SecondMuse 2017 Impact Report

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2017 Impact Report







2017 Impact Report @SecondMuse


United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

2017 Impact Report @SecondMuse


Dear friends of SecondMuse, As the year comes to an end, I continue to reflect on our collective role as individuals and institutions to make the world a better place for all. For SecondMuse, 2017 has been a year of learning, experimentation and collaboration, and most importantly a deep focus on what it means to build community. At the local level and in the global context, we have been reminded of the importance of unlikely partners coming together in support of emerging entrepreneurs, and one another, as we address the critical challenges of our time. Our work has demonstrated that, through a network-centered approach, we are changing the world - our world - for good. Thank you for being a part of this. Supporting 121 solutions advancing in the market, we have addressed 13 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Communities from New York City to Dar es Salaam and Suva to Copenhagen are becoming more resilient as networks engage to transform our food system, support women innovators and make our economies more inclusive and circular. Looking forward to 2018, we welcome the creativity and support you bring to our communities and innovative leaders and are honored to be co-creating a prosperous future with you. Kind Regards, Carrie Freeman, Managing Partner

2017 Impact Report


2017 Impact Report January


The Way We Work

At the start of 2017, SecondMuse published “The Way We Work” in the Huffington Post, taking a firm stand by our values of honesty and integrity, service, excellence, posture of learning, and justice. “We believe in the oneness of humanity. As such, we actively promote the equality of all people and work towards the elimination of all forms of prejudice. We believe that all humans should have a life of dignity, beauty and abundance.”

2017 Impact Report February


Embracing innovation in the big data field In February, SecondMuse organized a workshop and panel with the World Bank focused on the role of big data in improving public services at the World Government Summit, in addition to participating in the World Bank Central Asia System Convenings. In 2016, amid increasingly urgent concerns about climate resilience, the World Bank enlisted SecondMuse’s help to harness the power of big data, launching the Big Data Innovation Challenge. The challenge was a global call for data solutions to address the impacts of climate change on the sectors of Food Security and Forests and Watersheds. In 2017, this process yielded over 180 submissions of solutions, with two finalists each being awarded $10K USD and whose ideas will be supported through World Bank Group's operations.

189 submissions from

45 countries

Water Cloud, winner in the Forests and Watersheds category

Stanford Sustain, winner in the Food Security category

“The collaborative design of the program is such that it works to strengthen and sustain peer to peer learning and knowledge sharing across the Bank and with partners." Adarsh Desai, Former Big Data Program Manager, World Bank

2017 Impact Report


Neisan Massarrat, Director of Strategic Programs

"There are data-driven initiatives like NASA's International Space Apps Challenge, which engages over 20,000 participants, from technologists to designers and public servants, encouraging them to develop solutions to issues through technology. There are also a lot of data and innovation challenges being developed. Organizations like the World Bank use innovation challenges to access the creativity of different groups globally and to identify key technology solutions to development issues. There are many ways to engage and allow for innovation to happen if you have the will."

2017 Impact Report March


Feeding a future of global nutrition In March, SecondMuse and our network convened in San Francisco, CA for the LAUNCH Food Forum, welcoming the latest innovators to LAUNCH. LAUNCH Food invites and empowers innovators to co-create the future of the global food system through innovations that can positively impact access to and choices for better nutrition. With funds from the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, innovators have been able to increase their impact, with FoodSwitch planning to expand to two Indo-Pacific countries, and HarvestPlus planning to roll out biofortified crops in up to six priority countries.

3,735 hours

$4.9M in

of volunteer time in support of innovators

funding secured during LAUNCH Food period

Network from “LAUNCH has helped in moving this forward. Winning LAUNCH, and this being led by USAID and DFAT, was one of the arguments I gave in my presentation to the Board when I went through the risk assessment as it was one of the examples of acceptance and recognition of the concept and its importance.” Joanna Kane-Potaka, Smart Food

77 different countries

2017 Impact Report


2017 Impact Report April


Focusing on Earth through the world’s largest hackathon In April, we hosted NASA’s Space Apps Challenge as part of the Global Organizing Team. The Space Apps Challenge is a global hackathon aimed at activating the creativity and technical skill of anyone wanting to make an impact by creating and accelerating prototypes. In 2017, 25,140 participants in 71 countries collaborated to develop solutions to challenges around the theme: “Earth.”



