April 2021 Seawords

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SEAW ORDS TheMarineOption Program Newsletter

April 2021

Volume XXXVI, Number 4

Aloha, and welcome to the April issue of Seawords! This month, we're offering the opportunity to consult with several of the ocean's most expert advice givers! We'll be sending out Instagram stories over the course of the next month where you can send in your questions, or email them to seawords@hawaii.edu. Turn to page 8 for more information. Also in this issue, learn about the amazing work being done at the sea urchin hatchery on page 10, or read up on how currents are affected by climate change on page 16. For a look at what the upcoming month holds for you, turn to page 23 for your very own Apkrill horoscope! W hat would you like to see more of in Seawords?Send in your thoughts, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @mopseawords!

Zada Boyce-Quentin, SeawordsEditor, & Matilda Phillips, Associate Editor

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Photo Credits Fr ont Page: Sea urchin spines. By: Joshua Ganderson, Flickr. Tabl e of Contents: Kelp bass. By: Roban Kramer, Flickr. Page 8: Top to bottom- Box jellyfish by Rickard Zerpe, Flickr. Pallid ghost crab by Arsen Gabdullin, Flickr. Green sea turtle by Laura Gooch, Flickr. Page 22: Top to bottom- W hitetip sharks (both pictures) by Elias Levy, Flickr. Cleaner shrimp by prilfish, Flickr. Parrotfish by Enrico Strocchi, Flickr. Albatross by USFW S Pacific Region, Flickr. Back Cover : Fish in anemone. By: Martin Postma, Flickr. APRIL 2021

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DiatomsandOceanic CarbonSinks By: AlexRobinson,UHMMOPStudent

Phytoplankton bloom off the coast of France,Photo by: Jackques Descloitres, Flickr. 4 | Seawords

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Greek Ocean, Photo by: Chloe Cordell, Flickr. In the ocean, nutrients from a myriad of sources are constantly cycling. A large amount of this movement and subsequent carbon sequestering is done by phytoplankton. As these organisms grow and bloom, they uptake and hold carbon, eventually die, and then sink, allowing for deep-sea communities to access larger quantities of carbon as they settle to the ocean floor. Previously, this carbon sink phenomenon was primarily attributed to the physical accumulation of carbon in the bodies of these microorganisms, but a new study conducted by the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology suggests that this might not be the only contribution. Sampling of phytoplankton was conducted in spring of 2016 during a bloom at a station called Kabeltonne, located in the North Sea. Findings showed that some of the most abundant organisms present were diatoms. Unsurprisingly, the water samples were rich with both monosaccharides and polysaccharides. W hat was surprising was the residence time of the polysaccharides. Previously, the understanding was that enzymatic and other microbial actions would break down these carbon-rich compounds, easily transferring the carbon from its host organism to the ecosystem. 6 | Seawords

Out of the 27 observed polysaccharides that were categorized and identified, fucose-containing sulfated polysaccharides (FCSPs) resisted breaking down in the water column. FCSP?s resistance to breaking down makes it unique and a good contender to sequester carbon, as this carbon holding property was one that other polysaccharides did not possess. FCSPs do have a similar structure to polysaccharides found in brown algae cell walls, but currently have no other comparable organic compounds. Further research into FCSP is needed, as ?the biological role of diatom FCSP remains unclear.?Currently, scientists are studying whether FCSP can retain its structural integrity and continue to be resistant to degradation all the way to the bottom of the ocean. In turn, this could indicate a bigger role in diatomaceous carbon sequestering. Hypothetically the FCSP molecules could stick together and to other compounds, causing these gel polymers to sink to the ocean floor. This discovery raises many questions about the process of carbon sequestration in the world?s oceans, and indicates the need for further study into the huge impacts that some of its smallest denizens have on marine ecosystems at large.

Blue Ocean, Photo by: Jquano, Flickr.

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Ask a Sea Creature Have you ever been caught between a rock and a hard place and thought, "W hat would a box jellyfish do in this situation?" I think we all have, which is why this month we're consulting with some of the wisest creatures on the reef to answer your questions about life, love, and the best ways to avoid predation. You can send your questions in via Instagram stories we'll be putting up throughour the month on @mopseawords, or email them to seawords@hawaii.edu. Meet our experts below!

