2014-2015 Seattle Symphony School Programs Brochure

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2014–2015 Season

5 k s e Grad

HONY P M Y S E L T T A LINK UP: SE Symphony e l t t a e S E SOUNDBRIDG ry Center

e Music Discov



Grades 3–5

LINK UP: Seattle Symphony THE ORCHESTRA ROCKS L i n k U p : Sea ttl e Sy m p ho ny u nites the c lass ro o m w ith the co ncer t hall. Stu d ents i n g ra d es 3 – 5 l ea rn to s ing and play sympho nic melo dies thro ugh L i n k U p cu rri cul um , th en a tte n d a Seattle Sympho ny co ncer t at Benaroya Hall, w h ere th ey s i n g a nd p l ay a l o ng w ith the Sympho ny and also hear selec ted sy mp h o n i c m a sterwo rks. D u r i ng th e 20 1 4–20 1 5 sea so n , Link U p w ill feature The Orc hestra Ro c ks, a curri cul um p rov i d ed by Ca rn egie Hall’s Weill M us ic I nstitute. Students explo re r hy t hm , p ul se a nd g ro ove a s l isteners, co mposers and perfo rmers by learning to si n g a nd p l ay wo rks o n the re co rder. Re pe r to i re h i g h l i g hts i n cl u d e Tc haikovs ky’s Sympho ny No. 4, Carl Orff ’s Car mina B ura n a , Tho m a s Ca ba n i ss’ D rumlines and Ho lst’s The Planets.

SCHOOLS MAY CHOOSE TO PARTICIPATE IN 2 WAYS: • Link U p pro gram + co ncer t • Link U p + res idency pro gram + co ncer t


• Link U p teac her guide w ith acco mpanying C D and DVD • Link U p wo rkbo o k fo r eac h student • Profess io nal develo pment wo rks ho p and resources • O ppo r tunity to play o nstage during the culminating Link U p co ncer t w ith the Seattle Sympho ny • Access to Carnegie Hall’s o nline reso urce center • Admiss io n to the culminating Link U p co ncer t at Benaroya Hall

LINK UP + RESIDENCY PARTICIPANTS RECEIVE ALL OF THE ABOVE, PLUS: • A so prano reco rder fo r eac h teac her and student • O ns ite planning v is its w ith an ass igned Seattle Sympho ny teac hing ar tist • 5 o r 1 0 teac hing ar tist c lass ro o m v is its (o ne v is it per 5 o r 1 0 weeks) • Profess io nal develo pment wo rks ho p

Grades 3–5 Students preparing to play along with the Symphony at Benaroya Hall.

(re q ui re d )

REGISTRATION DEADLINES: J u n e 1 5, 20 1 4: Ea rl y b i rd d ea d l i n e (reco mmended fo r res idency placement) Se pte m b er 8 , 20 1 4: Res i d e n cy re gistratio n deadline Nove m b er 1 , 20 1 4: Li nk U p reg i stratio n deadline

REGISTER ONLINE! sea tt lesy m p h o ny.o rg /l i nku p O R co nta ct u s a t 20 6. 336. 6603 o r stephanie.ro do usakis @seattlesympho ny.o rg

CONCERT DATES: Tu esday, May 1 2 , 20 1 5 : 1 0 : 30 a m & 1 2 :1 5 pm We dn esd ay, May 1 3, 20 1 5 : 1 0 : 30 am & 1 2 :1 5 pm Th u rsd ay, May 1 4, 20 1 5 : 1 0 : 30 a m & 1 2 :1 5 pm




Student: $2

Student: $3

Student: $6

One c h ape ro n e is re qu ire d fo r eve r y 1 0 stu d e nts ; c h a p e ron es a re n ot c h a rg e d . Beyon d t h e 1 0 to 1 stu de nt- ch ape ro n e rat io, t h e cost i s $ 1 0 p e r a d d i t i on a l c h a p e ron e. *Sc hoo ls wit h m o re t h an 60 % fre e or re d u ce d l u n c h a n d /or 30% ES L stu d e nts m ay par ti c i pate in L in k Up fo r a s ign ifica nt l y re d u ce d ra te or for f re e, d e p e n d i n g on n e e d a n d on a case - by- case bas is.

