February 2014 - Seattle Natural Awakenings Sustainable Living Guide

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Sustainable Living Guide 2014 Making Connections Between The Natural, Built & Personal Environments Seattle Edition | SeattleAwakenings.com




his month, I’m excited to bring you our first edition of the Sustainable Living Guide (SLG), produced in partnership with Cate O’dahl of ESP Services. We’ve packed the inaugral SLG with articles designed to help you understand the connections between us, the built environment, and the natural environment while helping you learn how you can protect and preserve our precious natural resources for the health of our region and the people who live in it. You’ll also find businesses dedicated to sustainability and health in the Cate’s List resource guides following our three major sections: Natural Environment, Built Environment, and Personal Environment. Cate O’dahl is an inspiring early adopter of sustainability and has been a pioneer in educating the public for many years, so I was honored to partner with her to create this resource. In our early conversations about how to bring you this directory, Cate shared her powerful and beautiful dream of a sustainable future with me—a future where we live in balance with all inhabitants and resources in our region, where we contribute to health and vitality, both natural and economic, and where the decisions and choices made today create a bright, productive, and healthy pathway to the future. We hope you enjoy the SLG and are inspired to enjoy, protect and promote the health of the beautiful Puget Sound region we call home.

contact us Publishers Ann Dorn David Seregow National Editor S. Alison Chabonais Account Manager Dena Marie 425-350-5448 Dena@SeattleAwakenings.com Design & Production Sheldon W. O’dahl Patrick Floresca

The Vision For The Sustainable Living Guide


ears ago, I got started in the sustainability movement helping businesses learn to reduce waste and recycle, which reduced the impact on landfills, while also creating a new market sector solution. Others were hard at work at the same time, seeking solutions for the population growth and environmental issues facing our region and our world. Before long, we realized that working together to promote wise use of all our natural resources and preservation of our quality of life was going to produce the greatest results - we’re stronger together. We’ve learned to collaborate as we address the environmental issues facing us, but it has always been a challenge to reach and educate the public. It was during a recent green real estate class that the idea for the Sustainable Living Guide evolved. Many of my students asked why more people don’t know more about sustainability? How could we better collaborate to get the message out to the public? And more important, how do we get the message to the intended audience? That was when I reached out to Ann Dorn, publisher of the Seattle Natural Awakenings, which has a large and loyal following, committed to healthy living. Together, we created the Sustainable Living Guide; this simple, yet comprehensive consumer resource guide deepens the conversation and strengthens our connections to sustainability in Puget Sound. The SLG provides fresh, straight-talking content, rich in resources, that informs, inspires, and calls our readers to act sustainably on a variety of environmental issues. In the SLG is our directory, Cate’s List, which provides some local connections for consumers to put that inspiration into action. To a brighter and more sustainable future, Cate O’dahl

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SeattleAwakenings.com 3815 S Othello St. 100-186 Seattle, WA 98118 Phone: 206-788-7313 Fax: 877-531-7691 © 2014 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

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contents 4 5

News briefs health briefs

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. Features in blue text are part of this month’s special Sustainable Living Guide, while the departments listed in green text appear regularly in our monthly magazine.

Connections To The Natural Environment


Sustaining Puget Sound by Cate O’dahl


What is Nature Worth? by Sheldon W. O’dahl



impact Your Climate Future

Doing Our Part To Protect local Water by David Berger


Species That report back by Sheldon W. O’dahl


Connections To The built Environment

going beyond Sustainable Design by Poppi S. Handy and Brent Chastain


by Sheldon W. O’dahl

high Performance buildings Save Energy by Zachary Semke


Cate’s List: Resource Guide For Natural Environment Products & Services

advertising & submissions hOW TO ADvErTiSE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 206-788-7313 or 425-350-5448 or email Publisher@SeattleAwakenings. com. Deadline for ads: the 15th of the month. EDiTOriAl SubMiSSiONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Submissions@SeattleAwakenings.com Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month. CAlENDAr SubMiSSiONS Email Calendar Events to: Calendar@SeattleAwakenings.com or submit online at SeattleAwakenings.com. Deadline for calendar: the 12th of the month. rEgiONAl MArKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locallyowned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.



resources To Fuel Action by Brian Cloward


The Future Of Food by Michael Seliga


Cate’s List: Resource Guide For Built Environment Products & Services

Connections To The Personal Environment


indoor Air quality And Your home by Cheri Zehner


home Performance benefits, health & Savings by Gretchen Marks


Puget Sound Education Opportunities by Cate O’dahl

39 41

rock-A-bye green baby room visualizing A Sustainable Future by Dr. Adam McLeod

43 45 47

Cate’s List: Resource Guide For Personal Environment Products & Services

Calendar Natural resource Directory

newsbriefs Local Martial Arts School Celebrates 5 Year Anniversary


eattle based martial arts school Northwest Wushu is preparing to celebrate their fifth anniversary of opening for business this April. Owner and Wushu master Tianyuan Li says she is grateful for the opportunities to pass on her experience and make a difference in the community over the past few years. “My students are wonderful. I tell everybody, ‘Wushu is what I do.’ I am passionate about it and so happy to share it with others,” Li explains. Wushu emphasizes both exhibition and full contact sparring, and has become a popular contemporary sport worldwide. Born in China, Li started practicing Wushu at eight years old and went on to win numerous awards, including three division championships at the All China Games. She also performed as a martial artist motion capture model for video game developers. Li leads her students to participate in many cultural events throughout the year, as well as competitions that serve as fundraisers. Last August, Li hosted a competition that raised money for Seattle Children’s Hospital and a local Seattle nursing home, and in November, another competition raised over $12,000 for Typhoon Haiyan survivors in the Philippines. Northwest Wushu is located at 605 8th Ave. S. Seattle. The school serves children, teens and adults. For more information: 360-631-9803 or NorthwestWushu.com.

Meditate Seattle Introduces Health & Happiness Class


amily nurse practitioner Mary Davis of Meditate Seattle has announced a new class series starting in March. The class will meet for five weeks in Central Seattle and explore ways to increase health and happiness. “I am excited to offer a new class that will make a big difference. Participants will learn techniques to easily improve health, reduce stress, increase happiness, and generally feel better,” Davis says. Meditate Seattle was founded by Davis and her husband, who is a physician, in 2008. Davis has 35 years of nursing experience in primary care and is a meditation




instructor certified by the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. She says she focuses her teaching on helping clients learn ways to be healthier without prescribing medication. The Health & Happiness class begins March 8 at 10 a.m. and will run for a total of five weeks. Classes will be held at the Meditate Seattle Studio, 2145 Boyer Ave. E. $150. Registration required. For more information: 206-679 9620 or MeditateSeattle.com.

Women of Wisdom Conference Takes Place in February


he 22nd annual Women of Wisdom conference will take place February 14-17 at North Seattle Community College, with pre-conference events starting on February 12. This year’s theme is “The New Paradigm: Riding The Wave of Heart.” Special guests include energy medicine expert Donna Eden, Jalaja Bonheim, author of “Evolving Toward Peace: Awakening The Global Heart,” Ester Nicholson, musician and author of “Soul Recovery: 12 Keys to Healing Addiction,” teacher and speaker Julie McIntyre, and artist Lydia Ruyle. Public areas of the conference are free to enter, including the marketplace, the healing temple, and the art show. Over 40 events and workshops are offered and individually priced so attendees can customize their conference experience to fit their schedule and budget. Men are welcome to attend all evening events and Donna Eden’s workshop. Special conference rates are available for teens, students, and seniors, and volunteer positions and scholarships are also available. The Women of Wisdom conference takes place February 14–17 at North Seattle Community College, 9600 College Way North. Cost ranges from $10 to $129 for individual events, or $295 for a weekend pass. For more information: 206-782-3363 or Wow@WomenOfWisdom.org.

East West Bookshop Celebrates 25 Year Anniversary East West Bookshop will mark their 25th year in business with an open house on March 2 from 1-4 pm. Guest speakers and local authors will be on hand, as well as food and in-store special offers. East West Bookshop is located at 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. For more information: 206-523-3726 or EastWestBookshop.com.



A Different Breathalyzer Test for Heart Failure

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imply blowing up a balloon may help doctors test heart function, according to a new study from the Cleveland Clinic. Although such examinations usually require expensive and sometimes invasive procedures, the new test can be done in a doctor’s office in 30 seconds, according to the research findings published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The patient simply breathes into a Mylar balloon, similar to a party version, and the air is passed through a machine to produce an individual “breathprint�. Researchers determined that exhaled breath contains volatile organic compounds that can be easily analyzed to determine potential heart failure.

Zinc Orchestrates Immune Response


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any have heard that zinc can stop a cold in its tracks, and new research from Ohio State University tells us why; it turns out that zinc gently taps the brakes on immune responses, slowing them down and preventing inflammation from spiraling out of control. The researchers’ work with human cells and animals found that zinc serves to balance the immune response within the cells so that the consequences of insufficient zinc at the time of an infection include excessive inflammation. Of all the zinc contained in our bodies, only about 10 percent of it is readily accessible to help fight off an infection, notes Daren Knoell, professor of pharmacy and internal medicine and lead author of the study, published in Cell Reports. The research team suggests that proper zinc balance is especially important in battling serious and potentially deadly infections. Zinc deficiency affects about 2 billion people worldwide, including an estimated 40 percent of the U.S. elderly.

“Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own.�


— Charles Dickens


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healthbriefs ThE WhOlE FiSh iS bEST FOr blOOD PrESSurE


ver the years, a broad range of research has confirmed that omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish like salmon, tuna and sardines promote heart and brain health. Now researchers at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine have found that taking fish oil supplements isn’t as effective at keeping blood pressure under control as eating an actual fish. The animal study published in the U.S. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that eating oily fish helped open ion channels, a complex series of membranes in the cells that line blood vessels, letting sodium, calcium and potassium in and out of those crucial cells and helping reduce blood pressure. Because fish oil supplements did not activate the ion channels, they didn’t reduce blood pressure in the same way.

ADAM DREAMHEALER Experience 2 unique group energy sessions coordinated by ADAM DREAMHEALER; International author, speaker, Molecular Biologist, Native American healer and most recently a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Adam McLeod (pen-name Dreamhealer) will be presenting a full-day conference at Bastyr University on MARCH 8. Maximize your own healing potential as you learn techniques to focus intentions embracing self-empowerment. Over 40% of registrants are health care practitioners incorporating these skills into their practices. All registration at www.dreamhealer.com.

Early Warnings of Heart Troubles Differ for Women


omen may worry more about breast cancer, but in reality, heart disease is the top killer of American women, claiming 300,000 lives a year, 7.5 times the number that die of breast cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although heart disease is more often perceived as a men’s issue, since 1984 more women have died of heart disease than men. Part of the reason may be that women’s heart attacks can differ from men’s and the American Heart Association (AHA) warns that women often fail to recognize the symptoms, ranging from torso aches and pains and nausea to anxiety, shortness of breath, dizziness and extreme fatigue. They may experience subtle symptoms for months and write them off as byproducts of menopause, heartburn or effects of aging. The National Institutes of Health states that 43 percent of women that have heart attacks experience no chest pain. The difference between the more subtle signs of a heart attack in women and the more dramatic signs in men may help explain why 75 percent of men, prompted to act quickly, survive a first heart attack, while only 62 percent of women do, according to the AHA. “Research shows that women may not be diagnosed or treated as aggressively as men,” notes the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

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to this special edition of the first annual Sustainable Living Guide, Puget Sound Edition. Throughout the year Natural Awakenings strives to bring you the latest information and resources available for health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, natural living, sustainability and creative expression. In order to serve you even better, we offer this directory to keep at your fingertips all year long as a reference and resource when searching for the things you need to live a healthier, more balanced life in community with the natural and built environment.

Sustainable Living Guide 2014 Puget Sound Special Edition Sponsored by


Residential & Light Commercial Remodeling


Connections To The Natural Environment

Photo by Miguel Edwards

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Protecting Our Beautiful World

Introducing The Natural Environment Section


e are all intricately connected to our natural environment. Our environment provides us with the air we need to breathe, the water we need to drink, and the materials and resources we use to provide essential food and build our homes and industries. In addition, nature provides the necessary resources for climate stability, flood and storm protection, and water supply and purification, among other natural goods and ecosystem services that are essential to the survival of our society and economy. The natural environment is vast, it’s complex, it’s global; yet, it is also personal - our home, our community, and our region. When we talk about our local personal natural environment here in the Seattle Metro area, we talk about Puget Sound. The Puget Sound Basin encompasses the water, the habitat, the biological diversity, the people, and the economy of our region. Our region is blessed with rich and varied land and seascapes, spectacular scenery, diverse plant and animal life, and our waterways are one of the most productive and biologically diverse ecosystems on earth. It is the jewel of the Northwest. Most natural systems are self-maintaining; that is, left alone, the natural


systems will stay healthy, balanced, and productive. Over the course of time, it has become clear that humans can have great impacts and create negative outcomes when we alter or change the balance of these systems. Even if that impact is unintended, there can be severe consequences. Our great societies have endeavored to understand these natural systems in order to take advantage of nature’s bounty. Over time, as we build our towns and societies, our nations, human impact has exceeded our stewardship. As a result, our natural areas are in decline. We caused the damage, and we may be able to undo the damage, but it will take thoughtful, purposeful effort on behalf of each and every one of us. Our leaders, our governments, and the nations of the world must take responsibility for the stewardship of our planet. Our articles in this section, Connections to the Natural Environment, introduce readers to the natural systems necessary to sustain the ecological and economic health of Puget Sound. They will explain the value of natural goods and services of the ecosystem and its active partners. Also, we hope to help readers to easily understand climate change and its impact on our region and on our future.

