Second’s Gazette Second Baptist Church, Inc. Evangelical Orthodox Communion Bishop Wm. La Rue Dillard, PhD
Issue 61 Version 8 May, 2014
925 So. Shamrock Monrovia, CA 91016
“Recognizing the leader that watches over our soul” (Hebrews 13:17)
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God Is First At Second Baptist Church Nadine O. Harris, Founder/Chief Editor Tinisha McDonald, Administrative Mgr. Precious Flemings, Writing Editor Ferrari Y. Green, Production & Design Contributing Consultants: Jessie Anderson Peggy LaBon Danielle McKay Sherry Joiner Children’s Church Staff: Christa Moreland Jaylyn A. Harris MyReeanna Wade
Mission Statement Second’s Gazette serves as a monthly newsletter to inform the congregants of valuable information happening on the campus of Second Baptist Church and in the community, as well as spotlight individuals and events that edify our parish church, but most importantly; glorifies the name of Jesus Christ.
Life's a journey always worth taking. Take time to smell the roses... and tulips... and daffodils... and lilacs... and sunflowers... Count blessings like children count stars. The secret of a happy life isn't buried in a treasure chest... it lies within your heart. It's the little moments that make life big. Don't wait. Make memories today. Celebrate your life! ~ Poet Unknown
Second’s Gazette is published and distributed monthly, every First Sunday, to provide the congregation with information about the Church, the Church Family, the Community, and the World. Contact:
Cover Story
Page 3
Bishop’s Epistle
T h e B i
Page 4, 5 Dates/Church News Page 6, 7 Church Ministry News
Prayer is the saucer into which parents fears are poured to cool. Each time a parent prays, Christ responds. His big message to moms and dad? Bring your children to me. -Max Lucado, Fearless
Page 8, 9 Celebration Pictures/Ads Page 10, 11 Health and Community News Page 12, 13 Second’s Gazette Celebration Page 14, 15 Kid’s Pages/Children’s Church Page 16, 17 TIP Page 18,19 Prayer Calendar Page 20 Back Cover
Discover Jesus, Read the Bible!
“Resurrection Beyond Physical Death”
Saints of My Parish Flock, There is no other day in the history of the world liken to this Glorious day. On this day, Christians are observing this day that some call “EASTER.” We call it: “Resurrection!” So we come with thankful humility unto God because the same kind of day awaits saints beyond physical death. It will be a glorious consummation of the risen life which we already have in Christ Jesus by SpiritBaptism. Resurrection is from the Greek word “anastasis,” meaning “up-rising” or “a rising up out of” (Philippians 3:11). The greatest miracle of all times was the bodily resurrection of Jesus that stunned the world. We can’t really live victoriously until we face our own death. Once that is behind us, we can live a triumphantly overcoming life. Death is a transition into eternal life and not a tragedy of termination for saints. The Saint’s Resurrection is coming and we are promised “To die is gain,” because we will know the wonder of heaven and the union with the Lord; and the fellowship of all saints. We will live beyond death; thus our death as Christians is the beginning of the next phase of our eternal life. We began here through a “born again” experience (Spirit-Baptism) from above. “Death is swallowed up …” (I Corinthians 15:54b -58). We owe this day to Him by reminding others of the new life we have because of Him. Thus, a high level of Orthopraxy (behavior) should be seen based upon biblical Orthodoxy. The sting of death is removed! We are alive forevermore! Let the Saints rejoice! Thank God we know that death is not the final crescendo. It is the last note of the overture to the opera of life to be played out in heaven. Hallelujah!!! Will you be there? Yes! Let us rejoice! Amen. Until He Comes, I Am Serving Christ Joyfully, Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard, Parish Under-shepherd
National Day of Prayer, May 1, 2014 Christian Family Week, May 5-11, 2014 Mother’s Day May ,11, 2014 Armed Forces Day, May 17, 2014 Victoria Day (Canada) , May 19, 2014 Memorial Day, May 26, 2014 Ascension of the Lord, May 29, 2014 Scripture of the Month:
“Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have relieved my distress; have mercy on me, and hear my prayer.” (Psalms 4:1 NKJV)
Our Measure of Time by Eric M. Johnson Every second in this world a child is reborn, Every minute spent getting to know someone is the growth of fellowship, Every hour with you is the dawn of our regeneration, Every day is special because our friendship is alive and we celebrate you once more, This week is filled with anticipation of joy soon to be obtained, In a month we could never accomplish what God has done on this Generational day, That in all these years you are more appreciated, and teach us all you can, In life we seldom find adequate words to say what we feel, or reveal our inner most selves to each other, Yet it would take an eternity to express what your leadership means to our community, So we bless you today by simply saying: Blessed Jubilee
Pentecost On May 31, Christians around the world will celebrate the Day of Pentecost. It’s often remembered as the church’s birthday. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he promised that the Holy Spirit would come upon those who believed in his resurrection. Three thousand people were gathered in Jerusalem when the Spirit came upon them. They were so touched by the Holy Spirit that they began to worship regularly, especially on Sundays, the day of Christ’s resurrection. To symbolize the “tongues, as of fire” (Acts 2:3, NRSV) that came upon the people present at Pentecost, liturgical churches display the color red in their worship services on Pentecost Sunday. Many people attending worship wear red on that day. How will YOU celebrate the Day of Pentecost?
