Shared Solar Program In Connecticut Stalled Over Who Pays For What
Achillion CEO Milind Deshpande
Utility Companies Not Keen on “Shared” Solar By Jan Ellen Spiegel Shared solar – a way to make solar power available to homes that are unsuited for solar panels or renters who can’t have them – is having a balky go in Connecticut. After a two-session legislative battle that began in 2014 and resulted in approval of only a small pilot project, the state is now a month past the statutory deadline for getting the first part of that pilot up and running. And the finish line is not yet in sight.
The holdup is the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s request for clarification from the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority on aspects of what is and is not allowed as part of the pilot project. Only when it receives a ruling from PURA will DEEP formulate a preliminary request for proposals – something that was supposed to have been finalized and issued by Jan 1.
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