Seattle Pride Magazine - June, 2020

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Seattle Pride MAGAZINE • SUMMER 2020


How Kennedy Catholic High School students stood up on behalf of love


Our LGBTQIA+ resource guide

Pride Goes Virtual

Events march on in the face of COVID-19

2  Seattle Pride Magazine

Vol. 1  |  No. 1

Summer 2020

In This Issue Letter from the board president........................................................................................ 5 Letter from the editor...................................................................................................................... 6 Indigenous and Two Spirit communities lead the way in the 2019 Seattle Pride Parade. Photo courtesy of Nate Gowdy

News & Notes ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Partner Spotlight: Alaska Airlines....................................................................................26 Seattle Virtual Pride 2020.........................................................................................................32 inQUEERY Resource Guide.......................................................................................................36 Faces of Pride........................................................................................................................................38

On the Cover Seattle Pride MAGAZINE • SUMMER 2020

Features Vashon Island’s Long, Quiet LGBTQ History Comes Out IN and OUT exhibit celebrates the island community’s early embrace of LGBTQ people.................................................... 14

Cultural Understanding Shockwave

How Kennedy Catholic High School students stood up on behalf of love


Our LGBTQIA+ resource guide

Pride Goes Virtual

Events march on in the face of COVID-19

“Peace In Mind” by Ben Calhoun.

Leading the way for LGBTQIA+ inclusive healthcare................... 20

Shockwave How Kennedy Catholic students stood up to Seattle’s archdiocese...................................................................... 28

Summer 2020  3

Seattle Pride Magazine

A publication of Seattle Pride Krystal Marx Editor Noah Wagoner Office Manager Shaun Swick Publication Design and Production Encore Media Group Advertising Sales Brian Jones Partnership Consultant Nate Gowdy Photographer


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(425) 747-2911 |

Randy Hurlow, Phil Jun, Amanda Kelly & Caitlyn Williams, Why For Good Contributing Writers Editorial Note: LGBTQIA+ is this publication’s preferred reference, and is used throughout unless the specific reference is intended to be a subset of the full LGBTQIA+ community. Seattle Pride Magazine is published quarterly. All rights reserved. © Seattle Pride™ 2020. Reproduction without written permission is prohibited.

PAUL HEPPNER President MIKE HATHAWAY Senior Vice President KAJSA PUCKETT Vice President, Sales & Marketing GENAY GENEREUX Accounting & Office Manager Production SUSAN PETERSON Vice President, Production JENNIFER SUGDEN Assistant Production Manager ANA ALVIRA, STEVIE VAN BRONKHORST Production Artists and Graphic Designers Sales MARILYN KALLINS, TERRI REED San Francisco/Bay Area Account Executives BRIEANNA HANSEN, SHERRI JARVEY, ANN MANNING Seattle Area Account Executives CAROL YIP Sales Coordinator Marketing SHAUN SWICK Brand & Creative Manager CIARA CAYA Marketing Coordinator Encore Media Group 425 North 85th Street • Seattle, WA 98103 800.308.2898 • 206.443.0445 Encore — Connecting Arts, Culture and Community.

4  Seattle Pride Magazine

Letter From the Board President Dear Greater Seattle Community, My name is Alex Ruble, and I am honored to be the board president of Seattle Out

& Proud. By way of an introduction, I am originally from Appalachian West Virginia, where I founded Alderon Broaddus University’s first LGBTQ and Allies organization

before moving to Florida and joining the team of Orlando Pride from 2015–2018. My career in recruiting, as well as celebrating our community and being a tenacious

advocate for our rights brought me to Seattle Pride, where I am honored to help steer this organization.

Already halfway through 2020, we have faced an unmatched level of uncertainty and trying times. Through that unpredictability, however, our organization has

decided to focus on growing in professionalism and purpose that will enable us to

fully execute our Mission of creating unity, honor diversity, and achieve equal human

rights throughout our region and the world. Some early accomplishments in this area include: • • • • • • •

Creating a 501(c)(3) arm of Seattle Pride—the Seattle Out & Proud Foundation

Hiring our first employee—our full-time executive director, Krystal Marx, a bisexual nonprofit professional

Hiring our second employee—our part-time office manager, Noah Wagoner, a trans man with years of community engagement experience

Turning our annual Pride Guide into a quarterly magazine with stories about our community, resources and more

Transitioning from a working Board of volunteers, to a working/governance Board Bringing on three new Board members for our 501(c)(4) (Seattle Pride), and one

Seattle Pride Board Members OFFICERS Alex Ruble, President Ramone Myers, Vice President Stephanie Bailey, Secretary & Volunteer Director Christine Lyon, Treasurer DIRECTORS Dylan M. Austin

for our new 501(c)(3) (Seattle Out & Proud Foundation)

Chloey Cavanaugh

equip us to run this organization with skill, transparency and integrity.

Miguel A. Duncan-Galvez Bravo

Identifying meaningful training opportunities for our Board and Staff, to better

We’ve been doing more than just professionalizing. This year, the Board and I have

tried to think strategically on ways to engage with our community all year round to bring us together and tap into the power of our shared experiences. We intend to

Courtney L. Greer Kevin S. Wang

continue forward in this goal, despite of (and because of!) this COVID-19 pandemic.

Seattle Out & Proud Foundation Board Members

As you can see, we have been up to a lot, but we know there is so much more we can

Alex Ruble, President

and adapt to this new environment—from our community members to our corporate

Ramone Myers, Vice President

be doing. I want to thank each and every one of you for sticking with us as we grow partners, our allies to our legislators, our youth to our elders.

Christine Lyon, Treasurer

We are truly: Many Faces, One Pride.

Carmen Rivera, Director


Alex Ruble

Board President, Seattle Out & Proud

Summer 2020  5

Letter From the Editor Hello, Seattle! My name is Krystal Marx, and I am the executive director of Seattle Out & Proud // Seattle Pride. I also have the distinct honor of being the editor of the Seattle Pride Magazine.

The Greater Seattle area is my lifelong home. My family and I live in Burien, where I currently

serve as deputy mayor on the Burien City Council. Our weekends are filled with trips to Seahurst Beach on the Sound, Pike Place Market for doughnuts (and maybe some comic books…), and

anywhere I can find to run some energy out of these four mini-humans who keep calling me ‘Mom.’

This past year, however, has not afforded any of us the opportunity to explore and connect as a community the way that we have been so lucky to do in years prior.

As you are likely aware, we have had to cancel our in-person offerings during the month of June due to the COVID-19 pandemic; namely, Pride in the Park and the Seattle Pride Parade—among the nation’s largest

Pride Parades, seeing over 500,000 in attendance every year. We don’t get to march, we don’t get to sing, we don’t get to dress up, we don’t get to gather together.

