November Seawords

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Seaw rds The Marine Option Program Newsletter

November 2012

4 “ When you’re frustrated, realize that most accomplished scientists and/or ocean enthusiast’s encountered similar defeats at one point or another. ”

6 “Tucker has taught the scientists new ways to find the whales. ”

10 “ Remember


that QUEST, and college in general, is a journey, and not a destination. The worst mistake you can ever make on a journey is staying home. ”


2012 Page 3: Fishing and Seafood Festival

From March 19, 1985 Seawords

Page 4: Advice from Alumna: Jackie Troller Page 6: Tucker the Marine Biologist Dog Page 9: Generation Blue Page 10: How to Get Into QUEST Page 14: Student Photography Page 20: NatGeo Photo Contest Page 21: Seawords Flashback Page 22: UHM Spring 2013 MOP Courses

Cover Photo: This month’s art pages are dedicated to the photography of Mael Flament and Jean Philippe Derout. This cover photo is of the unifinished hull of a ship. The back photo is also accredited to the photographers.


Volume XXVI, Number 11, November 2012 Editor: Naomi Lugo Assistant Editor: Jessi Schultz Dr. Cynthia Hunter (éminence grise) Seawords- Marine Option Program University of Hawai‘i, College of Natural Sciences 2450 Campus Road, Dean Hall 105A Honolulu, HI 96822-2219 Telephone: (808) 956-8433, Fax: (808) 956-2417 E-mail: <> Website: <> Seawords is a monthly newsletter of the Marine Option Program at the University of Hawai‘i. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Marine Option Program or of the University of Hawai‘i Suggestions and submissions are welcome. Submissions may include articles, photographs, art work, or anything that may be of interest to the marine community in Hawai‘i and around the world. All photos are taken by MOP unless otherwise credited.

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2012 Fishing and Seafood Festival Oct. 7, O‘ahu Naomi Lugo, Editor

“Since its inception the event now attracts over 20,000 people each year.”

Susan Kelly/ Waikiki Aquarium

UHM MOP, 2011 Fishing and Seafood Festival


his year’s Hawai‘i Seafood and Fishing Festival was held Sunday, Oct. 7th at Pier 38 on O‘ahu. Mānoa MOP students attended the event to learn about the fishing industry and participate in the festivities which ranged from demonstrations, to live entertainment, to fresh seafood. The event was the seventh annual, and in previous years, over 20,000 people have been in attendance. The event seeks to promote education not only about

fishing, but conservation of the ocean, ocean safety and responsible fishing. The Marine Option Program also was a part of the festival, and set up an informational booth. MOP students quizzed keiki on the Hawai‘i state fish, and offered coloring pages that featured local fish species along with their common and scientific names.

From Dec. 19, 1986 Seawords

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After-Grad Advice Alumna Jackie Troller participated in the Hilo and Mānoa MOP and graduated with her certificate in Marine Archaeology, Spring 2012.

Graduation day. The shackles of homework are released for procrastinators and overachievers alike. You made it through that final push to earn your undergraduate degree. The world is your oyster and anything is possible, except you ‘re not sure what to do next! Congratulations, you just chose a passion over employment, or so it may seem. You’ve known that marine related jobs are highly competitive. Add an election year to a poor economy and your degree in marine science, marine biology, oceanography, etc. may leave you feelin a bit frustrated. But it doesn’t have to. So, you are grown up, and you still want to help the oceans? Well, it’s guaranteed that your

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bachelor’s degree doesn’t provide a free ride, but here are some helpful hints to help secure your marine career goals. Take the GRE. Obtaining a master’s degree is almost required to be competitive in many fields. Regardless, it is advantageous to complete the GRE before or shortly after graduation, while studying and test taking are habitual. Your scores remain valid for five years, resulting in one less hassle when pursuing graduate school. Free practice tests are offered bi-annually through the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and are available online via www.kaptest. com/practice. Practicing reveals your strengths and weaknesses to prevent

wasting your time and money on the real deal. Score reports and feedback are provided immediately after completing the four-hour exam. Plan ahead, because you may only take the GRE once every 30 days and no more than five times within twelve months. Educate yourself. Don’t panic, education is not strictly defined by endless piles of papers and icon-littered desktops. Motivating yourself is difficult in the absence of school deadlines, but finding ways to build upon your undergraduate experiences promotes success. Apply your classroom education to real world experiences to discover the subjects that inspire you.



