Q & A with S.G.A President, Page 6
Letter From The Editor
Seawanhaka Staff CONTACT
Seawanhaka Press 1 University Plaza #S-219 Brooklyn, NY 11201 SeawanhakaPress@gmail.com 718.488.1591
Editorial Policies
Managing Editor
Dear Readers, Welcome to the first issue of Seawanhaka for the Spring 2012 semester! In this issue you will find news about the new Long Island University marketing campaign seen around the city. As you can see, L.I.U. was not the only one who rebranded but Seawanhaka did as well. To go along with the new L.I.U logo we decided to rebrand Seawanhaka by changing the Old English text and having a more modern, bold style. We are recruiting new writers, photographers, graphic designers and a web editor and social media relations personnel so Media Arts and Journalism majors please stop by the office for more information. Please note that all majors are welcomed. Meetings are held every Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. in Sloan building, room 219.
News Editor
Advertising Policies
Arts & Entertainment
We are also in the process of producing the newspaper online and having it available electronically. The newspaper will be available online next month. I believe that we are on a good start. We are only trying to the make Seawanhaka better every time we print. Seawanhaka is the voice of the student body and we want to continue to be an informative resource for the Long Island University community.
Sports Editor
Faculty Advisor
RICHARD NAU Layout & Design Advisor
CONTENT Page 3- LIU Brand Undergoes Extreme Makeover Page 4- College Graduates Facing Unemployment Woes Page 5- Same-Sex Marriage Page 6- Q&A with SGA President Page 6- Campus Camera Page 7- The Information Age Run Amok
Page 8- A Political Royal Rumble Page 9- Screening and Prevention for Cervical Cancer Page 12- Red Tails: Courage Has No Color Page 13- Sacred Space Dance Presents: UNEARTH Page 14- Rick Ross: Rich Forever Page 14- Brooklyn Campus Theater In the Spotlight
Opinions expressed on these pages do not necessarily reflect those of the staff. Unsigned editorials are the consensus of the editorial staff members. Opinions expressed in articles with bylines are those of the writers. Letters to the editor must include the writer’s full name and contact information. Seawanhaka reserves the right to edit submissions for length and style. Seawanhaka is published by the students of Long Island University Brooklyn Campus.
Display and classified advertisements are available to the general public, Long Island University clubs and students. For rate and schedule information, call 718.488.1519. Advertising is not free fornLIU organizations. Ads should be submitted to the Seawanhaka Press Room or Student Activities Office. Students, faculty and staff must submit a copy of their ID along with the proposed advertisement. Seawanhaka reserves the right to edit ads for length and style. We also reserve the right to refuse those we feel are unfit to print. Staff Writers Justin Ellis Brittany Ganter Shanel Gilbert Keeley Ibrahim Malcolm Jackson Karen Miller Chase Melvin Desiree Rucker Ryan Sahadeo Zelika Shillingford John Tolis Nancy Uwoghiren
Staff Photographer Nik Conklin Kristoffer Francisco Michelle Lawton
Page 15- Jason Wu for Target Collection Page 15- Entertainment Weekly Page 16- Track Opens Indoor Season in New York Page 16- LIU Athletics Embarks on Social Media Page 17- Men’s Basketball Remains Undefeated Page 18- Evans Breaks Assist Record Page 19- Boyd, Olasewere Garner Player of the Week
THE BUZZ... LIU’s Got Talent! Welcome back! The school year has begun and we hope everyone is excited for the events to come. The Pharmacy Student Leadership Council and Student Government Association (SGA) are hosting a student and faculty talent show this Friday, January 27, 2012. The talent show will be held at the Kumble Theater for the Performing Arts from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $10.00 but for students with ID it is $5.00. The proceeds will be going towards the Easter Seal Disability Services and the SGA Scholarship Fund. The Easter Seals Disability Service provides services and funds to help disabled and/or special needs children, adults and their families. You can purchase your tickets today at www.kumbletheater.org or contact the Kumble Theater box office at (718) 488-1624.
LIU Brand Undergoes Extreme Makeover BY: KAREN MILLER
ong Island University’s campuses are experiencing a public facelift. The rebranding, coupled with an aggressive effort to atract new students, launched earlier this month. Students can expect to see a brand new school logo and advertisements across New York City. Many students may wonder why LIU is launching this new campaign. For its part, LIU officials contend that the effort is designed to raise the university’s public profile and increase enrollment. The rebranding was approved by the University’s Board of Trustees last October. Since then, LIU’s marketing and public relations team along with John Ferrell, a consultant hired by LIU, crafted a comprehensive marketing strategy – complete with a new slogan and images. Previousy, Ferrell had worked on marketing projects for WalMart and Advil. Built around the slogan “Find Out How Good You Really Are,” LIU’s rebranding campaign seeks to reinforce the idea that LIU is one University while celebrating notable success stories among alumni and current students. Central to the campaign are a series
“Some students may question, ‘Are tuition rates going to increase?’ The answer is no,” said Brain Harmon, LIU’s director of public relations. “We want JOB 9-199 BUS SHELTERS BROOKLYN 11.8125 X 17.1 (1/4 SIZE ––– FINAL 47.25 X 68.40 LIVE AREA 45.5 X 67 DCW - BUS SHELTERS
II needed needed to to hone hone my my skills skills in in marketing. marketing. LIU LIU Brooklyn Brooklyn had had exactly exactly what what II was was looking looking for. for. Their Their Office Office of of Career Career Services Services helped helped me me land land an an internship internship at at Def Def Jam Jam Records. Records. -- Stephanie Stephanie Persaud, Persaud, Class Class of of 2013 2013
Photo Above: Stephanie Persaud, Class of 2013
stronger curriculum. Stephanie Persaud, a junior at LIU’s Brooklyn Campus majoring in business marketing management, has her own view about the new campaign. “I like it,” she said, “The old one didn’t attract people and this campaign gives the school a new face. It tells real stories about the students.” Persaud was among the students whose experiences at LIU is being featured in the University’s new TV spots. But others, however, are skeptical – including Justin Henry, a former LIU student who majored in media arts. “I like the campaign, but at the same time [it will] cost money and [it still isn’t clear whether] it comes from student’s tuition. Education is all about money at the end of the day,” said Henry. “I wonder what will happen when enrollment increases and more funding comes to the University. LIU shouldn’t have excuses as to why improvements aren’t occurring around the campus.” JOB 9-199 BUS SHELTERS BROOKLYN 11.8125 X 17.1 (1/4 SIZE ––– FINAL 47.25 X 68.40 LIVE AREA 45.5 X 67 DCW - BUS SHELTERS
Growing up in Hawaii, my two passions were sports and health care. LIU Brooklyn gave me the chance to do both. I am now a three-time Northeast Conference champion and a registered respiratory therapist. - Erica Chong, Class of 2008
Photo Above: Erica Chong, Class of 2008
to increase enrollment and increase our profile.” “Marketing is very important to LIU,” he added. “By increasing enrollment, all the needs of investing funds into the improvement of restrooms, the dorms and [other facilities] can be addressed.”
By Nancy Uwoghiren
of television and print ads in which LIU alumni and current students describe how they’ve managed to reach individual goals at the university. Ads can be seen in Long Island Railroad stations, metropolitan buses and subways, Times Square billboards, and major daily newspapers including the New York Daily News. The launch of the campaign is estimated to cost about $2.5 million.