We do, however, get to remember… and to look ahead with fierce determination. The theme of this year’s Seattle Pride events is “Many Faces, One Pride”—as chosen by you! Seattle Pride

has evolved into a year-round advocacy organization with the goal of putting on more events, giving more grants, and spreading more awareness of the civil rights we have fought for, won, and continue to struggle to achieve. Those are the faces of Pride.

As executive director, I am responsible for advancing Seattle Pride’s mission, expanding community

relationships, and working with our Board to steward the organization’s grants and sponsorships in support of community-based LGBTQIA+ organizations. So far, that has taken the form of: • • • • • • •

Creating two monthly e-newsletters for the public and our corporate partners;

Creating advocacy alerts through email and Twitter on legislative issues impacting our LGBTQIA+ community in Olympia and beyond;

Increasing our social media presence year-round; Launching this quarterly magazine;

Putting the call out for community art submissions for the cover of the Seattle Pride Magazine (with a $500 stipend), as well as choosing the 2020 theme;

Working in coordination with Pride organizations across the nation to make the voice of our community heard when our rights are attacked;

Creating our COVID-19 Emergency Response Grant, and distributing those funds to seven organizations serving the most vulnerable in our community.

… and we’re just getting started, baby. I look forward to providing you with meaningful, accessible, soul-enriching events in the second half of 2020. We have so much more to be thankful for than we do to mourn, but I am still holding space for you for the loss of all of the incredible June events that marked “our time” to celebrate, remember and unite. With Pride, Krystal

6  Seattle Pride Magazine


Ellie, Age 57 Her partner, Karen Florida

Ellie’s severe asthma attacks were triggered by secondhand smoke at work. She and her partner have to live with its effects forever. If you or someone you know wants free help to quit smoking, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW. #CDCTips Summer 2020  7

Letter From the Governor

Greetings from the Governor June 28, 2020

I am pleased to extend warm greetings to all those celebrating Pride this month. This is a time for looking back with respect, honor, and gratitude to those who began the fight for equality while also looking forward with ambition, motivation, pride, and hope. Seattle Pride will look different this year. I am not able to welcome you to the gathering of community members and allies we have come to know as Pride. But while there may not be a physical celebration to attend this year, that does not mean Pride has been cancelled in Washington State. This year’s theme is “Many Faces, One Pride.” It is especially meaningful at this moment in Washington State history. While physical distancing may keep us from celebrating in person, it does not keep us from celebrating what connects us fundamentally as people. Because when it comes down to it, we all just want to be seen. To be heard. To be loved. We all deserve to exist in the world as we truly are. It would be easy for me to tell you that Washington is a beacon for LGBTQIA+ rights in this country and leave it at that. While that is true, and we have come a long way in recognizing and protecting the rights of LGBTQIA+ Washingtonians, our job is not done. We must not be complacent in our work making all corners of this state inclusive and safe. We have accomplished a lot in the past few years for LGTBQIA+ rights. We need to use that momentum to continue our relentless fight against homophobia, transphobia, and discrimination of any kind. Last year we saw a third gender option become available on state IDs, validating the gender identities of hundreds of Washingtonians. This year, I signed a bill prohibiting the “panic defense” in court and appointed Washington’s first LGBTQ Commission. But these advances are only the beginning of the road to equality; we still have a long journey ahead to reach a place where no one is marginalized by race, nationality, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity. Washington has a long history of embracing diversity and advancing equality, and we will continue our bold advocacy on behalf of the LGBTQIA+ community. The fight for dignity, inclusion, and respect is more important than ever – for women, immigrants, refugees, communities of color, people of all faiths, people of all abilities, as part of the LGBTQIA+ community, and more broadly. We are a diverse and welcoming state that values the perspective and contributions of all our communities. As long as I am governor, I’ll defend the values and policies that are at the very core of Washington’s identity. I want to thank Seattle Pride, Washington’s LGBTQIA+ community, and their many allies for their relentless advocacy. You have all done so much to make our state a more welcoming place, and I am proud to stand with you. While I may not be able to welcome you to Pride as we know it, I know that the spirit and legacy of the event will live on, as it always has and always will, in Washington State. Happy Pride. Very truly yours,

Jay Inslee Governor

8  Seattle Pride Magazine

Letter From the Mayor

Hi, I’m Jenny Durkan. I want to welcome you to Seattle for the City’s 46th Pride

These are challenging

our history, celebrate our present, and look to the future.

without COVID-19, our

Celebration. Pride month is an opportunity for us to remember

This year, pride is going to look very different. Because of the global COVID-19 pandemic we are unable to come together to celebrate pride as usual. Unfortunately, great risk persists

and we are not out of the woods yet. Even though we cannot celebrate in person this year, that doesn’t change how

important this month is for the LGBTQ+ community. It is more

important than ever that we stand together even though we must remain apart.

times in America. Even community has had

significant challenges and

had to fight for true civil rights and protections for LGBTQIA+

and QTPOC. Stripping people of their rights has become a focus of this Presidential administration. While the federal response

to COVID-19 has shifted much of the news away from this fact, make no mistake: We will continue to stand for equality and

equity, and against the persistent effort to strip anyone of their humanity or civil rights.

The COVID-19 outbreak in our country is a haunting reminder

In recent years, we’ve seen a huge groundswell of support

crisis. This pandemic is a silent killer with no vaccine or cure—

policymakers. Just this past year, Lori Lightfoot became

for many in our community of the heartbreak of the AIDS

the only way that we can defeat it is to work together and change our behavior. And like the AIDS crisis before it, Dr.

Anthony Fauci provides us hope while our federal government failed to respond in a way that protects our most vulnerable communities from the greatest harm.

Fortunately, our City, County and State have stepped up to lead the way. I am proud to be the Mayor of Seattle, a

for women, people of color, and LGBTQIA+ politicians and

the first openly LGBTQ Mayor of Chicago—one of America’s three largest cities. And before that, we saw other diverse

candidates get elected to important, high-profile positions.

Wilmot Collins, Montana’s first black mayor and a refugee from Liberia; Ravinder Bhalla, the first Sikh mayor of New Jersey; Lisa Middleton; Tyler Titus; all elected to show Washington D.C. that our community is powerful, diverse, and here to stay.

city where our residents listened to science and worked

This month, we celebrate the progress our community has

vulnerable communities—which includes people who may

is an opportunity for us to come together to honor our shared

together to reduce the spread of this virus and protect our have compromised immune systems due to HIV/AIDS. I am

also grateful to Governor Inslee, and King County Executive

Constantine and other regional leaders for their leadership during this time. We are fortunate to have the tireless work of the team at Seattle King County Public Health and our

made, while recognizing all the work that’s still to come. Pride history and the fight that generations of LGBTQIA+ people

have fought in the name of equality. While we cannot gather

to celebrate, march to show our strength, or have a parade to show our diversity—we can still show our solidarity.

healthcare providers.

