to grow and innovate. The Los Angeles Times reports that members of AC4 Fitness, in Goleta, California, generate power and feed it back to the grid every time they step on a treadmill or elliptical. They also bring their own refillable bottles and have access to a hydration station that provides free water, filtered by reverse osmosis. Patrons can store their belongings in lockers made from recycled plastic. The Greenasium Fitness Studio, in Encinitas, California, sports floors covered with mats made from recycled tires, and their dumbbells are used and refurbished.

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No Rain

African Savannas Hold Clues to Drought Relief This year, much of the United States has experienced the most severe drought since the 1950s, prompting governors to declare emergency conditions. There is no guarantee that the crisis will be alleviated, but new research points to a way that farmers may be better able to cope. In the hotter, drier climate of the semiarid African savanna, flowing between the Atlantic Ocean and Red Sea, farmers have successfully fought back an expanding Sahara Desert and turned once dry, uncultivated scrub into highly productive farmland. The key to success is allowing trees to grow where they once cut them down, and adopting agricultural techniques that take full advantage of scarce water resources. Experts claim that today’s American farmers should recognize the benefits that trees can bring to even the most arid plots of land. Chris Reij, a sustainable land management specialist at Free University Amsterdam, who has worked in Africa since 1978, observes, “Given the situation in the U.S. corn belt, these practices might help farmers in Kansas and Iowa adapt to more extreme weather and help make their crops more resistant to drought.” Adding more trees, planted in rows between crops or bordering fields, could provide many of the same benefits found in Africa: improved soil and water quality and windbreaks that keep dry topsoil from going airborne. Fallen leaves and twigs inject nutrients into the soil, reducing the need for expensive fertilizers that can also pollute nearby streams or wells. Trees cool temperatures on a local scale, trap carbon and clean the air. Their roots are natural filters between fields and waterways and can help keep soil moist. Plus, tree fruits and nuts provide food for farm animals and wildlife. It’s an Early American agriculture tradition worth revisiting. Find more information from the USDA National Agroforestry Center at

Loving It

Fast Food that’s Good Food Mike Roberts, once the president and CEO of McDonald’s, has co-founded Lyfe Kitchen, a restaurant chain that aims to serve healthy food on a fast-food scale. The acronym Lyfe stands for Love Your Food Everyday, and the food is made without butter, cream, white sugar, white flour, high-fructose corn syrup, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), trans fats or additives. He foresees hundreds of the alternative bistros opening across the country, all serving locally sourced, sustainable gourmet meals with the efficiency and economy usually found in a fast-food chain. With free-range chicken; burgers from grass-fed, humanely raised cattle; roasted kabocha squash; beet and rice salad and Napa cabbage salad, costs are expected to be pricey at first, but decrease as more locations are added. Visit

Fact Quest

Students Thirst for Eco-Knowledge As part of its 25th Envirothon, a competition for students across the United States to test their knowledge on environmental issues, a survey commissioned by Canon U.S.A. and conducted online by Harris Interactive found that a majority of 14-to-18-yearolds looking for information about the environment seek it outside of the classroom. Data also indicate that teens believe environmental issues will have an impact on their lives in the future and want to know more about them. With three-quarters feeling that school curricula are inadequate, two-thirds of the students use TV as their primary information source. A majority of surveyed teens ages 16 to 18 favor the Internet, print newspapers and other periodocals. Seventy-five percent of all of the teens surveyed believe that humans have a major impact on climate change. The top three environmental changes that they fear will impact their quality of life are poor air quality (66 percent), global warming (61 percent) and poor solid waste management (59 percent). Other major areas of concern are deforestation, water shortages and energy availability. Students are also looking for ways they can help, such as recycling, conserving electricity and water, cleaning up public spaces, carpooling, bicycling and using public transportation.

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November 2012


consuming less, cooking, sewing and gardening more, rediscovering forgotten passions and relationships and finding new ones in the process. “When the economy tanked, it prompted a real moment of spiritual awakening for all of us,” observes Sue Frederick, of Boulder, Colorado, a nationally renowned career counselor who also applies her intuitive skills in helping clients like Readnower find their muse. “We are no longer able to hide out behind jobs and benefits that might not have been a good fit for us to begin with. People are remembering their soul’s mission and waking up to the true work they are intended to do.” At the leading edge of the purpose-driven career movement is the millennial generation, now in their 20s

In the midst of uncertainties, many are asking, “Why am I here?”

Fashion a Passion-Driven Life Realize Your Purpose and Feed Your Soul by Lisa Marshall


hree years ago, Cindy Readnower felt as if work was swallowing her life. As a single mom with two sons to support and two franchise restaurants to run in Sarasota, Florida, she routinely would get up at 4 a.m. and go to bed after midnight. She didn’t see enough of her boys. “I never had a free moment to just shut down and think about what I really wanted,” she recalls. Then the economy collapsed, forcing her to shutter her businesses, file for bankruptcy and consult with a career counselor to plan her next steps. Today, at 57, she’s working as a life coach and business consultant and as she sees it, living the life she is meant to live. “When you hit hard times and say, ‘My worst fears have come true; what am I going to do now?’ It makes you realize you will only find true success when you follow your passion,” she says. Readnower represents what some see as the silver lining in these challeng-



ing economic times. At a time of high unemployment, when some can’t find a job and others are working grueling hours to compensate for laid-off coworkers, many Americans are stepping off the corporate hamster wheel and sincerely asking themselves: “What is my purpose here, and how can I realize it?”

Purpose Over Profits

According to a recent study by the nonprofit, which helps older Americans pursue more meaningful careers, as many as 9 million people ages 44 to 70 have already transitioned into encore careers that combine purpose, passion and a paycheck. Another 31 million would like to. Meanwhile, surveys show that new college grads are increasingly gravitating toward nonprofit and public sector jobs that feed their souls more than their bank accounts. Off-the-clock volunteerism is soaring. Due to working and earning less, people are also

through early 30s. Having come of age amidst the Enron Corporation scandal, 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the 2008 economic collapse, they’re graduating from college with a more holistic perspective on what constitutes a good career. “The decade in which we have matured has been turbulent in almost every dimension,” says John Coleman, 31, a recent graduate of Harvard Business School and co-author of Passion and Purpose: Stories from the Best and Brightest Young Business Leaders. “This generation is looking at a world that has so many problems and saying, ‘The old opportunities are not there anymore, so we have to create new ones.’ Many are actively seeking more meaning and purpose at work.” One 2010 survey of 500 MBA students found that when considering a long list of options for what they looked for in a career, they ranked “intellectual challenge” and “opportunity to impact the world” as their first and third priorities, bracketing “compensation” which ranked second. Another analysis by The New York Times found that in 2009, 11 percent more college graduates

It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into the doing, that matters. ~ Mother Teresa worked for nonprofits than in the previous year. Accordingly, Coleman’s book is packed with encouraging examples, from a Harvard MBA student and a U.S. Marine that co-founded a nonprofit addressing poverty in Kenya’s largest slum to a biomedical engineering grad that launched a web-based car-sharing service. This altruistic, purpose-driven career track seems a stark departure from that of the baby boomers, collectively referred to as the “me” generation for its materialistic ethos. Yet those that specialize in helping people find more meaningful lives say this group currently counts among their best and most focused customers.

