The paper used in this publication is ecology friendly
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
Free Issue
Bienvenidos Welcome Bienvenue Willkommen
Home Tours
Living in Puerto Vallarta
IFC Original
HOME TOURS SINCE 1987 Every Wednesday & Thursday
Do yourself a great favour and spend a couple of hours with Gary Thompson, of the Galleria Pacifico ,to hear facts and anecdotes about each of the statues and their sculptuors at NO COST!
Donation $450 pesos 322-222-5466
Puerto Vallarta is a city that nearly defies description. It is colonial with modern amenities, majestic mountains jutting into the aquamarine waters of the Pacific, cobblestone streets with gleaming glass towers, a beach resort celebrating our Mexican heritage, ancient traditions for those young at heart.
What makes Puerto Vallarta unique is its people.
I wish to draw attention to a “TREASURE “in PV that is available to all-FREE. If you do not know of the “Sculpture Walk” on the Malecon on Tuesdays starting at 9:30am at the Millenium Statue adjacent to the Rosita Hotel and continuing along the length of the walk.
Visit 4 Fabulous Homes!
or U.S. equivalent TICKET SALE OPENS AT 9:00 AT TOUR LOCATION ADVANCE SALE AT IFC OFFICE For more details go to:
Dear Editor,
We come together from every corner of the world to create a living experience that is both welcoming and familiar, small-town charm with a cosmopolitan flair. Like every city, we redefine ourselves by those around us,
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
those who were born here and those who were drawn here by the lure of a path less travelled. Many young families as well as foreign retirees have made Puerto Vallarta their home. All the day-today amenities to meet your lifestyles are available in Puerto Vallarta, if off the beaten path of the tourist zone. You just have to go and find it! Each new day unfolds with the rising of the sun over the Sierra Madre Mountains. The cool sea breeze floats gently across Banderas Bay to waken the jungle wildlife as the city comes to life. This is our Vallarta. Welcome.
Kevin Saunders , from the “Peyote People and Colectiva Galleries,accompanies Gary and explains the meanings of the Huichiol Symbols, in the black pebbles, on the surface along the Malecon It is really a wonderful PV treasure to obtain this information to broaden our knowledge of the PV Art scene and the beautifully resplendored Malecon and the Artists involved. These gentlemen are doing a marvelous job of contributing to the Wonders of PV. Thank you to Gary & Kevin. Doug, From Thornhill, Canada
An exercise with operating results refreshes the market’s long-term outlook • Revenue growth will not necessarily translate into greater operating flows or margins. Over time the market ultimately rewards the best performances and punishes the worst. • There are winners and losers when it comes to turning operating leverage into greater efficiencies. • The exceptions confirm the rule and that is where some possibilities may be found. Now that we have seen the last of the quarterly earnings reports for 2011 we are revisiting our exercise in which review the compound annual growth rates (CAGR) of IPC component companies operating results. This time we are expanding our sample to include a larger number of bellwether stocks and extending our time horizon back in time to 2007. In the interests of simplicity, we will say that the exercise is intended as a way to visualize which companies are ahead and which are lagging in the creation of operational value by comparing EBITDA annual growth rates over a period of four years against their revenue performance and then placing that in the context of share price performance. In other words, if EBITDA performance has outstripped that of sales over the past four years it would tend to play in those companies’ favor in terms of generating
additional operating efficiencies, but where sales results top operating flows, it could be that EBITDA margin has lagged sales growth. That isn’t necessarily something bad (such variations are common across the market) but it is interesting to distinguish which companies can most (or least) quickly parlay their revenue growth into improved operating flows and margins. In ideal practical terms, operating leverage should translate increased sales (whether of an organic nature or by means of acquisitions) into a proportional gain in EBITDA. In the two graphs below we display the 4-y sales and EBITDA CAGRs of 80 companies obviously we stripped out some benchmark components: companies that have been trading for so little time or in an insufficiently representative fashion as to make their data irrelevant for comparative purposes, as well as those with an extraordinarily negative performance, whose stock suffers from scant marketability and/or in which there appears to be no perceptible investor interest. We should also note that the EBITDA of sectors such as airports or housing are calculated on a ‘normal’ (non adjusted) basis (i.e. due to the lack of the necessary historical record we have added depreciation and amortization to their operating income results. The other stock that presents insur-
mountable comparability issues is that of Carso following its relatively recent spinoffs. The graph below summarizes the heart of our analysis so it deserves further explanation. The dark bars should in the left axis the difference between the annual growth rates of EBITDA revenues, a measure of the efficiencies (or lack thereof) that companies have generated in the past four years.
Great Opportunity! For Sale Home in Sayulita’s Best Surf Spot $648,000 USD This Marvelous house is Located in Sayulita; Patzcuaro has two large bedrooms with its own bathrooms, a hot tub on the terrace of the second level. Both the front and back yards have lots of room for a pool. The beach is just down the street; house has all services in place, 30 minutes from Puerto Vallarta. Has 3616 Floor m2. Laurie Pedelaborde Office 22 22 604 Cell 044 322 107 5545
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
National The most instances of efficiencies outpacing sales are those of Pochtec (by more than 70% a year) and Nutrisa (almost 30%), two stocks with very limited tradability and flota. At the other extreme end we find Hogar and Bachoco. The rest of our sample is to be found somewhere in between. Within the latter group of ‘outperforming’ companies we also find mid to large marketability stocks such as Bolsa, Peñoles, Mexchem, Ica, Alfa, and Herdez, whose growth in efficiencies has eclipsed that of sales by between 8% and 10% in the past four years. At the low end we find major stocks such as Cemex, Ara, Oma, Carso, Soriana, etc., where efficiencies have lagged sales growth by an average of 8%. The we superimpose over these performances share price revaluations (point graphs) witnessed in the four years under study, thus uncovering contrasts in the creation and/or destruction of operating value and in their respective price, a trend tracked in the right axis. Lab, Elektra, Walmex and Carso are among the most notable cases. Despite their limited or nil value creation (or operating leverage) they have experienced share price revaluations of up to 70% plus (Lab) and of almost 40% a year (Elektra). Walmex and Carso have registered a consistent annual rate of revaluation despite a scant operating edge relative to sales. In contrast, low trading stocks such as TMM and CidmeFree Issue
In conclusion, it appears that with the extreme exceptions cited above, the market continues to reward and punish the performance of stocks with strong operating leverage such as Peñoles, Mexchem, Alfa, and punishes those with lagging operating performances such as Hogar, Bachoco, Homex, Alsea, etc. In this sense the market appears to have been largely congruent over the long term but it is precisely in those extreme cases where the market has yet to assign a premium or discount to stocks to operating performance where entry opportunities are to be found for those with long-term investment horizons despite the vary limited marketability of these stocks. This report has been prepared by the Research Department of Vector Casa de Bolsa, S.A. de C.V. (“Vector”). The information contained herein is based on sources deemed to be reliable, but no guarantees are made as to its accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose. Further information is available upon request. This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. Any opinion or estimate expressed in this report is subject to change without notice.
Welcome to Puerto Vallarta. A warm welcome to each and every one you, visiting our secret little paradise.
Centro de Convenciones Riviera Nayarit
Bienvenidos Welcome Bienvenue à Vallarta Willkommen
Starting with our representative at Gustavo Diaz Ordáz International Airport, who presented you with this complimentary copy of the Vallarta Tribune, we wish you an unforgettable stay and many wonderful experiences. We hope the Tribune will provide you with useful tips making your vacation more enjoyable.
Jesús Manuel Díaz Zurita DIRECTOR David Plotz MANAGING EDITOR Alonso Verde ADVERTISING MANAGER Letters to the Editor
No matter where you may be visiting from, Canada, the U.S., another part of Mexico or perhaps even Europe, Nuestra Casa es tu Casa, Our Home is your Home, Bienvenidos!
