86th Issue * Version 3 May, 2016 Second Baptist Church, Inc. Evangelical Orthodox Communion Bishop Wm. La Rue Dillard, PhD 925 So. Shamrock Monrovia, CA 91016
Nadine O. Harris, Founder/Chief Editor Tinisha McDonald, Administrative Mgr. Precious Flemings, Writing Editor Ferrari Y. Green, Production & Design Sherry Joiner, Operations & Distribution Contributing Consultants: Eric Johnson Jessie Anderson Mercedese Hervey Peggy LaBon Renee Willis Photographers: Robert Anderson Robert Hamilton Rasheedah Ruffin Gerald McLendon Adele Davis Children’s Church Staff: Jaylyn A. Harris MyReeanna Wade
Second’s Gazette is published
and distributed monthly, every First Sunday, to provide parishioners with information about our Church, the Community, and the World. Contact us at: Secondsnewsletter@gmail.com Shield of the Trinity This symbol consists of a triangle with a circle at each point, labeled in Latin with the three Persons of the Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A circle in the center is labeled God. Six lines show the relationships formed, with inner lines marked "is" and outer lines marked "is not." The resulting sign declares that God is Father, God is Son and God is Spirit, yet the three Persons are not the same. Second’s Gazette
Mission Statement econd’s Gazette serves as a monthly newsletter to inform the congregants of valuable information happening on the campus of Second Baptist Church and in the community, as well as spotlight individuals and events that edify our parish church, but most importantly; glorifies the name of Jesus Christ.
Ruth — a Pentecost story?
he disciples were celebrating Pentecost, originally a Jewish festival, when the Holy Spirit descended on them and birthed the church. Pentecost, which began as a harvest festival, had come to commemorate the giving of the law. The book of Ruth became integral to festival worship. Why Ruth? This short story doesn’t mention the law, let alone God giving it to Moses. Yet in Ruth’s devotion to her mother-in-law (“Where you go I will go …. Your people will be my people … ” [Ruth 1:16, NIV]), she fulfills not just the letter but the spirit of the law: lovingkindness — all the more remarkable because she’s a foreigner. Boaz, too, demonstrates exorbitant kindness to Ruth. As Christians celebrate the Spirit bridging differences in Jerusalem, uniting all nationalities by making the gospel message intelligible to all people, we too can remember Ruth’s story. For in it, God unites two enemy peoples for his grand purpose: Boaz and Ruth’s marriage leads to King David and, ulti-
Page 1 ……………….………..……………….Cover 2 ……………….……Cover Story / SG Staff 3 …………………………….Bishop’s Epistle 4 / 5 ...………………Prayer / Footprints / Blast 6 / 7……………………………………....Articles 8 / 9…………...…….. Church Info / Birthdays 10 / 11………...Spirit Buzz /Community News 12 /13 ……………………….. Sponsors / Outing 14 / 15 ………………………………. Celebration 16 / 17 ……………………..... Announcements 18 / 19 …….………………….Kid’s Zone 20 …………………….……..Church Information
The Devine Origin of Scripture Sons and Daughters of My Flock, Grace to You!
e celebrate the authority of the sacred truth of the Bible, thus, we join others on this “National Day of the Holy Bible!” I have called for Psalms 119:105-112 to be read, digested and honored; and may we learn much from it. The Psalm conveys the thought that the Word of God contains everything man needs to know. It has been believed and followed by the Judeo-Christian religion for years. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (II Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV). The Scripture, we noted testifies to the fact that God has revealed Himself progressively, building on what He revealed before until the final revelation of Himself in Jesus Christ, Hebrews 1:1-2. Though using human language to communicate to use, employing human authors to write His Word, the Lord is the ultimate source of the Bible which is why we can be confident that divine revelation unfolds harmoniously without contradicting itself. When I speak of Scripture origin, I am talking about the fact that Scripture comes from God Himself. Numerous biblical passages testify to this truth. But II Timothy 3:16, 17 may be the most important of these. In this text it says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God.” The translation “breathed out” is the rendering of the Greek term ‘thepneustos,’ which is perhaps the most literal way to convey this term in English. The words of the Holy Bible are the Lord’s words. Just as the words we say are our speech because we produce them in the process of breathing air out through our vocal cords and mouth. The words of Scripture are God’s Words because He produced them. Yes, human authors wrote down the words in the Holy Bible, but they are no less God’s words than if the Lord had taken a pen and written them Himself. Today, we find that many consider us foolish for living by the teaching of Scripture because it was written long ago, and by men who did not enjoy the same kind of technological advancements we now have. But our confidence is based not in a fearful rejection of what science can legitimately tell us. No, we seek to conform our lives to the Scriptures because they are the very Word of God, and we have no option but to believe and live by what our Creator has said. Amen. Until He Comes, I Am Serving Christ Joyfully,
Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard Parish Under-Shepherd
Membership Assignment For Information and Visitation for the Diakonos Ministry of Second Baptist Church The Diakonos Ministry of Second Baptist Church is available to parishioners to help Bishop Dillard with members concerns and needs. Feel free to contact your representative below. The Diakonos are assigned alphabetically by last name. We are available to “Pray with You”, “Consult with You”, and “Assist You” in any way we can to help you in your Christian walk.
