September 2014 - Seattle Natural Awakenings

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feel good • live simply • laugh more


Smart Electricity?

What You Need To Know About Smart Meters

Creative Art For Elders

Sparking Creativity For Those With Dementia

Indian Vegetarian Cooking

Spices & Veggies Fend Off Disease

Nine Principles Of Harmony For A Joyful Life

September 2014 | Seattle Edition |

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elcome to the September issue of Seattle Natural Awakenings! This month is my favorite of the year. Not only do I celebrate my birthday in September, but after the frenzy of warm weather activities and the intensity of the summer sun, I am only too glad to embrace the coming crisp mornings, sweaters, fresh apples and everything else I love about this season. As it gets cooler, I love cooking curries and other warming foods, so I am excited to bring you “Indian Vegetarian Cooking” (page 22), with delicious recipes for dishes that will be filling and tasty as summer cools down. Many of us are returning to routine and starting to look inward this time of the year after our warm weather adventures, and as we do, I feel it’s timely to consider Breema founder Jon Schreiber’s explanation of harmony and the principles for compassionate living as understood through the art of Breema, a movement arts discipline and method for self-understanding. Find his thoughts in “The Nine Principles Of Harmony” (page 14). I’m also glad to bring you information about smart meters and how they will affect a growing number of residents of Seattle and surrounding cities. While proponents hail environmentally-friendly aspects of the meters and believe they are safe, I’m concerned about the potential health consequences for both humans and our urban ecosystem. I think it warrants a closer look, especially as Seattle City Council prepares to vote on the city’s proposed strategic plan, which includes plans for meter installation. You can learn more about smart meters, why advocates believe they are safe, and why an increasing number of utility customers across the nation do not in my article “Smart Electricity?” (page 24). The documentary Take Back Your Power, recently released by Woodinville resident Josh del Sol takes a strong stance against smart meters. It’s normally $10 to rent online, but for the month of September use the promotional code “awakenings” and rent the documentary for $1 at For upcoming screenings of the documentary and more information on the decision making process, you can visit or There’s more in these pages for you, so enjoy!

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Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soybased ink.

natural awakenings

September 2014


contents 5 newsbriefs 7 healthbriefs


10 globalbriefs 13 ecotip


13 actionalert 16 greenliving

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.



Breema for Everyday Joy by Jon Schreiber

18 healingways 20 consciouseating 28 calendar 30 classifieds


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All gREEN, Too

Tips for Eco-Friendly Plants, Shades and Cleaners by Avery Mack

31 resourceguide

advertising & submissions


16 A lovElY loo THAT’S



ElDERS WiTH DEMENTiA Re-Engaging Through Art, Music and Dance

by Deborah Shouse


22 iNDiAN vEgETARiAN CooKiNg

Potent Spices and Veggies Fend Off Disease

by Bushra Bajwa


The Director of Take Back Your Power Questions Smart Meters

by Ann Dorn



Breema Workshop Premieres at Bastyr


he Breema Center has announced an opportunity to study with Dr. Jon Schreiber, doctor of chiropractic, workshop leader and the director of the Breema Center in Oakland, California, since 1981. Breema: The Art of Being Present, taking place November 8-9 at Bastyr University, is open to the public, to health professionals, and to university students and staff. Breema is is a comprehensive holistic practice based on a profound understanding of the underlying unity of all life, expressed through the Nine Principles of Harmony. It uses movement and touch, integrated with the principles, to support being present. “When you are present, your mind is where your body is,” says Jon Schreiber, author of eight books on Breema. “But if you look, you’ll almost always find that your mind is everywhere but with the body. Our conditioned patterns of moving, thinking, and feeling make us go through life in a way that continually drains us. But when you are fully participating, you receive life energy from your interactions.” Schreiber explains, “Breema aims to restore a sense of wholeness to all interactions by supporting us to fully participate in each activity, at every moment. When body, mind and feelings are actually working together, we may have a moment of true full participation, the beginning of consciousness. Only in a moment of consciousness can we begin to understand the essential meaning and interconnectedness of life.” Early registration discounts are available before October 15. Contact Bastyr directly at 425-602-3152 to register. For more information about Breema, visit or The Breema Channel on YouTube.

Northwest Mind Body Spirit Connection


new festival is coming to Camano Island this October. “The Northwest Mind Body Spirit Connection is an exciting new free community event where the public can learn about a variety of options for improving health, happiness and well being,” says event producer Gayle Picken. The show will feature speakers with topics ranging from movement, changing habits, chakras and more, demonstrations, and local experts showcasing their services. There will be live music, beer and wine tasting, and an interactive drum circle at the end of the day. Demonstrations throughout the day include yoga, belly dancing, tai chi, and fitness. “We’re super excited to create the Northwest Mind Body Spirit Connection,” Picken continues. “It’s a great opportunity for people to learn something new in a fun environment. You can sample the options and meet local healers, yoga teachers, alternative health providers, holistic counselors, energy workers, psychics and more.” The festival takes place at the Camano Center on Camano Island and is free to the public.

The Northwest Mind Body Spirit Connection takes place October 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Camano Center, 606 Arrowhead Rd., Camano Island. For more information:

Portal Into The Root of the Soul


ortal into the Root of the Soul is oil on canvas by Camano Island artist Susan Cohen Thompson. The painting is inspired by the goddess Nunqui, of the Shuar tribe of the Amazon Rainforest, in Ecuador. Thompson learned about the Earth Goddess during a trip deep into the Amazon. The story is that Nunqui’s baby taught the people how to care for the forest and be sustainable. At some point, the people forgot to pay attention and lost the gifts of knowledge from nature. This painting is a portal into the heart of nature, where we are reconnected to regain our memory. The bowl holds the milk of the jungle, the sustenance of Earth. Susan Cohen Thompson paintings have been shown in exhibitions throughout the Puget Sound region including the Lightcatcher Museum, and Matzke Fine Art. She has recently finished a series of drawings for the book Speaking with Nature, Awakening to the Deep Wisdom of the Earth, to be released in 2015. Her paintings are published on the covers of five books on Earth Wisdom and appear in Green Art, by E. Ashley Rooney. See Thompson’s art this fall: Green Art, Matzke Fine Art Gallery, opens September 27; Northwest Mind, Body, Spirit Connection, October 4, Camano Center, Camano Island; Artisan Tile Northwest, Handmade Tile Show, November 1 & 2; UW Center for Urban Horticulture, Seattle. For more information:

natural awakenings

September 2014


Second Use Hosts Fall Festival to Celebrate 20th Anniversary


ocal building salvage and reuse store Second Use is celebrating their 20th anniversary with a free fall festival on September. 20 from 2 to 6 p.m. “Fall Fest is open to the entire Seattle community and is a great opportunity for those who are curious about salvage, ‘keep meaning to check out Second Use,’ or just looking for a fun, free, all ages activity on a Saturday afternoon,” says Second Use marketing directing Mary Ann Carter. “This year marks the 20th anniversary of Second Use and we want to celebrate with a free community-wide event that recognizes the history of salvage, power of our community, and value of fun.” The festival brings back a tradition Second Use maintained until a few years ago. “Previous to our move to SODO in 2012, Second Use hosted an annual Fall Festival that fulfilled a similar mission through providing neighbors, customers, and families the opportunity to congregate at our South Park store for an afternoon of free food, games and entertainment,” Carter says. “We can’t think of a better opportunity to revive this tradition and make it bigger and better than ever with a 20 percent off sale, beer garden to benefit Habitat for Humanity, live music, salvaged art and design competition, family friendly games, and yes, free food for all.” Fall Fest takes place September 20 from 2-6 p.m. at Second Use, 3223 6th Ave. S, Seattle. Free. For more information:


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Town Hall Meeting: Take Back Your Power


free screening of Take Back Your Power, a documentary on smart grid smart utility meters, will be shown on September 6 at 7 p.m. as part of a town hall meeting for the city of Seattle. “This documentary will enlighten the viewers as to thier rights as property owners, fire concerns, health concerns of microwave radiation they will not be able to turn off, privacy invasion, costs of this grid and more from experts around the country,” says director Josh del Sol. “We are offering this even to educate and enlighten the public in plain terms as to what the country and world is doing with the ‘not so smart’ grid. Some countries are not allowing it; others are replacing these meters. Find out why.” The documentary is also available to rent online for $10 at Through the month of September, Natural Awakenings readers can use the code “awakenings” and rent the film for $1.

