August Seawords

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Seaw rds

August 2012

40 YEARS Marine Option Program The Marine Option Program has been serving its students and the marine community for 40 years this August. This is a look back at the program’s events and accomplishments over the four decades.

Jessi Schultz, Assistant Editor The Marine Option Program has been around for 40 years now. It’s the anniversary of the program which has helped and continues to help students find different pathways to the ocean. A variety of majors has brought in all kinds of students together with a common interest in the ocean. For four decades, the program has brought energy and a love for the ocean to many people at the University of Hawai‘i. In 1970, the Founding Fathers Craven and Davidson had a vision called MOP - a program started for any and all interested in the sea and creatures living within. This program which would not only allow students to come together, but to do research, gain important Seawords, August 2012 Page 1

Marine Option Program

MOP has provided students with knowledge hands on opportunites to explore the ocean, including programs and like MAST (Maritime Archaehands on olgy Surveying Techniques), picexperience. tured above, and whale watching, pictured on the right.

With support from Sea Grant and the Marine Affairs Coordinator, the program was launched at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Barry Hill was the first Director at the helm, steering the program through uncharted waters. Hill navigated for the first four years with continued support from a University Innovation Grant in March of 1971, the same year the idea for a newsletter came about. Now, there are directors on all campuses on all islands. The program was then approved by an

Arts & Sciences Program & Curriculum Committee and also by the UHM Council of Deans in 1971. The first newsletter began only a few months following. Continued on page 3...

...ConƟnued from page 1 In 1972, the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo MOP program began. At that time on O‘ahu, the first snorkeling trips were taken by UHM students at Hanauma Bay. This spread to other growing projects around the community.

were secure.

Times were tough for MOP with several periods of closure at most campuses, but always beginning again. MOP at KCC, HCC, LCC was even suspended in 1983-1984. In those same years, the first Skills Project Symposium was held at UHM with students from all campuses, students from UHM helped in the Moloka‘i Coastal Research Inventory Project with funds from the U.S. Army, the fifth Ocean Fair was celebrated at Mānoa and many more Marine Option Program ocean related services The Marine Option Program’s first director Barry Hill poses with his wife in the Mānoa MOP office. and events occurred. Many big projects began in those years such as an artificial reef study in 1973, a Moli’i Fishpond project in Kaneohe Bay, O‘ahu and a model floating city was developed in the same bay.

The Marine Option Program kept growing with the years. In 1987, the University of Guam launched their own MOP program at the UOG Marine Laboratory. All of Oceania bulged with students and teachers with a passion for the ocean. Sealetters, the first MOP newsletter, began in 1971 and more than 20 years later, here are it’s pages. The fonts and picture design may have changed but it’s still seaworthy wealth of knowledge and experience, like the MOP program in it’s entirety. Following the publication of the newsletter, the new School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology began throughout the university’s many campuses, so even more students could begin and end a degree with a fervor for the sea.

In 1975, Windward Community College began their own MOP, and two years after, Honolulu Community College jumped aboard. Major lobbying at the capital Marine Option Program Students participate in Dolphin Quest 2006. Experiences that MOP students gain while a came about at this time to make sure the personal and part of the program contribute to bright futures in the field of marine sciences as well as other disciplines. operating funds for MOP Seawords, August 2012 Page 3

North Shore Benefit for Ocean Education Naomi Lugo, Editor In an effort to support K-12 ocean education in schools from Ka‘a‘awa to Waialua O‘ahu, the North Shore Ocean Education Coalition held their first North Shore Ocean Fest on June 9th. This event, at Turtle Bay Resort featured many educational booths and activities. Some of the organizations in attendance were NOAA Fisheries Service, Access Surf Hawai‘i, Sustainable Coastlines and Nā Mea Hulu. Members of the community, tourists, and hotel guests were welcome to attend the event, which ran from 1 p.m. to sunset. The North Shore Ocean Education Coalition was recently founded and includes several local ocean-related organizations. The Coalition’s mission is to “increase awareness and knowledge about the ocean,” in order to then, “protect, restore, and manage the use of the ocean.” The Coalition is building ocean education from the ground up by providing schools with resources. From early grades to high school classes will gain knowledge through unique curriculum and hands-on, place-based learning opportunities that the North Shore Ocean Education Coalition will help in supplying. Scientists and mentors will also be a part of educating students.

Coalition. The whole movement, according to the Ocean Fest website, was inspired by the Hui O Hau‘ula project. Hui O Hau‘ula encourages community members by “honoring the past and in looking to the future we know we must malama ka pae ‘aina (care for the archipelago).”

Hawaiian culture and traditional Native Hawaiian values impact views on ocean education for the

Pupukea-Waimea, Navigating Change, Hui O Hau’ula, Turtle Bay Resort For more information head to:

Seawords, August 2012 Page 4

Naomi Lugo, Editor

Ocean Fest was held on June 9th to support ocean education in North Shore schools.