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

SuSTAiNiNg Puget Sound

Photo courtesy of Dirty Dog Productions

Connections To The Natural Environment

by Cate O’dahl


ur region is defined by water. The Puget Sound Basin consists of all the land, rivers, lakes, and streams that drain into coastal waters. The interactions between people, animals, plants, and multitudes of microorganisms, within a complex hydrologic system (the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface) define the ecology of our region. Natural environments, in order to stay productive and healthy, are limited by their carrying capacity - a maximum limit that any given environment can support without detrimental effects. The Puget Sound Partnership estimates that by 2025 over five million people will be living in the Basin. In addition to carrying capacity, natural systems need to maintain a specific balance, and if that balance is impacted or if the carrying capacity is exceeded, natural systems begin to deteriorate. Pollution caused by human activity or contamination from natural events such as volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, or forest fires can affect the balance of natural systems and their ability to repair or restore themselves to their original healthy states. In the wake of the industrial revolution, we have seen great impacts from human activity: impacts to air quality from burning fossil fuels, impacts to water quality from dumping human-made waste into our waterways, and impacts to our natural forests and grasslands from poorlyplanned development. Many of the original impacts were unintended. As a global society, we simply did not understand the effect of our actions. Many great societies have perished for their ignorance - the Roman Empire, the Easter Island society, among others. In this day and age, however, we understand more about the effect of our actions; specifically, we understand the effects that pollution, population, and poor-planning has on our planet. One solution to combat these effects is environmental stewardship – the notion of protecting and being responsible for our natural areas and its inhabitants. In a recent report on Puget Sound Ecosystem Indicators,

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

the Environmental Protection Agency proposes: “We are at the cusp of making historic decisions regarding the nature of how we grow in this region. Will we pave over our field of dreams and let species come to the brink of peril, losing economic opportunity and good human health? Or will we create a positive vision of our future by mapping out growth strategies, learning to be more elegant with design and function so we can save the things worth saving, while providing opportunities to ‘do well by doing good’?” The answer to that question can and should be answered by each inhabitant of the Puget Sound - that means each of us. We are the answer to those questions. Through our purchases, by voting, by speaking out on issues, by educating ourselves and our community we choose the answers. We choose our future.

Making the Connections The EPA Indicator Report helps to make the connections between the natural environment, the built environment, and our personal environment by looking at one of our local treasures, the orca, to help us understand how everything we do affects something else, no matter how isolated it seems. In the 1990s Puget Sound orca populations declined. Most of the resident orcas eat salmon as their primary food source. Puget Sound Chinook salmon have been found to be heavily contaminated with chemicals, including flame retardants and


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plasticizers called phthalates. Other salmon populations are also dwindling because their habitat has been destroyed or degraded due to development practices (paving our surfaces and fragmenting our forest areas). Many of our resident fish species are also impacted by the use and disposal of specific chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides. This means that the fertilizer you use on your lawn and in the neighborhood you live in, or at the local manufacturing plant, finds its way into the local creeks and streams, flows to larger lakes and eventually into the Puget Sound. It then accumulates in salmon, which pass these chemicals through a process known as bioaccumulation to our resident orca populations. The accumulation of chemicals in the whale’s food supply, coupled with pollution from stormwater running off of our built environment, and noise pollution from commercial and recreational boats, has led to the decline of this iconic species and placed them on the Endangered Species list.

understanding What to look For In order to sustain Puget Sound, there are indicators of the environmental health of the watershed that can help us know how we’re doing managing this vast resource. For one thing, having healthy wildlife populations, including shellfish and other marine species indicates the overall health of our environment (See Bees, Slugs, & Frogs article). We can also look at the rate of urbanization and ebb and flow of our forest areas. Water quality determines the health of all our natural systems and greatly affects our own personal health and even our region’s economic health (see Natural Capital article). Finally, the volume of waste going to landfills affects climate, which in turn can affect weather and air quality (see Climate Change article).

What You Can Do All is not lost! We still have a great opportunity and a greater responsibility to preserve and protect the natural resources of our region. The articles in the Built Environment and the Personal Environment sections outline strategies, propose actions, and provide resources to let you know what you can do to sustain our Puget Sound. Cate O’dahl, owner of ESP Services, is the Sustainable Living Guide managing editor, Cascadia Community College associate faculty, and Green Real Estate certified instructor.

lEArN MOrE AbOuT PrOTECTiNg PugET SOuND: The Puget Sound Partnership leads efforts to protect and restore Puget Sound and its diversity of life: PSP.wa.gov.

6921 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 10


The EPA oversees environmental policy nationally and in our region to protect and preserve our environment: EPA.gov/pugetsound and EPA.gov/salish-sea. Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Natural Environment

“The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment, not the other way around.” — Gaylord Nelson, former U.S. Senator, Governor of Wisconsin, and Founder of Earth Day

Photo courtesy of Dirty Dog Productions

What is Nature Worth? Putting A Dollar Value On Precious Ecological Health by Sheldon W. O’dahl


hat do you value? A healthy family? A good job that is satisfying and that provides sufficient resources to live comfortably? Time to enjoy a good book or a long walk in the mountains with family? These are all respectable values. What you value guides your decisions and actions, where you invest your money and time, and what you choose to save in an emergency. Do you value clean air and water or a vibrant ecosystem filled with diverse life? What would you pay to keep that air and water clean, to keep the pollutants from contaminating that ecosystem? These are difficult questions, yet they are very important for our future. Our livelihood, our industry, our health, and even our recreation are dependant upon the resources of the world in which we live. For many centuries, we have easily placed value on the product of our efforts, our constructs, the built world, and our social organizations. What we have not easily determined value for has been the resources used to

build our societies and produce our goods and services, our natural capital. The Forum for the Future Project defines natural capital as “any stock or flow of energy and material that produces goods and services.” Natural resources, both the renewable materials and living creatures and non-renewable materials we use for manufacture of products and energy, are obvious sources of capital. Other aspects of natural capital that may be less obvious, but no less valuable, are natural processes, environments, or species that “absorb, neutralize, or recycle wastes” such as carbon sequestration from plants, wetlands and watersheds or the multitude of species that are vital to nutrient cycling in forests and waterways. “The concept of natural capital has the potential to reconcile economic and environmental interests by integrating the value of natural capital in decision-making,” says the International Institute for Sustainable Development. “The Natural Capital Approach (NCA) is a means for identifying, quantifying and valuing ecosystem services leading to better decision-making for managing, preserving and restoring natural environments.” Earth Economics of Tacoma is actually setting out to put real dollar values to natural capital resources in our region. In their 2010 report, Valuing The Puget Sound Basin, they note “the value of natural systems in the Puget Sound Basin is enormous. Yet this wealth is being lost. As the ecological health of the region deteriorates, benefits once provided for free and potentially in perpetuity are deteriorating or disappearing.” These lost resources include, among others, natural water filtration systems we rely on for clean drinking water, natural retention systems that help stop or slow water intrusion or flooding, and natural habitats for the fish, fowl, and our fellow creatures of the land. “To reduce damage, new expensive engineered infrastructure is developed to replace nature’s lost and previously free services,” Earth Economics tell us in their report. “Currently natural capital is not recognized as a capital asset that is measurable within standard accounting systems. As a result, these assets are undervalued and investment in the form of capital improvements, maintenance and operations are insufficient. Washington State and the counties of the

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

February 201 4


Connections To The Natural Environment “You show me pollution and I will show you people who are not paying their own way, people who are stealing from the public, people who are getting the public to pay their costs of production. All environmental pollution is a subsidy.” — Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Puget Sound Basin should lead the way initiating changes in national accounting rules to accommodate the economic value that natural capital provides.” As a society, we need to acknowledge that culture and our economy would be lost without the robust and abundant environment from which it is created. As Gaylord Nelson said, “The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment, not the other way around.” As such, when the environment fails, so will our economy. We threaten our environment at our own peril. Polluting our natural resources, our water and air, the fertile ground upon which we grow our crops, and the very creatures we rely on for food, products, and services, can no longer be a simple by-product of doing business as usual. A healthy economy produces a healthy society, and only by maintain-


ing a healthy Earth can we hope to provide for a healthy future for our children and their children. In addition to investing in the infrastructure of our future society, we must include a robust investment in maintaining and rebuilding a healthy environment with clean water, clear air, stable land, and dynamic life, both plant and animal. Earth Economics suggests “Shifting investment requires accounting that includes the value of natural capital, improved jobs analysis, better cost/benefit analysis and economic incentives that reward green investment.” Gaylord Nelson reminds us in his book Beyond Earth Day, Fulfilling the Promise, “All economic activity is dependent upon that environment and its underlying resource base of forests, water, air, soil, and minerals. When the environment is finally forced to file for bankruptcy because its resource base has been polluted, degraded, dissipated, and irretrievably compromised, the economy goes into bankruptcy with it.” It’s only good business to take care of the environment.



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Connections To The Natural Environment

Environmental indicators

Species That Report Back by Sheldon W. O’dahl


here is a group of local heroes that is underappreciated, often maligned, and even feared. This group includes bees, slugs, and frogs. Buzzing bees annoy (and sometimes sting) us as we try to enjoy our favorite flowers when we stop to smell the roses. Frogs and slugs repulse many when we encounter them in our woodlands or gardens. “They generally have a bad reputation,” Oregon State University says in a report about slugs. “It’s the slime thing. And probably that they are basically a stomach on one large foot.” Yet, they all play a crucial role in our natural systems. Bees, slugs, and

frogs perform valuable ecological functions that benefit humans and our natural environment. Moreover, they are critical indicators of negative impacts to our sensitive ecosystems. According to the U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, over 75 percent of all plant species depend on pollinators, primarily bees, for production. “Pollinators not only keep plants healthy and growing, but they are also indicators of healthy habitats because they are so sensitive to threats like the changing climate, habitat loss, environmental toxins, and invasive species,” the U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service states on

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their website. Bee populations, unfortunately, have been in the decline since the 1990s as neurotoxic pesticides have been introduced into the insecticide market, according to the Pesticide Action Network website. “Mollusks [like slugs] are an important source of food for other animals, are vital to nutrient cycling, and are indicators of forest and watershed health,” says Tierra Curry, a biologist with the Center for Biological Diversity. “Protecting them will help protect the environmental integrity of the Pacific Northwest.” Slugs and frogs are sensitive indicators of the health of our ecosystems as their moist, permeable skins easily absorb toxins introduced by humans into our environment. As go these species, so goes our ecological health. The Save the Frogs organization explains, “the disappearance of frog populations disturbs an intricate food web, and results in negative impacts that cascade through the ecosystem.” Sheldon O’dahl is owner of Dirty Dog Productions, providing administrative and creative support to publications and event projects that serve to promote environmentally sustainable actions. Sheldon is the layout administrator for the Sustainable Living Guide, and has supported ESP Services with event production of the Seattle Green Home Tours since 2010 and the Northwest EcoBuilding Guild’s Green Pages directory since 2007.

lEArN MOrE: TheHoneyBeeConservancy.org Pesticide Action Network: Panna.org How to attract and maintain frogs: wdfw.wa.gov SaveTheFrogs.com Control slug populations in your garden naturally: MotherEarthNews.com/organic-gardening/ control-garden-slugs-organically

February 201 4


Connections To The Natural Environment activity. “Most of the warming of the past half century has been caused by … burning fossil fuels for heat and energy, clearing forests, fertilizing crops, storing waste in landfills, raising livestock, and producing some kinds of industrial products,” says the EPA. These activities have released a tremendous amount of heat-trapping gases into our atmosphere. These greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, fluorinated gases, and methane, capture the sun’s heat and warm the upper atmosphere, impacting jet stream patterns and polar ice fluctuations.

Impact Your Climate Future by Sheldon W. O’dahl


he oceans are rising. The weather is changing. The world is ending. The sky is falling. Run away! Run away! Is that how you feel when someone says, “climate change”? Is it all too much? Do you feel like there is nothing you can do? You are not alone, yet you do have the power to have an impact. Climate change may be changing the world, but acting locally can have a real impact on reducing the damage and long-term costs of changes to our region.