Take Back Your Power is showing September 6 at 7 p.m. at 1119 8th Ave, Seattle. Doors open at 6 p.m. For more information:

Local Author Releases New Book About Transformation


icholas Corrin of Friday Harbor Holistic Health has released a book titled The Power of Letting Go: Transforming Fear Into Love. “My goal was to interweave a wide spectrum of cutting-edge studies on health and healing, perspectives on spirituality, investigations into the nature of consciousness and events from my own life,” Corrin says. “Each chapter is by itself a source of inspiration and offers up a wealth of information followed by practical meditations and visualization exercises.” Corrin explains the book deals with the modern world’s yearning for meaning, and for the possibility of living in harmony, both physically and mentally, and how to strengthen one’s spirit and inner values. Nicholas Corrin is an author, teacher, healer, inventor and public speaker. Born n the United Kingdom, Corrin was educated in Europe and in the United States, where he now resides on San Juan Island, Washington, and maintains a clinical acupuncture and alternative healing practice. His patented modalities have been used to treat thousands of people for a wide variety of mind-body issues. For more information:


Yoga Boosts Hearts, Shrinks Waistlines


wo scientific reviews of human clinical research have found that hatha yoga significantly reduces heart disease risk factors. Researchers from Germany’s University of Duisburg-Essen reviewed 44 studies involving more than 3,000 people. Overall, the studies found that hatha yoga significantly reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Yoga participants also showed lower respiratory and heartbeat rates, significantly reduced triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol, and increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or good cholesterol. Several important diabetes risk markers decreased among the yoga participants; they also realized smaller waistlines. Similar results were reached by scientists from the United Kingdom’s Warwick Medical School. In analyzing 11 studies involving 800 people, they found that regular yoga exercise both reduced diastolic blood pressure and triglycerides and increased beneficial HDL cholesterol levels.

Licorice Root Reduces Dangerous Fat


new study published in the journal Nutrafoods has confirmed that licorice extract helps reduce visceral fat in obese adults. The study tested 60 men and 60 women that were clinically obese with body mass index (BMI) scores of over 30. For three months, they were given either a placebo pill or 300 milligrams per day of licorice root extract. Then they were tested for visceral fat using CT scans and measured for waist circumference, waist-to-hip measurements and BMI scores. The licorice extract group had significantly fewer visceral fat cells, lower BMI scores and reduced waist circumference compared with the placebo group. Previous research with the extract also showed similar weight-loss effects among human subjects.

Tongue Diagnosis Reveals Sleep Disorders


raditional medicines have long utilized tongue analysis to diagnose various disorders. Now, a recent study from the Republic of Korea’s Institute of Oriental Medicine supports the accuracy of this ancient health practice in the area of sleep dysfunction. The researchers studied two separate groups of 153 people and 454 elderly people; in both, the color of their tongues was analyzed and compared with cases of sleep disorders within each group. Those experiencing sleep dysfunctions had a paler tongue color compared with those in the healthy group; they also had more thickly coated tongues.

Vitamin D3 Cuts Antibiotic Use by Elderly


esearch from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, in Australia, has found supplemental vitamin D3 reduces the incidence of infection among seniors. More than 600 subjects, ages 60 to 84, were divided into three groups and for one year took either 1,000 international units (IU) a day of vitamin D3, 2,000 IU a day of vitamin D3, or a placebo. Those given the 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day were 28 percent less likely to require antibiotics prescriptions than those taking the placebo. Those older than 70 years were 47 percent less likely to be prescribed antibiotics than the placebo group.

Antioxidant Supplements Improve Eye Health


ye health may be improved by taking certain antioxidant supplements, according to researchers at Austria’s Medical University of Vienna. They studied 40 healthy volunteers between the ages of 18 and 30 split into two groups, giving a control group a placebo pill and the other a supplement containing vitamins C and E, lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc, copper, selenium, gingko biloba, flavonoids, omega-3 fatty acids and alpha-lipoic acid. The medical scientists tested the health and blood flow of the retinal artery, which feeds the eye with blood and nutrients. The results of the two-week trial showed the supplements significantly improved blood flow through the retinal arteries. The supplements also helped protect the retinal arteries from free radical damage. The scientists concluded that such supplementation can prevent a type of cellular dysfunction in the eye induced by oxidative stress that is assumed to play a role in age-related macular degeneration.

natural awakenings

September 2014


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Pre-K Education Linked to Better Health 26 Years Later


n addition to an increased likelihood of achieving academic success, children that participate in game-based educational training also have a significantly lower risk of developing future cardiovascular disease, according to University of North Carolina researchers in a paper published this year in Science magazine. Launched in the 1970s, the Carolina Abecedarian Project studied more than 100 children beginning when they were just over 4 years old. Fifty-seven focused on language skills while also receiving nutritional and health services. A control group received the same nutritional and health services, but not the early language education. Early education turned out to be an indicator for significantly healthier individuals when they had reached the age of 30, with a lower average systolic blood pressure than those in the control group and no symptoms of metabolic syndrome—a condition related to diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Twentyfive percent of the control group had metabolic syndrome symptoms at age 30.



esearchers from the University of Kentucky have determined that snacking on raisins can decrease high blood pressure and reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes. For 12 weeks, 46 men and women snacked on either processed snack foods or raisins. At the beginning and end of each month, the researchers tested for blood glucose, diabetic risk markers and blood pressure. Raisin snacking was found to reduce blood pressure while improving blood glucose and diabetic risk factors. The researchers concluded, “Regular consumption of raisins may reduce glycemia and cardiovascular risk factors, including blood pressure.”

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Mindfulness Meditation Can Hinder Onset of Alzheimer’s


pilot study from the Harvard Medical School indicates yet another benefit of meditation. The researchers tested 14 people with mild cognitive impairment, which often leads to Alzheimer’s disease, and provided them with either MindfulnessBased Stress Reduction training or standard care. Brain imaging tests indicated that those engaged in meditative training had increased activity and connections among three areas of the brain—the posterior cingulate cortex, medial prefrontal cortex and left hippocampus. Although larger studies are needed, study authors remark, “These preliminary results indicate that in adults with mild cognitive impairment, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction therapy may have a positive impact on the regions of the brain most related to mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.”

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ccording to a National Institutes of Health study, most people believe that sleep apnea is caused by a sagging soft pallet or by some other obstructive tissue in the throat. Actually, it’s the result of a diminishing signal from the brain to the diaphragm to breathe that can occur during the transition from initial semi-wakefulness into the next stage of lighter sleep prior to deep sleep. In some people, the unintended reduction in the signal is significant enough that breathing goes beyond being shallow and completely stops. After a short period of time, the brain, realizing the need to breathe, forces a rapid inhalation to restart respiration that literally drags the sagging localized soft tissues into the airway, as reported in Sleep Apnea: A New Approach to an Emergent Problem by Master Herbalist Steven Frank, of Nature’s Rite. For some, there’s no indication of potential problems when awake as the tissues remain in their normal state and the throat doesn’t close off during the day or when relaxing or resting, but then they can experience an obstruction problem when trying to go to sleep. Instead of resorting to surgery to remove neck tissue or using a machine to force air into lungs, natural herbal solutions can work to increase the pertinent brain signal that maintains continuous breathing without the breakdowns that necessitate rapid inhalation. According to the Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, ingesting herbs like lobelia, thyme and camp bark can intensify the signal from the brain to the diaphragm, increase the gas-transfer efficiency of the lungs and relax some of the skeletal muscles that can obstruct the propagation of the signal.