ead scientific papers. Viewing journal articles is a great way to discover and stay current in the areas that most excite you. Conquer this monotonous task by flipping through abstracts, or skimming at least one paper a day. Browsing articles help you become familiar with leading research, the researchers, and existing gaps in the field. Surf the Internet. There are many reliable websites that offer valuable resources for the unemployed. Researching job postings on the Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) or similar websites should become part of your routine. Enhance your resume by searching for online examples and advice. Along with Facebook, read summaries of scientific papers at www.sciencedaily. com Science and photography sites, such as Nature and Noise and MarinelifePhotography may inspire you when the job boards do not. Exploring the vast information (literally at your fingertips) can stimulate ideas when you are stuck in a rut. Interested in free college level coursework? Princeton, Duke, and 31 other universities have partnered with the website, Coursera, to offer numerous diverse classes including: genetics, sustainability, computer science, biostatistics, and writing in the sciences.

Above all, volunteer! Maintain an open-mind to capitalize on every marine opportunity you encounter. Ultimately, you desire money in exchange for your time, but helping with projects is the best way to increase your skills and references. Networking may be the most powerful tool when searching for jobs. In demonstrating your initiative and hard work ethic, others become familiar with you and your capabilities. Learn by doing, as employers primarily hire employees with applicable realworld experience. Volunteering will immensely strengthen your resume, and may evolve into a paying job.


hile you might feel like you want to take some time off, make sure that you make every time in your life count. In general, job hunting requires incredible devotion. Patience is a virtue for a reason. When you’re frustrated, realize that most accomplished scientists and/ or ocean enthusiast’s encountered similar defeats at one point or another. Become resourceful in acquiring knowledge and networking to separate your resume from the rest. Most importantly, allow the ocean to inspire you, set goals to motivate you, and let your passion guide you during your quest for a marine-related career.

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In the waters off the coast of San Juan Island, Washington, a dog named Tucker is helping scientists. He is the only dog in the world who can track whales by using the scent of killer whale scat, or feces, which he can smell up to a mile away. On his time off he enjoys a dog’s life – his favorite orange ball on a rope makes his tail wag especially fast.

ORCA DOG Jessi Schultz, Assistant Editor

Jeff Kuwabara/ UHM MOP


t’s crucial to track these endangered animals. The 85 or more orcas, or Orcinus orca, off the coast of San Juan Island in Washington have been genotyped and tracked for years. Even their birth year and number of offspring has been documented. The scat sinks in about 30 minutes which doesn’t give much time for monitoring. This is where Tucker helps scientists the most. Tucker has taught the scientists new ways to find the whales. The boat limits Tucker’s tracking ability, but he tells everyone when he does pick up the scent. The

boat drifts in the direction “He’s very subtle,” They are resting less duraccording to the dog’s explained Deborah A. ing the day and more stance and position. Giles in an interview with at night, similar to the the New York Times. She human’s schedule who Because he cannot is finishing her Ph.D. on watches them. All the physically go to the the effect of thousands research being done is whale under the water, of whale he uses signals to tell his watching humans that there are vessels One thing he will not do is feces nearby. Sometimes that cluster swim which is ironic being he leans to one side of around the the boat. Other times he animals. that he’s almost become a puts his head between She went on marine-scientist himself. his paws which means he to say that, lost the scent. When his “sometimes ear twitches even slightly, he’d just turn the scientists know to be around and sit down financed by Washington aware. and stare at me, waiting Sea Grant of the National for me to figure it [his Oceanic and Atmospheric One thing he will not do tracking nose] out.” Administration. It has is swim which is ironic been raising questions being that he’s almost There has been a rise in regarding how to protect become a marine-scientist whale watching tours himself. since the 1980s and 1990s. the killer whales. The

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Gary Florin/ Cabrillo Marine Aquarium Matthew Ryan Williams/ The New York Times & photo below