Welcome to Seattle Pride. We can still have fun, and show our

One thing that this pandemic has made clear is the

to stay healthy and to protect the most vulnerable in our

importance of working together towards a common goal. This year’s theme, “Many Faces, One Pride,” underscores this need

love and strength. Thank you for everything you have done community.

for collective action. The diversity of the LGBTQ+ community has always been our strength. Here in Seattle, we have an LGBTQIA+

population that includes people from every race, culture, nation and religion—and together, we form one community, united by our pursuit of true equality for all.

Jenny A. Durkan

Mayor of Seattle Summer 2020  9

News & Notes There’s Still Time to Queer the Census gender identity or sexual orientation. However, we

LGBTQIA+ Veteran Services at the Puget Sound & American Lake VA Facilities

different populations which are undercounted and

ARE YOU A LGBTQIA+ VETERAN? If you are, and it has been years

the 2020 Census to ensure that our communities

out on some of the services the VA now provides for veterans in

Aside from allowing us to respond with ‘same sex couple,’ the Census does not explicitly ask about all know that LGBTQIA+ people exist within all the

underserved. It is important for us to be counted in

have fair access to democracy and social services funding. We are part of this country and we need to be represented. Responses from the LGBTQIA+ community will provide reliable data to inform

since you separated, discharged or retired, you may be missing our LGBTQIA+ community.

Some of these services include:

advocates, policymakers, and researchers working

Letters of Support for surgeries

hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funding flow

Electrolysis/Laser Hair Removal for Veterans who are

on LGBTQIA+ issues, and will help determine how

into communities every year for the next decade.

That funding shapes many different aspects of

location. Make sure you respond—online, by phone,

every community, no matter the size, no matter the or in the mail—and sign up for the Seattle Pride Ad-

vocacy Alerts to learn about ways we can push for


the inclusion of gender identity and sexual orienta-

• •

• • • •

Pre-operative Care (EKGs, labs)

getting bottom surgery and have orders from a surgeon Orchiectomy (done and covered by VA Seattle)

Post-operative Care (starting at six weeks after surgery) Drop-In Rapid HIV Testing (results in 20 minutes and no blood necessary!)

Gay Men’s Social Hour HIV Support Group

Hormone Therapy (with a Gender Dysphoria diagnosis documented by a VA Provider or Non-VA Provider) Individual Mental Health Assessment and Therapy

Prosthetic Devices (wigs, packers, stand to pee devices,

gaffs, chest binders, surgical compression devices [after surgery], breast forms, and dilators)

Psychotherapy Group for Transgender & Gender NonConforming Veterans

Support Group for LGBTQ+ Veterans

Transgender Veterans Support Group

Voice and Communication Feminization/Masculinization Therapy

More Information Katy McDermott, RN, LGBT Veteran Care Coordinator VA Puget Sound Health Care System 206-277-3233 Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:00am–4:30pm

10  Seattle Pride Magazine

Where the World Comes Together WATCH

KIRO 7’s Pride Special


Though we may be celebrating Pride a little differently this

year, KIRO 7 is providing the

opportunity for you to relive the

experience of past celebrations as well as important stories

about our rich history which

have made a lasting impact

on our diverse community on

a KIRO 7 Pride Special. Tune in to KIRO 7 at 11:30 p.m. on Sunday,

June 28th, or watch on the KIRO 7 News App on your phone or Smart TV.

KIRO 7 has been the Official TV Partner of Seattle Pride since

2014. Download the KIRO News

App at for all of your

devices and tune into KIRO 7 onair and online throughout Pride Month for stories celebrating our community.

11:30 p.m. • Sunday, June 28th

At the Sheraton Grand Seattle, we’ve created a welcoming and inclusive space where travelers and locals alike can gather. Here in the heart of downtown, we are proud to support the LGBTQ+ community and Seattle Pride, and we look forward to celebrating with our guests. Sheraton


Sheraton Grand Seattle 1400 6th Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 206.621.9000


©2020 Marriott International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All names, marks and logos are the trademarks of Marriott International, Inc., or its affiliates.

Summer 2020  11

News & Notes Seattle Pride Launches New Website Featuring Community Resources and Events Seattle Pride is thrilled to

have launched a new website featuring helpful resources

and information for the Seattle LGBTQIA+ community. From advocacy tips and our new

inQUEERy resource guide, to

digital copies of this magazine, grant applications, and an

easy way to make a donation

to Seattle Pride, we hope that it

helps bring our community even closer together.

The website features a new

community events page which

invites the community to submit events (virtual and in-person)

Seattle Pride Joins with Other Regional Prides in Condemning Anti-Trans Legislation Transgender people are present in every aspect of our community and come from all walks of life. They are our siblings, our workers, our employers, our parishioners, and in every societal space imaginable.

On March 30, 2020, Idaho’s Governor, Brad Little, signed two anti-trans bills into

law. The first—HB 500—blocks trans girls from playing sports on women’s teams in public schools, and the second—HB 509—makes it impossible for Idahoans

(including trans people) to change the gender marker on their birth certificate. On April 3, 2020 InterPride, initiated by the Pride organizers in the 2nd Region (Alaska,

Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming), released a joint statement condemning the formation, passage, and signing of these anti-trans pieces of legislation and called upon our communities to similarly voice their opposition through writing to Gov. Little and posting on social media.

“Passing laws that single out and attacks trans people, especially trans youth,

at a time when our world is grappling with an unprecedented global health

crisis is irresponsible and wrong,” said Kris Hayashi, executive director of the

Transgender Law Center. “Our local and federal government policies and actions must be focused entirely on keeping people safe and healthy, not advancing discrimination and deliberately causing harm.”

Sign up to receive Seattle Pride’s Advocacy Alerts to help stand against

legislation such as this.

to be highlighted and accessed by our visitors year-round.

Help us bring people together by sharing the events you have planned.

Visit to explore the new website, and check back regularly for new community events and Pride news.

Seattle Pride Merchandise Seattle Pride has launched a merchandise line to support the concept of Pride being celebrated all year long, and to increase the level of programming, charitable

donations, and LGBTQIA+ advocacy efforts that the organization is known for.

With the launch of Seattle Pride’s first ever merchandise line, the community can

purchase shirts, totes, mugs and more to

show their Pride. Check out the designs at 12  Seattle Pride Magazine

Seattle Pride Awards COVID-19 Relief Grants Seven Seattle area groups shared

insecurity by ensuring youth and

awarded by Seattle Pride to assist

access to fresh, free, and culturally

$25,000 in emergency funds

organizations providing on-the-

ground COVID-19 support services for

those who are immunocompromised and other vulnerable populations. “We know LGBTQIA+ and

undocumented communities are

more likely to work in highly affected industries, often with more exposure or higher economic sensitivity to the COVID-19 crisis,” said Seattle

Pride Executive Director Krystal Marx.

families in South King County have relevant food.