And while it has since received mixed reviews among LIU students, the University opted to introduce a colorful new font for its acronym while incorporating a triangle shape over the letter “I.” The triangle, officials note, symbolizes that the school is building a
I was looking for a place where I could develop my passion for journalism. At LIU Brooklyn, I run the campus newspaper. Its Office of Career Services helped me land an internship at El Diario La Prensa, the largest Spanish-language newspaper in New York City. - Mabel Martinez, Class of 2013
Photo Above: Mabel Martinez, Class of 2013
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College Graduates Facing Unemployment Woes BY: JANICE MACK
Photo Credit: www.dailycaller.com
hen Yvette Lakeisha, 35, received her college degree in liberal arts, she was excited about the prospect of starting her career. However, nearly a decade and two children later, her excitement has turned into struggle as she finds herself unemployed. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 2 million college graduates over the age of 25 who have obtained a bachelor’s degree or higher is facing unemployment. “College isn’t cracked up to be what everyone thinks it is,” said Lakeisha. “There can also be a false sense of hope – that, if I just work hard and get into a lot of debt from student loans, then I’ll have a bright future full of success.” Kerry Bartholomew, a career counselor at Long Island University’s Brooklyn Campus, admits that preparing a lot sooner before graduation and getting relevant internships would give graduates the best chance of finding work after they leave college. “More and more people are obtaining a college degree. There’s a lot more access to higher education noawadays,” said Batholomew. “You really have to be the cream of the crop. You have to set yourself apart from the rest.”
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The job market has become heavily competitive in recent years with more people obtaining, and even furthering, their college degrees. “Getting an education is not the problem,” said Lakeisha. “Anyone can get an education – it’s as easy as ever. My grandmother could get an education if she had a computer.” Although online schooling isn’t expected to replace the traditional classroom setting anytime soon, getting a degree online has quickly caught on among parents like Lakeisha who stay at home with their children. “I think online classes are very convenient,” she said. “However, the barriers between a person and an education is far less than the obstacles between a person and obtaining employment.” Once upon a time, simply getting a degree meant getting a job. However, getting an internship not only gives students experience, but increases their chances of being hired by a company in their field of interest. “Internships are good, but if they’re not paid and you need to pay your bills – you’re gonna get out there and find any kind of work, especially in this economy.” Meanwhile, the Obama administration recently touted a dip in the
Photo Credit: www.brunel.ac.uk unemployment rate to 8.5 percent and the creation of new jobs in several sectors, from retail to healthcare. Still, worries among job seekers are continuing to mount. “I don’t know what states Obama was referring to, but I haven’t seen any new job,” said Kwesi Nkromah, 25, who is concerned about his employment options as he nears graduation. Bartholomew – the LIU career counselor – suggests that graduates should keep an open mind and remain willing to do drastic things such as relocating. “Sometimes that’s what it takes,” she said. “It depends on what industry you’re in.” Bartholomew explains that if a person graduates in New York with a degree in agriculture, then he or she might want to consider pursuing job leads in states like California. And if a California graduate receives a degree in fashion, then New York would be a likely destination. “If you’re flexible in location, then [the job search] becomes easier,” Bartholomew added. Besides flexibility, carefully choosing a major that has a high demand should be heavily weighed by students before enrolling into college, employment experts suggest. Lakeisha – who recalls noticing a large percentage of nursing
school majors when she was in school – agrees. “At the time, I couldn’t understand why so many people were nursing majors,” she said. “Years down the line, after I finished school and couldn’t find a job – I noticed the high demand for nurses.” With the rollercoaster ride that the economy is on – one minute it’s on the verge of depression, the next minute it’s on the road to recovery – people are making sacrifices to stay afloat. Gone is the time when people had the option of going to college. But in the midst of hard economic times, some individuals have been finding a silver lining wherever they can. “Even though I haven’t been able to find a job in my field of study – it’s giving me the chance to spend time with my kids while my husband works,” Lakeisha said. “Do you know how many people, unfortunately, don’t have that option or have to put off having kids for the sake of their career?”
Same-Sex Marriage
Photo Credit: www.thegazette.com
frican-Americans in the United States have the least amount of support for same-sex marriage compared to other groups of people according to Frank Bruni’s New York Times article, “Race, Religion and SameSex Marriage.” Same-Sex marriage is an issue that has been floating around the United States for years and it carries a variety of perspectives from everyone including African-Americans in the Long Island University Brooklyn Campus. Several students were asked their opinion on same-sex marriage, and their answers and reasoning varied. According to Bruni’s article, “In 2008 Californians passed Proposition 8, which prohibited state recognition of same-sex marriage, with a 52 percent majority. Voting analyses suggest that between 58 and 70 percent of black voters backed the prohibition.” Studies from the Siena College Research Institute showed that a New York survey from April illustrated that 62 percent of white voters and 54 percent of Latino voters favored same-sex marriage while only 46 percent of black voters did.
opposed to same-sex marriage, she finalized her opinion when she said, “However, I do not judge anyone because of their sexual orientation.”
‘family’ also plays a huge role in how we view marriage here in this country. But I think people should marry whomever they please.”
Many students had straight forward opinions on the issue like Roston Moore and Hafeez Rahim. Moore simply said, “I see nothing wrong with it. It doesn’t affect my life.” Rahim said, “I support it and I believe they should be allowed to marry if it’s what they desire like any other two humans would. Them marrying would barely affect us in any significant way and they shouldn’t be punished for something they can’t control.”
LIU’s own Queer Straight Alliance (QSA) club had members who also shared their views on same-sex marriage. Alanna Dawkins mentioned that she is not big on the idea of marriage but she supports marriage in the LGBT community. “No church, government or other institution should have a say in who you spend the rest of your life with.” However, Dawkins said, “You don’t need a legally signed document for that.”
Transfer student, Ray Harris’ stance on same-sex marriage revolved around the idea of family. “The institution of marriage or the way we practice it here in the U.S. is quite different from other cultures. Compared to other cultures, we are very close minded. There are cultures in Africa where men marry men strictly for military purposes. Women play the role as a second care giver in a family. The meaning of
QSA advisor, Courtney Bourque Frederick said, “Same-sex marriage is a deeply personal issue for many of us on the LIU campus. Legalizing and recognizing same-sex marriage impacts not only student and staff personal politics, but also greater university policies, like partner benefits. And while not all of us personally support or will participate in the institution we call ‘marriage,’ we can certainly agree that
legalization goes a long way to begin to change policies and minds.” Speaking specifically of LIU students, Frederick said, “Acknowledgement of same-sex relationships will serve to help young LGBT people to feel accepted & validated. Positive affirmation will serve to decrease homophobia and anti-gay sentiment, which is especially relevant when attempting to create a safe campus environment.” While studies may show that African Americans do not show support for same-sex marriage, the LIU community has a range of views towards the matter. In fact, the idea of marriage alone seems to be an issue for some LIU students apart from same-sex marriages. Ultimately, the African-American group of people makes up many entities including a variety of religious and ethical beliefs. Therefore, it is hard to categorize African Americans as being the group of people that support same-sex marriage the least.
