Summer 2020 Seawords

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SEAW ORDS TheMarineOption Program Newsletter

Summer 2020

Volume XXXV, Number 3

Aloha, and welcome to the summer issue of Seawords! The past few months have been incredibly turbulent and full of uncertainty for both our university family and the world. W hile the external causes of our global distress are well-documented and their consequences ubiquitous, it is important to acknowledge the personal repercussions of these seemingly endless crises. Long-term stress, anxiety, and disaster fatigue can take a serious toll on mental and emotional health. W hile not a solution for any of our social ills, time spent in nature can provide solace, and a respite from the constant barrage of adversity. This is one of many benefits accrued to us by the beautiful natural places in the world. The ocean gave rise to all life on this planet and still provides sustenance, inspiration, and comfort. In this issue, we take a broad look at the ocean, examining both the micro (page 18) and the macro (page 20), and the astonishing diversity of creatures that dwell within (pages 10, 14). W hat would you like to see more of in Seawords?Send in your thoughts, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @mopseawords!

Zada Boyce-Quentin, SeawordsEditor and Alyssa Mincer, Associate Editor

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Photo Credits Fr ont Page: W hale tails. By: Haldean Brown, Flickr. Tabl e of Contents: Ocean view. By: jquano, Flickr. Pages 14-17, in or der : Blacktip reef shark. By: Klaus Stiefel, Flickr. Tiger shark. By: Kris-Mikael Krister, Flickr. Sixgill shark. By: NOAA Ocean Exploration & Research, Flickr. Thresher shark. By: Klaus Stiefel, Flickr. Sandbar shark. By: Heather Paul, Flickr. Silky shark. By: Clifton Beard, Flickr. Scalloped hammerhead shark. By: Clifton Beard, Flickr. W hitetip reef sharks. By: Elias Levy, Flickr.) Back Cover : Sunset. By: Rob Weir, Flickr. SUMMER 2020

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Memories of Michael Childers By: Leon Hallacher, Biology Professor Emeritus, UH Hilo Michael ?Mikey? Childers, a long-time participant and mentor in the Marine Option Program at UH Hilo and statewide, passed away at home in March of this year after a lengthy illness. He will be missed by all. Mike was a unique and wonderful person. Michael grew up in the Motor City (Detroit). On the way to finding himself at UH Hilo as a ?nontraditional? student, he did some interesting jobs; being a ?roadie?with rock bands including MC5, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Aerosmith, Rush, Kiss, and David Bowie, working on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico off of Texas as a galley hand, then roustabout, and finally as the rig?s cook. Mike enrolled at UH Hilo in the late 1980?s and graduated with a BA in Marine Science a few years later. Fortunately for us, Mike and his wife Teri fell in love with Hawai?i and decided to stick around. After graduating, Mike earned a Captain?s License and skippered the Sea Smoke , taking tourists and locals on cruises out of Anaehoomalu Bay on the Big Island?s Kohala Coast. He returned to UH Hilo a few years later when he was hired as an Instructor in the Marine Science department. His duties were split between being Captain of the department?s catamaran Four Winds, keeping the department?s smaller vessels up and running, and teaching oceanography laboratory classes. While working at Hilo, Mike also went on to earn a Naui Scuba Instructor Certification and a Masters degree in Educational Technology from UH M?noa. Those of you who knew Mike will agree that he was one of the finest and funniest people we have had the honor to know. Mike was absolutely honest with people, friendly, and just fun to be around. During his career at UH, Mike participated in just about everything MOP and the Marine Science Department did: captaining the Four Winds on laboratory and class field trips, helping with MOP/NMFS tagging of green sea turtles on the Big Island, teaching Quantitative Underwater Ecological Surveying Techniques (QUEST) with other faculty and staff from around the state as well as being in charge of the course for a number of years, helping with the department?s summer school classes, participating in MOP overnight camping trips all around the Big Island, captaining whale watching excursions on the Four Winds for many different kinds of groups, being a member of the scientific party on research cruises aboard the research ships RV Moana Wave and RV Wecoma, and even worked as a Safety Diver on the set of the movie Waterworld while scenes were being filmed off Kawaihae on the Big Island. Mike?s colleagues enjoyed working with him because he was funny, he worked hard and effectively, and he went out of his way to help others. Students absolutely adored Mike. It seemed like he had them smiling and laughing all the time.