Ingersoll Gender Center received

a $500 grant to help provide trans and gender-diverse community

aid in collaboration with U.T.O.P.I.A. Seattle, which received a $2,000

grant to support the distribution of

health and sanitation supplies, food

and basic needs, as well as COVID-19 information in various languages. PFLAG Seattle received a $500

“Our community knows firsthand

grant to help adapt and shift its

standing together, which are at the

platform, as well as provide

the importance of compassion and core of these emergency fund grants and the great work of the recipient organizations.”

Seattle Pride funded community

organizations which typically have been hardest hit in public health

crises; those in South King County, those focusing on food insecurity, small businesses, immigrant

and refugee communities, and

organizations serving the trans community.

El Centro de la Raza (The Center

for People of All Races) received a

support meetings to an online

increased support via its helpline and email channels.

A $5,000 grant was also

GoFundMe Campaign, organized by students from South Seattle

Community College. These funds

directly supported rent expenses

for undocumented communities, many of whom are disabled,

indigenous, LGBTQIA+ or otherwise on the margins.

A final $2,000 grant was awarded

workers, elderly, disabled and the

sales which relied on in-person

assistance with food, rent, utilities, and other basic needs.

Entre Hermanos received a

$5,000 grant for supporting mental

Ventures—whose foot traffic-related events (i.e. farmer’s markets) were

severely impacted by the pandemic— to support the launch of a new online retail store.

“I’m so proud of the diversity of

health concerns and personal needs

organizations and the grassroots

unemployed, undocumented and

supporting in this time of community

(including medications) for the immunocompromised.

FEEST was also awarded a

$5,000 grant to help address food

Fund for Undocumented People

to microbusiness service nonprofit


Join Us for Virtual Worship!

awarded to the COVID-19 Relief

$5,000 grant to support programs aiding recently laid-off hourly


efforts our grant program is

need,” added Marx. “Our community has many faces, and we’re all in this together.”

Summer 2020  13

LGBTQIA+ History

Vashon Island’s Long, Quiet LGBTQ History Comes Out IN and OUT exhibit celebrates the island community’s early embrace of LGBTQ people Photos courtesy of Vashon-Maury Island Historical Association

14  Seattle Pride Magazine

Summer 2020  15

LGBTQIA+ History

ACCESSIBLE BY FERRY FROM WEST SEATTLE, Southworth (near Port Orchard) and Tacoma’s Point Defiance, rural Vashon Island has a population of only about 10,000 fulltime residents—it also has the state’s highest percentage of LGBTQ heads of households according to the last two census records.

of a school-based Gay-Straight Alliance

(now called the Queer Spectrum Alliance), becoming the school’s largest club. And for many years, the Seattle Men’s Chorus

held its annual retreats at Camp Burton

on the island’s south end.

“The story of how Vashon’s LGBTQIA+

community became such an integral

part of the larger Island community is a

story that needs to be widely shared,” said While Vashon has the highest per capita population of LGBTQ

Bruce Haulman, Vashon-Maury Island His-

torical Association board member and noted local historian. “It’s

people in the state (and one of the highest in the country), it

a story of what’s possible when neighbors get to know neigh-

or other gay enclaves. Instead, the island has long been home

are shattered. No place is perfect, and we still have a long way

gardeners, chefs, organizers and public servants who identify

any community can accomplish.”

history has largely gone unknown outside of the 80-square-mile

the Vashon-Maury Island Historical Association, which runs the

doesn’t have a cohesive queer community the likes of Capitol Hill

to an assortment of families, individuals, artists, entrepreneurs, themselves as LGBTQIA+. As a result, Vashon’s quiet LGBTQIA+ island community.

Despite the low profile, Vashon has been a haven for queer art-

bors and the shackles of fear, prejudice, and LGBTQIA+-phobia

to go, but the Vashon example is a model for acceptance that Haulman’s hope for telling the island’s story materialized when

local museum, opened the exhibit, IN and OUT: Being LGBTQ on

Vashon Island. The popular exhibit, scheduled to run through

ists, musicians, authors, performers and activists including poet

June, explores the rich history of LGBTQIA+ people on Vashon Is-

award-winning documentary Big Joy produced on Vashon, was

IN and OUT is co-curated by Ellen Kritzman and Stephen Silha,

and filmmaker James Broughton (1913–1999) the subject of the known for attending queer Thanksgiving parties on the island.

The community has also been at the forefront of equal rights

for its LGBTQIA+ friends and neighbors. In 1979, an island resident

land—their challenges, contributions and visions.

who worked alongside Haulman with support from a commu-

nity advisory board. Kritzman and Silha interviewed more than

25 people, spoke with old-time Islanders, issued a questionnaire

established the Tacoma Lesbian Concern, the oldest, continu-

asking about LGBTQIA+ life, assembled a multi-generational

In the early 1990s, Vashon’s collective coming out began with

community members who wanted to share their personal

ously operating lesbian organization serving south Puget Sound. a small group of LGBTQIA+ members, called Vashon Friends of Stonewall. With postcards sent around town requesting, “come

out, come out, whoever you are,” the group still exists as Vashon

Pride Alliance. In 2006 Vashon High School was an early adopter

16  Seattle Pride Magazine

advisory committee, and holding “story circles” for LGBTQIA+ journeys.

In preparation they researched articles and family histories,

searched for film and videos, and gathered multiple photos, artifacts and cultural ephemera to create a powerful and compelling

PEOPLE. PASSION. PRIDE. Happy Happy Pride Pride from from all all of of us us at at BECU. BECU.

Summer 2020  17

LGBTQIA+ History

The IN and OUT:

Being LGBTQ on

journey through LGBTQ life on Vashon

Project. Other materials came from the archives of the Vashon

over the decades.

Gay Pride Alliance and other islanders.

to have folks be willing to be fully out

hibit, along with several artifacts. One such artifact was the disco

Association is

to us. We hope we’ve made the exhibit

which eventually became Tugs when it moved to Capitol Hill,

viewing online at

one, gay and straight and everywhere

A League of Their Own. Earlier, when it hung at Tootsie’s Vintage

Vashon Island exhibit at the


Island Historical available for tour-the-exhibit

“It has been an enormous privilege

of the closet, and open up their lives

interesting and impactful for every-

on the spectrum,” Kritzman and Silha wrote




Many of the personal stories and photos were used for the ex-

ball from Shelly’s Leg, an early gay bar in Seattle’s Pioneer Square

where Madonna danced under it when she was in town filming

Clothing Store, it is said that k.d. lang, Curt Cobain, Courtney Love, Chris Isaac, Wynona Ryder, Joe Jackson and Dale

tors’ statement. They

Chihuly shopped under it. The ball has since lived

on Vashon for many years, in an islander’s attic.

added, “Along the way, we found many folks believe it’s important we create opportuni-

Some other aspects of the exhibit were

ties to come together and celebrate as a

more painful, such as stories of hate crimes

cohesive community.”

