Calendar of Ministry Events To All Officers – We need your calendar of events for 2017 ASAP
January Today
Monday Thursday
16 19
Tuesday Thursday
24 26
Martin Luther King, Jr. Presentation during 10:45 a.m. Worship Service Martin Luther King, Jr. Day New Members Meeting in the Sanctuary at 7p.m. Board of Trustees meeting 7:30 p.m. SBC to Host Providence Women’s Fellowship 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Fannie Goodwin Bldg. Joint Board Meeting 7 p.m. conference room A Annual Convocation 7 p.m.
Bishop Wm. LaRue Dillard, Ph. D. Parish-Shepherd/Soul-Watcher
January 15, 2017
February Saturday Sunday
4 5
Sunday Tuesday Saturday Sunday
12 14 18 19
Monday Wednesday Sunday
20 22 26
BLL Breakfast 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. The Lord Supper Celebration 4:45 p.m. History/African Attire All Month Black History Presentation - IXTHUS Ministry Black History Presentation - Children’s Ministry Valentine’s Day UWFG Breakfast 9 a.m. -12noon Black History Presentation – New Members New Members Annual Day Presidents Day Board of Trustees Meeting 7:30 p.m. Black History Presentation – Chosen Vessels
Special Announcements When youngsters turn 13 years of age, they must attend Teen Discovery Class in the upstairs Computer Room in Fannie M. Goodwin Building. SBC Livestreams at Pay tithes at
HIS GLORY IS OUR STORY! (John 1:1-14) “Troubles Break the Syndrome of Independence and Willfulness and Bring Us Back to the Lord!” Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard
Bishop’s Epistle
The Call to Worship-----------------------Lyceum Council of Elders
Saints of My Flock, Grace to You! The Spoken Word. “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” “No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected.” (John 4:7,12) Peering into the future by faith, what do you contemplate for yourself? Do you feel special and optimistic about your life this year and onward? If yes, what is it that motivates this magic quality of your self-appreciation? Could it be the total impact of your satisfaction with what you achieved or failed to do or say last year?
Hymn of Assurance-“A Shelter in the Time of Storm” #219 Diaconates Leading the Worship --------------Leader and People Responsive Scripture Reading-----------Hebrews 11:32-40 Fervent Prayer for the Lord’s Anointing Praising the Lord in Songs-Leaders and the Assembled Host The Welcome Parishioners and Visitors ------------------ Diakona
Can you think of something you did or said that brought joy to someone else last year? I believe that making a person feel special means listening to the emerging, evolving person inside of them. It’s sensing the never-to-be-repeated miracle of an individual and the struggle to express that uniqueness.
Stewardship of Worship ----------------------------People of Faith (Paying the Tithes/Giving Offerings)
I confess that I am speaking of my years of interaction with people of my flock. It caused me to ask, “What makes it so difficult for us to communicate delight and esteem to others—family, friends, church members, fellow-workers?”
Martin Luther King, Jr.----Black History Committee Presentation
Over the years I have observed that the people who can and are able to infuse this precious, liberating experience of self-esteem in others are people who feel good about themselves. They feel special and help others to know that they are special.
Selection ---------------------------------------Voices of Unity Choir
God is love. Agape love is God’s supreme quality. God can be known only by those who live in love. Yet we could not know how nor be able to love Him if He had not first loved us. If we love one another, God abides in us and His love is perfected or matured in us. Thank God through Christ Jesus who lives in us, the Holy Spirit. He who is in the world is Satan (John 12:31). Therefore, our confidence comes from He who dwells within us. Now pass it on. Amen Until He Comes, I Am Serving Christ Joyfully, U|á{ÉÑ WÜA jÅA _teâx W|ÄÄtÜw Parish Under-shepherd
Selection -------------------------------------- Voices of Unity Choir
Acknowledgement/Announcements ----Evelyn Jenkins-Coleman
SERMONIC GOSPEL MESSAGE Elder Robert Craig, Preaching
“THE TWELFTH MAN” (Hebrews 11:32-12:3) A Christian Invitation
Your Prayer Requests ◊To Be Born Again ◊ To Join this Parish Church The Doxology (Reverently) “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!” The Benediction Recessional Chant “Let the Church Say Amen”