This was the first Ocean Fest, however, the Coalition plans on making this an annual event. NORTH SHORE EDUCATION COALITION INCLUDES: NOAA Fisheries Service – Pacific Islands Regional Office (PIRO), Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, Hawaiian Monk Seal Response Team Oahu, Malama

Generation Blue: Actions for the Ocean By Naomi Lugo, Assistant Editor The ocean spans over 70 percent of our world. It is responsible for regulating temperature, food production, sustaining numerous marine species, and is a source for inspiration among multiple other things. The ocean gives us so much and it is time for us to return the favor and take actions to make the ocean ecosystem healthy again. Almost every action that we take affects the ocean in some way. Our everyday choices can be tailored to support a healthy ocean. Here are some examples of green acts that will keep the ocean blue! If you have a suggestion for a green act, email us at with subject line Generation Blue to submit your idea.

1. Don’t buy products that harm the ocean. Things like non-sustainable coral jewelry, supplements with shark cartilage, or merchandise made from turtle shell can be damaging to ecosystems and organisms in the ocean.

2. Be aware of the ocean when kayaking or boating. When taking part in ocean activities make sure that you take every action to protect the ocean. Don’t let any trash or belongings fall into the ocean and contribute to ocean pollution. Also make sure to be conscious of the marine life; avoid bumping into coral or other marine life.

3. Support marine education. Whether it be at events like Ocean Fest (see page 4) or hand-on programs, it is important to show support for marine education programs to continue educating people on the ocean. When the public knows more about the ocean it becomes easier to protect it. Also, with ocean education early on in a child’s education will help instill a life-long passion for the ocean.

Green News

Graphic fromDecember 19, 1986 issue of Seawords

Bag Ban Santa Cruz, a city in California, has banned single-use plastic bags as of July 10th. A 10 cent charge will be applied to paper bags. The ban will go into place in 9 months. For more information head to: Hands Across the Sand The annual Hands Across the Sand movement will be held on August 4th. The event is held to support clean energy. More information can be found at: Seawords, August 2012 Page 5

Former MOP Director Sherwood Maynard Speaks About His Experiences With the Program. Compiled by Naomi Lugo, Editor majors. I liked that a lot, I liked it better than research. Part of my reason to come to Hawai‘i was to give research a better trial than I was able to when I was enamored with education. About the time I was finishing my Ph. D. here. the director at the time, John McMan left and Ray Tabata who was a Sea Grant extension agent was kind of care-taking the program. When I first came to the University in ‘71, I noticed that undergraduates weren’t getting a fair shake up of things, especially in the marine area there weren’t any degrees or anything. I guess I was kind of challenged to do something about that.

What makes MOP a unique program?

Former Director, Dr. Sherwood Maynard.

There are a number of things. It attracts a unique type of student. One that likes to learn by experience, and one who can integrate across a number of disciplines and activities, one who’s motivated to do more than what’s prescribed by the degree Naomi Lugo, Editor requirements.

Do you recall what brought you to MOP in the first place?

Do you think being a part of MOP helps students get careers/jobs after college?

Throughout my career I’ve been very interested in undergraduate marine education. At the University of Washington when I was doing my masters I did some teaching, and my last job there as a teaching assistant was to be the advisor for the undergraduates in the Oceanography department. At that time there were 450

Very much so. In the first place, the practical experience sets them aside from those who are just watching the ink dry on their diplomas. The networking that you’re able to do through the classes and through the projects and the symposia and what not really give students a leg up on other students ConƟnued on page 7...

Seawords, August 2012 Page 6

...ConƟnued from page 6 who haven’t really mingled with professionals. The MOP network is very powerful, and now especially since we’ve got so many alumni in important places like Jeff’s (Kuwabara) chair. They’re really in some key positions.

What is your favorite MOP memory? Mostly my favorite moments come from the MOP graduation. To see students that at the beginning Marine Option Program didn’t really have the selfFormer program director, Sherwood Maynard, congratulates a student at the May 2005 confidence to achieve MOP graduation. something walk up and speak the alumni would get better organized, and that about their MOP experience a little bit. Sometimes the program’s accomplishments would be better their parents would come up after and say “what a big recognized by the administration. turn around.” It’s (MOP) a unique idea. I would hope that It’s different from just about anything else on campus.