toward islanders, including the shooting

The exhibit includes a timeline of

death of the dogs of the town’s first fe-

LGBTQ milestones, an AIDS memorial

male newspaper editor, who moved

garden, a display curated by the Queer

to Vashon in 1947 with her then same-

Spectrum Alliance, and a honeycomb

sex partner. As recently as the 1990s, a

of stories about the island’s queer history

Vashon Gay Pride Alliance street sign was

which honors the very first island residents,

defaced and had to be replaced—serving as

the sHebabS people, noting many indigenous

an important reminder that the march con-

cultures honored Two Spirit members within

their societies. Living and loving in gender fluidity

and same-sex relationships, they were revered by their communities, playing crucial roles in ceremonial and daily life until European colonization.

tinues everywhere for equality, acceptance and


A dedicated corps of volunteer advisors and curators worked

together to create IN and OUT with the goal of helping each visitor step into the experience of living as an LGBTQIA+ person on

The exhibit opens with River of Gold, a poem by the late artist,

Vashon, and highlighted both the joyful and painful parts of that

artist Gordon R. Barnett. Paulson recorded his life and others’ in

of history, one that challenges viewer perceptions and opens

gay historian and Vashon resident Don Paulson, calligraphed by

paintings, drawings, books, letters and archives now housed at the University of Washington and at MOHAI. Paulson penned the

gay history column for Seattle Gay News for many years and

contributed to the Northwest Lesbian & Gay History Museum 18  Seattle Pride Magazine

experience over decades. IN and OUT illuminates a hidden part minds.

The exhibit will run through June 2020 (depending on

state COVID guidance) and can be experienced online at u

Edit View Window Help

Equality is the foundation on which healthy communities are built. This year’s celebration may look a bit different, but distance doesn’t change the support we provide the community through our care. We’re proud to be here with you, today and always.

Better together. Summer 2020  19

20  Seattle Pride Magazine


Cultural Understanding Leading the Way for LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Healthcare Dr. Kevin Wang’s approach includes leaving the hospital to observe, listen and hear how to better serve marginalized communities Photos courtesy of Dr. Kevin Wang

DESPITE SIGNIFICANT ADVANCES for acceptance and equal

a conference in New York City focused on equal rights for the

gressive Seattle—still don’t feel they can openly share their

sultation clinic for the organization’s advocacy scholarship

rights, many in the LGBTQIA+ community—even in socially pro-

sexual orientation or gender identity and their related struggles

global LGBTQIA+ community where he held a medical conrecipients in attendance. The clinic provided LGBTQIA+ inclusive

with their healthcare providers.

care—ranging from routine health maintenance to gender-af-

true selves, often report experiencing judgmental questions or

countries of origin. While volunteering at the clinic he spoke with

al health needs. This is especially common for members of the

including Chile, South Africa, Tanzania and more. However, it was

Those who do take a leap of faith and open up about their

a lack of understanding about LGBTQIA+ medical and behaviortrans community.

“The need is real,” says Kevin Wang, MD. “Lack of cultural un-

derstanding perpetuates societal exclusion and directly affects health outcomes for the (LGBTQIA+) community.”

It’s an important part of what guides Dr. Wang’s philosophy of

care, “My approach to patient care is focusing on each patient

as a whole person, rather than the risk factors or chronic conditions. Each person is so much more.”

As a gay man himself raised in the suburbs of Detroit, Dr.

Wang is personally aware of the struggles, and was reminded

of them last year while attending the international OutSummit,

firming hormonal therapy—which is largely unavailable in their LGBTQIA+ people (primarily transgender) from multiple countries

a conversation he had with an attendee from China which left the biggest impression.

“The stories I heard during our conversation, from someone else

who was ethnically born Chinese, were similar to my experiences

growing up,” said Dr. Wang. “The difficulties of feeling isolated, the cultural obligation to family, and being the only male to pass down the family name is a lot deal with.”

Such issues—coupled with the lack of understanding within the

healthcare community of LGBTQIA+ health concerns—have a di-

rect correlation to poorer health outcomes as well as increased

rates of mental health issues, including depression, substance Summer 2020  21

Influencer Dr. Kevin Wang (second from left) with

his Swedish Family Medicine First Hill

colleagues Dr. Jeremy Oulton (left), Dr.

Wang, team mascot Gumby, Dr. Daniel Herrador and Dr. Peter Kuhn.

Dr. Kevin Wang (seated right) with

his Swedish colleagues at the Rainbow Health Fair, June 2016.

“It’s a pretty big undertaking, and I’m

excited to see where we can go,” Dr.

Wang added.

In addition, Dr. Wang is continuing

his faculty position with the Swedish

Family Medicine First Hill residency

program, in which residents are intro-

duced to LGBTQIA+ inclusive care.

“The mission of our residency pro-

gram is to train family physicians to serve local and global communities

through exceptional patient care, leadership and advocacy for health

and social justice,” he added. “Aside from our mission, I hope my residents

learn to identify gaps in the commu-

nities they serve to provide first-rate

patient care in an inclusive manner

with a particular emphasis on mar-

ginalized populations.”

“During my entire time in medical

school and throughout my residency

LGBTQIA+ health was never addressed,

use and higher rates of suicide among LGBTQIA+ individuals.

“These conversations opened my eyes to the struggle, oppres-

sion and discrimination which exist internationally,” added Dr.

Wang. “Despite all of the challenges and our differences in age, gender origin, geography and cognitive abilities, we’re all part of one big LGBTQIA+ family, and it makes me want to do more.”

One such opportunity presented itself earlier in his career

when Dr. Wang created an integrated LGBTQIA+ training curriculum where he works and trains family physicians and medical

students at Swedish First Hill’s Family Medicine Residency Pro-

which gave me the motivation to do

this work,” said Dr. Wang. “My residents have really shown inter-

est, which is providing fuel in my fire for our goal of setting the standard in best practice LGBTQIA+ healthcare here in Seattle.”

“Dr. Wang is a relentless force in his advocacy, innovation, and

development of LGBTQIA+ care in the greater Seattle area, said

Ben Davis, MD, program director for Swedish First Hill’s Family Medicine Residency. “I have known Kevin for the past eight years

and I have seen him singlehandedly transform LGBTQIA+ care at Swedish. What was once an area of medicine with limited

knowledge and scope within the organization is now a residency

gram. “Initially I was asked to create a residency training program

program known for its outstanding care of the LGBTQIA+ com-

beyond—to encompass and support the entire LGBTQIA+ com-

LGBTQI+ care lead by Kevin, and now the initiative that Swedish

for working with transgender patients, but I asked Swedish to go

munity,” said Dr. Wang.

He now serves as medical director for Swedish Medical

munity, a two-day continued medical education conference on has created due to Dr. Wang’s advocacy. We, at Swedish, are all

much more competent with our care because of him and that’s

Group’s LGBTQIA+ Initiative to identify care gaps and opportuni-

a sign of a true leader—making those around you better.”

partnerships, training of all Swedish caregivers, and collabora-

es an LGBTQIA+ health disparities course at the University

ties to improve the care Swedish provides through community

tion with other healthcare and community-based organizations.

