SECRETSAMPLES is a company inspired by ‘unity in diversity’ to add new colors to the old pain=ng of e-‐commerce! The concept originates as an aesthe=c and user-‐friendly web shop that allows users to fuse personal style and color, by combining designer garments with a deliberate selec=on of tex=les. The founders of SECRETSAMPLES represent a wide skillset with a common interest in people. And where personality is the key, the door is reliability and our path social responsibility. SECRETSAMPLES will offer unique limited edi=ons garments, CoDesigned by you! Star=ng with pants and star=ng from Africa, the first SAMPLEPRODUCT is the combina=on of Kenyan tex=les and Danish designs. We proudly introduce SAMPLEPANTS.
The upcoming web shop contains a SAMPLEMODULE that allows you to CoDesign your personal SAMPLEPANTS. At launch, SECRETSAMPLES will offer a selec=on of 3 unisex styles soon to be followed by 2 gentlemen styles and as a final release our 2 ladies styles. The colors available are an assortment of 5 different fabric categories in 100 % coXon. -‐ so, if you are colorblind, proceed with cau=on. It only takes 3 steps to SAMPLE, but your PANTS will be unique, handmade and embrace an amazing journey from you to Kenya and back to you. Sex & Style Color Size
Unisex Styles
Regardless of gender, our unisex styles will make you look chic, stylish and none of the less SAMPLEFIT. These styles compliments several ou^it possibili=es.
Wear it at home as comfortable and “feel good” clothes. Put it together with a nice shirt, smart shoes and rock it as your own unique school or work-‐fit. Or simply match your SAMPLEPANTS with something you feel like wearing exactly that day. Our unisex styles are named in Swahili.
Style: Kiboko – Casual like a hippo Kiboko is a modern pair of trousers with a nice loose fit. It features elas=c waist and ankle bands and front pockets. The flexible elas=c gives you several style opportuni=es to match your comfort. Photo: Male model is 173 cm tall and wears a size M
Style: Kipepeo – Feel free like a buXerfly Kipepeo features elas=c waist and ankle bands and no pockets. It is kept simple and has a nice clean and modern look. The flexible fit gives it mul=ple choices for you to style. Photo: Female model is 176 cm tall and wears a size M
Style: Sawa Sawa – An equal right to be Sawa Sawa is featured with drawstrings along with a ribbed elas=c waistband. A perfect style for dressing up or laying low -‐ it simply works for all occasions. Photo: Male model is 173 cm tall and wears a size M
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Find you size to complete your SAMPLEPROCESS
SAMPLEPANTS price: 399,00 DKK Free delivery un=l October 2015 When you have decided how your very first pair of SAMPLEPANTS is going to look like, this is what you have to do: Write an e-‐mail with these informa=on: • Style • African print name • Size You will receive a order confirma=on and when it is registered we will start the produc=on! In your e-‐mail you also have to send: • Full name • Address • City • Phone number • E-‐mail Delivery days: 10 – 14 days
Be the tailor of your own comfort!
Stay connected with SECRETSAMPLES on Facebook: hXps://www.facebook.com/pages/SECRET-‐SAMPLES/859720307441806 Instagram: SECRETSAMPLES