Volume 67 No. 05
September-October 2020
Myths of the Scottish Rite - pg 10
Scotland Trip
Get your Shirts
pg 8
pg 9
pg 14
2 Seattle Scottish Rite
Scottish Rite Communicator Valley of Seattle
SCOTTISH RITE OFFICERS Ill. James D. Cole, 33° Sovereign Grand Commander Ill. Alvin W. Jorgensen, 33° S:.G:.I:.G:, Orient of Washington Ill. Sat Tashiro, 33° Personal Rep. of S:.G:.I:.G:. pr@seattle-scottishrite.org Daniel Southerland, 32° KCCH General Secretary Communicator Editor secretary@seattle-scottishrite.org Gene Ulrich, 32° KCCH Treasurer Ill. Tom Lamb, 33° Almoner PRESIDING OFFICERS Bob Gunther 32°KCCH Master of Kadosh, Consistory Ian Hyde 32°KCCH Commander, Council of Kadosh Jeff Hardin 32° KCCH Wise Master, Chapter of Rose Croix Kirk Stensvig, 32° Venerable Master, Lodge of Perfection Seattle Scottish Rite Center 1207 N 152nd St. Seattle, WA 98133-6213 206 324-3330 voice 206 324-3332 fax
The Communicator (USPS 485-660) is published by the Valley of Seattle, A&A Scottish Rite, 1207 N 152nd St., Seattle, WA 98133-6213, for the benefit of its members, bimonthly and is mailed as a non-profit publication to all members of the Valley of Seattle and to specified other interested parties. $2.00 per member is assessed for the publication of The Communicator. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, Washington and at additional mailing offices. The material contained within this publication is intended for the education and enjoyment of the members of the Masonic Fraternity and all material published becomes the property of Seattle Valley of Scottish Rite. Postmaster: Send address changes to — The Communicator at 1207 N 152nd St., Seattle, WA 98133-6213.
Seattle Scottish Rite 3
News from the Personal Representative
As we bask in the heat of the long hours of summer we are also noticing the subtle changes as the daylight hours shorten, a sure sign that fall is approaching. While we are still in the restrictions of the COVAD19, there are changes by the governor in the opening up areas of the state economy. It is hoped that in the near future we will be approved for Phase 3 operation, which is required before we can be permitted to hold small gatherings in our building. The final approval must be then granted by the Grand Master. We must report, with much sadness, the passing of two illustrious brothers since our last Communicator, who served our Valley for many years with distinction - Illustrious Sirs John Lien, 33°, and John Swafford, 33°. They will be missed. Please have Bob Dearborn, KCCH, in your thoughts and prayers as he battles his illness. We continued our second virtual meeting in mid-August. The meeting consisted the participants the status of the valley, committee reports from Finance and the Almoner., followed by a talk from Ill. Tom Lamb, 33° on the evolution of Scottish Rite degrees beyond the terminal degrees of the Lodge of Perfection and Rose Croix. We have decided to have a brief virtual meeting each month on the 3rd Tuesday at 7 PM until we can meet in our usual manner. For the time period covered by this Communicator, September 15 and October 20, will be the dates for our virtual monthly meeting. This will afford us the opportunity to share fellowship and a brief talk on a Scottish Rite topic. Please join us at the virtual meeting. The General Secretary will send out meeting particulars with the password on ZOOM. At the last virtual meeting in August, a 2021 trip to Scotland in the fall was discussed by Illustrious Tom Lamb. Please contact him for further information. We recognize the uncertainties caused by the pandemic. This Communicator contains more detailed information. We will also resume our EXCOM meetings virtually for the body leaders and key committee. It is usually held on the first Saturday but will be held on Septembers 12, because of the Labor Day Weekend on September 5. The following EXCOM meeting will be October 3. It is scheduled for 9 AM for less than an hour. The purpose will be planning our program for the remainder of this year, with awareness of the uncertainties. It is important that we prepare ourselves for the performance of the terminal degrees for the Class of 2020 when we get approval. We hope that This Communicator finds many of the members of the Seattle Valley and their families healthy under these trying conditions. The mid-year solstice has come and gone, with visions of the warmth of summer and fall around the corner. We will continue our efforts to bring events and fellowship which will be attractive to all. Body leaders will be contacting the classes of the past three years, as soon as practical, to generate their interest and to participate in these many activities of the Seattle Valley in the coming months. You are also reminded that we will be having our virtual DVD club meetings, hosted by Bob Guild and Tom Lamb. These are scheduled for the fourth Wednesday of each month. The September 23 meeting was held as this Communicator was going to press. The October DVD meeting will be on October 28, with final installment of Keys of the Cross... Please contact Bob Guild the General Secretary to be on the contact list for the DVD meetings on 206-324-3330,