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natural awakenings

September 2014


globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Radioactive Sea

Japan’s Nuclear Meltdown is Poisoning California Kelp Scientists analyzing kelp off the coast of San Diego have linked the presence of the radioactive isotope cesium to the Fukushima Daiichi power plant, in Japan, which melted down in 2011. As part of the ongoing Kelp Watch 2014 project, government and academic institutions have begun receiving results from samples of bull kelp and giant kelp collected along the California coast. “We’re trying to figure out how much is there and how much is getting into the ecosystem,” says Matthew Edwards, Ph.D., of San Diego State University. “Things are linked a little more closely than sometimes we’d like to think. Just because it’s on the other side of the world doesn’t mean that it doesn’t affect us.” With experts predicting a 40-year-plus cleanup at Fukushima, the likelihood of increased cesium in the Pacific Ocean seems inevitable. For more information, visit

Safer Shampoo

Makers Agree Not to Use Cancer-Causing Chemical This year, the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) reached legal agreements with 26 major companies to discontinue using a cancer-causing chemical in shampoo and personal care products, and potential agreements with more than 100 additional companies are still pending. Cocamide diethanolamine (DEA), a synthetic chemical created from a chemical reaction between coconut oils and diethanolamine, has been used for decades in shampoos and other products as a foaming agent. In 2012, California listed the chemical as a known carcinogen, based on assessment by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer, which evaluated skin exposure tests on animals. In 2013, the CEH brought lawsuits against companies selling products in California containing the substance without a health warning, as required under Prop 65, the state’s consumer protection law for toxic chemicals. Note: A Think Dirty app offers information about the potentially toxic ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products and what not to buy. Source: (

People come for a Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy session for many reasons here are a few of the most common ones: Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy is a regression technique developed by world renowned regressionist, author and teacher Dolores Cannon. This technique takes you beyond the usual past life regression and into expressions of self that span dimensions. Looking at your past can bring understanding and healing to your present life, relationships, illness, phobias, fears, habits and behaviors. 10


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Cleaner Air

New EPA Rules Proposed for Climate Change The White House plans to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants by 30 percent by 2030. Each state will have its own goal within the overall national pollution reduction effort, an attempt to be politically and practically flexible in its implementation. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy explains, “Each state’s goal is tailored to its own circumstances, and states have the flexibility to reach the goal in whatever ways work best for them.” States can renovate existing coal-fired plants with newer, cleaner burning technology; switch coal plants to natural gas, which produces much less carbon; and work to persuade residents to be more efficient in their use of electricity. States can also band together in cap-and-trade networks for emission reductions, in which companies buy and sell permits allowing them to produce a certain amount of carbon emissions. Clean producers can be sellers, dirtier producers buyers. The program represents an absolute reduction in U.S. carbon emissions of nearly one-third, rather than a simple slowing in the growth rate of emissions. Contrary industry groups, many Republicans and some coal-state Democrats oppose the proposal due to its anticipated costs and increased regulations.

The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences is inaugurating an online Integrative Medicine Program in partnership with the Metabolic Medical Institute and accepting applications toward graduate certification in integrative medicine. Integrative medicine focuses on the whole person, and the curriculum includes prevention, self-care, nutrition, exercise prescription, dietary supplements and wellness-based therapies. Students also review advanced predictive diagnostics, biotechnology, and systems biology utilizing proteomics, genomics and metabolomics. Graduates will gain cutting-edge knowledge to make well-informed decisions with their patients about treating disease, promoting vitality and optimizing aging. To learn more and enroll in the program, visit

Apple Crunch

Celebrating Pesticide-Free Orchards The nationally acclaimed Rodale Institute will celebrate its fifth annual Organic Apple Festival on September 21 in Kutztown, Pennsylvania, more than 30 years after planting the trees. Organizers note that when growers select just one genetic variety of apple to reproduce and cultivate, they create a monoculture that easily becomes more susceptible to pests and diseases than an orchard that hosts several varieties. An array of insects and blights favor this all-American fruit, which is why standard apples are the single-most pesticide-contaminated produce item at conventional groceries. Large agribusiness operations typically grow fruit bred for durability and color during shipping and shelf life. Organic apples, by contrast, are chosen for flavor and regional adaptability. Source:

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September 2014


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Ice Cubed

Greenland a Big Contributor to Sea Level Rise New research by University of California-Irvine and NASA glaciologists published in Nature Geoscience shows that Greenland is more vulnerable to warm ocean waters from climate change than previously thought. Newly discovered deep valleys stretch for dozens of miles under the Greenland ice sheet in bedrock well below sea level. As subtropical Atlantic waters hit the fronts of hundreds of glaciers, their edges will erode much further than had been assumed and release far greater amounts of water. Ice melt from the subcontinent has already accelerated as warmer marine currents have migrated north, although older models predicted that once higher ground was reached in a few years, the ocean-induced melting would halt, Greenland’s frozen mass would stop shrinking and its effect on higher sea waters would be curtailed. Source: Environmental News Network (

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Apple Corps Breathe in experience, breathe out poetry. ~Muriel Rukeyser

Green Apple Day Aims to Transform Schools The Green Apple Day of Service, to take place on September 27 nationwide, will give parents, teachers, students, companies and local organizations ways to transform schools into more healthy, safe and productive learning environments via local service projects. Green Apple is a global movement dedicated to enabling schools to provide clean and healthy air, conserve energy and other resources and serve as places where young people can reap inspired dreams of a brighter future. Source:


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Cell Bill

Planetary Push

Overcharging Mobile Devices Wastes Money Smartphone maker Nokia estimates most devices need only about two hours to fully charge, making overnight charging highly wasteful; users also should disengage and unplug chargers from the wall when they’re done. Another helpful tip from is not to wait until cell phone power is nearly or completely depleted before recharging, because full discharges put a strain on the battery that can shorten its lifespan. Umbra Fisk, an environmental columnist at, advises using a power strip and even a timer as parts of a central charging area for all mobile devices to facilitate monitoring and reduce overcharging. Energy Star-qualified ( cordless phones demand about half the energy of standard units. Energy Star reports that the average U.S. household spends $100 annually to power devices while they are off, constituting nearly 10 percent of annual electric utility bills and amounting to an annual total of 100 billion-plus kilowatt hours of U.S. electricity consumption and more than $10 billion in annual energy costs.

Public Demands Climate Change Solutions People throughout the U.S. and worldwide, representing hundreds of grassroots and non-government organizations, will converge on New York City for the Peoples Climate March on September 21. As United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon calls for heads of state to mobilize at an historic U.N. Summit on Climate Change that weekend, the people will demand action via the largest-ever climate change citizens’ demonstration. Concerned groups and individuals expect to exchange ideas, articulate common challenges and address solutions. Learn more and sign up at Find a partial list of participating organizations at GroupsMarching.

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September 2014


The Nine Principles Of Harmony Breema For Everyday Joy By Jon Schreiber


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shoulder and said, “Sorry.” This time, an enormous smile spread across his face. We looked into each other’s eyes as though we were old friends. Examining that ordinary mishap and its satisfying outcome, I saw clearly that my response was the result of the transformative education I had received though the cumulative effect of working with the Nine Principles of Harmony. I first heard about the Nine Principles when I began to study Breema many years ago. Over time, they have become the foundation for virtually every positive experience in my life. The Nine Principles of Harmony are: Body Comfortable, No Extra, Firmness and Gentleness, Full Participation, Mutual Support, No Hurry/No Pause, Single Moment/Single Activity, No Judgment and No Force. Their names may seem deceptively simple, but working with each principle can guide us towards an ever-increasing experience of connectedness and harmony. We can apply a principle in any situation, starting from whatever state we find ourselves to be in physically, mentally and emotionally. Why did that man open up to a moment of real human connection? Because fortunately, when I touched his shoulder, the Nine Principles were alive for me. I had no judgment of myself for accidentally stepping on his foot, or of him for getting annoyed. My body and my hand were relaxed and comfortable, and I was fully participating. All the principles were naturally expressed in that simple interaction. I learned to apply the principles in daily life by first applying them while practicing Breema bodywork and Self-Breema exercises. It was a new type of education that taught me I can’t use the principles when mind, body or feelings are working alone, but I can when these three work

This harmony between mind, feelings, and body allows us to taste a higher dimension of consciousness in which we begin to recognize the unity of all life and naturally wish to support it. together harmoniously. When they unite in a common aim, they function differently. The mind has clarity and thinks intentionally, rather than passively being occupied by random thoughts. The feelings are calm and supportive instead of reacting (often negatively) to thoughts passing through the mind. The body is relaxed and available, instead of tense or sluggish. This harmony between mind, feelings, and body allows us to taste a higher dimension of consciousness in which we begin to recognize the unity of all life and naturally wish to support it. Instead of feeling separate and isolated, we can experience the interconnectedness of everything that exists, and that we are always included as part of that unity.