“I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalms 34:1). Thank you Lord for what you’ve done for us today! If I had 10,000 tongues, I still could not thank you enough! You’ve bless me in season and out of season; when I didn’t deserve it; when I couldn’t see my way through it, even when I thought I had something coming and it didn’t come, it was still a blessing!!! Thank you for Bishop Dillard’s 40 years at Second Baptist Church! It is my prayer that I, and all who call you their Savior will have that level of commitment to You!!! In this world where things are changing faster than time itself, I pray the world will find the Word of God, something that never changes. Amen!
Hello SBC! Today I am sharing some of my personal songs that I have used to get me through certain issues in my life. I pray that by being candid and open, and putting my circumstances out in the open, someone will be blessed, and these songs will help minister to you the same way they did for me. Let me start with some songs that helped me when I was down and out and dealing with depression, loneliness; and yes, I even thought about suicide. These songs ministered to me in the midst of my storm: “Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Savior,” Precious Lord Take My Hand,” I Need Thee Every Hour,” and “Lord Remember Me.” And when I can’t sing, I try to remember that trouble doesn’t last always. Now here are some songs that I listen to when it’s a good day. You might ask, what is a good day? It’s a day when you wake up and you are still alive and well and you thank God. This is a “Good Day.” I start singing “Victory is Mine,” “Walk With Me Lord,” and “Welcome Holy Spirit.” And, “How Great is My God.” These are my good-days songs. Well, I have more to share which I will continue in next month issue of Music 101, part two of my personal testimony. Thanks for reading and please, continue to pray for me and I will always pray for you, my SBC family, my Bishop and family, and all the people who need praying for in this world. Amen! For Now, I am Out! ~Danielle~
There are 168,000 Bibles bought or given away everyday.
This mother’s memory journal takes you on a journey that will become a cherished family memoir. Designed in a 12– month format, each month features 12 intriguing questions with space to write a personal answer. Questions explore family history, childhood memories, lighthearted incidents, cherished traditions, and the dream and spiritual adventures encountered in a lifetime of living. Her written words become windows to a mother’s heart.
“Wrestling With God” is an award-winning Christian movie that dramatically explores the profound personal and public challenges that helped shape one of the 19th Century’s most celebrated public figures in America’s religious and political circles.
English: Happy Mother’s Day Spanish: Feliz Dia de la Madre
Alexander Campbell immigrated to America as a young man, disillusioned by the hypocrisy of the Old Word clerical hierarchy. In America, he is faced with new challenges riddled with factious religious zealots of every kind, all claiming their own brands of religions as the only acceptable path to righteousness. Campbell fights to pare away layers of man-made doctrine and to rediscover the truth of God’s Word through Holy Scripture and the simplicity of Christ’s teachings. Wrestling with God opens doors to new spiritual journey. It’s compelling message is delivered by asking questions rather than imposing answers. It transcends denominational barriers and cuts to the core of faith in One God. A great movie, ~Precious~ and can be used as a aid to witness to the unsaved.
Celebrating 40 Years of Leadership This year marks the 40th year of leadership that Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard has given to our 112th year old church, Second Baptist of Monrovia. To honor this accomplishment, we have been celebrating, and will continue to celebrate his service to us with a 40th Jubilee Celebration. The theme for this year’s Jubilee celebration is:
“Recognizing the Leader Who Watches Over Our Souls” (Hebrews 13:7). There will be two services that anyone may attend in order to participate with us in this joyous occasion. The first one is our Pre-Jubilee Celebration, which will be held on May 18, 2014. The guest churches that will join us on this day will be Southern Missionary Baptist Church of Los Angeles, Pastor Xavier Thompson; and Lincoln Avenue Baptist Church of Pasadena, Pastor Wayne C. Cooper. The second service is the 40th Jubilee Celebration Finale which will be held the following week, May 25, 2014. The guest churches that will be in attendance are Saint Reed Missionary Baptist Church, Pastor C.R. Jones; and Citizens of Zion of Compton, Pastor Bobby T. Newman, Jr. Come out and join us for this grand celebration.
