Photo by Christoph Oberschneider
AQUI PINTAMOS TODAS Y TODOS M. Gabriela Lizarazo – Luis Felipe Hernández – Sofía Salazar
Table of Contents 1.1. Why the was made strategy Here we Paint All?…………………............................................... 1.2 How it was made the strategy?. …………………..................................... 1.3In which Institutions are job?………………………………………………….. 1.4 Who were the beneficiaries of the strategy? …………………………………………..... 1.5 Who were the beneficiaries of the strategy? ……………………………………….….... ANNEXED………………………………………….
2.1 Experience…………………………................ 2.2 …………………………………………............. 2.3 …………………............................................. 2.5 ………………………………………….............……………………………………….…………………………………………….………...
Photo by Kevin Zaouali
Aqui pintamos todas y todos Implementation of strategies to encourage the permanence of girls, adolescents and young people in the school system and higher education. Its central purpose was to implement affirmative actions through the strategy of creative pedagogical laboratories in public educational institutions of the city. This story is little known by generations of younger women and yet most of them enjoy educational guarantees that even their mothers or grandmothers did not enjoy.
Photo by Lois Lee
Why the was made strategy Here we paint All?
It should be noted that, in the development of this pilot study, great pedagogical learning has been collected, even from those obstacles and difficulties presented that, however, did not affect the achievement of the objectives of the strategy. The pilot strategy called Here we paint all was created and developed, to seek to stimulate the permanence of young women in the city's school system, as a novel pedagogical strategy, it obtained objectives that are oriented towards the prevention of school desertion and absenteeism. of a mechanism for the acquisition of technical skills or 15 a mandatory space, recognizing it as a human right and a key element for achieving gender equality in society. Since female desertion in the country becomes deeper and more constant, it becomes imperative to carry out training-preventive processes, especially in high school, paying attention to the grades that present the greatest risk (ninth and tenth grade). This strategy is fed by the results of direct experience in the field, thanks to the implementation of pedagogical strategies specially designed to achieve the prevention of female school dropout. The strategy Here we all paint, posed as the experimentation of an initiative that would work from the gender equity approach the issue of female school dropout.
Photo by Lois Lee
How it was made the strategy?
Photo by Claudiu Maxim
During the development of the laboratories creative, in all the groups a constant movement was observed fluctuating of some young women who only attended a very short part of process. The prevention of female school dropout can and should be carried out from very early ages, since it is a phenomenon that occurs for women of all school levels.
1.3 In which Institutions are job?
According to official data from the municipal Secretary of Education, 12,000 students who enroll annually in Medellin, on average one 3.6% drop out. This percentage is made up especially of students of the 9th and 10th grades and inhabitants of communes 9 (Buenos Aires), 16 (Bethlehem) 12 (La América) and 14 (El Poblado). Of this figure, 42% are women (5,090) and 58% men (6,718).
Photo by Alex Coman
Photo by Lois Lee
Who were the beneficiar ies of the strategy?
Regarding marital status, only one of the young women admits to being currently living with her partner in free union, this young woman is also the only one who admits to having a daughter. According to the information collected, shows that 56.8% of the young have health coverage for a Company providing health services – EPS-, being direct beneficiaries of your families.
In general terms, the figures show young people with high vulnerability of their rights, by the mere fact of belonging to social territories and economically disadvantaged in the city; and some of them may also be affected by being victims of the conflict armed, their ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disabilities.
Photo by Lois Lee
What factors of deschooli ng and absenteei sm did they find?
There are high rates of domestic violence,
It is important to approach phenomenon of desertion and understanding truancy how gender inequality, as well as other inequities (ethnic, sexual orientation, among others) produce experiences differentials. The traditional causes of desertion have to do with the lack of resources in families, the need of working for minors to contribute to their families of origin, territorial mobility due to factors labor, family or socio-political violence, consumption of psychoactive substances, lack of interest or motivation to study The specific risks that relate to the condition of gender, are increased in certain areas of the city as the recurrent communes of origin of the strategy participants. This is due to the presence of cultural and socio-political situations such as the conflict armed and poverty,
sexual violence, affectation of women by the conflict urban armed, forced displacement from other regions of Antioquia and the country, as well as displacement forced intra-urban, child and youth sexual exploitation, femicides; Similarly, discrimination and crimes against hate for sexual orientation The arguments given for these moments of school dropout are mainly related to: change of family home (33.3%), for disciplinary reasons (20%), suffered some type of violence in the neighborhood (13.3%), had to care for a member of the family with 6%, suffered some type of violence in the educational institution (6.6%) and 20% for other special reasons.
Photo by Lois Lee
Games and activities for the integration, concentration and activation of groups
Games and activities for integration, concentration and group activation 1. General stretching or warm-up. Simple yoga exercises. sun salutation 2. In pairs they fall backwards to be received by the other person. 3. Groups are formed, a volunteer is chosen, it is said that all the people of the group must place themselves in a certain posture of sculpture, at the volunteer who must let herself be moved by others. 4. With music concepts are symbolized only with movements (for example what is happiness, equality, among others.)
In general terms, it can be said that the majority of the participants in the strategy have not experienced school dropout in their lives. it is worth recovering the reflection on the need to prevent desertion from the achievement of gender equity in our society, since it is highly probable that in this case, the fact of being a woman has facilitated the family decision to allow the young stop studying and dedicate herself to the domestic task of caring for third parties. a pedagogical strategy as a guide and not as a recipe, so we conceive it as a point of support, a look, a glimpsed horizon or an invitation to continue walking.
Previous experience that has left traces or marked trails. so-called pilot experience serves as a starting point to validate a corpus of conceptions, planning, methodologies and actions, as well as to provide feedback, change or improve them.
their own voices and artistic experiences they can express their ideas and reflections on the importance of education in their own lives and the lives of other women in the town. the right to education, and invites society in general to assume this commitment as a challenge for social development..
According to UNESCO data, 64% of illiterate adults in the world, they are women. their self-esteem, that considers them inferior or with fewer capacities and that slows down the impulse and promotion of young women in higher education, therefore that many stop studying or contemplate a university career, and this, in turn, limits their professional and work potential in their lives. The study for women is one of the main tools for strengthening autonomy and empowerment. Gender-specific factors that negatively affect the right to education must be recognized.
Photo by Alex Coman
Photo by Lois Lee
Proposes the application of an experiential pedagogy based on art as a vehicle for reflection and constructor of realities. pedagogical action-communicational action They are spaces for experimentation where, through artistic practices, they seek to promote reflection on the right to education of young women. Creative pedagogical laboratory 1. Body Skin: The body is seen as a territory of autonomy, selfesteem, resistance and transformation. Creative pedagogical laboratory 2. Cloth Skin: We can understand the fabric skin, like all those aesthetic expressions that I create from my body.
Photo by Alex Coman Creative pedagogical laboratory 3. Skin of Home: It seeks to make a deep approach to all those closest relationships or limerances, especially with the beings that I love the most, trust and live with. Creative pedagogical laboratory 4. Skin of the neighborhood: I identify those physical and temporary spaces that I inhabit in the city, especially the nearby and everyday places such as the school and the neighborhood. Creative pedagogical laboratory 5. Skin of Earth: I become a citizen of the world, I belong to a city, a country and a world in constant virtual and physical interaction.
Photo by Svante Berg
Thanks for watching……… M. Gabriela Lizarazo – Luis Felipe Hernandez – Sofía Salazar