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Mike and his crew dressed in costume on the Four Winds. Photo by: Leon Hallacher.

Some of the things Mike did became almost legendary at MOP statewide and on the Hilo campus. Perhaps his most notorious gig was Mike?s ?Pirate Cruises?. Around Halloween he, his crew, and some of the students in class dressed up in pirate costume for field trips on the Four Winds, flew a Jolly Roger, and generally had people staring in disbelief and laughing their heads off. Of course there was also Mike?s sound system which he built for the Four Winds that kept everybody rockin?and rollin?on cruises. On one of the QUESTs at Hapuna Beach, where faculty and staff slept on cots jammed into the dining facility, Mike showed up with a rented camper where he slept in style to the envy of the rest of us. Mike was also a die-hard University of Michigan Wolverines fan, to the extent that he drove a yellow Jeep with a huge blue M painted on the side. Go Blue! What a character! One final ?Mikey? adventure merits reflection. Oceanography labs onboard the Four Winds went on, rain or shine, big swell or small. One day while the class was working inside the Hilo Bay breakwater, a rare thunderstorm kicked up way off to the south. Captain Mike and the instructor, Walt Dudley, monitored it and hoped it would move away, or at least not come any nearer. It didn?t move off. Instead it headed toward the bay and the Four Winds. And? it was moving quickly. Mike cranked up the engines, throttled down, and rushed the boat toward its Radio Bay slip where students and crew could be offloaded as quickly as possible. As the Four Winds entered Radio Bay, a lightning bolt struck near the end of the breakwater. Moments later, as one of the student crew members was tying up the mooring line from the dock, her hair stuck straight out and then ?ka-boom?. Lightning had struck the mast of a sailboat only a few slips over. Walt, the students, and crew heard Mike yell something very loud. Turns out, he?d been at the helm holding the metal wheel when the lightning struck nearby. An electric arc had shot from his elbow to the deck! He was a little shook up, but he was fine. Captain Mikey was one tough son-of-a-gun. Alas, Mike is no longer here to keep us all laughing while getting whatever the job was done. He was a remarkable human being and, again, he will be so missed. Perhaps he and another departed MOP legend, Sherwood Maynard, are together somewhere, mischievously keeping the angels laughing. Rest in Peace, Michael.


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TURN DOWN FOR WHAL ES By: Amiti M aloy, UHM M OP Student

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Whale breaching the surface. Photo by: Navin75, Flickr.


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Language has been one of the most important factors in carrying the human race to the global position we occupy now. It is how we convey information, entertain others, pass on our history, and make new discoveries. Many dedicate their lives to the study of language. However, humans are not the only creatures that have developed and rely on sound to communicate. The oceans, too, are full of speech. Anyone who has heard the haunting sound of whalesong or the cheerful clicking of dolphins knows Humpback whales. Photoby: Greenland Travel, that even in the vast seas, marine organisms "talk" to Flickr. each other frequently. However, human activity has made it difficult for animals like dolphins and whales to communicate properly. W hen our boats chug through important migration paths, the resulting cacophony creates noise pollution in the water; more than an inconvenience, it is disruptive and disorienting to marine mammals. Nautical travel, commercial shipping by barges, oil drilling, and other motorized waterway related activities increase the risk of both chemical and audible pollution to the ocean. As Mark Jessopp from University College Cork states, ?They?re spending more time or energy trying to essentially screaming at each other- what we would have to do at a nightclub.? The deafening sounds created by many kinds of ocean work and research drive marine mammals away and can even negatively affect animals like fishes and crabs, making it more difficult for them to feed and avoid predation. This is why places like the Port of Vancouver have decided to undergo Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation (ECHO) programs in order to understand how port activities like shipping routes may be impacting whales. The main focus of the ECHO programs is exactly that, studying echoes and other sounds in the waters. For example, some trials involved implementing voluntary speed restrictions for shippers, which creates fewer decibels and has been requested in places like Haro Strait in British Columbia. Unfortunately, slowing down all boats crossing through whale-occupied waters is not necessarily a viable solution. Slower speeds can mean increasing workloads and lengths of travel. Additionally, oceans set their own schedules; tidal currents will not adjust to better accommodate new shipping speeds.

