January 7 2018 Bulletin

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Calendar of Ministry Events January Today Monday Sunday Monday Thursday Sunday

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The Lord’s Supper Celebration 4:45 p.m. UWFG Officers meeting 6-7 p.m. Martin Luther King Jr. Presentation Martin Luther King Jr. Day Board of Trustees Meeting 7:30 p.m. There will be a New Members Teachers Meeting 8:30am to 9:30am in Conference Room B. All New Members, Teachers please plan to attend. Pertinent information to be discussed. Bishop’s Advisory Council meeting – Diakonos – George Harrison, Ron Demps, James Harvey, Dennis Craig, Michael Dickson, Bobby Laird, Thelma Jones, Jessie Anderson and JoAnne Craig @ 6:30 p.m. Joint Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. All Diakonos and Board of Trustees Annual Convocation 7 p.m.

Church mailing address: P.O. Box 479, Monrovia, CA. 91017

Bishop Wm. LaRue Dillard, Ph. D. Parish-Shepherd/Soul-Watcher

January 7, 2018

February Saturday Sunday

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BLL Breakfast 8-10 a.m. The Lord’s Supper Celebration 4:45 p.m. History/African Attire All Month TBA Sunday 11 Black History Presentation Children’s Ministry 8th Annual TIP Valentine’s Day Street Rally Sunday 17 Health Symposium 8:45 a.m. – 3 p.m. Sunday 18 Black History Presentation New Members /New Members Annual Day Bishop Dillard Celebrates - Sixty-One years as clergyman Monday 19 Presidents’ Day Thursday 22 Board of Trustees Meeting 7:30 p.m. Saturday 24 UWFG Breakfast 9-12noon Sunday 25 Black History Presentation -TBA SAVE THE DATE: Providence Missionary Baptist Church Women’s Ministry Fashion Show Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 11 a.m. at Second Baptist Church in the Fannie Goodwin Hall.

HIS GLORY IS OUR STORY! (John 1:1-14) “Troubles Break the Syndrome of Independence and Willfulness and Bring Us Back to the Lord!” Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard www.secondbaptistmonrovia.org---sbcmon@aol.com


January 7, 2018 The Call to Worship……………………………………Lyceum Council of Elders

IN TIMES OF DIFFICULTY MOVE FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH! (Psalm 84:1-7) Sons and Daughters of My Parish,

Hymn of Rescue…………………………………………………Gathered Assembly “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” #199 Diaconates Ministry Leading the Worship

God has brought us over into this New Year, 2018, and we are going to need His help in our pilgrimage. The Psalmist chanted: “They go from strength to strength; Each one appears before God in Zion” (Psalm 84:7). The load for each of us is going to get heavy, perhaps unbearable and when we call on the Lord, we can request: “Lord, lighten the load or strengthen my back.” Sometimes the load does lighten by taking from us a portion of what has been too heavy to carry, but most often He strengthens us to be able to carry what He has called us to do. But yesterday’s strength will not suffice for today’s burdens. God’s strength is given to us in daily portions. We dare not depend on yesterday’s prayers, inspiration or insight. Psalm 84 gives us a guide for receiving strength for today. The Psalm expresses the longing of the Psalmist to go to Jerusalem to the temple and describe the pilgrimage. “Blessed is the man whose strength is in You.” The Hebrew word for “strength” here comes from a verb “to seek refuge.” When our heart is set on a pilgrimage, as the psalmist puts it, we can depend on the Lord’s presence and protection. He is the constant source of our strength. The Valley of Baca in the psalm refers to an arid, dry, thirsty valley a pilgrim to Jerusalem would have to pass through. We face our own Valley of Baca in times of difficulty. But it’s in those very valleys that we can count of replenishment of strength. We can live expectantly. “They make it a spring: the rain also covers it with pools” (Stanza 6). The Hebrew word for “pools” can also mean “blessings.” The promise for us that we will go from one degree of strength to a greater surge of strength. Yesterday’s strength will not suffice for today’s burdens. Amen Serving Christ Joyfully U|á{ÉÑ WÜA jÅA _teâx W|ÄÄtÜw? Parish Under-shepherd

Responsive Scripture Reading………………………………………….Diakona (Ephesians 3:14-21) Fervent Prayer for gathered assembly………………………………Diakona The Period of Worship and Praise………………….Praise Leader/People Financial Stewardship of Worship............................Gathered Assembly (Paying Tithes and Giving Offerings) Choir Selection………………………………………………………..Voices of Unity An Extended Welcome………(Parish members & Visitors) ..…… Diakona {Intercessory Prayer for Special Needs}

Choir Selection……………………………………………………….Voices of Unity

Sermonic Gospel Message Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard, Preaching THE DYNAMICS OF STRENGTH IN THIS NEW YEAR! (Ephesians 3:14-16) A Christian Appeal your Request and Decision of Christ To be born again, restore your faith, and/or join this parish church Announcements…………………….……………………Diakona Terrence Williams The Doxology (Reverently Chanted) “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!” The Blessing of the Benediction and Recessional Chant “Let the Church Say Amen”

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