DESIGNER Cynthia Estela Andrade Gtz.
We look forward to receiving your comments, should you wish to share your experience with us, please feel free to do so, send your story to editor@
Weekly publication edited, printed and distributed by Ediciones y Publicaciones Siete Junio, SA de CV Grupo Editorial Tribuna Calle 21 de Marzo # 1174 Col. Lomas del Coapinole Del. El Pitillal, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco México CP 48290 Tel. (322) 226-0829, 226-0800 Questions about Distribution:
Have a great time, the City of Puerto Vallarta hopes to see you again soon!
Vallarta Tribune is an activity and entertainment guide and merely publishes information as it is provided by the advertiser or event host. We do not assume responsibility in errors or omissions other than to correct them as soon as they are made known to us regarding event schedules, locations and/or prices. In addition, we do not assume any responsibility for erroneous inclusion or exclusion of information except to take reasonable care to ensure accuracy, that permission has been obtained to use it, and to remove it as soon as is practical upon receiving your notification of error. We recommend you always confirm prior to attending or visiting an event or establishment. Editor.
This report has been prepared by the Research Department of Vector Casa de Bolsa, S.A. de C.V. ("Vector"). The information contained herein is based on sources deemed to be reliable, but no guarantees are made as to its accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose. Further information is available upon request. This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. Any opinion or estimate expressed in this report is subject to change without notice.
Our Home is Your Home
The paper used in this publication is ecology friendly
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
Marzo 2012
ga have experienced share price setbacks in the face of reasonable operating growth. It is precisely those contrasts we have decided to emphasize in the highlighted zones that point to possible entry and exit opportunities.
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
PV Guide
Facts about Puerto Vallarta!
USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS FIRE DEPARTMENT: 060 - (322) 223 94 76 & 78 TOURISM (322) 222 0242 or 01 800 446 3942
Area 1,300 sq. kilometers.
Population Approx. 375,000 inhabitants.
Climate Tropical, humid, with an average of 300 sunny days per year. The temperature averages 28°C (82°F) and the rainy season extends from late June to early October.
Fauna Nearby Sierra Vallejo hosts a great variety of animal species such as iguana, guacamaya, deer, raccoon, etc.
Sanctuaries Bahía de Banderas encloses two Marine National Parks - Los Arcos and the Marieta Islands - where diving is allowed under certain circumstances but fishing of any kind is prohibited. Every year, the Bay receives the visit of the humpback whales, dolphins and manta rays in the winter. During the summer, sea turtles, a protected species, arrive to its shores to lay their eggs.
Time Zone The entire State of Jalisco is on Central Time, as is the southern part of the State of Nayarit - from San Blas in the north through to the Ameca River, i.e.: San Blas, San Pancho, Sayulita, Punta Mita, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Bucerías, Nuevo Vallarta, etc.)
Currency The Mexican Peso is the legal currency in Mexico although Canadian and American dollars are widely accepted.
Money Exchange (Caja or casa de cambio). Better yet, if you have a «bank card», withdraw funds from your account back home. Try to avoid exchanging money at your hotel. Traditionally, those offer the worst rates.
Economy Local economy is based mainly on tourism, construction and to a lesser degree, on agriculture, mainly tropical fruit such as mango, papaya, watermelon, pineapple, guanabana, cantaloupe and bananas.
Buses A system of urban buses with different routes. Current fare is $6.50 Pesos per ticket and passengers must purchase a new ticket every time they board another bus. There are no “transfers”.
Taxis There are set rates within defined zones of the town. Do not enter a taxi without agreeing on the price with the driver FIRST. If you are staying at a hotel, you may want to check the rates usually posted in the lobby. Also, if you know which restaurant you want to go, do not let the driver change your mind. Many restaurateurs pay commissions to taxi drivers and you may end up paying more than you should, in a second-rate establishment! There are 2 kinds of taxi cabs: those at the airport and the maritime port are usually vans that can only be boarded there. They have pre-fixed rates per passenger. City cabs are yellow cars that charge by the ride, not by passenger.
When you ask to go downtown, many drivers let you off at the beginning of the area, near Hidalgo Park. However, your fare covers the ENTIRE central area, so why walk 10 to 15 blocks to the main plaza, the Church or the flea market? Pick up a free map, and insist on your full value from the driver! Note the number of your taxi in case of any problem, or if you forget something in the cab. Then your hotel or travel rep can help you check it out or lodge a complaint.
Telephone Calls Always check on the cost of long distance calls from your hotel room. Some establishments charge as much as U.S. $7.00 per minute!
Cell Phones Most cellular phones from the U.S. and Canada may be programmed for local use, through Telcel and IUSAcell, the local carriers. To dial cell to cell, use the prefix 322, then the seven digit number of the person you’re calling. Omit the prefix if dialing a land line.
Local Customs Tipping is usually 10%-15% of the bill at restaurants and bars. Tip bellboys, taxis, waiters, maids, etc. depending on the service. Taking a siesta is a Mexican tradition. Some businesses and offices close from2 p.m. to 4 p.m., reopening until 7 p.m. or later. In restaurants, it is considered poor manners to present the check before it is requested, so when you’re ready to leave, ask for «La cuenta, por favor» and your bill will be delivered to you.
If you’ve been eaning to find a little information on the region, but ever quite got around to it, we hope that the following will help. Look at the map in this issue, you will note that PV (as the locals call it) is on the west coast of Mexico, in the middle of the Bay of Banderas, the largest bay in this country, that includes southern part of the state of Nayarit to the north and the northern part of Jalisco to the south. Thanks to its privileged location -sheltered by the Sierra Madre mountains- the Bay is well protected against the hurricanes spawned in the Pacific. Hurricane Kenna came close on October 25, 2002, but actually touched down in San Blas, Nayarit, some 200 miles north of PV. The town sits on the same parallel as the Hawaiian Islands, thus the similarities in the climate of the two destinations.
What to do Even if your all-inclusive hotel is everything you ever dreamed of, you should experience at least a little of all that Vallarta has to offer - it is truly a condensed version of all that is Mexican and existed before «Planned Tourist Resorts», such as Cancun, Los Cabos and Ixtapa, were developed. Millions have been spent to ensure that the original “small town” flavor is maintained downtown, in the Old Town and on the South Side.
Local sightseeing A good beginning would be to take one of the City Tours offered by the local tour agencies. Before boarding, make sure you have a map and take note of the places you want to return to. Then venture off the beaten path. Explore a little.