The Marine Option Program is Celebrating its 40th Anniversary

Save the Date: Thursday August 16, 2012 at the Waikīkī Aquarium We are compiling stories, memories, and experiences from all MOP Alumni and affiliates to be shared with our MOP Ohana. Email stories to: Seawords, August 2012 Page 7

Newsletter Editors 1980-2012 1980-1989 Phyllis Ha, Paul C. Pinkosh, Russel J. Chun, Mark Alexander, Patty Bibby, David Stroup, James Gonser, Lani Teshima, Betsy Reynolds

1990-1999 Betsy Reynolds, Cheryl Rosenfeld, Jennifer M. Ybarra, Jan Koltun, John Nunnally, Teresa Dawson, Alice Keesing, Maja LaBelle Clark

2000-2009 Brian Richardson, Doreen Remillard, Christine Fron, Emma Anders, Julie Grass, Willow Hetrick, Emily Samson, Kerri Wizner, Cianna Beltran

2010-2012 Cianna Beltran, Naomi Lugo

Graphic from December 19, 1986 issue of Seawords

Did we miss you or someone you know of? Send us an email at

The Water Will Crow

About the Author: Michaela Tapia will be in her third year at Honolulu Community Michaela Tapia College in the Fall. High above, the aboriginal bird barely gives the water a second glance. She is studying commercial aviation. But as I stall and feign emergencies

in a single-engine airplane, the water looks hard as concrete and equally comforting. As the airplane’s attitude worsens, I think about a hard landing, crashing into the ocean at seventy six knots (ideally), scrambling for water gear I suddenly realize I don’t have. I imagine the water closing over my head, knocking on the canopy, seeking weak spots. “Here it is,â€? the water will crow, worming it’s way inside the cockpit ZLWK KXQJU\ ÂżQJHUV Âł3OD\ ZLWK PH ´ ,ÂśOO VKXGGHU DQG FKRNH DQWLFLSDWLQJ WKH FROG ELWH RI WKH 3DFLÂżF smelling the salt water I’m sure I’ll be tasting in a minute as I scramble for the exit. Then the airplane’s attitude improves and I snap back to reality, safe in my white diamond. I look down. The ocean never looked so uninviting.

Seawords, August 2012 Page 8


About the poem: dĂƉĹ?Ä‚Í›Ć? Ć‰ÄžĆŒĆ?ƉĞÄ?Ć&#x;ǀĞ Ä‚Ć? Ä‚ ƉĹ?ůŽƚ Ĺ?ĹśĆ?ƉĹ?ĆŒÄžÄš ĹšÄžĆŒ ƚŽ Ç ĆŒĹ?ƚĞ ƚŚĹ?Ć? Ć‰Ĺ˝ÄžĹľÍ˜ ^ŚĞ ƚŚŽƾĹ?Śƚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ Ć&#x;žĞ Ć?ŚĞ Ć?ƉĞŜƚ ŇLJĹ?ĹśĹ? Ĺ˝Ç€ÄžĆŒ ƚŚĞ Ĺ˝Ä?ĞĂŜ Ç ĹšÄžĹś Ç ĆŒĹ?Ć&#x;ĹśĹ? ƚŚĹ?Ć? Ć‰Ĺ˝ÄžĹľÍ˜

it is known as today, Seawords. Seawords continues as a news source and a way for MOP students, alumni, and affiliates to stay in touch with the program and the network of friends that they have made through it. Here is how the newsletter has transformed in it’s years of publication.

Seawords Through the Years Compiled by Naomi Lugo, Editor Seawords throughout it’s 40 years and many different names has served the Marine Option Program and scientific community in providing updates on MOP and ocean news. The newsletter started in 1971 under the title of Marine Option Program News, after that it had been called MOP Hotline, Seaword, SeaLetters and what

The 70’s

We have featured “vintage” Seawords ocean graphics throughout this special 40th anniversary issue. Each of the pictures of octupi, fishes and other marine animals come from the various newsletters over the years.

The 80’s

MOP’s newsletter was known as MOP Hotline in the mid-70’s until it was renamed Seawords in the early 1980’s.

The 90’s This issue of Seawords is from January 6, 1983

The 00’s

This March 1994 issue of Seawords featured an “Organism of the Month” column.

This issue from June 2001 highlights MOP’s 60th graduating class. (A list of the newsletter’s editors can be found on the adjoining page 8)

Seawords, August 2012 Page 9

Interview with MOP Alumni, Randy Kosaki Compiled by Naomi Lugo, Editor

What would your college experience have been like without MOP? When I started here at UH Mānoa, I was lost; I was floundering. There Randy Kosaki was no place really that you could get any type of personal advising or personal attention certainly not personal academic or career guidance. I knew I was interested in fishes and marine science and you just get the generic arts and science advisor, and so I found MOP. It was a godsend because it was somewhere you could find people to actually talk to. First of all faculty like Sherwood people like that who could give you some direction and guidance, even though they’re not official counselors or advisors, and maybe more importantly, meeting students with similar interests and finding out about opportunities that you wouldn’t hear about otherwise. In a lot of ways MOP saved my undergraduate career. As far as my undergraduate days here, MOP made it. The opportunities I got through MOP led to the career I have now. (It has) created opportunities for me over multiple decades so it’s been great.