Box Jellyfish Take the sting out of a difficult decision with advice from a box jellyfish! A master at going with the flow, this cnidarian offers insights on keeping your cool no matter what.

Pallid Ghost Crab W hen you're in a pinch, listen to a pallid ghost crab! This crustacean may seem like their head is stuck in the sand, but they know just how to scuttle out of a tight spot.

Green Sea Turtle You'll always be able to find your way out of stormy seas with the help of a green sea turtle! No matter how far from home you go, with good advice, you can get through anything! 8 | Seawords

Glow in the Dark Sharks By: Haley Chasin, UHM MOP Student Bioluminescence, the production of chemical reactions resulting in emissions of light from living organisms,is found in 75%of deep-sea species dwelling beneath the thermocline and above the seabed. Many of these creatures use bioluminescence to attract mates, find prey, and ward off predators.In January 2020, while doing a survey on the RV Tangaroa off Chatham Rise, New Zealand,scientists discovered this feature in three sharks: the kitefin shark, the blackbelly lanternshark, and the southern lanternshark. These sharks all live in the mesopelagic, or ?twilight?zone, between 200 and 1000 meters down.This study granted the kitefin shark, which can grow to be 180 cm, the title of the largest-known luminous vertebrate. Bioluminescence in sharks is hormonally controlled and produces blue-green light from melatonin, a chemical hormone that in humans allows us to sleep, but for deep-sea sharks regulates light.In addition to melatonin, sharks have several hormones in the body that regulate light. In sharks, melatonin (M) turns light on and adrenocorticotropic hormones (ACTH) turns light off. Other hormones, like prolactin, trigger faster and brighter light. These photophores, or light producing pigments, are found on the epidermis (skin layer). The photophore found in some deepwater sharks is made of one photocyte held inside a cup-shaped pigmented cell on top of a lens cell. It is still unknown what triggers the reaction. Sharks use bioluminescence for counter-shading and camouflage, to ward off predators and for intraspecific signaling. Counter-shading is where the ventral side of the body is lighter in color, or in this case, illuminated, so that when predators or prey look up at the organism, it looks like the sky. However, looking down at the animal?s dorsal side, all that is seen is darkness.This approach is used as a predatory tool to help sharks hunt. Researchers were able to use a pharmaceutical approach to further understanding of the evolution of light organ morphology in squaliform sharks. Hopefully with additional studies, they can further understand what triggers the reaction and find out more about these neat organs and light producing pigments.

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Collector sea urchin. Photoby: Jeff Kuwabara, UHM MOP Coordinator..

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Sea Ur chin Hatcher y Cel ebr ates Ten Year s By: Caitl in Tsuchiya, UHH MOP Student APRIL 2021

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Many environments in Hawai?i are suffering from the impacts of invasive species, and coral reefs are no exception. In K?ne?ohe Bay, red algae suffocates coral reefs and outcompete native algae, thriving in a predator-free environment. However, a combination of human effort and hatchery-raised sea urchins is currently successfully combating these pernicious algae, and the K?ne?ohe urchin hatchery has recently celebrating their 10th anniversary in their quest to quell these invaders. Hawai?i was one of the first states to have a comprehensive aquaculture development plan in the 1970s. In 1974, a university aquaculture researcher introduced foreign red algae of the genera Kappaphycusand Eucheuma to K?ne?ohe Bay in experimental pens. These algae, which are native to Southeast Asia, are commonly harvested for their carrageenan, a substance used in many foods for its thickening and preservative abilities. However, in their new environment, which lacked their natural predators, the algae had free reign of K?ne?ohe Bay?s coral reefs. While native collector sea urchins, which do eat these species, were common in many reefs in the state, they occurred in low numbers in the Bay. The aforementioned red algae form in large knotted mats or clumps, with thick spiny branches sticking out in erratic directions. They grow quickly and spread via fragmentation, where a piece of a branch can regenerate into a separate plsnt. They can sometimes grow completely over coral, blocking it from receiving sunlight. Thus, these algae have earned the moniker ?smothering seaweed?. In 2005, an underwater vacuum device called the ?Super Sucker?was developed- a 40-horsepower pump and large hose which can suck up to 800 pounds of algae per hour. While this tool removed the majority of the algae, often small fragments were left behind. The urchins feed on those fragments, controlling regrowth.

K?ne?oheBay. Photoby: Jeff, Flickr.