4 Seattle Scottish Rite
Please contact Brother Richard Syson at nosys@comcast.net so that he can place you on the contact list for the West Seattle Scottish Rite Club meeting. In addition, the meeting of the Eastside Scottish Rite Club (ESRC) has been focusing on the lessons of the degrees of the Scottish Rite and future meetings must also be scheduled through virtual meetings. Please contact Dean Markley, at wdeanm@gmail.com for additional information. The esoteric aspects of Masonry of the Eastside Scottish Rite Club are organized by Ill. Brother Brian Thomas. Please contact him at bjt19@comcast.net for future meetings All Scottish Rite members of the Seattle Valley receive the Communicator but may miss the fellowship with their fellow members within the valley and find the difficult-travel-miles to-and-from our Shoreline building a major problem. Please attend through the virtual meetings of ZOOM as they are scheduled. This Communicator has a special report prepared by Brother Gale Kenney. 33°, who serves on the Orient Scholarship Committee for the Seattle Valley. We usually honor those students who received the scholarships this year at our fall meeting, which is considered unlikely because of COVID 19. Fraternally, Sat Tashiro 33° Personal Representative of the S:.G:.I:.G:.
Brotherhood Edwin Markham
The crest and crownings of all good, Life′s final star, is Brotherhood For it will bring again to earth Her long lost Poesy and Mirth Will send new light on every face, A kingly power upon the race. And till it comes, we men are slaves, And travel downward to the dust of graves. Come, clear the way, then, clear the way: Blind creeds and kings have had their day. Break the dead branches from the path: Our hope is in the aftermath Our hope is in heroic men, Star led to build the world again. To this event the ages ran: Make way for Brotherhood, make way for man!
Seattle Scottish Rite 5
Greetings All, Well September is usually the month we gear up starting back from a summer break, looks quite a bit different as summer slips away and fall come in. We all wish we could be back in our lodges enjoying the company of our brothers but as of yet that will have to wait. We hope you all are doing well and staying safe. We look forward to having you all back in real soon and filling our lodges with fellowship and great times. We are planning a full degree schedule as soon as we are able so stand by. With the current regulations we are planning everything but no meetings are scheduled. We are currently putting together degree teams and plan to have online practices so if you are wanting to take a part and get involved, by all means let me know and we will make it happen. Big or small all parts are needed as always. I have kept the application for membership in this issue as we have time remaining to bring in the brothers. You never know who is looking so talk to them. There are many items being planned as of late so when we are able to meet we can make the most of all we have to enable our members to enjoy all we do. If you remember we were working on our KSA membership when we had to stop all our functions so if this is something you are looking at being involved in there is always room for you. One of the ideas for its members will be to assist in all the degrees in a supernumerary position if they don’t already have an acting position. So many possibilities abound. As we look to the future of our fraternity we need to remember why we do all we do. We need to remember our Brethren who have brought us to where we are so if there is a brother out there that you have not talked to in awhile, give them a call or drop them a card. This goes such a long way. We all know we have our older brothers that are unable to make the meetings so let them know of the virtual meetings they can join to see us all. If you need me to make sure they receive the zoom link just let me know and I will get it to them. Also remember our Early Life Speech & Language as they are still working hard at making childrens lives better. Please consider donating to them as the always have a need. We are looking at how the Seattle Valley will continue to meet the needs of the children by funding them as we are currently doing. With all the turmoil and unrest in our society today we must remember why we are Masons. Wether it be Scottish Rite, York Rite or Blue lodge we all took the same obligations and have the ability to effect change. But with those obligations come great responsibility so please strive to be the best in all. Civility needs to rain supreme with all we do. Lets show society the best of our great fraternity and all we stand for. Just remember we are always here for all our members so if you need anything just let me know. I am only in the office a few days a week during the pandemic so you can reach me either via email or a voice mail. We will help in any way we can and please stay safe during these interesting times.