22  Seattle Pride Magazine

As part of his commitment to community, Dr. Wang teach-

of Washington and dedicates time to numerous nonprofits

Summer 2020  23

including board roles and other volun-

teer duties with Camp Ten Trees, Ingersoll

Gender Center, OutRight Action International, the National LGBTQ Task Force,

Seattle Out & Proud (also known as Seat-

tle Pride) and Planned Parenthood.

While serving on the Planned Parent-

hood of the Great Northwest & Hawaiian

Islands’ (PPGNHI) board, he gave a pre-

sentation emphasizing the importance

of providing transgender healthcare

services due to a lack of trained health-

care providers in PPGNHI’s service area.

This helped the board make the decision to roll out transgender health services

across all 26 locations in the Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Hawaii region. He

currently serves on the board of Planned

Parenthood Federation of America’s Na-

tional Medical Committee to help provide

guidance in the creation of protocols

and care guidelines for primary care, reproductive and transgender healthcare


“Kevin presents first as a caring physi-

cian, whether attending a board meeting, providing an office visit or delivering a

baby. He’s someone who helps oth-

ers,” says Saltchuk President & CEO of

Northern Aviation Services Betsy Seaton,

who serves with Wang on the PPGNHI

board, and is a past board chair. “He cer-

tainly has had an enormous impact on

our board, by educating us and sharing

information about LGBTQIA+ communi-

ties and the struggles they have to get the medical support. Kevin was extremely impactful in getting us all behind adding

Gender Affirming healthcare to our offerings at PPGHNI.”

“For me, being a family doctor who be-

longs to the LGBTQIA+ community is about

promoting the importance of LGBTQIA+ healthcare, getting outside of hospital

and clinic walls and hearing what our communities need from providers and

healthcare organizations,” explained Dr.


“There’s much more to medicine than

prescriptions and surgical procedures,” he added. “We can do so much more

for our patients simply by leaving our of-

fice to observe, listen and hear what we

should be doing to better serve our communities. I hope to inspire my residents

and medical students to do the same. u 24  Seattle Pride Magazine


IT’S THE ABSENCE OF JUSTICE Eliminating hunger requires addressing its root causes in poverty and social disparities. Food Justice acts to remove the significant structural inequities that exist within both our food and economic systems and addresses the barriers to healthy and nutritious food disproportionately experienced by LGBTQ+ communities, people of color, women, immigrants, and other often marginalized groups.

Please join us in bringing equity to our state’s food system.

DONATE. VOLUNTEER. RAISE YOUR VOICE. | @nwharvest Summer 2020  25

Partner Spotlight

Alaska Airlines’ Pride Flies Nonstop

During a challenging year, Alaska Airlines continues to demonstrate commitment to Seattle Pride and the LGBTQIA+ community The familiar phrase “we’re all in this

together” has served as a rally cry

throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing reassurance to those most

vulnerable in our community that they

of the Year Award presented by the

works to promote community,

its annual Thrive Together Business and

index measures, and volunteer

Greater Seattle Business Association at Humanitarian Awards Dinner.

“In a year when companies are

aren’t going through this alone.

facing huge financial losses due to

community knows firsthand, reflecting

industry, Alaska Airlines’ continued

It’s a sentiment Seattle’s LGBTQIA+

the importance of compassion and standing together in the face of

adversity. Through the years Seattle’s

business community has provided much needed support and solidarity to Seattle

but it’s also the right thing to do. “Our

it most and demonstrates its deep commitment to our community,” added Ruble.

Alaska Air has been a participating

Alaska’s parade participants numbered

“As we continue our march for a more

equitable society, Alaska Airlines has

been with our community every step of the way,” says Seattle Pride Board

Pride Parade since 2006. Last year

Several years running Alaska Airlines

has appeared on the Human Rights

Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index,

including appearing multiple times at the

pride parades.

“Being a presenting sponsor for Seattle

support for diversity and inclusion

environment where employees feel

said Karen Wilkins-Mickey, director of diversity and inclusion.

Nearly 30 percent of all Alaska and

women, as well as 50 percent of its board Fortune 500 company. The airline also regularly utilizes large-scale diversity events to grow its pilot applicant

pool, including the National Gay Pilots

Association, Organization of Black Airline Pilots and Women in Aviation.

“Over the next several years we will be

doubling down our efforts in diversity,

resources systems analyst and a leader

teams and to embed diversity into the

Naz, Alaska Airlines senior human

in the airlines’ gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employee group, GLOBE .

Established in 2006, GLOBE encourages,

connects and celebrates LGBTQIA+

the recipient of the Corporate Leader

numbering more than 550 members,

26  Seattle Pride Magazine

support a diverse candidate pipeline,”

valued and respected,” added Jeremy

top of the list with a 100-percent positive score. And this year the airline was

outreach and recruitment efforts which

members – a exemplary effort for a

Portland, San Diego and San Francisco

efforts, and is essential for building an

embrace diversity, equality and inclusion.”

that we reflect this, so we have robust

the Anchorage, Honolulu, Palm Springs,

departments, as well as contingents in

a role model for other companies on

the LGBTQIA+ community and to fully

customers are diverse and it’s important

Horizon Airlines corporate officers are

Pride is also a testament to Alaska’s

what it means to show up in support of

that it’s not only great for the company

roughly 400 employees across multiple

President Alex Ruble. “Alaska Airlines is a remarkable partner, and serves as

Alaska Airlines’ commitment to

partnership is there when we need

hometown airline—Alaska Airlines, which partner spotlight.


diversity and inclusion runs deep, noting

sponsor and participant in the Seattle

Seattle Pride celebrates in this issue’s

with community-based LGBTQIA+

the pandemic, particularly the travel

Pride and LGBTQIA+ causes. Leading

the way, nonstop, has been Seattle’s

guide leaders on corporate equality

employees companywide. The group,

equity and inclusion to develop balanced fabric of our business in all areas of what we do,” said Wilkins-Mickey, “Supporting

Pride is not only showing support for our

employees, it is also a way we honor and

support our guests and the communities we serve. We’re all in this together.” u

We Are Pride


Summer 2020  27


SHOCKWAVE How Kennedy Catholic Students Stood Up to Seattle’s Archdiocese

“Activism and social movements are the moral compass of implementing positive change in private institutions like schools,” says student leader Photos courtesy of MJ Estacio

28  Seattle Pride Magazine

FOR YEARS, YOUNG PEOPLE have been speaking out on issues important to their generations, from military action to civil rights, and from gun control to climate

change. And if anyone ever wondered about the impact of these voices, just ask the Archdiocese of Seattle.

It began in Burien on Thursday, Feb. 13th, when a deci-

sion was made at John F. Kennedy Catholic High School

which sent shockwaves through the student body. The

Seattle Times and other news outlets later reported that

English teacher Paul Danforth and health teacher/girls soc-

cer coach Michelle Beattie were told their contracts would not be renewed for the coming year after the school and

Archdiocese learned both were engaged to their same-sex partners. Both subsequently resigned.