Shipping vessel. Photoby: Derell Licht, Flickr. 8 | Seawords

Another issue is caused by seismic surveys, utilized by many organizations, including oil and gas companies. Seismic surveys are used to map the seafloor and potentially find oil deposits. Unfortunately, this is done by firing shockwaves from an air gun, creating the sound of a massive explosion underwater. This is incredibly detrimental to marine organisms. Fortunately, development of a new seismic technology called marine vibroseis is underway. According to geophysicist and research project member Andrew Feltham, ?the system has been shown to function as intended but requires some further testing before it can be used in field work?but that ?one benefit of the prototype device is that it doesn't produce noise across a wide range of frequencies.?As a result, the project should reduce noise pollution and those affected. Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS) is a company that helps hunt for offshore fossil fuel reserves. To assist clients, they have been creating a compact vibroseis system that relies on generating vibrations with stack plates. The prototype?s endurance of 1,000 test hours and harbor depths of 60 meters has illustrated that it is capable of creating a strong enough signal to do the job without shaking to self-destruction. W hile the prototype has not been tested on the open ocean, its founders feel it holds promise, as does UK?s Centre for Environmental Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) bioacoustician Nathan Merchant. Merchant believes ?that vibroseis would actually be a better technology for organizations seeking to survey the seabed because it can be more finely tuned.? So is there hope for the future?In addition to new seismic survey equipment, with new technology, bombs underwater could be detonated with ?bubble nets' surrounding the bombs, capturing and muffling its sounds. W hile some people are continuing business as usual until alternatives are available, others are working on slowing down and changing their paths, both figuratively and literally, to protect marine life from noise pollution. Have hope and let?s keep raising our voices to help reduce the sound in the sea.

Whaleunderwater. Photoby: Christopher Michel, Flickr.


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Marine Mammal of the Month: Cuvier's Beaked W hale By: Alexandrya Robinson, UHM MOP Student Cetaceans are grouped into two categories, odontocetes (toothed cetaceans) and mysticetes (baleen cetaceans). One such odontocete is the Cuvier's beaked whale; named by Georges Cuvier, who discovered a skull fragment which he mistook for the fossilized remains of an extinct species. Cuvier named this whale Ziphius cavirostrisbecause of its prominent hollow basin in its skull where the blowhole is situated. In fact, is the only species within the genus Ziphius. The structure of the Cuvier's beaked whale?s skull has led it to be known also as the goose-beaked whale. Cuvier?s beaked whale was long thought to be extinct because it primarily resides in the bathypelagic zone of the ocean, migrating occasionally to the abyssopelagic zone. It was discovered to still be alive only after Cuvier?s death. Interestingly, although being a pelagic species, this whale is also a commonly beached whale and one of the most commonly sighted beaked whales. There is still a lot of mystery surrounding Cuvier?s Beaked W hale because of their ability to dive so deep and hold their breath so long. In fact, this species can dive deeper and hold their breath longer than any other marine mammal!

Illustration of Cuvier's Beaked Whale. Photo by: Bardrock, Wikimedia. 10 | Seawords

Cuvier 's Beaked Whale Diet : Deep sea squid, fish, crustaceans Size: 5-7 m long, 2-3 tons Ran ge: Offshore waters of all oceans; from tropics to polar zones Habit at : Deep sea waters globally IUCN Red List : Least Concern

These whales are born around 2.7 meters long and can grow to be around five to seven meters long. As adults, they can weigh two to three tons. Cuvier?s beaked whales tend to vary in color, and can most reliably be identified by their short, goose-like beak and bulbous heads. Additionally, males have protruding teeth in their upper jaws which are used for fighting and produce distinctive scarring on the flanks of other males. There has not been extensive research on the life cycle of this species, but recorded sightings have indicated that this organism lives in small pods of 2 to 15 whales. This whale species does migrate to the surface of the ocean to feed on fish and breathe, but has also been recorded to have a diet consisting of squid and crustaceans as well. They are widely distributed, living in offshore waters all around the globe. Some human threats to these whales are ocean bycatch, pollution, hunting, and ocean noise, to which these whales appear particularly susceptible. Accidental beaching also seem to pose a great danger for these whales. To learn more about these fascinating creatures and how they are protected, visit: https:/ / species/ cuviers-beaked-whale#conservationmanagement.