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Jon Schreiber, DC is the Director of the Breema Center and the Breema Clinic in Oakland, CA. A student and an instructor of Breema for 33 years, he teaches nationally and internationally. He will be leading a weekend workshop at Bastyr University November 8-9, which is open to all. For more information:

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September 2014



A Lovely Loo that’s All Green, Too Tips for Eco-Friendly Plants, Shades and Cleaners by Avery Mack


cally letting in fresh air helps keep the room dry and reduces growth of mold, mildew and bacteria. While the kitchen harbors the most germs in the house, the bathroom is a close second. Instead of harsh chemical cleansers, try white vinegar, a safe and economical alternative. Its acidity is effective in killing most germs. Madeleine Somerville, of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, author of All You Need Is Less, uses heated vinegar

ey elements like low-flow faucets and showerheads, VOC-free paint, sustainable flooring and nonporous countertops form the foundation of an eco-friendly bathroom. Now let’s take a look at the softer side of green. Start by considering the use of honeycomb window shades and double-glazed windows to keep this most intimate room comfortable yearround and reduce utility bills. Periodi-

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misted on the shower door to remove soap scum. To achieve a shiny tub, she advises mixing one-quarter cup of baking soda, one tablespoon of natural dishwashing soap and enough water to make a paste. The baking soda also freshens the drain when the tub is rinsed. Toilet bowl ring stains can be scrubbed away with a pumice stone. “Cleaning faucet aerators and exhaust vents on a regular basis extends equipment life, maintains efficiency and prevents minor plumbing problems,” advises Keita Turner, a New York City area interior designer. Turner has also installed dual-flush toilets that necessitate less water and upkeep. Bathroom odors are another concern. A few drops of essential oil on a cotton ball placed inside the toilet paper roll freshens the air every time the roll turns—without the plastic waste byproduct from store-bought brands. Baking soda removes odors in the bath like it does in the fridge. Upgrade from a simple bowlful by designing a mini-Zen meditation spot using a flat, open wooden box and a doll housesized rake. Adding a smooth rock or two for texture heightens visual appeal. Green plants can chip in by absorbing odors, as well. Many, like the Boston fern, thrive in shower steam. Flowering plants add an inviting touch. Be sure to choose child- and pet-safe greenery. Even quick, water-saving showers eventually result in towels and washcloths destined for the laundry. The Good Housekeeping Research Institute suggests that towels can be used up to four times before washing if they are hung to dry between showers, reducing both water and energy usage.

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To avoid spreading germs, personalize towels and washcloths for each child by color or marking with an initial or colored dot. Organic cotton towels are eco-friendly, comfy and widely available, as are organic cotton bath mats. For the crafty, make a mat from recycled towels or upgrade to a footmassaging mat made from recycled wine corks. On special occasions when a soothing bath is called for, add a whimsical touch with Mr. Green, the world’s first rubber duck made in the U.S. from environmentally friendly, recycled and recyclable material. “Recycled materials call for different sculpting and molds, so designing Mr. Green was the hardest thing we’ve ever done,” says Craig Wolfe, president of CelebriDucks, in San Rafael, California. It’s a fun way to remind kids about going green while they spend a few extra minutes getting clean. To indulge in post-shower personal pampering, consider healthenhancing coconut oil for head-totoe moisturizing. As a hair treatment, coconut oil blocks protein loss and reduces frizz. Make a home exfoliating sugar scrub by combining onehalf cup of virgin coconut oil, one cup of organic sugar and 20 drops of lime or another essential oil to gently scrub away dry winter skin. Dry skin and ragged cuticles also benefit from whipped coconut oil. Its antifungal properties help keep toenails healthy and sandal-ready. Goat’s milk soap can reduce symptoms of dry skin, eczema and psoriasis. Its alpha-hydroxy acids remove dead skin cells. Add honey as a natural anti-bacterial boost. Mixing in colloidal oatmeal produces a gentle exfoliator. Let the next upgrade of the bathroom be of a more personal nature aligned with our core values of being good to our family and our home planet. Avery Mack is a freelance writer in St. Louis, MO. Connect via

Green Bathroom Trivia ■ Never clean with sponges—they merely move the germs around; use a washable cloth wipe instead. ■ Turkish cotton towels dry faster than the Egyptian variety. ■ Always put the upper toilet lid down. Testing by scientists at Leeds University found airborne germs 10 inches above and around the commode. ■ Low-flow toilets use as little as 1.6 gallons per flush compared to older styles that use five to seven gallons. The average person flushes five times a day. ■ A bath averages 35 to 50 gallons of water versus a 10-minute shower with a low-flow showerhead maxing out at about 25 gallons. Better yet, take quicker showers and turn off the water while lathering and shaving. ■ Conventional showerheads run at 5 gpm (gallons per minute) compared with low-flow at 2.5 gpm. Conventional faucets can flow at 3 gpm versus low-flow faucets at half that rate. For a calculation of personal water usage, visit Primary Source:

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September 2014



beneficial at-home ARTZ experience relates to the individual’s background or interests, looking for images that tell a story about families or feature animals the loved one likes. “Use open-ended, non-judgmental questions to discuss the art,” Shifrin suggests. “It’s all about listening to the response and encouraging the conversation.”

Musical Connections Trigger Happiness

Sparking Creativity in Elders with Dementia Re-Engaging Through Art, Music and Dance by Deborah Shouse


s there a way to upend the limits of Alzheimer’s disease? Expressive therapies focus on what people can do and their successes. Cultural programs offer creative opportunities for those with dementia and their care partners.

Artful Imagination Prompts Participation

“Looking at art and making observations gives people living with dementia a chance to exercise their imagination and creativity,” says Susan Shifrin,

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Ph.D., director of ARTZ Philadelphia, part of the Artists for Alzheimer’s program founded by John Zeisel, Ph.D., and Sean Caulfield. “There are no right or wrong answers. People are enlivened, realizing they still have ideas to contribute.” Prior to a museum visit, an ARTZ facilitator brings photos of familiar works of art that evoke memories, emotions and conversation to a care facility. The facilitator then tailors a museum visit so that the most engaging works of art are viewed. A similarly

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Dan Cohen, of Brooklyn, New York, had a simple yet profound idea: Furnish people that have memory loss with an iPod loaded with their favorite music. It’s helping people nationwide reconnect with themselves through listening to their personal playlists. He has repeatedly seen how “The music transforms lives.” Cohen notes, “Residents who were formerly idle become engrossed in listening to their favorite music. They are empowered to choose the songs they want to hear. They become engaged as the music triggers memories. I’ve also seen the experience make people more social.” He recommends using headphones to minimize distractions. Sit together, turn on the iPod and watch for smiles of delight.

Dance Movement Integrates Souls

“Dance therapy enhances connections in the brain and uses movement to integrate body, mind and spirit,” says Erica Hornthal, owner of Chicago’s North Shore Dance Therapy, a psychotherapy practice that helps individuals cope with the challenges of dementia.

Hornthal often notices a real change after people experience movement therapy. Often, when she enters a memory care facility she sees people withdrawn or sleeping. After she guides them in specific movements designed to connect mind and body, participants are usually awake, more alert and making eye contact. “We might reach our arms up, then down, to connect with ourselves. We might give ourselves a hug and then stretch toward our neighbor,” explains Hornthal, a boardcertified dance movement therapist. “All the movements have a psychosocial goal.” She suggests that care partners play familiar music and encourage their loved one to move as they wish to. The care partner might move her head or wiggle her fingers to the music, inviting the other to do the same. “Focus on what your loved one can do and celebrate their abilities,” Hornthal advises.