The Travelling Argonaut There is a unique octopus which is exciting scientists off the coast of Southern California. The weather has been warmer than usual in the last several weeks which has created conditions for new species in the same area. Apparently, the conditions are just right for a kind of cephalopod which has rarely

been seen before. The octopus is called an Argonaut or a paper nautilus. It traveled via fishing boat to the waters near San Pedro. It is rare to have a species used to the tropics to be found in southern California. The workers at the aquarium are giving it the utmost hospitality because never before have Argonauts been capable of surviving in captivity for more than two weeks. They are in the process of observing her because not much is known about the species, except that they are very intelligent and able to learn from their surroundings.veles

Trapped in a yellow submarine

salmon have been decreasing in number which means less food for the whales, and it appears that food supply affects whales more than boat activity. By tracking and finding the scat, scientists can tell which whale pods spend their winters off the coast

of Southern California since they find higher levels of a pesticide, DDT, which was banned in 1972. They have also found PCB contaminants which can be traced to the industrial activity in Seattle.

Indian and United States Navies are working together to research more efficient ways to rescue sailors that are trapped in submarines. Now, if an Indian submarine breaks down or is “disabled” underwater, the sailors have a poor chance at survival because of the country’s rescue facilities. India and the United States have partnered up to practice the art of rescuing “trapped” submariners. The Indo-US submarines have begun this week to begin rescue exercises labeled ‘INDIAEX-2012.’

A Whale’s Whisper

Current Biology, Ridgway

Recently, researchers have found that whales can imitate the voice of humans, especially one white whale they have been observing. Sam Ridgway of the National Marine Mammal

Foundation claims that the speech-like sounds they heard must have been modified from the usual vocal mechanics that whales possess. He claims that it is an attempt by the marine animals to make contact or motivations to do so. They came upon these findings with the help of a special white whale named NOC who has been living with dolphins, other white whales and humans. Ridgway noted that the sounds the scientists heard were a clear example of vocal learning by the white whale. Jeff Kuwabara/ UHM MOP

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THE OCEAN SPANS OVER 70 PERCENT OF OUR WORLD. It is responsible for regulating temperature, food production, sustaining numerous marine species, and is a source for inspiration among multiple other things. The ocean gives us so much and it is time for us to return the favor and take actions to make the ocean ecosystem healthy again. Almost every action that we take affects the ocean in some way. Our everyday choices can be tailored to support a healthy ocean. Here are some examples of green acts that will keep the ocean blue.



Compiled by Naomi Lugo, Editor

Actions for the Ocean VOTE!



This year is an election year, so get out and vote on November 6th. Make sure you read up on candidates positions and vote locally and nationally, because believe it or not, your voice matters.

Call 643-PEST to report invasive species in Hawai‘i. If you see a snake or any other illegal animals report them promptly to the number above. Reporting animal sightings will help control problems more quickly.

Storm drains, especially in Hawai‘i, lead to the ocean, and dumping chemicals will directly affect the ecosystem. Dispose of your waste legally and safely. The ocean will thank you.

If you have a suggestion for a green act, email us at with subject line Generation Blue to submit your idea. John Coney/ UH Hilo

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Getting Into QUEST

QUEST or Quantitative Underwater Ecological Surveying Techniques is a two-week ield school that trains it’s students in marine resource management surveys and near-shore habitat conservation. It is offered during the Summer through UH Hilo. To be a QUEST students there are a few steps and certi ications that you have to get irst. Interested? Read on to learn what you have to do to get to QUEST.

Gabriel Cohen, UHM MOP Student

Congratulations to all of the MOP students who have passed their QUEST ID exams this semester! As a recent QUEST alum, I congratulate you on your academic ambition and endurance. I know just how much work it took to get this far, and I feel your pain. Your brains have definitely earned a vacation; try letting them cool down by forgetting whatever you still remember learning from high school. The good news is that the soreness you feel in your brains is actually just the tearing of your memory muscles induced by lifting all of those heavy Latin names. With proper rest and nutrition, those scars will heal, and your mind will bulk up. Now, if you’re already at least a UH Scientific Diver in Training, then more good news! You only have one more step to go: the QUEST application. Stop reading this and go do that. The deadline is Feb. 15. Seawords, November 2012 Page 10


kay, now that all those people are gone, we can get to the point of this article. If you didn’t pass or take the exam this semester, or if you aren’t a DIT yet, don’t worry! You still have the Spring exam, and that is more than enough of a chance to get in. I didn’t take the Fall exam, and I passed the Spring exam with satisfactory colors. If you feel intimidated by the amount of knowledge you will need to brand into your cowering neurons, then stop it. Stop being afraid. Fear is the mind-killer. This isn’t going to be hard, it is just going to be a lot of work. How are you going to stare down a ravenous horde of Tripneustes gratilla at 40 feet when you’re too scared to look at one on a powerpoint?? Buck up, and let’s get this thing done. Here are some tips that worked for me.