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Discarded fishing net stuck in a reef. Photo by: Tim Sheerman-Chase, Flickr.

Recor d Am ou n t of Plast ic Pu lled f r om Pacif ic By: Georgia Johnson-King, UHM MOP Student

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On the 23rd of June, despite an ongoing pandemic, the Ocean Voyages Institute, a California-based nonprofit organization, recovered a record 103 tons of rubbish from the Pacific Ocean. The expedition left Hilo in early May for 48 days and docked in Honolulu with more than double last summer?s haul of marine debris; last year?s expedition recovered 42 tons. Last year, the organization started utilizing drones and satellite beacon technology to track and locate more garbage. This may account for the success of this year?s expedition. Executive director Mary Crowley issued a statement: ?We exceeded our goal of capturing 100 tons of toxic consumer plastics and derelict ?ghost?nets... in these challenging times, we are continuing to help restore the health of our ocean, which influences our own health and the health of our planet.? ?I am so proud of our hard-working crew,?Crowley mentioned in her statement. Crowley originally was hoping to launch a bigger expedition over a three month period, but due to the global pandemic, had to scale back. The expedition was highly regulated due to the pandemic, and the Ocean Voyagers Institute staff implemented many measures to keep the crew safe. ?Many people don?t realize how closely our own health is tied to the health of the ocean.?Crowley continued in her statement, finishing with ?We need to keep our ocean ecosystem healthy to help us stay healthy and help the whole planet stay healthy.? All of the debris, mostly consisting of fishing nets, consumer plastics, and ropes, is being sent to the west coast to be repurposed as fuel and insulation for buildings. The world?s oceans are littered with discarded plastics which have detrimental effects on marine organisms and ecosystems alike. W hen these break down, they produce microplastics, which are equally harmful. The work done by the Ocean Voyages Institute and organizations like it is essential, not only because they remove plastic refuse, but because they raise awareness of the issue. Each of us must do our part to limit our impact on the ocean. Of course, it is imperative that we do our best to limit our own individual plastic use, participate in beach cleanups, and spread the word about plastic pollution. In addition, using our voices to effect change at a larger scale is also a crucial element in the fight to keep our oceans clean.


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Fin Favor ites By: Zada Boyce-Qu en tin , Seawor ds Editor

Ju l y 14th is design ated by m ost as Sh ar k Awar en ess Day,bu t h er e in H awai?i, th e h om e of ar ou n d 40 species of th ese in cr edibl e pr edator s, we cel ebr ate sh ar k s ever y day! Sh ar k s n ot on l y pl ay a vital r ol e in m ar in e ecosystem s, bu t featu r e pr om in en tl y in H awaiian cu l tu r e as on e for m th at ?au m ak u a, or an cestr al spir its, m ay tak e. Kam oh oal i?i, th e br oth er of Pel e, al so took th e for m of a sh ar k . W idespr ead fear of sh ar k s h as cr eated l ots of m isin for m ation . Sh ar k s n ot on l y pose l ittl e dan ger to peopl e, bu t we h ave a gr eat deal to l ear n fr om th em ! Th eir im m u n ity to diseases an d fascin atin g biol ogy ar e bein g stu died ar ou n d th e wor l d. Sh ar k s al so ben efit h u m an ity by m ain tain in g th e h eal th of m ar in e ecosystem s as k eyston e pr edator s. You can l ear n m or e abou t H awaiian sh ar k s at: h ttps:/ / dl n r.h sh ar k s/ an d fin d ou t abou t on goin g H IM B r esear ch at: h ttps:/ / h im bsh ar k l / . Un for tu n atel y,sh ar k s ar e cu r r en tl y th e victim s of vast over fish in g, both as th e r esu l t of dem an d for sh ar k -based pr odu cts an d as acciden tal bycatch . Sh ar k s ar e especial l y vu l n er abl e to th ese th r eats. To l ear n m or e abou t th e pr obl em s facin g sh ar k s an d h ow to h el p, go to: sh ar k tr u st.or g.