Fraternally, Daniel Southerland, 32° KCCH General Secretary
6 Seattle Scottish Rite
Valley of Seattle
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America 1207 N 152nd St. Shoreline, WA 98133 Telephone (206) 324-3330 ___________________________, 20______ Today's Date
I THE UNDERSIGNED, DO CERTIFY THE FOLLOWING TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT: MY FULL NAME IS ____________________________________________________________. MY AGE IS ______ YEARS. MY DATE OF BIRTH IS ________ ________ ________. I WAS BORN AT ________________________________________. STATE OF _____. I CURRENTLY RESIDE AT _______________________________________________________________. Address, City and State I HAVE RESIDED THERE FOR ____________ YEARS. MY EMAIL ADDRESS IS _________________________________________________________________________________. MY MAILING ADDRESS IS_______________________________________________________________________________. Street address or Post Office Box City, State, & ZIP MY CURRENT TELEPHONE NUMBER IS (____)_______________________. SPOUSE NAME_______________________. Area Code MY OCCUPATION IS _____________________________. I AM EMPLOYED BY __________________________________. If retired, state previous occupation If retired, enter “Retired” I AM A MASTER MASON IN GOOD STANDING IN _________________________ LODGE NO. ___________ LOCATED AT ___________________________________ , UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE GRAND LODGE OF____________. I WAS RAISED TO THE DEGREE OF MASTER MASON ON __________________________________________________. Date you received third degree PLEASE ENTER YOUR CAP SIZE (IF KNOWN) __________. PLEASE ENTER YOUR RING SIZE (IF KNOWN) __________.
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Seattle Scottish Rite 7 What motivated you to join the Scottish Rite?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please indicate your interest in the following subjects.
Scottish Rite Education
Scottish Rite Ritual
Esoteric Research & Education
Participation is Scottish Rite Degrees
Participation as an officer in one of the four bodies
Participation in Scottish Rite Committees, i.e. Finance, Building, etc.
Americanism (ROTC, JROTC)
Craft Lodge Education
Craft Lodge Ritual
Other ___________________________________________________
PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR CURRENT CRAFT LODGE DUES CARD PLEASE FILL IN ALL PROCEEDING BLANKS ================================================================================== RECOMMENDED BY: (TWO SCOTTISH RITE SPONSORS ARE NECESSARY) 1.____________________________________________________________________________________________ Printed Name Signature Address 2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Printed Name Signature Address RECEIVED _________________________ REFERRED ____________________________ ELECTED __________________ Please include the $200.00 fee for the degrees plus $100.00 dues for the current year with your petition: Total of $300.00 *for petitioners under 31 years of age the fees are $125.00 plus $100.00 dues for the current year: Total of $225.00 The total fees for the 4°-32° degrees of the Scottish Rite include your 14° ring, 32° Scottish Rite hat, Master Craftsman book and materials, and A Bridge to Light: A study in Masonic Ritual & Philosophy.