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
HARBOR MASTER: (322) 224 1000, 224 0427 ENVIROMENTAL EMERGENCY CENTER (COETEA) 01 800 710 49 43 FEDERAL COMMISSION ELECTRICITY (CFE) 071 - (322) 225 5555 CANADIAN CONSULATE (322) 293 00 98 & 99 AMERICAN CONSULATE (322) 222 0069 & (33) 3268 21 45 RED CROSS * 060 EMERGENCY * 060 and 066 IMMIGRATION * (322) 221 13 80 FEDERAL POLICE (322) 290 0658 & 64 BUCERIAS POLICE (329) 298 1020 FIRE DEPARTMENT (322) 113 3325 / 55 PROFECO * 01 800 468 8722 MUNICIPAL CIVIL PROTECTION (322) 224 77 01 PUBLIC SECURITY 066 & (322) 290 0507 SEAPAL VALLARTA (322) 226 9191 RADIO TAXI * 299 37 06 INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT OF PVR (322) 221 1298 * (322) 221-1325 (322) 221-1537 A I R L I N E S: AEROMEXICO Plaza Genovesa Shopping Ctr Loc 2 & 3 224-2777 MEXICANA Villa Vallarta Shopping Ctr Local G-18 224-8900 AIR CANADA Gustavo Diaz Ordaz Int Airport 01 (800) 719-2827 ALASKA AIRLINES Gustavo Diaz Ordaz Int Airport 221-1350 CONTINENTAL AIRLINES Gustavo Diaz Ordaz Int Airport 221-1025 DELTA AIRLINES Gustavo Diaz Ordaz Int Airport 221-1032 AEROTRON Gustavo Diaz Ordaz Int Airport 221-1921 AEROMAR Gustavo Diaz Ordaz Int Airport 221-0815 AMERICA WEST Gustavo Diaz Ordaz Int Airport 221-1333 UNITED AIRLINES 221-3264 GUSTAVO DIAZ ORDAZ INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Management Office Line 221-1325
PV Guide
Live Music Guide Mexican Hacienda San Angel Mariachi La Joya de México Miramar 336, downtown Monday through Friday from 7 p.m. to 8:45. (322) 222 2692 La Destileria Mariachi Cocula Galeana 104 int 101, Downtown Thu - Sun 9-10 pm (322) 223 9709 Las Adelitas Mariachi Los Galleros Av. Fluvial Vallarta 234, Col. Fluvial Vallarta Fri 6:30 pm - 8:30pm Sat 5:30 pm - 8pm Sun 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm (322) 293 7778 El Arrayán Arpa Veracruzana Fri 7-10 pm Los Frijoleros Sat 7-10 pm Allende 344, downtown (322) 222 7195 Café del Mar Los Frijoleros Calle China #9, San Francisco, Nayarit Friday 8pm (311) 222-074258 4251 Cesare Marimba Av. Mexico 1208, Col. 5 de Diciembre Mon - Sun 9am-12pm (322) 222 9947
Trio & Trova Vista Grill Guitarrista Daniel J. Pulpito 377, Romantic Zone Wed-Fri 8-10:30 pm Trio La CAve Sat & Sun 8-10:30pm (322) 222 3570 Riviera Grill Paseo Cocoteros 35, Nuevo Vallarta, Nay Tatewari Flamenco Tue 7pm to 9pm Trio Riviera Fri 7pm to 9pm (322) 297 6545
Riviera Grill Al & Zoe Paseo Cocoteros 35, Nuevo Vallarta Wed 7-9pm (322) 297 6545
Kareoke La Regadera Morelos 666, downtown Mon - Sun 9pm-3am (322) 221 3970 Canta y No Llores Blvd Fco Medina Ascencio 1989 loc 1-8 Villas Vallarta Mon - Sun 1pm - 2am 044 (322) 169 8016
Blanco y Negro Mario Blanco Lucerna & Niza, Versalles Mon - Sat 11pm - 2am (322) 293 2556
Bar Paisas Lázaro Cárdenas 175 Col. Emiliano Zapata Wed - Mon 11pm - 1am (322) 117 2432
Exclamación Luis Zea Morelos 529, downtown Wed, Thu & Sat 10:30pm-2am (322) 222 7777
Las Ranas Cantan Independencia 249, El Pitillal Mon - Sun 8pm - 4am (322) 224 8531
Ikuai Coral Marlin 39-A, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle Sun 11am - 1 pm (329) 295 5526 ext 106
Jazz & Latin Jazz
Liberty Morelos 676, downtown Mon - Sun 9pm - 4am (322) 222 1822
Cubana La Bodeguita del Medio Salsa Group Paseo Díaz Ordaz 858 Malecon Tue - Sun 9:30 pm to 2am (322) 223 1586 Adriatico Lazaro Cardenas 43, Bucerías “Azúcar Caribeña” Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 7pm - 10pm “Papo” 7pm - 10pm (329) 298 6038
Barra Bar With Singer Blvd. Fco. Medina A. Peninsula. Wed - Sat 3am (322) 209 1229 Café des Artistes Enrique Flores Guadalupe Sánchez 740, downtown Mon-Sat 8:30pm-11:30pm (322) 222 3228
Cesare Various Artists Av. Mexico 1208, Col. 5 de Diciembre Mon - Sun 8pm-11pm (322) 222 9947
La Palapa Púlpito 103, Romantic Zone Mon-Sun 8pm - 11pm Alberto Pérez Mon & Tue Raúl Simental Wed-Sun (322) 222-5225
La Casona Piano Bar Salvatore Paseo Cocoters 750, Nuevo Vallarta Thu & Sat 5pm - 10:30pm Sun 7:30 am-1pm (322) 226 9700
Agave Restaurant Bernardo & Laura Paseo Díaz Ordaz 901, downtown Sat & Sun 9am - 11:30pm (322) 223-2000
La Palma Alberto Robinson Vallarta Gardens, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle Fri 7pm-9pm (329) 295 5101 ext 212
Ikuai Ensamble Musical Marlin 39-A, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle Sat 11am - 1 pm (329) 295 5526 ext 106
Le Bistro Salvatore Isla del Río Cuale downtown Mon - Sat 10am-12pm (322) 223 1084
Riviera Grill Edson Paseo Cocoteros 35, Nuevo Vallarta, Nay Mon, Thu & Sat 7pm to 9pm (322) 297-6545
Rincón de Buenos Aires José Calderón Blvd. Nayarit 25, Nuevo Vallarta Tue-Sun 7pm-9:30pm (322) 297 4950
Pincho & Olé Tapas Lounge Dúo de Jazz Morelos 664, downtown Fri of the mont, 9-11pm (322) 222-4019
Bar Paisas Trova Lázaro Cárdenas 175, Col. Emiliano Zapata Thu 8-11pm (322) 117 2432
Lukumbé Saxofon Av Los Tules 449, Jardines Vallarta Sat & Sun 10am - 11:30am (322) 225 6375
The River Café Don and Ronda Isla del Rio Cuale Tue - Sat 6pm-10:30pm (322) 223-0788
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
Blues, Country Café Roma Open Mic Encino 287, downtown Fri 6 - 10pm (322) 222 7378 Murphy´s Irish Pub Irish Covers Morelos 484 altos 1, downtown Tue-Sun 10pm (322) 113 0373 Philo´s Philo and the Mexican Shuffle Band. Delfin 15, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle Thu - Sat 8:30pm (322) 295 5068
Rock Roxy House Band Ignacio L Vallarta 217 Romantic Zone Mon - Sun 8pm-4am Señor Frog´s Various Morelos & Galeana 518 Sat 8pm (322) 222 5171 Bebotero House Band Paseo Díaz Ordaz 565, Malecón Mon - Sun 10pm - 3am (322) 113 0099 Benitto´s Paninoteca Bar Faz Nima Bay Local 12, Marina Vallarta Thu 9-11pm (322) 209 0287 Canto del Mar Lázaro Cárdenas 365 Romantic Zone Vedette Sat 4:30pm-6:30pm Grupo Cubano Sun 4:30pm-6:30pm (322) 222 7307 Clandestino Galeria Bar Honduras 126 Col. 5 de Diciembre Salomon Fri 9pm-1am Clandestino Sat 9pm-1am Dante Ristorante Amy Davanzante Timon, Marina Vallarta Fri & Sat 8-11pm (322) 209 0484 Hard Rock Café Obis Nigers Paseo Díaz Ordáz 652, Malecón Thu - Sat 10:30pm-2am (322) 222 2230 La Cuiza Baco Isla del Río Cuale Romantic Zone Sat 10:30pm (322) 223 4773 La Leche Almacén Gourmet Salomón Fiesta Americana, Zona Hotelera Fri 10:00pm-12am (322) 293 0900 Memories Café Faz. Mina 207, downtown Wed 9pm (322) 223 0648 Paradise Burger Black Beans Paseo Díaz Ordáz 740, Malecón Thu - Sat 10:30pm-2am (322) 222 2328
Banda La Cantina Various Groups Morelos 709, downtown Wed / Sat 12 am - 2 am (322) 222 1734
Galería Caballito de Mar Offers Unique Antique Mexican Jewelry and production. Spratling is recognized as having revived the art of Mexican jewelry and increasing Mexican jewelry’s prominence throughout the world. As a result of his influence and the availability of numerous skilled designers and craftsmen, the golden age in the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s is considered Mexico’s finest hour for the crafting of exquisite jewelry. Moctezuma II Ruler of the Aztecs as envisioned by artist-historian George S. Stuart
Long before Mexican jewelry became internationally desirable in the 20th and 21st centuries, the art of jewelry making was important to various cultures within Mexico. In particular, the Aztecs whose home was the Valley of Mexico during the 15th and 16th centuries made beautiful detailed jewelry of gold, silver, copper, emeralds, opals, moonstones, jade, quartz and turquoise that was often worn in pierced noses and ears and as necklaces. For the Aztecs, jewelry was a symbol of status for the wealthy and for religious leaders. Temples were also embedded with jewels and jewelry pieces honoring the Serpent god. When the Spanish conquistador, Hernán Cortés encountered the Aztecs in 1519, he received a gift of jewelry from the Aztec leader, Moctezuma. During the Spanish conquest, however, most of the jewelry made of precious metals was melted down rather than preserved.