Th e bl ack tip r eef sh ar k (Car char hinus m elanopter us) , or m an o pa?el e, is a sm al l in sh or e sh ar k fr equ en tl y seen ar ou n d H awaiian coastl in es. Th ese sh y. sk ittish sh ar k s ar e gen er al l y between 5 an d 6 feet l on g, feed on sm al l fish an d in ver tebr ates, an d spen d m ost of th eir l ives with in th e sam e sm al l h om e r an ge. 14 | Seawords

Tiger sh ar k s, (Galeocer do cuvier ) or n iu h i, ar e in sh or e sh ar k s fou n d an ywh er e fr om su r face water s to depth s of 2500 ft. Th eir distin ctive str ipes begin as a spotty patter n on pu ps an d fade as th ey gr ow ol der. Th ese sh ar k s ar e k n own as th e 'gar bage can s of th e sea' becau se of th eir in discr im in ate eatin g h abits!

Th e bl u n tn ose six-gil l sh ar k (H exanchus gr iseus) is a m yster iou s, gr een -eyed an im al th at fr equ en ts depth s of u p to 6000 feet. Th ese sh ar k s can gr ow to 16 feet, an d as th e n am e su ggests, h ave six gil l s in stead of th e typical five. Sixgil l sh ar k s ar e n octu r n al an d m ove to sh al l ower water s at n igh t to feed on cr u stacean s, fish , & m ar in e m am m al s.

Th r esh er sh ar k s, (Alopias pelagicus) or m an o h i?u k a, ar e offsh or e sh ar k s wh o in h abit water s fr om th e su r face to 500 feet down . Th ese sh ar k s ar e best k n own for th eir l on g, power fu l tail s, with wh ich th ey stu n th eir pr ey. An oth er in ter estin g featu r e of th r esh er sh ar k s is th e fact th at u n l ik e m ost oth er sh ar k s, th ey ar e war m -bl ooded! SUMMER 2020

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Th e san dbar sh ar k (Car char hinus plum beus) is an in sh or e sh ar k easil y iden tifiabl e by its l ar ge dor sal fin . Th ese sh ar k s can gr ow u p to 8 feet l on g,an d feed on fish , cr u stacean s, m ol l u sk s, an d som etim es r ays an d oth er sh ar k s! San dbar sh ar k s, al so cal l ed th ick sk in sh ar k s, ar e n am ed for th e san dy bays th ey typical l y in h abit.

Sil k y sh ar k s (Car char hinus falcifor m is) , n am ed for th e sm ooth , 'sil k y' appear an ce an d feel of th eir sk in , ar e offsh or e sh ar k s wh o u su al l y in h abit water s between su r face l evel an d 500 feet deep. Th ese sh ar k s feed pr im ar il y on tu n a an d h ave a fair l y aggr essive n atu r e, th ou gh ar e n ot a th r eat to h u m an s. Sil k y sh ar k s ar e par ticu l ar l y sen sitive to n oise.

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Th e scal l oped h am m er h ead sh ar k , (Sphyr na lewini) or m an o k ih ik ih i, is a species of in sh or e sh ar k , n am ed after an d distin gu ish abl e by th eir u n iqu e h ead sh ape. Th ey pr im ar il y eat r eef fish es, oth er sh ar k s, r ays, ceph al opods, an d cr u stacean s. Un l ik e m an y sh ar k s, scal l oped h am m er h eads h ave been k n own to for m sch ool s!

W h itetip r eef sh ar k s, (Tr iaenodon obesus) or m an o l al ak ea, ar e a sm al l species of in sh or e sh ar k , typical l y on l y gr owin g to between 5 an d 7 feet. Un l ik e som e sh ar k species, wh itetip r eefs do n ot n eed to m ove to br eath e, an d ar e fr equ en tl y seen r estin g in caves. Som etim es, th ese sh ar k s wil l pil e on top of each oth er l ik e l ogs! W h itetip r eefs h u n t at n igh t.