Brushing Watercolor Memories

“Even after memory and cognitive functions are damaged, the ability to create art can continue,” says Karen Clond, a licensed master social worker and dementia care specialist at the Alzheimer’s Association Heart of America chapter, in Prairie Village, Kansas. “The organization’s Memories in the Making art program works because the amygdala, the part of the brain involved with emotions and memory that processes feelings like fear, also processes beauty, appreciation and attachment.”

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Sally Jenny developed the program in 1988, which now boasts more than 4,000 participant artists a week. Facilitators create a safe and encouraging atmosphere to explore painting with watercolors, which can unlock memories, stimulate thoughts and promote social interaction. The process also produces tangible pieces they’ve created and can revisit. “The artists have complete control over their work,” Clond comments. “It’s a failure-free activity.” For at-home painting activities, she suggests inviting guidelines: Provide good-quality supplies; have no expectations; find something good in every effort; ask them to title their piece and affix their artist’s signature; call them an artist and provide artistic respect.

Telling Personal Stories Improves Well-Being

“Creative storytelling for dementia patients replaces the pressure to remember with the freedom to imagine,” remarks Joan Williamson, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a coordinator and master trainer with TimeSlips. She’s seen it improve communication, self-esteem and social interaction for people with memory loss. Whether exploring art, music, movement or storytelling, expressive therapies can enrich the lives and connections of people with dementia and their care partners. Deborah Shouse is the author of Love in the Land of Dementia. Visit

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Indian Vegetarian Cooking Potent Spices and Veggies Fend Off Disease by Bushra Bajwa


egetarians seeking flavorful variations can try 9,000 Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi grocery stores nationwide. “We are now seeing 20 percent non-Indian customers in our store,” says Vipul Patel, owner of the Louisville, Kentucky, branch of Patel Brothers, the largest Indian U.S. grocery store chain. “Usually, new customers come in with an Indian recipe and we

help them find the ingredients.”

Indian Veggies

Vegetarianism has been a way of life in India for millennia. Some Indian vegetables may already seem familiar; winter melon, or white pumpkin, for example, is a squash that cooks and tastes like its orange counterpart. Eggplants native to India are egg-shaped and smaller than the American variety;

they cook in less time and have a less bitter taste. “By eating a larger variety of vegetables, consumers benefit from an increased array of vital nutrients and specialized phytochemicals that have healing and medicinal qualities,” says Ronald Hubbs, a practitioner at NW Naturopathic Medicine, in Portland, Oregon. He advises against overcooking vegetables to maintain their nutritional qualities. Consider pickled vegetables, known as achar. “Naturally fermenting vegetables can turn some of them into superfoods, with enhanced properties that are rich in healthy bacteria and support digestion and immunity,” says Hubbs, citing studies in the Journal of Nutrition and Clinical Microbiology Reviews. Daals, or lentils, including Indian diet staples peas and beans, provide a good source of protein that is also high in fiber, he says. Lentils—highly versatile and available with or without the skin, whole or split—can be eaten thick and creamy, soup-like or dry, cooked with other vegetables or simply enhanced with basic Indian spices. Popular legumes include black-eyed peas and garbanzo beans. Different regions in the Indian subcontinent have their preferred daal spices and cooking methods, but all citizens often serve them with boiled rice or Indian bread, called chapatti.

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Indian Spices

Although often considered “hot”, the blend of aromatic herbs and spices used in many Indian dishes, including those incorporating dairy, can be layered in for tantalizing flavors without necessitating frequent water breaks. Many commonly used herbs and spices have proven medicinal properties, historically recognized for

their healing properties in ayurvedic therapies and more recently, in Indian alternative medicine. For example, University of Maryland Medical Center research shows that fennel seeds aid digestion and the Journal of Phytopathology reports that carom seeds have antiseptic properties. Recently, researchers at Penn State University found that antioxidant spices such as turmeric, oregano, cinnamon, cloves and paprika reduced triglycerides in the blood by 30 percent, helping to reduce the risk of chronic disease. “That’s because adding spices to a meal decreases the amount of fat in the bloodstream after eating,” explains study leader Ann Skulas-Ray, Ph.D. Americans can easily learn to bring out the best in their own Indian cuisine with the subcontinent’s alluring blends of herbs and spices delivering both unforgettable flavor and nutrientrich fare.

EZ garam Masala Authentic garam masala is made with whole spices that have been roasted and ground, but this quick and easy substitute will add a warm, sweet flavor to vegetables, rice and other foods. 2 Tbsp ground coriander 1 Tbsp ground cumin 1 Tbsp ground cardamom 1 Tbsp ground black pepper 1 Tbsp ground fennel seed 1 tsp ground mustard ½ tsp ground cloves ½ tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp ground cayenne red pepper 2 Tbsp ground turmeric Mix the spices in a small bowl, place in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place.

Bushra Bajwa is a freelance writer in Issaquah, WA. Connect at

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natural awakenings

September 2014


Spicy Indian Family Recipes Basic okra 3 Tbsp olive oil 2 finely chopped medium yellow onion 2 finely chopped vine tomatoes 18 oz okra (about 50 pieces), washed, dried, ends trimmed and then cut into ½-inch pieces Sea salt to taste Red chili powder to taste ½ tsp coriander powder ½ tsp turmeric powder Fresh cilantro for garnish Heat oil in a 2-quart saucepan to lightly brown the onions.

1 finely chopped tomato Sea salt to taste 1 tsp garam masala blend of ground spices 1 jalapeño finely chopped (optional) ¼ tsp baking soda 2 Tbsp purified water Fresh cilantro for garnish

Add salt, chili powder, coriander powder and turmeric. Mix.

Heat oil in saucepan before adding ingredients.

Add tomatoes and cook on medium heat for 5 to 6 minutes, covered.

Add chickpeas, potatoes, tomatoes, salt and garam masala to saucepan and bring to a boil.

Add the okra, mix well and simmer for another 8 to 10 minutes. Serve garnished with cilantro.

Add baking soda and water, and then simmer for 7 to 8 minutes or until potatoes are tender.

organic Baby Potatoes and Chickpeas

Maash Daal

1 Tbsp olive oil 2 cups chickpeas, cooked, drained and rinsed 3 baby potatoes, washed and diced

2 Tbsp olive oil 2 cups maash (urad) lentils 1 medium yellow onion, peeled and finely chopped


Heat oil in saucepan to brown onions. Add ginger and garlic, spices and tomatoes and stir for a few minutes to make a paste. Add lentils and water, and then bring to boil. Simmer on low to medium heat for 30 minutes.

Bitter gourd 2 Tbsp olive oil 5 bitter gourds 1 medium yellow onion, peeled and sliced finely 2 tomatoes, chopped finely 1 tsp turmeric Sea salt to taste Wash and trim bitter gourd ends. Cut in half lengthwise and remove the seeds. Rub salt into the pieces and set aside for 20 to 30 minutes (to remove the bitterness). Rinse out the salt and dry the bitter gourd.

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Heat oil in saucepan and then add bitter gourd, turmeric and salt. Sauté on medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes.

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Add onions and sauté for another 5 minutes.

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Wash lentils and soak in warm water for 1 hour.

Slice the halves into ¼-inch pieces.

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1 tsp ginger, peeled and finely chopped 1 clove garlic, peeled and finely chopped ½ tsp turmeric ½ tsp coriander powder 2 cups purified water Sea salt to taste Chili powder to taste 2 tomatoes, finely chopped Fresh cilantro and chilies for garnish

Add tomatoes, mix well and cook on medium heat for another 5 minutes. Recipes courtesy of Bushra Bajwa.

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Smart Electricity? Taking A Closer look At Smart Meters By Ann Dorn


mart meters are coming to your home, possibly sooner than you think. That’s the message of Josh del Sol’s new documentary, Take Back Your Power, and also the subject of current debate in Seattle. Proponents of the new meters advocate for energy saving environmentally friendly aspects, while opponents question not only energy savings, but also health effects they believe may be caused by the microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. “Smart meters” are digital meters designed to replace your current analog electric meter. The devices communicate energy usage with utilities, and most rely on a wireless network that helps information leap from house to house before finally being transmitted to a collection point. Seattle’s city council will vote on September 30 on whether Seattle City Light may move ahead with plans to install the meters, while many other local municipalities have installed water measuring smart meters already. According to del Sol, who lives in Woodinville, this is the way the industry is moving, and virtually all utilities nationwide have or will install smart meters at some point. “The so-called smart meters have two transmitters typically, one at 900 megahertz that connects with the



neighborhood area network and emits pulse transmissions of your data every few seconds, bouncing from house to house,” del Sol explains. The frequency is about the same as the frequency at which cell phones operate. An internal transmitter, designed to be turned on remotely at a future date, is called the ZigBee chip and will operate at 2.4 gigahertz, the frequency of baby monitors and microwaves, to communicate with appliances in the home area network and relay information to the utility.