What is Climate Change? Have you noticed that the summers have been getting warmer and the winters are getting wetter over the last few years? Is this climate change or just normal fluctuations in weather from year to year? Is this different from some years when an El Niño system brings warm


and dry winters to the Pacific Northwest, and other times a La Niña system generates above average rainfall in the winter? Yes, weather does change from year to year, and while these variations are normal cycles, a long-term perspective shows a more startling trend that is affecting the entire planet. Extreme weather patterns have been developing in the mid-west and on the East Coast, resulting in an increased number of severe tornados in the summer and record cold periods in the winter. The crucial aspect of climate change that needs to be understood is that these long-term trends are not simply the natural course of events on our blue planet. After all, we once were covered with ice during the last ice age and the planet does get warmer and colder over long periods of time. Our climate is changing because of human

how can it affect us? It is not simply “global warming” that results from an increase of greenhouse gases. A study by the Washington State Department of Ecology reports that this is “causing wide-ranging impacts, including rising sea levels; melting snow and ice; more extreme heat events, fires and drought; and more extreme storms, rainfall and floods. Scientists project that these trends will continue and in some cases accelerate, posing significant risks to human health, our forests, agriculture, freshwater supplies, coastlines, and other natural resources that are vital to Washington State’s economy, environment, and our quality of life.” According to the Climate Impacts Group (CIG) from the University of Washington, records show that Pacific Northwest temperatures have increased 1.5°F since 1920. These temperature changes impact the Pacific Northwest in many ways. Warmer winters mean that instead of snow falling in our mountains, we will get more rain, resulting in less snow accumulation, earlier snow melt, and greater flooding



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Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Natural Environment

“Climate change may be changing the world, but acting locally can have a real impact.” downstream. Warmer summers may initially seem like a good thing, but this also means more wildfires, especially east of the Cascades. Our already threatened salmon populations will also be impacted by higher summer temperatures as warmer streams create poor spawning grounds. The CIG states that “one third of the current habitat for either the endangered or threatened Northwest salmon species will no longer be suitable for them by the end of this century.” Ultimately, one of the greatest impacts of increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is the inevitable sea level rise. Many focus on the impact on the loss of living space in our coastal cities, but truly, the more devastating impact in the northwest may be on our coastal wetlands, which will become inundated by seawater, turning our freshwater wetlands brackish and eventually impacting our groundwater supplies.

resources for Climate Change Washington State Department of Ecology: ECY.wa.gov The Environmental Protection Agency: EPA.gov uS Fish and Wildlife: FWS.gov Environmental Defense Fund: EDF.org Climate Solutions: ClimateSolutions.org For additional resources, please visit SeattleAwakenings.com/SLG

There’s more online! Continue learning at SeattleAwakenings.com/SLG

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What can we do? All of this may be very daunting. It appears all so much bigger than you and me; this is world-wide and the result of over a hundred years of human industrial activity, but “there are little things you can do in your life that will help, such as conserving energy and taking mass transit,” the Environmental Defense Fund says on their website.

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February 201 4


Connections To The Natural Environment Driving a vehicle, the use of electricity to light and heat your house, and throwing away garbage all contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, according to the EPA. You can act now to reduce your contribution to greenhouse gas emissions by conserving the amount of energy you use at home: seal and insulate your home and purchase energy efficient appliances. Also, when you invest in clean energy sources, such as solar and wind power, you reduce the need for increased energy production. Reduce your waste and recycle to minimize the amount of garbage going into landfills and the amount of their methane emissions. Consider driving less or using mass transit to minimize your personal carbon footprint. “Washington State is addressing this challenge and has adopted policies to reduce energy use, limit greenhouse gas emissions, and build a clean energy economy,” says the Washington State Department of Ecology on their web

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page addressing climate change. “By taking action now to respond and adapt to changing climate conditions, Washington can significantly limit the damage and reduce the longterm costs of the climate related impacts that are expected to grow in number and intensity in the decades to come.” Your voice and participation in the democratic process to guide government policy is your greatest influence. “What is really needed is change at national and global levels,” says the Environmental Defense Fund. “Only by convincing leaders to create laws that improve our energy policy, and pushing companies to adopt sustainable business practices on a global level, can we see real change.” So speak out; talk with your friends, employers, and representatives; tell them to act now to change our future energy course away from burning dirty fossil fuels to a clean energy future by harnessing the sun, wind, and water. The power is yours. Sheldon O’dahl is owner of Dirty Dog Productions, providing administrative and creative support to publications and event projects that serve to promote environmentally sustainable actions. Sheldon is the layout administrator for this Sustainable Living Guide, and has supported ESP Services with event production of the Seattle Green Home Tours since 2010 and the Northwest EcoBuilding Guild’s Green Pages directory since 2007.

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Natural Environment

Cate’s List

Making Connections to the Natural Environment

Environmental Indicators PugET SOuNd BEEkEEPErS aSSOCIaTION



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February 201 4


Connections To The Built Environment

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Introducing The Built Environment Section


he built environment generally refers to places, spaces, and products created by people for a variety of human activities including buildings for schools, residential housing and commercial activities, areas for recreation such as parks, playfields, and open spaces, and the infrastructure that supports these activities including water supply, transportation, and energy delivery systems. Recently, the definition has been expanded to include food production and community gardens, and some have added additional terms such as “walkability� to help define sustainable aspects of the built environment. In fact, sustainability in the built environment is now a mainstream trend. Green buildings in the commercial sector may account for more than one-third of all new construction and may grow to more than one-half of all construction within the next few years, according to the McGraw Hill Construction SmartMarket Reports. Locally, in King and Snohomish Counties, green building represents about 30 percent of new construction. Furthermore, green building supports local job creations: “By 2013, green buildings will support nearly 8 million workers in a range of occupations including construction managers, carpenters, electricians, architects, truck drivers and cost estimators, among many others,� according to


the U.S. Green Building Council. The great thing about sustainability is that everyone can play a part; you don’t have to be in the market for a new house or working in the commercial sector to incorporate green or sustainable strategies. You can start with free and easy solutions, such as simply taking your shoes off when you are in your home and leave them at the door to help improve indoor air quality; or you can go “full-test� and purchase a 5kW solar photovoltaic system to help run your daily appliances, heating and cooling systems, and other electronics. Our articles in this section, Making Connections to the Built Environment, introduce readers to the impacts of uncontrolled growth and suggest how sustainable development can transform our ecology and our economy. Another article introduces rain gardens, a natural stormwater management technique that can be used in residential and commercial settings as an attractive and effective solution. Our Commercial Building article looks to the future of innovative strategies that are emerging in the marketplace. The Water, Air & Energy article gives you local resources that promote clean, healthy living. Discover urban agriculture and how you can “eat your yard� as a landscaping and food producing strategy that is fun, economic, and fertile.

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Built Environment

Doing Our Part To Protect Local Water by David berger


he Northwest is famous for its natural wonders and bountiful, diverse landscapes. The Puget Sound area is the center point of these wonders and also happens to be the most populated, with an estimated 2.6 million additional residents moving into the Puget Sound by 2030. Along with this increase in people and the resulting infrastructure, there will also be a larger impact on our natural resources. Fortunately, people are slowly becoming aware of the connections between the built and natural environment and how they play an important role in keeping our built environment sustainable.

Easy Options First

There are many ways for residents of the Puget Sound to play a role in this effort. There are the obvious choices like recycling, composting, washing your car at the car wash instead of in your driveway, picking up your pet waste and eliminating the use of chemicals on your property. You can also volunteer with your local watershed group to plant trees at parks, farms and open spaces.

Rain Gardens Help The Sound

Rain gardens are a proven way to prevent flooding, reduce water pollution and beautify your yard. Every year, heavy rains lead to massive flooding across Seattle and Puget Sound, wiping out roads, flooding homes and waterways with sewage. A rain garden acts as a natural “Brita” filter that absorbs

polluted runoff from hard surfaces on your property such as roofs, sidewalks and driveways. Rain gardens are easy to install, and incredibly effective at reducing water pollution, especially if they are placed in clusters. In addition, they are very affordable options for homeowners compared with traditional pipe and drain systems, and require minimal time or skill to maintain each year. A groundbreaking effort is underway to build thousands across the Puget Sound: the 12,000 Puget Sound Rain Gardens campaign offers free rain garden education workshops to homeowners, who will learn everything they need to know about rain gardens, from start to finish. WSU extension offices in each county of Puget Sound are working with the local communities to build rain gardens and provide information. There is a suite of useful publications available including the Rain Garden Maintenance Care Guide and Puget Sound Rain Garden Handbook, both of which can be found at 12000raingardens.org.

Vote With Your Dollars

A local eco-label and certification program allows consumers to support environmentally sound land management practices: Salmon-Safe has become one of the nation’s leading regional eco labels with more than 80,000 acres of farm and urban lands certified in Oregon, Washington, California, and British Columbia. Agriculture farms are evaluated by

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February 201 4


Connections To The Built Environment

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independent, professional certifiers. Once certified, farms are designated “Salmon-Safe” and receive a seal of approval to include on-product packaging and marketing materials. Since the program’s inception in the United States, more than 400 farms have been certified as “salmon safe,” representing thousands of acres. Salmon-Safe goes above and beyond organic because it looks at the entire property and not only chemical usage. The Salmon-Safe retail campaign has been featured in 300 supermarkets and natural food stores, delivering important marketplace benefits to participating landowners. Even some nonagricultural businesses and attractions bear the label: Salmon-Safe organizations include the Olympic Sculpture Park, Salish Cliffs golf course, and REI. Visit SalmonSafe.org to find what products and locations are certified. Whether you build a rain garden or seek Salmon-Safe produce and wines at farms, farmer’s markets and grocery stores, there are many ways to get involved. We all love the beauty and wonders of the Northwest and Puget Sound. Let’s be sure to steward this invaluable asset. David Berger is the executive director of Stewardship Partners, a nonprofit organization that helps private landowners restore and preserve the natural landscapes of Washington State. For more information: StewardshipPartners. org.

lEArN MOrE: 12000RainGardens.org A groundbreaking campaign to install 12,000 rain gardens in the Seattle area SalmonSafe.org A regional program working to reduce agriculture’s impacts on endangered salmon and steelhead habitat in the Northwest Rainwise.Seattle.gov Tools for managing stormwater in order to protect local waterways

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Built Environment

Photo courtesy of Dirty Dog Productions

Going Beyond Sustainable Design by Poppi S. handy and brent Chastain


ver the last 40 years there has been a concerted effort to address the growing environmental concerns of our planet. Sustainable design ideas have evolved from the conservation movement in the sixties and seventies to the integrated design movement popular in the nineties and early 21st century years. Now we are working with the present zero energy building movement, which includes design, efficiency, super insulation, and conservation strategies so that over the course of a year, a building actually generates as much energy from active solar as it uses. Each of these movements incrementally progress toward the idea of harmonizing our ecology with human needs. So, what’s the next evolutionary step? Regenerative design. There are clear differences between what we have grown to know as sustainable design (the design discussed in the SLG) and regenerative design. The goal of sustainable design is to limit or reduce degradation of resources and land that occur with development, whereas re-

generative design allows natural systems to grow, leading to a more holistic and balanced state between people, nature and the built environment. Sustainable design includes many aspects that are integral to regenerative design, but lacks a systemic approach and resulting benefits, since sustainable design is still focused on component parts of a building rather than the building as one system. Nevertheless, sustainable design has been an important step in the evolution of our awareness of the need to think about nature, ecology and our built environment in a holistic sense. We need to not only think about how we sustain ourselves, but push farther into how we begin to regenerate the damage that has been done. Some of the design philosophies used in regenerative design include biomimicry and permaculture. Biomimicry is the idea that the man-made environment looks to nature for guidance and the design and production of materials are modeled after nature. Permaculture is the development of agricultural

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

systems that are sustainable and selfsufficient and can be applied to any landscape. Regenerative design seeks to create a balance between the built environment and ecological systems and can be seen in many concrete examples: constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment, rain gardens, green roofs, energy production such as solar and wind, composting, rainwater collection to serve the building occupant’s needs for drinking, washing, and toilet flushing, and further thinking about how the products that we use in our daily lives are manufactured and disposed. Each of these is an independent example of a sustainable building strategy. The challenge for regenerative design is to combine them into a holistic approach in which the building gives back to the land and environment in which it stands. How does each of us begin to contribute to this idea of regenerative design and implement it into our daily lives? This task seems overwhelming, but can be broken down into manageable steps if you are so inclined and up to the task:


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Connections To The Built Environment adopt a method to guide your decisions, make a list of the natural features of the land where you plan to build, analyze this inventory, explore different solutions, implement your final solution, then nurture your decision. To establish a process to guide your decisions, one method, The Natural Step, a comprehensive model for planning and decision making in complex systems, has been used successfully (see the resources section for web site). Defining your intermediate and final goals is important and will allow you to feel a sense of accomplishment as you strive to implement your plan. This will also help you with the last step, nurturing the processes that you have completed, and give you encouragement to move forward. Understanding the ecology of your site is vital in implementing this design process, since it allows you to acknowledge constraints and challenges your creative thinking. The following information should be inventoried: the broad climate patterns and the microclimate of your area; the historical

Gardens by the Bay, in Singapore. A “City in a Garden.” questions. Use the principles from biomimicry to mimic nature’s processes and integrate permaculture to make your site sustainable into the future..