vast majority of us have tried to lose weight at some point in our lives, but few of us stop to think about how our diet attempts can affect our skin. We all know crash dieting is hazardous to our health, but many common weight loss tactics can have a profound impact on our appearance as well. With New Year’s resolutions quickly approaching, consider these facts before kicking off 2014 with a new diet. Fact: A very low-fat diet can make you look older Our bodies need lipids (fats) for each and every basic function, and with too few lipids, cells can’t do their jobs. When cutting back on calories, you’re probably not getting enough “good” fat or cholesterol, and this can affect your skin’s ability to hold on to water. The cell membranes and the protective barrier around skin cells need fatty acids (found in lipids) to prevent water from evaporating from the skin or moving out of the cell. When water evaporates (known as transepidermal water loss or TEWL) the skin becomes dehydrated and fine lines and wrinkles are accentuated. So if you’re dieting, be sure to “feed” your skin a moisturizer that contains ceramides, fatty acids and cholesterol to plump up the skin and help it retain moisture. My picks: Zerafite Cream or Lotion and Atopalm Original Moisturizing Cream. Fact: Completely cutting out certain food groups can harm your skin For those who are vegetarian or vegan, it’s important to realize that animal-based proteins are rich in nutrients the skin desperately needs. For example, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish have been found to prevent inflammation, and inflammation plays a major role in the aging process. If you’re eliminating fish from your diet, supplement with flax seed, as this is a vegetarian source of omega-3s. While there’s no reason anyone should ever eliminate fruits and vegetables from their diet, doing so means you’re also limiting antioxidants, which can make skin more prone to sun damage. Fact: Exercise slows aging Exercise is (and should be) a part of daily life, and the benefits and necessity are well recognized. Exercise helps boost the health of the skin by delivering more oxygen and nutrients—and it looks healthier too thanks to that post-workout flush. Increased blood flow to the skin, reduced levels of the stress hormone (cortisol), and increased function of mitochondria are all anti-aging benefits of exercise. Just remember outdoor exercise also means more sun exposure, so be sure to apply a sunscreen designed to withstand sweating without running into your eyes. Fact: Having a thin face, temples and neck can make you look older Facial plumpness is associated with youth, and everyone loses facial volume with age. But if you’re too thin, you’ll have even less facial fat, which makes you look significantly older. Now, dermatologists and plastic surgeons use fillers like Juvéderm and Voluma to restore a more youthful look to the face.
Second’s Gazette
Welcomes donations of any size.
Thursday, May 29 2014, 4:00- 9:00
Please make checks payable to
Second Baptist Church
Disneyland Hotel1150 Magic Way Anaheim, CA 92802 Call: 562-864-2432 Steve and Annette Economides, (America's Money-Smart Family), Keynote Speakers, huge Exhibit Hall, Used Curriculum Exchange, free sessions, Children's Convention, Teen Convention, workshops for all ages and stages of homeschooling. SUPPORTERS Second Baptist Church Nadine O. Harris Tinisha McDonald Eleanor Harrison Mother Berdie Pulliam Mother Deloris K. Bridges Ferrari Green Dr. Precious Flemings Lady Betty G. Dillard Mother Mae Lean Buckley Melva Hill Emelbra LeBlanc Redd Barbara Jean Grant Shirley Towler –Hayes Mother Hortense Anderson Elder Robert Craig Cameron & J.P. Dixon Dr. J.P. & Apryl Harris Geneva Ward-Douglas Larry & Debra Hayes Christine Mathis Marva E. Hogan Ophelia M. Harris Barbara M. Harris Shermanika Roland
There is room for you too, Donate! Today!
Spirit West Coast Ontario Citizen Business Bank Arena 4000 E. Ontario Center Parkway . Ontario, CA 91764 Join AiR1 at Spirit West Coast at Citizens Business Back Arena in Ontario Friday, June 20th. Featuring MercyMe, Tenth Avenue North, Colton Letters From Zora: In Her Own Words Inspired by the works of Zora Neale Hurston 39 S. El Molino Ave,. Pasadena, CA May 10-18, 2014 Starring Vanessa Bell Calloway Limited VIP Packages including premium seating (ROW D), post-show meet and greet with Gabrielle Pina, Vanessa Bell Calloway and Anita Dashiell-Sparks and light reception is available for $150.00 per ticket. R Running Time 90 minutes, no intermission
Good Enough by Belinda van Rensburg God wants me to be myself For He created me this way, And since God made me who I am, Myself I'm quite content to stay. In His eyes I'm good enough It matters not what others say; I need not act as if I'm tough Or copy other children's ways. God doesn't care if I'm not cool If I'm not stronger; thinner; In His hands I am a tool To reach out to another sinner. Though I am still young and small In Jesus Christ I'm strong and tall; So when people look at me May it be God's own Son they see.
