Seawanhaka, Vol. 84, #2 - September 24, 2009

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Vol. LXXXIV, Issue 2


Long Island University’s Brooklyn Campus

Sept. 24, 2009

FUN Program Gi ves Hel p to LIU S tudents Page 2

LIU S ecuri ty Ti ghtens i n Response to Yal e Tragedy Page 3


Theft at Post Campus Spurs Federal Indictment

Ex-Director Barry Stern (above right) has been charged in the theft of nine Egyptian articafts from the Hillwood Museum located at Long Island University’s C.W. Post campus (above left.). Stern attempted to illegally sell at Christie’s Auction House for more than $50,000. (Left Photo Credit: Rita Langdon / C.W. Post Public Releations)

By Joshua Ritts Staff Writer

S orori t y R ow : It Real l y Ki l l s! Page 9


Vol l eybal l Loses Four S trai ght Page 22

The typical Hollywood depiction of a museum caper involves laser beams, security systems, ninja-like acrobatics and all manner of high-tech alarm evasion. Indeed, many FBI investigations fail to bring the culprits to justice, in part owing to a high level of criminal sophistication. This is not always the case, however, as evidenced by Barry Stern. Barry Stern held the title of Museum Director of the Hillwood Museum for 22 years, located on none other than Long Island University’s C.W. Post Campus. The museum, which has been acquiring artwork since the 1970s, houses well over 650 pieces. These include Hellenistic sculptures, modern photography, African artifacts, Persian bronze, Han Dynasty ceramics and more. Located in Brookville, N.Y., the museum is one of the campus’s primary attractions.

Though many of these artifacts are priceless, Stern made a larcenous effort to put a price on several of them, and sold them in a wellknown New York auction house. Stern is being charged by the FBI for the theft of multiple items from the Hillwood collection before the termination of his post in August of last year. Nine objects went missing in July, immediately prior to his termination. Each was of ancient Egyptian origin, consisting of quartz, bronze, limestone and wood. "Mr. Stern’s contract with the University expired in August 2008. The alleged actions violate expected standards of academic honesty and the preservation of historical and cultural objects held in the public trust. The University continues to cooperate with the FBI on its ongoing investigation. Every effort will be made to have the artifacts returned to the University. We value our collection and we are confident that adequate measures to preserve and protect the collection are in place," said Dr. Paul Forestell,

Provost of the C.W. Post campus. Far from the plot of heist films like Ocean's 11, Stern smuggled the artifacts out of the museum, using his position to evade suspicion, and then deleted their entries from the museum database. No gloves, no masks, no glass cutters; simple as that. The mistake Stern made was not in the technique of removal, but in his business plan. Less than one month after his termination, eight of the objects were delivered to Christie's Auction House, a fixture of Rockefeller Center in Midtown Manhattan. Five of the pieces sold for just over $45,000 in Dec., $27,000 of which Stern has already received. According to the FBI report, the three remaining pieces were sold in June for just over $16,000. Stern may well have gotten away with this had he not neglected to update his contact file with Christie's before delivering the pieces. After having sold over $50,000 worth of see EX-HILLWOOD, Page 2


Ex-Hillwood Director Charged With Hawking Egyptian Artifacts

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purloined goods, the auction house faxed a purchase order to Stern for the last of the items. The catch? The fax number they had for Stern was actually for the Hillwood Museum, Stern's former employer and current victim. Museum personnel were puzzled at the request to ship an object that was not in their inventory, and it was not long before the staff got in touch with Christie's and disentangled the events of the last year. Upon being confronted by the FBI in July, Stern stated that the rarities had been bequeathed to him by his parents and were indeed his rightful possessions. Each object had been billed at auction as being “From the Collection of Barry Stern,” making it very clear to investigators that Stern had full intent in both the illegal acquisition and the illicit sale of the artifacts. Stern was arraigned on multiple counts of burglary, theft, perjury and conspiracy on Sept. 16, and is currently free on $100,000 bail. Stern's high-powered Manhattan attorney, Mark Baker, who graduated form Syracuse

University in 1969 and Brooklyn Law School in 1972, contacted the courts to inform them that Stern had every intent to admit his crimes. “We knew it was coming to court, it's finally here,” said Baker, implying that Stern knew he had been walking under the Pharaoh's curse for some time. Beyond the criminality, this case poses further problems and certainly promises further litigation for all involved parties. Stern's conviction may see him paying compensatory damages to LIU, Christie's, and the purchasers, however, the question remains of what happens to the pieces. The buyers will likely be ordered to return them to Christie's, who in turn will return them to LIU, but whether or not they will be entitled to full refunds is still up in the air, as is the question of whether Christie's will wind up being ordered to pay back more to the buyers than was agreed upon. Furthermore, the length of time between Stern's conviction and LIU's reimbursement is uncertain, and it may

be some months before the artifacts are once again on display at the C.W. Post Campus. Despite this one thing is certain: students should not expect to be taking classes in burglary and black market transactions at LIU anytime soon.

LIU Offers FUN Childcare Program to Assist Students By Jessica Saavedra Staff Writer

Not only can Long Island University’s Brooklyn Campus provide you with an education, it is even willing to watch over your children. The Family University Afterschool Program (FUN) provides an art program, homework help and even dinner. The program is available for students who are enrolled and currently attending LIU, who have children from second to seventh grade. The program is held Mondays to Thursdays from 3:15 p.m. to 8:45 p.m., at the Learning Center for Educators and Families (LCEF) located at 9 Hanover place (3rd fl.), between Livingston and Fulton. FUN is an educational enrichment program, with a creative arts focus, that works with the School of Education to create an environment where children can be free to enjoy learning at their own pace. In the program, a staff focused on each child’s individual strengths provides supervision. The FUN program is considered to be a safe place where children can show their creative side through art and literacy based activities, while students are free to pursue their education. During the day, the children are supervised by four adults, as well as volunteers from the America Reads Teaching Assistants program. Charlotte Marchant, the Director of the Learning Center for Educators and Families, and Ianthe Jackson, the Director

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One of the Egyptian artifacts on display at C.W. Post’s Hillwood Museum, similar to those allegedly stolen and sold by Barry Stern.

of the Family University Afterschool program, applied for a grant eight years ago called the CCAMPIS (Child Care Access Means Parents In School Program) grant, in which the objective was to develop new programs that will provide childcare to low-income students who are also parents. The CCAMPIS grant the FUN program received only lasted for five years, so Provost, Gale Stevens Haynes decided to take over and has funded the program for the past three years. Children who are enrolled in the program are under the

“When it’s 8:30pm and its time for dismissal, most of the kids see their parents and they don’t want to go home.” - Iant he Jackson, Di rect or of t he Fam i l y Uni v ersi t y A ft erschool Program

supervision and care of people who are qualified to work with kids and are also in the field of education. Jackson is the director of the program, as well as the teaching artist who also does visual arts. She oversees everything that goes on in the program and also prvoides the art curriculum. Adisa Vera Beatty, who is the Teaching Artist/ Education Coordinator, is a teacher of spoken word poetry. She oversees the Homework Help aspect of the program. Edwin see PARENTS, Page 3


Ianthe Jackson, Director of the Family University Afterschool Program (FUN), with one of the program’s participants. (Photo Credit: Justine Bach)