Never flaunting their lifestyle at school, both Mr. Danforth

and Ms. Beattie were highly regarded by the students. ASB

Secretary Emiliano Hernandez, an 18-year-old senior, regard-

ed them as his “unofficial counselors.” Hernandez says, “I could go to them with anything you could ever imagine. If I had a

bad day, they could always uplift me…always give me good

advice. They were the equivalent of a best friend.”

The sudden dismissal and quick exit of Mr. Danforth and

Ms. Beattie spread through the student body like wildfire on

social media. Within hours, students and parents alike were trying to get to the bottom of what happened.

The student body quickly mobilized to stand up for their

beloved teachers. “She (Beattie) was like a second mom to

me,” said senior MJ Estacio, 17. “Both have done so much for me and supported me throughout my years at Kennedy. So I felt like it was my responsibility to fight for them now.”

This was the sentiment of a majority of students. Even

self-proclaimed “quiet girl,” Madison DuBois, 18, “felt like it was

my job to help the teachers.” A senior at Kennedy Catholic, Summer 2020  29

Youth Kennedy Catholic High School Students protest outside of the high school in Burien

Audrey Bettis, 12th grade and Karanja Anderson, 11th grade

DuBois and her mother were both moti-

be creating a special task

and to show “they have a community who

adapt to the current times

vated to do whatever they could to help love and support them.”

Within a few days, concerns had come

to a fever pitch giving rise to a student or-

force to investigate how to

and meet the needs of all their students.

What is happening at Ken-

chestrated sit-in/walkout protest set for

nedy Catholic High School

out to their counterparts at nearby

young people coming to-

Tuesday, Feb. 18th. ASB leaders reached

is just the latest example of

schools as well as other Catholic high

gether and shining a light on

and parents from other schools came to


schools within the Archdiocese. Students

the social injustices. These call



support those at Kennedy Catholic; the

establishment on their short-

outlets covering the story live as students

better solution.

response was massive with local news

chanted “separate, church and hate” in

front of a banner which read “Who would


comings and guide them to a

Sosna Araya, 16, the junior class pres-

ident at Kennedy Catholic High School

Jesus fire? #LoveisLove.” Days later, a

remembers with frustration that Mr. Dan-

Seattle Archdiocese in First Hill.

rings when they got to school. “I want

campaign the students demanded the

for it. It’s not fair to love someone and

follow-up protest was organized at the

experiences is so essential with these types of social movements.”

The students are now planning on how

to build upon the current momentum.

forth and Ms. Beattie had to hide their

Araya says, “Next year, when I’m a senior,

them to be proud and not be punished

vocate for people of color too.”

reinstatement of both Mr. Danforth and

have to hide it.”

young activists get smarter and even

Seattle Archbishop Paul Etienne placed

Vera, who is openly gay and takes pride

and goal-oriented. The students under-

a few days later. In addition, a letter from

felt this conflict needed to be tackled be-

Through an online and in-person

Ms. Beattie, as well as a public apology.

principal Mike Prato on a leave of absence

Archbishop Etienne was sent to the school

staff stating, “It is abundantly clear to me that our Catholic schools are serving a

much broader community than in the past.” The letter also mentions they will 30  Seattle Pride Magazine

Eighteen-year-old senior Henry Lemus

in being a young social justice activist,

I’m gonna try to keep advocating and adWith every new generation, these

more informed. They get more strategic

stand they need to take steps to change

the teachers’ contracts, so this kind of

cause “activism and social movements

discrimination doesn’t happen again to

positive change in private institutions like

They acknowledge their actions are just a

connects you to other people with shared

Teachers like Mr. Danforth and Ms.

are the moral compass of implementing schools.” He says, “Having that spark which

another Paul Danforth or Michelle Beattie. first step in a bigger and longer fight.

We take pride in being your financial partner.

11th graders Samantha Griffin and Alice Pare.

Beattie help shape these young

champions for social justice stand up for what they believe by setting

an example. “They gave us the tools

to be better people and fight for what

we believe in, and to be who we are,”

says Estacio.

Hernandez adds, “They motivated

us to be better people and we are

who we are today because of them.”

That is why these students put their education on the line by risking their scholarships with the school to stand up for what is right.


�!�.:,.:: PLACES TO WORK

� lorLGBTQEquallly

Throughout all of this, Lemus Vera

hopes they “never stray from want-

ing to work with young individuals.” He goes on to say, “They radiate a lot

of love and they radiate a lot of intelligence that would help someone

going through a hard time.”

From local students at Kennedy

We see your potential and possibilities and believe that an inclusive society creates a better future for us all. U.S. Bank is proud to support Seattle PRIDE.

Catholic High School to Greta Thunberg of Sweden, the voices of these


young avengers are only getting

louder and stronger by the day and

are heard all across the country and

around the world. Their voices are


young, focused, organized and artic-


ulate. They speak about a wide variety

of issues, and these young, vibrant minds will be our future leaders. u

H u

��� � �� Member FDIC. ©2019 U.S. Bank 251301c 10/19 Summer 2020  31

Together For Pride Seattle Pride Goes Virtual, June 26-28 This year’s Pride celebration may not

Village—in which online attendees will

Pride and its sister organizations, Gender

“booths” in a virtual version of Seattle

include the signature parade, but Seattle Justice League and Seattle PrideFest, are joining forces to produce Together for

Pride—a virtual Pride weekend which will

be able to visit a wide variety of vendor Pride in the Park (formerly known as the Volunteer Park Pride Festival).

The jam-packed day of LGBTQIA+ fun

surely be one to remember.

also includes virtual performances by the

celebration will bring together elements

Pride in the Park.

The three-day (June 26–28)

from the organizations’ respective

musical acts originally slated for Seattle

will be Washington artist and radical

Pride—to create a weekend of free virtual

Eagle Scout. Other fan favorites will

fun and interactive online experiences at

For each of the three days, one

organization is taking the lead in

indigenous queer feminist, Black Belt

Anne Johnson & The Hidogs.

Following the Virtual Pride programs,

PrideFest, Saturday; and Seattle Pride,

Parades with a special retrospective of

offer a full schedule of program tracks, and featured sessions within each. Seattle Pride’s programming will

to relive the pageantry of Seattle Pride

Pride’s Official TV Partner KIRO 7 on-air and online at 11:30 p.m.

Faces, One Pride theme—Speakers,

support,” said Seattle Pride Board

Q&A/Interactive. The programming will be a mix of live and recorded 20- and 40-minute sessions—as well as brief

especially grateful for their continued

partners and vendors are showing up when we need it most.”

attendees will be encouraged to order Also be sure to follow

In addition to the program sessions,

Sunday will also feature a Virtual Vendor 32  Seattle Pride Magazine

Performances from Seattle’s favorite Drag Queens & Kings

Speaker Ori Turner presents “Intersex is Awesome”

Kids Storytime with the Tooth Fairy from Delta Dental of Washington

Speaker Monserrat Padilla addresses immigrant and refugee communities

Interview with historian about Vashon Island’s LGBTQIA+ history

For more information and the

latest updates to the list of featured

food from a queer-owned business.