I got out of it.

What types of opportunities does MOP give its students? Because it does exactly what it did for me. It makes you aware if opportunities you might not otherwise know about. It provides you career networking. It provides you opportunities to gain experience. This is also true well outside of the sciences that it enables anyone with a marine interest to connect it to whatever their major might be.

“I see myself in a lot of current MOP students.”

Do you think being a part of MOP help get you a career/job after college?

Absolutely, I’m Deputy Superintendent for Papahānaumokuākea, for the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. When I was a MOP student I went through the precursor of what’s now QUEST and that led very directly to me being hired as summer help on a Northwestern Hawaiian Islands research cruise. That Do you recall what brought you to MOP in experience alone was one of the big things that set me apart. the first place? Really I was just enamored with this idea of scientific So very directly that internship that I got through MOP led to my current position. Really I’m forever grateful diving. I was a pretty avid diver. Spear fishing for that, that’s why I’ll do anything I can if I have a collecting tropical fish, taking pictures, but I kind of wanted to take it to the next level beyond just a hobby chance to give back to MOP and to undergraduate programs, and maybe provide some of those same and get really serious about it. So that in part is what drew me to MOP is hoping that I could get some kind opportunities for students. I see myself in a lot of of research experience or training. That’s exactly what current MOP students.

Seawords, August 2012 Page 10

Calendar of Events at UH Sea Grant’s Hanauma Bay Education Program Marine Science in East O`ahu

***Presentations take place in the theater of the Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, beginning at 6:30 p.m. every Thursday evening***

August Events August 2, 2012 Shark telemetry: Movement and behavior of Hawaiian sharks Melanie Hutchinson, Graduate Student, UH Zoology, Hawai`i Institute of Marine Biology Shark Laboratory August 9, 2012 White terns--why they became the official bird of the C&C of Honolulu, their biology, legal status, and threats Keith Swindle, Special Agent, USFWS Office of Law Enforcement August 16, 2012 Long-term passive acoustic monitoring of near-shore ecosystems in the NWHI and what it can tell us about biological activity Pollyanna Fisher-Pool Marine Biologist – Acoustic Specialist, UH Zoology Graduate Student, JIMAR/CRED/NOAA August 23, 2012 Eddies as offshore foraging grounds for melon-headed whales Phoebe Woodworth-Jefcoats, Research Oceanographer, Ecosystems and Oceanography Division, PIFSC/NMFS/NOAA August 30, 2012 To be determined James Anderson, Graduate Student, UH Zoology, HIMB Shark Lab. For more information or questions please contact: Hanauma Bay Education Program 100 Hanauma Bay Rd. Honolulu, HI 96825 Phone: (808) 397-5840 Email:

Submissions Welcome! Any artists, poets, writers, photographers, or scientists out there with marine-related interests? Share your talent with the marine community and get your work published in Seawords. We accept any original work having to do with the ocean. All work should be submitted to your nearest MOP office for delivery to Seawords, or email us at

Please be sure to include your full name and contact information so we can give you credit for your work.

Seawords, August 2012 Page 11

Seawords University of Hawai`i at Mānoa Seawords, Marine Option Program College of Natural Sciences 2450 Campus Road, Dean Hall 105A A Honolulu, HI 96822-2219

August 2012

Address Service Requested

Upcoming MOP Events August

Contents Page 1: A History of MOP Page 2: Save the Date Page 4: Ocean Fest Page 5: Generation Blue Page 6: Words from Former Director Sherwood Maynard Page 8: Ocean Art Page 9: Seawords Throughout the Years Page 10: Alumni Randy Kosaki


Hands Across the Sand


The Marine Option Program’s 40th Anniversary celebration. (Remember to RSVP by the 3rd)

Seawords Volume XXVI, Number 8, August 2012 Editor: Naomi Lugo Assistant Editor: Jessi Schultz Dr. Cindy Hunter (éminence grise) Seawords- Marine Option Program University of Hawai‘i, College of Natural Sciences 2450 Campus Road, Dean Hall 105A Honolulu, HI 96822-2219 Telephone: (808) 956-8433, Fax: (808) 956-2417 E-mail: <> Website: <> Seawords is a monthly newsletter of the Marine Option Program at the University of Hawai‘i. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Marine Option Program or of the University of Hawai‘i Suggestions and submissions are welcome. Submissions may include articles, photographs, art work, or anything that may be of interest to the marine community in Hawai‘i and around the world.

Seawords, August 2012 Page 12

Octopus from January 6, 1983 issue of Seawords

More resources are available on the MOP webpage:

Past Issues and Color Versions of Seawords

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