Today, antique and vintage Mexican silver jewelry with its excellent craftsmanship, durability and colorful artistic flair has become popular as a collectable item. Owning a piece of Mexican jewelry is like owning history that retains its value as a piece of art. Most Mexican silver jewelry is stamped or hallmarked which helps indicate the
Yulalag sterling silver cross with turquoise– 1940s
history, maker, metal quality and era of the piece. To see stunning examples of antique Mexican jewelry in Puerto Vallarta, visit Galería Caballito de Mar at Aldama 162, in Centro, just under Galería Pacifico. The gallery owners, Carol Simonton and Gloria Auch, offer unique jewelry in pristine condition from a collection that was begun by their mother in the 1940s. Each piece with its own unique history is certified by the owners for authenticity. Join us for the ArtWalk on Wednesday nights from 6:00-10:00 p.m. and enjoy our exhibit of jewelry, textiles and ceramics by Great Masters of Mexican Folk Art. Other galleries participating in Wednesday night’s ArtWalk include: Colectika, Ana Romo, Corsica I and II, Arte 500, Galería de Ollas, The Loft and Galería Pacifico.
Gold Aztec jewelry - a lip ornament
Yulalag sterling silver cross with turquoise– 1940s
Gold Aztec jewelry - a lip ornament
While there were many silver mining locations in Mexico, the town of Taxco has been important jewelrymaking center since pre-Columbian times. Taxco paid tribute to Aztec rulers with silver. During the war for independence from Spain, however, many Taxco mines were closed by land barons to prevent their takeover by revolutionaries. Although some jewelry making continued in Taxco, the output and quality were sporadic. Not until the 1930s was there a renaissance of silver jewelry making in Taxco. An American architect from New Orleans, William Spratling, moved to Taxco and established an important workshop for jewelry design March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
Gold Azte or
Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers Return to PV by Ric Lehman, Community Center
Sixties and was the worship leader at their church.
Talented singers (Paco) Todd Ringness and his wife (Graciela) Gaye Ringness are returning to PV this spring for two special performances filled with the timeless music of Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. The last time this couple performed here, they played 13 consecutive sold-out shows on Vallarta’s south side. The success of their hit show “Dolly Would if Kenny Could” exceeded their own expectations and delighted audiences from around the globe. Including an American couple who booked Paco and Graciela as Dolly and Kenny for two private concerts at their fabulous Texas estate.
After doing Godspell together, Paco and Graciela co-starred in “Bedazzled”, a Broadway musical revue produced by and starring Sharon Baughman White and David White. The Whites have been an integral part of the music and arts scene in our city, and were also the co-directors for the inaugural run of “Dolly Would if Kenny Could”.
Paco and Graciela are experienced performers, but they first started performing together here in Puerto Vallarta when they both appeared on stage in a local production of Godspell. Prior to that, Paco was a sound and lighting technician at their church, and worked on Nunsense and Little Shop of Horrors. Graciela performed in Phantom of the Opry, Little Shop of Horrors, Nunsense and The Sassy
My wife Joy and I personally enjoyed their show back then, and we were especially impressed with how the audience responded to all the great songs they sang for us. One after the other, Paco and Graciela beautifully sang these hit country songs that we still love to hear. And they even threw in some surprise songs, that I understand will be included in this reprisal. We are delighted they have accepted our invitation to return to perform again here in Vallarta. And we sincerely hope that you will get the chance to enjoy them live, on the Paradise Stage, at the Paradise Community Center, 127 Pulpito in the Zona Romantica.
Carnival Cruises expresses support for Puerto Vallarta for 2012 to Puerto Vallarta. He also mentioned that in a meeting on safety with the staff of the of the cruise company, the work of municipal authorities in coordination with state and federal agencies, as well as those in charge of marketing, was recognized by the company. At the time of the incident, press releases were issued which expressed regret over the circumstances and solidarity with visitors affected, as they suffered an unfortunate and regrettable experience, having had there documents such as passports and belongings stolen. The cruise company Carnival Cruise Line will remain in Puerto Vallarta and reiterates its support to this destination despite the unfortunate events that arose a few weeks ago, when 22 cruisers were mugged. This was announced by William Ohem Ochoa, director of the Tourism Board (FIDETUR) of Puerto Vallarta, who addressed the issue of the permanence of the major American cruise line. He stated that the cruise line will continue its schedule of arrivals
Ochoa said that he acted in coordination with the consular agent of the United States to assist the tourists and provide them with the help their government to restore their documents such as passports He noted service providers, authorities and those that market Puerto Vallarta were all effective in working together in this regard. In spite of the past incident, Carnival Cruise Line has expressed support and confidence in Puerto Vallarta, and will not cancel any scheduled arrivals.
Sundays 9 & 10:30am
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
Gourmet Bistro on the Beach Germany, Holland, Canada, the US, Curaçao and eventually brought him to Puerto Vallarta. Touched by the charm, people and scenery, Mr. Reize decided to call Puerto Vallarta his home. After spending a few years as the General Director of the Krystal Vallarta Hotel, Heinz and renowned Vallarta businessman Andrés-Famania Ortega decided to open a restaurant. As a result, Coco Tropical Restaurant & Beach Club opened its doors for the first time on August 14th, 1997. The secret of Coco Tropical´s success, as Heinz himself puts it, “We offer the highest quality for the best price accompanied by excellent service”.
With all the choices one is faced with where to enjoy an honest meal on the beach in Puerto Vallarta, Coco Tropical is the place one should seriously consider. Owner Heinz Reize, one of the founding members of the annual Puerto Vallarta Gourmet Festival, is an accredited Swiss Chef who brings his culinary expertise to this elegant yet very reasonably priced beach side bistro. Arriving in Mexico after his career took him from Switzerland to
include Coconut Shrimp, Salmon with Basil Pasta, Pacific Lobster Bisque, for meat lovers, I can recommend the Sautéed Tenderloin Pork Tips “ZÜRICH”, prepared in an exquisite white wine mushroom sauce and served with Swiss style rösti potatoes – all freshly prepared by highly skilled chef José Guadalupe Altamirano, who has been with Coco Tropical since its opening in 1997, and is accredited by the Asociación Franco Mexicano, the prestigious culinary institute in Mexico City.