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Arctic Phytopla

By: Amiti Maloy, U Land-based food webs rely on sunlight and nutrient absorbing plants for stability. These are ingested by herbivores and omnivores, which depend on them for subsistence. Even non-plant snacking carnivores need plants to exist and feed lower food chain members. Phytoplankton provide an equivalent nutrient base for marine food webs. Like land plants, phytoplankton combine sunlight and nutrients from their surroundings for the energy to grow and thrive. In fact, phytoplankton aremicroscopic plants which grow in water depths that are penetrable by sunlight, as is needed for photosynthesis. Phytoplankton are essential contributors to most ocean surface waters, even in the Arctic, where these primary producers are much harder to detect. According to senior author Kevin Arrigo?s research which appeared in the July 10, 2020 edition of Science, ?The Arctic Ocean is the most difficult place in the world to do satellite remote sensing. Algorithms that work everywhere else in the world-that look at the color of the ocean to judge how much phytoplankton are there- do not work in the Arctic at all?because of unique challenges like the presence of dissolved organic matter from river water flow due to its similar color to chlorophyll, and the low light adaptations of Arctic phytoplankton. Although the global satellite remote sensing results for Arctic plankton are far from accurate, the precision adds value when looking at long-term trends. Using this information and field research, Stanford scientist Kate Lewis curated a publicly available database of ocean color algorithms modeling the Arctic?s special set of chlorophyll conditions. W hen ice melts, it releases waters flush with nutrients ideal for massive phytoplankton growth, often referred to as phytoplankton ?blooms.? Historically, it was assumed that open water was a necessary condition for these blooms. Generally retreating sea ice increases space and supplies for phytoplankton growth; the more the ice melts, the greater the size of the bloom. Climate change increases the growing season and available open sea space. W hen Arctic melting slowed around 2009, it was expected that the dependent phytoplankton population would be proportionally reduced. This did not happen. In fact, they actually continued increasing. This phenomenon upended the idea of the open-water prerequisite for phytoplankton blooms, as recorded by the 2012 Chukchi Sea research 18 | Seawords

Phytoplankton bloom in the Arctic. Photo by: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Flickr.

ankton Blooms

UHM MOP Student in the ?Impacts of Climate on EcoSystems and Chemistry of the Arctic Pacific Environment (ICESCAPE). NASA-sponsored ICESCAPE found extensive bloom mass thriving below Arctic ice. The algae had reached a point where more open space was not necessary; instead, it worked inwards to form a more concentrated biomass. Now with sunlight and carbon dioxide in surplus, Arctic phytoplankton?s limiting reagent is its nutrient supply. These nutrients, iron, nitrogen, and phosphorus, are sourced primarily from precipitation, melting, and fresh water. The bloom?s continuance has depleted the normal stocks for these elements. Initially ?we knew the Arctic has increased production in the last few years, but it seemed possible the system was just recycling the same store of nutrients?explained Stanford scientist Kate Lewis; however, ?Our study shows that?s not the case. Phytoplankton are absorbing more carbon year after year as new nutrients come into this ocean. That was unexpected, and it has big ecological impacts.? The surge of nutrients is hypothesized to stem from two possible sources: from transference by other oceans and rising from the Arctic?s own depths. The concentration climb of Arctic phytoplankton between 1998 and 2018 resulted in a fifty-seven percent increase of net primary productivity (NPP). That fifty-seven percent is the rapidity of phytoplankton converting carbon dioxide and sunlight to edible energy. This equates to more fodder available to bolster the entire food-web and an alteration in the Arctic?s ability to ?transform atmospheric carbon into living matter.?W hile this extra carbon absorption is beneficial, the Arctic ocean?s relatively small global claim is indicative of its limitations as a global solution to climate change. The Arctic ocean?s approximate 5.4 million square miles is the smallest coverage of any ocean and is only approximately 2.7 percent of the 196.9 million square miles of the earth?s surface. There is still significant uncertainty in the Arctic food web?s future ranging from increased impacts from climate change to the effects of increasing shipping traffic. Additionally, as Arrigo explains, ?There?s going to be winners and losers. A more productive Arctic means more food for lots of animals. But many animals that have adapted to live in a polar environment are finding life more difficult as the ice retreats.? SUMMER 2020

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Antique map. Photo by: leiris202, Flickr.