Higher Bills

Del Sol is highly concerned about the new meters. Between data monitoring capabilities, the effects of electromagnetic radiation, and other potential issues, del Sol believes citizens would be wise to resist the smart meters before it’s too late. “The smart meter agenda is being pushed through as part of a climate action plan in Seattle and almost every city in North America,” del Sol says. “It’s being done in the name of saving energy and giving the homeowner more tools to tell how much energy they’re using on various appliances.” However, del Sol takes issue with the idea that smart meters will reduce energy usage. “It’s not actually sav-

ing energy – it’s using more energy in many cases,” he says, noting that a number of smart meter customers have reported their bills rose after the meters were installed. While independent studies have not been conducted to verify that claim, anecdotes abound on websites like, with some utility customers asserting their bills have risen anywhere from 8 to 800 percent. Seattle City Light says the new meters are more accurate, and this may result in a higher bill. “The older electromechanical meters that will be replaced have disks that spin, supported by a steel needle nose shaft, which over time tend to wear off causing friction,” J.R. Gonzalez, advanced meter project manager for Seattle City Light, said in a recent emailed statement to Seattle Natural Awakenings. “This friction tends to slow the meter down so it does not record all of the electricity being used. The new meters are much more accurate so in some cases customers will see a difference because they will be charged for all of the electricity they are using.” Gonzalez says Seattle City Light will be responsive in the event a meter fails and a customer is overbilled. “With any meter technology, there will be a few meters that fail to per-

form to standards,” he writes. “When we encounter such an instance, we will replace the meter and work with the customer to ensure that they are only charged for the electricity they use.” Currently, meter data collection in Seattle involves an employee who generally drives from home to home to record energy usage in preparation for billing. Not only do smart meters get rid of the need for a human to fulfil this role, but they also provide the utility (and customers, via a website or app) with detailed information about peak usage times, which often are billed at a higher rate.

Data Collection

“With smart meters, police will have access to information that will tell what people do in their own homes, from the exercise they do to what they watch on television and more,” del Sol says. “This is a clear fourth amendment violation and goes one or two steps farther than NSA spying revelations.” Del Sol thinks the industry may be influenced by white papers and discussions he says have centered around how utilities can survive in a changing world, and one model is to become data collectors for profit. “Men, women and children eventually become the resource and the product,” del Sol says. “They are the generators of valuable data of living and purchasing habits, data which can be sold for a profit.” Del Sol notes many modern appliances are currently being designed to be capable of transmitting data to smart meters, and ultimately the utility, and anyone who can legally access the information. He references a report from the San Francisco Chronicle that revealed one utility in California, the San Diego Gas & Electric Company, released data from over 4,000 customers collected via smart meter in response to subpoenas. According to the Chronicle, the information was largely used to locate specific individuals. “Any utility employee, a hacker, or a police officer or government agency can theoretically access your data,”

“In real life, they’re not safe, and people are getting ill. We’re so used to and programmed that other wireless transmissions are safe, that we’ve just kind of accepted it into our lives, even though there is so much research showing it’s not.” del Sol says. “They’re wanting to come into your home and extract data of everything that goes on in the home—the level of detail that utilities have stated they want to attain is shocking.” Seattle City Light acknowledges that they will own the data, but counters that they are bound by local and state regulations. “Seattle City Light will own and maintain the data,” Gonzalez says. “And, yes, there are data privacy codes and regulations that City Light must comply with in protecting the customer data.” A number of municipalities have grappled with the legality and mechanisms of opting out from smart meter installation over the past few years, and most utilities charge a fee ranging from $10-25 per month to those who wish to retain their analog meter. Seattle City Light says customers will also have to pay a fee to opt out, but the city council will have the final say on the amount. “More information about the opt-out policy will be provided to City Light’s customers in 2015, before the advanced meter rollout,” Gonzalez notes. “The policy will entail a fee, which will require Seattle City Council approval before being made public.”

Health Effects

In addition to privacy concerns, a growing number of people are concerned about the potential harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation. “In real life, they’re not safe, and people are getting ill,” del Sol

says of smart meters. “We’re so used to and programmed that other wireless transmissions are safe, that we’ve just kind of accepted it into our lives, even though there is so much research showing it’s not,” he continues. The technology is new enough that there are almost no studies analyzing the effects of smart meters themselves, so current FCC recommendations are based on studies of wireless transmissions, and mostly on the effects of cell phone transmissions, which have not been shown to be harmful. “We have reviewed many scientific studies, most sanctioned by independent organizations and non-profit entities unaffiliated with any utility,” Gonzalez writes. “None of the scientific studies we have seen have found a conclusive link to any health risks from advanced meters.” Most utilities also point to the fact that electricity-measuring smart meters are only actually transmitting for 45-60 seconds per day. However, depending on the type of the meter being used, the exposure may be nearly constant. “So named smart meters pulse every few seconds,” del Sol explains. “The industry will tell us it’s only 45-60 seconds per day, but what they won’t tell us is that it’s for a few milliseconds every few seconds. It’s an exposure that’s involuntary and it adds up,” he finishes. While the meters are pulsing, they may also be creating another problem. Unlike older analog meters, the new meters use an internal device called a “switch mode power supply” to step down voltage, and this causes a back flow in electricity in the household electric system. The back flow of electricity can contribute to generating an electromagnetic field causing microwave radiation that radiates from wiring throughout the house, also known as “dirty electricity.” This microwave radiation may be stronger in some houses than others, particularly homes with electrical issues or wiring problems, and it radiates outward from the wiring at varying levels. The World Health Organization sets an exposure limit of 2,000 gigahertz, but members

natural awakenings

September 2014


of groups like Michigan Stop Smart Meters claim to have measured bursts of electromagnetic radiation caused by dirty electricity that range from 4,000 to 60,000 gigahertz. This radiation comes from a home’s wiring, and is different than the wireless radio frequency radiation emitted by the meter itself, which typically operates in the same range that wifi operates. Del Sol says measuring only radio frequency radiation levels contributes to an illusion of safety—but it’s not the whole story. “The real facts are that according to the FCC guidelines, smart meters should be safe. The FCC guidelines, to be clear, don’t talk about voltage transience or dirty electricity—they only speak to wireless transmissions,” del Sol says. Levels of electromagnetic radiation are high enough on an ongoing basis to concern some public health officials. In a 2012 report created for the County of Santa Cruz, the county’s public health officer noted that radiation is cumulative, a factor also not taken into account in setting transmis-

sion exposure guidelines. In addition, the report pointed to a growing number of studies that are finding negative effects of non-thermal radiation. In other words, this research suggests your body temperature doesn’t have to rise to cause DNA damage, increased blood brain barrier permeability, or contribute to harmful effects on sperm. “Many other agencies over the past decades have called out the guidelines as being inapplicable and outdated, because they don’t take into

account anything other than thermal radiation,” del Sol says. Expand the definition of safety to include the effects of electromagnetic exposure, in addition to wireless transmissions, and acknowledge that damage can exist without any thermal changes (a rise in temperature), and del Sol’s concerns start to take shape. “There are over 6,000 published studies that indicate a biological effect from lower levels of microwave radiation, and the FCC is ignoring all of those, because it’s never been mandated for them to be concerned about health,” del Sol says. “The EPA isn’t even involved—there’s no other agency involved in prescribing limits for radiation in this country.”