Sept. 24, 2009


Yale Killing Sparks Concerns Over Campus Safety By Kyle Fortune Staff Writer

The murder of Yale University graduate student Annie Le last week has caused students at Long Island University’s Brooklyn Campus to think twice about their safety on school grounds. Le’s body was found last Sunday, hidden in a wall of the graduate lab where she performed research. One of her coworkers, Raymond Clark III, was arrested on Sept. 17, eight days after Le was reported missing. This latest instance of on-campus violence has raised the question: Just how safe is our campus? Brad Cohen, Assistant Provost of Campus Services and Director of Human Resources, said that security on our campus is using all of its available resources, and that they may be increased, depending on time and technological jumps. Cohen said that in order to avoid any major mishaps on campus, security must be more alert than ever before. This effort will be made easier due to new, non-intrusive technology hopefully coming to campus within the next year. Increased security, however, could have its pitfalls including limited access to campus for students, faculty, administrators, and visitors. Security must find a way to provide access without congesting the flow of campus life. Student’s feelings on campus security were, as expected, satisfied with no major concerns. For the most part, they remain aware of their surroundings and continue with their studies. Late hours for the library, which closes at 10 p.m. weekly and 12 p.m. during finals is another concern. Jani Naman, a fan of the canteen who lives on campus, feels comfortable with the existing safety measures. “Security is good and I do not have any major problems with it. I’m completely satisfied,” said Naman, a first-year graduate student looking to a career in industrial pharmacy. The incident at Yale does not seem to be affecting anyone’s academic career here at LIU, where security is very high profile.

Rivera is a Graduate student with a focus on physical education and provides a physical education component Aside from these staff members, there are also America Reads Teaching Assistants, LIU students who have been placed with the program because of their interest in promoting literacy. They are there to help the children with homework. From the time of arrival at 3:15 p.m. to dismissal at 8:45 p.m. the children occupy themselves with a range of activities, beginning with snack and check-in time. Then comes a community meeting. From 4-5 p.m. it is Creative Arts Activities and then from 5-6:15 p.m. it is Homework Help. That is followed by dinner time, another community meeting and story time. Finally from 7:30-8:30 there is choice time/Homework Help. According to Jackson, the children who are currently enrolled in the program will be working on future projects that will allow them to make sculptures of different landmarks. They will also be putting on a poet’s showcase. “When its 8:30 PM and its time for dismissal, most of the kids see their parents and they don’t want to go home,” Jackson said. At the FUN program the children are being pro-

Sept. 24, 2009

What do you think of Obama’s healthcare plan?

Blaire Porter, Senior

“Who comes on campus are our concerns. We take security very seriously here,” said Cohen, displaying a Brooklyn Campus Emergency Operations Plan book covering everything from fires and death or suicide, to conditional items such as severe weather. “It’s good. I just came here for undergrad. The school is very welcoming,” said Lina Hsu, a first year pre-pharmacy major. Future technology will improve security while avoiding personal intrusion. Measures such as cameras, monitors and other equipment along with identification cards to be swiped at checkpoints will aid in this effort. The head of security agrees that the best security is one that is responsive. “The best security is one that is there… in an atmosphere that’s fair,” Cohen said.

Parents and Children Find Time for FUN

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In My Opinion...

vided with a social dynamic, experienced staff, food, homework help and a chance for them to explore creative pursuits. One issue that many parents may have with leaving their children in a childcare facility is whether or not that facility can be trusted. This isn’t a program that is being recommended by the University. Instead, it is in fact a part of the University. It is being offered so that students can continue to pursue their education while still having a family. “I think the parents love it,” Jackson said. The cost of enrolling your child in the program ranges from $25 to $100 on a sliding scale with unemployed parents paying $25, those who are employed part time paying $50 and for those who are employed full-time paying $100. These prices are per semester, per family. You can apply to the program by filling out an application. There are 40 slots available per semester and placement is based on a first-come-first-served basis after there has been an eligibility review and approval. For more information on the program, contact Ianthe Jackson (Director of the FUN program) at (718) 246-6488 or, or, visit to the program’s website


"People hav e come to the point where they look to the gov ernment for comfort and security and they ex pect healthcare to be a right. Healthcare is a priv alege. The public shouldn't hav e to pay for 47 million people to reciev e it. If the Democrats don't want to touch the Tort Sy stem then they aren't serious about healthcare reform."

Danielle Laird, Senior

"I do not support Obama's quest to socialize healthcare. In his many speeches on healthcare reform he does not giv e any concrete answers to resolv ing our healthcare issues."

Joe Almonte, Freshman

"I think it's not all bad because there are a lot of people who can't afford healthcare and they really need the medical care."

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CAMPUS NEWS LIU’s Greek Life, a Mystery No More

By Pryndall White Staff Writer

On the way out of the dorms, or while walking alongside the bookstore, students often stop to wonder what those odd painted benches represent. Walking over the bridge to the Humanities building or while stepping into the Luntey Commons, students sometimes observe others around campus with Greek letters emblazoned across their chests, or around their necks in the form of necklaces or dog tags. These people are the well-represented Greek sorority and fraternity members of Long Island University’s Brooklyn campus. Oftentimes, the first thoughts that come to mind when sororities or fraternities are mentioned is “School Daze,” or some form of “pledging” or “hazing” that is often stereotyped in the media. However, these misconceptions could not be further from the truth. These groups of men and women encourage potential pledges to research Greek life and familiarize themselves with the organizations that they feel may best fit them. A potential pledge’s first question is often “How do I get in,” and it is one that is, unfortunately, not easily answered. This has led many on campus to believe that the intake process of LIU’s Greek societies is secretive, when, in reality, it is an opportunity for people to take a better look at who they are and who they want to be. Christopher Choudry, 20, Vice Polemarch of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. at LIU, recently went through his own journey of sorts, thoroughly researching what this particular fraternity really represented. “I’d have to say, to those interested, my first letters that I saw when I first got to LIU were the letters of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc,” said Choudry. “Don’t just base your decision

The Greek benches outside the campus book store are only a shadow of the vibrant Greek life that exists on LIU’s Brooklyn campus. (Photo Credit: Justine Bach)

on organizations that are ON campus, you have to research everyone inside and outside that fits you and the role you look to play later on in life in the business aspect and personal aspect.” Many do not realize that there are specific protocols involved with joining a sorority or fraternity. This may or may not be the reason many students deter themselves from

making the effort to find out whether this is something they want to do. However, many agree that the first step in making the decision to pledge is to ask yourself not only what a sorority or fraternity can do for you, but what can you as a person bring to the sorority or fraternity? Li’Esha Garcia, President of the Epsilon Pi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., proudly wears the letters of

New H1N1 Vaccine Recalls 1976 Flu Scare

By Renica Ramnath Staff Writer

Since the recent outbreak of the H1N1 virus, commonly known as Swine Flu, scientists and doctors have been working non-stop to create a vaccine. The FDA approved the new vaccine on Sept. 15 and it should be available to the public in Oct. The outbreak, which was first reported in Mexico, has infected over 44,522 (official cases); 60,436 (unofficial cases) people and killed 694 in the United States alone (statistics taken from The vaccine will be given through a single shot, and protect people from being infected with the H1N1 virus. However, some people are skeptical about getting the vaccine when it becomes available because of the 1976 Swine Flu fiasco. The 1976 version of the vaccine, which was administered to about 40 million people, caused a rare disorder called Guillain-Barré in one of every 150,000 people. Guillain-Barré causes the body’s immune system to attack the nerves, causing weakness and numbness to the arms and legs, and sometimes even paralysis. The new vaccine is different from the one administered during the 1970s but it will go through extensive

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testing before it is given to the public. Still, as a precaution, the government is making sure that doctors are prepared in case of a reoccurrence of the deadly side effects of the 1970s vaccine. Despite the looming spectre of the 1976 vaccine tragedy, health officials still believe that people should consider getting the vaccine to decrease the risk of infection from the H1N1 virus. According to the National Institute of Health, when the vaccine is released, healthcare workers, infants, pregnant women and young people will receive first priority. These groups will be the first to receive the vaccines because they have been hit the hardest by the virus. According to a statement from the Center A bar graph representing students responses to whether they would get the new H1N1 vaccine. for Disease Control website, “Current studies indicate that the risk for infection effects, would they consider getting vaccinated? Over half among persons age 65 or older is less than the risk for of the students said that they would go for the vaccinayounger age groups.” tion, while nearly 100 students said they would not risk In a recent poll, 300 LIU students were asked if, given getting the vaccine. Approximately 50 students said they what they know about the H1N1 virus and the risk of side were not sure if they would get the vaccine.