The ambiance is darling, although there is live-music every day except Monday from 6pm to 9pm, the volume is at the perfect level to enjoy a lively conversation. Perfect for a romantic dance to work up an appetite or fall in love all over again. Musician Heriberto Mancha superbly performs an ample repertoire of romantic classics. Indulge yourself at this beachside restaurant that offers excellent service, great value, tremendous views and a front-row seat for the most stunning and romantic sunsets in Puerto Vallarta.
Romantic sunsets and the warmth of Mexican hospitality come together in a splendid beachfront terrace at Coco Tropical. This elegant, yet casual establishment offers delightful highlights of traditional European Cuisine.
Albeit on the beach and the dress code is casual, beachwear is not permitted inside the restaurant. Prices range from roughly $15-$25 USD, Major Credit Cards accepted. Open daily from 11am to 11:00pm.
Coco Tropical’s fine dining menu features international cuisine with a Mediterranean flair, such as a delicious Ossubuco, Strudel Florentina and of course, authentic risotto. Heinz is considered the “ King of Risotto” by his peers. Other popular seafood dishes
Reservations: 222-5485 Info:
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
On The Beach
Olas Altas #336 Romantic Zone Puerto Vallarta Tel. (322) 222 4246 / 223 1840
“THE BEST ADVERTISING PARTNER” ¿ How I can be in the consumer’s mind as
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-The best way to sell more, is being seen more ….. Available in strategic locations with high traffic flow of potential clients: Exclusively at the international airport Puerto Vallarta… •Punta Mita * •Litibu •Cruz de Huanacaxtle •Bucerias •Nuevo Vallarta •Marina Vallarta •Zona hotelera Norte •Zona Centro •Viejo Vallarta •Zona Romántica •Mismaloya
Ask about our especial rates and packages
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
22 Jueves - Thursday 6:00 pm a / to 7:00 pm
8:00 pm a / to 9:00 pm
Actividades Culturales y Artísticas 23 Cultural and Artistic Activities Viernes - Friday
Puerto Vallarta 7:00 pm a / to 9:30 pm
8:00 pm a / to 10:00 pm
PLAZA LÁZARO Edición Tianguis Turistico 2012
24 Sabado - Saturday 9:00 pm a / to 10:00 pm
25 Domingo - Sunday
22 Jueves - Thursday
6:00 pm a / to 7:00 pm
6:00 pm a / to 7:00 pm
6:00 pm a / to 6:00 pm 7:00 pm a / to
7:00 pm a / to 9:00 pm
8:00 pm
8:00 pm a / to 8:00 pm a to 9:00/pm 10:00 pm
10:00 pm a / to 12:00 pm
8:00 pm
a /pm to 7:00 9:00 pm a / to 9:00 pm a /pm to 9:30
10:00 pm 8:00 pm a / to 10:00 pm
8:00 pm a / to 10:00 pm
23 26 Viernes - Friday Lunes - Monday
7:00 pm a / to 8:00 pm
8:00 pm a / to 9:00 pm
9:00 pm 9:00 pm a / to 11:00 a /pm to 10:00 pm
24 Sabado - Saturday
Miercoles - Wednesday
7:00 pm a / to 8:00 pm 8:00 pm a / to 10:00 pm
Art. 103
Art. 107
25 Domingo - Sunday ARCANO
BANDA MUNICIPAL 6:00 pm MUSICA TRADICIONAL MEXICANA a / to March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781 7:00 pm TRADITIONAL MEXICAN MUSIC
Tourism fair cash bonanza for Vallarta
The Royal Tour for Virtuoso Agents comes to Puerto Vallarta
A select group of 10 travel agents from different parts of the Virtuoso American Union were chosen to live the adventure in paradise, which included a visit to the city center, art galleries, restaurants and highend hotels, to see first hand all the improvements in Puerto Vallarta. They concluded with a zip line tour in the Sierra Madre Occidental, allowing them to take home a series of unique experiences they can share with their customers. Virtuoso is a conglomerate of
A record number of Jalisco-based companies are participating in this year´s edition of Tianguis Turistico – the country’s premier tourism fair that is being co-hosted by Puerto Vallarta and the Riviera Nayarit for the first time. Tourism chiefs are expecting twice as many visitors at this year’s event, which has been held in the Pacific resort of Acapulo for the past 24 years. more than 300 travel agencies and independent luxury specialists, which connect travelers to the best tourist destinations in the world that offer unique experiences. Puerto Vallarta is definitely a destination for discerning travelers and the city has received much media recognition for its hotels, service, cuisine, water sports, variety of art galleries and gorgeous landscape that have made this a favorite second home for many foreigners. The Tourism Board of Puerto Vallarta and Virtuoso have an excellent relationship which included investment in their publications and the Virtuoso Travel Mart held every year in Las
The Royal Tour included Mexico City neighborhoods and museums, the pyramids of Teotihuacan, the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary, a hot air balloon ride, Morelia, Patzcuaro, Guadalajara, Tequila, and concluded in Puerto Vallarta, the most “authentically” Mexican beach destination in the country.
Lui´ o b o
& Coleslaw with a beer Changes Everyday
79 pesos
DINNER - With 2 sides
Authentic Pit Barbeque
4 Rib Platter 4 oz. Brisket + 4 oz. Pulled Pork 1/2 Chicken
All day, Everyday
129 pesos
Free Wings
A Bucket of Beer (6)
79 pesos
Wings - smoked 3 hours Burnt Ends - Our #1 Appy Salad - Not just lettuce.
BBQ Shack
with Pulled Pork and two Beer or two Pop.
with BBQ Sauce, Frank’s Red or Extreme Heat with a Beer.
More than 140 Jalisco firms will join around 500 national and international exhibitors looking to sell their products and services to the 1,500 domestic and overseas tourism wholesalers and buyers expected to attend the trade show from March 25-28. In addition, the fair (and Vallarta) will get plenty of media coverage, with 200 specialist journalists, many of them from abroad, expected to attend.
This program was a result of the excellent cooperation of Puerto Vallarta with major partners such as Virtuoso and the continued support of the Tourism Board of Mexico.
11:30 am - 4:00 pm
Vegas, which allows Puerto Vallarta to create better bonds with business travel agents in this prestigious firm.
The Tourism Board of Puerto Vallarta, in conjunction with Virtuoso, the Tourism Board of Mexico and New York-based ITG, an agency focused on luxury travel, coordinated a “Royal Tour”. The fully scheduled adventure through the Puerto Vallarta region including a 45-minute program in which the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, served as tour guide on a tour of the natural and cultural wonders of this great country. Accompanied by noted journalist Peter Greenberg, the goal of the Royal Tour was to endorse a different side of Mexico and promote tourism in response to heavy media coverage of challenges facing Mexico.
Better than Sex Brownies with Vanilla Ice Cream
Infamous CDN Phillo Butter Tarts with Vanilla Ice Cream
125 Pesos
Banana Bread Pudding with Butter Bourbon Sauce
189 Pesos
Lime Margarita 1 oz.