Photo Credit: lycourier.lycoming.edu
The article brings up one argument that African-Americans oppose samesex marriage due to religious beliefs. Amongst the Long Island University community, there are many varying views held by African-American students of many backgrounds and religions. Sherille Grant, an undergraduate student at LIU said, “I am very religious and I believe that marriage is between man and woman.” Although Grant is
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Q&A with S.G.A President doing even better this semester. Dealing with various campus issues was a real learning experience for me; the LIU staff was very helpful to the SGA. Through issues like last semesters faculty strike, I’ve learned just how important the voices of our students are, and the SGA has several events in store for Brooklyn Campus students. Q: What types of events does SGA have in mind for 2012?
ith the start of a new year and the Spring semester, the Student Government Association (SGA) looks toward the future of LIU’s Brooklyn Campus. With the experiences of Fall 2011 under his belt, SGA President Jermaine Isaac feels confident about new ideas for the upcoming semester. Seawanhaka had the chance to sit down with President Isaac to discuss SGA’s goals for 2012 and his thoughts about last semester. Q: How do you feel about your performance thus far as SGA President? A: I think everyone here has done a great job, but we’re all looking forward to
A: In partnership with Career Services, SGA will host a business expo which will feature several entrepreneurs from various areas of New York City and beyond. I think it will be a terrific way for students to learn how to start and manage their own businesses. Various fields will be represented; professionals of fashion, music and film, along with several others are expected to attend. This event is sure to be of interest to students of any major. Any of our students are capable of starting a business. I’ve had my own film company for about a year, and I owe my success to what I’ve learned from Career Services events and information sessions. Being business savvy is so important in today’s working world, and students will benefit greatly from connecting to other
BY: CHASE MELVIN business professionals. In recognition of Black History Month, every week in February SGA would like to invite a series of scholarly speakers to the campus to interact with students. It will be a forum to discuss anything students may have on their minds such as relationships, poverty, or even life after college. I think it’s important to work on social skills, and weekly discussions could act as a bridge between all the students throughout the campus. Q: When you talked about campus social skills, what were you referring to? A: I think last semester several students felt like there was a disconnection between them and the university. In order to promote understanding and move forward, the SGA would like to promote an open forum for students to have their voice be heard. We are considering inviting LIU President Dr. David Steinberg to attend a forum in which students will be able to address campus issues. The SGA would act as moderators while students will be free to ask question about campus fundraising, future goals of the university, and student initiatives. There is a lot for students to consider this semester, and this would be the first
time students would be able to directly voice their concerns to the President. Several students would like to know about the condition of the university, and how that will affect the experiences of the student body. Good topics of discussion could include how to raise the bar for the Brooklyn Campus in 2012 and the future of financial aid. Q: What is SGA’s overall goal this semester? A: I believe the overall goal of the SGA is to further open the lines of communication between students, faculty, and the university. We must all work together in order to answer our daunting questions. I have faith that we can look forward to even more success this semester at LIU. Q: After this semester, how do you feel about serving in office again? A: I would love the opportunity to continue serving as SGA President. I’m an LIU student as well, so I feel passionately about exercising student rights and discussing the future of our education. I feel very fortunate to be able to serve my fellow students, and I am proud to represent them and our university.
Campus Camera: What Do You Think of the New LIU Logo?
Cindy Kim, Junior, Pre-Pharmacy
Hubert Joseph, Junior, History
Fatima Castillo, Junior, Economics
Johnny Sadowski, Senior, Dance
“The new LIU logo is definitely a downgrade from the previous one. It looks like it’s from a community college or trade school.”
“The average tuition paid by the average student is about $34,000 a year. We have a president that is supposedly getting paid three times what Barack Obama does, and that is the best that they can do?”
“Students should have been involved with making the logo due to the fact that it is representing us.”
“It’s very cool and creative, but the triangle boggles my mind. Why did they choose a triangle? The triangle is the strongest of all shapes. Why use that color scheme? It’s more of a modern and contemporary look. But when I see it, I think of an arts school.”
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The Information Age Run Amok
n Wednesday January 18th, the world’s largest encyclopedia, Wikipedia, went black along with other popular Internet sites like WordPress and Reddit. They’re all opposing two US bills - not yet passed into law - called the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA). Voters in favor of a free and uncensored Internet argue that if implemented, these two laws would lead to heavy handed intervention from governments, which would have the power to block advertising, take sites off search engines, and even take down entire sites for alleged violations of intellectual property or other abuse. These intervention laws will require sites like YouTube to pre-screen all content to check for copyright or other violations before posting them on the net. Social media sites like Facebook or Twitter would have to check what each user is posting before allowing the posts to be put up. These demands are impossible to implement in real life without altering the very nature of content sharing or social media.
If these restrictions come into place in the US, home of most major Internet servers, they’re likely to impact millions of users in other countries as well. Some have argued that it is far better to stick with existing legislation like the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1996, which penalizes the unauthorized use of copyrighted material, but in a sensible, granular way – if copyright owners or content creators find that some site is hosting the same stuff illegally, they can complain to the site, which has to take down the offending things in a given period of time. Most nations follow similar rules. In addition, most sites have a button that allows users to report abuse, which is then checked by administrators, and if the content is really found to be offensive or copyright-violated, it is taken off. In an official statement posted on www. whitehouse.gov, President Obama’s administration commented on the urgency of this matter. “While we believe that online piracy by foreign websites is
a serious problem that requires a serious legislative response, we will not support legislation that reduces freedom of expression, increases cyber security risk, or undermines the dynamic, innovative global Internet.” The Administration went on to say, “Washington needs to hear your best ideas about how to clamp down on rogue websites and other criminals who make money off the creative efforts of American artists and rights holders. We should all be committed to working with all interested constituencies to develop new legal tools to protect global intellectual property rights without jeopardizing the openness of the Internet. Our hope is that you will bring enthusiasm and know-how to this important challenge.” Originally scheduled to convene on January 24th, Congress has agreed to table both bills for a later time in the near future due to multiple protests in New York and other states. Rest assured however, just like piracy itself, this debate isn’t over. Expect
more bills to move forward, although future legislation is expected to be more narrowly focused in an attempt to appease the current administration. Given the current economic climate and the upcoming Presidential election, there could be a different administration entering The White House soon, changing the landscape for these types of bills and the future of our cyber security.
Photo Credit: www.dailyhabitz.com
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A Political Royal Rumble:
Who Will Save Us From This Unclear Economic Future? Photo Credit: www.thyblackman.com
Photo Credit: www.politicalcartoon.com
s the rocky recession takes it turns and loops, new presidential candidates are competing for a chance at the presidency. We have heard some interesting proposals, and witnessed sporadic disputes between the political competitors, but is the real competition between our current GOP candidates?—I would say for the most part, yes. There has been a lot of controversy and debate about whether or not President Barack Obama would be re-elected into office. In my opinion, the real competition is between our current President, Barack Obama, and Multi-millionaire, business savvy Mitt Romney. As government officials, and other esteemed figures alike share their thoughts on America’s unclear economic future, voter confidence remains shaky. The people are stuck between a rock and a hard place, so to say, as they try to predict which out of the two would be able to save the economy from the pitfalls of financial disaster and return stability to our limping economy. Both Romney and Obama share the
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common idea that by backing more American small businesses, they will be able to pump more money into the economy. American manufacturer companies are a surefire way to produce more jobs in America and stimulate the economy. Although, the recent Keystone pipeline project that shortly provided some with a glimpse of hope was denied by Barack Obama, claiming that a more ecofriendly route needs to be established in order for him to make a more optimistic decision. A lot of outrage has been caused by this seemingly upsetting decision, followed by a recent Facebook fan page, Resourceful Earth, that has set-up a petition enabling users to submit their name and email to show support for the project. Everyone is aware of the bleak outlook of the economy and more citizens are more informed and concerned than ever— this may be one of the most critical elections in American history. The controversy has even found its way to the halls and dorms of our universities, as more students are curious to how the
outcome will affect them.
aren’t prepared to pay off.
What a delicate stage we are in right now. Research tells me that the college enrollment rate is rallying faster than ever, but is this necessarily a good thing? As students complete schooling, they are anxious to begin their careers to pay off the immense debt they have incurred from student loans. Borrowing has reached $109,000,000,00 in 20092010, up from an $84,000,000,00 in 2007-2008, exceeding credit card debt.
The student graduation rate and borrowing is sky rocketing as the unemployment rate moves stubbornly. The student-job ratio is ugly; as more students graduate, fewer jobs are virtually available. Are we doomed to witness another one of the greatest economic fallouts in American History? My guesses exactly: the College Bubble. Similar to the housing crash a few years back, this may be the greatest deficits America will ever face. This may cause a break in the job flow, thus resulting in a stagnant America.