Women And Wealth

Join us on November 12 and 28 to learn: The connection between health and money The truth about cash flow that nobody ever told you How you can be an exception to the statistics

Details for our Nov. 12 and 28 events are in the events calendar on pg. 28 - 30 of this issue. For more information, call Michelle at 206-552-8819.

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natural awakenings

November 2012


Transform Your Life With

Matrix Energetics: The Art & Science of Transformation

“We are at a time in the world when it is more socially acceptable to follow your passions,” says Janet Attwood, whose Passion Test workshops—established in 2004—are welcoming more people than ever. “In my day, my dad was so freaked out I’d end up homeless that he sent me to business school so I would learn how to type. Back then, parents never asked: ‘What turns you on?’” That’s a shame, remarks Frederick, because first hints at our purpose often bubble up in our youth. “I believe all of us know at some point what our gift is, but we often bury it and say, ‘I have to fit in and get a job with benefits and a good paycheck.’” There is an alternative.

Work and Consume Less, Live More MATRIX ENERGETICS is a powerful “consciousness technology” that provides for instantaneous and lifelong transformation at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Committed to transforming the planet one person at a time, Matrix Energetics offers easy-to-learn techniques & strategies for enhancing all areas of life, such as health, family, career, relationships, and finances. Based upon principles of Quantum and Torsion Physics, Matrix Energetics taps into the morphic field of infinite potential and provides easy access to infinite possibilities for all who choose to participate. Learn directly from Dr. Richard Bartlett, founder of Matrix Energetics, and his co-teacher Melissa Joy. Each day will include special practice sessions, discussions, and activities to help you access the boundless potential available to you.

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Attwood stresses that living in line with one’s passion isn’t just about work, noting, “It’s about your relationships and friends, your spirituality and health, what you consume and where you choose to live…” She asks clients to write down five life-defining passions (see sidebar) and use them as a guidepost. “Whenever you are faced with a choice, a decision or an opportunity, choose in favor of your passion,” she counsels. Attwood career, “There was always this trigger that went off in my head that said, ‘You need to make money,’” she explains. By her mid-40s, this San Dimas, California, resident boasted a six-figure salary and a successful, but not terribly fulfilling career doing accounting and strategic business planning. To indulge her creative side, she created colorful spreadsheets, but it wasn’t enough. “At one point, I acknowledged, ‘I am not happy walking into work anymore,’” recalls Bastian, now 52. “I felt like a hamster on a wheel.” Seven years ago, she walked out, and with Attwood’s help, set out to find her true callings. “People always think you have to pick just one, but you have passions that run across every aspect of your life,” she says. “I now realize I am a dancer, fashion designer, family person and spiritual woman.” Bastian begins each week by making a color-coded “strategic plan of action,” making sure to include elements of each of her five passions: financial freedom, exceptional relationships, optimal health, successful business ventures and an alliance with God. That means she’s back in school studying fashion design, and now makes time for dancing, church, family and a part-time careercoaching business. She says that it has been financially rough at times. But the “sacrifices”—like fewer hair appointments, fancy clothes, meals out and expensive holiday gifts for friends—have been well worth it. “I now have the flexibility, freedom and joy of knowing I am living who Juliette truly is,” she says with a smile. “I know I’ll be taken care of as long as I honor what truly matters to me.” Lisa Marshall is a freelance writer near Boulder, CO. Connect at

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November 2012



Grounded in Gratitude Embrace Every Gift Because Each Blessing Counts by Frank Jude Boccio


n counting our daily blessings, we find that even uneventful or difficult days possess precious gifts. Consider all the contributions that make it possible for family members to gather for the holidays—the workers that helped construct and maintain the vehicles that brought us here, the house where we come together and the trees that light the fireplace. Consider the food that nourishes us, thanks to the Sun’s energy, Earth’s minerals and rain and the labor of the farmers, processors, truckers, retailers and cooks. Whether or not the holidays fulfill our expectations, we have much for which to be grateful. As the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh points out,

every blessing is the gift of the whole universe. When we stop and really look, we see that we are supported continuously in countless ways. Author Roger L’Estrange noted in the 17th century how humans tended to “mistake the gratuitous blessings of heaven for the fruits of our own industry.” We awaken when the alarm goes off due to the skill of the technology’s engineers, designers, assembly workers, distributors and salespeople. We can turn on the light because power company workers are supplying the electricity. Our morning spiritual practice is the gift of generations of teachers and writers that observed the truth and shared what they learned. It feels good to be bowled over by each moment of grace and the simplest act of kindness. Such gratitude flows when we break out of a petty point of view—with its self-centered expectations and demands—to appreciate that through the labors, intentions and existence of an inconceivably large number of other people, life forms and elements, we have been given the miracle of life, with all its present goodness. This heightened awareness of our connection spontaneously fills us with a joy and gratitude that transforms our experience. Thankfully, gratitude can be cultivated. It simply takes practice in being present to what is being given. It helps to remain aware of some of the most pernicious obstacles to thankfulness, and one of the most obvious is the failure to notice what we have, including a roof over our head and someone to love. As Joni Mitchell sang, “You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone.” So the first step is to start paying attention to gifts that have always been there, but until now went unnoticed and unappreciated. We are rich in what counts and never truly alone, because we are always supported by the universe. The 13th-century mystic Meister Eckhart counseled, “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘Thank you,’ that would suffice.” Frank Jude Boccio is the author of Mindfulness Yoga (