“You are an active participant in the ecology and systems of our environment and can have a positive influence on those systems.” species that existed on the land prior to development, the ecological evolution of the site, the interaction of the natural elements with the site and surrounding environment, and the interaction of the human elements with the natural elements, the built environment and the surroundings. After a thorough inventory is complete, it is time to identify natural processes inherent to the site that can be replicated in the built environment, such as installing a rain garden to mimic natural stormwater infiltration. Whether you are considering a small contribution on a personal level or a large project on a building or community level, look for solutions to your problems that provide the most benefit with the least impact. Look for simple answers to complex 22

Implementing your solution is not the final step; remember to nurture your idea. Remember what assumptions you made and confirm that your solution is actually producing the results you wanted. You are an active participant in the ecology and systems of our environment and can have a positive influence on those systems. Regenerative design is on the cusp of being implemented today in many building and agricultural arenas using principals such as biomimicry and permacutlure, but it is still a challenge within the commerical building industry. It is incumbent upon us to push past the societal and political boundaries and implement regenerative systems into our business strategies, buildings and infrastructure, and systems and innovations, allowing buildings of all types to


be passive producers of natural capital in our environment. Think about return on investment in a broader societal sense, a multi-pronged fork: not only how we are receiving a financial return, but how we are receiving social, political and environmental returns. Every action we take has an affect on our local and global ecology. The challenge is to think holistically about the decisions we make and make incremental changes that have lasting impacts.

rESOurCES FOr COMMErCiAl builDiNg: NaturalStep.org Living-Future.org BullittCenter.org BiomimicryInstitute.org BiophilicDesign.net

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Built Environment Mark


Issue Type

formance Score, Passive House, Living Building Challenge, and more. With so many competing answers to the question “what is green?” that confusion can lead to inaction. Fortunately, a new movement in green building circles called high performance building cuts through the noise and addresses the most pressing environmental issue we now face: climate change. If yourPermit focus is on energy, we’ve got Submittal good news. The field of building sciExterior Perspectivesunderstanding of ence, a physics-based how buildings function as systems, now empowers us to completely transform the energy performance of buildings. “We now have the knowledge and building components necessary to cut energy consumption of homes by more than 80 percent,” says Hagerman. “It’s becoming a no-brainer.” The Passive House building standard is at the vanguard of the high performance building charge. Passive House buildings maximize gains and minimize losses through airtight 2013-02-09 --

Permit Submittal

Monday, May 21, 2012 12:04:10 PM

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High Performance Buildings Save Energy by Zachary Semke


n the U.S., residential, commercial, and industrial buildings account for about 41 percent of primary energy consumption and about half of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. In Washington, the residential sector alone accounts for 24.5 percent of the total energy used in the state. Yet buildings

The Bullitt Center in Seattle. Photo courtesy of Hammer and Hand.






that don’t save significant energy are still sometimes labeled “green.” Different builders have different priorities, and energy conservation and efficiency may not always be at the top of their priority list, and instead focus on water conservation, material efficiency, and indoor air quality – or a combination of all of these. “Unless we tackle the operational energy consumption of houses, we can’t really claim to be building ‘green,’” says Sam Hagerman, president of the Passive House Alliance US and co-founder of contractor Hammer & Hand, based in Seattle and Portland. Hagerman believes that “if we want to be part of the climate solution, then building energy performance has to be our first priority as green builders.” Green building certification options have recently multiplied so rapidly that homeowners face confusing and often overwhelming choices. Some certifications utilize a multi-disciplinary approach while others focus exclusively on energy performance: Built Green, LEED for Homes, Earth Advantage, ENERGY STAR for Homes, Energy Per-

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

February 201 4


Connections To The Built Environment

When considering your next green home, there’s no need to be overwhelmed by the sea of certifications. If you start with high performance first, you’ll know that you’re doing your part for the planet’s climate while ensuring the durability, and therefore, sustainability of your house. construction, superinsulation, passive solar design, continuous supply of filtered fresh air through heat recovery ventilation, and high performance windows and doors. The result is revolutionary energy performance and superior comfort, indoor air quality, and building durability – all at a modest cost premium. One of the beauties of high performance building is that nothing is prescribed or prohibited, including architectural style. Projects come in all shapes and sizes, from über-mod-

Our belief is that a garden should do more than look neat and pretty. It should be low maintenance, stable, diverse and healthy...

just like a natural ecosystem. We are focused on creating beautiful Northwest gardens that provide food, shade, privacy and enjoyment for you and your family. Call us to schedule a free site visit. 206.459.7022 www.we-design.net.



ern jewel boxes to traditional-style homes that blend easily into older neighborhoods. The Maple Leaf Passive House in Seattle, designed by Whitney Architecture is a craftsmanstyle home fusing 1920s charm with 2014 performance (rendering is shown on page 23). High performance standards like Passive House are great complements to broader sustainability certifications like LEED and Built Green. While high performance building is focused on energy, it doesn’t address issues like toxicity, sustainable sourcing, or stormwater management. On the other hand, the broader green certifications may not achieve similar high energy performance compared to Passive House, but do a good job at addressing broader green goals. When combined, certifications like Passive House with LEED or Built Green offer a comprehensive, truly sustainable approach to home building. If you want to take your new home to the next level the Living Building Challenge (LBC) is the quintessential comprehensive approach right now with its mandates for net zero energy, net zero water, net zero waste. This means the home will actually generate as much energy or water as it uses during a specific period of time, such as a year. High performance building is vital to LBC success because by reducing building energy consumption, designers can make net zero energy targets feasible. With its Seattle office based in the Bullitt Center, one of the first commercial buildings in the U.S. to achieve LBC status, Hammer & Hand gets to enjoy the benefits of a living building on a daily basis. Suffice it to say, we’re happy workers. As a builder, Hammer & Hand focuses on high performance building first and foremost because it benefits clients, and it also makes business sense. The durability conferred by Passive House projects limits our liability and results in fewer call backs. Combine that with the obvious environmental benefits and you’ve got the classic win-win-win of people, planet, and profit: the triple bottom line. So, when considering your next green home, there’s no need to be overwhelmed by the sea of certifications. If you start with high performance first, you’ll know that you’re doing your part for the planet’s climate while ensuring the durability, and therefore, sustainability of your house.

rESOurCES FOr grEEN builDiNg CErTiFiCATiONS: BuiltGreen.net LEED | U.S. Green Building Council: USGBC.org NorthwestEnergystar.com PassiveHouse.us See the Climate Change article for more on greenhouse gases.

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Built Environment

It’s important to understand and be mindful of the relationships between Puget Sound residents and our local environment, plus the far reaching implications of our choices.

Resources to Fuel Action by brian Cloward


he air we breathe and the water we drink are two vital essences necessary for our daily lives. Because of this, it’s important that we take the time to examine or understand the mechanisms and intricacies of how our environment provides these absolutely essential natural ingredients and their connections to our overall well-being. Fortunately, the Puget Sound region is blessed with organizations and a growing number of people who are committed to taking action to protect these precious resources for our community. When we turn on our taps for a drink of water, or nudge our thermo-

stats higher for more heat in our homes, we often take for granted that we are relying on an extensive network of providers and infrastructure to deliver our human comfort services. Water management is a complex undertaking that requires a great deal of infrastructure and working with the environment to provide clean water to homes. It’s especially challenging because water must be maintained within certain limitations to be beneficial for society. Too much water results in flooding and related property damage and contamination, too little water results in drought and resulting crop shortages with the

added risk of damaging fires, while just enough clean water delivered for drinking, irrigation, or even aesthetics is just right. Fortunately, solutions exist to help Puget Sound residents get the clean water they need while protecting the environment. RainWise, a local program from Seattle Public Utilities, offers rebates to residents of specific Seattle neighborhoods to encourage them to build rain gardens, cisterns, and other landscape features designed to manage stormwater. This helps reduce local flooding, protect homes and property, and also restores waterways for people and wildlife. Protecting our waterways and providing clean drinking water is important, but so is ensuring the quality of the air we breathe. One organization committed to encouraging policy and educational efforts designed to protect air quality is the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. By advocating for business and industry controls as well as promoting voluntary initiatives like using certified wood stoves, opting to take public transportation, and their Diesel Solutions Program, the agency notes

Health, Happiness, Meditation MARY DAVIS, RN, FNP (206) 679-9620 Info@MeditateSeattle.com

Individual consultations Group classes Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

*Tools for Wellness & Conscious Living *Inspiring Books & Meaningful Gifts 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle 206-523-3726

* Transformative Classes & Events See complete schedule online www.EastWestBookshop.com

February 201 4


Connections To The Built Environment It’s important to understand and be mindful of the relationships between Puget Sound residents and our local environment, plus the far reaching implications of our choices. There are many wonderful organizations committed to protecting our water and air, and supporting these groups helps ensure a sustainable and healthy future for both humans and our regional ecosystem. If you feel led to help, consider donating or getting involved through volunteer work and add your voice to those calling for sustainable solutions to the challenges facing environmental and human health today. Brian Cloward is principal and owner of cSd, providing architectural design services that provide enduring environmentally friendly qualities with clients and the earth in mind. significant progress continues to be made. Another organization educating and advocating for clean air inside and out includes the American Lung Association, which has a Seattle location that offers public classes. Their Master Home Environmentalist program trains participants to help assess indoor air quality and make suggestions for improvements for Seattle residents who request their help. (See the “Indoor Air Quality and Your Home” article for more information.) While much of the energy used in the northwest comes from big hydro or natural gas, our regional energy future could be clouded by the dust of coal delivered to our ports via train or by the mercury fallout from dirty coal burned in China. A local nonprofit, Climate Solutions, supports the passage of legislation in the Northwest that promotes “practical and profitable” solutions to these air quality issues and ultimately for global warming. The nonprofit also organizes events like public forums about the drawbacks and dangers of proposed coal exports, among other educational and advocacy activities. The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance is working with more than 100 Northwest utilities and energy efficiency organizations to encourage energy efficient utility options being made available to consumers, which also serves to help protect air quality by reducing the need for coal power and other sources of energy that pollute the environment and harm humans.

rESOurCES FOr WATEr, Air, & ENErgY:  Sightline.org  rainWise: Seattle.gov  Puget Sound Clean Air Agency: PSCleanAir.org  American lung Association: Lung.org  Environmental Protection Agency: EPA.gov/iaq  Seattle housing Authority, breathe Easy homes: SeattleHousing.org  ClimateSolutions.org  Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance: NEEA.org

Mental Health Counseling


Energy Healing

Treatments and Training

Reiki is a precise method of Energy Healing that sustains & restores on all levels, bringing one back to optimum health and balance. Diane Larson, Reiki Master|SeattleCityReiki.com|808-385-4661 Reiki@SeattleCityReiki.com|The Healing Tree|3225 California Ave SW



Special rates for caregivers and community service professionals

Darcy Marlow, LMHCA, M.Ed

206-226-4062 ArtOfBeingSeattle.com 129 12th Ave. #B, Seattle Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Built Environment

The Future Of Food by Michael Seliga

Challenges Facing Food Production Our species is on the way to officially naming a geological epoch named for ourselves - the Anthropocene era, a term adopted by the Geological Society of America that recognizes how humans dramatically changed the Earth’s functioning. While it’s true that human urban development and agriculture has altered the earth, outdated governance, market forces, and other farming methods, like centralized production of food, ensure profits from these alterations are largely channeled to a small percentage of people rather than benefiting communities as a whole. Permaculture, a modern ecological design system that uses ancient concepts, offers both environmental and social equality as an answer. Whether an individual or family wants or is able to put in an “edible landscape,” a yard that includes fruit and nut trees, root vegetables, berries and edible ground cover plants supporting each other by growing together in symbiotic relationship, or wants to get started by just foraging locally for food on occasion, there are solutions for Puget Sound residents of all income levels and abilities.

growing interest, Expanding resources The USDA reports at least 3.6 percent increase in the number of farmer’s markets nationwide last year, part of a steady upward trend that has continued for over a decade. Since some of the smaller markets aren’t tracked, the number may actually be much higher, and Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan believes the increase is closer to a whopping 10 percent. Regardless of the actual number of markets, demand for farm fresh local food continues to surge, and additional programs are helping make nutritious local food available to people of all income levels. Over 2500 markets nationwide are also licensed to accept payments from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamp benefits. Local markets that accept SNAP benefits include Pike’s Place Market, the University District market, the Pioneer Square market, the Kirkland market, the Burien market, the Des Moines market and many others. SNAP benefits can be used to purchase seeds and Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

starts, which are readily available at farmer’s markets during the spring and allow individuals and families to start supplementing their diets with delicious home grown food. Multiple community garden sites throughout Seattle and surrounding areas, known as “p-patches,” provide an opportunity for those without yards to garden, and so do websites like UrbanGardenShare.org that link people with a yard to people who would like to garden on it. Another wonderful model is the permaculture concept of the food forest, a garden modeled after a woodland ecosystem. Seattle’s first food forest has taken root in the Beacon Hill neighborhood and foraging will be open to all members of the local community, with fruit and nut trees established last summer and additional edible plants, including berries, root vegetables and ground cover plants like strawberries set to eventually be planted in a way that mimics natural ecology and results in increased yields, less work and a better way to care for the earth.