Mitt Romney proposed that the government has intervened too much. He will make sure that the government reduces its superfluous spending and leaves the money-pumping to American businesses. I believe the government needs to get out of the loan business and let the banks compete between each other so they could offer fair interest rates. More and more students are being provided with government loans they
This is a crucial time in America. Let’s hope that one of our promising candidates step up to the challenge and do something about this failing economy. Whether it’d be our current president Barack Obama, or our GOP candidate Mitt Romney, someone needs to step up and say “enough is enough.”
Screening and Prevention for Cervical Cancer BY: VICTORIA DANCHENKO MD and ANDRE BONNETT MD
ore than 11,000 American women develop cervical cancer each year. However, cervical cancer is a treatable condition and there is a good chance of cure if the cancer is found and treated in the early stages. The uterus (womb) opens into the vagina through the cervix. Squamous cells make up the outer layer of the cervix. Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix is the name for cancer that affects these cells. The most common risk factor for cervical cancer is infection with a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is spread by direct skin-to-skin contact, including sexual intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, or any other contact involving the genital area (e.g., hand to genital contact). HPV infection can also cause a noncancerous condition called
condyloma (genital warts). Most HPV infections are temporary because the body’s immune system effectively clears the infection. When certain types of the HPV virus persist in the body, there is a higher likelihood that the viral infection will cause cervical cell abnormalities such as dysplasia or cancer; persistent infections are believed to occur in 10 to 20 percent of women. Evidence of HPV infection can be detected in almost all cervical cancers (squamous cell carcinomas as well as adenocarcinomas). Additional risk factors for cervical cancer include cigarette smoking and a weakened immune system (caused by certain diseases, medications, or HIV/AIDS), earlier onset of sexual activity, multiple partners. Typically, cervical cancers develop slowly over a period of several years.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The availability of cervical cytology to screen for cervical cancer often permits diagnosis of precancerous conditions or cancer at the preinvasive stage, when treatment can almost always prevent progression to invasive cancer. For this reason, screening for cervical cancer is important in all women. Pap smear screening should be performed at intervals of every one to two years for average risk women less than 30 years old, lengthening the screening interval to three years for average risk women at age 30 after three consecutive negative smears. Alternatively, average risk women age 30 years and older may be screened with a combination of Pap smear and HPV testing at intervals no more frequently than every three years if both initial tests are negative. Women with increased risk for cervical cancer should have more frequent screening.
Women aged 65 and older who have tested negative (at least three times) throughout the past 10 years not undergo screening for cervical cancer. Possible exceptions to this include older women with favorable life expectancies who are sexually active with new male partners. Older women who have not been adequately screened should have Pap tests annually until they have had three negative tests. Women who have undergone total hysterectomy (including removal of the cervix) for indications unrelated to cervical or other gynecologic cancer or cancer precursors not undergo screening for cervical cancer. Introduction of the HPV vaccine for female adolescents is anticipated to have a significant impact on their risk for cervical abnormalities.
Wellness, Recreation & Athletic Center (WRAC) 4th Floor NEW FREE SERVICES:
Screenings for Staff & Students
Smoking Cessation, Mental Health Awareness ACCESSNYC WORKSHOPS 11AM, 12PM & 1PM Buck Lai Conference Room, 4th Floor
Blood Pressure Cholesterol Glucose COPD BMI
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Check Out Career Services’ Great Upcoming Events! Advance your CAREER! Internship Program Information Session
Community Achieving Real-world Experience & Exclusive Rewards Have you heard about our COOP/Internship Program? Attend our new LIU COOP/Internship Program information session and learn how to receive assistance securing internships and how to gain a competitive edge in the job market. Discover how you can receive invitations to networking events and how to become eligible for various monetary awards. Students in all undergraduate majors welcome. Refreshments will be served. Tues., Jan 31st, 11:00 am - noon Location: Pratt 510 Registration on MyCareerKey is strongly encouraged.
Financial Literacy Workshop: "What's In Your Wallet?"
Alumnus Taraje Williams-Murray, Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney and ’07 School of Business, Public Administration and Information Sciences, will help you learn to plan for your financial success and to develop your money-management strategies as you get closer to graduation. All students welcome! Tues., Feb. 7th, 11:00 am - noon Location: LLC 116 Registration on MyCareerKey is strongly encouraged.
Stimulation: A Day in the Life of a Foreign Service Officer
Mr. Tom Armbruster, Senior Foreign Service Officer of the U.S. State Department, is returning to campus to lead a simulation exercise in which participants take on various Foreign Service Officer's roles in planning a US Presidential visit overseas. A Presidential visit overseas can have a lasting impact on relations between the United States and the host country. This "Game Day" will emphasize the role the Officer plays in foreign relations. Thurs., Feb. 9th, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Location: TBD RSVP in MyCareerKey is required. Space is limited to 20 students and participants must be available to attend entire session! We will establish a waiting list, should participants cancel.
"Social Media and Your Job Search" Workshop
Cara Friedman, General Manager, Likeable Media Social Networking - you most likely use it every day. Learn how to use it effectively and professionally in your job search and to market yourself to employers. Careers involving social media will also be discussed! Tues., Feb. 14th, 11:00 am - noon Location: H206 Registration on MyCareerKey is strongly encouraged.
Speed Interviewing for Business School Students
Business students will have the opportunity to conduct "mini interviews" with employers to hone their interviewing skills. Thurs., Feb. 23rd, 11:00 am - noon Location: Metcalfe Gymnasium, upper level RSVP in MyCareerKey required.
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Every Day is Earth Day
Student Life and Leadership Development welcomes all students to an exciting Spring 2012 semester. We are encouraging all freshmen to join one or two of the various clubs and organizations that we have on campus. It is such an exciting thing to be a part of vibrant organizations centered around a specific mission, and to make friendships that could last a lifetime. We are also encouraging all students to participant in the activities, events and programs below:
Lobby Day – February 7, 2012
Travel with us to Albany, New York to the State Capitol to speak with your local politicians about increasing financial aid for higher education. Sign up in the Office of Student Life (M-311), learn about the current issues concerning this matter, and learn how to be effective in creating change. Transportation and Lunch will be provided, and all persons who attend will get a letter requesting that your professors excuse you from class for that day. Call Richard Parker at (718)488-1216 today, and get on the bus!
What’s in Your Wallet – February 7, 2012 11:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. in LLC 116
Student Life, Career Services and Development, and Alumni Relations present Morgan Stanley Smith Barney financial advisor and LIU Alumnus, Taraje WilliamsMurray in a workshop on planning for financial success. Topics to be discussed are Student Loan Repayment, budgeting, understanding your credit score, investments, and navigating employer benefits packages.
National Wear Red Day – “Care for Your Heart” February 8, 2012
National Wear Red Day (2/3/12) will be celebrated on our campus. We will be collecting donations for the American Heart Association, and will be doing tabling concerning healthy heart education throughout the day. We are asking everyone to wear red on February 8, 2012, and to assembly in the Schwartz Gym (Time TBA) and stand in the shape of a heart for a photo for the newspaper.
Focus Groups - January 26, 11:00a.m. to 12:00p.m.; February 1, 5:00p.m. to 6:30p.m. February 7, 11:00a.m. to 12:00p.m., February 16, 11:00a.m. to 12:00p.m.; February 29, 5:00p.m. to 6:30p.m.
In our quest to bring you enhanced services Student Life and Leadership Development is hosting a series of focus groups to hear your opinions, and to know your perception and attitude about Student Life and student activities at the Brooklyn Campus. We would really like your participation. Please sign up in the M-311 today for one of the sessions.