M ap p i n g M or e of th e Sea Fl oor By : H al ey Ch asi n , U H M M O P St u d en t Recently, 1/ 5th of the sea floor was mapped! Organizations like NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration), non-government agencies, and other ocean mappers use multi-beam sonar systems to ?paint?the seafloor using sound. The sonar system records depth, seafloor material, and topographical features of the ocean. Some can even map out the ecosystem, identifying what creatures live in the area and show their spawning sites (i.e. seamounts). Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed has a goal by 2030 to map the entire ocean using altimeter instruments to infer what ocean topography looks like by sculpting the water?s surface, and sonar to map out the entire seafloor. Seafloor mapping is important because it enables us to better lay underwater cables and pipelines, understand biodiversity at seamounts, map submerged cultural resources, and know more about the ocean currents and the mixing of the water, therefore collecting data on climate change. Anyone on the water can play a part in mapping the seafloor by attaching a data-logger to sonar instruments and using navigating systems. Some say unmanned surface vessels may be crucial in our ability to map the most remote ocean areas. GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans) allows the bathymetry of the ocean to be freely available on their site. Bathymetric charts have been around for a while. Thousands of years ago, it was used to allow people to know where the bottom of the ocean was in order to not run aground. Ancient Egyptians used a lead-line and other techniques, like sticking a pole into the water to see the depths of the ocean.

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In the 1900s, after W W II, sonar was established, making the technique of lead lining obsolete. This earlier echo-sounder was far less accurate than the multi-beam sonar system, which was established in the 1970s and generated an across-ship direction of 120-150 degrees with amazing horizontal and vertical resolution. The spatial and temporal variability of the sound speed structure in the water column is a large source of error in multi-beam measurements. A publication on seafloor mapping by Dr. Larry Meyer of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping states that ?advances in sonar technology, positioning systems, motion sensors systems and computer processing power has allowed for seafloor mapping?to become more accurate and efficient. In addition, the use of ROVs and AUVs (remotely operated vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles) has accelerated data collection for seafloor mapping. Even other mammalian species, such as bats, whales, and dolphins, use sonar to find food. Though advances in sonar technology have allowed for human expansion of knowledge about the ocean, adding more sound to the seas can interrupt mammalian communication and has been shown to cause physical damage to marine ecosysyems (more on page 8).

Collecting multibean sonar data. Photo by: NOAA's National Ocean Service, Flickr. SUMMER 2020

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View from Kalalau Valley. Photoby: Khun Han Photography, Flickr.

The Benefits of Ocean Investment By: Brenna Loving, UH W indward CC Student Since the emergence of COVID-19 in the United States in March of 2020, many conservation efforts have been put on the back burner while governments focus on rebuilding the economy. But what if lawmakers don?t have to choose between the two?This isn?t a far fetched idea by any means, as studies have shown that investing in sustainability and ocean conservation efforts can actually boost the state of the economy. Recently, economic concerns on the Hawaiian islands have been made more severe by the COVID crisis. Unemployment is at an all-time high, and the islands?food security has weakened exponentially over the past few months. However, there lies a solution to these issues along with the islands?environmental concerns. 22 | Seawords

Hawai?i possesses beautifully diverse ecosystems and untapped potential for sustainable uses of those resources. Instead of importing 90%of the food that feeds the Hawaiian community, produce from the land and sea would keep approximately $313 million within the state and among struggling communities throughout the islands. This idea of a ?blue economy?would focus the islands?abundant resources in the islands themselves to reduce their carbon footprint. For example, natural materials such as limu can be cultivated and harvested to serve all sorts of purposes. From jerky to ink to straws, limu specifically can serve as a sustainable alternative to products made through the use of fossil fuels, according to Alexia Akbay of Symbrosia. Additionally, she reveals that by feeding Hawaiian livestock natural materials such as limu, the animals?methane production could be reduced by as much as 90%. Introducing the management of a blue economy would improve the unemployment rate as well, as shown by a report from the International Energy Agency and the International Monetary Fund. This report reveals that an investment of $3 trillion into environmental sustainability efforts could create approximately 9 million more jobs per year. To create these jobs would also help the global GDP, as the world?s oceans and the industries that rely on them account for 3.5%to 7%(and rising) of the global GDP. Creating more jobs within the industries of the ocean isn?t the only perk to investing in ocean conservation. By providing a large initial fund, the global economy would be saved money in the long run due to creating more cost effective and sustainable materials in order to aid those industries. The resources are there within our oceans. We simply have to take a leap away from the harmful processes of production that we have come so accustomed to, and invest in our home planet. Investing in our planet and our oceans means investing in our future. Ocean view. Photoby: Erik Cooper, Flickr.