Sept. 24, 2009




Dear Students, A big Blackbird welcome back to our returning students and a special hello to all who are joining the Blackbird Nation! You are going to find many new and exciting events to take part in on campus this year and hopefully LIU athletics will be among them. The student body has played a huge part in the success of our 25 Northeast Conference championships over the last decade. Many of you have shared in those championships and we hope there will be more on the way this year. While many campuses charge admission to students to attend athletic events, we do not. All Blackbirds home contests are FREE with your LIU student ID. It’s a great time to gather with friends to root for your fellow students and meet many others. Schedules are posted all over campus and you can always stop by the athletics office to pick up your own pocket schedules or check us daily at Have a great year and we will see you at the games. Go Blackbirds! Sincerely,

John Suarez Director of Athletics

Sept. 24, 2009


As SGA President, it is my utmost honor and privilege to welcome you all to Long Island University for the 2009-2010 Academic Year. Getting here might have been a long, drawn-out struggle due to factors such as loans, housing arrangements, and hour-long Bursar lines. But nonetheless we made it through the adversity, and we now have an opportunity to continue pursuing a college education here at Long Island University . I would like to see all students take advantage of the resources available to us on campus this year. Whether it be joining a club, modeling in a fashion show, acting in a play, or even joining an evening intramural sports team. There are many Clubs/Organizations and Athletic teams that put in maximum time and effort on our behalf; we can easily re-pay the favor by showing support and attending events. While participation in extra-curricular activities is strongly recommended, we also must remember what we came for….an education. Nine out of ten Students enroll in college in order to obtain a well-paying job upon graduation. Now in the past, jobs would almost automatically hire a person if he or she had a college education. But nowadays studies show that the value of a college degree has declined, drastically. Employers don’t want just a college degree anymore; they want internships, fellowships, and/or experience. I say that to say this, we as students must take the necessary precautions to prepare ourselves for the real world. The phrase “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”, constantly tends to resurface in conversations I have with adults pertaining to how they broke into their career field. We as students must insure our success prior to graduation by networking, and taking part in internships that are related to our career of choice. Career fairs are also a great way of putting yourself in the position to win. There will be the first one of the year in the Paramount basketball gym October 15th by the way. All students must be dressed in business attire in order to attend, meaning no sneakers, hats, or jeans. Many times our first impression is the best impression, so let’s remember to be professional at all times because someone you meet at the career fair might be the one to make the decision whether to hire or fire you down the line. Visiting and developing a relation-


ship with the offices of Career Services is also a great way of finding programs and meeting people that can improve your chances of finding work in a particular field right after you graduate. For example, the offices of Career Services works hand in hand with the JumpStart program which enables students to work directly with children in a preschool setting. Programs like this are an excellent way for students interested in teaching to get their feet wet, and gain experience. Studying and attending class is the name of the game. If you do those two things then it will be extremely difficult to obtain less than a 3.0. If by chance you happen to study, attend class and you still can’t grasp the subject being taught then come see me in my Office M208 and I will personally find you a study buddy or teacher who can help you out with your work. Student Government will have a meeting every Wednesday from 4-5 P.M., all are encouraged to attend. We are looking for dedicated, fearless, and committed students whom possess new, innovative ideas to bring to the table. Our offices are located in room M208, directly above the Luntey Commons. I have a strict open door policy, so feel free to stop by anytime and/or reach me by e-mail at SGA will be holding a Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, September 30th at 8 P.M., all students and faculty are invited to attend. This will be a platform to address any issues or concerns with the University, ask questions about anything pertaining to the University, and to advertise and find out about events taking place during the upcoming month. I hope to see you all there, both new and returning students/faculty. Maximum attendance at these meetings will be the first step to addressing concerns such as Guest Visitation policies, Aramark catering displeasures, and lack of on-campus activities. Special Thanks to the very hard working SGA Team that I have supporting me this year, including but not limited to: Pryndall White, Cristall Grant, Alane Celeste, Tajuan Parker, Stephen Lockett, Jermaine Issac, Bryan Hicklin, Candice Aming, Sandy Hyppolite, Carley Jean-Charles, and Quincy Garner. Nothing we do this year would be possible without you all. God Bless you all and Good Luck with Classes, President Mark Anthony Hackett

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For Greek Organization Members, They Truly Are What They Wear

Continued from Page 4

her organization as more than a fashion statement. Garcia wishes that people would not automatically perceive those involved Greek sororities and fraternities as “uninformative” or snotty. “There is so much more to being in a sorority or fraternity than strolling and throwing parties. It would be nice to meet someone who the first thing out of their mouth was not, ‘How do I pledge?’ but, ‘When is the next community event that your organization will be putting on that I can possibly take part in?’” Garcia said. The main purpose of many of the Greek organization members are not only to serve as a brother or sister to fellow students, but as role models f the community, with the message that service comes first.

Choudry stressed the importance that all organizations have to give back to the community. “We don’t worry about quantity, we look for quality individuals who are looking to serve in the community. Our work with St. Jude’s hospital means a great deal to us because it allows us the opportunity to make a difference and new long lasting connections with people outside of the Greek aspect.” Garcia’s view on the need for community service was similar. “We are dedicated to empowering our local community. We currently are holding the opportunity for voter registration throughout all of the local boroughs. Its not just about being a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, you as an individual must represent yourself and your organization in as many ways as you can academically and morally, in and outside of L.I.U’s campus,” said Garcia

Bradley Joseph, a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., is one of many who admire the core values of his organization. “There is a pride to the letters. I put my life into being a member of a fraternity. The good thing about joining a fraternity or sorority is you find yourself taking a deeper look at what road you look to drive down in life, and what road may or may not end for you. My brothers and I stress scholar recognition, and service,” he said. The next time anybody passes someone wearing Greek letters, view them not just as a person wearing fashionable apparel, but as someone who decided to dedicate themselves to academic success and community service. These individuals truly are what they wear; an icon of dedication, service and everlasting support through sisterhood and brotherhood.