Grades K–5


Seattle Symphony Music Discovery Center Soundbridge is the Seattle Symphony’s music education center at Benaroya Hall, featuring a private classroom as well as interactive symphonic and world instrument exhibits. Bring your students to Soundbridge for a field trip, or have Soundbridge come to your classroom. Find the workshop that aligns with your curriculum and deepens students’ learning through inquiry-based, hands-on music programs. All classes develop 21st-century skills, including communication, collaboration, critical thinking, risk-taking and creativity. Classes are aligned with Washington State EALRs and Common Core grade-level standards. Grades K–2

Grades 3–5



Discover the cultures of the world through songs, stories and instruments. Students learn to weave their own musical tales by creating soundtracks to the stories they hear. Grades K–1

ORCHESTRA FAMILIES Students learn about the families of instruments in the orchestra, discovering their history, why they “live” together and how they work together to make a symphony come to life.

Explore the science of sound through the lens of kinetic sound artist Trimpin. Students will experiment with soundwave vibrations and acoustics, learn how the instruments of the orchestra produce sound and create their own instruments inspired by Trimpin’s sound sculptures.

Grades 4-5

SONGWRITING: STATE SONGS “Washington, My Home.” Students explore the history of state songs, learn the Washington state song and create a song together that represents their class.

SPECIAL ADD-ON: TRIMPIN >>> Explore the Trimpin installation in the Grand Lobby. If you visit Soundbridge between May 4 and June 12, 2015, you may choose to add on a 20-minute visit to see Trimpin’s new sound sculpture, designed specifically for the Samuel & Althea Stroum Grand Lobby. Students will learn about and hear the large instrument made of multiple large horns and a suspended grand piano. It’s not to be missed! *Limited availability. Reserve early!

EXTEND YOUR TRIP Make a day out of your Soundbridge field trip with add-on activities, including instrument exploration, lunch in The Boeing Company Gallery or a tour of the S. Mark Taper Foundation Auditorium.




1–15 students

$ 3/s tudent mi ni mum $ 30

$ 5/s tudent mi ni mum $ 6 0

16–30 students

$ 3/s tudent mi ni mum $ 6 0

$ 5/s tudent mi ni mum $ 1 20

31–60 students

$ 3/s tudent mi ni mum $ 1 0 0

$ 5/s tudent mi ni mum $ 1 80

BRING SOUNDBRIDGE TO YOU! Sou n d b ri d g e tea chi ng a r ti sts l ead c lasses and instrument explo ratio n at yo ur sc h o o l , co m m uni ty ce nte r, o rg anizatio n o r camp.



$125 per class

Starting at $50

Materials fees may also apply.

FIELD TRIP RESERVATION INSTRUCTIONS To re q u est a fi e l d tri p, p l ea se v is it so undbridge.o rg and fill o ut the field trip rese r va ti o n re q uest fo rm o n the Sc ho o l Pro grams page. Requests are ho no red o n a fi rst- co m e, fi rst- se rved ba s i s. Yo ur requested date is not guaranteed until yo u re ce i ve a co nfi rm a ti o n l etter fro m So undbr idge. • • • •

Rese rve a m i ni m u m of s ix weeks in advance of yo ur des ired date; reserve ea rl i e r i f yo u d es i re a date in the s pring. Rese rva ti o n s a re co nfi r med by email w ithin o ne week of yo ur reservatio n req u est. Ca ncel l a ti o ns a n d a ny changes to yo ur reservatio n must be made at least fi ve b u s i ness d ays i n a d vance. Fo r appo intments canceled w ith fewer than two b u s i ness d ays’ n oti ce, and fo r missed appo intments, the fee is 5 0% of the sched u l ed fi e l d trip fee. O ne a d ul t ch a p ero ne p e r 1 0 c hildren required.

RESERVATIONS: 206 . 336. 661 3 rese r va ti o ns @ so u nd b ri d g e.o rg sea tt l esy m p h o ny.o rg /so u nd b ri dge

So u n db rid g e is su ppo r ted by I n st r uments gen ero u sly prov ided by M usic 4L ife ™, and Mills M u sic w ith th e Ya ma h a Co r po ra tion and the Se lm e r Co m pa ny.

Grades K–5


Grades 6–12


New format!