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Collector urchin. Photoby: amanderson2, Flickr.

In 2009, the State of Hawai?i started a sea urchin hatchery in an old prawn hatchery at Sand Island, Anuenue Fisheries Research Center, where sea urchins could be spawned and raised. It became an official operation in 2010. The hatchery is a multi-agency effort, involving the University of M?noa Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit (PCSU), the State of Hawai?i Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR), NOAA, USFish and Wildlife Service, and the State of Hawai?i Department of Transportation. Sea urchins were first released in 2011, and since then, more than 600,000 hatchery-raised urchins have helped treat nearly 230 acres of reef in K?ne?ohe.They?ve also expanded to tackle invasive algae in the Waikiki Marine Life Conservation District. Hatchery manager David Cohen describes the sea urchins as ?little goats, or little gardeners, [as] they work their way around the reef and eat the invasive seaweed.?He further explains that if humans did this mechanically, they would have to return every six to eight months to remove seaweed. Once a month, divers collect sea urchins from O?ahu?s south shore. In the lab, the urchins are gently agitated to encourage them to spawn and release their eggs or sperm. Once collected, the gametes are combined in large cylinder tanks where they are free-swimming and feed on phytoplankton for about three weeks. The larvae then settle and take the shape of a true urchin, where they feed on the biofilm that naturally forms inside their tanks for up to two months. After another 4 to 5 months, the urchins are about the size of a quarter and large enough to be handled and transplanted to reefs that need their gardening expertise! APRIL 2021

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Phytoplankton bloom. Photoby: NASA Goddard SpaceFlight Center, Flickr.

DMS: Zoopl ank ton Per fume By: Chloe Molou, UHH Seawords Liaison 14 | Seawords

Sulphur is infamous for its intensely unpleasant smell, and dimethyl sulfide (DMS), the largest natural source of atmospheric sulphur, is no exception. DMS is described as having a strong ?cabbage-like?odor and is a component of the aroma of dried seaweed. DMS is formed from the breakdown of a compound made by phytoplankton, dimethyl sulfoniopropionate. It is released after zooplankton have grazed on phytoplankton, and high concentrations of DMS are associated with regions of high productivity and large zooplankton populations. This compound is thought to be an important cue for many marine predators, especially zooplankton predators. Previous studies have found that artificially released DMS attracted many marine predators including fish, turtles, marine mammals, and seabirds.However, no previous research had looked into whether natural high DMS concentrations could indicate high prey concentration. This is an important consideration for zooplankton predators, such as baleen whales, as they must consume large numbers of zooplankton to maintain their body size. In 2019, a joint research project carried out by scientists from Kumamoto University in Japan, W oods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, and Stony Brook University in New York was conducted to investigate whether DMS odor gradients were a reliable cue for predators in locating regions of large prey populations. The findings were published in February of this year in Communication Biology and reported a positive relationship between high DMS concentrations and high prey biomass, the total mass of prey in a given area. The researchers sampled DMS concentrations, both in the water and in the surrounding atmosphere, as well as zooplankton and fish biomass in Chatham Harbor, Massachusetts, a known summer feeding ground for multiple baleen whale species. This data was collected through day-time surveys carried out over five days in June 2019. They found that there was a positive correlation between high DMS concentration and high zooplankton biomass, and a negative correlation between high DMS concentrations and fish biomass. The research team concluded that DMS gradients were in fact reliable cues for zooplankton predators, but that further investigations were needed to see if these results were consistent in other locations. This research is an important step in understanding how marine predators move in relation to these odor gradients, and how this movement may begin to change as the world?soceans do.

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CHANGING OCEAN CURRENTS By: Anna Coffaro, UHM MOP Student 16 | Seawords

Surfaceof theocean. Photoby: Rick Schwartz, Flickr.

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Currentsmaking up onesection of theAMOC. Photoby: R. Curry, Wikimedia Commons.