Cuts in Chinese Exports Threaten Student Tech Backbone By Joshua Ritts Staff Writer

Imagine a future where a green, low-wattage light bulb costs you $30. Imagine a time when a phone costs as much as a laptop, and a laptop as much as a car. Sound like a fairy tale? Not if the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has anything to say about it. Recently, the Chinese government has taken the first steps to impose severe restrictions on the export of rare earth metals. These metals, instrumental in the fabrication of everything from missile defense systems to smart phones, hybrid cars to TVs, are supplied almost exclusively by China. It is estimated that China holds 71% of the world’s supply of these metals (in a similar vein as OPEC's 69% share of world’s oil supplies) China has, in the past, successfully stifled all competition in this market. The early 90s saw China flood the market with undervalued metals, having the dual effect of shutting down competing mines and creating a complacent reliance on their products and technical innovations. Now, this new legislation will restrict raw rare earth metals from appearing anywhere but Chinese soil. “It is high time [for export restrictions], and China has been waiting for a long time,” said Zhou Shijian, researcher at the China-US Relations Research Center of Tsinghua University. Dai Xu, a military consultant, commented, “Strategic metals are piv-

Rare Earth metals, such as those pictured above, are integral to the construction of consumer electronics.

otal to the future of great powers,” continuing, “It is time for China to upgrade the protection of rare earths to a national strategic level.” One need not look far into the future see the effects of these

W h e r e y o u m a y b e s e e n a r ou n d ca mpus : In the Caribbean Students Movement Room (S224).

Da w n a s i a F re e m a n President, Caribbean Students Movement

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C a r e e r a s p ir a t io n s / g o al s : Start a Talent Afterschool Program as a business, or a choreographer. W h y s h o u l d L I U c ar e t h a t y o u e x i s t? I do a lot of community service for the school, I’m an excellent student and I pay a lot of money to be here. R o l e m o d e l s : I’m on my own role model

new sanctions: China floods the market, shuts out the competition, then waits for competing economies to be at their lowest. Meanwhile, outside demand for energy-saving technologies continues to grow and… bingo! Manufacturers will be forced to move to China, further weakening the competition, while, at the same time, China will be in a prime position to price-gouge the world. Indeed, this agenda is not even hidden, as there is a proposed 42 percent export tax proposed on what few materials will actually be allowed beyond their borders. So what does this mean for the average American college student? For one, they will need to keep their phones and computers in good repair, as they’ll be seeing a marked increase in their pricing over the next several years. Second, keep a close eye on our government's proposals for green technology spending; the intrinsic cost is going to skyrocket while money leaves the economy at a faster rate. Third, learn Chinese. This is also a prime time to eyeball foreign relations as a field of study, as many more jobs will be leaving the U.S. while foreign economies, such as China, expand. Our focus now is on education, enriching our minds, and making the connections we need to succeed as professionals (ideally), but we need not lose sight of the surrounding world and how it will shape our priorities and opportunities.

F a c e b o o k , M y s p a c e o r T w i tt e r ? Twitter.

F av o r i t e c l a s s at L I U : English 64.

A d ul t F e a r: Being Broke.

F a v o r i te m u s i c : Reggae first, R&B second.

C hi l d ho o d F ea r : Clowns.

F av o r i t e T V s h o w s : One Tree Hill. The Game, Martin and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

I f y ou c o u l d c h a n g e o n e t h i n g a b o u t L I U , w h a t w o u ld i t b e ? I would change the gap between the faculty and the students. Students should know who to go to when they have a question...


G u i l ty P l e a s u r e : Reality TV.

F a v o r i t e p r of e s s o r : Professor Gail-Ann Greave H i d d e n T al e n t : Face painting.

Sept. 24, 2009



Long Island University’s Brooklyn Campus Newspaper

Long Island University 1 University Plaza Room S-219 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Phone: (718) 488-1591 Editorial Staff

Editor-In-Chief Ian Smith

News/Opinion Editor Christina Long Sports Editor Michael Ng

Arts & Entertainment Editor Leonica Valentine Photography Editor Justine Bach Faculty Advisor Hal Bock

Visit us online at and @seawanhakapress on Twitter! Edi tori al Pol i ces

Opinions expressed on these pages do not necessarily reflect those of the staff. Unsigned editorials are the consensus of the editorial staff members. Opinions expressed in articles with bylines are those of the writers. Letters to the editor must include the writer’s full name and a telephone number. Seawanhaka reserves the right to edit submissions for length and style. Seawanhaka is published by the students of Long Island University’s Brooklyn Campus. Adverti si ng Pol i ci es

Display and classified advertisements are available to the general public, Long Island University Clubs and Students. For rate and schedule information, call (718) 488-1591. Advertising is free for all LIU organizations. Ads should be submitted to the Seawanhaka Press Room or Student Activities office. Students, faculty and staff must submit a copy of their ID along with the proposed advertisement. Seawanhaka reserves the right to edit ads for length and style. We also reserve the right to refuse those we feel are unfit to print.

Sept. 24, 2009

Do you find yourself...

...getting headaches from holding in all of your feelings about LIU? ...talking to yourself because thereʼs no one nearby to share with?

...acquiring indigestion after reading a particular article or opinion in Seawanhaka? ...breaking out into sudden fits of anger over a particular national issue?

If you have any of the above symptoms, you shoul d speak to your doctor about wri ti ng your thoughts and opi ni ons to S eawanhaka as a “Letter to the Edi tor. ” E-mai l us at seawanhakapress@yahoo. com


“4 out of 5 doctors recommend it.” “1 out of 5 doctors doesn’t have very good taste.”


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By Ian Smith Editor-in-Chief

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past three or so months, you’ve witnessed the heated escalation of the national healthcare debate. “Death panels,” angry protestors, backwoods racists and a simpering Glenn Beck have all become central to the national discourse as our country struggles to figure out a new method of caring for our sick and elderly. I’m here to tell all of these people to shut the hell up because nobody likes you. A little bit direct, you might be thinking? Perhaps even uncalled for? Maybe. But for too long in this debate, the loudest voices have been getting the most attention. And, as happens in such matters of national concern, these all-too-loud voices are usually very, very wrong, often at the expense of rational, forward-thinking people. Let me get one thing out of the way right now; health care in this country is fundamentally broken. The employee-based healthcare model has become outmoded as insurance costs have skyrocketed. This has left over 30 million American citizens without health insurance. What does this mean in the most simple of terms? It means that once someone without insurance catches anything more than a common cold, they can’t get better without succumbing to lifealtering amounts of debt. If their illness requires advanced medication or procedures, well, they can practically kiss their lives goodbye. From a practical standpoint, we should be worried by this figure. A strong American workforce is, get this, a healthy American workforce. Uninsured people, when they get sick, can’t work. Ultimately, this leads to less innovation, less production and less economic growth. More importantly, though, from a philosophical standpoint, we cannot allow this to stand. While the nature of capitalism has transformed the United States into a very dog-eat-dog country, I don’t remember anyone saying that we shouldn’t try to help our citizens. This includes the government and, more importantly, the insurance companies that make billions of dollars in profit each year while at the same time providing less coverage to their subscribers. Just looking at these two differing points of view, I find it difficult to understand why anybody wouldn’t desire the installation of a universal healthcare system, or, at the very least, some kind of drastic overhaul. It’s like they’re saying to me: “We want people to be sick because we are fearfully

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Episode 2:

Health Scare

opposed to the big scary government.” The primary argument against healthcare reform is the cost, i.e., it will cost too much to implement or that not enough program cuts will be made to fund the program, especially the much derided “public option.” To this, I would ask people to please chill out, because whether they know it or not they are already paying for socialized medicine. “But how?!” you ask, in shock. “We’re not dirty socialists!” I can see the scowls crossing your faces right now. Look, every time an uninsured person goes to the emergency room, the hospital is obligated to treat them. Where do you think the money for that treatment comes from, a magic tree in the ICU? No, it comes out of your tax dollars. Logically, with a public option funded by the government, these people without insurance who already suck up your tax dollars will receive health care funded primarily by your tax dollars. At the very least, nothing changes. And let’s not forget Medicare and Medicaid, the biggest sinkhole the U.S. has for tax dollar spending. It was President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1944, just a year before his death, frail and confined to his wheelchair, who said, “True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence.” Part of that “security” is being able to keep ourselves and our families healthy without worrying if our insurance provider will drop us the first chance they get, if we have an insurance provider at all. The United States pays more for healthcare per individual than any other first-world nation on Earth, yet we recieve less for it. Does this not seem just a little bit backwards, paying more but getting less? In the last 12 months, we’ve collectively bailed out the entire U.S. banking system and have relatively little to show for it besides more foreclosures and fewer jobs. Why are we fighting so hard to let insurance companies executives keep the upper hand? In that same speech, FDR also said that “People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff from which dictatorships are made.” I think it’s time to turn the tables. Feel differently? Send a response to and you could end up here!