Designing Your urban Permaculture Paradise For homeowners and others who have access to a yard, an edible landscape provides beauty and nutritious food, and when designed according to permaculture principles, offers the additional benefit of being extremely low maintenance once properly installed. Residents of Seattle and surrounding cities can grow more than just plants - Seattle city code permits up to eight chickens, and many other city codes do as well. Beehives are also permitted. Finally, websites connecting Puget Sound residents with education and other resources for growing and finding healthy food abound (see resource side bar). Humans may be changing the earth, but we are also changing ourselves. Supporting local farmers, growing our own food, and foraging are all wonderful ways to restore the balance of our ecosystem and communities in accordance with the principals of permaculture, paving a path to a food future that is bright and healthy for everyone. Michael Seliga is the owner of Cascadia Edible Landscapes, a Seattle-based design-build company that assists individuals, communities, governments, and developers transform underutilized spaces into places of food production and community growth. For more information: 206-708-9298. or EatYourYard.com.

MONTHLY DINING EVENT Wednesday February 19th, 6:30pm at the Mount Baker Community Club, Seattle You don’t need to be a vegetarian to enjoy a delicious multi-course vegetarian dinner. Catered by a different restaurant or chef each month. $15 plus tax for members, $20 plus tax for guests, children half-price. VegofWa.org/monthlydining.aspx or 206 706 2635 for reservations.

February 201 4


Connections To The Built Environment

Cate’s List

Making Connections

to the Built Environment

Building Contractors, New & Remodeling ENVISION

Robert Burns 206-356-7853 robert@EnvisionRemodels.com www.EnvisionRemodels.com

E N V I S I O N With over 18 years of sustainable building experience, ENVISION strives to build quality remodels and long lasting relationships. Repeat and referred clients are the core of our business. “On-time and under budget! Robert and his team were delightful to work with to build our dream kitchen.” - Laura L., Bridle Trails / 5-Time Repeat Client Residential & Light Commercial Remodeling

Hammer and Hand

Offices in the Bullitt Center, Seattle 206-397-0558 www.hammerandhand.com

Mighty House Construction

West Seattle 206-459-8577 info@mightyhouseconstruction.com

Mighty House Construction provides innovative, sustainable transformations for your home. Choose to live, play, and grow healthfully, beautifully, and efficiently.

Sunshine Construction, LLC

206-782-4619 jonalex315@aol.com www.sunshineconstruction.biz

General contractor with 30 years experience doing green residential remodels, additions and new construction. Sunshine Construction has specialized in cost effective environmental building and remodeling since 1992. Passive House Certified. 28

Building Designers & Architects art & architecture

Jay Lazerwitz 206-524-8680 jay@artandarch.net www.artandarch.net

Our small, Seattle-based firm offers a client-centered approach to design, viewing the process as a conversation between owner, architect, and builder. Concerned with creating sustainable dwellings, we value resource efficient building strategies, energy conservation, daylighting, and material selection as essential components in crafting a finished product that will be used and enjoyed for decades.

Blue Brook Architecture, Inc.

Mark Blubaugh 206-365-0767 mark@bluebrookarch.com www.bluebrookarch.com

“Mark thought of an easy solution to our engineering issue that satisfied the building department and the plans were quickly approved. He did a fantastic job. The home is beautiful and looks completely original.” - Kaela Valdes, Lynnwood WA

Cloward Sustainable Design

Brian Cloward, AIA 206-755-0759 briancloward@comcast.net

cSd provides architectural design services with enduring environmentally friendly qualities with you and the earth in mind. Call for a consultation at your convenience.

H2D Architecture + Design

Heidi Helgeson 206-370-4762 info@h2darchitects.com www.h2darchitects.com

H2D Architecture + Design designs beautiful, sustainable spaces. Projects include: new custom homes, additions, whole house remodels, kitchens and bathrooms, multi-family, and light commercial.




Design/Build Service with a Conscience. From Modest to Modern and all Styles in-between. Dense, Urban & Affordable. Long before Green was Cool, there was Sage.

Building Materials & Supplies Greenhome Solutions

1210 W Nickerson Street, Seattle 98119 206-284-2281 info@ghsproducts.com www.ghsproducts.com

Locally owned and operated, Greenhome Solutions provides earth-friendly building products to homeowners and building professionals. Flooring, countertops, cabinetry, tile, decking, lumber, insulation, finishes, and much more.

Mighty Energy Solutions

Laura Elfline 206-715-0893 mightyenergysolutions@gmail.com mightyenergy.net

Infrared ceiling heat panels offer a low-cost, high-comfort, energy-efficient system to compliment your home or business’ sustainability goals.

Second Use Building Materials, Inc.

3223 6th Avenue S, Seattle 98134 206-763-6929 seattle@seconduse.com www.seconduse.com

Second Use recovers reusable building materials from remodeling and demolition projects and sells them through their retail outlet. Call for services or browse inventory online.

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Built Environment

Cabinets Entero Design

Sandy Campbell 206-418-8120 sandyc@enterodesign.com www.EnteroDesign.com

Full service residential and commercial interior design firm. Supplier of cabinets, flooring, countertops, plumbing and lighting fixtures and other sustainable materials for your project.

Greenhome Solutions

1210 W Nickerson Street, Seattle 98119 206-284-2281 info@ghsproducts.com www.ghsproducts.com

Locally owned and operated, Greenhome Solutions provides earth-friendly building products to homeowners and building professionals. Meet with our Cabinet Designers to plan your project now!!!

Carpets & Flooring Greenhome Solutions

1210 W Nickerson Street, Seattle 98119 206-284-2281 info@ghsproducts.com www.ghsproducts.com

Locally owned and operated, Greenhome Solutions provides earth-friendly flooring options to homeowners and building professionals. Featuring: Hardwoods, Bamboo, Cork, Marmoleum, Reclaimed Wood, Tile, Wool Carpet, and much more.

Contractor Referral Northwest EcoBuilding Guild

360-867-8821 info@ecobuilding.org www.ecobuilding.org

NWEBG is a community of green-minded building industry professionals. Learn more at our meetings and find a professional in our Green Pages.



Residential and Light Residential & Light Commercial Remodeling Commercial Remodeling Robert Burns, owner 206-356-7853 West Seattle www.EnvisionRemodels.com obert Burns and the team at ENVISION strive to build lasting relationships with their clients through education, integrity, budget consciousness and an attention to every detail. Sustainable building starts with building relationships with clients that last forever. Repeat and referral clients are the core of our business. “Being a part of the sustainable building community was incredibly synchronistic with a focus on client relationships,” he says. Robert combines his growing knowledge of sustainability with his desire to truly work together with his clients, and the heart and mission of ENVISION was created. Robert lists client education as a high priority. “There is so much greenwashing out there. Trying to differentiate between products that are truly green and those that are not has become harder because of profit focused marketing.”


Credit Unions & Financing Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union (PSCCU)

425-283-5151 800-273-1550 askus@psccu.org www.psccu.org

Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union has offered financial services to the Puget Sound region since 1934. We are a not-forprofit banking alternative, owned by the people we work to serve, our members.

Design-Build A Kitchen That Works, LLC

Molly McCabe Bainbridge Island 206-780-1906 info@AKitchenThatWorks.com www.AKitchenThatWorks.com

We are an award-winning design-build firm specializing in kitchens and baths for remodels and new construction. Our mission is simple - to design and build affordable and healthy residential spaces that our clients will enjoy for years to come.

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

LastingNest, Inc.

Michael Vacirca 206-550-0326 m.vacirca@comcast.net

LastingNest specializes in additions, kitchens, and bathrooms in older Seattle homes. We combine the timeless beauty of fine craftsmanship and quality materials with thoughtful design and creative problem solving applied to each and every project.

Education & Outreach ESP Services

Cate O’dahl 425-670-1342 Caoesp@gmail.com

Specializing in Green Building Education and Outreach since 1990, ESP Services designs, supports, and promotes Green Building initiatives and project promotions throughout the Northwest, including this Sustainable Living Guide. Cate is an associate faculty member at Cascadia and North Seattle Community Colleges. ESP SERVICES

February 201 4


Connections To The Built Environment

Northwest EcoBuilding Guild

360-867-8821 info@ecobuilding.org www.ecobuilding.org

NWEBG is a community of green-minded building industry professionals. Learn more at our meetings and find a professional in our

Green Pages.

Green Building Programs & Support Services Built Green

335 116th Avenue SE, Bellevue 98004 425-460-8230 www.builtgreen.net

Built Green is a program of the Master Builders Association in partnership with King and Snohomish counties.

ESP Services

Cate O’dahl 425-670-1342 Caoesp@gmail.com

Green Products & Services Mighty Energy Solutions

Laura Elfline 206-715-0893 mightyenergysolutions@gmail.com mightyenergy.net

Infrared ceiling heat panels offer a low-cost, high-comfort, energy-efficient system to compliment your home or business’ sustainability goals.

Handyman Services Shirey Handyman Service

230 NE Juniper Street, Suite 200, Issaquah 98027 425-392-8301 donna@shireyhandyman.com www.shireyinc.com

“I trust Shirey to bring expertise to any job they tackle. They’ve provided complete, timely and cost-effective solutions via competent, reputable employees.” – Lynn, Bellevue WA

Interior Design

Specializing in Green Building Education and Outreach since 1990, ESP Services designs, supports, and promotes Green Building initiatives and project promotions throughout the Northwest, including this Sustainable Living Guide. Cate was honored in 2010 with the Built Green Pioneer Award and in 2013 with a Long Time Service Award from the NW EcoBuilding Guild. Cate serves as an Innovator, Organizer, and Educator.

Award-winning designer, certified green professional, “thoughtful green design for the way you live” services include kitchen and bathroom remodel designs.

Northwest EcoBuilding Guild

Entero Design


360-867-8821 info@ecobuilding.org www.ecobuilding.org

NWEBG is a community of green-minded building industry professionals. Learn more at our meetings and find a professional in our Green Pages.


Albee Interior Design

Wendy Albee 206-619-2783 wendy@AlbeeInteriorDesign.com www.AlbeeInteriorDesign.com

Sandy Campbell 206-418-8120 sandyc@enterodesign.com www.EnteroDesign.com

Full service residential and commercial interior design firm. Supplier of cabinets, flooring, countertops, plumbing and lighting fixtures and other sustainable materials for your project.


Kitchen and Bath Design A Kitchen That Works, LLC

Molly McCabe Bainbridge Island 206-780-1906 info@AKitchenThatWorks.com www.AKitchenThatWorks.com

We are an award-winning design-build firm specializing in kitchens and baths for remodels and new construction. Our mission is simple - to design and build affordable and healthy residential spaces that our clients will enjoy for years to come.

Kitchen Design & Remodeling Mighty House Construction

West Seattle 206-459-8577 info@mightyhouseconstruction.com

Mighty House Construction provides innovative, sustainable transformations for your home. Choose to live, play, and grow healthfully, beautifully, and efficiently.

Landscape Architecture & Design WEdesign

Michael Lockman Serving King County from West Seattle 206-459-7022 michael@we-design.net www.we-design.net

WEdesign offers organic and sustainable landscaping services to homeowners in King County. We design and install Northwest gardens that provide food, shade, privacy, and enjoyment.


Brent Chastain 206-920-9996 brent@placeplusland.com

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Built Environment

Light Commercial Remodeling ENVISION

Robert Burns 206-356-7853 robert@EnvisionRemodels.com www.EnvisionRemodels.com

With over 18 years of sustainable building experience, ENVISION strives to build quality remodels and long lasting relationships. Repeat and referred clients are the core of our business. Visit Radiator Whiskey at Pike Place Market to view his craftsmanship.


Residential & Light Commercial Remodeling

Real Estate Professionals American Dream Real Estate Services, Inc.

Linda Sanford 360-202-3303 linda@lindasanford.com www.lindasanford.com

Developing community through social and environmental awareness.

Kim Mulligan Realtor GREEN

Greater Seattle Area 206-579-9066 kim@kim-mulligan.com

Seattle area Green broker specializing in high performance, healthy, sustainable homes; committed to happy, satisfied clients. Former building pro. Consultant with Cooper Jacobs RE. Selling Homes for the 21st Century Cooper Jacobs Real Estate

Remodeling A Kitchen That Works, LLC

Molly McCabe Bainbridge Island 206-780-1906 info@AKitchenThatWorks.com www.AKitchenThatWorks.com

We are an award-winning design-build firm specializing in kitchens and baths for remodels and new construction. Our mission is simple - to design and build affordable and healthy residential spaces that our clients will enjoy for years to come.

Entero Design

Sandy Campbell 206-418-8120 sandyc@enterodesign.com www.EnteroDesign.com

Full service residential and commercial interior design firm. Supplier of cabinets, flooring, countertops, plumbing and lighting fixtures and other sustainable materials for your project.


Robert Burns 206-356-7853 robert@EnvisionRemodels.com www.EnvisionRemodels.com

With over 18 years of sustainable building experience, ENVISION strives to build quality remodels and long lasting relationships. Repeat and referred clients are the core of our business. “On-time and under budget! Robert and his team were delightful to work with to build our dream kitchen.” - Laura L., Bridle Trails / 5-Time Repeat Client


Residential & Light Commercial Remodeling

LastingNest, Inc.

Michael Vacirca 206-550-0326 m.vacirca@comcast.net

LastingNest specializes in additions, kitchens, and bathrooms in older Seattle homes. We combine the timeless beauty of fine craftsmanship and quality materials with thoughtful design and creative problem solving applied to each and every project.

