Invest in ShipsTM is designed d for anyone involved in shipping deals and will assist many segments of the shipping market including sh hipowners, managers, financiers, bankers, shipbrokers, shipyards, shipping project developers and inves stors alike If you are in the shipping bus siness then you cannot be without this dynamic tool. It is s tailored to your needs, designed with the user in min nd You do not have to be an IT expert and we will not try to make you one. We will contriibute to your shipping business in a most effective and a easy manner We have enhanced and improved the user interface and streamlined your workflow, in ntroducing unprecedented flexibility and graphic interfac ce
Invest in Ships sTM is the most pow werful shipping investment tool yet
Powerffull - Dynamic - Innovative
Seaxl速 Marine Software is proud to present our new software module - Invest in n ShipsTM
Watch tch Excel perform as you have never seen before - simply amazing
develo veloped with over 30 years hands on shipping & IT exxperie ha ence
Forecast - Evaluate - Invest
Inve In vest st iin n Sh Ship ips sTM iis s a un uniq ique ue,, ef effi fici cien entt an and d po powe werf rful ul ttoo ooll
Auto-fill and auto transfer data from
forr th fo the e ap appr prai aisa sall an and d an anal alys ysis is o off an any y ty type pe o off sh ship ippi ping ng
one module to the next
proj pr ojec ect. t. IItt ha has s be been en d dev evel elop oped ed w wit ith h ov over er 3 30 0 ye year ars s ha hand nds s on s shi hipp ppin ing g an and d IT e exp xper erie ienc nce e
Auto fill break-even time charter rates for specific periods
Inve In vest st iin n Sh Ship ips sTM c con onsi sist sts s of tthr hree ee s sep epar arat ate e mo modu dule les s fo forr calc ca lcul ulat atio ion: n:
In ncl c ude or omit loans and see how they com ompare and affect your
Quick and Dirty (QnD) Module
Check out any ship deal instantly with “Back of a Cigarette pack� calculation
project. Aut utoo fill interest rates Pre-pay loans - see ho how they affect your cash flow an and results fleet wide
Advanced Module
Flow into a more detailed analysis of any shipping project with easy to use, friendly industry related interface
Consolidated Financial Statements and Cash Flow results over a 20 year period Incl In clud ude e or o o omit projects by ship
Combine your current fleet and any new ship projects with multiple consolidation options
type ty pe, loan, age, date of build and many more Charts, Dashboard and Financial ratios in n ab abun undance
For those in a hurry the Quick & Dirty (QnD) Module offers an instant assessment and overview of the project in a matter of seconds
Data relating to the purchase, finance, operation, including major repairs, surveys and employment of a ship deal, is entered on a single Data Input Sheet Clearly laid out, very fast and easy to complete with instant evaluation available, showing whether the deal is worthwhile pursuing or not Available reports include: - Cash Flow Report - Detailed Loan Report - Dashboard with Financial Ratios - Break-Even TC Rates & Escalated Daily OPEX - Detailed Loan Schedule.