Valentines Blood Drive- February 14 to 16, 2012 in the Schwartz Gym
The Student Life is teaming up with Music Brings Life and our neighboring college for this year’s Valentine’s Blood Drive. We are looking to get 800 pints in 3 days, but we certainly cannot do it without you. As an incentive to helping to save a life Music Brings Life will host an Alicia Keys or Movado concert here on campus for all persons who have given blood. Persons who attempt to give blood, but are ineligible can still attend the concert by recruiting another eligible donor.
R.I.O.T. Phase II– February 24, 2012
The Christian Fellowship Club, Long Island University Television, and LIU Gospel Choir, present a gospel presentation with highlights for Black History Month. Come celebrate with guests JJ Hairston and Youthful Praise, Champion, Andy Mineo FKA C-lite, Sir Musiq, and enjoy the LIU Gospel and featured LIU student soloist, Ricky. This event also features the dramatic talents of the Christian Fellowship club, the charismatic leadership of CFC President, Mr. Ulysses, and the video production of LIU-TV. If you thought R.I.O.T. was off the hook, you don’t want to miss Phase II. positions come with up to 75% tuition remission and housingFor more information on any or all of these activities please contact (718)488-1216, or stop by our office in M-311.
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Red Tails: Courage Has No Color BY: DESIREE RUCKER
Top 10 Albums 1) We Found Love Rihanna Feat. Calvin Harris Talk That Talk 2) Set Fire To The Rain Adele 21 3) Good Feeling Flo Rida 4) It Will Rain Bruno Mars 5) Sexy And I Know It LMFAO Photo Above: The cast in “Red Tails.” www.bet.com he action adventure film Red Tails However, this is no movie of the week. which was produced by George The film was shot in Croatia, Prague Lucas (Lucasfilm Ltd. and 20th and Italy by John B. Aronson. It begins Century Fox) and directed by Anthony with action and keeps the audience on Hemingway, premiered on January 20. the edge of their seats with aeronautical It is a highly anticipated depiction of the maneuvers and dog fights that are as travails and triumphs of the celebrated exciting as or more so than any seen in Tuskegee Airmen of WWII. the Star Wars Series Franchise. (because amazingly the pilots really did succeed The unit of 992 African-American in these dogfights). George Lucas and aviators has an outstanding record of his team succeed in conveying the never losing a United States bomber danger and the skill needed for the in over 179 escort missions, shooting aerial battles of this era. down 111 enemy planes and destroying 273 planes on the ground. It earned The film is chock full of amazing actors. them 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses, Academy Award winner Cuba Gooding 744 Air Medals, 14 Bronze Stars, and Jr., is the essence of confidence while eight Purple Hearts. power channeling General Macarthur in his role as Major Emanuelle Stance, The film written by John Ridley (Three Terrence Howard portrays Colonel A.J. Kings, Undercover Brother) and Aaron Bullard, the tireless champion of the McGruder (The Boondocks) deals with Airmen at the Pentagon. He is pitted the fact that the Tuskegee Airmen Unit against the chameleonic actor Bryan (which later became known as the Cranston here as the personification 332nd Fighter Unit) had to overcome of racism in his role as Major William segregation. The men with all odds Mortamus. against them and less than optimal equipment, worked to prove they were Rounding out this incredibly handsome worthy to fight beside white pilots. and talented cast is Nate Parker as the Squad Leader, David Oyelowo, singer
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6) The One That Got Away Katy Perry Ne-Yo, Tristan Wilds, Marcus T. Paulk and rapper Method Man. So many scenes resonate that to speak any further would spoil the experience of the film for fans wanting to see it themselves. Expect to care about these men. This is not just a video game on a wide screen. We are with them as they embark on these historic missions and as they fight to overcome the internal demons, which keep far too many men from achieving the excellence that is within them. If you did not recognize the importance of the Red Tails’ accomplishments before this film, watching the movie will illuminate the relevance of this story. This is the time where we need examples of how to dig deeper to overcome the myriad of problems that America as a nation, believes are behind us. We need resilience to persevere in overcoming institutional injustice, and the courage to embrace personal and collective excellence. We have done it many times before. You will leave the theatre with a pantheon of new heroes to lead you upward.
7) Ni**as In Paris Jay Z, Kanye West 8) Rack City Tyga 9) Young, WIld & Free Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa feat Bruno Mars 10) Turn Me On David Guetta feat Nicki Minaj
Sacred Space Dance Presents: UNEARTH
Photo Credit: Facebook: Sacred Space Dance
ppropriately titled Unearth, Sacred Space Dance had the audience captivated with their contemporary dance moves. The intensity could be felt and appreciated, drawn from each twist, turn and thrust. Their hands stretched out as if reaching, telling a story. These moves were not your typical dance recitals. Sacred Space Dance is a modern combination of many styles of dance from different cultural backgrounds. Sacred Space Dance is a fairly new, New York based dance company. Rainy Demerson is the artistic director and choreographer. Demerson received a B.A. in Worlds Arts and Cultures from the University of California (L.A), along with an M.A. in Dance Education from New York University. With 14 years of ballet training under her belt, she is no stranger to the art of expression through movement. The artistic dance showcased during Unearth, proved her skills range far and wide.
Adding to the unique atmosphere are the powerful dancers with exceptional backgrounds. Sylvestre Akakpo, also a choreographer, performed in two world tours and is the founder of Kordkor Dance. The Akakpo style of dance derives from the traditional African Dance heritage. Sanchit Babbar is attending The Ailey School studying Ballet and Modern dance. Born in India, Babbar was preselected by The Ailey School after performing for two years as the principle dancer in The Danceworx Repertory. Trina Hines and Megan Minturn are currently pursuing an M.A. in Dance Education at New York University. Juri Nishio, from Tokyo, Japan relocated to New York in 2003 on a quest to learn contemporary African forms. She possesses a degree in Drama. Francine Sheffield is a sophomore attending New York University studying Performing Arts Administration. Ricarrdo Valentine
is a graduate of the performing works, Earl Mosley Institute of Arts. All of the dancers embodied the element of emotion. Their ensemble was an interesting African inspired piece of clothing, as the Sacred Space Dancers moved in unity across the stage. The dances inspired sadness, loss, forgiveness, strength, death and happiness. Also powerful, were the pieces performed in complete silence. Dance moves ranged from African, Afro-cuban, Ballet, Jazz and a few added twists. Solos were performed to grasp personal strength from a few dancers inviting their craft to the audience. Many in the audience were family members supporting the debut of the up and coming Dance Company. Though new to the dancing world as a company, Sacred Space Dance is a veteran to the art of physical motion and expression. Some may consider
this style of dancing a breath of fresh air, with numerous variations displayed at any given moment. Sensual moves that spoke without saying a word leaves nothing about this dance group predictable. Perhaps, the beauty in discovering what has been unearthed. Below is some information about where the Sacred Space Dance will be performing next. Upcoming Shows: CoolNY 2010 Dance Festival 2/2 9pm & 2/5 at 4pm White Wave John Ryan Theater 25 Jay Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 NYC10 Dance Festival February 22, 2012 at 7:30pm Dixon Place 161A Chrystie St. New York, NY 10002 Contact: Facebook: Sacred Space Dance
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Rick Ross: Rich Forever Photo Credit: www.killerhiphop.com
ick Ross has been one of the biggest people in the Hip Hop industry, both literally and figuratively. His lyrics will have you bobbing your head and using them as Facebook and Twitter statuses. His new mixtape “Rich Forever” is no different. Rick Ross’s label Maybach Music Group (MMG) was well represented on this mixtape with appearances by Meek Mill and Wale. It was refreshing that he
BY: JUSTIN ELLIS continues to share the spotlight with his number two on the charts. This album artists. will continue to be played for years to come and understandably so. One particular element that always “Rich Forever” is more than a title of the seems to be in his music is his violent mixtape and of a song. It is a personal demeanor; often speaking of death goal for Rick Ross. This song speaks on to others. “Rich Forever” fortunately his life going from writing lyrics with doesn’t steer away from that tone. It a pen and pad to being recorded in a contains a fine collection of songs that studio. any Rick Ross fan would enjoy. John Legend who is featured, brought In the past Rick Ross has created a high the emotional touch that comes with standard for himself with his consistent understanding a rough upbringing. success. “Teflon Don” which was That many current and future artists are released in 2010, was an album that was forced to deal with. Rick Ross finished appreciated worldwide. Unlike many high school but had bigger aspirations. Hip Hop albums, he has worked hard He even questioned quitting his hustle to make every song just as good—if not on the streets in order to fulfill his better—than his last. “I’m not a star”, contract with Def Jam Records. It’s fair “Live Fast Die Young”, “MC Hammer” to say that he made the right choice. and others, were impressionable songs which reflected in the album sales. This mix tape has a multitude of worthy tracks one being a song called “F*ck Em”. According to “Billboard 200” in its This song and its title are a message to first week of release “Teflon Don” all of his haters. It is sadly another track sold 176,000 copies which placed it at bragging on the rich lifestyle. The song
however, can be deemed a bit hilarious that it can be overlooked. The chorus to this song is an idea that has crossed all of our minds at one time or another. “F*ck Em” quickly became a song that demands to be repeated a few more times. Not only were the lyrics on point, the beat also added to the listening experience. Rick Ross has once again put together an album that deserves high praises. It’s also a definite classic that should be downloaded to an iPod immediately. “Rich Forever” is a stepping stone for his new album, “God Forgives, I don’t” which is expected to be released on December 13 of this year. His mix tape has definitely created a buzz. If his album can surpass this mixtape in terms of quality, it will be epic. Rick Ross, better known as “The Boss” should be recognized as such because he always rises to the occasion.