Shirey Handyman Service

230 NE Juniper Street, Suite 200, Issaquah 98027 425-392-8301 donna@shireyhandyman.com www.shireyinc.com

“I trust Shirey to bring expertise to any job they tackle. They’ve provided complete, timely and cost-effective solutions via competent, reputable employees.” – Lynn, Bellevue WA

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Salvage Services Second Use Building Materials, Inc.

3223 6th Avenue S, Seattle 98134 206-763-6929 seattle@seconduse.com www.seconduse.com

Second Use recovers reusable building materials from remodeling and demolition projects and sells them through their retail outlet. Call for services or browse inventory online.

The RE Store

1440 NW 52nd Street, Seattle 98103 206-297-9119 seattle@re-store.org www.re-store.org We are a nonprofit building salvage company - taking donations, doing free salvage pick-ups and keeping usable materials out of the landfill, selling them in our store.

Solar Power Puget Sound Solar LLC

206-706-1931 info@pugetsoundsolar.com

Since 2001 PSS has designed and installed solar electric and hot water systems in the Northwest. Visit our website for information about producing energy at your homes and business, including a list of available incentives.

Support for the Sustainable Living Guide Special Edition was provided by


Residential & Light Commercial Remodeling


February 201 4


Connections To The Personal Environment

Healthy Living Starts With A Healthy World

Introducing The Personal Environment Section


Tina L. Bellevue

Residential & Light Commercial Remodeling

“Our remodel gave us the home of our dreams and las ng friendships with Robert and his great team!“


Contact Envision for your next remodel ... crea ng quality, healthy, comfortable buildings and rela onships


s we live our daily lives we interact with other people in our communities at home, work, and play, other animals such as pets, but also pests, plants around our home, in the places where we work and play, and the greater built environment. Some of us, actually a great many of us, also interact with our natural environment through recreation and stewardship activities. We are impacted by the weather, climate, water, transportation, development, and each other, especially as our population increases. What we all have in common is a desire to keep our beautiful and resource-rich environment safe, healthy, and productive. We have discovered more about the challenges and threats that Puget Sound faces in the Connections to the Natural Environment section. We learned how our choices in the Connections to the Built Environment can help offset those threats and what we can do to meet the challenges posed by development, commercial, and residential buildings. We also uncovered solutions that each of us can do to offset our own individual impacts by installing rain gardens

23 Years of Sustainable Residential & Light Commercial Remodeling Experience

Robert Burns 206.356.7853 32


or converting our property into life-sustaining, food-producing Permaculture gardens. We all want to sustain our culture, our environment, and our families. That’s natural. Yet, as our society grows ever more complex, it may seem daunting to begin a daily commitment to sustainable strategies. It might help you to think of sustainability as a journey, your own personal journey, one that you take on your own time and in your own way. When it comes to creating a sustainable future, the joy is in the journey. The articles in the Connections to the Personal Environment section are designed to help you further along your sustainable journey. Some of the articles help you discover solutions for your personal health, like the article on Indoor Air Quality or the segment on Healthy Babies and Redecorating. Another article helps provide solutions that affect not only your health, but also your personal comfort and energy savings, which can help the pocketbook. The final article, Sustainable Education Pathways provides resources to help you locate educational programs that can guide your journey.

Natural Choice Directory of Puget Sound Green Resources • Natural Health Food & Supplements • Mind & Spirit

Your Choice for a Sustainable Future 425.373.1987 www.NaturalChoice.net Sustainable NCD11_NaturalAwakenings.indd 1

Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings 4/29/11 5:29 PM

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Connections To The Personal Environment include volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile compounds, carbon monoxide (CO), radon, and combustion products. A few of these contaminants are regulated, such as lead and other heavy metals, materials containing asbestos, and radon gas. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a wealth of information on their website about risks and responsibilities. Other contaminants, like carbon monoxide (CO), are now being regulated. New homes are required to have CO detectors installed; these can be found at most hardware stores.

Poor indoor air quality is nothing to sneeze at.

Photo by Canyon Creek Cabinets

Indoor Air Quality and Your Home by Cheri Zehner


ost homebuyers are looking for amenities such as curb appeal, family rooms, and walk-in closets. What about the amenities that you can’t see? What do you know about indoor air quality (IAQ)? Indoor air quality is becoming a heightened concern as our country passes through its second wave of energy conservation efforts. There are many factors that influence IAQ. Many of them have to do with the activities and habits of the occupants. Other factors are derived from the building materials and characteristics of the dwelling. Indoor air contaminants generally fall into two categories: particles and gases. Particles include house dust, organic matter (i.e., dander, dust mites, mold and bacteria), combustion products, asbestos, and heavy metals. Gasses



The EPA and its Science Advisory Board have consistently ranked indoor air pollution among the top five environmental risks to our health. Studies have shown that the levels of many airborne pollutants may be 25 to 100 times higher indoors than outdoors. According to the American College of Allergists, 50 percent of all illnesses are caused or aggravated by contaminated indoor air. Asthma is the single largest cause of hospital visits by children. Asthma rates in the U.S. have increased from 7.3 percent in 2001 to 8.4 percent in 2010. There are about 25.7 million persons in the U.S. with asthma. Even a “green” home is no guarantee that the home has healthy air. In fact, energy conservation has created unintended consequences of reducing the air changes, or ventilation, in a home and allowing contaminants to accumulate indoors.

What Can You Do? Control the Source Ventilation is necessary in homes to bring fresh air in and purge contaminants out. Think of ventilation as breathing. A house needs to breathe. Sometimes this need is trumped by the desire to conserve energy. Windows, or natural ventilation, cannot always guaran-

Creating a healthy indoor environment does not always require a big budget Here are some helpful hints: • Keep your house clean. Housekeeping is the biggest bang for the buck. Vacuum and dust regularly. • Repair all water leaks. Water is the cause of all mold growth. • Purchase low-toxic, low-VOC building products. • Maintain filtration systems on forced air furnaces. • Choose household cleaners that have low toxicity and are fragrance free. • Control moisture intrusion and humidity in the home. Always use bathroom fans while showering and stove hoods while cooking. • Make sure that all gas-fired appliances such as furnaces, stoves and dryers are maintained and in good working condition. Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Personal Environment tee proper ventilation. Since the habits of people cannot guarantee continuous or sufficient ventilation alone, it is best to consider fresh air vents or, even better, mechanical ventilation (Please go online to www.seattleawakenings.com/ slg for more details on proper ventilation). Housekeeping for health, adequate ventilation, control of combustion, use of safe cleaning products and limiting fragrance (cleaning, laundry and personal-care products) are low-cost means of improving indoor air quality. Controlling water leaks and humidity and performing building maintenance are necessary for maintaining the integrity of the building structure and also healthy IAQ. Identifying odor sources and not attempting to mask odors with fragrance is the most prudent means of correcting not only IAQ but building integrity issues and the value of your real estate investment. Cheri Zehner, industrial hygienist, has over 20 years of experience in public health and environmental health programs and 15 years performing indoor air quality investigations. She is a certified instructor, teaching a clock hour course on indoor air quality for real estate professionals. For more information: CheriZehner.com.


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February 201 4


Connections To The Personal Environment

Home Performance Evaluations Benefit Health And Energy Savings by Gretchen Marks


f you’re like most Northwest residents, keeping your family healthy and saving energy are both important priorities. Good news: the number one way to improve your indoor air quality saves energy in your home, and improves comfort at the same time.

Is indoor air quality really a problem? The Environmental Protection Agency and the American Lung Association estimate that the air inside your home is anywhere from 25 to 100 times more contaminated than the air outdoors. While heating system filters trap some particulates, in many cases there is little impact to overall indoor air quality. This is because the real problem stems from the way the house was originally built. It’s only recently that homebuilding practices have become available for new construction that helps to improve indoor air quality. Most homes were (and are still) constructed in a way that leaves many small penetrations between the floors, or between the inside and outside. These penetrations are used to run all of the plumbing, wiring, fans, TV and other cables, as well as heating and air conditioning ductwork that go through the walls in the house. Additionally, wood decks often attach directly to the joists of the house, through the exterior walls and without any sealing of those penetrations. In some cases, skylights also contribute to the openings in the building envelope - the exterior of the building. Collectively, all these penetrations contribute to a “leaky house.” According to EnergyStar.gov, these leaks can create as much air loss as an open window. This air flow creates two problems: poor indoor air quality generally because of where that air is coming from (attics and crawl spaces) and loss of heating or cooling. You would never consider breathing the air directly from your attic or crawl space as your primary air source but that is exactly what can happen. The holes in the building envelope create a direct air exchange between the attic or crawl space and your living space, allowing unwanted pollutants from these areas to circulate into the home and, at the same time, allowing conditioned air to escape, wasting valuable energy.

Before you upgrade conduct an Energy Performance Evaluation Having a full home performance evaluation, also known as an energy audit, by a certified auditor is the first step in identifying how much energy you can save, how you can improve your comfort, and how much you can improve your air quality. These auditors do more than a walkthrough with 36


Photo courtesy of ENVISION

a clip board. Essentially, they provide a “physical exam” for your house. Using an experienced, qualified auditor means you should expect the auditor to be there for up to three hours conducting 26 detailed tests and inspections, not only for air leakage and air quality, but safety and comfort issues as well. An audit is fun and educational. You can look at heat loss using an infra-red camera, or watch live video from parts of your attic or crawl space you’ve never seen. The assessment they perform gives homeowners a report of the current health and energy efficiency of their home, and provides a clear plan for making improvements.

What types of upgrades will the audit recommend? Each home is different and unique. The auditor will outline specific home performance issues and how much benefit you can get from addressing them. This way, you can prioritize expenditures. That being said, most Northwest homes benefit by starting with what are called “weatherization” upgrades: air sealing (sealing those penetrations and other “holes” in the building envelope), duct sealing (sealing the seams of your ductwork) and adding insulation to areas underinsulated or not insulated at all. These things aren’t sexy, but they are worth their weight in energy savings, increased Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Personal Environment

comfort, and air quality improvements. Energy Star estimates that effective air sealing alone could save up to 20 percent of the energy used to heat or cool a home, and reduce the dust, pollen and pests that contribute to poor air quality. In addition, sealing will reduce moisture, inhibit mold growth and preserve insulation, according to the ENERGY STAR publication on Air Sealing (see the sidebar, Make the Connections for Home Performance, for a link). It is recommended that air sealing be done by trained professionals as it is actually possible to over seal the house without proper or sufficient ventilation, which could lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. And while many homeowners would feel comfortable placing insulation in the attic, it is critical to know how to properly insulate around can lights, electrical and plumbing penetrations, and soffit vents. It is also a good idea to insulate around your bathtub. If you are considering an audit and upgrades, the local utilities often provide financial incentives for these activities because they know the benefits in energy savings that accompany energy upgrades. For example, Puget Sound Energy offers incentives for this type of audit plus weatherization upgrades up to $2000 for qualified homes. You can also get loans from local banks or credit unions to help pay for larger upgrades.

MAKE ThE CONNECTiONS FOr hOME PErFOrMANCE  Energy Star: EnergyStar.gov.  DSire, database of state incentives for renewables and efficiency: DsireUSA.org.  Washingtion Energy Services provides home energy audits and energy saving upgrades for your home: WashingtonEnergy.com.  Puget Sound Energy: PSE.com.  Seattle City light: Seattle.gov/light.  home Performance Washington, your source to find qualified home Performance Profes sionals: HomePerformanceWashington.org.

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

February 201 4


Connections To The Personal Environment


Puget Sound Education Opportunities


f you’ve been thinking about a career in sustainability, or if you’ve just now been inspired by the Sustainable Living Guide and think you might be interested in a sustainable career, there are many local educational options available across Puget Sound. Here are just a few.

Prepare for a career in the alternative health field with online Nutritional Therapy and Herbalism Programs from CLIMB Institute for Health Professionals. Led by renowned herbalist and nutrional therapy authority KP Khalsa, the CLIMB instructors offer the very best in holistic education.

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undergraduate Options Cascadia Community College, co-located at the University of Washington’s Bothell campus, offers a professional technical degree and several certificate programs through their Environmental Technologies and Sustainable Practices program. Three tracks in energy, water, and business offer a comprehensive well-rounded education. Each track offers an associate in applied science degree. For more information: Cascadia.edu/programs/certificate. Edmonds Community College is located in Edmonds on the shores of Puget Sound. They offer several associate in applied sciences transfer degrees, one in energy management and several in horticulture, including landscape management and installation, landscape design, and restoration horticulture. They also offer a variety of certificate programs. For more information: Edcc.edu. North Seattle Community College (NSCC) is located in the Northgate Community, adjacent to Thornton Creek watershed. Although NSCC does not currently offer a degree in sustainability, the college is actively bringing sustainability themes into the curriculum. They also offer career training certificates in HVAC services and green

Natural Awakenings - National 38 SeattleAwakenings.com/SLG 2.25 X 9.75

real estate: NorthSeattle.edu/programs. The Northwest EcoBuilding Guild has teamed up with South Seattle Community College, located in historic Georgetown, near the Duwamish River, to offer specialized trainings for incumbent workers and emerging professionals. These courses are for entry level to advance skills students with some prerequisites; this is a pilot program and has no cost to participants that qualify. For more information: EcoBuilding.org/ classes-workshops/job-training/currentofferings.

graduate Programs Bainbridge Graduate Institute offers unique MBA and certificate programs focused on sustainability. They offer a master of business administration in sustainable systems and sustainable business. They also offer certificate programs in the built environment, energy solutions, and food and agriculture. For more information: BGI.edu

Advanced Certificate Program for Current Sustainable Career Professionals The Sustainable Building Advisor Program is a comprehensive educational program about green building design delivered in an interactive format that includes lectures by subject experts, hands-on exercises, field trips to local green building projects, and online learning. SBA classes are offered across the U.S. in various cities and are offered locally in downtown Seattle. For more information: SBAprogram.com.