Quick - Easy - Simple
oerrs an insttant ovverview in a mattter of second ds
EďŹƒcient - Reliable -Safe
inc nccludes more detailed evvaluation of any shipping g deal
Is the investment worth pursuing? Don’t waste a second. At the click of a button transfer the data from Advanced Module and complete the rest of the job The Advanced Module includes more detailed evaluation of any shipping deal. Incorporated are detailed breakdown of: - Employment - Operating Costs & Escalation - Dockings, Special Surveys by specific dates - Depreciation - Multiple Loans - Breakdown of Interest Rates - Loan Prepayments plus many more features Immediate reports include Cash Flow analysis and Financial Statements, in depth Financial Ratios and Dashboard with a variety of visual presentations, detailed Loan Calculations
Invest in ShipsTM allows consolidation for any number of ships whether already included in your current trading fleet, projected second hand purchases or deliveries of newbuildings
Any multiple form of consolidation is available by: - Ship type - Ship age - Finance group - Partnership - Operating year etc
Weigh how different scenarios will play out on your current fleet
Reect - Compare - Consolidate
cco onsolida ate as many projects ass you like simultaneousslyy
Test - Evaluate - Resolve
th he cco he ombination of wh hat if? scenarios are endless
This becomes very easy by simply editing any entry or changing any date whether it is the: - Sale of the ship - Delivery date - Rescheduling of a Newbuilding Project - Early repayment of a loan - Alternative loan arrangements and much more Apply by a simple click of the mouse automatic break-even time charter rates on non-fixed periods or on all periods. Terminate the ship project on alternative new dates offering another perspective to the whole project The combination of ‘what if?’ scenarios are endless with real time response Most important of all, it is done simply and quickly on a friendly, easy to use interface
extreme ex emely easy to setup and even easier to use
Simple - Aordable - Reliable
How many projects can I Consolidate at once? You can consolidate as many projects as you like simultaneously. Consolidations are by selection in the Consolidation Reports/Options section where you can combine ship types, ship size, ship age etc. What options do I have in the consolidation section? So long as a project has been exported and loaded onto the Consolidation Module you have a combination of many options in a matrix. This can be by ship type or by specific lending bank or by DWT or year of build or a combination of any two or three of these. You can also combine dummy projects which can become actuals if the deals are completed. The combinations are endless. How many different types of loan are available? In any single project two separate loans are available, Advanced Loan 1 and 2. Each one has two different types of loan; a standard equal instalments loan and an annuity based loan. To include or omit any one of these loans within your calculations simply select a Yes/No from the drop down list. Build scenarios by simply including or omitting a loan and see what fits best. In consolidation mode however, you can combine as many loans from different banks within the fleet. If I decide to sell a ship before the termination of the loan can I see its effect and resultant savings in interest costs? This is very simple. All you need to do is change the term of the loan and the sale date of the ship. With these two very simple changes the whole project can be assessed from a completely different view point. You should also make adjustments to the Employment of the ship if you wish to terminate the whole project. You call this module Quick and Dirty but how accurate is it? It is very accurate and extremely fast. With a few clicks you can obtain a very quick assessment as to whether the deal is worth further investigation. It is a back of a cigarette pack calculation but a lot more accurate than this old and tested method. Build dummy project templates and have them ready for loading. Load any one and edit required data. You will have results while your broker is filling you in on the details.
Technical Specifications Microsoft® Excel® 2007-2010 Windows XP or later (recommended Windows® 7 or later)
Shipping Management Softwa are e
1GB RAM 10MB available hard-disk space Minimum display resolution 1064 x 768 (recommended resolution: 1600 x 900)
Pricing & Licensing Number of Licenses
Price € 1,750
7.5 %
€ 1,615
10 %
€ 1,575
Seax Se axll® M Mar arin ine e So Soft ftwa ware re d dev evel elop ops s in inex expe pens nsiv ive e an and d pr prac acti tica call ma mana nage geme ment nt rrep epor orti ting ng soft so ftwa ware re s spe peci cifi fica call lly y de desi sign gned ed ffor or tthe he n nee eeds ds o off sh ship ippi ping ng c com ompa pani nies es Our experience of the maritime industry stretches back over 30 years, and encompasses all areas of a company’s environment: Invest in ShipsTM - Investment analysis of any shipping project MGA - Master’s account with complete multi-currency payroll Company Secretary - Company secretary corporate databases CashFlow - Corporate cashflow Ships Budgets - Budgets The Ship - Financial performance
simple aordable reliable
The Most Powerful Shipping Investment Tool Seaxl Marine Software Ltd 13 Georgiou Karaiskakis Str 3032 Limassol - Cyprus
T +357 25 03 0277 | F +357 25 03 0295 | E Company Reg. No.: 255633 Š Seaxl Copyright 2010 - 2011. All Rights Reserved.