A—Robert and Jessie Anderson B—Dennis and JoAnne Craig Betty Brown, Arlethia Craig C—AG Harrison Shirley Robinson D—James and James Ella Harvey E-F—Ron and LaVonne Husband Adrienne Hurst G—Minnie Manning Valeria Burwell H— Thelma Jones Tamara Collins I-J—Ellis and Thelma Johnson K-L-N-O-T—Lonnie and Josephine Stokes, Terrence Williams M—Chuck and Martha Williams Melva Hill P-Q—Carrie Walker
THANK YOU, LORD, for the gift of Your love. May I be a shining example of that love to others. Amen.
Second’s Gazette
R-S—Larry and Renee Willis UVWXYZ—Robert Hamilton Ron Demps
Paul Revere Williams
aul Revere Williams was born on February 14, 1894 in Los Angeles, California to Lila Wright and Chester Stanley Williams. When he was two years old, his father died; two years later, his mother died, leaving him and his six year old brother parentless, which caused them to be placed in separate foster homes. Paul, however, was fortunate to have a foster mother who devoted herself to his education and artistic his talent. Mr. Williams crafted a talent that would earn him accolades and prestige in architectural design, graduating at the top of his class from Polytechnic High School. Confident in his strengths as a designer, he continued to pursue an architectural career and obtained work with one of Los Angeles leading architectural firms. He was certified as a building contractor in 1915, and in 1921 was licensed by the state of California as certified licensed architect. Paul Revere Williams left a legacy of buildings that are icons in the city of Los Angeles and across the nation. His designs include the home of Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball; the Saks Fifth Avenue building, and the famous Palm Springs Tennis Club. He designed homes for clients in Flintridge, Windsor Square, and Hancock Park. Mr. Revere made an impact in designs, the question is “Did he have a design relationship with the Lord?” Paul Revere Williams died in 1985 at the age of 85. www.paulrwilliamsproject.org
Dr. Precious
read in a meditation book the other day about “control” being an idol. What? Do they know how many controlling Christians there are! How can anyone get the job done unless they take control? Ministries don’t work themselves, they need me! Ok, ok; maybe it just seems like I am controlling because I want to get the church business done. We know what Romans 8:28 says, “All things work together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose.” But here are a few more scriptures… Proverbs 19:21, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” John 8:36, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 10:27, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” So the next time you are in your “control mode” make sure what you are trying to accomplish is in line with the Lord’s will, and He will make sure it comes to fruition. Have a great month of May!
ifty days after Jesus’ resurrection, on a day called Pente-cost, the Christian church was born. Because Pentecost was a holiday celebrating the harvest (a bit like our Thanksgiving), the apostles and a large crowd had gathered to celebrate in Jerusalem. Many people had assembled near Peter and the other followers of Christ when “from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind … ” (Acts 2:2 ff, NRSV). Then tongues of fire descended on everyone in the crowd. After the wind and fire descended, all sorts of languages, known and unknown, came out of the crowd. Each person spoke “about God’s deeds of power” (verse 11). No wonder Luke wrote, “All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, ‘What does this mean?’” (verse 12). The whole affair was mind-boggling and life-changing. The Holy Spirit had come upon many people; they knew God was powerfully at work in their midst. On Pentecost many years ago, some 3,000 people came to believe in Christ. That’s why today Christians remember this powerful event as the birthday of the church. Pentecost occurs on May 23 this year.
Tongues of Fire Reminiscent of the Pentecost account in Acts 2 when “tongues of fire” rested on the disciples’ heads as the Holy Spirit birthed the church, images of flame symbolize the Spirit. Sometimes a tongue of fire is paired with a dove and set on a red background — other symbols of the Holy Spirit. Fire may also indicate spiritual fervor and zeal in a Christian’s life.
