This proyect consist in: the value of life and diversity as a principle as a order for citizen coexistence, from the 2012-2015 development plan in Medellin un hogar para la vida. create initiatives that promotes inclusion to strengthen the gender equity work and implement strategies, with all the women of the city to strengthen their Rights. In particular, it has concentrated on achieving theright to education of adult and young women as a fundamental right that strengthens the autonomy of each young person in the country, the empowerment and social and political participation, both in public and private spheres.
Aquí pintamos TODAS Karla Isabella López Manuela Ceballos Tomás Ruiz
Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo Educational
points in the project. The prevention of female school dropout, becomes a novel proposal that awaits be able to complement and perfect with new stages to be executed and evaluated. this strategy feeds on the results of a direct experience in the field, The training process based in the creative laboratories they were proposed with a duration of 100 hours for each of the groups of young participants and were developed at times contrary to the school day.
The project is expressed: level of schooling, type of health regimen, ethnicity, violation or not due to the armed conflict, the presence or not of disability, belonging or not to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual population young group Institution educational Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo young group CEFA
Training Center of Antioquia CEFA
transgender and intersex - LGBTI, the commune, the socioeconomic stratum and belonging or not to any social or community group or institution.
This in real terms shows that work to prevent desertion female school is essential, as is prevention with the mens.