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8 Seattle Scottish Rite
Seattle Valley Scottish Rite Scholarship Night Tuesday, September 15, 2020 This year, because of the corona virus, COVID-19 pandemic, the Valley was unable to hold its Annual Scholarship Night to properly acknowledge all of our recipients. Below is the following report for 2020. In 1958, a Masonic philanthropy providing university scholarships and fellowships was formed for students entering their Junior and Senior years of college and Graduate School in the State of Washington. Since 1958, the Scottish Rite Scholarship Foundation of Washington’s aim has remained strong in "Preserving American Ideals Through Education". The students must be U.S. citizens, Washington State residents attending an accredited college or university in the State of Washington and must maintain an accumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and be entering their Junior or Senior year. The Scottish Rite Scholarship Foundation of Washington is a non-profit Private 501(c)3 Foundation. As such, your donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated. This year the Foundation had two hundred and twenty-five (225) registrations of which one hundred and nine (109) failed to submit an application. One hundred and sixteen (116) were received and evaluated from the thirteen (13) Valleys in the Orient of Washington. Seventy-nine (79) of that number were first time recipients at $3,000 each for a total of $237,000. There were thirty-seven (37) renewal recipients at $3,000 each for a total of $111,000; and an additional twenty (20) Graduate Fellowship recipients at $6,000 each for a total of $120,000. This came to a grand total of $468,000. In all, one hundred and thirty-six (136) awards, total, were given out in the Orient of Washington. Since 2009, the Foundation has given over $4,102,000 dollars in scholarship and fellowship awards. The Seattle Valley received seventeen (17) registrations of which nine (9) students were interviewed and all nine (9) submitted completed applications for review and grading. Of the nine (9) submitted, all ended up being recipients of scholarships. Six (6) of which were first time applicants and three (3) were renewal applicants. As a side note, there were twenty-one (21) Running Start registrants who received scholarships. Two were from the Valley of Seattle.
The Scholarship website will open again on November 1, 2020.
Gale H. Kenney, 33°, IGH Director, Valley of Seattle Scottish Rite Scholarship Foundation of Washington
Seattle Scottish Rite 9 TOUR DESCRIPTION Beat the lockdown blues by planning a trip to Scotland in August/September 2021. This is a unique tour for Masons and friends who love Scotch Whisky and Golf and are interested in visiting the places where modern Freemasonry began. We encourage out of state masons to join us. Masons in other parts of US and Canada would have the choice of coming to Seattle, to start tour or joining the group in Keflavic, Iceland or in Glasgow (can be arranged by The Travel Company), and get benefit of group air fare, or take care of flights themselves from local airport. A discount for the flight cost would be given to them. Tour is being arranged by The Travel Company, the leading Masonic Tour Group in Scotland. Robert Cooper the Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and well-known masonic author will be accompanying us.
Thursday, August 26th to Tuesday, September 7th, 2021
WE ARE REQUESTING AN INDICATION INTEREST BY OCTOBER 30, 2020. This will enable the tour company to lock in the best flights and selected hotels. The reservation deadline of DECEMBER 18, 2020 will ensure the best prices.
For further information or questions please call or email Thomas Lamb or Bob Guild (425 742 2348 425 442 1562 nalamb@umich.edu rwguild@msn.com Send Interest or Reservation Form to Secretary, Seattle Scottish Rite Center, 1207 N 152nd St Shoreline, WA 98133 US or e-mail to secretary@seattle-scottishrite.org
Thursday 26 Travel to Seattle to Glasgow – Iceland Airways Friday 27 Arrive Mid-day. Bus travel to Hotel. Tour Introduction/Orientation, Free/Recovery time Saturday 28 Golfers play The Carrick at Loch Lomond. Others Loch Lomond Boat Tour, Trossachs, Stirling Castle. Travel to Edinburgh for Tattoo Sunday 29 Travel to Ayr, Burns Museum, Mauchlin Lodge, Kilwinning #0 Monday 30 Travel by bus to Oban via Loch Lomond stopping at Inveraray, Kilmartin to see the Templar Grave slabs visit Oban distillery and a Lodge in Oban. Tuesday 31 Tour Isle of Mull and Iona,. Wednesday 1Travel by bus to Inverness via Fort William, Loch Ness and Urquhart castle. Thursday 2 Golfers play Royal Dornoch, Others tour Inverness, Culloden, Fort George and Baxters and Walkers factories. Visit Inverness Lodge. Friday 3 Speyside Whisky and Balmoral Castle. Bus travel to Dundee. Visit Dundee Operatives Lodge Saturday 4 Golfers Play St. Andrews “The Dukes Course” (NOT THE OLD COURSE). Others Fife tour including Perth, Scoon, Falkland Palace and Stirling Castle. Bus travel to Edinburgh. Visit Edinburgh Lodge #1 (St Mary’s Chapel) Sunday 5 Edinburgh/Borders tour including Roslyn Chapel, Temple and Abbottsford. Evening Rose Street Pub Crawl Monday 6 Golfers play Gullane. Others High Street (Royal Mile) tour including Castle, Royal Order Scotland and the Whisky Museum. Grand Lodge of Scotland In the evening we would all attend a Ceilidh to close out the trip Tuesday 7 Travel Glasgow to Seattle – Iceland Airways