estimated volunteer hours

solutions prototyped

"Creating solutions to worldwide problems is not just an interesting premise, it's also a fantastic way to encourage our local community to look outside its territory and facilitate world improvement with a small effort when looking at the global results of Space Apps. Even if no real improvements are achieved, the learning path one experiences in a hackathon such as this one is valuable on its own.” Tanausú Hernández Yanes, Space Apps La Laguna Lead

187 event locations worldwide

Huffington Post: The World’s Largest Hackathon

2017 Impact Report May


Revitalizing cities through local manufacturing In May, we hosted the first Futureworks Incubator Workshop, centered on mastering the manufacturing process from design to fulfillment. Futureworks NYC is a key component of New York City’s Industrial Action Plan to help emerging and existing manufacturers adopt advanced technologies and increase local production. The program co-creates the future of the city, serving as a catalyst for a thriving and resilient collaborative economy while empowering and supporting entrepreneurs and the broader advanced manufacturing community in New York City. Futureworks Incubator champions and supports 84 startups and entrepreneurs in the hardware and advanced manufacturing sector.



businesses being supported

funding raised

Huffington Post: Futureworks: NYC’s CommunitySourced Incubator

$1.25M funding invested back into NYC-based companies

51 jobs created

Huffington Post: Meet Urban Manufacturers Leading the “Made in New York” Charge

2017 Impact Report


“The bigger the community, the stronger it is. Rather than becoming unwieldy, scale leads to more power and efficiency because we are able to tap into valuable resources more quickly and also spread the word about opportunities more quickly.” Greg Spielberg, Director of Cities Strategy

“NYC used to be a city where there was no place to go to work, to connect, to understand. Today, it is a city that people come to to build their hardware companies, the city has changed its posture from one of knowing to one that learns, and the companies continue to engage each other, our program and the team year after year. If you treat people with care and are conscious about their time, they will step up, dig in and do more.” Katey Metzroth, Cities Director

2017 Impact Report


“‘Hardware is hard’ was the annoying refrain that we're not hearing as much anymore. This isn't because the daunting and complex challenges of hardware have suddenly disappeared, but rather because of all of the support that's easily accessible in NYC through Futureworks and beyond. Founders know they aren't the first people to face a challenge, and more importantly, regardless of the stage they're at or their experience level, they know they aren't alone.” Blake Garcia, Senior Associate

“Through our needfinding work around hardware entrepreneurs in Philadelphia, I learned that connectivity is perhaps the most important driver of innovation and economic impact within an ecosystem. The hardware innovation ecosystem in Philadelphia has incredible resources that are underutilized because they are inaccessible to the community. As echoed in our interviews, investing the time and energy to connect people and resources will be more impactful and less costly than continuing to develop new resources and networks that few people can access.” Phil Waller, Community Strategist

2017 Impact Report June


Creating a sustainable future for aquaculture and our oceans In June, we hosted the closing event for the Blue Economy Challenge Aquacelerator. In 2017, the Aquacelerator worked in the Indian Ocean region by leveraging network-centered innovation to promote sustainable aquaculture and meet the growing demand for protein while ending hunger, improving economic outcomes and sustaining our oceans for future generations. This required generating strategic clarity and understanding at a systemic level before sourcing and supporting innovations. Led by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) InnovationXchange, in partnership with SecondMuse, Aquacelerator advanced the global adoption and scale of the ten most inspiring ideas surfaced during the Blue Economy Challenge.

$30M USD

Video Playlist: World Oceans Day 2017

raised by innovators

360º Film: Making Waves

Huffington Post: World Oceans Day 2017

“I was very fortunate to meet with Michelle from Bridging International Communities and we spent the day discussing her innovation and how that could potentially be integrated into the work of Sea Sense and seeing if there is some opportunity to work with coastal communities who, at the moment, are suffering from quite serious resource depletion. Fisheries productivity is low at the moment and so there are some issues with food security in the coastal zone of Tanzania. There’s a lot of interest in finding alternative sources of income that don’t involve focusing completely on capture fisheries.” Lindsey West, Sea Sense

2017 Impact Report


David Ball, Program Manager

“In Tanzania, through our extended network, SecondMuse is seemingly one touchpoint away from everyone in the country that is involved in aquaculture. Individually, our aquaculture innovators working in or looking to move to the region benefit from this network. But, the sector as a whole is where I think you see the most impact. This cluster of innovators injects new ideas into the sector and attracts the attention needed to bring investment dollars, change policy and attract talent. This has been a fantastic example of collaboration helping everyone rise together.�

2017 Impact Report July


Uncovering leading innovators in the Asia-Pacific In July, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop announced Frontier Innovators. An initiative of the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s innovationXchange, designed and delivered by SecondMuse, Frontier Innovators is a search for innovative businesses in the Asia-Pacific that are delivering impact through their work in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Huffington Post: On the Road in the Asia-Pacific to Seek out Innovative Businesses

732 applicants

Top 3 Countries of Origin:

52 countries in the application pool

Bangladesh, Indonesia, Cambodia

Up to

15 selected innovators in early 2018

2017 Impact Report


Rachael Imam, Associate

“Even though it is only in its early stages, you can already see the transfer of knowledge happening within the Frontier Innovators Advisory Group -- 40+ people from three regions across the Asia-Pacific who are all working in similar sectors, experiencing similar challenges but addressing them in different ways. It looks as though they will be a real asset for one another, as well as the innovators they are supporting, which is fantastic.�

2017 Impact Report


Matt Scott, Manager of Storytelling and Engagement

“In 2017, I learned that, just as it's important to be intentional about the people invited into a conversation, it's also important to be intentional about creating a dynamic that leads to positive results. NASA Datanauts is just one stellar example of that in the work we did this past year. Once those bonds are established, and people discover a shared determination to change the world for the better, together, any impact, learning and growth is possible.�

2017 Impact Report August


Kicking off an international voyage of data discovery In August, NASA hosted the Fall 2017 class kickoff of NASA Datanauts. NASA Datanauts is an international community of people interested in learning how to develop data science skills through access to and use of NASA's open data. Borne out of NASA’s Women in Data initiative, the Datanaut program welcomes applicants interested in technology, data science, earth and space.

Video: Founding Datanaut Leslie Birch reflects on her experience

150+ participants in the Datanauts initiative to-date

12 beginners, 31 intermediate, and 7 advanced 2017 Fall Class Datanauts

Video: Jordi Frank at the Fall 2017 Kickoff

10 essays by Datanauts published in Datanauts magazine

2017 Impact Report September


Convening everyday citizens to solve everyday challenges September marked the 5th annual National Day of Civic Hacking. National Day of Civic Hacking is an annual event that brings together citizens, software developers and entrepreneurs to collaboratively create, build and invent new solutions using publicly-released data, code and technology to improve our communities and the governments that serve them. National Day of Civic Hacking was founded in 2012 and is a collaboration between Code for America and SecondMuse.

5.6M reached on social media

Video: Interview with Kristen Honey (Tech Champion of the Year) “On this National Day of Civic Hacking, we are proud to be using data and technology to solve problems and improve the quality of life for District residents in all eight wards. I look forward to applying all of the hard work from the hackathon to the work we do every day for District residents.� Muriel Bowser, DC Mayor

Huffington Post: Listen Up America

2017 Impact Report


Natalia Arjomand, Director of Social Impact and Learning

“The collaborative spirit of network-centered innovation creates an atmosphere where everyone is poised to thrive. Instead of competing for resources, new ones are generated increasing the value created for not only our innovators but also the surrounding ecosystem.�

2017 Impact Report


Davar Ardalan, Director of Storytelling and Engagement

“Consumer engagement and demand creation for social good is critical as part of a broader toolkit to improve the lives of women and children. This will allow us to build usable data sets for the science and practice of consumer engagement.�

2017 Impact Report October


Connecting communities with emerging tech for social impact In October 2017, we continued our work in the Pacific for LAUNCH Legends. Legends innovators are using cutting-edge storytelling technologies, like virtual reality, 360Ëš video and gamification, to draw attention to malnutrition issues in the South Pacific and help restore pride in traditional diets. Legends management and implementation in 2017 has been lead by SecondMuse together with DFAT iXc. This has included establishing an editorial partnership with the Institute for the Future, supporting Legends producers with learning design workshops with schools in Fiji and Tonga and early community engagement in Tonga with radio stations, media, national athletes, members of the Royal Family, artists, fitness specialists, health professionals, farmers and Digicel.

Huffington Post: Interactive Storytelling Key to Empathy and Impact

5 learning journeys to Tonga and Fiji

Video: Legends innovator Tash Tan

2017 Impact Report


2017 Impact Report November


Circling up and closing the loop This November, Kvadrat hosted the 2017 LAUNCH Circular Forum in Denmark. Building on the LAUNCH Circular Innovation Summit hosted at Nike World Headquarters in Spring 2017, the LAUNCH Innovation Challenge on Design & Manufacturing for a Circular Economy was a global call for innovations that will disrupt the way we design and make products. Innovator submissions were invited from academics, companies, entrepreneurs, inventors, non profit organizations, research institutions, national laboratories, government agencies, social enterprises and funders. Of the 112 submissions from 39 countries, 8 innovators were selected.