Brooklyn Campus Theater in the Spotlight prices are fair and the performances are exciting.” Named after LIU Trustee Steven J. Kumble – the theater seats more than 300 people while also providing topof-the-line acoustics, professional stage lighting, and a host of other noteworthy features. And while the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) is a criticallyacclaimed cultural arts mecca, the Kumble Theater manages to attract its own following with a dance studio and glass-enclosed art gallery.
he Brooklyn Campus’ elegant Kumble Theater for the Performing Arts is a spirited, cutting-edge venue whose programming caters to the diversity of LIU and the borough as a whole. “It’s is a great look for LIU,” said LIU student Shantee Steele, who regularly attends shows at the Kumble. “The ticket
With its modest-sized performance space, the Kumble Theater provides an intimate setting for patrons – and cultural arts critics alike – to watch veteran and emerging entertainers take the stage. There’s also a strong emphasis on highlighting communitybased productions. Among them – a recent show entitled “Lights! Camera! Movement!” that featured choreographers from the Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation who marked the development
organization’s 45th anniversary. The Kumble plays host to a variety of productions, ranging from classic and contemporary dance to musicals, beauty pageants and talent shows. Two years ago, one pageant was filmed at the Kumble and later featured on the TLC series “Toddlers and Tiaras.” For local students like Sheneik McCallum of Brooklyn College – the chance to see popular musicians at reasonable prices holds the greatest appeal. “I went to a concert last year when Meek Mills performed and I loved it,” she said of the rapper’s controversial appearance. Located on Flatbush Avenue – one of the area’s busiest commercial strips – the Kumble serves as an accessible cultural arts landmark. Open to all, the Kumble manages to boast strong attendance for many shows despite steady competition from the likes of BAM. The busiest seasons for Kumble are
spring and fall. Many of the shows are booked per-semester, but the number varies since the Kumble normally features two shows each weekend – namely, Friday and Saturday nights. Although, other shows occur during the week too. While ticket prices can range from $10 to $25, the theater itself doesn’t determine individual prices. In fact, Kumble staffers explain, the production companies set the prices while the theater works on producing reductions and additional discounts for LIU students. There are also a number of free events held during the course of the year. Last fall, there was a total of 13 shows at the Kumble. And the upcoming spring semester promises, as usual, to be even busier. Still – the Kumble’s house manager, Ronissha Marksman, manages to experience the rewards despite the hectic schedule. “It isn’t easy at all,” she said, “But with all the hard work that goes into each production, there is a sense of pride we get.”
Jason Wu for Target Collection BY: MABEL MARTINEZ
of their own.” Jason Wu for Target is expected to draw large crowds because the entire collection is under $60.00.
ven though it’s still January, it’s never too early to begin transitioning your closet to spring. With winter in full swing, designers are already preparing their collections for the warm months to come. This spring, be prepared to see plenty of pleats, pastel colors such as yellows, blush tones, light blues, and chic peplum tops. These trends will definitely be displayed in Jason Wu’s highly anticipated collection for Target. (In stores and online on February 5) Jason Wu, who quickly became known after designing Michelle Obama’s ivory inaugural ball gown in 2009, has been taking the fashion industry by storm. Wu first began designing ensembles for dolls for: Gene Marshall, Integrity Toys and Bergdorf Goodman. He even has his own doll at F.A.O. Schwarz. The 26-year-old designer started his label in 2006 and has dressed celebrities, such as Leighton Meester, Ivanka Trump, Michelle Williams and much more. Now with his “Jason Wu for Target” collection in stores and online in February it’s definitely one collection that is not to be missed. The 53-piece collection is timeless, affordable and very chic. It is a limited-edition collection with color-blocking dresses, pleated skirts, necktie tops, scarves and handbags. In this collection Jason Wu stays true to his signature lady-like and classic pieces that can be worn for any season and on any occasion. He revealed in the New York Times, “My goal was not to duplicate anything from my main collection…Instead I designed completely new clothes and accessories that reflect my taste and have a voice
Jason Wu for Target has a very sophisticated ‘60s feeling with a nautical vibe and is also very versatile. For example, the poplin dress in navy for $39.99 is one that can be worn to work and on the weekend, it is also a bodyconscience dress that looks flattering on every figure. The poplin dress brings a skinny black belt which is a great addition because it helps to define the waist. Another ensemble in the collection is a red and navy jersey colorblocking dress for $34.99. The dress is simple and casual; one can wear it on a nice spring day or at the office. For accessories, Jason Wu has a variety of tote handbags such as: “Milu,” a cream tote with a black cat with a red scarf printed on the handbag for just, $39.99. He also has more structured handbags like a front-flap straw bag in cream, blue floral and cream and black for also $39.99. For a more dressed up look, the designer has a black lace clutch for $29.99. Jason Wu for Target has a variety of looks for the everyday modern woman. He continues to impress the fashion industry with his timeless pieces and he hasn’t disappointed his audience. Stephanie Persaud, a business marketing major said, “I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the collection, all of his clothes are feminine, tailored and an affordable price.”
Photo Credit: www.celebrific.com
Photo: www.realstylenetwork.com
One of the pieces in the collection is a pleated peplum top in gold for $32.50 and a pleated skirt in black and navy floral for $29.99. Another chic piece is a long-sleeved chiffon blouse for $34.99 and a lace-printed skirt for $29.99; both items are in blush tones. The best part about this collection besides being affordable is that every item can be paired with another piece. For example, a skirt looks like it goes together to make a dress, when in reality they are separate items. There are plenty of ways to mix and match with this collection.