Seattle Sounders youth soccer clinic featuring Brad Evans

President Alex Ruble. “Our sponsors,

intermissions between each session and a mid-day lunch break during which

“In a year when our sponsors are

hugely impacted by COVID-19, we are

Activities & Activism, Performance and

Speaker Katie Hultquist from OutRight International discusses the impact of COVID-19 on LGBTQIA+ communities

past parade highlights hosted by Seattle

culminate the three days with four

program tracks supporting its Many

Moon Royalty, Latinrose, and Stephanie

attendees are invited later that evening

Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Each day will

Interview with student activists from Kennedy Catholic High School

include CarLarans, Chong the Nomad, Fly

developing engaging program

offerings—Trans Pride will curate Friday;

Headlining the musical performances

festivities—Seattle Pride Parade, Seattle Pride in the Park, PrideFest and Trans

At press time the sessions were in the process of being planned, but here’s a sampling of the early confirmed sessions with something for everyone:

speakers, performers and more, visit

Seattle Pride on Facebook and Instagram at @SeattlePride, and on Twitter at @OurSeattlePride.

Summer 2020  33

The Show Must Go On! Seattle Pride’s annual celebration of queer arts, music, performance and culture—Seattle Pride in the Park—is going virtual this year, because the show must go on!

Black Belt Eagle Scout

This year the musical performances will be a highlight of the third day of the Virtual Pride weekend, hosted by Seattle Pride.

debut album, Mother of My Children,

The music lineup, which celebrates LGBTQIA+ arts, features nationally recognized local artists. The festival will feature popular drag queen Betty Wetter, KEXP’s Marco Collins, and DJ Penny Wide Pupils—and will be headlined by Washington artist and radical indigenous queer feminist, Black Belt Eagle Scout.

The squalling guitar anthems of Mother

For more information and the latest updates to the list of featured speakers, performers and more, visit Also be sure to follow Seattle Pride on Facebook and Instagram at @SeattlePride, and on Twitter at @OurSeattlePride.

Reservation in Northwest Washington,

Black Belt Eagle Scout’s Katherine Paul has been heralded as a favorite new musician by the likes of NPR Music, Stereogum, and Paste, and whose

was named “Best Rock Album of 2018”

by Pitchfork and garnered further praise from FADER, Under The Radar and more. of My Children are replaced in her

second album At the Party With My Brown Friends, with delicate vocal and soft

keys, sentiments spoken and unspoken, presenting something shadowing and

unsettling: a stirring of the waters. Having grown up on the Swinomish Indian

Black Belt Eagle Scout reimagines the

best things that the Pacific Northwest has to offer through an unmistakably

queer and indigenous perspective. Black

Belt Eagle Scout is expected to deliver an unforgettable performance.

The highly anticipated musical lineup also includes:


Chong the Nomad

Fly Moon Royalty


soul and hip-hop artist who

positions, Seattle electronic

and soul of blues and R&B,

in all she does musically.

CarLarans is an electro-

believes in using the human voice as a weapon for good is kicking down the door of

bigotry and racism to help create a space for QTPoC.

In each of her distinct commusic producer, Chong the

Nomad, unleashes storms of song that embody both the

delicate raindrop striking the

single tree leaf and the looming clouds that burst and quench an entire forest.

34  Seattle Pride Magazine

Bleeding with all the heart the duo combines the

contemporary aesthetics of

modern-day electronica and hip-hop. The collaboration

of the Seattle-based duo is a

perfectly fitting contradiction.

Latinrose expresses her roots Latinrose has been singing

and songwriting in the Seattle hip-hop scene since she was

a teen and has had the honor to be on 15 albums, and has

performed at almost all of the venues in Seattle.

Celebrate love and


Stephanie Anne Johnson

Johnson is the front person for

Tacoma-based band, The Hidogs. Her music is rooted in all that’s

American, expresses the pain of the past, the roots of the down home, and the hope that hard work will lead to proper reward.

Summer 2020  35


36  Seattle Pride Magazine

13 Youth & Family

12 Trans & Gender Expansive

11 Support Groups & Life Skills

10 Subst.ance Abuse

9 Res.ources & Education

8 Legal

7 Housing


5 Health & Wellness

4 Food, Clothing, & Services

3 Elders

2 Dom. Violence & Sexual Assault

1 Disability

Summer 2020

Our mission has always been to connect folks to our history and community, and now we’re adding services. The Seattle area has tons of resources for LGBTQIA+ folks from food and housing services to support groups and leadership development. inQUEERy will be updated quartely, but you can check out our website for the most current information, including more resources.





ADWAS (Deaf women’s abuse) Seattle


Aging with Pride



AHAT (AIDS housing)



AIDS Project of the Deaf



Alliance of People with disAbilities



API Chaya





Attain Housing Suppers



Bothell Community Kitchen



Cascade AIDS Project



Cedar River Clinics



Center for MultiCultural Health Seattle


DAWN (domestic abuse)



DESC (emergency services)



Elizabeth Gregory Home



Entre Hermanos



Family Equality Council



Friends of Youth



Gay City






GLSEN - Washington



GSBA (business directory)



HEYO (youth health)



Ingersoll Gender Center






Lambert House



Lavender Rights Project



Lazarus Center









Mary’s Place



Mature Friends


NAMI Washington



NCSF (sexual freedom)
















Seattle Pride’s Resource Guide

Don’t see your organization listed here? Need to update your contact information? Offering new services? Send an email to and we’ll hook you up!





New Beginnings



New BoyZ Club


NOW (women’s org)



NQTTCN (QTPOC therapists)


NW Network (domestic violence)



Oasis Youth Center



Out of the Closet Thrift Store



OUT There Adventures

WA State


OutRight Action International



PEER Seattle



PFLAG - Seattle



Pike Market Food Bank



Planned Parenthood - PNW






POPY’s Cafe



Rainbow Center



ROOTS (young adult shelter)



S.I.S.T.E.R. (sex therapist)





Seattle Counseling Service



Seattle Indian Center



Seattle Pride // Seattle Out & Proud



Seattle Prime Timers




206-448 7889

Solid Ground: Broadview



Sound Generations



Sound Mental Health



St. Luke’s Episcopal Church



Stonewall Youth



Teen Feed



The Trevor Project (suicide hotline)



Trans Lifeline (trans hotline)



Transform Burien Outreach



Within Reach



YAES (young adult shelter)



YNHS (health services)



Youth Care



Youth Eastside Services



YWCA of Seattle/King County



Summer 2020  37

Faces of Pride

38  Seattle Pride Magazine


Summer 2020  39

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