Designed exclusively for secondary students, Open Rehearsals invite students into the rehearsal process and lives of professional symphony musicians. Seattle Symphony Associate Conductor Stilian Kirov will help students understand rehearsal technique and explore how composers write for the different instruments of the orchestra. Question-andanswer sessions with Seattle Symphony musicians will begin and end the rehearsal. All rehearsals are in the S. Mark Taper Foundation Auditorium at Benaroya Hall. Open Rehearsal times are 10–11:30am. Fee: $2 per student; chaperones are not charged. The Seattle Symphony does not cover transportation costs. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014 TUE SDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2014 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2015

The Merriman Family

YOUNG COMPOSERS WORKSHOP Free for pre-college students This workshop is a 12-week series of two-hour classes, with visits from guest composers. Designed for pre-college musicians, the workshop allows students to work on all aspects of composing, including writing themes, learning orchestration and preparing a final score with parts. Classes meet on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 6:30pm in Soundbridge Seattle Symphony Music Discovery Center. This season, as part of our residency with kinetic sound artist Trimpin, young composers will have the rare opportunity to write for a new instrument designed for the Samuel & Athea Stroum Grand Lobby. The program begins on February 18, 2015, and culminates on June 1, 2015, with a world premiere chamber concert featuring new works by these young composers. All pieces are performed by Seattle Symphony musicians in the Samuel & Athea Stroum Grand Lobby. Application deadline is January 5, 2015. REGISTRATION Open Rehearsals, Young Composers Workshop Thomasina Schmitt, Community Partnerships Manager 206.336.6650 thomasina.schmitt@seattlesymphony.org

Grades 6–12

FR IDAY M ATI N EE C O N C ERTS Enjoy full-length concerts and a free 30-minute pre-concert talk (one hour prior to all performances). Teachers will receive program notes along with information about the acoustics of Benaroya Hall. Teachers! Clock hours are available with Behind the Music attendance. All concert performances begin at 12 noon. School groups receive a special discount. Tickets are $8 per student and $10 per adult. Advance orders only. To order tickets, contact our Group Sales Manager at 206.215.4818 or groupsales@seattlesymphony.org. Subject to availability. Restrictions apply. Programs subject to change.

September 19, 2014

January 16, 2015



Ludovic Morlot, conductor Daniil Trifonov, piano / Seattle Symphony WAGNER: Overture to Die Meistersinger TCHAIKOVSKY: Piano Concerto No. 1 DVOŘÁK: Symphony No. 7 ORDE R BY AU G UST 15, 2014

Itzhak Perlman, conductor & violin Seattle Symphony J.S. BACH: Violin Concerto No. 2 BRAHMS: Academic Festival Overture BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 3, “Eroica” O R DE R BY AU G U ST 2 2 , 2 0 1 4

December 12, 2014

*Very limited availabilty for school groups. Student pricing not guaranteed.

JOSHUA ROMAN WIT H THE SEATTLE SYMPHONY Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla, conductor Joshua Roman, cello / Seattle Symphony PROKOFIEV: Lieutenant Kijé Suite MASON BATES: Cello Concerto (World Premiere) TCHAIKOVSKY: Selections from Sleeping Beauty ORDE R BY N OVE MB E R 7, 2014

April 17, 2015

SHOSTAKOVICH’S LENINGRAD SYMPHONY Andrey Boreyko, conductor Alexander Velinzon, violin / Seattle Symphony SCHNITTKE: Violin Concerto No. 4 SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony No. 7, “Leningrad” O R DE R BY M A R C H 1 3, 2 0 1 5

Photos: Cover and pages 1,5 & 7 by Brandon Patoc, pages 2 & 6 by Robert Wade, page 3 provided by SAM, and page 4 by Jessica Forsythe.

P.O. Box 2108 Seattle, WA 98111–2108


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Educator Discount on Seattle Symphony Concerts

Simply say that you are an educator when you call or visit our Ticket Office and you’ll receive a 15% discount on tickets to most Seattle Symphony performances. Subject to availability. Restrictions apply. No adjustment for previous purchases. For tickets, call the Seattle Symphony Ticket Office at 206.215.4747 or visit us at the corner of Third Avenue and Union Street in Benaroya Hall; Mon–Fri, 10am–6pm; Sat, 1–6pm.

Co n c e r t s for Clock Ho u rs

Attend a Masterworks Season concert with a Pre-concert Talk one hour prior to the performance for three clock hours through the Washington Music Educators Association (WMEA). Sign-in sheet and registration information are available at the Head Usher Station in the Samuel & Althea Stroum Grand Lobby.

Link Up: Seattle Symphony is made possible with support from The Boeing Company, The Clowes Fund, Inc., the Elizabeth B. McGraw Foundation, HSBC, Richard and Francine Loeb, Macy’s Foundation, The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation, the Wyman Youth Trust, Peach Foundation, power2Give/ArtsFund and the Peg and Rick Young Foundation. Thanks to Music4Life™ for the gift of musical instruments. The Weill Music Institute’s programs are made available to a nationwide audience in part by the U.S. Department of Education and by an endowment grant from the Citi Foundation.


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