Etta James dies at 73, Heidi Klum files for Divorce, Kobe Bryant Ex-wife Settlement: 75 million
he music industry is reeling from the untimely death of legendary singer, Etta James. The At Last, crooner who died at the age of 73, was suffering from Leukemia. James succumbed from her illness on January 20, in the arms of her son Donto James, 43. In an interview with People.com he reveals that he held his mother in his arms and told her that she had been a great mother and praised her accomplishments. “It’s been quite a day but I’m very grateful. She basically passed in my arms, and I was able to share everything I needed to say to her, from praying to listing her accomplishments as a mother…I asked her if she heard what I said, and she’d flutter her eyes and look at me very quickly. And she had been nonreactive before that. It was spiritual and a true gift to be with her when it happened. I wouldn’t want it any other way than for her to go in our arms.” Singer Beyonce, who portrayed the late singer in the movie Cadillac Records, released a statement saying that she was fortunate that she was able to meet Etta James. In her statement she said, “Etta James was one of the greatest vocalists of our time. I am so fortunate to have met such a queen. Her musical contributions will last a lifetime. Playing Etta James taught me so much about myself, and singing her music inspired me to be a
stronger artist. When she effortlessly opened her mouth, you could hear her pain and triumph. Her deeply emotional way of delivering a song told her story with no filter. She was fearless, and had guts. She will be missed.” Shockingly enough former model Heidi Klum, and singer Seal are rumored to be divorcing. TMZ reports that Klum will be filing for divorce this week. The presumably happy couple has been married since 2005. The couple is known to celebrate their anniversary every year in an upscale wedding ceremony. They have three children between them and Klum, has a daughter from a previous marriage. It seems as if the future ex-wife of Kobe Bryant will be more than well off for the rest of her life. It is rumored that in a settlement, Vanessa Bryant will receive three homes and 75 million dollars. According to the New York Post, it isn’t clear when Vanessa who was married for 11 years; filed for divorce but Kobe signed the papers on December 1. They have released a joint statement which says, “The Bryants have resolved all issues incident to their divorce privately with the assistance of counsel and a judgment dissolving their marital status will be entered in 2012.” The former couple had no prenuptial agreement and under the California state law, assets are to be divided equally. Photo Credit: www.zillow.com
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Track Opens Indoor Season in Downtown New York BY: JOHN TOLIS
was good enough for a second place finish in the event. For the men’s track team, LIU junior Brian Richards finished fourth in the 60-meter hurdle with a time of 8.14 seconds. Freshmen Jonathan Pineiro and Elijah Taylor, sophomore Branden Arrington, and junior Rogers Kipruto paired up in the distance medley finishing with a time of 10:47, just enough for a sixth place finish.
ast Friday, the Armory in Downtown New York hosted the UAlbany Great Dane Classic. Both Long Island University’s men’s and women’s indoor track teams competed in the Classic. The women’s track team displayed a decent effort finishing fifth overall, while the men’s placed in the bottom half in 12th place. There were a total of 20 teams in the competition.
Freshman Mikhail Williamson, juniors Jamal Roberts and Chris Welch and senior Robert Barnes participated in the 4x400-meter relay ending in fourth place with a time of 3:17:82, a seasonbest.
With no surprise, LIU senior Jessie Gaines picked up two first place finishes in the 60-meter hurdles and the triple jump. Gaines almost pulled out the record books as she timed in at 8.4 seconds in the hurdles, .06 seconds short of the 8.34 mark set in 2011. Gaines also had a good performance in the triple jump with a score of 12.59 meters. Also competing in the hurdles was senior Jazmin Walker who finished in fifth place at 8.72 seconds. Their classmate Torrie Saunders was also in the mix finishing in 10th at 8.82 seconds. In the 60 meter dash, junior Amber Mitchell came in sixth place with a time of 7.7; meanwhile Shakia Williams took sixth
The Long Island University’s track teams will be back in action on January 28th in the Armory for the Metro Championships.
Photo Above: So Much Determination: Senior Jessie Gaines leads seasoned track & field men’s and women’s teams. place in 200-meter dash in 25.12. Seniors Kadisha Wickham, Charlene Fuller, Jazmin Walker, and Williams
paired up in 4x400-meter relay finishing at 3:49:57 overall. Their time is the best mark this season for LIU Brooklyn and
LIU Athletics Embarks on Social Media Initiative BY: MICHAEL GARCIA
n the relatively short collaboration between the NCAA and social media, athletes and coaches have increasingly utilized social networking particularly for the purpose of recruiting. As social networking sites such as the two giants Facebook and Twitter evolve and give its users, mainly the athletes, coaches and administrators throughout the NCAA, increasing power and flexibility to become more interactive and expressive on the site, the league has struggled to maintain a balance in checking these new found liberties and has run into many incidents involving infractions.
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On the contrary here at Long Island University Brooklyn Campus, the Athletics Department has officially unveiled a social media initiative with offerings to fans near and far. LIU Athletics has opened official pages on the two largest social networking platforms, Facebook and Twitter. The official LIU Athletics page on Facebook is a much more interactive fan base, enabling users to have access to all the breaking news on LIU Brooklyn’s 16 Division I sports teams that include Women’s and Men’s Basketball all the way to bowling. The page also has interactive links to the Northeast Conference page and NCAA website in addition to behind-the-scenes content
that aims to bring the fan closer to a true LIU Brooklyn experience. LIU Athletics on Twitter provides updated coverage of team activities and events and also issues real-time updates for subscribers. The ongoing success of the men’s and women’s basketball has been overseen by the new social media initiatives since the very start of the campaigns, bringing you scores and statistics to fans real-time. As the winter sports test successfully, the LIU Athletics pages will then progress into the spring sports followed next semester by the fall sports including Soccer and Golf.
Entering the new spring semester LIU opened pages on the two social networking giants and also issued a brand new re-branding campaign, a move which has some kids second guessing stating the money should have been invested elsewhere. However, Bryan Saffelle, a pitcher on the LIU Brooklyn Baseball team finds the new LIU Athletics Facebook page “very informative, commending athletes and teams a lot. The page could eventually be a pretty good tool for fans although it is a little hard to reach.” Visit www.liuathletics.com for more information on the new social networking initiative.
Men’s Basketball Remains Undefeated in Conference BY: SHANEL GILBERT
osting at the Wellness Recreation and Athletic Center, the Long Island University men’s basketball team pulled away with three straight wins over the course of eight days, facing off against Fairleigh Dickenson, Monmouth, and Mount St. Mary’s. During the span, juniors Julian Boyd and Jamal Olasewere hit their 1,000th career point as Blackbirds. The classmates became the 30th and 31st members of LIU Basketball’s 1,000-Point Club. Against FDU, the Blackbirds burst onto the court with a 9-0 spurt. Basket-after-basket, LIU continued to build its lead, but Long Island’s opponent refused to give up without a fight. The Knights were able to claw their way back into the competition, closing the opening period at 44-36 in favor of Long Island. Much like the first half, the Blackbirds emerged from the intermission as strong as the first, FDU was still able to get within five points but the teams efforts were quickly stifled with a jumper by Boyd and a three pointer by sophomore Jason Brickman pushing the Blackbird lead back to double digits at 50-40.The Knights were unable to destroy the point deficit built by LIU and trailed the Blackbirds for the entire game. The teams closed the contest 82-64. The following game, Long Island seized early control of the contest against Monmouth that ended 106-86. A little over halfway into the first half, the Blackbirds struck with 15-0 run that put the Hawks down 39-20 but Monmouth responded with a 15-2 run of their own followed by a layup that put the Hawks back into the competition. The teams went to intermission at 43-37.