Cost is $5,500 per person double room occupancy. This includes air fare from US to UK by Iceland Air; coach travel in Scotland, hotels (sharing a room), and all meals. Choice of single or sharing room in all hotels. SINGLE Rooms would be an additional $800. Golfers will pay a differential charge to cover fees and separate transport based on actual cost for golf outing less a credit for other golf day group activities. A $1,000 deposit, made payable to SSR Three Home Tour, would be required for each person making an actual reservation. Reservation deadline is December 18, 2020, on a first come first serve basis. A final payment of remaining price will be required May 15, 2021. Partial payments at regular intervals (each month between January and August) can be arranged.
INTEREST OR R E S E R V A T I O N Please Fill in and mail Indication of Interest or Reservation Contact Name: ____________________________________ Tel:___________________(home)_________________(cell) Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Lodge/Valley: _____________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________ Room Preference: Double Room in all hotels ___________ Single Room in all hotels Golfing: YES _____ NO _____ ALL 4 Courses _________ Visit Masonic Lodges YES _____ Special needs: Diet __________ Physical____________
10 S e a t t l e S c o t t i s h R i t e
Myths & Misconceptions about the Scottish Rite By James Hodgkins, 32° Photo: An alchemical image from Albert Pike’s Esoterika, The Symbolism of the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry Given the recent attention cast on Freemasonry in general and the Scottish Rite in particular by the publication of Dan Brown’s new book, The Lost Symbol, since this past fall the House of the Temple has been inundated with a deluge of tourists who all seem to voice similar misconceptions about our Rite. Their ignorance can of course be forgiven. However, it should be the duty of all Masons when they come across someone who is sincerelycurious about the fraternity, more especially a brotherMason, to educate them to the best of their ability. This article should prepare you for that important educational task.
The Scottish Rite originated in Scotland.
The Scottish Rite actually came to the United States by way of France. This is unequivocally the most common misconception we hear from visitors to the House of the Temple. There is evidence of “Scotch Masons’ Lodges” dating back to 1733 in England; and there were also predecessors such as the “Adonhiramite Rite” (ca. 1781) which included many degrees that ultimately became part of the Scottish Rite.1 Yet, it was not until 1763 and the creation of the “Order of the Royal Secret” by Stephen Morin of France, that the ritual we practice today began to coalesce into a form recognizable to a modern Scottish Rite Mason.2
A 32° Scottish Rite Mason has more authority in a Blue Lodge than a 3° Master Mason.
No. In a Blue Lodge a Mason has only the rank and authority he has earned in the Blue Lodge; membership in other organizations has no effect on his status in the Blue Lodge.
There is an unsanctioned tradition in some Blue Lodges of telling new Master Masons that they must preside as master of their lodge before petitioning “high-degree” Masonry of any kind. This sentiment often leads to a belief that the appendant bodies are a natural and hierarchical progression beyond the first three degrees. While this is certainly true in the sense that the lessons of the Scottish Rite begin where the Master Mason Degree ends, the only requirement to join the Scottish or the York Rites is to be a Master Mason in good standing in a recognized jurisdiction—no presiding required. At the formation of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717 there were only two degrees—the Fellowcraft Degree was the culmination of Craft Masonry. Eight years later comes the first evidence of the Master Mason Degree, and it was readily adopted by the grand lodge. Other degrees were welcomed as they arose, but not formally adopted by the grand lodge; there is no degree higher in a grand lodge than that of Master Mason.3 Since the very outset of high degree Masonry, the role it played in craft lodges has always been curtailed, as witnessed by a 1743 regulation of the Grand Lodge of France, limiting the privileges of “Scotch Master Masons.”4
The Royal Arch is older than the Scottish Rite.