Video: LAUNCH Circular Innovation Summit

“We want to have a positive impact on people and the planet, and that includes playing an active role in moving toward a circular economy. We are thrilled to see so many leading companies and pioneering innovators gather at the LAUNCH Summit to collaborate for a better future.� Hakan Nordkvist, Head of Sustainability Innovation at IKEA Group

Video: The LAUNCH Circular ecosystem connects on Facebook Live

2017 Impact Report


Sharing our philosophies in all corners of the globe

Throughout 2017, participating in B Corp’s 1st annual Inclusive Economy Challenge, SecondMuse made a public pledge to be more inclusive in our projects and in our company. This was one way of putting our words into action. In addition, we increased efforts to target underrepresented populations in job post outreach and to support employees in pursuing external professional development. “The Inclusive Economy Challenge provides businesses with a focused, relevant and timely call to action, targeted resources and a structure for peer learning and accountability to help participating companies tackle complex and sensitive issues.” - B Lab


175 B Corps in the Inclusive Economy Challenge

First company-wide implicit bias training

50% women in leadership

In addition, we shared our work worldwide, whether interviewing at KUNM Radio in New Mexico, speaking at the EAT Forum in Jakarta, presenting before the United Nations Leaders Programme in New York City, leading conversations on race, equity and youth engagement at the 10th Annual Boston GreenFest or sharing our culture at DazzleCon in Portland.

2017 Impact Report


2017 Impact Report


Reflections from the year with SecondMuse Elizabeth Bagley, California Academy of Sciences: “Being a LAUNCH council member helped me gain a deeper appreciation for the importance of bringing diverse stakeholders together to address the world’s most pressing problems... I left the event with fabulous contacts in the food innovation space, a stronger sense for how to create transformative change within a complex system and a renewed sense of pride in our collective ingenuity and world-changing abilities.”

Antonio Lamb, MicroSynbiotiX: “The Blue Economy Challenge was really the beginning, allowing us to get over that critical mass which allowed us to then get the resources we required to make this project work.”

Loretta Cheeks, Ph.D., NASA Datanaut: “My experience has been amazing. This program has afforded me a wonderful and rich network of women who enjoy long-lasting learning and exploring ways that they work with community to advance data exploration. Access to the NASA datasets is such a value add. I really enjoy experiencing the diversity in the watercooler chat offerings. Excellent program.”

Flower Msuya, Ph.D., SeaPower: “At SeaPower we are committed to working with communities of women across East Africa, but we can’t succeed by ourselves. We need to work with others across Tanzania and the Indian Ocean region to enrich our food systems, create new economic opportunities, and protect our oceans’ health.”

2017 Impact Report


Chef Robert Oliver, Pacific Islands Food Revolution: “I’ve been battling away on this project for three years […] and now I’m in a process where a lot of that is curated with me. For me personally, once I was in the LAUNCH community, I felt that this was real.”

May Al-Karooni, Globechain: “The [LAUNCH Circular] Summit has been amazing so far. I've met people from many different industries and sectors, and what I like about it is that these people are actually committed to doing something which I think is the next step in the process.”

Chris Librie, eBay: “We make it as easy as possible for consumers to sell and participate in the power of the circular economy. By helping to extend the useful life of products, we’re giving those items the chance to have many lives and serve many people. We are excited to join this extraordinary network that nurtures innovation and drives towards systems change.”

Kevin Yoo, WearWorks: “I truly hope and believe that ‘Made in NY’ will definitely become a thing among hardware and software entrepreneurs. There is so much going on here, in terms of development, R&D, connections, investments, etc. It makes sense to grow the community here, to have the full ecosystem of making a product that is designed and produced in NY become the norm. We are building a company which one day can be at the forefront of ‘Designed and Made in NY.’”

2017 Impact Report October


58 Million People Reached in the Digital Space

At SecondMuse, our growing global reach provides a tremendous opportunity to expand, engage and fortify networks of change makers. In 2017 alone, on Twitter and Instagram, we reached 58 million people. Above is a map of the top countries reached with #Aquacelerator, #HackForChange, #LAUNCHCircular, #LAUNCHFood, #NASADatanauts and #SpaceApps real-time storytelling. In addition, through our storytelling on Facebook, we received more than 140 thousand video views on content telling the stories of our community.

2017 Impact Report


2017 Impact Report @SecondMuse


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