On a Roll: Senior forward Michael Culpo and junior center Kenny Onyechi remain supplemental to an experienced team that remains unbeaten in the Northeast Conference. The second stanza mirrored the first and Monmouth was able to get back into action by trimming the point deficit 43-39, but Boyd sparked a 16-5 run that would put the game out of reach for good as the Hawks were left unable to get back within 10-points. The victory marked the second time this season LIU has gone into the triple digits with the team shooting at a season high of 64 percent. For the second game in a row five of the Blackbirds scored in double figures, led by Boyd who added a game-high of 28 points followed by Olasewere with 19. Senior Michael Culpo, junior Kenny Onyechi and classmate CJ Garner all added 14
points. Garner also tallied in a career-best 8 assist. January 19th, the last day of three consecutive home games Long Island pulled another victory against Mount St. Mary’s 77-62. Olasewere opened up scoring on the court with a dunk that sparked a 15-2 run over the Mountaineers. The junior also hit the first six points for the Blackbirds capitalizing on the Mounts defensive focus on Boyd.
held control of the competition the entire first half keeping its lead at double figures and stretching it by as much as 18 points sending the teams into the break 39-24.
The Blackbirds were able to hold The Mount from scoring for nearly six minutes before Danny Thompson hit a jumper with 13:38 on the clock adding the second basket for his team. Long Island
The Blackbirds improve to 7-0 in the NEC and 13-6 overall. Garner added 16 points to the night led by Olasewere and Thompson who added 20 points each to their team. Page 17
An early second half attempt to chisel away the point deficit allowed MSM to get within nine points with 17 minutes left of game time, but Brickman sparked an 8-1 run with one of four second half treys ending with 17 points.
Evans Breaks Assist Record, Blackbirds Slip in NEC BY: SHANEL GILBERT
n Jan. 16th senior Kiara Evans of the Long Island University women’s basketball team became the alltime career assists leader in LIU Brooklyn history. Evan’s surpassed the previous 280 record held by Tamika Dudley, an LIU Hall of Fame inductee with 282 assists of her own. Against Fairleigh Dickenson, Evans added six points and six assist to the loss that dropped the Blackbirds to 13-5 and 2-4 in NEC play. At the break the Blackbirds sat on top with a three point lead that would slowly slip away as LIU struggled to suppress FDU. With just over four minutes left in the closing period, Long Island lost control completely and falling behind the Knights to never return. The night ended with a 71-65 loss at home for the Blackbirds adding to a two game home losing streak. Senior Ashley Palmer led the team with 18 points and 13 rebounds and classmate Marika Sprow recorded a career-best of 17 points. Despite shooting at 75 percent, LIU could not hold back the Knights, who shot 81%. FDU saw three players in the double figures and Mariyah Laury led all players on the court with 25 points followed by teammates Erika Livermore with 16 and Danielle Pankey who added 15. However, the Blackbirds would go on to redeem themselves against Mount St. Mary's on Saturday by going on a 32-0 run that overcame a 13-point deficit in the first half. Palmer led all players with 20 points and added eight rebounds improving the Blackbirds to 14-5 overall and 3-4 in Northeast Conference play. The opening period started out Page 18
shaky, as the Mount burst onto the court holding Long Island back for nearly five minutes with a 14-2 run. Midway through the half The Mount led LIU 25-12 after a threepointer from Sydney Henderson. From that point on the Blackbirds focused on clawing their way back into the contest as a layup by junior Ebony Davis cut the point deficit to single digits at 29-20. Davis’s layup sparked a 14-0 spurt that closed the period with the Long Island up 3229. The Blackbirds continued to take charge at the opening of the second half scoring the first 18 points of the period. Long Island would go on to hold The Mount at 29 points and stretched its lead to 50-29 after a layup by Davis with 11:34 remaining in the half. Long Island’s 32 consecutive points was made possible by tight defensive plays that forced eight turnovers and 16 back-to-back misses for the mount. The point stretch lasted 13 minutes and 43 seconds and LIU shot at 70% from the field. A free throw from Kayla Grossett ended the point drought Mountaineers, lit a quick 5-0 spurt that trimmed the MSM deficit to 16 with 10:28 left of game time. But the Blackbirds continued to pull away with eight straight points the pushed the Long Islands lead to 5834 shutting Mount St. Mary’s out of the competition. The teams ended the contest 69-45. Long Island out rebounded Mount St. Mary’s 42-21 and also saw multiple players with steals. Davis added 12 and eight rebounds to go along with Palmers. The Blackbirds return to the court Monday Jan. 23 against Wagner in NEC action at 7:00 p.m.
Last Call: Senior Kiara Evans (top) is one of five seniors with a final opportunity at an NEC Championship with the help of junior forward Ebony Davis (below).
Boyd, Olasewere Garner Player of the Week Honors BY SHANEL GILBERT
ach week the Choice Hotel announces its pick for the NEC player of the week and for the third week in a row a Long Island University Blackbird has come away with the honors. Junior Jamal Olasewere and classmate Julian Boyd consecutively secured the title by demonstrating outstanding performances during in conference game play action. Boyd became Co-player of the week on Jan. 2nd by averaging 22 points and 11.5 rebounds per game. Long Island secured victories against Texas State and NJIT which improved the team’s record to 8-6. Against Texas State Boyd led all players with 22 points and 12 rebounds. Boyd went 7-for-10 from the floor and 8-for-9 at the free-throw line while also adding two assists and a single block. In both games, Boyd captured the crowd with his amazing ability to get inside of the paint and take the shots necessary to win the game. As a student-athlete dedicated to perfecting himself within his sport, Boyd’s main challenge is being able to maintain a strong position on his team while working around a heart ailment that could have ended the 21-year-old’s basketball career. The forward must also focus on getting around strong defensive lineups that are bent on blocking him from being able to perform in his usual show-stopping manner. Against NJIT Boyd took charge of the closing period putting up 18 of his 22 points, handing in his third straight double-double and his sixth of the season. Holding off a NJIT charge, Boyd went on a 12-7 run to keep the Blackbirds (13-6, 7-0 NEC) in control of the contest. The 6-foot-7 forward ended the night with three assists, hit 7-for13 from the field and marked a perfect 8-for-8 at the foul line.
Braveheart: Junior Julian Boyd paces an aggressive Blackbird offense, all after fighting heart complications. On Jan. 9th Olasewere would bring in those same honors. Also standing at 6-foot-7, the forward averaged 27 points and 11.5 rebounds to help the Blackbirds improve to 4-0 in the NEC and 10-6 overall in road victories over Sacred Heart and Quinnipiac. Coming off of a career-high of 29 points, Olasewere shot at 11for-18 from the floor and added 12 rebounds to his tally. He also chipped in with two blocks and four steals against Sacred Heart in LIU’s 87-81 win over the Pioneers. In the 79-75 victory at Quinnipiac for LIU, Olasewere led all scorers with 25 points, adding his third straight double-double and fifth of the season. Over the course of the week, Olasewere shot 63 percent from the floor. After getting into foul trouble for most of his previous games, the
forward hit the court with a new attitude and stayed clear of fouls for the majority of the two contests. Olasewere was able to capitalize on the inability of the opposing team to guard both him and Boyd who are among the top scorers for the Brooklyn Blackbirds. Olasewere has also recently become the 31st member of LIU’s 1000 point club. Following Olasewere, Boyd would once again come in as the Coplayer of the week after he averaged 21 points and eight rebounds in two league victories. Boyd became the third straight Blackbird to earn the Choice Hotels/Northeast Conference Player of the Week and has earned this title for the second time this season. Boyd who earlier in the week became the 30th player in LIU history to score 1,000 career points as a Blackbird in a 82-64 win over Fairleigh Dickinson on Jan. 12,
finished the competition with 14 points accompanied by eight rebounds, two blocks and one assist. In the Blackbird 106-86 victory over Monmouth, the forward led his teammates with 28 points. Boyd went 11-for-13 from the field and hit a perfect 6-for-6 at the freethrow line as the Blackbirds won their seventh straight game. He also turned in eight rebounds, two assists and a block. During the week, Boyd shot at 58 percent from the floor and 82 percent at the free throw line. Boyd currently leads LIU by averaging 16.8 points and 9.4 rebounds per contest. He also ranks in as second in the league for rebounding and sixth in scoring. Page 19