Obamanation: Get Out of New York Politics Courtesy of the Daily Targum Editorial Board (Rutgers University)

The job of the president is normally to be concerned with the state of affairs with the nation and working on a national agenda. He is not usually sticking his nose into the state elections and affairs, offering his two cents in primary elections. But President Barack Obama may have done just that according to a New York Times report. Obama reportedly sent a request to Gov. David Paterson advising him not to run for re-election for governor of New York because his poor approval rating — about 20 percent — wouldn’t lead to a Democratic win for the state. Paterson is refusing to comment on any of the conversation he’s had with the White House, saying he talks to many people and all he knows is he will be a candidate for governor. Obama’s alleged actions are also causing a divide in the Democratic Party, splitting up those who say that telling the governor not to run was for the good of the party and those who think he should mind his own business and focus on national affairs. If these conversations between the White House and Paterson did occur, it was obviously done to make sure that New York stayed a blue state. Paterson has to realize though that if the White House is not supporting him in the race his chances of being elected are very slim, especially when the Republican candidate will most likely be former mayor of New York City Rudolph W. Giuliani. Paterson wasn’t even elected in the first place — he is only governor because he was appointed after the Eliot Spitzer prostitution scandal. His bad approval rating should be enough for him to realize maybe it is not a good idea to be running, whether Obama thinks he should or not. In all fairness to Paterson there wasn’t much he could do with an already damaged system in his state. It still remains to be seen about how knowledge of these reported conversations between Paterson and the White House came to be. It doesn’t make sense for Paterson to go around telling people that the president has no faith that he could do a good job. It is possible that someone in the Obama administration or a potential primary challenger wanted to give Paterson an extra push out of the race. But that aside, the president should be focusing on more important issues that are plaguing the entire country at the moment, no matter how strategically important the New York governors race is. There are still soldiers in the Middle East, the economy isn’t getting any better and there are still agreements to be met on health care. Yes, losing New York as a blue state is cause for concern in the Democratic Party because to move along a lot of what he wants to do Obama needs democratic support. That needs to be gained fairly. This report is sure to cause further infighting among Democrats, which further weakens their chances in the race for New York’s governor.

Sept. 24, 2009


Theta Pi Must Die in Sorority Row By Sara LaNoir Staff Writer

If hot girls, a few laughs and a bucket load of gore are your things, then Sorority Row is a must-see. The film, directed by Stewart Hendler, is a remake of 1983’s low budget slasher flick The House on Sorority Row. Similar to the original film, the plot revolves around a group of sorority sisters who inadvertently find themselves caught up in a murder. Deciding to keep it a secret, to group soon finds themselves, one-by-one, subject to a grisly death at the hands of an unknown killer. The film opens at a ridiculously huge sorority party; six “sisters” from the Theta Pi sorority, lead by Jessica (Leah Pipes) decide to play a prank on Megan’s (Audrina Partidge) boyfriend Garrett (Matt O’Leary), whom they have discovered to be unfaithful. Pretending that Megan has died of a roofie overdose while the couple was making out, the sisters, with Garrett, drive to an abandoned steel mill to “dump” her body. However the-less-than-intelligent group lets their joke go too far: under the premise of trying to better hide the body, Garrett accidentally kills Megan. The deed done, the group, in a panic, engages in a vow of secrecy deciding that calling the police would result in there lives being ruined. Fast-forward eight months: everyone has graduated, and the sorority is throwing an end of year bash. Unfortunately for the sisters, “Megan” has come back in a graduation gown ready to crash the party. The movie goes on as a cat-and-mouse game between the masked killer, who knows all the sisters’ dark secrets, and the girls of the sorority house.

The film has a number suspenseful and very gory kill scenes throughout, combined with a healthy dose of humor along the way. Many of the grotesque deaths are tinged with irony, as the killer frequently utilizes objects representative of his victims’ personalities. For instance, the aptly named alcoholic Chugs (Margo Harshman) falls prey to a creatively used wine bottle, while Claire (Jamie Chung) is on the receiving end of a rogue hot tub, a place she spent much time cavorting with her boyfriend. Of course, as with any quality horror movie, just about all of the main characters die. Right from the get-go, the two who are destined to survive are easily pointed out, suffering from that old movie trope of “struggling the most with dumping their best friend’s bloody body in a random mineshaft.” And what gore-fest would be complete without the typical twist ending that anyone paying attention could call early on as well? If anyone was planning on seeing this film because the appreciate the work of Audrina Partridge, one of the cast members from MTV’s The Hills, they should know that it’s simply not worth it. Not only is she brutally booted out of the movie within the first 15 minutes, but also for the few brief moments that she is alive, she’s pretending to be sick and/or dead, foaming from the mouth. The sister who wins the prize for most entertaining is also, arguably, the one everyone is supposed to hate. Pipes rules the roost as the stuck-up Jessica, not only convincing the rest of her crew to inadvertently off Megan, but making snooty marks along the way as well. Jessica’s small quips and asides give Sorority Row a little levity when it gets too serious. Mostly to its merit, this slasher movie is just like all the rest: predictable, yes, but entertaining at the same time.

Sorority Row, like the original 1983 film, opens with an accidental death and ends with a pile of twenty-something bodies. (Photo Credit:

Sept. 24, 2009


The Black Crowes Return Triumphant By Cassie Rene Staff Writer

The Black Crowes have done it again. Their long awaited eighth album, Before the Frost, is chock-full of co mfo rt ab l e, consistent American rock. With every purchase of this 1 1 - t r a c k album, listeners will also acquire a bar- Purchasers of The Black Crowes’ Before the code, letting Frost... will receive a free download code for the companion album ...Until the Freeze. them download (Photo courtesty of the 9-track companion album, Until the Freeze. The two records combined will make old Crowes fans, and new ones, want to throw back a shot of whiskey and throw a smoky summer barbeque. Listeners will definitely be able to hear a measure of growth and maturity in the music and Chris Robinson’s voice sounds better than it has in years. Even though the band recorded Before the Frost in a small barn in front of a few lucky fans, it is not a live album. The upside of this is that the Crowes waste little time bantering and conversing with the audience. However, the applause in between every song does get tiresome after a few tracks. Before the Frost opens strong with the rip-snorting “Good Morning Captain.” With its barrelhouse piano, ringing slide guitar, and rustic lyrics, it’s sure to be an instant classic. In between all of this rousing rock ‘n’ roll comes something of a shock: disco. “I Ain’t Hiding” is a disco-tinged funk song and, more surprising than its production, is that it actually works well. It will surely take a top spot on a number of iTunes playlists. Yes, the beat is unlike anything they’ve ever done, but as soon the vocals and those classic Black Crowes riffs are heard, fans will be completely on board. It’s fair to say that the Crowes have given us a new type of music with this single: Indie Disco! Until the Freeze contains some of the bands most indispensible songs, including the peaceful tune “Greenhorn,” complete with seven minutes of wistful beauty, and “Lady of Avenue A,” a stellar lovesick ballad about good times and lost nights on the Lower East Side. The Black Crowes have successfully brought back the sounds of classic rock outfits like The Allman Brothers and Neil Young. However, to simply call this a rock album would ignore the band’s embrace of bluegrass and country. Although some might not appreciate the integration of these genres into the Crowes’ music, there is no denying that when the band injects their souls into them, listeners won’t be able to stop themselves from smiling. Before the Frost is their best album they’ve released, that is, until you listen to Until the Freeze.