29 Pesos
1 2
3 oz. Late Harvest 39 Pesos
25 pesos
Authentic Pit BBQ * 589 Morelos Centro, Puerto Vallarta * 322.143.7212 March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
News Toots Gabriel
Sue and Marie
(and other things dangerous around Mexico)
Is the Certified Padi Master Instructor and Padi IDC Staff Instructor
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief is an old nursery rhyme that recognizes a number of occupations. And, while it is not specifically mentioned in the rhyme, another ‘pursuit’ which society certainly likes to romanticize is that of the ‘Outlaw’. A few examples of these sorts of desperados who have been somewhat reinvented to serve our imaginations are Jesse James, Butch Cassidy and Billie the Kid. And, if I am going to look for a Mexican who fills the bill, then that would have to be Pancho Villa. Knowing dangerously little about this fellow seems an excellent place from which to proceed. He was born José Doroteo Arango Arámbula, in Durango, Mexico, in 1878. Later on, during his illustrious career he began going by the name Francisco Villa and subsequently as Pancho. Who knows, maybe he grew tired of being called Dorothy and just looked for a good pseudonym. My first recollection of him was from the movie Villa Rides in 1968 starring Yul Brynner, Robert Mitchum and Charles Bronson. Sam Peckinpah wrote the original script and was set to direct but Brynner did not like his depiction of Villa as cruel so they found another director. This was one of my first visits to the cinema and the ‘big screen’ and I thought it was great. In 1972 Townes Van Zandt wrote the song Pancho and Lefty, perhaps loosely framed around Pancho Villa. Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard, two of the old guard members of Outlaw Country Music, made the song a number one country hit when they recorded it for their album Pancho and Lefty in 1983. In La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, just north of Puerto Vallarta, you will find an establishment called Philo’s. Now Philo’s is certainly a great spot for barbecue ribs, pizza and live music. And yes, Philo, while known to ‘set the standard’ for live music in these parts, also does a pretty darn good performance of Pancho and Lefty. I’d like to say a quick hello to one of my favourite waiters there, Abraham, and if his occupation is to be considered dangerous then it may be only due to having to deal with people like me as customers. Philo’s, by the way, does a heck of a lot more than what I’ve mentioned so far. He is very involved with helping out the underprivileged locals and the overall community. In 1973 Sam Peckinpah directed the movie Pat Garret and Billie the Kid. It starred another member of Outlaw Country Music, thirty-six year old Kris Kristofferson, as a twenty-one year old Billy. Bob Dylan wrote the music score for the film and played the small role of “Alias”. One of the songs, “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”, is still regarded as 14
one of rock music’s enduring anthems and is sometimes heard around these parts as well. But for now, why don’t we take a look at another definition of this word ‘Occupation’. And we’ll just jump back a few years, even before old Pancho’s time. In 1846 the American government decided that their U.S. Army, with its current roster of West Point graduates, should go out and get their feet wet and exercise what they call the ‘trade of war’. So the powers that be sat around discussing just how they might go about this. They asked the President and he said, in a rather non-joking tone, that maybe they should go and take half of Mexico, you know, as practise. They had already tried to buy some of this land from the Mexicans but they didn’t really want to sell it. So they put some ‘spin’ to it and called it Manifest Destiny and convinced the rest of the nation that God willed it to control the entire North American land mass. The Americans sent their army to wrestle as much land from the northern regions of Mexico as they could. This was the first extended conflict, by the U.S. Army, in a foreign land. Over the years, and with many more recitals, they’ve become perhaps rather adept. Throughout Mexico there is likely as much diversity in occupations as in any other newly industrialized country. But, in and around Puerto Vallarta, this is not the case because the area revolves primarily around tourism. And what we want, as tourists, is a place that meets much of our requirements for ‘fun in the sun’ as well as being affordable. Unfortunately, the realities are that the average worker, in order to help sustain affordability for us, doesn’t earn very much. You might be thankful that you are the tourist and, if so, don’t be shy in tipping (Our experience is that the service around Banderas Bay is anywhere from decent to marvellous). The tendency, locally, is that a fifteen percent tip might be on the low side whereas being a little generous can be a win-win situation. You will also likely encounter poorer folks who don’t really even have a job but who try to sell something in order to get by. Others will simply ask for a handout. A number of good people I know who are here for extended stays genially consider helping out the poor as a ‘Mexican Tax’. I suppose that they might be thinking something along the lines of “There, but for the grace of God, go I”. One thing about the Mexican society is that they are primarily non-confrontational in nature. Unlike a few folks from up north, if you ask a Mexican what their current occupation is, he isn’t likely to answer, “Afghanistan”. Salud! March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
Vallarta Sea Turtles
Sea turtles are beautiful creatures which often grace scuba divers with their presence, and it’s a lovely experience- swimming alongside these endangered animals. You don´t need to scuba dive to see these creatures up close and personal, but it is really cool to swim with them. If you take a trip out on a boat, you will be unlucky if you don´t see one surface for air. Take a walk along the beaches at night between June and December and you could be lucky enough to see one of these creatures laying it´s eggs. As turtles are endangered creatures, great lengths have been gone to here to protect their eggs, in order to keep the turtles coming to the bay. This is because sea turtles have an inbuilt satellite navigation system on-board and they will always come back to the shore they began their life on to lay their eggs. The male turtle never returns to the shore once he leaves it. Maybe they don´t have a satellite navigation, and obviously they never ask directions! So, the poor female has to drag her heavy body up the beach in the evening
to lay the eggs all on her own! She has poor eyesight out of the water, so this job is not an easy one. Once she has struggled far enough up the beach, she digs a one and a half foot hole with her back flippers and lays her eggs in there. She will lay on average, 100 eggs. She will then fill the hole back in and pat the surface down, usually covering a larger area so as to disguise where the
eggs are. I have seen this many times, and it is a wonderful sight, but I defy anyone not to join in when the female has tears running down her face. Maybe they cry because they know
the outcome of most of her little ones. Statistics state that only 1% of all hatchlings will survive to adulthood. This is an alarming fact when we know turtles have outlived dinosaurs and have been on our planet for 100 million years! There are many reasons why the sea turtles are vulnerable or endangered, and humans are responsible for them all. Oil spills, marine pollution, fishing and poaching being the main areas to be addressed. The turtle sanctuaries around our shores increase this number tremendously as they protect the eggs from being dug up and eaten by humans and animals. They also release the hatchlings in daylight. Due to much of our coastline being built upon, if the hatchlings were to hatch at night, they would head towards the bright lights of town and not the ocean, so they are doing a great job. We have many turtles in our bay and on our shores, which is heart-warming. The main turtles we can see is the Olive Ridley turtle, but we also see the Green turtle, the Hawksbill and occasionally, the enormous Leatherbacks. So, if you want to be involved in the local turtle projects, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer. Go online and take your pick and help save these great old creatures.
Mexico remains ideal for retirees
“That’s not to say there’s no petty crime or that nothing bad ever happens” It’s official: Mexico is one of the best places on earth to retire. In the States today, most Americans who are on the verge of retiring are much more likely to talk about their fears than their dreams. The cost of everything from healthcare to food is rising, while incomes, pensions and nest eggs are shrinking… or at least not growing nearly as much as expected — leaving baby boomers
with fewer and fewer options for retirement at home. After extensive research, financial news website “The Daily Reckoning” ranked Mexico as the world’s third best destination in its annual retirement index. The list of the top 19 retirement destinations was compiled over several months, based on a modest budget of less than 2,000 dollars a month. Each country was evaluated in eight categories: real estate, special retirement benefits, cost of living, ease of integration, entertainment and amenities, health care, retirement infrastructure and climate. Latin America featured prominently on the list, with 12 of the top 19 destinations. Ecuador came first with a score of 91.1 out of 100, while Panama was second with 90.4. Thanks to its pleasant year-round climate and the low costs of health care and real estate, Mexico scored 89.6, proving that it remains a highly desirable place to live, despite recent U.S. travel warnings. The Best Retirement Infrastructure These days, you can have a US
The beauty of love
Spas have sprung up all over the world as people realize the value of caring for your health and body. Puerto Vallarta is home to some world-class spas that will let your tension just melt away. Some spas even have couple´s chambers in order for you to share that memorable experience with the one you love. Whether getting married or renewing your vows, your big day is the perfect excuse to spend a few hours at one of the many local spas. Puerto Vallarta has beachfront spas and beauty salons where you can take in a beautiful sunset while getting a back massage or pedicure as you prepare for your special day. If your romantic getaway is spent hilltop, worry not: most luxury villas
in Vallarta offer in-home treatments in the privacy of your luxury vacation home.