Photos by John Coney/ QUEST 2010

Tip # 1 Make flashcards. Don’t say “nah, I can just look at the powerpoints.” You’re wrong. I have been searching for years, and I have still not found a way to shuffle a powerpoint, so you won’t just be remembering the IDs, you’ll be remembering the order MOP put them in. Even if there is a way to shuffle slides, it isn’t worth it. When you have a physical deck of cards, you can shuffle limu into inverts, and fish into limu. You can separate IDs you could name in your sleep from ones you’ve gotten wrong 7 times in a row. And you can have a friend help you test your knowledge, thereby spreading your suffering to others. Flashcards are mandatory. Normal paper is hard to shuffle, so you should give the cards a stiff backing, or just print them directly onto cardstock. The photos must be in color, unless you want to get all of the butterflyfish and surgeonfish wrong. If you can’t do all this at home, you can get it done at FedEx, and it will be worth the cost.

Tip # 2 Take your flashcards everywhere. I mean this almost literally. Take them to school, take them to work, take them to the beach, take them out on a Friday night. If you ride the bus a lot, then ride that bus to QUEST. I can’t recommend having your flashcards with you while driving, but I won’t say that I didn’t do that myself. If you have nothing to do, then it’s a good thing you brought your flashcards. Practice with them as you fall asleep, and if this doesn’t help you dump the knowledge into your subconscious, then at least you’ll get some pretty weird dreams out of it. Continued... Seawords, November 2012 Page 11

Tip # 3 & 4 Go to the review sessions. Duh. Write out all of the names as you practice. Spelling counts on the ID test, and unless you are a digital camera, I doubt you remember how to spell all of the Latin names from looking at powerpoints and flashcards. In order to fully appreciate the Latin language, you have to realize how stupidly different its words can be spelled while sounding exactly the same in any accent that people still speak. Be thankful that this is a dead language, and that you only have to learn bits of it for identifying marine life. While you are at the review sessions, write down the full scientific names of every organism that comes up, as many times as it comes up. In the interest of saving paper and sanity, don’t bother writing down the names every time you go through the flashcards. Just do it a lot of the time. Invest in some pencils.

Tip # 5 Look at non- powerpoint photos. Fish move, corals have different morphologies, and limu are tiny and complicated. If you memorize individual photographs of organisms, then you won’t actually be memorizing those organisms. You will be learning one frame in the life of one individual or population. Look at guidebooks, go to, and generally get familiar with lots of different photos of the same critters ad plants. I for one remember discovering a whole new side to the majestic Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus than the impression I had gotten from the MOP powerpoints.

Tip # 6 Look at real things. Photos are not perfect representations of reality. They do not move, and they often get the colors wrong. Montipora flabellata is actually blue, but you would never know that from just looking at MOP’s photos. The organisms you will be learning live underwater, so I suggest spending some time looking underwater. Any reef in the state of Hawaii will have at least some QUEST IDs loitering around on it, or you could go to the aquarium and see what it is supposed to look like.

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Tip # 7 Don’t burn yourself out. QUEST is a huge amount of fun, so don’t go into it having had a negative experience studying for it. This may seem like work now, but I have a secret: QUEST is a science diving vacation where you eat really well and get to camp out in an awesome open-air hale on the beach, with abundant hammocks, daily yoga sessions, and a private snorkeling pool. The only catch is that you have to write a research paper. But, if you don’t think that doing field research and learning to present your results is fun, then I have no idea why you’ve been reading this article so far.