Second’s Gazette
en days after Jesus ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit descended onto Jesus’ disciples. While they were gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish festival of Pentecost, the disciples saw flames among and on them, heard a rushing wind and began talking in many languages. As a result, the disciples were able to share the good news of Jesus in the native tongues of all the pilgrims assembled in the city. Even today, the power of the Holy Spirit fuels the “flame” that ignites Christians’ outreach efforts. Only by the Spirit’s power can we know Christ and make him known throughout the world. Poet William Blake (1757-1827), who’s been described as a passionate, Pentecost kind of person, wrote this poem about the Spirit’s power:
Unless the eye catch fire, The God will not be seen. Unless the ear catch fire, The God will not be heard. Unless the tongue catch fire, The God will not be named. Unless the heart catch fire, The God will not be loved. Unless the mind catch fire, The God will not be known.
14th Annual High Attendance Day and Bible Jeopardy Event
eachers and Students, thanks to each of you for all of your hard work and dedication you put in to make our 14th Annual High Attendance Day and the Bible Jeopardy Event, Sunday, April 24, 2016. It was a great success. Teachers, because of your diligence in preparing your students for Bible Jeopardy, they were well prepared to show what they knew about the Book of John, Chapter One. Every class that participated acquired points. Thanks so much for a job well! Pictures of the winners will be printed in June’s issue of the Gazette . Dr. Precious Flemings, Superintendent
Second’s Gazette
here are great and interesting mothers throughout the Bible. We all think of Mary the mother of Jesus as amazingly confident and strong for her service. We may even think of Eve the mother of us all but there are other mothers in the Bible who sacrificed it all.
JOCHEBED Anthony Hamilton is known for his soulful keys and eloquent way of describing anything. Here is a dedication to all the Mother’s from is Sophomore
I know you love me I can tell by the way that you kiss me Tight when you hug me Took me to school the very first day Gave me a piece of butterscotch Sent me on my way I know it's frightening I could tell by the pain in your eyes when the rent was late again To strong to fold Being on your own Lord bless her soul, mama knows love Mama knew love like the back roads Used to fall asleep daily in her work clothes Mom swear you never have to
worry again Mama knew love like the back streets Used to wipe pee just to make the end meet Mom swear you never have to worry again Up bright and early Scrambled eggs Swellin' in ya legs Bills on the bed Still you managed to show me a smile Then walk to work about two or three miles Mom I'm gonna struggle witcha I'm gonna help you see the bigger picture You gave me something no one could take away You made it so easy to say…I love ya mama
Mother of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam If there was ever a mom whose life would have made a great screenplay for a Lifetime for Women movie it would be Jochebed. You just have to give it up for her and the midwives who, in their act of civil disobedience, allowed Moses to be born. Those midwives, when asked by the pharaoh why they were not killing the boy babies as commanded, replied that the Hebrew women were “too vigorous” and popped those babies out before they could get there! Thus baby Moses was born but had to be sent down the river (literally) with his sister serving as lookout, only to be pulled out of the water by the pharaoh’s daughter, who secured the services of Moses’ biological mom to nanny him. Talk about movie script material! Oh wait. They’ve already done that. Anyway, Moses’ mom shows us that the determination and ingenuity of a desperate mother can result in surprising circumstances.
Oh, the places you’ll go!
wo-time Grammy winning rap artist, Lecrae, learned this lesson through more than his share of adversity— childhood abuse, drugs and alcoholism, a stint in rehab, an abortion, and an unsuccessful suicide attempt. Along the way, Lecrae attained an unwavering faith in Jesus and began looking to God for affirmation. Now as a chart-topping industry anomaly, he has learned to ignore the haters and make peace with his craft. The rap artist holds nothing back as he divulges the most sensitive details of his life, answers his critics, shares intimate handwritten journal entries, and powerfully models how to be a Christian in a secular age. This is the story of one man's journey to faith and freedom.
Second’s Gazette
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Movie Review “Let the Church Say Amen!” Directed by Regina King, “Let the Church Say Amen” is a movie that depicts betrayal, lust, and greed, which can happen when jealous raise its ugly head. The senior pastor of Zion Hill Church is a God fearing man who believes in doing things God’s way. He has worked hard to build the membership of Zion Hill Church, and protect its assets. But his best friend, the co-pastor has another agenda for Zion Hill Church and directs one of his sons to have Rev. Simon T. Jackson killed. The daughter stumbles upon a video that her father made before his untimely death and the truth comes to light about the so call best friend and co-pastor. Let the Church Say Amen is captivating and a great movie for the entire family. Watch it at: www.imdb.com/title/tt3266396/.