A new study in the journal NatureGeosciencehas revealed that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, a major current system in the Atlantic Ocean, is moving the slowest it has in at least 1,600 years. If mention of this phenomenon is ringing a bell and perhaps conjuring images of New York City underwater, you may recognize it from the 2004 sci-fi flick ?The Day After Tomorrow,?in which said ocean current comes to an abrupt stop and unleashes a superstorm of catastrophic weather disasters around the world. Well, aside from overdramatization and a hyper-fast timeline, this current isreal and doesin fact exist! The AMOC is actually a driving force behind the redistribution of heat on the planet?s climate system, transporting water across the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, and its slowdown could have serious consequences on global weather patterns and sea levels. According to climate scientists, one of the most significant impacts of the weakening current is the warming of global temperatures. Consequently, the melting of Greenland?s ice sheets and increased heavy rainfall in the Northern Atlantic area are opening the floodgates to a whole slew of issues affecting ocean dynamics and circulation, including a rise in sea level and altered levels of salinity and density. To further understand the mechanics of the AMOC and its impacts, it is essential to look at the global current system at large. In the Earth?s effort to achieve balance, it redistributes tropical heat from the equator northward, and cold from the poles southward by way of the atmosphere. The rest of the heat is more slowly circulated through a system of currents that connect the oceans, known as the Global Ocean Conveyor Belt. Years of scientific research has identified that the Atlantic portion of the conveyor belt, or the AMOC, is the chief engine that drives the whole operation. W hen the warm, salty water 18 | Seawords

of the Gulf Stream is carried near the surface to the Greenland region, it then cools down enough to become denser and heavier than the surrounding waters, and it sinks. The cold water is then returned towards the tropics by a deep flow current. However, when there is too great of an influx of freshwater entering the North Atlantic due to glacial ice melting, it slows down the conveyor belt?s circulation. The reason is that freshwater is less salty and less dense than sea water, and it therefore does not sink as readily. This pool of melted freshwater has resulted in a ?cold blob,?causing surface waters in this region to be much cooler than normal due to insufficient current movement. The disruption of the current?s heat and nutrient transfer has had seemingly paradoxical, warming effects on the Eastern US and Europe. W armer water has actually drifted closer to the US coastline, causing stronger hurricanes and enhanced sea level rise in city centers such as New York and Boston. Changes in air pressure patterns have funneled warm air to Europe, causing an increase in heat waves. Slowed currents could also decrease the amount of carbon dioxide that the ocean absorbs and removes from the atmosphere. Not only would this affect human livelihood, but it could also detrimentally alter the marine environment and have sweeping effects on its ecosystem. The bottom line is that changing ocean currents are amplifying a web of issues that concern the world as we know it. W hile the sudden extremity of ?The Day After Tomorrow?is unlikely to occur, storms and weather events will progressively intensify, amongst other problems. W hat we do know is that there could be a point of no return by the end of this century if we don?t start getting global warming and greenhouse emissions under control. Currently, the AMOC has slowed about 15%since 1950, and is projected to slow down between 34%and 45%by the year 2100. The time to act is now.

Heat wavecaused by weakening of the AMOC. Photoby: Stuart Rankin, Flickr. APRIL 2021

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DeepSeaSoft Robot By: BrennaLoving, UHWindward CCMOPStudent

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Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocean, Photo by: Amazing Race, Flickr.

T he deepest parts of the world?s oceans remain some of the most difficult

places for researchers to study and explore. The great depths bring great pressure that most modern technology cannot withstand. Roboticist Gourui Li and his team from Zhejiang University in China have developed a soft robot that can withstand the greatest depths of the ocean like that of the Mariana Trench at 10,900 meters. This robot was inspired by fish of the deep sea to behave and be constructed similarly. Though initial inspirations came from the octopus, the first soft robot designed for this purpose was created in the image of the deep sea hadal snailfish (Pseudoliparisswirei). W hile the robot has two fins to propel itself through the water,P. swirei wriggles its body to move without the use of its fins. Mechanisms of motion, however, were not the biggest concern for Li and his team. Traditional technology would compact and result in damaged parts due to the pressure, but this soft robot?s construction strays from tradition. W ith a soft silicone cushion, the parts of this robot are spaced out so that when the robot reaches depths with crushing pressure, the structures can connect instead of cave in on themselves. Additionally, these parts are spaced out throughout the body for its various functions. The soft body structure also allows for more efficient movement along the changing terrain of the ocean floor compared to that of a firm, metal machine. After numerous tests, Li?s robot survived the depths of the Mariana Trench. This technological breakthrough, while still in its early stages, is also still sensitive and susceptible to physical disturbances or damages. W ith a more delicate structure such as Li?s robot, the ability to collect and preserve delicate specimens while studying the environment is promising as well as minimally invasive. W ith new developments and improvements yet to be made on this model, it is safe to say that marine biologists can get excited about being able to survey the deepest parts of the world?s oceans that have long remained unexplored. APRIL 2021

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K EEPI NG UP WI TH THE WHI TETI P REEF SHA RK S Drama, betrayal , and l ov e on th e reef !!!!