What’s Next

Seattle City Council passed a resolution on June 30 requiring Seattle City Light to compile a report on the “cost, health, environmental concerns and customer data security implications” of smart meters and deliver this report to the energy committee by September 30. City council asked the utility to

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make actual measurements of the meter’s radio frequency field emissions, and report back on how the emissions compare with cell phones and microwaves at various distances from the meter. A screening of Take Back Your Power will take place at a Seattle Town Hall event September 6 at 7 p.m. at 1119 8th Avenue, Seattle, with doors opening at 6 p.m. The cost is $5 per person, and a question and answer session with Josh del Sol will follow. A forum for residents to give feedback to city council members is expected to take place Sept. 15, although the time of the event was not confirmed by press time (for updates, check According to del Sol, most council members are likely to vote to approve the meters as part of Seattle’s strategic plan, and he thinks what happens in Seattle may influence other cities in the area. Snohomish Public Utilities received stimulus funding several years ago to install smart meters, and many water utilities in cities ranging from Woodinville to Puyallup have installed water smart meters, with more utilities slated to install the meters in coming years. Seattle City Light says not many of their customers appear to be worried. Gonzalez, noting a recent survey, with 639 Seattle City Light customers responding, says the utility found few customers were concerned about health issues, while also showing high interest in managing their electricity usage online and through an app in the future. “Advanced metering ... can help minimize outages and cut down on maintenance costs,” Gonzalez writes, quoting from text on the Seattle City Light website. “Since we have a generation source that is 95 percent hydroelectric, this translates to much more efficient use of a precious natural resource—water. And it allows our low-impact hydroelectric projects to operate in an even more ‘fish-friendly’ manner. The advanced metering program has the capability to support our solar customers with much more detailed billing information, and two-directional meters, and support those customers who purchase electric vehicles, by providing the ability to have time-of-use metering.” For his part, del Sol remains concerned and dedicated to raising awareness. He urges members of the public to start by educating themselves and watching his recently released documentary, Take Back Your Power, (regularly $10 to rent online and available during the month of September to Natural Awakenings readers for $1 with the coupon code “awakenings” at “Only a minority of people will feel the effects of the smart meters, but as two doctors in our documentary state, it’s affecting everyone and their lab work proves it,” del Sol says. “People need to get to the Take Back Your Power screening at the Seattle Town Hall on September 6 so they can learn about what they can do, including strategies to hold utilities liable for harm, as well as the facts that utilities aren’t telling people.” Josh del Sol can be reached at For more information:,, or

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September 2014


calendarofevents NoTE: All Calendar events must be received by the 12th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Email for guidelines and to submit entries. Alternatively, visit to submit online.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Raja and Hatha Yoga Intensive – Thursdays through November 20. 6-9:15pm. Learn how to meditate and how to practice the yoga postures in the way they were originally intended: as an aid to inner unfoldment. Also offered at East West Bookshop in Seattle, Tuesdays September 9 through November 25, 6-9pm. $440 plus text. Hatha only $175, Raja only $265. Ananda Meditation Temple, 23305 Bothell-Everett Hwy, Bothell. Registration required. 425-806-3700. Easy DeClutter Tips with Essential Oils – 7-8:30 pm. Discover a remarkably easy process for clearing clutter. Sample essential oils, meet new friends, and have fun. Free. Three Tree Wellness Center, 643 SW 152nd St, Burien. Registration required. 206-708-3708.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Crystal Bowl Sound Bath Experience – 7:30pm. Join Imara, world-renown visionary teacher and healer as she guides attendees through a memorable chakra balancing experience, supported by the powerful harmonics of crystal singing bowls and followed by a unique guided meditation. $15. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-523-3726.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Awareness Through Movement Series – Saturdays through September 27. 9-10am. Using small movements, explore how to move with ease and comfort, allowing movement to be enjoyable and

fun. Mats are provided. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a large towel. $55/4 classes, $15/drop-in. Ladywell’s Vitality Spa and Sauna, 8538 1st Ave NW, Seattle. Registration required. 206-852-8692.

3-class series. The text is the book by Paramhansa Yogananda, How to Have Courage, Calmness and Confidence. $30. Ananda Meditation Temple, 23305 Bothell-Everett Hwy, Bothell. 425-8063700.

Harvest Fair - Seattle Tilth – 10am-4pm. Celebrate harvest season at Seattle Tilth’s annual urban farm festival. Featuring workshops, cooking demonstrations and fun activities for all ages with food and enjoy live music. Free. Meridian Park, 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Seattle. 206-633-0451, ext 119.


Take Back Your Power Screening And Q&A – 7 pm. The director of the new documentary about smart meter dangers, Take Back Your Power, will be on hand to answer questions after screening the documentary. $5. 1119 8th Avenue, Seattle.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Bastyr University Open House - Continuing Education Programs – 6-9pm. Spend an enlightening evening exploring a variety of our non-credit certificate and training programs. Meet the instructors and ask questions. Enjoy mini-workshops on two of the topics of your choice. General public, health care professionals, students, friends and family are welcome. Free. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. How to Have Courage, Calmness and Confidence – Tuesdays through September 23. 7:309pm. Learn simple techniques to help calmly face challenging situations and summon forth the courage to rise to the occasion with confidence in this

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Aromatherapy: Health Benefits of Asian Essential Oils – 5:30-9pm. We will identify recent research in evolutionary and cellular biology which demonstrates a variety of anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects of Asian essential oils, extracts - especially from Asian spices. We will also discuss cultural background and potential therapeutic applications. $45-$129. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 Yoga Teacher Training – Fridays through Sundays until February 15. Learn to help others change their lives through the practice of yoga. Rather than focusing only on the physical body, Ananda yoga harnesses the subtle energy of each asana, channeling it inward and upward. Includes weekend retreat. Ananda Meditation Temple, 23305 Bothell-Everett Hwy, Bothell. Registration required. 425-806-3700. Siberian Soul Retrieval – 7:30pm. Grandmother Nadia Duvan returns to the Pacific Northwest to conduct a group healing ceremony. Please bring drums and percussive instruments as the healing ceremony requires the attendees to help raise energy. $20. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-5233726.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 Shamanic Training in Creativity – Saturday & Sunday. 9:30am-5pm. With Beth Beurkens, M.A. In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to enhance their creativity through the practice of shamanic methods. Sponsored by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Registration required. 541-708-0473. Free Class: How Ayurvedic Medicine Can Help You – 10:30am-12pm. With Dhaval Dhru, MD. Based on the 5,000-year-old medical traditions of India, ayurveda aims to help patients find and maintain balance by stimulating the body’s natural healing powers. Free. Bastyr Center for Natural Health, 3670 Stone Way N, Seattle. 206-834-4100.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction – Sundays through November 9. 10am-12:30pm. Mindfulness meditation for stress relief, improving emotional regulation, medical issues, and finding more peace and joy in your life. 3 CDs and manual included. All

welcome, no experience necessary. Introduction on September 7, 10-11:30am. Donations appreciated. $285 individual and $270 with friend. Way of Life Wellness Center, 355 NW Gilman Blvd Ste 105, Issaquah. Registration required. 206-328-3572. Living in Balance – 1-4pm. Joel and Michelle Levey show that in each moment people have the capacity to be mindful of whether thoughts and actions are moving toward harmony and balance or away from it. $40 adv. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-523-3726.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Free Film Screening & Diversity Dialogue: An Evening with Lee Mun Wah – 6-9pm. Join us for this event hosted by the Bastyr University Diversity Committee, for a conversation with Lee Mun Wah and a free screening of his new film about racism and higher education, “If These Halls Could Talk.” Free. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3000.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction – Tuesdays through November 4. 6pm-8:30 pm. See September 14 description. $285 individual $270 with friend. Fremont Studio, 816 N 38th St, Seattle. Registration required. 206-328-3572.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 Aromatherapy: The Essential Oil Medicine Cabinet – 6-9pm. Essential oils are a safe and economical alternative to over-the-counter drugs, offering relief from pain, inflammation, headaches, digestive issues, bacterial and viral infection and so much more. $35-$65. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 Aromatherapy & Essential Oils - Foundations – September 19-21. 9:30am-5:30pm. Essential oils are nature’s powerful healing tools from plants around the globe. Explore their holistic and therapeutic function in complementary health; cosmetic and beauty treatments; quality control issues; and best practices in developing formulations for professional and personal use. $355$475. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. An Evening with Colette Baron-Reid & Dougall Fraser – 7:30pm. Join Colette Baron-Reid and Dougall Fraser as they give a glimpse into the world of what it means to be a professional intuitive and how to connect with one’s own inner power. $60. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-523-3726.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Ask an Expert at Second Use’s Fall Fest – 2-6pm. Get answers to your home improvement questions without having to call a contractor. Booth host, Mighty House Construction (a sustainable home remodeling company), will be joined by other