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November 2012



Network Care: A Transformative Journey by Ann Dorn


r. Dick Shepard has been a chiropractic physician in the Seattle area for over 20 years, but he had a very different medical career planned for him nearly from birth. “My dad was a medical doctor and a heart specialist, and the understanding was that I would grow up, be a doctor and take over his practice in the Texas panhandle,” Dr. Shepard explains. While he did eventually become a chiropractic physician, it was after moving to Austin, Texas, with his brother as a young adult, where he became a rock musician and a spiritual seeker. After a while, he also found himself the owner of a cabinet and carpentry shop. However, the healing arts still called to him. “I was always fascinated with anatomy, physiology, all the things around my dad’s medical practice,” Dr. Shepard says, noting that his interest continued even after he moved away and decided against medical school. However, Dr. Shepard started to realize the life of a rock musician by night and a carpenter by day was not something he wanted to be doing when he was 50 years old. “I decided that I would go back to school and do some kind of healing work,” he says. “I had very little idea what chiropractic was (growing up with an M.D.), but I felt it would give me the credentials I needed to basically do whatever I wanted,” he explains. In school, he discovered an approach called network care, and it allowed his interest in healing to expand 16


and flourish. He started a practice in Seattle, working with his wife Noel Shepard. “The body has innate intelligence and healing power, but stress, such as physical, emotional or chemical trauma, causes interference and makes us disconnect from this healing power,” Dr. Shepard says, explaining that most people become stuck in a defensive fight or flight pattern, leaving their bodies unable to fully repair physical and emotional damage. “Network Care uses gentle touches to get past the body’s natural fight or flight mechanisms, and help reset the mind and body to a pre-defense place where it can actually heal,” Dr. Shepard continues. “The biggest paradigm shift that Network Care offers is that we don’t view the body as broken.

“People are literally transformed over time because old patterns of health, mental attitudes, and emotional patterns begin to dissolve, and this leaves freedom to do and be a new person.” Instead of focusing on what is going wrong, we look at what is working well and are able to expand on that and get amazing results.” Dr. Shepard’s serene office space helps his patients relax during visits. “Our practice is designed inside and outside to allow people to feel that

they are totally safe, both cognitively and on a deeper intuitive level that they may or may not be aware of,” Dr. Shepard says. “We believe that unless a person can feel really safe, healing cannot take place.” Creating a secure and restful environment leads patients to feel a sense of calm and relaxation during their sessions, Dr. Shepard says. “As one person described his experience to me, ‘Each time I’m here I try to see how far down into the table I can sink!’” Dr. Shepard loves watching his patients’ transformations. “People’s lives change physically, emotionally, and mentally,” he says. “Migraines disappear; rheumatoid arthritis, digestive maladies, sciatica and back pains change and dissipate. Many people that come in on antidepressants and antianxiety meds reduce or get off their meds completely—not on my advice, but simply because their body corrects the chemical and hormonal imbalances that were causing the problems. People are literally transformed over time because old patterns of health, mental attitudes, and emotional patterns begin to dissolve, and this leaves freedom to do and be a new person. I have lived and observed these changes in myself and others for 20 years now,” he concludes. “The body truly heals itself.” Network Care is located at 8301 8th Ave. NW, Seattle. For more information: 206-525-4155 or

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EFT Relieves Veterans’ Post-Traumatic Stress


motional Freedom Technique (EFT) uses tapping along acupuncture meridians to relieve stress so the body can resume the natural function of self-healing. Through the Veterans Stress Project (StressProject. org), the therapy is now being used and tested with veterans exhibiting post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms such as insomnia, anger, grief and hypervigilance. A study by the nonprofit Soul Medicine Institute has shown that more than 86 percent of vets that used EFT have resolved most of their PTSD symptoms; the researchers also report that, on average, their pain diminished by 68 percent. Dr. Steve Manire, a chiropractor and EFT practitioner in Little Rock, Arkansas, states, “Too many of our nation’s veterans are left believing that they have to live with stress for the rest of their lives when they return from their tours of duty.” He asserts that many find significant relief with EFT. The Veterans Stress Project will connect veterans dealing with post-traumatic stress with EFT practitioners across the country for six sessions at no cost. Email Deb Tribbey at

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November 2012




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These guidelines from Charity Navigator can help Natural Awakenings readers make wise decisions in donating dollars to favorite eco-causes.

1 Be Proactive. First, take the time to identify which environmental results are most important to the family and be specific about the goals you expect via giving.

2 Engage in Dialogue. Before contributing to an organization, talk with staff to learn about the group’s accomplishments, goals and challenges.

3 Confirm Nonprofit Status. Check to ensure that the recipient is registered as a Tell our advertisers you found them in Seattle Natural Awakenings!

public nonprofit charity [501(c) (3)]; this also qualifies donations as tax deductions.

4 Check for Commitment to Accountability and Transparency. Charities that

follow good governance and transparency practices are less likely to engage in unethical or irresponsible activities and more likely to be making a measurable difference. Even advocates of big-picture environmental causes will find ways to quantify the quality of their contributions to planetary health.

5 Examine the Charity’s Financial Health. The financial health of any organization is a strong indicator of its performance. The most efficient nonprofits invest 75 percent or more of their budgets on programs and services and less than 25 percent on fundraising and administrative fees.

6 Review Executive Compensation. Even eco-charities need to pay their top

leaders a competitive salary in order to attract and retain the talent needed to run a viable organization and produce results. But don’t just accept the CEO’s compensation at face value; compare it with counterparts in organizations of similar size, mission and location.

7 Be Careful of Sound-Alike Names. Don’t be confused by a charity that purpose-

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ly chooses a name strikingly similar to a more reputable, well-known organization.

8 Hang Up the Phone. Recognize that the for-profit fundraising companies often used for charitable telemarketing campaigns keep 25 to 95 cents of every dollar they collect.

9 Concentrate Giving. Choose a few favorite causes to focus on. Spreading donations among multiple organizations can diminish the overall impact, because a percentage of each gift immediately goes toward overhead.

10 Make a Long-Term Commitment. Wise donors support their favorite environmental and other charities over the long haul, because they understand success requires a reliable pool of long-term, committed supporters. provides ratings and analysis of participating charities as a public service.

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November 2012


greenliving MONTHLY DINING EVENT Wednesday Nov 14th, 6:30pm at the Mount Baker Community Club, Seattle You don’t need to be a vegetarian to enjoy a delicious multi-course vegetarian dinner. Catered by a different restaurant or chef each month. $15 plus tax for members, $20 plus tax for guests, children half-price. or 206 706 2635 for reservations.