No. Much credence is erroneously given to the notion that the Royal Arch is older than the Scottish Rite. This misconception comes largely from England where the Royal Arch is much more closely connected to the Craft and is seen by many as a part of and the culmination of Craft Masonry. This misconception migrated into the United States where it continues to this day. As stated earlier, the earliest record of a “Scot’s Master” dates to 1733. The first mention of “Royal Arch Masons” is in a 1744 Dublin pamphlet, A Serious and Impartial Enquiry into the Cause of the Present Decay in Free Masonry in the Kingdom of Ireland.5 The first record of the Royal Arch being conferred is in Fredericksburg Lodge, Virginia, in 1753.
S e a t t l e S c o t t i s h R i t e 11
The degrees of the York Rite and Scottish Rite differ greatly. This misconception is only partially true. The structure and organization of the bodies are vastly different between the York and Scottish Rite, but the legends and themes of the degrees are remarkably similar. From an organizational point of view, the York Rite tends to be composed of small, localized bodies, while the Scottish Rite has larger regional bodies. The Scottish Rite has two Supreme Councils that exercise complete control in their jurisdictions. There are fifty-one autonomous Grand Chapters of Royal Arch Mason, most of which belong to the General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International, which functions as a loose confederation. The fifty-one Grand Councils of Cryptic Masons are organized similarly, while the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar has ultimate control over Templarism. These organizational differences set aside, both rites expand upon the legends of the Blue Lodge Degrees. All Scottish Rite Masons are aware that the 13° and 14°, Royal Arch of Solomon and Perfect Elu, complement each other in telling of the discovery of the Lost Word. When compared to the Royal Arch Mason Degree, there are some striking similarities. Another example of striking similarities would be a comparison of the 15° and 16°, Knight of the East and Prince of Jerusalem, with the Commandery’s Order of the Red Cross. Lastly, it is worth mentioning that the 30°, Knight Kadosh, is a thinly veiled Templar legend which maintains many intentional parallels to the degrees of the York Rite Commandery. Albert Pike extolled the virtues and benefits of the Scottish Rite above all other degrees. Not true. Albert Pike accepted the Blue Lodge Degrees as the foundation of Masonic teachings. One of his most brilliant works is Esoterika: Symbolism of the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry, a detailed analysis of Blue Lodge symbolism. The fact that Pike held the symbols of Blue Lodge Masonry in high esteem is without question: “Every legitimate symbol of the Blue Lodge, everyone that really belongs to it, is a religious symbol, of great antiquity, which came to Free-Masonry from the Hermetic Philosophy by inheritance.…”6
The Scottish Rite North-South divide occurred as a result of the American Civil War. Wrong. The roots of the North-South divide originated in the Grand Constitutions of the 33rd Degree of 1786, the source of traditional Scottish Rite authority, which stipulates that two Supreme Councils were to be created in the United States. However, the validity and accuracy of this document is still subject to much debate. The first legitimate Supreme Council in New York City was created in 1813 when the US Scottish Rite territory was divided into two jurisdictions, but the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction was not formally created until 1867 with the merger of two rival Supreme Councils.7 Endnotes 1. Alain Bernheim, “Did Early ‘High’ or Écossais Degrees Originate in France?,” Heredom, vol. 5 (1996), pp. 87–113; Albert G. Mackey, Robert I. Clegg, ed., Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Kindred Sciences, 2 vols. (Chicago, Masonic History Co., 1929), s.v. “Adonhiramite Freemasonry.” 2. Arturo de Hoyos, The Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor and Guide, 2d ed. (Washington, D.C.: Supreme Council, 33°, 2009), pp. 98–99. 3. Lisa Kahler. “Scottish Definitions and Transitions,” Heredom, vol. 9 (2001): 245. 4. S. Brent Morris, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry (New York, N.Y.: Penguin Group, 2006), p. 108. 5. Yasha Beresiner. “Royal Arch: The Fourth Degree of the Grand Lodge of the Antients,” Heredom, vol. 8 (1999–2000): p. 10. 6. Arturo de Hoyos, ed., Albert Pike’s Esoterika: The Symbolism of the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry, (Washington: Supreme Council, 33°, 2008), p. lv. 7. Arturo de Hoyos & S. Brent Morris, “Cerneauism & Anti-Masonry.” Scottish Rite Journal May/June (2010): p. 3–6.