Tip # 8 Bonus tip: swim test. If you’re already a certified UH Scientific Diver in Training or better, then you don’t need to worry about this. Give this article to someone else. I’ll wait. (Waiting)… okay so you need to take the DiT swim test. You’ll need to do 400 yards in under 10 minutes. That’s 16 times across the pool, or 8 laps total. Does that sound hard? Do you not know if it sounds hard? This is an easy question to answer. Do you currently do long-distance swimming on a somewhat regular and deliberate basis? If you answered no, then it will be challenging. Even if your cardio is good from running and such, swimming is a different animal. Once upon a time, I used to go swimming almost every day. Now I live in a bleak dystopian future, but when I went to take my swim test, I was naïve enough to think that I still had what it took. Long story short, I finished with 10 seconds to spare, and completely out of breath. Don’t be like me. Be sure to do your own practice run well before you take the test, and if you find yourself struggling to make it in time with your lungs intact, consult somebody who knows what they’re talking about. Probably not me.

I hope you have found my shards of wisdom helpful. Remember that QUEST, and college in general, is a journey, and not a destination. The worst mistake you can ever make on a journey is staying home.

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Marine Landscape Photography Photography by Mael Flament and Jean Philippe Derout

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“As long as I’m on a boat or near the sea, I’m happy as can be,” says photographer and physics major Mael Flament. The same goes for photographer Jean Phillipe Derout. “I think the pictures speak for themselves,” said Flament.

To view more photography head to the websites of: Mael Flament Flickr: Vimeo: & Jean Philippe Derout Flickr:

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To submit photography, send an email to

National Geographic Photo Contest 2012

Photographer: John Gaskell, Location: White Sand Ridge on Little Bahama Bank, Bahamas

The annual National Geographic Photo contest is accepting entries from now until the end of the month. The international contest began on Sept. 1 and ends Nov. 30. The grand prize is $10,000 and a trip to the Nat Geo headquaters in Washington, D.C. To participate, you can submit your photographs here. You can also be a part of the process and vote on your favorite photos each week in the three categories people, places, and nature. To cast your votes, head here. Last year, photographs were submitted from over 130 countries. Both professional and amateur photographers are invited to submit their entries. Photography that has been submitted this year is featured below.

Photographer: Simon Chandra Location:Pramuka Island, Indonesia

Photographer: Nicholas Samaras Location: Chalkidiki

Photographer: Deron VerbeckLocation: Kailua Kona, Hawai‘i

Photographer: Fransisca Harlijanto Location: Komodo, Indonesia

Photographer: Ondrej Zaruba Location: South Georgia

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Photographer: Todd Mintz Location: Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean

Calendar of Events at UH Sea Grant’s Hanauma Bay Education Program For more information or questions please contact: Hanauma Bay Education Program 100 Hanauma Bay Rd. Honolulu, HI 96825 Phone: (808) 397-5840 Email: hanauma@hawaii. edu

Marine Science in East O`ahu ***Presentations take place in the theater of the Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, beginning at 6:30 p.m. every Thursday evening***

November Events

UH Sea Grant Supported Graduate Trainee Research November 1, 2012

November 15, 2012

The 1960 tsunami in Hawai‘i: Long-term consequences of a coastal disaster Jonathan Page, PhD Student, Economics Department, UH Mānoa

Algae overload on Maui: Are agricultural fertilizers, septic tanks, and wastewater injection wells to blame James Bishop, MS Student, Department of Geology & Geophysics, UH Mānoa

Translating DNA quantities to animal numbers: what genetic methods can tell us about copepod populations in Kāne‘ohe Bay Michelle Jungbluth, MS Candidate, Biological Oceanography, UH Mānoa

Erosion of Hawai‘i’s reefs Eric Tong, PhD Student, Oceanography Department, UH Mānoa

November 29, 2012

November 8, 2012 Water we going to do!: Planning for sustainable future at the He‘eia ahupua‘a Gabrielle Weiss, Graduate Student, Department of Geology & Geophysics, UH Mānoa

Not all development is created equal: The difficulties of and need for probabilistic tsunami inundation mapping William Templeton, Graduate Student, Ocean and Resource Engineering Department, UH Mānoa

Connecting food sovereignty with wetlands restoration in He‘eia Ashley Lukens, PhD Student, Political Science, UH Mānoa

Carbon dioxide dynamics in streams entering Kāne‘ohe Bay Michelle Wong, Graduate Student, Geochemical Oceanography, UH Mānoa

Cleaning up with kalo: How lo‘i restoration affects nitrogen levels in He‘eia wetlands Jenny Fung, MS Student, Biology Department, UH Mānoa The state of He‘eia fishpond: Discovering seasonality via monthly water quality analysis Danielle Hull, MS Student, Oceanography-Marine Geochemistry, UH Mānoa

Beaches, buoys, and bacteria: Predicting microbial pollution levels in Hilo Bay Caree Weisz, Graduate Student, Tropical Conservation Biology & Environmental Science, UH Hilo

FLASHBACK: 1984 1984 was not only an election year for the next president of the U.S., but it was also the year that Hawai‘i would pick its state fish. This article from the Oct. 24th issue of Seawords detailed the process, and described how MOP and the Waikīkī Aquarium helped legislature pick the state fish the humuhumunukunukuāpua‘a.

