Sudany, September 4, 2016 Weekly Bulletin

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Calendar of Ministry Events September Today Monday Saturday

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Tuesday Sunday Sunday

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The Lord’s Supper Celebration 4:45 p.m. Labor Day Grandparents Recognition Day -at Second Baptist Church – Fannie M. Goodwin Bldg. 12:00-3:30 p.m. Lady Betty Gay Dillard is the Guest Speaker. Tickets $20.00. See Lucile McLendon 3rd Quarter Meeting from 10-11:30 a.m. in conference room A National Grandparents Day Diakonos, Mothers, Fathers, Annual Day 3:30 p.m. Guest Church Tower of Faith-Dr. Reuben Anderson-Pastor SET for LIFE FAMILIES, 12th Annual Healthy Families for LIFE Fair, 8:00am - 3:00pm. Free Mammograms, health screenings, professional led workshops. Free photos, games, and prizes. NEW – Special workshops and activities for teens. Fun and fitness for the whole Family! Pantry Ministry will RE-OPEN 9am -1 pm- lunch serve at 12 noon Church School Promotion Day Church School Annual Catechism Promotion 9:45 a.m. Music Ministry Host “Tirrell Dillard Day, Minister of Music” (Tirrell stepped down 8/31/16) Appreciation Service Program at 4:00 p.m. Presentation/Special Guest Invited. Gift Box will be available contact the music coordinators, Val Burwell, Brenda Boykin, Joyce Chavis or Presidents of SBC choirs for additional information. All Ministries Under the Minister of Music-Please see Diakona Val Burwell

Bishop Wm. LaRue Dillard, Ph. D. Parish-Shepherd/Soul-Watcher

September 4, 2016

Special Announcements When youngsters turn 13 years of age, they must attend Teen Discovery Class

SBC Livestreams at Pay tithes at



Revelation Series “DISTANT THUNDER” will be shown Sunday Sept. 11 . Sunday School hour 9:45 a.m-10:30 in the Fannie Goodwin Bldg. The 17th Annual “Christian Men/ Boys Families Keepers Conference. Theme: “Christian Men and Boys making use of Our Spiritual Gifts” Scripture reference – Romans 12:3-8. Date Saturday Oct. 29th and Sunday Oct. 30th. We are currently collecting monies for Bow Ties & Handkerchief set $10. 00 Registration is $30.00 for Men $15.00 for Boys up to 15 years of age.

“Troubles Break the Syndrome of Independence and Willfulness and Bring Us Back to the Lord!” Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard

October 13th -Save the date! NAACP Dinner at Pasadena Hilton Hotel Bishop Dillard is a Faith Award Honoree and John Pointer is keynote speaker- Ticket are $160.00 per person- Contact Lois Gaston 626-827-6732. purchase tickets online at

Bishop’s Epistle

September 4, 2016

THEME: STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE, ADVANCING THE KINGDOM! Two Trees with Fruit, May We Eat from Both and Live? (Genesis 2:16,17; Romans 8:18-2) Sons and Daughters of God, Grace to you! The Bible says: “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God” (Revelation 2:7). Our two Scriptures presents two different trees of life. One is forbidden, and the other freely offered to those who endure faithfully. In Genesis we learn of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God warned that man should trust Him for his knowledge. Mankind wanted to know for himself without the need for dependence on God. He wanted to be like God, not trust in God. We know the terrible results. Mankind ate of the fruit and has not been able to handle the responsibility ever since. The tree of life offered to the Ephesians in our Scripture is quite different. The rabbis taught that in Paradise there would be a tree of life in the middle of heaven. It was a tree which symbolized immorality and all the fruit of eternal life with God. Unencumbered by the limitation of physical life, the joys and delights of fellowship with God would be given without limit. Jesus tells the Ephesians that this will be their reward if they endure and conquer. All the trials and tragedies of their present life would be rewarded if they remained faithful. This promise is for the Christians today as well. We are alive in eternity now. Death for the saints is not an ending, but a triumphant transition. If we know, love and serve the Lord now, we will be given a taste of heaven now in relationship, fellowship, and friendship with the Lord Christ today and forever. Whatever trials we have faced, whatever difficulties we are going through, they are “not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us.” Christ Jesus is with us in any trials that may come today.

The Call to Worship--------------------Elder of the Lyceum Council Hymn of Worship--------------------------------Gathered Assembly “The Church’s One Foundation #377” Diakonos Leading the Worship: Responsive Scripture Reading--------Gathered Assembly (Galatians 6:1-10) Fervent Prayer------------------------------------Diakonos Singing Praises unto the Lord----Gathered Congregants The Welcome (Parishioners and Visitor) ---------Chosen Diakona Stewardship of Paying Tithes and Giving Offerings Acknowledgment and Announcements----------------Velma Pratt Special Appeals-------------------------------------------Set-for-Life Grandparents Day SERMONIC GOSPEL MESSAGE Bishop Dr. Wm. La Rue Dillard, Preaching

Biblical Declaration of Four Moral Harvest!

Just remember from the beginning, the tree of life…and the tree of tree of knowledge of good and evil were actual trees to which God gave special significance and even today those trees are important to His people. We have a bright future with the Lord God forever.

(Galatians 6:7,8)

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (Genesis 2:16, 17). Amen

A Christian Invitation

Until He Comes, I Am Serving Christ Joyfully, Bishop Dr. Wm. La Rue Dillard, Parish Church under-shepherd

Your Prayer Requests ◊ To Be Born Again ◊ To Join this Parish Church The Doxology (Reverently) “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!” The Benediction Recessional Chant “Let the Church Say, Amen!”

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