House Happiness Small, Green and Paid For by Lindsey Blomberg

Out of Sync With Life?


anda Urbanska’s dream home is more cottage than castle. Despite childhood (206) 403 - 0283 ings for sprawling digs with a lavish pool, her Featured speaker at: concern for the planet’s welfare and a practical apTaste of Health & Inspiration, November 17th proach to finances has led her to a radically different fantasy: a home that is small, green and paid for. Owning a smaller home is a “triple hitter,” says the Harvard graduate and author of The Heart of Simple Living: 7 Paths to a Better Life. “With a smaller home, we can pay off the mortgage quicker, use less furniture and have less space to clean and maintain, heat and cool.” Also, less space effects less consumption—needed more than ever as dwellings have increasingly turned into what Urbanska refers to as suffocating, “sinkholes of stuff, clogging the flow of ;"*'< &#6% &%"* &,*.= &(#')((-3#.,*7 && energy and movement in our lives.” 9)!!)0* &>'"##( &#,&:5<* &>%$**% &5,&;)45%#( &?5((@ She predicts, “Once we’ve purged our systems of the excess, the focus will be on creating lives that are dyD IS C OVER YO UR PAT H . D I SCO V E R MASSAG E. D I SCOV E R YOU RS EL F. namic and streamlined, where the carbon cost of a thing is !"#$% &'()!!*! &+#$ &),-#,* &."# &.),%!&%# &(*)$,&/)!!)0* weighed along with its price tag, and where the focus is on usability, rather than ownership.” &4$#+*!!5#,)( &/)!!)0* &4$#0$)/ 123/#,%" The rise of McMansions as part of a runaway “bigger &*76')%5#, &+#$ &89:! '#,%5,65,0 is better” mentality saw the average American house size surge from 983 square feet in 1950 to 2,521 square feet in 2007, reports the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Due to the 2008 recession, many owners were left Now Enrolling — Call 206.552.6523 with upside-down mortgages, causing newer homes to be 420 E. Pike Street, Suite 3 Seattle, WA 98122 more modest in size. Like the notorious sports utility vehicle (SUV) craze, now faded due to steep gas prices, the McMansion trend is quickly declining. “Today’s entry-level buyer seems to prefer a far simpler presentation than what had been popular with their parents,” observes Heather McCune, former editor-in-chief of

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Professional Builder and Professional Remodeler. “I don’t think it would be out of line to characterize it as an antiMcMansion attitude.” Real estate website recently reported that slightly more than half of Americans say that 1,400 to 2,600 square feet would be their ideal home size. According to the NAHB, nine of 10 builders are planning or constructing smaller homes than in the past. In 2010, the average new home size dropped to 2,377 square feet and by 2015, the average newly built home is predicted to measure just 2,140 square feet. Even in more affluent areas, builders are beginning to construct model homes that are one-third smaller than what they were building just a few years ago. “‘Small is beautiful’ is back in vogue,” remarks Andrew Gates, a Sotheby’s International Realty real estate broker in Salisbury, Connecticut. “The simplicity aesthetic is more prevalent after what we’ve been through the past few years.” Savings accrued from the purchase of a more sustainable, lower-impact home allows reasonable investments toward modern, energy-efficient upgrades like bamboo flooring, water conservation and filtration devices and Energy Star appliances. The National Association of Realtors’ 2010 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers found that

nearly 90 percent of buyers considered heating and cooling bills important, and more than 70 percent wanted highefficiency appliances. “As advocates of energy efficiency, we have been encouraged by a change in home buyers’ and homeowners’ attitudes toward energy efficiency,” says Kateri Callahan, president of the Alliance to Save Energy, a nonprofit based in Washington, D.C. With increased energy efficiency comes increased home value; a recent study in The Appraisal Journal indicates that the market value of a home increases by $10 to $25 for every dollar saved on annual fuel bills. Coinciding with smaller single-family living quarters is a boom in multigenerational homes across the country. According to U.S. Census Bureau data, as of 2010, 4.4 million homes held three generations or more under one roof, a 15 percent increase from 3.8 millionplus homes just two years earlier. In multigenerational households, the need for expensive daycare is lessened, while grandparents and adult children can also contribute to household income by paying rent. Urbanska, who resides in North Carolina with her 90-year-old mother and 15-year-old son, says, “I’ve been able to save money on both child and elder care while staying close to Mother in her later years.” The rapid turn toward both financially and environmentally smarter

habits looks like it’s here to stay, concludes Michelle Kaufmann, co-author of the acclaimed Prefab Green and a Sausalito, California, architect of ecofriendly homes. She says she is busier than ever, because these concepts are resonating widely. “It’s sad that it took a complete economic meltdown for people to appreciate smaller homes,” she observes, “but at least something good can come from it.” Lindsey Blomberg is a freelance writer in Sarasota, FL.

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natural awakenings

November 2012


AGING GRACEFULLY Good Ways to Care for Pets in their Golden Years by Sandra Murphy

We know that animals subjectively age faster than humans. What are the signs and how can we ease the way for an elderly pet?


n older or ill pet can become a finicky eater whose diet needs revamping. Dogs can sometimes skip a meal or two, but it’s important for cats to eat regularly says Jodi Ziskin, a holistic nutrition consultant who specializes in companion animal care in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. “Each animal is different, and it’s important to find the right food tex-



ture, smell and taste,” she notes. “Keep nutrients as pure and organic as possible and serve real meat and veggies. If a pet has trouble chewing or needs more fluids, try dehydrated foods, thinned by blending with filtered water to a puréed consistency. Don’t set food and water dishes on the floor—raise them so the pet’s head is higher than his stomach, which helps digestion.”

Ziskin recalls how a holistic diet and supplements enabled her own cat, Kayla, diagnosed with chronic renal failure, hyperthyroidism and irritable bowel syndrome at age 14, to live twice as long as her original prognosis of three years. Acupuncture and subcutaneous fluid therapy complemented her nutritional program. For pets with chronic pain from

arthritis or another ailment, veterinary house calls can literally be lifesavers, because they give owners more options than premature euthanasia. Dr. Karri Miller, a veterinary oncologist with Veterinary Healthcare Associates, in Winter Haven, Florida, advises, “Cancer treatments for pets are not as harsh as they are for people and have fewer side effects. Before making a decision about treatment, consult a veterinary oncologist and ask a lot of questions. More pets today are living longer with a good quality of life.” Dr. Kathleen Cooney, owner of Home to Heaven veterinary services, in Loveland, Colorado, likes the team approach. “We teach people to partner with their pet on a day-to-day basis and help take away the fear by educating the family to recognize the stages of aging and illness, pain and crisis, manage nutrition and live like their pets do—in the moment, not in the future. Understanding brings peace.” When the end comes, compassionate euthanasia at home or on Cooney’s farm lends a comforting atmosphere at a difficult time.