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Spring 2013 Classes

Biology BIOL 301 Marine Ecol and Evol Functional, ecological, and evolutionary problems faced by life in the sea. Draws from major marine habitats and associated communities, from the deep sea to the plankton. Impacts of overfishing, marine pollution, and land development on the ecology and evolution of marine organisms. Emphasis on developing problem solving and quantitative skills. BIOL 331 Marine Mammal Biology Overview of marine mammal science, significance and roles of marine mammals in their ecosystems, and marine conservation issues. Current research topics in marine mammal science will also be covered. BIOL 400 Ocean Internships and Research Restriction: Instructor Approval Students carry out marine-related internships, practica, research projects or field experience on-or off-campus with faculty guidance. Repeatable one time. BIOL 404 Adv Topics in Marine Biology Current themes in marine biology and experience in scientific assessment.

Geography, geology, climatology, biotic environment of Pacific Basin and Hawaiian Islands; endemism and evolution in terrestrial and marine biota of islands.

Biocontrol of Invasive Species Biological control of arthropods, weeds, plant pathogens, and vertebrates. Zoology

BOT 480 Algal Diversity and Evolution Principles of algal diversity, structure, and evolution. Identification of common Hawaiian algae. Geography GEOG 401 Climate Change Approaches to the study of past and future climate change. Microbiology MICR 401 Marine Microbiology Evolution, ecology, biochemistry, genetics and physiology of marine bacteria by examining defined systems and organisms. Ocean & Earth Science OEST 735 Ocean Policy and Management Interdisciplinary approach to problems relating to humans and their interactions with the world’s oceans and coasts. Focus includes institutions for governing the world’s oceans and coasts at all scales and on the role of scientific knowledge in managing marine and coastal resources.


ZOO 200 Marine Biology Biology and ecology of marine plants and animals; coral reefs, the deep sea, rocky shores, marine mammals, fisheries, aquaculture, pollution, and conservation of marine resources. ZOOL 410 Corals and Coral Reefs The biogeography, evolution, ecology, and physiology of corals and coral reefs, and the application of this information to the management of coral reefs. Emphasis will be placed on processes such as dispersal, the evolution and operation of mutualisms, calcification, reproduction, and the maintenance of diversity. ZOOL 450 Natural Hist of Hawn Islands Geography, geology, climatology, biotic environment of Pacific Basin and Hawaiian Islands; endemism and evolution in terrestrial and marine biota. ZOOL 465 General Ichthyology Biology of fishes; reproduction, physiological processes, functional anatomy, behavior, ecology, distribution, and systematics.

Plant & Environmental Protection Science BOT 450 Natural Hist of Hawn Islands

PEPS 442

Note: Not included, Oceanography courses. Classes comes from a tenative list of classes for the Spring 2013 semester at UH Mānoa. Classes may have prerequisites or other restrictions. Not all possible courses are listed. To see if courses qualify as MOP classes their content needs to include at least 50% material on the ocean.

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MOP & Community Events





Thurs. Fri.








Camping with MOP 9-11 (Hilo)

He eia Fishpond 7:45 am-2 pm (Mānoa)

John Coney/ UH Hilo



Gyotaku Fish Printing 10 am-1 pm (Mānoa)




Election Day












Veteran’s Day



Thanksgiving Break Weekend






30 NatGeo Photo Contest Ends (See Page 20)

Future: Deadline Call for Papers 24th Annual Syposium on Maritime Archaeology, Dec. 1st.

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University of Hawai`i at Mト]oa Seawords, Marine Option Program College of Natural Sciences 2450 Campus Road, Dean Hall 105A Honolulu, HI 96822-2219 Address Service Requested

Next Issue: DIY Ocean Poetry, The Falls of Clyde, and more!

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