A Mother’s Love By Jeriel McCLendon
Nothing can come close to the love and affection that a mother displays to her children. Almost all mothers are great. A mother who loves their children will put them before anything else in their life. A good mother would try to make their children happy all throughout their life. When raising a child, the mother should get her children involved with the teachings of the Bible. Also a mother should be able to discipline her children in a way that she feels is correct, not to abuse them. My mother, Vera Reeves, is a very strong woman; she has overcome many obstacles in life. Even though she had to deal with the stress of raising 3 children on her own, through prayer and faith she was able to do it. My mother has achieved two degrees and became a Nurse Practitioner, of which I am very proud. My mother worked harder than average to support all her children and make sure that we were able to have what we needed and more, and for that I am very grateful. Describing a mother’s love is almost impossible unless you are a mother. People who experience it will only truly understand a mother’s love.
On behalf of the T.I.P Ministry Happy Mother’s Day to all; we love you.
MAY BIRTHDAYS May God’s awesome blessings Be upon you this day And for the future years ahead, May His blessings never fade In every area of your life, May God abound much more, So you may be a fruitful vine With the abundance of the Lord
By M.S. Lowndes
May 3rd Mildred Baber May 3 May 4th Jan Strickland Jill Bradford May 9th Tirrell Dillard May 11th Renee Willis May 18th Tina Carter May 19th Betty Brown May 21st Lucille McClendon May 22nd Kayla Juneu May 23rd Damascus Towles Eric Johnson May 28th Jean Hampton Toulonne Ealy May 31st Betty Thomas
“I always thank God for you because of His grace given you in Christ Jesus.” 1Corinthians 1:4
MEMBERS OF SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH: SICK AND SHUT-INS [The Bishop’s Visitation Care Ministry] “Now is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will, He hears us. And if we know that he hears us, then whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him’ 1 John 5:14-15
ARCADIA Bernice Holefield ALTADENA Elouise David DUARTE Grace Jordan Mother Maelean Buckley LOS ANGELES Chester Walls Gregory White Brenda Warmsley MONROVIA Mother Eldora Polk Earl Manning
POMONA Charolette Fin RIALT0 Ursula Martin Matter Simpson SAN DIMAS Mother Ruby Sims TEMECULA Gloria Blount
Non Parish members, Church connected: BATIE, Erica LEWIS-MATHIS, Arthurine BENTLY, Dale LEWIS, DeShan BROWN, Barbara MAO, Komsoth BROWN, Elisa MARTIN, Sherry BROWN JR., Joseph MASON, Liz BROWN, Naha’a MCCRARRY, John CLASKEY, Clara MCDONALD, Hazel CARTER, Camron MCHENRY, Gloria COLLINS, SR. Milbert Rev. MCLENDON, Lolita COLLINS, Salome MCKINNON, Jonathan CROSSKEY, Craig MCKINNON, Thomas DANTZLER, Willetta MILLER, Margret DAVIDSON, David MILLER, Patrick L. DANTZLER, Willetta ROBINSON, Thomas DAVIS, Stg., Shannin RAYSOR, Demmie EPPS, Tianna [Donor needed] FARRINGTON, Nicole ROBERTSON, Tina GILSON, Jimmy SAWYER, Derrick SEALS, Michael HARRISON, Terry SCOTT, John & Mary HART, Archie SMITH, General HART, Calvin SOTO, Francisco HOLMES, Erma THOMPKINS, Precious HAWKINS, Willie WATERS, Willie HOWARD, Ruth WILKERSON, Patricia Ann JACKSON, Cynthia WILLIAMS, Norma Jean JONES, Doretha JOYCE, Jimmy KNOWLES, Kenneth KNOWLES, James
SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH, INC. Bishop Wm. La Rue Dillard, Ph.D Parish-Shepherd 925 South Shamrock Monrovia, C A
Worship Services Sunday Morning Services 7:45 AM & 10:45 AM
Sunday School 9:45 AM
Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper Celebration 4:45 PM Every First Sunday of the month, the Lord’s Communion Supper is served after the 7:45 am and 10:45 am worship services, if you are unable to attend the 4:45 pm service. *********************** Wednesday Services Bible Study, Prayer, Praise, and Testimonials at 10:45 AM & 6:45 PM Choir Rehearsals Every Tuesday and Thursday Evenings at 7:30 pm