12 S e a t t l e S c o t t i s h R i t e
There's Work to Be Done By: Guest Contributor - Wor. David Tennison This Article is from The Laudable Persuit In his book ‘But I Digress’ Dr. Jim Tresner responded to a Brother claiming that Jim was a Masonic Expert’. Jim stated that he was not a Masonic Expert. In fact, he said, there is no such thing as a Masonic expert. Then he took it back. He said that there is one Masonic expert: You. You are the expert. Since masonry is an individual journey, you determine what it means to you. This is what the Working Tools of the Entered Apprentice Degree mean to me. The Working Tools of the Ritual may be mystical pictures of ineffable ideas, but to me they are foremost actual tools of wood and metal, without which no man can long continue to be a man. They are used symbolically in the Ritual to represent all tools everywhere. Tools belong to work and therefore belong to man in his capacity as a worker. Tools are therefore not extraneous to man, detachable, accidental, or incidental, as if he could lay them down or take them up when he might fancy, but belong to what he is, and the tools in his hand belong as much to him as the teeth in his head. Nowhere in nature is there a way for a pair of shoes to be made, or a suit of clothes to grow out of the back of a sheep, or for bread to bake itself. It requires work, and therefore it requires tools. The respect for labor itself and sympathy for the working classes are purely Masonic. Masonry has made the working man and his associates the heroes of her principal legend, and the companion of kings. Work should not be regarded as a curse but a blessing. To be able to work, to create something, whether it is a poem, a piston or a pot roast is a priceless privilege in which God allows us to participate in His creative nature. All work is noble. And every man has work to do in himself, upon his own soul and intellect. The Entered Apprentice Degree is possibly my favorite degree. A new world opened before me and the old world was left behind. Groping in darkness as an Entered Apprentice, I was shown light, but only partially, in stages or degrees. At every turn I was instructed. Dr. Mackey suggests that initiates into the old Schools of Mystery or Knowledge are not permitted to enter the inter-sanctum or shown the secrets until they had been purified, usually by water or fire. He suggests that the Rule, Gavel and Apron are symbols of that purification. I think that it is significant that I received the Working Tools of this Degree after I was given my Apron. I was told, among other things, to “let its pure and spotless surface be to you an ever present reminder of a ‘purity of life and rectitude of conduct,’ a never ending argument for nobler deeds, for higher thoughts and purer actions.” This signifies to me, that I am given a job, then given the tools. The Twenty-four Inch Gauge is well explained in the ritual, but the significance of one point is sometimes overlooked. The Entered Apprentice is taught that he should rightly divide his time. Time is a precious commodity. There is no time to be wasted. There is no time to be idle. There is no time for waiting. The implication is plain; I should be always ready to use my tools. Recall the words of Flavius to the workman in Julius Caesar, "Where is thy leather apron and thy rule? What does thou with thy best apparel on?" Freemasonry is not only for the lodge room but for life. Not to take the Twenty-four Inch Gauge into the world is to miss the practical application of Masonic labor and Masonic charity. The origin of the word ‘gavel’ is unknown. Dr. Albert Mackey proposed that it came from the German word for gable and when you look at it you can see that it resembles the gable end of a roof. It is actually two tools: a hammer for crushing stone and a chisel for cutting stone. The ridge of the chisel is parallel to the handle enabling the stone cutter to get into corners, align his strikes with existing marks and direct the chips of rock away for him. It is a finishing tool that turns a rough stone into a finished stone. Stone masons of old had the skill to fit stones so precisely that mortar was not needed. As an Entered Apprentice, I am reminded of my “rough and imperfect” state and of the need to gain understanding of my imperfections and control of my passions. It is through honest reflection and work that I form the foundation and build my personal temple. The famous sculptor and ardent Freemason, Gutzon Borglum, asked how he carved stone into beautiful statues, once said, "It is very simple. I merely knock away with hammer and chisel the stone I do not need and the statue is there – it was there all the time."