Leaving with Dignity

For aging or terminally ill pets, Dr. Mary Gardner, owner of Lap of Love, in Broward County, Florida, works with families through the end of the pet’s life. “As a veterinarian who solely practices in-home hospice and euthanasia, I have been given a unique privilege,” she says. “Hospice care supports both the pet and family. I make sure the family and I have a clearly defined goal—the comfort of the animal.” Similar to hospice care for humans, pets in hospice are given palliative care that can prolong life without suffering or pain. Accepting help from a hospice service is not about giving up, but simply recognizing that additional treatment will not cure the illness. It’s accepting that the quality of each day of life is more important than the number of days. It’s living fully, beginning to end, right up until the last breath. Sandra Murphy is a regular contributor to Natural Awakenings magazines. natural awakenings

November 2012



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Overcome Obstacles to Achievement Jack Canfield Shares Insights on Creating Success by Linda Sechrist


ack Canfield is best known as coauthor of The New York Times numberone bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which has sold more than 500 million copies in 47 languages. A featured teacher in the films The Secret and Tapping the Source, he also has been interviewed on more than 1,000 radio and TV segments. He currently serves as CEO of The Canfield Training Group and president and founder of the Transformational Leadership Council.

Even with a wealth of webinars, teleclasses, workshops and other tools advising everyone how to live the life of their dreams, why do so many still struggle to feel successful? Just having a map in your hands doesn’t mean that you will get to your destination. Understanding your fears and limiting beliefs does not necessarily give you the ability to overcome them. Humans also have built-in protective mechanisms that often override their efforts to achieve their goals in order to maintain the status quo. While ideas presented in programs and courses to help people achieve success can inspire and motivate positive change, many people get stuck when they have to apply them. In the past, many of the methods used to overcome obstacles to success have been tedious and time consuming, requiring months or years of intense concentration and relentless perseverance.

Why is it so challenging to make the changes necessary to succeed? The mind is divided into two hemispheres. One is responsible for rational, conscious thought and processes ideas sequentially, using language. The other is emotional, and processes ideas simultaneously, using pictures. The emotional, subconscious mind is far more powerful than the rational, conscious mind. It controls about 95 percent of our thoughts and actions and is motivated by the pull of pleasurable rewards and the push of negative emotions. To understand the challenge of change, think of the emotional mind as an elephant and the rational mind as the rider. As long as the elephant doesn’t have a strong desire to move in a particular direction, the rider can control the elephant. However, if the direction that the elephant wants to go in is different than what the rider has in mind, the chance of forcing the elephant radically diminishes. The reason that so many people fail to achieve success is that the elephantine subconscious is innately averse to the new action that needs to be taken. To make tasks much easier, the elephant must be motivated to move in a certain direction or, at the very least, remain neutral and not resist the rider. By applying some newer, cuttingedge tools that support change, such as tapping points along the body’s energy meridians, the approach used in the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), it is not only possible to get the elephant to cease resisting, but can also shave time off the journey to personal power and accomplishment. Tapping can transform the beliefs and emotions that cause self-doubt, self-sabotage, procrastination and other roadblocks. It is being used around the world to help people minimize or eliminate issues as varied as fears, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, food cravings and chronic pain.

What do you consider ultimate success? Many people report that after applying my 64 recommended success prin-

ciples, they have achieved outstanding results in one area of their life, although they didn’t meet their expectations in another. Ultimate success isn’t about having only financial success, yet poor relationships; it’s about having success in all areas of your life. So, as practitioners like my coauthor Pamela Bruner, a business success coach and EFT expert, teach the tapping technique, they verbally introduce a powerful success principle and note the resistance people might encounter when trying to implement that principle. This can be done in person or self-administered, as demonstrated on the DVD included in our book, Tapping Into Ultimate Success.

How can we support our goals in everyday life? I’ve learned that few people actually study the principles of success as they relate to life. In college or business school, students are taught management skills that apply to business, but not the skill sets or mindsets needed for success in their personal lives. Students in educational institutions of any kind never learn that they control their life. We all need to understand that the books we read, the TV shows we watch and the social environment we choose to immerse ourselves in all either undermine our success or support it.

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November 2012



Yoga For The Holidays by Andrea Blair Cirignano


o matter your beliefs, the holidays tend to bring a combination of joy and stress to most local residents. We might not get a White Christmas but, on the bright side, it’s usually still warm enough to squeeze in an outdoor workout in the Pacific Northwest between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. That is, if you find time between holiday parties and events, baking, visiting family members and traveling. All of the above can set a body and mind out of balance and yoga can be a helpful tool in finding some sanity during a crazy time of year. The causes and the effects of stress are not mutually exclusive so not getting enough sleep can interfere with digestion but an upset stomach can also prevent one from falling asleep. It is a vicious cycle but yoga can help. When you have extra guests or you’re traveling, try Legs-up-the-Wall pose to ease insomnia. The holidays also bring a lot of indulgent meals and more snacking than usual so if you notice that your diet or digestive system seem out of whack, try a variety of seated and supine yoga

twists to aid in digestion. In the greater Seattle area, we experience the typical holiday challenges and delights but sometimes the local climate adds to the test. If you experience symptoms of winter blues or seasonal depression, back-bend and practice Bridge Pose, in particular, to improve mood and warm the body. Overall, we notice more stress triggers at this time of year. Just to name a few, a fight with family members or holiday shopping can cause a headache but yoga breathing tech-

niques are a practical and helpful solution to deal with combat stress. Breath work is one of the most realistic tools in the midst of a stressful situation because, in the moment, walking away to strike a yoga pose would appear absurd. An exercise just as simple as counting the length of your inhale and the length of your exhale can clear the mind and bring clarity to a situation. To calm the nervous system, extend your exhale so that it is two counts longer than your inhale. This calms your fight or flight response and activates the parasympathetic nervous system. Use any or all of the above to keep counting your blessings this holiday season. Writer Andrea Blair Cirignano is a local yoga instructor with a journalism background. She believes yoga is for everyone and that each member of the community could benefit from the practice in some way, shape or form. Her articles highlight the unique pairing of this ancient practice with a modern Pacific Northwest lifestyle. Find out more about Andrea at

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determined – call or check website for final location. Registration required. 206-552-8819.

NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by the 12th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Email for guidelines and to submit entries. Alternatively, visit to submit online.