phone number ring in your home overseas for less than $20 a year. Through online services like Skype, you can video chat with friends and family back home every day if you want to — for free. The world is more connected than ever, and that makes exploring it so much easier than it ever has been. Good Internet coverage is a necessity most expats today are reluctant to do without. In all our havens, rest assured: You can get online. Malaysia, Italy and France have higher levels of Internet penetration than other countries — but there’s access in all of them. Quality roads and good cell phone coverage matter, too. Now, you may not want to drive, and in that case, you’ll want access to a good public transport system. In Paris, expat Jim Leavy says he’s delighted by the great public transportation…in Cotacachi, Ecuador, IL editors Dan Prescher and Suzan Haskins get by with taxis and buses. When the mood strikes, Patricia and Ron Farmer can explore the sandy beaches of the Ecuadorian coast by taxi — $35 for the whole day. And
what about direct, cheap flights home to the US to visit family? You don’t even have to fly to get to Mexico; you can drive. It takes less time to fly from Houston to Quito or to Panama City than it does to fly from New York to Los Angeles. How to Know you´re Safe Overseas The expats living in each of our top havens report they feel safe. In fact, often they say they feel safer than they did back in the States. That’s not to say there’s no petty crime or that nothing bad ever happens. But just as you wouldn’t dismiss the idea of owning a condo on Chicago’s upscale Magnificent Mile because of the crime stats on that city’s south side…you shouldn’t reject a town we recommend in a country where you can retire well for less…because you remember hearing something about that nation being “dangerous.” Old stereotypes die hard. You’re best served by seeing a place for yourself. Talk to expats on the ground. See how comfortable you feel there. We predict: You’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Marriage: the ultimate adventure sport There is no better way to bond than having fun together. Whether you are into bird watching or scuba diving, outdoor adventures are always romantic. What a better way to have an unforgettable experience with your loved one in the midst of nature’s playground? Puerto Vallarta is home to one of the longest list of outdoor activities imaginable in a single place. One can horseback ride on the beach, drive a four wheeler up a river, go hang gliding, or whale watching. Zip lining (canopy) is one of the most popular adventures, swim with dolphins, waterskiing, mountain
biking and kite surfing are all popular sports. When people return from their trip to Puerto Vallarta, the exhilaration of an outdoor experience is an unforgettable experience they can’t help but sharing. What will be your story?
Whether you need a simple foot massage and pedicure or you’re in the mood for something a little more indulgent, like a chocolate wrap or deep tissue massage, all you need to do is ask. Some pampering treatments can be ordered up to your hotel room or private villa or found just around the corner. Mexico’s health and wellness industry is growing at a rapid pace. With anti-aging and selective procedures available to anyone, Puerto Vallarta is quickly becoming a favorite spot for just the right touch to rejuvenate you. March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
Eugenia León to perform at Tianguis Turístico México 2012
The opening ceremony taking place on March 25 at 7:00 pm at Marina Riviera Nayarit in La Cruz de Huanaxactle will include a show called “The Ceremony of Color”, featuring Mexican singer Eugenia León. The celebration has been planned to allow professionals of the touristic industry to enjoy the full experience of vacationing in Mexico: from a boat ride at sunset, to experiencing a menu featuring traditional dishes designed by the Ambassador of the Mexican Cuisine, Patricia Quintana.
The artist will interpret Mexican songs as part of “The Ceremony of Color” show, which will be part of the welcome cocktail The evening of the welcome cocktail of the Tianguis Turístico México 2012 will be magical.
Culture plays a significant role in the vacation experience, so the program will include a show titled “The Ceremony of Color”, where talented artists will perform, dance and play music inspired by the colors and the spirituality of the Huichol people. This exciting evening will include mariachi, folkloric dancers, fireworks
and the stellar presentation of Eugenia León singing Mexican songs. Eugenia León, with a professional career spanning for nearly a quarter of a century and a discography that includes 25 albums, is renowned for her vocal quality, her innate creativity and her interpretative force, which has allowed her to integrate a particularly wide repertoire that includes ranchera and norteña music, bolero, ballads, tango, and danzón. Many believe that Eugenia León is one of the most important voices in Mexico. Organizers recommend attendees of the Tianguis Turístico 2012 to make reservations and to make their transportation arrangements with the different representatives located at the lobby of their hotel, or to call Margarita Romano at (322) 225-2400, ext. 115 Attendees are also encouraged to inquire about the numerous pick-up points for the dedicated transportation to the event.
Festival Ecológico Vallarta Verde 2012 This year`s edition, will be held at a new location, the soccer field El Penalty, across the street from Las Moras. 1:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Easier access and parking. Great lineup as every year, more and more great artist join us for this worthy cause. The list of participant social and ecological groups is growing as well!!!. Vendors, workshops for kids, clowns, music magic, poetry and more... 1:00 FONKEY MUNKEY 3:00 DON & RHONDA 4:00 HYDROGENO 5:00 BANDA ZAGAL 6:00 THE BREEZE 7:00 AZUL 8:00 FROYLAN Y QUERREQUE 9:00 TEXAS EMBASSY BLUES
Wine Fest Vallarta Nayarit 2012 Events
WINES OF NORTHERN ITALY Great tasting-expo event! Come and try wine, breads, cheese and charcuterie. Will be conducted by professionals in hotel and restaurant industry. March 24, 2012 Pre-registration (essential) 1:00 pm Pairing Demonstration (Alfonso Cadena and Agustin Rodriguez) – 2:45 pm Tasting for couples – 2:45 pm Convention Hall of Hotel Velas Vallarta NOTE: Festival continues at participating restaurants with tastings and food pairing menu at about 6:00 pm VERBENA’S WINE FEST A tradition in Puerto Vallarta is the Great People’s Verbena Wine Fest where there will be rides, shows, dancing, wine sales at reduced prices and selling snacks prepared by participating restaurants. Sunday March 25, 2012 6:00 pm Parque Lazaro Cardenas 16
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
NOTE: Festival continues at participating restaurants with tastings and food pairing menu at about 6:00 pm KEYNOTE “THE WINES OF ITALY” The keynote address “The wines of Italy” will be held at the Convention Hall of Hotel Friendly Date: Monday March 26, 2012 Time: 11:00 am Venue: Convention Hall of Hotel Friendly NOTE: Festival Continues at Participating restaurants with tastings and food pairing menu at about 6:00 pm
Tianguis Turistico Events 2012
Tianguis Turistico 2012 is about to start and has in store many cultural, recreational and dining events that are taking place within the framework of this important event, giving a sample of the diversity of options available in Puerto Vallarta. Puerto Vallarta Showcases the Malecon in its Splendor – Cocktails and Fireworks The newly renovated Malecon has become the main meeting point for tourists and locals, offering an interesting mixture of modern architecture and the experience of Mexican traditions with a wonderful natural setting. This will no doubt be
the perfect setting for the spectacular fireworks display that the city of Puerto Vallarta will be offering for the Mexico Tourism Tianguis 2012. And if this were not enough, the event will be graced with a concert by the renowned Mariachi Vargas on Monday March 26 from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm Mexico Tourism Tianguis Golf Tournament with Lorena Ochoa On March 23, prior to the completion of the Mexico Tourism Tianguis 2012, the Vista Vallarta Golf Club will host a Golf Tournament with Lorena Ochoa. During this tournament various business partners and buyers will have the opportunity to play with one of the best golfers in the world, who is also a proud ambassador of Tourism in Jalisco. The tournament will be limited to 80 participants, Vista Vallarta Golf Club offers 478 hectares comprised of 2 professional 18-hole courses, both listed in the top 10 in Mexico by Best’s Golf Guide for the Mexican Riviera. This will be an unforgettable experience to play alongside
Puerto Vallarta targets selective markets for Tianguis training, cover costs for teaching assistants, and fund extracurricular classes such as dance and art. From March to May of 2012, Puerto Vallarta will participate in the silent auction PCMA Education Foundation (Professional Convention Management Association) offering six packages with different experiences in the State of Jalisco to the members of that association, including not only suppliers but a select group of international event planners, for the opportunity to fully experience Guadalajara, Tequila and Puerto Vallarta.