S e a t t l e S c o t t i s h R i t e 13
In the Great Light we read: "The kingdom of heaven is within you." We are also taught that man is made in the image of God. As Brother Borglum has so beautifully said, images are made by a process of taking away. The perfection is already within. All that is required is to remove the roughness, the imperfect, "divesting our minds and consciences of all the vices and superfluities of life" to show forth the perfect man and Mason within. Thus the gavel becomes also a symbol for discovery. Remember that it is a ‘common’ gavel. It is not the Master’s gavel. It is not a badge of authority. It is the gavel we hold ‘in common‘, tools of the mind which we all have. I am to use mine only on me, to perfect a simple life. The Common Gavel is an instrument of power, force and change. But that force must be focused or it can result in destruction. That is where the other tool of the Entered Apprentice comes in. The 24 Inch Gage also represents Intellect. It is used to measure and lay out his work, directing the change. A vice is a practice, behavior, or habit generally considered immoral, depraved or degrading in the associated society. In more minor usage it can refer to a fault, a negative character trait, defect or a bad or unhealthy habit. All cultures and religions recognize vices as human failings. The poet Dante Alighieri listed the following seven deadly vices in his work Inferno, associating them structurally as flaws in the soul’s inherent capacity for goodness as made in the Divine Image yet perverted by the Fall: They are 1. Pride or vanity 2. Envy or jealousy 3. Wrath or anger 4. Sloth or laziness 5. Avarice or greed 6. Gluttony and 7. Lust These ‘corruptions of the soul’ as Dante would put it, are a part of me and I suppose all of us. They can appear without warning. They seem to have a mind of their own and they can consume me. And at times, I have been known to embrace them and take guilty pleasure in the damage they inflect. Such is the attraction of vice. They have ruined many great men. But, if I am to be a mason, not just in name only; if I am initiated into manhood; if I am to learn to subdue my passions and improve myself, then I must recognize them and decide to remove them. I must keep my common Gavel with me at all times. I am reminded of the Serenity Prayer: God grand me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference. My Common Gavel gives me the courage to reconsider the way I react to the world around me. I interpret superfluities of the mind and conscience as thoughts and feelings that are harmful to focus and purpose. To me, they are like distracting noise. Thoughts and feelings like worry, dread and anxiety. To progress in our gentle craft, I must concentrate. It requires honest reflection in order to attain a higher consciousness. Only through thought and study can I hope to come to a fuller understanding of myself and the cosmos. The common gavel keeps me focused. By learning to use these tools, I am then able to better use the tools in later degrees. To better fit as a living stone for the Builder’s use. I recently heard a Brother state that the purpose of Masonry is to help a man answer this question, ‘Who am I… really?’ That is a good question. It is my goal to answer that question. A goal worthy of my finest efforts.
14 S e a t t l e S c o t t i s h R i t e
Messages Happy Birthday!
Congratulations from all your Scottish Rite Brethren To our members over 90 who have reached a very important birthday!
James Perry 09/07/1921
Charles Lamb 10/11/1920
William Barrette 09/21/1924
Adel Mohsen 10/31/1925
Rodney Phillips 09/16/1925
Walter Lain 10/05/1926
Gomer Evans 09/18/1927
Robert Johnson 10/08/1926
Rene Bluenfeld 09/10/1928
William Hartley 10/19/1927
Robert Rosenquist 09/19/1929
Donald Wilson 10/07/1928
Harry Arthur 09/10/1930
William White 10/27/1929
John Chigaras 09/25/1930
Lynn Samford 10/03/1930
Frank Maziarski 09/28/1930
Elden Strong 10/28/1930
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