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Personal Environment ing is from VOCs (volatile organic compounds) in the paint. Some VOCs have been linked to cancer, headaches and other health problems; pregnant and nursing women and small children are at greatest risk from exposure to harmful VOCs. Use low-VOC, low-toxic paint for the nursery (and the rest of the house if possible, for that matter). Fortunately many excellent low-VOC paints are now available. Use latex paints and primers indoors, since oilbased paints generally have much higher VOCs.

Avoid vinyl

Rock-a-bye Green Baby Room


ew parents have plenty of things to worry about, but the baby’s room shouldn’t be one of them. To put your mind at ease about whether everything in your baby’s room is safe and healthy, follow these basic guidelines.

Start early There’s nothing more freakout-inducing than trying to completely prepare your baby’s nursery in the last weeks before the due date. That’s just too stressful on the parents, and can physically be a problem for the soon-to-be mom. Try to have everything done four weeks before the big day. To allow paint fumes to subside, Consumer Reports magazine recommends painting the nursery at least two months before the due date.

go low-vOC Speaking of paint, that strong chemical smell after paint-

“PVC (polyvinyl chloride or vinyl) is all around us,” says HealthyChild.org. “But, from both an environmental and health standpoint, PVC is the most toxic plastic.” Even though is has been proven to be a known human carcinogen, PVC is one of the most prevalent materials in children’s toys and other baby products. The EPA warns “Chronic (long-term) exposure to vinyl chloride through inhalation and oral exposure in humans has resulted in liver damage.” Just say no to vinyl.

look out for lead If your home is more than 35 years old, it probably has leadbased paint. Lead can harm young children’s brains and nervous systems. However, if paint on the walls isn’t chipping or peeling, toxic exposure to lead in old paint may not be a concern. The biggest potential hazard is sanding older layers of paint and stirring up lead-contaminated dust. Don’t do this yourself; use a contractor certified for lead removal work. Have the work done several months before the due date, with both parents out of the house during the sanding to remove any chance of personal exposure to toxic lead dust.

Sleep tight Using a crib loaned from a friend or family member is fine, as long as it’s a relatively new, high-quality crib. If you’re buying a new crib, consider one made from sustainablyharvested hardwood. Those with FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification, for example, help ensure the forests

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“I love Baby Diaper Service. It’s affordable and it made cloth diapering with a newborn possible and much less overwhelming than I originally thought!”

February 201 4


Connections To The Personal Environment

Consider Cloth Diapers Adapted from Baby Diaper Service


ne of the ways to reduce your child’s impact on the planet is by avoiding disposable diapers, currently the third most common consumer item in landfills. It’s safer too: a typical disposable diaper is made up of 60 known chemicals that include dioxin and volatile organic chemicals linked to serious health risks. Instead, consider switching to cloth diapers. Don’t want to spend anymore time than necessary in the laundry room? A diaper service offers convenience and significant environmental benefits compared to washing at home. Here are a few reasons to make the switch to cloth: HEALTHIER FOR YOUR BABY A study published in the Archives of Environmental Health linked single-use, disposable diapers to increased risk of asthma, and a study from the University of Kiel in Germany linked them to male infertility. YOUR BABY’S COMFORT Pure, breathable cotton reduces bacteria build-up and likelihood of diaper rashes. Diapers from Baby Diaper Service are santized to hospital standards. AFFORDABLE Costs less than disposables. No gas needed for trips to the store. Fewer rashes means less ointment and fewer doctor visits. START POTTY TRAINING EARLIER By 18 months (on average), as opposed to three to four years old with disposable diapers. REDUCED LANDFILL WASTE Disposables are 100 percent waste and the third largest consumer item in the landfill. It will take disposable diapers 500 years to decompose. SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT Spare the trees, crude oil and plastic needed to make disposable diapers. Go the extra mile by using a diaper service, since home laundering uses more environmental resources than a state-of-the-art laundering facility. Baby Diaper Service and their customers divert 1.7 million pounds of disposable diapers from the landfill each year. For more information: 206-634-2229 or BabyDiaperService.net.



producing the wood are sustainably managed. If it is made of particleboard, it should be formaldehyde-free because formaldehyde exposure may create respiratory problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, formaldehyde is known to cause cancer. Non-toxic finishes should always be used in the nursery so you don’t introduce harmful materials to your newborn or yourself. Avoid crib mattresses with polyurethane foam cores or plastic covers made of PVC, both of which release VOCs. Flame retardant chemicals in baby bedding can also pose a health risk. “Eighty percent of baby products tested contain flame retardants that are either linked to adverse health effects or are lacking adequate health information,” says a report from the Green Science Policy Institute. Consider baby bedding without chemical flame retardants. Be on the alert for crib toys, perhaps provided by well-meaning grandparents, that may be choking hazards.

Don’t buy the hype Are you paranoid yet? You shouldn’t be. It’s easier than ever before to feel confident about the health and safety of your baby’s nursery, without spending lots of money. Don’t let aggressive safety-pushing marketers (what some have termed the “baby industrial complex”) goad you into buying tons of baby products you don’t need. Keep it simple and keep it natural. Remember it’s not all about the stuff. It’s about the baby, which really can be an indescribable bundle of joy.

rESOurCES FOr YOur grEEN bAbY  The Daily green: GoodHousekeeping.com  green Cribs for green babies: TheDailyGreen.com  healthy Child healthy World: Healthychild.org  The Washington Toxics Coalition: WaToxics.org

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Connections To The Built Environment

visualizing A Sustainable Future by Dr. Adam Mcleod How you relate to your environment and your respect for it is inseparable from how you view yourself. This is why knowing that you have the power to change is the first step toward taking action: change your patterns and you can change your past, present and future. Whether your goal is to improve the planet’s environment through conserving energy consumption, or if your goal is reducing and improving your own dietary energy consumption, a balance is required. The effects of creating and maintaining a natural balance and flow within us affects the entire environment beyond ourselves.

What appears to separate us is only illusionary, so it follows that what we do for ourselves is ultimately what we do for everyone. Helping everyone is therefore an unavoidable outcome of truly helping ourselves. Creating and maintaining an ideal balance is both a personal goal and a global one, and in order to focus your energy on what you want to create, the use of visualizations is helpful. Visualizations have been used by many of the greatest minds, such as Nikola Tesla, a well-known inventor. He had an amazing ability to visualize his inventions and how they worked. He referred to this as his “mind lab”. Visualization is a goal-oriented tool to help you specifically focus your attention while you take control of your intentions. Intention synchronizes your conscious awareness with your subconscious beliefs, and visualizations bring this intention to life by getting all of your cells working together toward achieving this reality. A picture is worth a thousand words, but you can use whatever your most dominant sense is to your advantage when visualizing. Some people are more tuned into auditory memory, and can remember a voice pattern more easily than a visual image. Others remember kinesthetically, or how something feels, including how emotional input makes them “feel.” Increase your capacity to recall details and visualize using all of your senses. Your subconscious acts as a filter, bringing details to your conscious awareness on a need-to-know basis, since there is so much information streaming at you constantly. What you are aware of is what you focus on. Be aware of

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Connections To The Built Environment

“Be change that you want to see in the world.” - Gandhi this mechanism that we all possess, because our reality is what we focus on and what we perceive it to be. In this same fashion, we react to perceived events, whether they happened in actual fact or not. Your brain cannot distinguish between a real event and a perceived event. In other words, your body responds to your mental images as if they were physically real. By making your visualizations as realistic as possible with clear positive intention, you will receive optimal results. When visualizing for health issues, you are recreating yourself in your new experience of wellness. Create your new healthy reality now. Remember that the energy of your intentions is actually being processed as new information within your body, and that is the true power of visualization. The mental imprint from visualizations sets off electrical charges in the neurons of your brain, and these neuron connections are strengthened by repeated visualizations. With practice, you can create a permanent memory adjustment, which influences any goal that you set your mind to, from improving your environment to improving your health. In healing, visualizations are tools to more closely align your intentions and thought patterns with your healing objective. Set what you desire in your conscious mind, and then let

your subconscious mind recreate your intentions. Improve your environment by focusing your intentions clearly on what you want to change. For example the nuclear accident at Fukushima in Japan affects all of us. Rather than feeling powerless, do what you can to help. Put your thoughts and intentions out there as clearly as possible to minimize the damage. Your thoughts are powerful especially when they are resonating with other similar intentions from around the globe. Be proactive and use your own power of intentions to transform our material world for the better. Send your healing energy in a focused intention called visualization, and remember, thoughts are energy. Energy is matter or physical material substance, as described in Einstein’s famous equation, E=Mc2. We use our intentions to change our physical health, which manifests physical change in our bodies, and it follows that this same mechanism can be applied to affect physical events on our planet. The power of collective consciousness when many are focusing on the same intention amplifies this affect, transforming ourselves and our planet inwardly and outwardly. Dr. Adam McLeod is a naturopathic doctor, an international best-selling author and speaker, and a Native American healer. His full-day workshops include two group energy treatments involving all attendees. These sessions are transformational jump-starts to your healing. His next workshop is March 8 in Seattle. For more information: Dreamhealer.com.

The Art of Being Present


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Connections To The Personal Environment

Cate’s List

Making Connections to the Personal Environment

Credit Unions & Financing

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Education & Outreach dIrTy dOg PrOduCTIONS

Sheldon W O’dahl 425-670-1342 swoesp@gmail.com

Dirty Dog Productions provides organizational and creative support to publications and event projects that promote environmentally sustainable actions. DDP supported ESP Services with the Seattle Green Home Tour event production since 2010 and designed layout for the NW EcoBuilding Guild’s Green Pages directory from 20072012. DDP is production manager for this Sustainable Living Guide.


Cate O’dahl 425-670-1342



Specializing in Green Building Education and Outreach since 1990, ESP Services designs, supports, and promotes Green Building initiatives and project promotions throughout the Northwest, including this Sustainable Living Guide. Cate is an associate faculty member at Cascadia and North Seattle Community Colleges.


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Energy Conservation Products and Services

Health Services


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Health Products ISagENIX

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Isagenix has created some of the best health and wellness products on earth backed by one of the most lucrative compensation plans in the industry.

Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings


3670 Stone Way N. Seattle 206-834-4100 Bastyr Center for Natural Health can serve as your entire family’s natural health care provider. We are the teaching clinic of world-renowned Bastyr University and offer a wide range of services, most covered by health insurance providers.

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February 201 4


Connections To The Personal Environment

Transformative Growth aNaNda mEdITaTION TEmPLE

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Since 1998, solving indoor air quality issues for clients in the Pacific Northwest. Cheri is also a Certified Instructor teaching IAQ to Realtors.

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Sustainable Living guide

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— rachel Carson Sustainable Living Guide In Seattle Natural Awakenings

Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education.



NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by the 12th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Email Calendar@SeattleAwakenings.com for guidelines and to submit entries. Alternatively, visit SeattleAwakenings.com to submit online.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals: Health Impacts & How to Reduce Exposure – 9am-5pm. Scientific evidence indicates that endocrine disruptor chemicals (EDCs) that mimic estrogen contribute to the increased incidence of breast cancer in women and decreased fertility in men. Find out where they are, what they do to our bodies, and how to avoid them. $125. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education. Hypnotherapy: Awareness & Integration – February 1-2 and 22-23. 9am-5pm. Focus on the mind/body connection. Discover the root cause of unwanted behaviors, resolving inner conflict, receiving wisdom from the subconscious mind, and making better life choices. Facilitate lasting change and healing for your clients suffering from compulsive behaviors, blocks, indecision, and abuse. No prior experience necessary. $575$685. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3059. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education.

neck, shoulders, back, arms, legs, hands and feet. Enroll at full price and a friend or partner enrolls free. $125/couple. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-6023152.Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education. UW Botanic Gardens: Orchard Mason Bees – 10-11am. Learn about wonderful, non-stinging mason bees, the value they bring to the world, and how easy it is to host them in a nesting box in one’s backyard. Becoming a successful bee farmer is easy and fun. Free. UW Botanic Gardens - Center for Urban Horticulture, 3501 NE 41st St, Seattle. Registration required. 206-685-8033. UrbHort@uw.edu. Experience Acutonics: Everyday Tuning Forks Techniques for Everybody! – 11am-2pm. Join Susan Wadden for a discussion and hands-on workshop using tuning forks to awaken one’s mind and revitalize the entire energy system. Tuning forks provided. $30. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206523-3726. EastWestBookshop.com/events/5913.

Free Vitality Night – 7:30-8:30pm. Tummy Temple, 2016 NE 65th St, Seattle. Register: 206729-6211.