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“You know, I think it’s important to realize that I was actually black before the election.” -President Barack Obama on the Sept. 21 episode of The Late Show with David Letterman.

A r i e s (March 21 - April 19)

Your affinity for cultural events and artifacts is quite strong today, so get arty! You may find that your people aren't as ready as you, but your inspiring leadership might turn the tide quickly

Taur us

(April 20 - May 20)

Things are not quite what they seem today, especially if they seem too good to be true. You may need to get your friends to take another look, and you may be the only voice of skepticism in the room.

G em in i

(May 21 - June 21)

C anc er

(June 22 - July 22)

You and your family are working pretty well together, but you need to avoid the temptation to climb up on that soapbox. Others might be doing it, but it doesn't work out for you just now. You need to reconcile an issue that is dividing your private from your social life. It's one of those weird days when you may feel pulled in a few too many different directions, so do your best to stay balanced!

Le o

(July 23 - August 22)

You aren't in the mood for people who've got nothing better to do than complain about trivia -- but that's what you're facing anyway! It's a good time to get them to see that things aren't so bad after all.

V ir go

(August 23 - September 22)

Try your best to get past the tense business facing you today -- things could be really dark if you don't step up! Someone close to you is resistant to change, but you can show them the benefits.

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L i b r a (September 23 - October 22)

You're in the midst of some sweet intellectual activity, whether you realize it or not! You may need to incorporate some ideas from people you don't usually get along with all that well, but it's a snap!

Sc orp io

(October 23 - November 21)

Try your best to trust your gut today -- even if it's telling you to do or say something crazy! You probably have to move beyond your comfort zone in order to make the most of the situation.


(November 22 - December 21)

Try your best to trust your gut today -- even if it's telling you to do or say something crazy! You probably have to move beyond your comfort zone in order to make the most of the situation.

C a p i c o r n ( December 21 - January 19)

Things just don't seem workable to you right now, but that doesn't mean you should give up! Far from it -now is the time for you step up your efforts and see if you can't pull off a mira

Aqu ari us

(January 20 - February 18)

You're making new connections today -- more than usual, by a long shot! They may not all pan out, but the experience is good practice for those who can actually help you or enrich your life in some way.

P is ces

(February 19 - March 20)

You've got to appease someone of some importance in yourself -- maybe a boss, maybe your mate -- and it might take most of your emotional energy today. Don't worry about other matters for now.


Sept. 24, 2009

h ug To

Lo ve


Man’s Point of View

The Question: Tw o of my best friends have been dating for 10 y ears now . I r ecently f ound out t hat the boy fr iend has repeatedly cheated on his girlfriend. I've been tempt ed to tell her , but I 've know n him for a lot longer than I've known her. What should I do?

It’s very rare that I’m the voice of reason here. Generally speaking, I’m the one that would say “bros before hos.” But you know what? I’m not going to miss out on a opportunity to tell my partner over there what an idiot she is. Putting it bluntly, your friend is a jerk and really doesn’t deserve your confidence. You say the’re both your best friends, so what does time have to do with that? Absolutely nothing. If she’s your friend, you should tell her. Besides, when she inevitably does find out, she will also know that you were appraised of the situation, and then you’re going to be in for a world of hurt.

Woman’s Point of View

My knee jerk instinct is that you should tell her. However, in all honesty, since you've known him longer, I'm gonna go with the long term loyalty and say don't tell her. If your guilty conscience is getting in the way of that, then think of it as staying neutral, rather than choosing sides. If you think about it, keeping your nose out of the situation is the same thing as not telling her. And besides, no one likes a tattle tale. Did the boyfriend fess up to, or did you catch him in the act? If he 'fessed, then telling her would be the ultimate betrayal, and then you're no better than he is. Take the high road on this one and just stay quiet. Trust me, she probably already knows and is plotting an appropriate revenge.

Last Week’s Solutions

Sept. 24, 2009


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Kumble Theater


For more information, call (718) 488-1624 or visit

S at. , S eptember 26 - S un. , S eptember 27, 2 p. m. Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival & Lecture S eries Festival spotlights the talent and struggle of women of color in the film industry.

Thu. , October 1 - Mon. , October 11 “Scribblin’ at the Automat” Uplifting original play dramatizes a conversation between lifelong friends, acclaimed writer James Baldwin and famed photographer Richard Avedon. Tue. , October 20, 10:15 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. Community Works S at. , October 24, 7 p. m. Kingdom Choice Awards

For more information, call (718) 488-3355.

Fri . , October 16, 7 p. m. , Kumbl e Theater Dance Faculty Concert Eclectic evening of contemporary dance and performance. Tickets: $15; $10, students and seniors with ID.


“Jazz Clinic and Concert Series” features top names in jazz. Admission is free. For more information, call Bob Aquino at (718) 488-1668.

Tue. , October 6, 4 p. m. - 6 p. m. , Humani ti es Bui l di ng, Room 106 T.K. Blue Jazz saxophonist will conduct master class on “Improvising the Blues.”

Tue. , October 20, 4 p. m. - 6 p. m. , Humani ti es Bui l di ng, Room 106 Amir El Saffar Iraqi-American trumpeter will discuss improvising with Arabic modes and scales.

Fri . , October 30 - Tue. , November 10 El Jubilado


Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday/Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Humanities Building Gallery is closed on weekends). Admission is free. For more information, call Nancy Grove at (718) 488-1198.

Tue. , S eptember 1 - Fri . , October 2, Humani ti es Gal l ery Judith Shea “Legacy Collection Sculpture and photographs.

Wednesdays, 4 p. m. - 6 p. m. , Humani ti es Bui l di ng, Room 106 Long Island University Chorus The chorus rehearses every Wednesday, starting September 9. For more information, contact Gloria Cooper at (718)488-1450.


For more information, call La’Shaina Dickerson at (718) 488-1132

Tue. , S eptember 1 & October 6; Wed. , S eptember 16 & October 21 6:30 p. m. , LLC 115 Toastmasters International Club Meeting Public speaking club provides a supportive and fun way to become more persuasive. Call Vanessa Gonzalez at (718)488-1435.

Tue. , S eptember 1 - Fri . , October 2, S al ena Gal l ery “Under the Glass” Contemporary Russian photography.

Tue. , S eptember 1 - Fri . , October 2, Resni ck Gal l ery BASIS Summer Program High-school student work.