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 The Fear and Anxiety Solution – 7:30-9pm . Cellular Wisdom founder, Friedemann Schaub, introduces his new book, The Fear and Anxiety Solution. It combines medical expertise with NLP, Time Line Therapy™, clinical hypnotherapy, and meditation to appropriately address and work with clients and help them reach their full potential. $10. $5 can be applied to book. East West Bookshop, Seattle, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206523-3726.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Hypnotherapy: Transformation & Healing – 9am-5pm. “Transformation & Healing” (50 hours) is one of two courses in Bastyr’s non-credit Hypnotherapy Training program. Take Transformation & Healing alone or also take “Awareness & Integration” to complete the 100-hour program. No prior experience needed. General public & health care practioners welcome. Each course is conducted over two weekends. $635. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr. NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Back to Balance Nutrition & Lifestyle Seminar – 11am-12:30pm. Learn about a holistic approach to kicking the sugar habit. Topics include: low-glycemic eating, anti-inflammatory nutrition, proper supplementation for stabilizing blood sugar, eliminating carb cravings, and more. Following an approach recommended by NYT best-selling author Dr. Christiane Northrup in Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. Free. Honest Movement Pilates, 22605 SE 56th St, Ste 170, Issaquah. Registration required. 206-552-8819.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Indigenous Wisdom Teachings: Tracking the Energy Body - Level I – 9am-6:30pm. Tracking energy is a way to increase situational and selfawareness. Learn the energetic architecture of the human body and how to track its current energy through the Luminous Listening™ technique. This process brings valuable information into consciousness that opens the way for shifts to occur. $175/pricing varies. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Drive NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Wellness with Aromatherapy – 6:30-8pm. Learn how to make simple healing remedies with essential oils that work on all levels of one’s being - mental, spiritual, emotional and physical. Learn how to choose and blend quality essential oils for remedies. This interactive class includes smelling, mixing and testing several recipes. Free with optional supply fee. Skagit Community Coop, Mt. Vernon. Registration required. 425-210-2532.

Introduction to Mysticism and Meditation – 7:15pm. This is a powerful 6-week introductory course designed for modern-day mystics. Classes include teachings on the inner spiritual path, meditation, soul, light, prayer and blessing. Time is spent teaching the principles of meditation that will allow one to move deeper than the body, beyond thinking and emotions, and into the reality of God’s peace and presence within. Free. The Center of Light, 5225 15th Ave NE, Seattle. 206-525-8488.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Do The Math: Seattle with Bill McKibben – 6:30pm. Bill McKibben will lay out the terrifying new math of climate change, explaining the incredible odds that are faced and the difficult path people must walk in the coming years to create a livable future for the planet. $5. Town Hall, 1119 8th Ave, Seattle.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Living Naturally: Better Sleep, Better Energy – 6-7:30pm. Many can find themselves off-balance when it comes to day-and-night routines. How does one break the cycle of poor sleep and low energy? Bastyr Center’s Debra Brammer, ND, will discuss natural strategies to boost energy and get a solid night’s sleep. Free and open to the public. Bastyr Center for Natural Health, 3670 Stone Way N, Seattle. 206-834_4100.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Master Reiki Training With Shaunna Touchi – Nov 10-11. Learn to heal one’s self and others with this gentle modality. Includes Reiki I, II and Master Level training. $640. Registration required. 808-285-8086. The HANDLE Approach to Sensory and Learning Challenges – 10:30am-12pm. Look beyond the labels to learn about the role of neuroplasticity in restoring function to the brain and sensory/motor systems. HANDLE’s pioneering approach gives insights into the underlying causes of difficult behaviors, and the role of stress (and how to reduce stress in unexpected ways.) Free. The Shoreline Library, 345 NE 175th, Shoreline. Registration required. 425-778-3082. Back to Balance Nutrition & Lifestyle Seminar – 11am-12:30pm. Learn about a holistic approach to kicking the sugar habit. Topics include: low-glycemic eating, antiinflammatory nutrition, proper supplementation for stabilizing blood sugar, eliminating carb cravings, and more. Following an approach recommended by NYT best-selling author, Dr. Christiane Northrup, in Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. Free. Location to be

Chakras 101 – 1-2pm. Learn the basics of the 7 chakra system and how to tune up energy. Donations accepted. SoulFood Books, 15748 Redmond Way, Redmond. 425 350-5448. Yoga And Nutrition For Optimal Digestive Health – 1-4pm. Workshop covers yoga movements and nutrition strategies to achieve optimal digestive health. With Kim Trimmer and Nina Torres. S50. InsideOut Yoga Studio, 8016 Dayton Ave. N, Seattle. Registration required: 206-992-4808 or

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Sacred Scents For Connecting to Divine – 6:308pm. Discover the ancient secrets of essential oils to enlighten, inspire and empower! Come to this fun workshop and take home a little bottle of nature’s magic. $25/pre-registered, $30 at door. Vision Quest Bookstore and Wellness Center, Everett. Registration required. 425-210-2532.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Vegetarians of Washington Monthly Dining Event – 6:30pm. One doesn’t have to be a vegetarian to enjoy delicious vegetarian food. Enjoy a gourmet, multi-course vegetarian dinner (dairy and egg free) catered by a different restaurant or chef each month and hear an insightful speech from our president, Amanda, on a key vegetarian topic, and meet lots of interesting people. All attendees will receive a special free gift to take home. $15 plus tax for members, $20 plus tax for guests and non members. Children are welcome. The Mount Baker Club, 2811 Mt Rainier Dr S, Seattle. Register: 206706-2635 or Posture Perfect: New Health Essentials for 40+ – 7-8:30pm. With Dirk Farrell D.C. Outstanding aging begins with standing up. The most vital people usually are those with the best posture. Learn what creates that hunched over posture and what to do about it. Free. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Bringing in the New Age – 7:30pm. Join Mother Clare Watts, Christian master teacher & visionary, for an event that will inspire and teach how to prepare, what to expect, and how to be a dynamic contributor to this amazing time on earth. Free. The Center of Light, 5225 15th Ave NE, Seattle. 206-525-8488.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 How to Have a Match Made in Heaven – 6-7:30pm. Join spiritual teachers and Being Here talk radio hosts Ariel and Shya Kane as they talk about their newest book How to Have a Match Made in Heaven. Free. East West Bookshop Seattle, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726.

natural awakenings

November 2012


Relax & Restore Yoga – 6:00-7:15pm. Breathe deeply and relax into this restorative yoga class. Classes begin with the energizing exercises developed by Paramhansa Yogananda, moving into gentle yoga postures and ending with a long deep meditation. All levels of yoga experience are welcome. $14. Ananda Meditation Temple, 23305 Bothell-Everett Hwy, Bothell. 425-806-3700. Sacred Satsang and Grace Blessings – 7:30pm. With Mother Clare Watts. Satsang in Sanskrit means in the company of the “highest truth.” Fill the gap between hesitation and the reality of living out the path one is meant to live as a soul. Meditate, ask questions and receive answers during this Satsang. Free. The Center of Light, 5225 15th Ave NE, Seattle . 206-525-8488.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Indigenous Wisdom Teachings: Tracking the Energy Body - Level II – Nov. 17, 18 and 28. Increase knowledge of the energetic architecture of the body and expand methods of tracking through its energetic pathways. Explore the four perceptual