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C. turmulosa on bleached coral. Photo by: Taylor Williams, UHM MOP Alumna.

HERE WE GO ALGAIN: Nuisance Alga in Hawaiian Reefs By: Alyssa Mincer, Seawords Associate Editor 24 | Seawords


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Coral reefs are invaluable ecosystems, providing sustenance and habitats for an array of marine creatures. They are an essential component in fishery health, and act as barriers against the waves, preventing coastal erosion. Unfortunately, coral reefs are especially susceptible to a number of threats, with a major hazard being the presence of invasive species. Marine invasive species, which primarily inflict harm by outcompeting native species, are characterized by rapid growth rates and adaptability to various habitats. Generally, a species is considered invasive if it is a non-native resident within an ecosystem that harms endemic species. 1,200 miles from O?ahu, researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands at Papah?naumoku?kea Marine National Monument were shocked to discover an obscure species of red alga growing in small patches throughout the reefs. C. turmulosa on the reef. Photo by: Taylor Williams, UHM MOP Alumna.

First noticed in 2016, the alga, which at the time was not ubiquitous

throughout the reef, did not seem to pose a substantial threat to the health of the coral habitat. In the summer of 2019, upon returning to the same sites, divers noted a substantial increase in the unidentified alga, which exhibited characteristics similar to those of an invasive species; proliferous mats of the algae were spread thick upon thousands of square meters of coral reefs off of Pearl and Hermes Atoll, smothering the corals, altering the structure of the habitat. Alison Sherwood, a Professor of Botany and Interim Associate Dean of the College of Natural Sciences at the University of Hawai?i at M?noa, quickly assumed the role as lead researcher on a study of the alga. Following

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UHM MOP alumna Taylor Williams holding a mat of C. tumulosa. Photo by: Heather Spalding, College of Charleston.

examinations, scientists decided to name the species Chondria tumulosa. Despite the tendency of the alga to act like an invasive species, denoted by its unusually abrupt emergence and its subsequent spread throughout given habitats, scientists are unable to determine whether or not it is a native species, and are thus deeming it as a ?nuisance alga.? If the alga was to advance outside of its current range, coral reefs would likely be substantially impacted. According to NOAA?s Deputy Superintendent of the Papah?naumoku?kea Marine National Monument, Randall Kosaki, preventative measures must be taken in order to avoid the expansion of the alga both within the monument as well as to other regions. Divers conducting research on the alga are taking necessary precautions so they can safely gather more information on the red alga and steer clear of a potential ecological disaster for coral reefs down the line.


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Vol u m e XXXV, Nu m ber 4 Editor : Zada Boyce-Qu en tin Dr. Cyn th ia H u n ter (em in en ce gr ise) Jeffr ey Ku wabar a (em in en ce gr ise) Seawor ds- M ar in e Option Pr ogr am Un iver sity of H awai ?i , Col l ege of Natu r al Scien ces 2450 Cam pu s Road, Dean H al l 105A H on ol u l u , H I 96822-2219 Tel eph on e: (808) 956-8433 Em ail : <seawor ds@ h > W ebsite: <h ttp:/ / www.h / m op> Seawor ds is th e m on th l y n ewsl etter n ewsl etter of th e M ar in e Option Pr ogr am at th e Un iver sity of H awai?i. Opin ion s expr essed h er ein ar e n ot n ecessar il y th ose of th e M ar in e Option Pr ogr am or of th e Un iver sity of H awai?i. Su ggestion s an d su bm ission s ar e wel com e. Su bm ission s m ay in cl u de ar ticl es, ph otogr aph y,ar t wor k , or an yth in g th at m ay be of in ter est to th e m ar in e com m u n ity in H awai ?i. an d ar ou n d th e wor l d. All photos ar e taken by M OP unless other wise cr edited.

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