Career Services

Tue. , September 2 9 , 5 p. m. , Humani ti es Bui l di ng , Ro o m 7 0 4 Presidential Management Fellow Programs Information Session Seeking Graduate Students who will complete degree between 9/09 - 8/10, for two-year paid highly selective Federal Fellowships in Washington, D.C. Students must apply online at from October 1 - 15, 2009. To learn more about LIU’s competitive application process, come to the Information Session led by an LIU counselor. RSVP:; Questions: Call Robin Goldstein at (718)488-3309 Tue. , Octo ber 1 3 , 11 a. m. , Pratt Bui l di ng , Ro o m 5 1 0 US Env ironmental Protection Agency Information Session Come learn about paid opportunities from a representative at this important and presitigious federal government agency. All majors welcome!

Wed. , Octo ber 2 1 , 11 a. m. , Li brary Learni ng Center, Ro o m 5 1 5 Nav igating Your Career: How to Get Started Come to this workshop, co-sponsored with the Office of International Students, and learn about preparing for and managing your career. Gain tips on resume writing and preparing for interviews.

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The English Department’s multicultural “Voices of the Rainbow” series is funded by the Prov ost’s Office. Admission is free. For more information, call Louis Parascandola at (718) 488-1109.

Wed. , Octo ber 7 , No o n, Lo cati o n TBA Thomas Say ers Ellis and Jacqueline Bishop A poet and photographer from Washington D.C., Ellis co-funded the Dark Room Collective. Auhor of the highly praised collection, “The Maverick Room,” he has been published in Grand Street, Ploughshares and The Best American Poetry (1997, 2001). Bishop is a Jamaican-born poet, writer, painter and filmmaker. Founding editor of Calabash: A Journal of Carribbean Arts & Letters, she has written the novel, “The River’s Song,” and the poetry collections, “Fauna” and “Snapshots from Istanbul.” Mo n. , Octo ber 2 6 , 6 p. m. , Lo cati o n TBA Kev in Bak er Baker has been published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times and Harper’s magazine. His works include the historical novels, “Sometimes You See it Coming”; “Paradise Alley”; “Striver’s Row”; and “Dreamland,” which is set largely in Coney Island.


Sept. 24, 2009


Sept. 24, 2009


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Sept. 24, 2009


Sept. 24, 2009


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Stressed Out? Relationship Problems? Personal Problems? Do Something About It! LIU Psych Services Center

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-Ads from LIU organizations get published for free! Just send your black & white, PDF formatted ad to, or call our office at (718)488-1591 for more information. -Non-campus organizations and outside merchants may also reach us via the above for a Media Kit and advertising rates.

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Talking Can Help (718) 488-1266 Room L36, Pharmacy Building Confidential, Free, and Available to Students & Support Staff Hours: Monday 9:00am – 4:00pm Tuesday 11:00am – 4:00p Thursday 9:00pm – 4:00pm


Sept. 24, 2009


Sept. 24, 2009


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Sept. 24, 2009


Sept. 24, 2009


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Sept. 24, 2009


Freshman Jakeem Johnson Shoots Past Stony Brook By John Tolis Staff Writer

Freshman Jakeem Johnson made a quick impression on the LIU soccer program even though he’s only been at the university a short time. Johnson scored a pair of goals, the second one in overtime, to lift the LIU Blackbirds (2-3) to a 2-1 victory over the Stony Brook Seawolves (1-4-1) last Wednesday, earning him NEC Rookie of the Week honors. Johnson capitalized on a bad clear by the Stony Brook goalkeeper to score the decisive goal in the 95th minute of play. Earlier, a flawless Blackbirds defense in the first half limited the Seawolves to few scoring chances. Stony Brook moved the ball well and even though LIU didn’t have much of the ball in the first half, it took advantage of its opportunities. The contest between the teams got a little physical

The Blackbirds won their second game of the season in overtime against Stony Brook. (Photo Credit: Sports Media Relations)

By Michael Ng Sports Editor

After shutting out its first four opponents, the LIU women’s soccer team was on the other end of great defensive play as they posted three consecutive 1-0 losses. After losing their first game of the season to St. Johns on Sept. 11, the Lady Blackbirds went into the George Mason Tournament looking to start another winning streak, but ended up losing both games in the tournament. The last game of the tournament was a close one against William & Mary, as both teams were able to hold each other off on the scoreboard until the 81st minute, when the Tribe’s Kaitlin O’Connor knocked a free kick right into the area of Kellie Jenkins, who then made the game-winning goal. The free kick came after Long Island committed a foul just outside the 18-yard box. Things could have been a lot worse for the Lady Blackbirds as they were outshot 15-7, but only two of the Tribe’s shots were on goal. Seniors Aly Hanson and Tasia Davis led Long Island with two shots apiece.

Sept. 24, 2009

as both teams committed 13 fouls and seven yellow cards were handed out. The second half would get better for the Blackbirds, when forward Johnson found a nice pass from midfielder Nick Alderiso and scored in the 77th minute to put LIU on top 1-0. Late in the second half, it seemed the LIU defense and goalkeeper Adam Janssen would keep the Seawolves scoreless. But in the 88th minute, Stony Brook was awarded a penalty kick and Berian Gobeil evened the score at 1-1. Then Johnson delivered the winning goal in the extra period. “Our defense played really well and we also did a good job pressuring,” said Blackbirds head coach TJ Kostecky. “Defense is the main focus of our training and tactics.” The Blackbirds next match will be against Manhattan in Riverdale, NY on Friday.

Women’s Soccer Suffers Third Straight Shutout

Their first game against George Mason was a little more balanced as LIU was only outshot 9-6. Freshman standout goalkeeper Jennifer Bannon made four saves in the game, putting her total to 23 for the season. Despite losing three straight games, Bannon has only allowed three goals in seven games and has an impressive .885 save percentage. She has played every minute as the goalkeeper so far this season. Junior Brittany Schandelmayer had three shots, two on goal in the final game to earn all-tournament honors along with teammate Kelly Carter. Long Island will now start its conference schedule as they travel across the Verrazano to take on rival Wagner on Sept. 25. Long Island went undefeated last year in conference play before losing to Central Conn. St. in the Northeast Conference Championship. This year’s tournament will begin on Nov. 6, where the top four teams in the conference will battle for a spot in the national tournament. Kelly Carter and Brittany Schandelmayer earned all-tournament honors at the Mason Tournament. (Photo Credit: Sports Media Relations)


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Volleyball Drops Fourth By Michael Ng Straight Sports Editor

The LIU volleyball team came up short at the Wildcat Classic last weekend, losing all three of its matches. The Blackbirds came closest to winning during their final game against Akron. In the first set, Long Island played the game evenly with Akron with the score tied at 10 apiece, but the Zips pulled away with an 11-2 run to win the first set 25-14. Long Island dropped the second set, losing 25-18, putting them in a 2-0 hole for the game. The Blackbirds came back to win the third set, 25-18, to make it a game, but Akron was not fazed as they took control of the fourth set early to win the set 25-15 and the mach. Despite winning one set, Akron dominated the match hitting .376, while Long Island managed a paltry .075. The Zips won behind the dynamic duo of Brionna Patterson and Courtney Jarvis. Patterson had a match-high 15 kills, while Jarvis led all players with 10 digs. Long Island was swept in its two previous contests in the tournament against Cincinnati and Northwestern. It was the same story throughout the tournament as the Blackbirds were outhit by Cincinnati 42-23. Long Island hit just .011, while the Bearcats dominated with a .323 average. The margin was even greater in their match-up against Northwestern. The Blackbirds totaled 27 errors, while making only 23 kills for a -.047 average. Northwestern was much more successful as they got 35 kills for an outstanding .389 average. After an unimpressive 3-10 start, the Blackbirds look forward to the start of conference play beginning on Oct. 1 with a bout against Quinnipiac at the Wellness Center. But before Long Island can start their run at yet another NEC Championship, they’ll have to play against Stony Brook on Sept. 29, at the Wellness Center.

