July 3, 2016 Weekly Bulletin

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Calendar of Ministry Events SBC livestream at https://new.livestream.com/accounts/10332936 Pay your tithes and offering online. Go to our website www.secondbaptistmonrovia.org/tithes-offering.htm When youngsters turn 13 years of age, they are required to attend the Teen Discovery Class. VBS is scheduled for July 18-22, from 5:30-8:45 PM. Anyone interested in serving in the VBS Ministry is encouraged to contact Sharon Durall. Please make sure to fill out and submit your VBS registration forms. This is very important, since a count is needed in order to purchase food. If you're interested in any workshops, you must sign up. There will be a sign up table in the Goodwin Building, after Sunday Worship Service. Thank you and God bless you! Tower of Faith Church – 40th Appreciation Banquet for Dr. Reuben and Mrs. Nettie Anderson on Saturday, October 22, 2016- time TBA. Bishop Dillard is the guest speaker for this event. The cost is $45.00 per person. If you would like to purchase tickets, please contact SBC office. The last day to purchase tickets is August 1st.

Bishop Wm. LaRue Dillard, Ph. D. Parish-Shepherd/Soul-Watcher

July 3, 2016

July Today Monday Tuesday Mon-Fri Saturday

3 4 12 18-22 23

Sunday Thursday

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The Lord Supper Celebration 4:45 p.m. Independence Day Lady Betty G. Dillard’s Birthday Vacation Bible School 5 – 8:45 p.m. Family Festival/Ben Jones Memorial 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 9th Annual Back to School Drive Board of Trustees Meeting 7:30 p.m.

August Saturday Sunday Sunday

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Saturday Thursday

20 25

BLL Breakfast 8-10 a.m. The Lord Supper Celebration 4:45 p.m. SBC Please don’t forget to invite your Family and Friends for Family Day UWFG Prayer Breakfast 9 a.m. – 12 noon Board of Trustees Meeting 7:30 p.m.

Words to Live By God speaks through His Word when we take time to listen

HIS GLORY IS OUR STORY! (John 1:1-14) “Troubles Break the Syndrome of Independence and Willfulness and Bring Us Back to the Lord!”

Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard www.secondbaptistmonrovia.org---sbcmon@aol.com

Bishop’s Epistle:


The Spirit-Baptized in Jesus Christ are Surrounded by A Protective Seal! As I sit here in my devotional time with the Lord, I am reminded that I was divinely assigned to teach you with biblical knowledge and understanding, and that I have tried to do over the years (Jeremiah 3:15). The design is for your growth in the kingdom of God, and I pray that you will not take it lightly as you read what the Good Lord has put on my heart for you. We belong to God’s family by Spirit-baptism, not by church fellowship. The Holy Bible says: “You were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory” (Ephesians 1:13-14). There is a truth that gives the saints special strength for the battle against Satanic forces of hell: when we belong to Jesus Christ we are indeed surrounded by His protective seal. If there is anyone reading this love epistle of mine who does not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, who has never confessed to Jesus your sins and invited Him into your life by Holy Spirit Baptism, you’re living in a perilous state.

The Call to Worship--------------Lyceum Council of Clergy Elders Hymn of Worship---------- “Think of His Goodness to You” #218

Worship Leader-----------Ministry of the Diaconates ResponsiveScripture----------------------------Leader/People (Psalm 33:1-15 NKJV) Fervent Prayer-----------------------The Presence of the Lord Songs of Glorious Praises unto the Lord -----Let’s All Praise Him! Welcome Parishioners and Visitors—----------------Chancel Elders “We’re so glad you are here!” Brief Update-Futuristic Vision for SBC----Diakona Chuck Williams Stewardship f Giving (Tithes & Offerings) ---Gathered Assembly

You can be attacked or possessed by demons and can even become tools of Satan in the midst of the world. Yes, even a church-going person. Claim Jesus’s name. Give your life to Him. Don’t wait. Do it now. And let Him fill (control) you with the Holy Spirit so that you can know the truth.

Choir Selection-----------------------------------------Voices of Unity

There is no intimate knowledge of God in any occult practice or belief. There is no hope in any kind of scientific materialism or humanism. Only in Jesus Christ can we stand, both now and in the future. That’s the truth. Let the Holy Spirit gird you with that truth.

Choir Selection-----------------------------------------Voices of Unity

After you are Spirit-Baptized, Saved, Born Again, have given your heart to Jesus, received Jesus Christ into your heart, converted or sanctified - all these terms are used in speaking of a non-saint becoming a saint by faith in the blessed Word of God. The next step, the Holy Spirit helps us to put on the breastplate of righteousness. When we know the righteousness of God and have accepted that we are right with Him, by faith, and that we are justified by Him, a security grows deep inside of us. We know that for now and for eternity we belong to the Lord (Philippians 3:9; John 5:24; 10:2731). Amen Until He Comes, I Am Serving Christ Joyfully, NN Parish under-shepherd

Acknowledgments/Announcements-------Dr. Precious Flemings

Bishop Wm. LaRue Dillard Preaching “BEFORE THE FIREWORKS WHAT DO WE CELEBRATE?” (Psalm 33:10-12) A Christian Invitation

Your Prayer Requests ◊To Be Born Again ◊ To Join this Parish Church The Doxology (Reverently) “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!” The Benediction Recessional Chant “Let the Church Say, Amen!”

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