specialty trades to advise on concepts in and outside of one’s home. All that is needed is inspiration and an inquiring mind. Celebrating the Divine in All – Fall Equinox Service – 7:30-8:30pm. The Fall Equinox celebrates the bountiful harvest of our spiritual and material efforts to expand consciousness. Harvest offerings will be made from Ananda Farms as we celebrate with music, poetry, and ceremony. Separate activities for children ages 5 to 10. Hors d’oeuvres to follow. Free. Ananda Meditation Temple, 23305 Bothell-Everett Hwy, Bothell. 425-806-3700.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Elevate Your Vibes with Essential Oils – 7-8:30 pm. Sample doTERRA essential oils, meet new friends, and bring the fun back into life. Free. Three Tree Wellness Center, 643 SW 152nd St, Burien. Registration required. 206-708-3708.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Ask the Doctor Lecture Series – 7-9pm. Lecture Topic: Treating Diabetes Naturally. Learn how to prevent and treat diabetes naturally. Dr. Ani Das is an experienced osteopathic physician and current clinical faculty at the University of Washington. Free. Flat Rock Health Seattle, 10564 5th Ave NE, Ste 402, Seattle. 206-258-6652.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 Relaxation, Exploration and Rejuvenation: A Women’s Retreat on the Healing Island of Lopez – September 25-28. San Juan Islands.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Indigenous Wisdom & Healing: Tracking & Clearing – Saturday & Sunday. 9:30am-6pm. Direct the power of the mind to bring valuable information into consciousness and explore energetic terrain. Connect with a client’s inner health to reveal patterns of injury and unresolved issues. Learn how to release traumatic imprints, boost vitality and activate a client’s innate ability to heal. $215$355. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Breaking the Cancer Code – 3pm. Carolyn Gross will discuss the new cancer treatment called Immunotherapy. This program is beneficial to both

patients and healthcare professionals in explaining how the immune system can be educated to recognize and destroy cancer. Discover how to empower patients about the importance of Psychoneuroimmunology in their healing strategy. $40. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-523-3726.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 An Evening of Spirit – 7 -9pm . With James Van Praagh. Bridging the gap between two planes of existence, that of the living and that of the dead by providing evidential proof of life after death via detailed messages. James will select audience participants in the calling of spirits. $49. Center for Spiritual Living, 5801 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-527-8801.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 Health and Happiness Class – 9am-12pm. With Mary Davis. Learn the latest research and techniques to improve health and happiness, including a basic meditation practice to implement at home. Topics covered include food, exercise, sleep, meditation, gratitude, m mindfulness and brain research. $50. Meditate Seattle Studio, 2145 Boyer Ave E, Seattle. Registration required. 206-679-9620. Phenomenal Aura Workshop – 9am-4pm. Join Samantha as she guides through techniques to develop perception of seeing one’s aura by feeling and learn the impact of your aura on your life and the world around. $70. Orcas Island, 70 Langell Lane, Eastsound. Registration required. 206-4030283.

save the date SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 Green Art: Trees, Leaves and Roots – Saturdays & Sundays through November 9. 10am-5pm. Opening party & potluck; October 11, 5pm to 9pm. Featured artists in the gallery: Barbara De Pirro (installations), Kirk McLean (stone sculptures), Patricia Resseguie (fiber) and Susan Cohen Thompson (paintings and ceramics). New sculptures in the 10-acre park. Free. Matzke Fine Art Gallery and Sculpture Park, 2345 Blanche Way, Camano Island. 360-387-2759.

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September 2014


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classifieds Fee for classifieds is $1.00 per word per month. To place listing, email content to Deadline is the 12th of the month.

COACHING Intuitive Life Coach – Are your goals and aspirations on track? Is your partner not hearing you? Does the same life lesson keep rearing it’s ugly head? I have over two decades of experience. Call 360-243-8255 for an appointment.

QIGONG Five Mountains Institute of Qigong and Taijiquan – Live Healthier. Sustain Vitality. Classes in Embracing the Taoist Tradition. Dennis Sharp, Certified Instructor. 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle. 425-775-9609.

VOCATIONAL TRAINING Affordable Massage Training – Reputable school. Classes forming now in Mountlake Terrace. 510-hour licensing program. Weekend scheduling. Pay by the month. Also accommodating transfers from outside Washington. Why wait? 360-301-6260.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 Ask the Doctor Lecture Series – 7-9pm. Lecture Topic: Understanding Health Insurance. Open enrollment for health insurance begins in November. Get insurance questions answered before deciding on an insurance plan. Dr. Ani Das is an experienced osteopathic physician and current clinical faculty at the University of Washington. Free. Flat Rock Health Seattle, 10564 5th Ave NE, Ste 402, Seattle. 206-258-6652.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Divine Wisdom Retreat – November 7-9. Join three powerful, world renowned bestselling authors and spiritual leaders, Lisa Williams, Colette Baron Reid, Denise Linn, as they take you on a sacred spiritual journey to let go of the past, claim the present and most importantly, manifest the future of your dreams in this retreat at Scottsdale, Arizona. $475. Double Tree Resort, 5401 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale. Registration required. 480-970-8543. CelebrateYourLife.Org.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Breema: The Art of Being Present – 9:30am-5pm Saturday. 9:30am-1:45pm Sunday. Breema is a comprehensive holistic system that uses movement and touch, integrated with universal principles. Practicing Breema supports you to connect with others while deepening your connection to yourself. Register by October 15 to receive an early discount. Bastyr University. Register: 425-602-3152 or

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Way of the Shaman: Shamanic Journey, Power & Healing – Saturday & Sunday. 9:30am-5pm. With Beth Beurkens, M.A. During this experiential workshop, participants are introduced to the methods of the shaman for entering spiritual reality for problem solving and healing. Aided by drumming, participants are initiated into shamanic journeying to explore the hidden universe, to awaken dormant spiritual abilities, and to restore spiritual power. Seattle. Registration required. 541-708-0473.

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ongoing WEDNESDAYS Free Introduction to Meditation Class – 3rd Wednesday. 6-7pm. With Mary Davis, Family Nurse Practitioner. Learn the mind/body health benefits of meditation and leave with an easy daily practice to begin at home. Davis has a background of 35 years in Family Practice, 40 years of meditation, and Chopra Center Teacher Certification. Free. Seattle Healing Arts Center, 6300 9th Ave NE, Seattle.

THURSDAYS Free Essential Oil Workshops – 7-8:30pm. Aromatherapy workshops: August 7 - Intro to Essential Oils; August. 14 - Essential Oils for the Summer Chef; August 21 - Aromatherapy & Affirmations; August 28 - Essential Oils Sampling Party. Join us for refreshments, raffle gifts, and fun. Natural Health Clinic of Des Moines, 22014 7th Ave S, Des Moines. Registration required. 206-708-3708.

FRIDAYS Lift Your Spirits with Dena Marie – 8-9am. Discover fascinating people, inspiring activities and places that will lift one’s spirits in this radio show. Tune in to 1150 AM KKNW Alternative Talk Radio every Friday at 8am. 425-350-5448.

SATURDAYS SewUpSeattle Free Sewing Session – 4th Saturday. 11am-1pm. On the 4th Saturday of the month bring your own project and machine or create with our donated fabrics and machines. Women and men of all ages and skill levels welcome. Free. Sewing Room in Denny Park Lutheran Church, 766 John St, Seattle. Registration required. 206-784-7117.

SUNDAYS Sunday Meditation – 11am. Learn how to meditate. Come in any Sunday for a guided Meditation Hour and discover spiritual techniques that can help. Visit our website to learn what is offered each week. Free. CDM Spiritual Center, 2402 Summit Ave, Everett. 425-258-1449.

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September 2014


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