Peruvian Shamanic Healing – 7-8:30pm. Shamanic healer Washington Gibaja Tapia joins us from Peru to share the teachings of his lineage. $20. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookshop.com/events/6036.



Sound Remedies Chanting Series – Wednesdays through February 26. 7:30-8:30pm. $200. Tummy Temple, 2016 NE 65th St, Seattle.

Tracking Energy: Awakening the Seer & Healer Within – 9am-6pm. Enrich one’s orientation to life by facilitating personal healing and growth. Engage the four archetypal animal energies of Amazonia Cosmology as one accesses and explores the energetic soul stories that seek to be heard and healed. $175-$205. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr. NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-6023152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education.


THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Tipping Sacred Cows – 7-8:30pm. In Tipping Sacred Cows, award-winning producer of the sleeper hit What the Bleep Do We Know?! Betsy Chasse takes readers on a playful romp through the muddy fields of spirituality, urging readers to tip over their sacred cows of beliefs. Free. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookshop.com/events/5992.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Free Reiki 1 Certification – This is great training for the beginner or the practitioner who is thinking of teaching or a person just needing an energy healing. Free. Reiki Ranch School. Call for directions. Chehalis. Registration required. 360-748-4426. ReikiRanch@gmail.com. Become a Reiki Master – February 8-9. Take the full Reiki I, II, III courses and become a Reiki Master. Get into the flow of one’s connection to higher-self and feel the joy that is within. $200. Reiki Ranch School, Chehalis. Registration required. 360-748-4426. ReikiRanch@gmail.com. Massage Made Easy – 9:30am-5:30pm. Learn the basic massage strokes to relieve aching muscles, relax a tense body, or just offer comfort. Receive hands-on experience giving simple massage to the

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Attracting Right Relationships – February 14-15. 7:30-9 pm. Join energy matchmaker and former frog kisser Gianna Rosewood as she shares three secrets to increase your visibility from her book Are You Still Kissing Frogs? Leap Into Real Solutions to Attract Your Genuinely Committed Relationship. $10 Friday, $25 Saturday. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookshop.com/events/5939.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 The Garden as Healer: Cultivating a Children’s Growing Garden – 10am-5pm. We’ll discuss the cultivation of medicinal non-toxic edible plants used in the treatment of many simple childhood woes. Follow each species from seed to medicinal application, and through growing a garden teach children early in life to love the earth, and develop respect for plants and nature. $85. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE,

Mindfulness Meditation Half Day Retreat – 10am-2:30pm. No experience necessary. Participate in sitting and walking meditation, mindful movement and eating and loving kindness meditation. There will be a break with light refreshments $20 suggested donation. Way of Life Wellness Center, 355 NW Gilman Blvd, Issaquah. Registration required. 206-328-3572. Grow-Aware.com. Chakra Workshop – An introduction to Chakra work. Through creative exploration, including process based art activities, explore the basic tenets of chakra work and perform an assessment of personal chakras to establish where one could begin their personal Chakra journey. With Darcy Marlow. Free (donations accepted). Registration required. 206-226-4062. ArtOfBeingSeattle.com.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Vegetarians of Washington Monthly Dining Event – 6:30pm. One does not have to be a vegetarian to enjoy delicious vegetarian food. Enjoy a gourmet, multi-course vegetarian dinner catered by a different restaurant or chef each month, hear an insightful speech on a key vegetarian topics and meet lots of interesting people. Children are welcome. $15 plus tax for members, $20 plus tax for guests and non members. The Mount Baker Club. Registration required. 206-706-2635. VegOfWa.org/monthlydining.aspx.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 The Heart is Where Our Soul Resides: The Four Passages – 7:30-9 pm. From pain, to compassion, to connection, to love. Intuitive author and spiritual teacher Sara Wiseman offers the four passages of the heart, to help one heal, open and expand into one’s true self. $15. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookshop.com/events/6013.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 “JoyIAm” Training for Overcoming Stress, Anxiety & Depression Naturally – February 22-23. 9am-4:30pm. Treating stress, anxiety or depression with psychotropic medications can do incredible harm to long-term physical and mental health. Learn an integrated method of mind-body-spirit psychotherapy that will support one or their clients to naturally overcome these challenging emotional issues. $225-$275. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education. Mindfulness Meditation Half Day Retreat – 10am-2:30pm. See February 16 description. $20 suggested donation. Way of Life Wellness Center, 355 NW Gilman Blvd, Issaquah. Registration required. 206-328-3572. Grow-Aware.com. SewUpSeattle Free Sewing Session – 11am-1pm. Bring your own project and machine or create with our donated fabrics and machines. Women and men of all and skill levels welcome. Free. Sewing Room in Denny Park Lutheran Church, 766 John St, Seattle. Registration required. 206-784-7117.

natural awakenings

February 2014


SewUpSeattle@yahoo.com. Second Degree Reiki Class – February 22-23. 12:30-6:30pm. In Second Degree Reiki Training learn to provide distant reiki treatments for people, animals and situations as well as enhance and deepen hands-on reiki treatments. First Degree Reiki Alliance certification or comparable training is a prerequisite. $500. West Seattle. Registration required. 808-385-4661. SeattleCityReiki.com.

SATURDAY, MARCH 1 Shamanism, Dying & Beyond – 9:30am-4pm. With Beth Beurkens, M.A. Learn how to deal with the issue of dying and the destiny of souls from a shamanic perspective. The workshop is both for those who wish to learn for themselves, and for those who wish to help others. Sponsored by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. $235. Seattle. Registration required. 541-708-0473. Beth@ShamanicUniverse.com.

TUESDAY, MARCH 4 Eight Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training – Tuesdays through April 22. 6-8:30pm. This eight-week course is meant to teach the practices of mindfulness meditation for stress reduction and the symptoms that affect our health and well being. No experience necessary. $275 individual or $260 with friend. 816 N 38th St, Fremont. Registration required. 206-328-3572. Grow-Aware.com.

SATURDAY, MARCH 22 Breema Workshop – Saturday and Sunday. Saturday: 9:30am-12:30pm and 2-5pm. Sunday: 9am-1pm. With Roxanne Caswell & Birthe Kaarsholm. Weekend: $175 before March 11, $200 after. Saturday only: $100 before March 11, $125 after. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 510-428-0937. Breema.com.

SATURDAY, APRIL 12 UW Botanic Gardens: Beautify That Boulevard! – 10-11am. Master Gardener Mary Machala will show how one can easily and inexpensively transform one’s boulevard into something eyecatching and unique. Free. UW Botanic Gardens - Center for Urban Horticulture, 3501 NE 41st St, Seattle. Registration required. 206-685-8033. Depts.Washington.edu/uwbg.


SATURDAY, MARCH 8 Adam Dreamhealer Workshop – Experience Self-Empowerment as Dr Adam McLeod (Dreamhealer) orchestrates 2 unique group energy sessions to activate one’s healing power. Dr McLeod is an international author, speaker, molecular biologist, Native American healer and naturopathic doctor. Over 40% of registrants are healers incorporating skills into practices. Registration required. Dreamhealer.com The Keys to Health and Happiness – Saturdays through April 5. 10-11am. With Mary Davis, RN. This 5-week class is designed to teach simple techniques to improve health, decrease stress and increase overall happiness. $150. Meditate Seattle Studio, 2145 Boyer Ave E, Seattle. Registration required. 206-679-9620. MeditateSeattle.com.

SUNDAY, MARCH 9 Eight Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training – Sundays through May 4. 10am12:30pm. See March 4 description. $275 individual or $260 with friend. Way of Life Wellness Center, 355 NW Gilman Blvd, Ste 105, Issaquah. Registration required. 206-328-3572. Grow-Aware.com.

FRIDAY, MARCH 21 Experience Breema Evening – 7-8:30pm. With Roxanne Caswell & Birthe Kaarsholm. Free. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 510-428-0937. Breema.com.




Fee for classifieds is $1.00 per word per month. To place listing, email content to Publisher@SeattleAwakenings.com. Deadline is the 12th of the month.

MASSAGE Tui Mullein LMP – Licensed Massage Practitioner has ten years experience integrating Swedish, Shiatsu, Acupressure, Acutonics and herbal therapies in the Seward Park area. Schedule an appointment at 206-721-1165. MA18798.


UW Botanic Gardens: Intensive Vegetable Gardening – 10-11am. Vegetable gardening may be a good fit with one’s healthy lifestyle. It provides moderate exercise and delicious, wholesome vegetables. Learn intensive gardening techniques to help maximize the harvests, while minimizing a garden’s size and the time it requires. Free. UW Botanic Gardens - Center for Urban Horticulture, 3501 NE 41st St, Seattle. Registration required. 206-685-8033. Depts.Washington.edu/uwbg.


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UW Botanic Gardens: Culinary Herbs – 10-11am. Many herbs are easy to grow both in the ground and in containers. WSU King County Master Gardener Joan Helbacka discusses herbs that thrive in our area including information on growing, propagating and using a variety of herbs for cooking and as landscape plants year-round. Free. UW Botanic Gardens - Center for Urban Horticulture, 3501 NE 41st St, Seattle. Registration required. 206-6858033. Depts.Washington.edu/uwbg.

Health Challenges? Dietary Restrictions? Don’t Know How to Eat Any More? – Natural Chef Kathryn offers healing meals tailored to your nutritional needs. Multiple pricing options. NaturalChefKathryn@gmail.com.

QIGONG Five Mountains Institute of Qigong and Taijiquan – Live Healthier. Sustain Vitality. Classes in Embracing the Taoist Tradition. Dennis Sharp, Certified Instructor. 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle. 425-775-9609. FMI-Qigong.com.

REIKI Transform your life with Reiki! $20 off your first Reiki visit or class. 206-285-8350. QueenAnneMassage.com.

ongoing WEDNESDAYS Free Meditation Class – 3rd Wednesday. 6-7 pm. With Mary Davis RN. Learn the mind/body health benefits of meditation and leave with an easy daily practice. Mary brings to the class a background of 35 years in Family Practice, 40 years of meditation, and Chopra Center Teacher Certification. Free. Seattle Healing Arts Center, 6300 9th Ave NE, Seattle, WA. 206-679-9620. MeditateSeattle.com.

THURSDAYS Baby Diaper Service 101 – 2nd Thursday. 6:307:30pm. Presenting the ins and outs of diaper service, share best practice cloth diapering techniques and educate expectant parents on the health and environmental benefits of cloth diapers. $10/ family, free to existing customers. Parent Trust for Washington Children, 2200 Rainier Ave S, Seattle. Registration required. 206-634-2229. BabyDiaperService.net/Baby/Diapering-101.

Sahaja Meditation – 7-8pm. This workshop helps one relax while being guided in meditation. Community Room, Crossroads Mall, Bellevue. FreeMeditation.com.

SUNDAYS Sunday Morning Meditation Class – 10-11:30am. Classes include clear teachings, meditations, and prayers in the inspiring Kadampa World Peace Temple. All are welcome. Donations accepted. Kadampa Meditation Center, 6556 24th Ave NW, Seattle. 206-526-9565. MeditateInSeattle.org. Meditation Hour – 11am-12pm. Every Sunday a guided meditation is presented by a CDM minister or guest presenter. Spiritual techniques such as grounding, centering and focusing in the present are taught and everyone can participate. Topics include creating change in one’s life, changing energy to heal one’s self and owning one’s space. Free. CDM Spiritual Teaching Center, 2402 Summit Ave, Everett. 425-258-1449. C-D-M.org.

naturaldirectory Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Natural Directory, email Publisher@SeattleAwakenings.com to request our media kit.

BEDDING SEATTLE NATURAL MATTRESS 206-419-9550 SeattleNaturalMattress.com

Manufacturer and retailer of natural, chemicalfree latex mattresses designed to provide a comfortable and supportive alternative to traditional spring mattresses. See ad page 37.


503-282-0436 Orders@GladRags.com GladRags.com


Live more sustainably with GladRags washable menstrual pads and menstrual cups. Join the community of women who have decided to make a lower carbon footprint every month!

CHILDREN’S SERVICES BABY DIAPER SERVICE 206-634-2229 BabyDiaperService.net

Committed to providing 100% pure cotton diapers for your baby. Convenient weekly pickup and delivery of cloth diapers and accessories. Better for baby’s skin, more sustainable than washing at home. See ad page 41.

dentists INTEGRATIVE DENTISTRY 9730 3rd Ave NE, Suite 205 Seattle, WA 98115 206-367-6453 Info@MitchMarderDDS.com MitchMarderDDS.com

We are a holistic dental practice specializing in safe mercury filling removal, non-surgical periodontal care, and TMJ/ orthodontic treatments. We welcome new patients!


6921 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 206-525-0363 Info@M-Illumino.com M-Illumino.com At m’illumino, we are dedicated to your transformation through movement. Take a class, try private sessions, discover your own innate grace. See ad page 10.

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Experience progress, abundance and growth like never before. Healer and teacher Chiyona offers emotional cord cutting, purification by light, and Life Activation, which turns on the dormant divine blueprint within your DNA to align yourself to your highest life purpose. FREE 30 minute consultation - please call now to schedule.


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natural awakenings

February 2014


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