The Tourism Board of Puerto Vallarta in conjunction with local suppliers is strengthening their alliances with key partners to carry out promotional activities with selected highly specialized audiences. On March 17th an auction was held to raise funds and support a program called School-within-School (SWS) where Puerto Vallarta donated for the second time a get-away to experience the most authentic beach destination in Mexico. The auction is able to reach potential customers with strong purchasing power. The Association seeks to raise revenue to purchase school equipment, provide teacher
In April Puerto Vallarta’s most prestigious golf tournament, the FOG at the Bel Air Country Club, will be held and include a dinner and auction for the 400 invited golfers invited by international player, Ernie Els.
exceptional Jalisco athletes: Lorena Ochoa, Sophia Sheridan and Regina Plasencia. Restaurant Week Tianguis Edition Puerto Vallarta is considered the second national gastronomic mecca, just after Mexico City, and among beach cities, it is the gastronomic capital because of the extraordinary variety of restaurants. During the celebration of the Mexico Tourism Tianguis 2012 there will be a special edition of Restaurant Week from March 22-29, 2012, with the participation of 28 of the best restaurants from the Eighth Annual Restaurant Week, to be held from May 15-31, 2012 , with 40 of the best restaurants in Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit offering spectacular three-course menus with discounts of up to 50%. Wine Fest 2012 Considering that wine culture each day takes more importance in the culinary world and the wonderful hotels and restaurants in Puerto Vallarta, the decision was made to hold
the 6th edition of the Wine Fest as part of the Mexico Tourism Tianguis 2012, in order to share the cultural experience with Tianguis participants. The official opening of the Wine Fest 2012 will take place on Thursday, March 22, 2012 in the courtyard Puerto Vallarta City Hall. There will be a wine of honor for attendees, a brief presentation of the municipal theater group and an award ceremony for winners of a poetry contest. The Festival continues in 21 participating restaurants with tastings and food pairing menus at 6:00 pm from March 22-27. Participation of Puerto Vallarta Businesses Participation of Puerto Vallarta shows a common front with a clear objective: the promotion of the destination and showing strong unity among the various providers of tourism services. Puerto Vallarta will have a delegation of 72 representatives from various companies providing services such as hotels, DMC’s, Tour Operators, among others. The Jalisco delegation comprises 138 representatives.
Canadian tourists not troubled by Mexican ‘insecurity’
Despite reports of violence against tourists and relentless negative media coverage, Canadians tourists are flocking to Mexico in greater numbers than ever before. Just over 1.6 million Canadians traveled to Mexico in 2011, up seven percent from the previous year. Insecurity is “not a problem” for the Canadian tourist, said David McCaig, president of the Association of Canadian Travel Agents, after a meeting with Mexican Tourism Secretary Gloria Guevara in Vancouver this week. In an unusual move, Guevara was accompanied on the trip by Sinaloa Attorney General Marco Antonio Higuera, who told Canadian reporters that he was confident that the correct suspect had been arrested in connection
with the brutal beating of a female tourist from Calgary at a hotel in Mazatlan last month. Jose Ramon Acosta Quintero claimed police forced him into signing a confession, prompting many Canadian newspapers to doubt the integrity of the investigation. The main focus of Guevara’s visit was to meet with representatives of Calgarybased WestJet, Canada’s largest lowcost airline. The company has steadily increased its presence in Mexico in recent years and expects to open five new routes in 2012, including a direct flight from Calgary to Mexico City. WestJet currently flies to Mazatlan, Cabo San Lucas, Cancun, Cozumel, IxtapaZihuatanejo and Puerto Vallarta, and has increased its weekly flights from 84 to 95 during the 2011-2012 winter season.
On auction will be 2 first class, round trip tickets to Puerto Vallarta with Aeromexico for a luxury golf vacation. These actions allow Puerto Vallarta to reach an important audience of potential customers including groups and conventions and affluent golf travelers. PCMA and Aeromexico are joint participants and partners with Puerto Vallarta in this undertaking. March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
Jalisco Canta - Choral Festival 2012 Sine Nomine from Cuba, Ars Vocal from Venezuela, Camerata Coral from Puerto Rico and Banda Vocal Bocapelo from Ecuador.
Fans of choral music are in for a treat in April. Choirs from seven countries will be taking part in an expanded third Festival Internacional de Coros Jalisco Canta (International Choral Festival) from April 21 to 28. Last year’s festival attracted choirs from Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela. Adding to these three nations this year will be choirs from the United States, Ecuador, Puerto Rico and Colombia. One of the star turns looks to be Mexico’s Voz en Punto, an internationally recognized a cappella choir that has won many awards and performed with major orchestras, as well as the likes of the Kings Singers and Bobby McFerrin. Voz en Punto have been named the “padrinos” (godfathers) of the festival. From abroad audiences can see the Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers from the United States, Camerata Vocale
1st Puerto Vallarta Salsa and Mambo Festival hands to the rhythm of music was met with huge applause.
The Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers are a traveling company of 12 to 15 that have garnered international acclaim and focused worldwide attention on the vast body of “African-American” folk music. Local groups showcased will be the Jose Cuervo Foundation Choir, Guadalajara’s ACapella Ensamble and the Puerto Vallarta Municipal Choir. As well as performances in both metro-area Guadalajara and in other Jalisco municipalities (Chapala may be a host again), there will be a choral competition, round-table discussions and master classes. Although the full program is still being worked out, it has been confirmed that the opening concert will take place at the Degollado Theater on Saturday, April 21 and the closing gala, featuring many of the invited choirs, held at the Teatro Diana on Saturday, April 28. Tickets for the closing concert are already on sale.
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
The stage was set for the grand opening of the first Salsa & Mambo Festival in Puerto Vallarta. It was a wonderful event enjoyed by the public, full of celebration, flavor, dance, enthusiasm and great moments at the Arches on the Malecón.
Closing the event were partners from Monterrey, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Guadalajara, Chiapas and Puerto Vallarta, who offered a lively, funny, romantic and grandiose dance show. It was impressive to witness the strength and speed of each of their movements, bright colors of their costumes and their passion, accompanied by great music.
The event began with the band “Sabor a Cuba”, and the audience did not miss the chance to dance with their partners and sing along. The talent of the musicians and in the 6 choreographed pieces which involved children and young people was evident and well-received by the audience.
The 1st Salsa & Mambo Festival was organized and attended by Sandunga Entertainment, N’Movimiento (Dynamic Dance & Fitness Studio) and dancers Rodrigo Cortazar and Selene Tovar, with the support of sponsors, organizers and the City of Puerto Vallarta, and aims to be an annual event as part of the momentum for cultural events and tourism in Vallarta.
After a brief musical interlude, there was a Cuban salsa performed by Alexis, originally from Cuba, and his movement of shoulders, waist and
With three days of intense activity, such as workshops and expert performances, the city enjoyed three amazing days of dance.
The Natural Beauty of OUR Mountain
Amphibians and Reptiles
50% of these species are endemic to MĂŠxico. We propose the area to be designated a
Natural Preserve Because for Vallarta,
Without the Mountain...
There is no future
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781
March 26 - April 1st, 2012 | Issue 781