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states and their associated archetypal energies and become proficient at navigating through these states to gain insight. Learn additional specialized tracking methods. $ 425.00. Class fee varies. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Drive NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Mystical Winds Holistic Fair – 10am-5pm. Many readers, vendors and healers will be at this fair. Experience a day of transformation and manifesting one’s true soul purpose. Circle Of Healing Essential oils will be making custom healing blends and holiday aroma goodies, alongside Armonia custom jewelry & pendulums. Free. The Majestic, 1027 N Forest St, Bellingham. 425-210-2532. Therapeutic Yoga: Healing from Chronic Pain & Illness – 10am-5pm. Yoga as therapy offers a unique support to traditional and complimentary health approaches by exploring the interrelationship between the physical, energetic, mental and psychospiritual dimensions of our being and re-calibrating them with one another. The number of those affected with auto-immune and other chronic pain syndromes are growing exponentially. In this daylong workshop Robin will first lay out the didactic information and then lead in embodied practice designed to inform and support those who live with chronic pain. General public & health care practitioners welcome. $125. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. World peace: Practices of the Mystics that Help Bring Peace on Earth – 10am-2pm. With Mother Clare Watts. Most everyone wants peace in their hearts and in their minds. The secret desire of human hearts and souls is for there to be peace among peoples, nations, and individuals. Learn how each one can play a part in making this a reality and what spiritual practices help transform into beings who live in peace and work toward peace in the world. Free. The Center of Light, 5225 15th Ave NE, Seattle. 206-525-8488. A Taste of Health & Inspiration – 12-8pm. Giving the gift of health, green, handmade and local for the holidays. Inspirational demos and speakers 12-6pm, live local music, wine and chocolate tasting 6-8pm. Free admission. Seattle Creative Arts Center. 2601 NW Market St, Seattle. 425-350-5448. Yoga For Stress Relief – 1:30-4:30pm. In this 3-hour workshop explore the anatomy and physi-

ology of the autonomic nervous system, and how chronic stress reduces the parasympathetic tone – aka “relaxation response.” Practice specific asanas, pranayams and locks which awaken the relaxation response in the body and help counteract effects of stress. $50. Ananda Meditation Temple, 23305 Bothell-Everett Hwy, Bothell. Registration required. 425-806-3700. Health & Wellness Super Spa Seminar – 2-4pm. Get pampered with a luscious facial or hand-cial with a professional, paraben-free, botanical skin health line. Learn the benefits of inner and outer nutrition: nourishing our cells, holistic eating, and caring for our skin. Following an approach recommended by NYT best-selling author, Dr. Christiane Northrup in Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. Free. The Dance Space, 124 N 103rd St, Seattle. Registration required. 206-552-8819.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Pranic Healing Clinic – 7:00pm. Participate in a group meditation and then receive a free brief Pranic healing. The Center of Light, 5225 15th Ave NE, Seattle. 206-525-8488.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 New Energy Movement – 6:30pm. Discuss conventional and exotic clean energy alternatives, their feasibility, progress towards marketability, causes of hindrances to same in the past and strategies for marketability in the future. Seattle Metaphysical Library, 2220 NW Market St, Rm L-05. 206-634-1848. Aging as a Spiritual Practice – 7-8:30pm. With Melissa West. Learn how growing older can bring new possibilities, fresh beginnings and a depth of gratitude that profoundly enriches the quality and meaningfulness of life. This mini-series uses Lewis Richmond’s Aging as a Spiritual Practice. $5. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Conscious Movie Night: Where Do We Go From Here – 7pm. Set in a remote village where the church and the mosque stand side by side, this film follows the antics of the town’s women to keep their men from starting a religious war. Free, any donations will be given to United Religions Initiative.

Guaranteed Salvation or I will take your place in HELL If you live your life in accordance to the principals in Prophet or Madman I guarantee you will experience Heaven or I will take your place in Hell! Bruce Adams Based on an encounter with God, Prophet or Madman presents the reader with an overview of our eternal life To order by mail: Please send $15.00 plus $3.95 S/H along as it is experienced from both the human and spiritual with your name and address to: Trinus Publishing PO Box 494811 view. Within its pages can be found answers to questions Port Charlotte, FL 33949 that many have been led to believe were unknowable. If you have ever asked yourself why we are here or what For more information or to order online please visit: happens when we die, then this book is for you.



The Center of Light, 5225 15th Ave NE, Seattle. 206-525-8488.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29 Brain Fitness for Women – 7-8:30pm. For women and men who wish to keep their minds in tip-top shape at any age. In her book Brain Fitness for Women, health writer and speaker Sondra Kornblatt offers an entertaining look at how women’s brains work, what cravings mean and more. Free. East West Bookshop Seattle, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Chakras 101 – 7-9pm. Learn how to tune up your chakras and rediscover flow and ease in life. Free. Little Shop of Light, 1012 1st St, Snohomish. 425350-5448.

save the date WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9 FREE Program Information Session – 6-9pm. Spend an evening exploring Bastyr’s five new non-credit weekend programs: Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, Hypnotherapy, Indigenous Wisdom Teachings, CranioSacral Therapy & Medical Qigong. General Public & Health Care Practitioners welcome. Free. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 11 Essential Oils & Aromatherapy: Foundations – Jan 11-13. The “Foundations” class is the first class in the new Essential Oil & Aromatherapy Certificate Program. Take this class alone as an introduction to using essential oils, or continue on to complete the remaining seven seminars in the program. No prior experience needed. General public and health care professionals welcome. $375, register by Dec 28 to receive a discount. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 Body, Brain & Spirit: How NutriScience & NeuroScience Can Feed Your Soul – 10am-5pm. Discover ways of restoring your optimal well-being by feeding your body, brain and spirit. Learn how cutting-edge nutritional science and social and affective neuroscience can suggest small, doable steps that will result in dramatic changes in your overall body chemistry. $85. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr. NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 NW Yoga Conference – Feb 8-10. Featuring workshops, dance, a marketplace, children’s programs and more. Lynnwood Convention Center, 3711 196th St SW, Lynwood. 425-299-2794.

classifieds Fee for classifieds is $1.00 per word per month. To place listing, email content to Deadline is the 12th of the month.


ADULT FAMILY HOMES We’ll help you take care of your aging parents or other loved ones. RN-owned, 17 yrs. experience in elderly care. Assisted by professional and long-term employed staff. Located in the Wedgewood and Meadowbrook areas. References and testimonials available. Call Josie @ 206-679-9082, 206-3623650.

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QIGONG Five Mountains Institute of Qigong and Taijiquan – Live Healthier. Sustain Vitality. Classes in Embracing the Taoist Tradition. Dennis Sharp, Certified Instructor. 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle. 425-775-9609.