Horoscopes for ApKrill Be prepared for what the month ahead will bring with comprehensive horoscopes and fish to look out for! ARIES: Stick close to the reef this month, Aries! It's a good idea to shore up your home base. Your fish of the month is the thor nback cow fish!

TAURUS: Keep calm and float on, Taurus! Take a breather and enjoy the sun. It's the ideal time to find a nice school to swim with. Your fish of the month is the chocol ate-dip chr omis!

GEMINI: Prosperi-sea is within reach, Gemini! The ocean is vast and so is your potential for success. Your fish of the month is the mar bl ed bl enny!

CANCER: Go with the flow, Cancer! This month is full of high tides and low tides, but you're prepared for both. Your fish of the month is the mil l etseed butter fl yfish!

LEO: Keep a weather eye on the details this month, Leo! The smallest things can affect great change. Your fish of the month is the spotted car dinal fish!

VIRGO: Love is in the water, Virgo! It's a good month to fin-d someone special or take a relationship to new depths. Your fish of the month is the yel l ow bar par r otfish!

LIBRA: Stay cool, Libra! Don't be afraid to go beneath the surface for a different perspective. Your fish of the month is the shor tsnout scor pionfish!

SCORPIO: Time to dive deep, Scorpio! Things are not always what they seem. Your fish of the month is the bigscal e scor pionfish!

SAGITTARIUS: Don't get swept out to sea, Sagittarius! If the environment isn't to your liking, seek out friendlier shores. Your fish of the month is the str iped sw eetl ips!

CAPRICORN: Time for some relax-sea-tion, Capricorn! Lay back and catch some waves. Your fish of the month is the gol dr ing sur geonfish!

AQUARIUS: Spend some time where you feel most comfortable this month, Aquarius! Take some time to recharge. Your fish of the month is the l ined cor is!

PISCES: Trust your instincts, Pisces! If something smells fishy, it probably is. Your fish of the month is the peacock gr ouper ! APRIL 2021

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M OP Even t s Calen dar

APRIL Su n .

M on .

Tu es.


For more information about events, contact UH Manoa: mopsc@hawaii.edu UH Hilo: uhhmop@hawaii.edu

















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Crashing Waves. By: BethG, Flickr.

Th u r s.

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10 UH M an oa: 1 UH Hilo: 2 * see k ey




UH M an oa: Han au m a Bay Talk s 6:30-7:30PM


M OP Sym posiu m 8AM -5PM


24 UH M an oa: M OP Han gou t 10-11AM


30 KEY: 1: A Lif e on ou r Plan et docu m en t ar y 10AM -12PM 2: M OP Beach Clean u p 9-11AM

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Vol u m e XXXV, Nu m ber 6 Editor : Zada Boyce-Qu en tin Dr. Cyn th ia H u n ter (em in en ce gr ise) Jeffr ey Ku wabar a (em in en ce gr ise) Seawor ds- M ar in e Option Pr ogr am Un iver sity of H awai ?i , Col l ege of Natu r al Scien ces 2450 Cam pu s Road, Dean H al l 105A H on ol u l u , H I 96822-2219 Tel eph on e: (808) 956-8433 Em ail : <seawor ds@ h awaii.edu > W ebsite: <h ttp:/ / www.h awaii.edu / m op> Seawor ds is th e m on th l y n ewsl etter n ewsl etter of th e M ar in e Option Pr ogr am at th e Un iver sity of H awai?i. Opin ion s expr essed h er ein ar e n ot n ecessar il y th ose of th e M ar in e Option Pr ogr am or of th e Un iver sity of H awai?i. Su ggestion s an d su bm ission s ar e wel com e. Su bm ission s m ay in cl u de ar ticl es, ph otogr aph y,ar t wor k , or an yth in g th at m ay be of in ter est to th e m ar in e com m u n ity in H awai ?i. an d ar ou n d th e wor l d. All photos ar e taken by M OP unless other wise cr edited.

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