Fantasy Spotlight

Let’s face it. Every fantasy team has its flaws. We count on points from unsuspecting players to win each week. Here you’ll find those potential spot starters that might just help you win your league.

- Week 3 Sleepers -

- QB Dav i d Garrard, J ac, v s . Ho u - Ho us t o n i s l as t i n run defen s e an d i s amo n g s t t h e wo rs t i n defen di n g t h e p as s . Th i s fan t as y b ack -up s h o ul d b e ab l e t o p ut up s o me b i g n umb ers ag ai n s t t h e Tex an s defen s e. He t h rew fo r cl o s e t o 3 0 0 y ards l as t week an d i s al way s a t h reat t o run . - PRED: 3 2 5 PAy ds , 2 PA-TD; 5 0 RU-y ds

- RB Ti m Hi g h t o wer/ Ch ri s Wel l s , Ari , v s . In d - Th e Cardi n al s are k n o wn fo r t h ei r p as s at t ack b ut t h ey mi g h t b e fo rced t o run a b i t mo re i n Week 3 . Th e Co l t s are t o p s i n p as s defen s e an d amo n g t h e wo rs t i n g uardi n g t h e run . Th e Do l p h i n s ran 4 9 t i mes fo r 2 3 9 y ds an d t wo s co res l as t week an d t h e Cardi n al s mi g h t t ak e n o t e i n t h at s t rat eg y. PRED: T. H. - 11 0 y ds , 1 Ru-TD; C. W. 7 0 y ds , 1 Ru-TD - WR/ TE An t h o n y Fas an o , Mi a, v s . SD - He’s o ff t o a s l o w s t art b ut h e’s b o un d t o b reak o ut . As Pen n i n g t o n ’s fav o ri t e recei v er i n t h e s h o rt g ame, Fas an o s h o ul d b e ab l e t o g rab a red zo n e t o uch do wn t h i s week . He j us t mi s s ed g et t i n g o n e l as t week ag ai n s t t h e Co l t s , b ut i t s h o ul d b e eas i er t h i s week ag ai n s t a much mo re v ul n erab l e p as s defen s e. PRED: 6 0 Rec-y ds , 1 Rec-TD

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Picked Off

By Michael Ng Sports Editor

After two weeks of football, we have learned several things about the New York Giants. First off, Eli Manning does not need Plaxico Burress. Young receivers Mario Manningham and Steve Smith proved they could get it done on the big stage. Both caught 10 passes and a score against the Dallas Cowboys on the night they opened their brand new $1.5 billion stadium and in front of the biggest live crowd ever for a regular season game. Whenever Manning needed a first down to keep the drive alive, the Giants’ receivers were there to make the play. Smith is a reliable receiver who is the first guy Manning looks for on a third down, while Manningham can catch the deep ball, as well as gain a lot of yardage after the catch. It won’t be a stretch to say the two are starting to become clones of Amani Toomer and Burress. Another thing we learned was that the running game isn’t going to be as dominate as last year. It might be too early to judge their performance so far but the lost of Derrick Ward might be just the difference. With Ward gone, Jacobs and Bradshaw are expected to carry the extra workload but both players have never carried more than 220 times a year. The team’s third back Danny Ware has not even touched the ball this season. They won’t keep struggling the way they’ve been but they also won’t consistently dominate a game either. There’ll be a few great games on the ground but don’t expect to see that every week. Despite the poor running game, we saw just how good the offensive line is. They gave Manning plenty of time in the pocket and they did not allow a sack. Manning also showed us just how good he is. He’s not going to throw 40 touchdowns a season like Tom Brady or Peyton Manning, but he’s been great under Mario Manningham has done a good job pressure. With a corps of filling the void left by Plaxico Burress. (Photo Credit: young and inexperience receivers, Manning leadership has kept them cool and relaxed. This is balanced team with several flaws but their toughness throughout the depth charts will keep them in games and racking up the wins.


Sept. 24, 2009





Long Island Monmouth St. Francis (PA) Sacred Heart Robert Morris Central Conn. St. Fairleigh Dickinson Mount St. Mary’s Quinnipiac Bryant Wagner


Monmouth Quinnipiac Sacred Heart Central Conn. St. St. Francis (PA) Long Island St. Francis (NY) Bryant Fairleigh Dickinson Mount St. Mary’s Robert Morris


1. Quinnipiac 2. Sacred Heart Central Conn. St. Bryant Long Island Robert Morris Fairleigh Dickinson St. Francis (PA) 9. St. Francis (NY)

Sept. 24, 2009

NEC 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0


WOMEN’S SOCCER Pct. ------------

0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0

Pts -------------



1-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1

1.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

Overall 4-3 4-3 3-3-1 4-4 3-4 2-4-1 2-4 2-5-1 1-3-1 2-5 1-5


.571 .571 .500 .500 .429 .357 .333 .312 .300 .286 .167

Streak L3 L1 W1 L1 L1 L4 L3 L1 T1 L1 L3

Home 2-0 1-2 1-1-1 2-1 1-0 1-0 1-2 0-4 0-1 2-2 1-1

Away 1-2 3-1 2-2 2-3 2-3 0-4-1 0-2 2-1-1 1-2-1 0-2 0-4

Neutral 1-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-0

9/20/09 9/18/09

George Mason Long Island


7-0 2-0-3 2-1 3-2 3-4 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-4 1-5 0-7

1.000 .700 .667 .600 .429 .400 .400 .333 .333 .167 .000



Streak W7 T1 W2 L2 W2 W1 L1 L1 L4 L5 L7

Home 3-0 0-0-2 0-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 0-0 1-3 2-0 0-1 0-3

Away 3-0 2-0-1 2-0 1-1 2-2 0-2 1-2 1-1 0-3 1-3 0-3

Neutral 1-0 0-0 0-0 1-0 0-1 1-0 1-1 0-0 0-1 0-1 0-1



1-10 7-6 3-7 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 2-10 0-7

.091 .538 .300 .250 .231 .214 .200 .167 .000

W1 W1 L3 W1 L4 L10 L8 L2 L7

Home 1-0 3-0 2-2 0-2 2-2 3-2 0-0 0-1 0-4

Away 0-4 2-2 0-2 1-3 1-3 0-3 1-5 0-4 0-3

Neutral 0-6 2-4 1-3 2-4 0-5 0-6 2-7 2-5 0-0





Staten Island, N.Y. 4:00pm

Columbia Long Island

2 OT 1 3 1

Blackbirds Upcoming Schedule Opponent



Riverhead, N.Y.



Recent Results

9/19/09 9/19/09


Long Island Stony Brook





Recent Results

9/16/09 9/12/09

1 0

Blackbirds Upcoming Schedule


Recent Results

William & Mary 1 Long Island 0

Akron Long Island

Northwestern Long Island

3 1 3 0

Blackbirds Upcoming Schedule



Stony Brook


Wellness Center



Page 23

Women’s Soccer Gets Swept at Mason Invitational


Vol. LXXXIV, Issue 2


Long Island Universityʼs Brooklyn Campus



p. 21

Sept. 24, 2009

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