Giving Thanks Through It All!
ave you ever been around people, outside your church family, where you felt like an alien? You felt like you didn’t belong in this setting or situation, even if it’s your own family! Well, I am here to tell you that you are in the right place! Sometime it can be explained as simply as John 1:5, “And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” Even as people are in recovery, I see that some of them still drink alcohol on holidays. I try not to judge them; because many years ago, I use to do the same thing. Most of us know that time brings about a change. However, there are those who are stuck in an era and never seem to evolve. I have learned not to try to figure people out, or wonder why they do what they do, because they are probably wondering the same thing about me. I said all this to say, as we enter into this season of Thanksgiving, and you find yourself in the company of someone who may need your kindness rather than your criticism, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. He is never wrong. Regardless of how you may be treated, you already know the love of Christ, and Christ wants us to show His love to those who may not know Him as their Lord and Savior. I hope this will help your tolerance level at Thanksgiving dinner, leading up to the celebrations to come. Make the best of the day, each day, for we do not know what tomorrow will bring. Happy Thanksgiving to all! God bless you with His love always,
Peggy LaBon