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Second Baptist Church SUPPORTERS
Second Baptist Church Nadine O. Harris Tinisha McDonald Eleanor Harrison Mother Berdie Pulliam Mother Deloris K. Bridges Ferrari Green Dr. Precious Flemings Lady Betty G. Dillard Mother Mae Lean Buckley Melva Hill Emelbra LeBlanc Redd Barbara Jean Grant Shirley Towler –Hayes Mother Hortense Anderson Elder Robert Craig Cameron & J.P. Dixon Dr. J.P. & Apryl Harris Geneva Ward-Douglas Larry & Debra Hayes Christine Mathis Marva E. Hogan Ophelia M. Harris Barbara M. Harris
There is room for you too, Donate! Today!
Second’s Gazette
Is it enough to think today Of all our brave, then put away The thought until a year has sped? Is this full honor for our dead? Is it enough to sing a song And deck a grave; and all year long Forget the brave who died that we Might keep our great land proud and free? Full service needs a greater toll, That we who live give heart and soul To keep the land they died to save, And be ourselves, in turn, the brave! —Annette Wynne
Second Baptist Church, Monrovia Shared in the 4 th Appreciation Service with Citizens of Zion Church, Compton
his past Lord’s Day, April 24 2016 Bishop Dillard, First Lady Betty Dillard, and members of Second Baptist Church (SBC), Monrovia joined Citizens of Zion Baptist Church (CZC), Compton to celebrate the Appreciation Service with Pastor Bobby Newman, Jr. and First Lady Claudia Newman. Our Bishop was proud of SBC for showing up in support of him, especially the Anointed Voices of Praise who ministered with only one song and brought the “house down.” The Holy Spirit was truly present as we worshiped with CZC in honor of one of Bishop’s colleagues in the Gospel Ministry. Praise God for the Blessings He continues to bestow!
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Mother Hortense Anderson
aturday, April 2nd at 2:00 PM was a historical day of celebration, Mother Hortense Anderson turned 90 years old. From Sherman, Texas to Los Angeles for 90 years God has been so good to her. A marriage of over 50 years, two adult children, grandchild and great grand-children plus a myriad of extended family and friends graced her life and she graced theirs. The event was the brain-child and coordination effort of one of her god-daughters Renee Willis and was sponsored by the Willis Family, LaVonne and Ron Husband, Betty and Pastor Dillard, Verna, Natalie and Karl Whisenton. The 17 table event complete with an honoree head table embellished with china and crystal was a show stopper. Wish Mother Hortense a Happy 90th Birthday. 144 people came to share in the celebration, Ashley Jemison graced us with her SAX tribute, Toulonne Newhouse praise danced like never before, Robert Hamilton designed a breathtaking Power Point Photo presentation, Doralyn Seawell - Spoke the words of the poem by Maya Angelou - "Phenomenal Woman", Priscilla and Venda supplied a delicious cake. LaVonne Husband, Renee Willis and LaQuita Harvey transformed the G.G. Bailey Hall into a night of elegance with glass centerpieces, decorations, balloon elegance, lace and mementos for Mother Anderson. Robin Lewis of Creole Sisters catered the event with a tasty meal. It was a class act, a night to remember. Happy 90th Birthday Mother Anderson - Operation "90" Team and Friends
Second’s Gazette
Pastor Roderick Walker
The Mother's Board graced the event with their presence. Personal tributes were touching and memorable. From the Mothers Board to the ministry to children, representatives from all ministries came to wish Mother Hortense a Happy 90th Birthday.
Second’s Gazette
ATTENTION PARENTS!!! All SBC Children will participate in this competition. Encourage your children to Memorize the Books of the Bible (Old and New Testament) Competition for seed placements starts in May before the Acts of Faith Questioning Series in June 2016.
Second’s Gazette
PYOC Salutes SBC for all its Support!
remier Youth Opportunity Center (PYOC) thanks SBC for supporting our 2 nd Annual Premier Awards banquet for the PYOC Basketball team. Premier celebrated its second awards banquet which acknowledged the hard work and dedication of the Premier Basketball Team who won a total of 32 games and 8 losses. The awards ceremony also welcomed a guest speaker SBC’s own Deacon Larry Willis who gave a great presentation of hard work and perseverance in his speech to the players. The awards ceremony also honored Jashion Wade and Tristen Yulie as they were selected as the finalist for the Jr. Clipper essay contest. The award ceremony culminated with a presentation of the players like no other, where parents, extended family member’s, and friends all joined in giving the team high fives, chest bumps, hugs, and smiles on a season that was marked by perseverance, tenacity, and commitment! Premier thanks all who support the efforts throughout the season.
Dr. John P. Harris, Jr., Coach :
John Jason Brian Jashion
Call 626-358-2136 or 359-7188 Fax 626-357-2477 –Email: secondsnewsletter@gmail.com / sbcmon@aol.com / Visit us at: www.Secondbaptistmonrovia.org
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Second’s Gazette