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natural awakenings

November 2012


4/29/11 5:29 PM

ongoingevents sunday Cascadia Hikes – 8am-12pm. Learn about local and natural history, sustainability and ecology while viewing waterfalls and wildlife on these guided half-day hikes. Includes hotel pick up and drop off, nature guide, refreshments, transportation, and entry fees. $95. Register: Seattle-Hiking-Tour.asp. Wing Chun Class – 11am-1pm. Wing Chun is a Martial Art with emphasis on efficiency, conserving energy and center line theories. It’s excellent for self defense and can be practiced by anyone regardless of age or physical stature. Wing Chun focuses on body stability, footwork and hand techniques. All ages welcome. $10 per person + dry food donations for Northwest Harvest. Friends, Philosophy & Tea, 13850 Bel-Red Rd, Bellevue. 206-349-9376. Free Energy Healing Clinic – 2nd Sunday. 124pm. Reiki Ranch, Chehalis. 360-748-4426.

monday Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement – 6:30-7:45pm. With Becci Parsons. New strategies for unwinding, relaxing and recovering from life’s challenges. Cultivate resilience and become your most potent self. $20/drop-in, $75/5 prepaid. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206525-0363. Pranic Healing Clinic – 7-9pm. 3rd Monday. Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested system of energy medicine that balances, harmonizes, and transforms the body’s energy processes. This public clinic is an opportunity for you to experience a meditation for world peace and a brief healing with a pranic healer. Free. Center of Light, 5225 15th Ave NE, Seattle. 206-525-8488. SeattleMeditationNow.

tuesday Seattle Greendrinks – 5:30pm. 2nd Tues. Informal social networking to connect and unite those working or interested in environmental issues. Locations vary. Details: Sustaining Vitality Qigong – 7-9pm. Discover Chinese Qigong, the study of internal energy and the natural way to enhance or maintain a healthy energetic lifestyle. Class includes meditation and movement exercises. Suitable for all levels including beginners. $10/class. Phinney Neighborhood Center, 6532 Phinney Ave N, Rm 5, Seattle. Contact Dennis at 425-775-9609. Tribal Style Bellydance ­– 7-9pm. With Shay Moore. Classes get people moving to the global


groove as they develop core tribal bellydance movements with strength, grace, and flexibility. Women of all ages, shapes, sizes, and experience welcome. $75 per 6-week session. M’Illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-525-0363. Meditation & Mysticism: The First Six Steps – 7:15pm. Join us for a six-week series of classes offering a practical approach to living a spiritual life and beginning or deepening your meditation practice. All are welcome. Free. The Center of Light, 5225 15th Ave NE, Seattle. 206-525-8488. Meetup. com/SeattleMeditationNow/events/74587232.

wednesday Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement – 11am-12pm. With LeeAnn Starovasnik. Engage the brain and body in new ways while learning to move more easily, more comfortably and even more playfully. $20/drop-in, $75/5 prepaid classes. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-525-0363. Prayers for Peace – 7pm. 1st Wednesday. Join members of all 10 Centers of Light and pray for peace, creating a surge of positive energy for people all over the world. Open to all faiths. Pray for healing, spiritual awakening, love, solutions to hunger crises, war – anything the world needs in order to become a place of peace. Free. The Center of Light, 5225 15th Ave NE, Seattle. 206-525-8488. Wednesday Wellness Talk – 7pm-8pm. 3rd Wed. Join us for a series of free monthly talks on a variety of health and wellness topics on the third Wednesday of each month. Topics to be announced - check website for updates. Space is limited; please call to reserve a seat. Free. Butterfly Balance Wellness Center, 3515 SW Alaska St, 2nd Fl, West Seattle. Registration required. 206-755-9900. Red Cedar Circle – 7:30-9:30pm. Local and organic drumming, song, prayer, teachings & stories. Free. Interfaith Community Church Fellowhip Hall, lower level, 1763 NW 62nd St, Seattle. 206284-9489. Get At The Roots 12 Week Wellness & Weight Loss Program – 7-8:15pm. Every Wednesday for 12 weeks beginning Nov. 7. Nutrispire’s nutrition program addresses real cause of weight gain and focuses on health. $295. InsideOut Yoga Studio, 8016 Dayton Ave. N, Seattle. Registration required. 206-818-6929.

thursday Urban Forest Restoration – 10am. Nature Consortium hosts volunteer work parties in the West Duwamish Greenbelt for performing restoration activities, including planting native species, remov-

ing invasive species, mulching and more. Register: Monthly DIY Meetup and Ask an Expert – 6-8pm. 2nd Thurs. West Seattle Tool Library hosts expert DIY coaches who are willing to answer questions about current and future projects. These open and informal events cover green remodeling and design, solar, water harvesting and edible gardening. Free. Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 4408 Delridge Way SW, Seattle. 206-317-4671. Weston A Price Foundation Seattle Meeting – 6-8:30pm. 3rd Thurs. A Weston Price/Nourishing Traditions style potluck starts at 6pm and a presentation starts at 7pm. Firefly Kitchens, 844 NW 49th St, Seattle. Baby Diaper Service 101 – 6:30-7:30pm. 2nd Thurs. Mark Stief, owner, will present the ins and outs of diaper service, share best practice cloth diapering techniques and educate expectant parents on the health and environmental benefits of cloth diapers. $10/family. Parent Trust for Washington Children, 2200 Rainier Ave S, Seattle. Registration required. 206-634-2229. Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement – 6:30-7:30pm. See Wednesday description. $20/drop-in, $75/5 prepaid classes. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-525-0363.

friday InterPlay – 10:30am-12pm. No class on Nov 9 or 23rd. An improvisational practice that playfully explores the things a body can do: move, make sounds, tell stories, sing, and experience stillness. Based on life-affirming body wisdom principles and the transformative power of play. $10 suggested donation. M-illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-525-0363. Common Law Study Class – 7pm. 1st and last Friday. Learn how to stop foreclosures, how to be mindful of your rights during interactions with law enforcement, and be supported with a community of like-minded individuals. 360-748-4426.

saturday Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement – 9-10:15am. With LeeAnn Starovasnik and Vicki Robinson. Learn to move more easily and more comfortably while improving your sense of balance and overall well being. $20/drop-in, $75/5 prepaid classes. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-525-0363.

naturaldirectory Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Natural Directory, email to request our media kit.


Manufacturer and retailer of natural, chemicalfree latex mattresses designed to provide a comfortable and supportive alternative to traditional spring mattresses. See ad page 18.


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We are a holistic dental practice specializing in safe mercury filling removal, non-surgical periodontal care, and TMJ/ orthodontic treatments. We welcome new patients! See ad page 11.



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At m’illumino, we are dedicated to your transformation through movement. Take a class, try private sessions, discover your own innate grace. See ad page 9.

natural awakenings

November 2012


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