Calendar of Ministry Events 2016 Contribution Statements are available To All Officers – We need your calendar of events for 2017 ASAP
February Thursday Saturday
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Saturday Sunday Tuesday Saturday Sunday
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Monday Wednesday Saturday Sunday
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New Members will meet in G. G. Bailey Hall at 7 PM BLL Breakfast 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. Men, young men, and boys of SBC. You are cordially invited to our first Brotherhood Laymen's League Breakfast of 2017. Come out and join us as we grow in Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, encourage one another in the Lord, and break bread in fellowship. We look forward to seeing you there. The Lord Supper Celebration 4:45 p.m. History/African Attire All Month Black History Presentation - IXTHUS Ministry Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting 10 a.m. Black History Presentation - Children’s Ministry Valentine’s Day UWFG Breakfast 9 a.m. -12noon Black History Presentation – New Members New Members Annual Day Presidents Day Board of Trustees Meeting 7:30 p.m. 1st Quarter Teachers Meeting in Fannie Goodwin Bldg. 10 a.m. Black History Presentation – Chosen Vessels
Bishop Wm. LaRue Dillard, Ph. D. Parish-Shepherd/Soul-Watcher
January 29, 2017
March Saturday Sunday
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Saturday Thursday
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BLL Breakfast 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. The Lord Supper Celebration 4:45 p.m. 115th Founders Day Bishop’s 81st Birthday Anniversary th 75 Ushers Annual/39th Anniversary Welcoming Hospitality Day 10:45 a.m. Prayer Vigil 6 a.m. – 1 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting 7:30 p.m.
Special Announcements When youngsters turn 13 years of age, they must attend Teen Discovery Class in the upstairs Computer Room in Fannie M. Goodwin Building. SBC Livestreams at Pay tithes at
HIS GLORY IS OUR STORY! (John 1:1-14) “Troubles Break the Syndrome of Independence and Willfulness and Bring Us Back to the Lord!” Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard
Bishop’s Epistle
January 29, 2017
FAILURE IN DISCIPLES OF JESUS RECEIVED FORGIVENESS! Sons and Daughters of my flock, Grace to you! When God the Father (YAHWEH) says, “This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased,” this tells us that God is well pleased with the saints! Jesus expressed that in His relationship with His own He inspired confidence and daring. Frightened people became courageous. Failure in His disciples of the first century as well as now received forgiveness and a new picture of their potential. The insecure, bold, self-depreciators were released to celebrate their God-given gifts. And all because of the liberating power of His love for each person. Now look at the cross and hear God saying, “That’s how much I love you!” Christ Jesus died for the sin of the world. Sin is not just the bad things we do. It’s the debilitated person we have become. The word sin means to miss the mark. Three words in the Greek language that delineate its destructive power form an acrostic of the word: It’s Separation from God; the Independence of wanting to run our own lives; and Negativism about life, ourselves, and people God has given us. And yet, God’s forgiving love is not dissuaded.
THEME: SAINTS’ CRITICISM OF OTHERS MAY BE UNRESOLVED IN US! The Call to Worship-----------------------Lyceum Council of Elders Hymn of Assurance------“When We All Get to Heaven” 429 Diaconates Leading the Worship --------------Leader and People Responsive Scripture Reading--------------Revelation 3:1-6 Fervent Prayer for the Lord’s Anointing Joyfully Praising the Lord----------------Gathered Assembly The Welcome Parishioners and Visitors ------------------ Diakona Stewardship of Worship ----------------------------People of Faith (Paying the Tithes/Giving Offerings) Choir Selection -------------------------------------- Gideon’s Army Acknowledgement/Announcements ----------Terrence Williams Special Presentation---------------------------------Gideon’s Army 43rd Jubilee Special Appeal
Only grace, unmerited favor, can brake our resistance to a joyous life. Remember, the cross was a once, never-to-be repeated, historical revelation of God’s grace.
Choir Selection -------------------------------------- Gideon’s Army
The dynamic is seen in God’s Word through John, “In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (I John 4: 9-10NKJV).
SERMONIC GOSPEL MESSAGE Elder Jason Jenkins, Preaching
“MESSAGE TO SARDIS” (Revelation 3:1-6)
Before we could earn or deserve it, God loved us. That alone has the power to tip the scales of self-negation. Amen Until He Comes, I Am Serving Christ Joyfully, Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard Parish Under-shepherd
A Christian Invitation
Your Prayer Requests ◊To Be Born Again ◊ To Join this Parish Church The Doxology (Reverently) “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!” The Benediction Recessional Chant “Let the Church Say Amen”