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AIA National Announcements

New video: Architect’s ServicesProgramming document

HASTI HEJAZI | 202-626-7592 In May, the updated B202-2020, Standard Form of Architect’s Services: Programming document was released. The B202 provides a roadmap for architects to discuss programming requirements with clients.


Watch the video to understand more about the document, the recent updates and how it is used in practice at youtu.be/rgGmzMHEUUY

Status of Architectural Adventures Travel program

CYNTHIA LINNELL | (202) 626 7445 With global travel restrictions and uncertainty associated with the COVID-19 virus, the remaining Architectural Adventures tours scheduled for 2020 have been cancelled, and no future Architectural Adventures tours will be offered.

Read the statement by the Architectural Adventures Team at architecturaladventures.org

Sustainability roundtable — learn best practices

HASTI HEJAZI | (202) 626 7592 Listen to an expert panel of architects who are working with clients to implement sustainable features in their projects.

Learn about sustainability trends, certification systems, and how to navigate the steps of sustainable design by using AIA resources at youtu.be/IwuQ7w6PMrM

Collaborative and professional achievement awards

BRIDGET CROWTHER | (202) 626 7563 The call for submissions for the Associates Award, Collaborative Achievement Award, Edward C. Kemper Award, Thomas Jefferson Award for Public Architecture, and Whitney M. Young Award is now open.

Learn more and submit at aia.secure-platform.com/a/organizations/main/home

Free webinar: Answering your contract questions

HASTI HEJAZI | (202) 626 7592 Join us on Sept. 10 for a free, live Q&A with AIA Contract Documents Information Manager, Ben Segal, as he answers commonly asked questions regarding popular AIA documents such as payment applications, A201 general conditions, and more! Please email questions prior to the webinar to hastihejazi@aia.org.

Learn more at acdpages.aia.org/WBN-2020DocInfoQA.html

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“Seagram Building” drawing by David Cunningham, AIA

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